Theory Introduction
chapter‹ Introduction ›
theory Introduction
imports "HOL-CSP.Assertions"
text ‹\<^session>‹HOL-CSP› \<^cite>‹"HOL-CSP-AFP"› is a formalization in Isabelle/HOL of
the work of Hoare and Roscoe on the denotational semantics of the
Failure/Divergence Model of CSP. It follows essentially the presentation of CSP
in Roscoe's Book "Theory and Practice of Concurrency" \<^cite>‹"roscoe:csp:1998"›
and the semantic details in a joint Paper of Roscoe and Brooks
"An improved failures model for communicating processes" \<^cite>‹"brookes-roscoe85"›.›
text ‹In the session \<^session>‹HOL-CSP› are introduced the type \<^typ>‹'α process›, several
classic CSP operators and number of laws that govern their interactions.
Four of them are binary operators: the non-deterministic choice \<^term>‹P ⊓ Q›,
the deterministic choice \<^term>‹P □ Q›, the synchronization \<^term>‹P ⟦S⟧ Q› and the
sequential composition \<^term>‹P ❙; Q›.›
text ‹Analogously to the finite sum
@{term [mode=latex_sum, eta_contract = false] ‹∑i = 0::nat..n. a i›} which is generalization
of the addition \<^term>‹a + b›, we define generalisations of the binary operators
of CSP.
The most straight-forward way to do so would be a fold on a list of processes.
However, in many cases, we have additional properties, like commutativity, idempotency, etc.
that allow for stronger/more abstract constructions. In particular, in several cases,
generalization to unbounded and even infinite index-sets are possible.
The notations we choose are widely inspired by the CSP$_M$ syntax of FDR:
text ‹In this session we therefore introduce the multi-operators associated respectively
with \<^term>‹P ⊓ Q›, \<^term>‹P □ Q›, \<^term>‹P ⟦S⟧ Q› and \<^term>‹P ❙; Q›.
We prove their continuity and refinements rules,
as well as some laws governing their interactions.›
text ‹We also give the definitions of the POTS and Dining Philosophers examples,
which greatly benefit from the newly introduced generalized operators.
Since they appear naturally when modeling complex architectures,
we may call them ∗‹architectural operators› of CSP.›
text ‹Finally this session also includes results on the notion of \<^const>‹events_of›,
and a very powerful result about \<^const>‹deadlock_free› and \<^const>‹Sync›:
the interleaving \<^term>‹P ||| Q› is \<^const>‹deadlock_free› if \<^term>‹P› and \<^term>‹Q› are.
section‹The Global Architecture of HOL-CSPM›
\caption{The overall architecture}
text‹The global architecture of HOL-CSPM is shown in \autoref{fig:fig1}.
The entire package resides on:
▸ \<^session>‹HOL-Eisbach› from the Isabelle/HOL distribution,
▸ \<^session>‹HOLCF› from the Isabelle/HOL distribution, and
▸ \<^session>‹HOL-CSP› 2.0 from the Isabelle Archive of Formal Proofs.