Theory Lambda_Free_Compat
chapter ‹Instantiation for ‹λ›-free terms according to Blanchette›
theory Lambda_Free_Compat
imports Unification_Compat "Lambda_Free_RPOs.Lambda_Free_Term"
text ‹
Another instantiation of the algebra for Blanchette et al.'s term type
hide_const (open) Lambda_Free_Term.subst
instantiation tm :: (is_name, is_name) "pre_term" begin
definition app_tm where
"app_tm = tm.App"
definition unapp_tm where
"unapp_tm t = (case t of App t u ⇒ Some (t, u) | _ ⇒ None)"
definition const_tm where
"const_tm n = Hd (Sym (of_name n))"
definition unconst_tm where
"unconst_tm t = (case t of Hd (Sym a) ⇒ Some (to_name a) | _ ⇒ None)"
definition free_tm where
"free_tm n = Hd (Var (of_name n))"
definition unfree_tm where
"unfree_tm t = (case t of Hd (Var a) ⇒ Some (to_name a) | _ ⇒ None)"
includes fset.lifting
lift_definition frees_tm :: "('a, 'b) tm ⇒ name fset" is "λt. to_name ` vars t"
by auto
lift_definition consts_tm :: "('a, 'b) tm ⇒ name fset" is "λt. to_name ` syms t"
by auto
lemma frees_tm[code, simp]:
"frees (App f x) = frees f |∪| frees x"
"frees (Hd h) = (case h of Sym _ ⇒ fempty | Var v ⇒ {| to_name v |})"
including fset.lifting
by (transfer; auto split: hd.splits)+
lemma consts_tm[code, simp]:
"consts (App f x) = consts f |∪| consts x"
"consts (Hd h) = (case h of Var _ ⇒ fempty | Sym v ⇒ {| to_name v |})"
including fset.lifting
by (transfer; auto split: hd.splits)+
definition subst_tm :: "('a, 'b) tm ⇒ (name, ('a, 'b) tm) fmap ⇒ ('a, 'b) tm" where
"subst_tm t env =
Lambda_Free_Term.subst (fmlookup_default env (Hd ∘ Var ∘ of_name) ∘ to_name) t"
lemma subst_tm[code, simp]:
"subst (App t u) env = App (subst t env) (subst u env)"
"subst (Hd h) env = (case h of
Sym s ⇒ Hd (Sym s) |
Var x ⇒ (case fmlookup env (to_name x) of
Some t' ⇒ t'
| None ⇒ Hd (Var x)))"
unfolding subst_tm_def
by (auto simp: fmlookup_default_def split: hd.splits option.splits)
by standard
simp: app_tm_def unapp_tm_def const_tm_def unconst_tm_def free_tm_def unfree_tm_def of_name_inj
split: tm.splits hd.splits option.splits)
instantiation tm :: (is_name, is_name) "term" begin
definition abs_pred_tm :: "(('a, 'b) tm ⇒ bool) ⇒ ('a, 'b) tm ⇒ bool" where
"abs_pred_tm P t ⟷ True"
instance proof (standard, goal_cases)
case (1 P t)
then show ?case
proof (induction t)
case (Hd h)
then show ?case
apply (cases h)
apply (auto simp: free_tm_def const_tm_def)
apply (metis of_to_name)+
qed (auto simp: app_tm_def)
qed (auto simp: abs_pred_tm_def)
lemma apps_list_comb: "apps f xs = list_comb f xs"
by (induction xs arbitrary: f) (auto simp: app_tm_def)