Theory WhileLang

section "The definition of the While language"

theory WhileLang imports MiscLemmas Coinductive.Coinductive_List begin

(* -- AST and other types -- *)

type_synonym name = "char list"
type_synonym val = nat
type_synonym store = "name  val"
type_synonym exp = "store  val"

datatype prog =
  | Assign name exp
  | Print exp
  | Seq prog prog
  | If exp prog prog
  | While exp prog

(* -- small-step semantics -- *)

type_synonym out = "val list"
type_synonym state = "store × out"

definition output_of :: "state  out" where
  "output_of  λ(_, out). out"

definition subst :: "name  exp  state  state" where
  "subst n e  λ(s, out). (s(n:= e s), out)"

definition print :: "exp  state  state" where
  "print e  λ(s, out). (s,  out @ [e s])"

definition guard :: "exp  state  bool" where
  "guard x  λ(s, _). x s  0"

inductive step :: "prog × state  prog × state  bool" where
  step_skip: "step (Skip,s) (Skip,s)"
| step_assign: "step (Assign n x,s) (Skip, subst n x s)"
| step_print: "step (Print x,s) (Skip, print x s)"
| step_seq1: "step (Seq Skip q,s) (q,s)"
| step_seq2: "step (p0,s0) (p1,s1)  p0  Skip  step (Seq p0 q,s0) (Seq p1 q,s1)"
| step_if: "step (If x p q, s) ((if guard x s then p else q), s)"
| step_while: "step (While x p, s) (If x (Seq p (While x p)) Skip, s)"

declare step.intros[simp,intro]

inductive_cases skipE[elim!]: "step (Skip, s) ct"
inductive_cases assignE[elim!]: "step (Assign n x, s) ct"
inductive_cases printE[elim!]: "step (Print x, s) ct"
inductive_cases seqE[elim]: "step (Seq c1 c2, s) ct"
inductive_cases ifE[elim!]: "step (If x c1 c2, s) ct"
inductive_cases whileE[elim]: "step (While x p, s) ct"

lemmas step_induct = step.induct[split_format(complete)]

inductive terminates where
  "star step (p, s) (Skip, t)  terminates s p t"

inductive diverges where
  "t. ¬ terminates s p t
        out = lSup { llist_of out | out. q t. star step (p, s) (q, t, out) }
   diverges s p out"

(* -- sanity theorems -- *)

lemma step_exists':
  "t. step (prog, (s, out)) t"
proof (induct prog)
  case Skip
  then show ?case by fastforce
  case (Assign x1 x2)
  then show ?case
    apply clarsimp
    apply (rule_tac x=Skip in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x="fst (subst x1 x2 (s, out))" in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x="snd (subst x1 x2 (s, out))" in exI)
    by fastforce
  case (Print x)
  then show ?case
    apply clarsimp
    apply (rule_tac x=Skip in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x="fst (print x (s, out))" in exI)
    apply (rule_tac x="snd (print x (s, out))" in exI)
    by fastforce
  case (Seq prog1 prog2)
  then show ?case
    apply (case_tac "prog1 = Skip")
    by fastforce+
  case (If x1 prog1 prog2)
  then show ?case by fastforce
  case (While x1 prog)
  then show ?case by fastforce

theorem step_exists: (* one can always take a step *)
  "s. t. step s t"
  using step_exists' by simp

theorem terminates_or_diverges: (* every program either terminates or diverges *)
  "(t. terminates s p t)  (output. diverges s p output)"
  by (clarsimp simp: diverges.simps)

lemma step_deterministic':
  "step (prog, st, out) t1  step (prog, st, out) t2  t1 = t2"
proof (induct prog arbitrary: t1 t2)
  case Skip
  then show ?case by clarsimp
  case (Assign x1 x2)
  then show ?case by clarsimp
  case (Print x)
  then show ?case by clarsimp
  case (Seq prog1 prog2)
  then show ?case by (elim seqE; clarsimp)
  case (If x1 prog1 prog2)
  then show ?case by clarsimp
  case (While x1 prog)
  then show ?case by (elim whileE; clarsimp)

theorem step_deterministic:
  "step s t1  step s t2  t1 = t2"
  apply (cases s)
  using step_deterministic' by clarsimp

lemma star_step_refl:
  "star step (Skip, t1) (Skip, t2)  t1 = t2"
  by (induct "(Skip, t1)" "(Skip, t2)" arbitrary: t1 t2 rule: star.induct; clarsimp)

theorem terminates_deterministic:
  "terminates s p t1  terminates s p t2  t1 = t2"
proof (simp add: terminates.simps, induct "(p, s)" "(Skip, t1)" arbitrary: p s t1 rule: star.induct)
  case refl
  then show ?case
    by (clarsimp intro!: star_step_refl)
  case (step y)
  then show ?case
    apply (rotate_tac 3)
    apply (erule star.cases)
     apply clarsimp
    apply simp
    apply (drule (1) step_deterministic)
    apply simp
    apply (drule_tac x="fst ya" and y="snd ya" in meta_spec2)
    by simp

theorem diverges_deterministic:
  "diverges s p t1  diverges s p t2  t1 = t2"
  by (simp add: diverges.simps)
