Theory Big_StepT

section "Big Step Semantics with Time"
theory Big_StepT imports Big_Step begin

subsection "Big-Step with Time Semantics of Commands"

  big_step_t :: "com × state  nat  state  bool"  (‹_  _  _› 55)
Skip: "(SKIP,s)  Suc 0  s" |
Assign: "(x ::= a,s)  Suc 0  s(x := aval a s)" |
Seq: " (c1,s1)  x  s2;  (c2,s2)  y  s3 ; z=x+y   (c1;;c2, s1)  z  s3" |
IfTrue: " bval b s;  (c1,s)  x  t; y=x+1   (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s)  y  t" |
IfFalse: " ¬bval b s;  (c2,s)  x  t; y=x+1    (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s)  y  t" |
WhileFalse: " ¬bval b s   (WHILE b DO c,s)  Suc 0  s" |
WhileTrue: " bval b s1;  (c,s1)  x  s2;  (WHILE b DO c, s2)  y  s3; 1+x+y=z   
     (WHILE b DO c, s1)  z  s3"

text‹We want to execute the big-step rules:›

code_pred big_step_t .

text‹For inductive definitions we need command
       \texttt{values} instead of \texttt{value}.›

values "{(t, x). (SKIP, λ_. 0)  x  t}"

text‹We need to translate the result state into a list
to display it.›

values "{map t [''x''] |t x. (SKIP, <''x'' := 42>)  x  t}"

values "{map t [''x''] |t x. (''x'' ::= N 2, <''x'' := 42>)  x  t}"

values "{map t [''x'',''y''] |t x.
  (WHILE Less (V ''x'') (V ''y'') DO (''x'' ::= Plus (V ''x'') (N 5)),
   <''x'' := 0, ''y'' := 13>)  x  t}"

text‹Proof automation:›
declare big_step_t.intros [intro]
lemmas big_step_t_induct = big_step_t.induct[split_format(complete)]

subsection "Rule inversion"

text‹What can we deduce from @{prop "(SKIP,s)  x  t"} ?
That @{prop "s = t"}. This is how we can automatically prove it:›

inductive_cases Skip_tE[elim!]: "(SKIP,s)  x  t"
thm Skip_tE

text‹This is an \emph{elimination rule}. The [elim] attribute tells auto,
blast and friends (but not simp!) to use it automatically; [elim!] means that
it is applied eagerly.

Similarly for the other commands:›

inductive_cases Assign_tE[elim!]: "(x ::= a,s)  p  t"
thm Assign_tE
inductive_cases Seq_tE[elim!]: "(c1;;c2,s1)  p  s3"
thm Seq_tE
inductive_cases If_tE[elim!]: "(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2,s)  x  t"
thm If_tE

inductive_cases While_tE[elim]: "(WHILE b DO c,s)  x  t"
thm While_tE
text‹Only [elim]: [elim!] would not terminate.›

text‹An automatic example:›

lemma "(IF b THEN SKIP ELSE SKIP, s)  x  t  t = s"
by blast

text‹Rule inversion by hand via the ``cases'' method:›

lemma assumes "(IF b THEN SKIP ELSE SKIP, s)  x  t"
shows "t = s"
  from assms show ?thesis
  proof cases  ― ‹inverting assms›
    case IfTrue
    thus ?thesis by blast
    case IfFalse thus ?thesis by blast

(* Using rule inversion to prove simplification rules: *)
lemma assign_t_simp:
  "(x ::= a,s)  Suc 0   s'  (s' = s(x := aval a s))"
  by (auto)

text ‹An example combining rule inversion and derivations›
lemma Seq_t_assoc:
  "((c1;; c2;; c3, s)  p   s')  ((c1;; (c2;; c3), s)  p  s')"
  assume "(c1;; c2;; c3, s)  p  s'"
  then obtain s1 s2 p1 p2 p3 where
    c1: "(c1, s)  p1  s1" and
    c2: "(c2, s1)  p2  s2" and
    c3: "(c3, s2)  p3  s'" and
    p: "p = p1 + (p2 + p3)" by auto
  from c2 c3
  have "(c2;; c3, s1)  p2 + p3   s'" apply (rule Seq) by simp
  with c1
  show "(c1;; (c2;; c3), s)  p  s'" unfolding p apply (rule Seq) by simp
  ― ‹The other direction is analogous›
  assume "(c1;; (c2;; c3), s)  p  s'"
  then obtain s1 s2 p1 p2 p3 where
    c1: "(c1, s)  p1  s1" and
    c2: "(c2, s1)  p2  s2" and
    c3: "(c3, s2)  p3  s'" and
    p: "p = (p1 + p2) + p3" by auto
  from c1 c2
  have "(c1;; c2, s)  p1 + p2   s2" apply (rule Seq) by simp
  from this c3
  show "(c1;; c2;; c3, s)  p  s'" unfolding p apply (rule Seq) by simp

subsection "Relation to Big-Step Semantics"

lemma "(p. ((c, s)  p   s')) = ((c, s)  s')"
    assume "p. (c, s)  p  s'"
    then obtain p where "(c, s)  p  s'"
by blast
    then show "((c, s)  s')"
      apply(induct c s p s' rule: big_step_t_induct)
        prefer 2 apply(rule Big_Step.Assign)
        apply(auto) done
  assume "((c, s)  s')"
  then show "(p. ((c, s)  p   s'))"
    apply(induct c s s' rule: big_step_induct)
      by blast+

subsection "Execution is deterministic"

text ‹This proof is automatic.›

theorem big_step_t_determ: " (c,s)  p  t; (c,s)  q  u   u = t"
  apply (induction arbitrary: u q rule: big_step_t.induct)
  apply blast+ done

theorem big_step_t_determ2: " (c,s)  p  t; (c,s)  q  u   (u = t  p=q)"
  apply  (induction arbitrary: u q rule: big_step_t_induct) 
    apply(elim Skip_tE) apply(simp)
    apply(elim Assign_tE) apply(simp)
  apply blast
    apply(elim If_tE) apply(simp) apply blast
    apply(elim If_tE)  apply blast apply(simp)
    apply(erule While_tE) apply(simp) apply blast
    proof (goal_cases)
      case 1
      from 1(7) show ?case apply(safe) 
        apply(erule While_tE)
          using 1(1-6) apply fast
          using 1(1-6) apply (simp)
        apply(erule While_tE)
          using 1(1-6) apply fast
          using 1(1-6) by (simp)
lemma bigstep_det: "(c1, s)  p1  t1  (c1, s)  p  t  p1=p  t1=t"
  using big_step_t_determ2 by simp

lemma bigstep_progress: "(c, s)  p  t  p > 0"
apply(induct rule: big_step_t.induct, auto) done

abbreviation terminates () where "terminates cs  (n a. (cs  n  a))"
abbreviation thestate (s) where "thestate cs  (THE a. n. (cs  n  a))" 
abbreviation thetime (t) where "thetime cs  (THE n. a. (cs  n  a))"  
lemma bigstepT_the_cost: "(c, s)  t  s'  t(c, s) = t"
  using bigstep_det by blast 

lemma bigstepT_the_state: "(c, s)  t  s'  s(c, s) = s'"
  using bigstep_det by blast 

lemma SKIPnot: "(¬ (SKIP, s)  p  t) = (st  pSuc 0)" by blast

lemma SKIPp: "t(SKIP,s) = Suc 0"
  apply(rule the_equality)
  apply fast
  apply auto done 

lemma SKIPt: "s(SKIP,s) = s"
  apply(rule the_equality)
  apply fast
  apply auto done 

lemma ASSp: "(THE p. Ex (big_step_t (x ::= e, s) p)) = Suc 0"
  apply(rule the_equality)
  apply fast
  apply auto done 

lemma ASSt: "(THE t. p. (x ::= e, s)  p  t) = s(x := aval e s)"
  apply(rule the_equality)
  apply fast
  apply auto done 

lemma ASSnot: "( ¬ (x ::= e, s)  p  t ) = (pSuc 0  ts(x := aval e s))"
  apply auto done
lemma If_THE_True: "Suc (THE n. a. (c1, s)  n  a) =  (THE n. a. (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s)  n  a)"
     if T: "bval b s" and c1_t: "terminates (c1,s)" for s l
proof -
  from c1_t obtain p t where a: "(c1, s)  p  t" by blast
  with T have b: "(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s)  p+1  t"  using IfTrue by simp
  from a bigstepT_the_cost have "(THE n. a. (c1, s)  n  a) = p" by simp
  from b bigstepT_the_cost have "(THE n. a. (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s)  n  a) = p+1" by simp
  show ?thesis by simp

lemma If_THE_False: "Suc (THE n. a. (c2, s)  n  a) =  (THE n. a. (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s)  n  a)"
     if T: "¬bval b s" and c2_t: " (c2,s)" for s l
proof -
  from c2_t obtain p t where a: "(c2, s)  p  t"  by blast
  with T have b: "(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s)  p+1  t"  using IfFalse by simp
  from a bigstepT_the_cost have "(THE n. a. (c2, s)  n  a) = p" by simp
  from b bigstepT_the_cost have "(THE n. a. (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c2, s)  n  a) = p+1" by simp
  show ?thesis by simp