Theory Jeroslow_Simplified

section ‹A Simplification of Jeroslow's Original Argument›

theory Jeroslow_Simplified imports Abstract_Jeroslow_Encoding

text ‹This is the simplified version of Jeroslow's Second Incompleteness Theorem
reported in our CADE 2019 paper~cite"DBLP:conf/cade/0001T19".
The simplification consists of replacing pseudo-terms with plain terms
and representability with (what we call in the paper) term-representability.
This simplified version does not incur the complications of the original.›

subsection ‹Jeroslow-style term-based diagonalization›

locale Jeroslow_Diagonalization =
  var trm fmla Var FvarsT substT Fvars subst
  eql cnj imp all exi
  var trm fmla Var FvarsT substT Fvars subst
  var trm fmla Var FvarsT substT Fvars subst
  Ops tenc
var :: "'var set" and trm :: "'trm set" and fmla :: "'fmla set"
and Var FvarsT substT Fvars subst
and eql cnj imp all exi
and fls
and num
and prv
and enc (_)
and Ops and tenc
fixes F :: "('trm  'trm) set"
  and encF :: "('trm  'trm)  ('trm  'trm)"
  and N :: "'trm  'trm"
  and ssap :: "'fmla  'trm  'trm"
F[simp,intro!]: " f n. f  F  n  num  f n  num"
encF[simp,intro!]: " f. f  F  encF f  Ops"
N[simp,intro!]: "N  F"
ssap[simp]: "φ. φ  fmla  Fvars φ = {xx}  ssap φ  F"
ReprF: "f n. f  F  n  num  prv (eql (encF f n) (f n))"
CapN: "φ. φ  fmla  Fvars φ = {}  N φ = neg φ"
" ψ f. ψ  fmla  Fvars ψ = {xx}  f  F 
    ssap ψ (tenc (encF f)) = inst ψ (encF f (tenc (encF f)))"

definition tJ :: "'fmla  'trm" where
"tJ ψ  encF (ssap ψ) (tenc (encF (ssap ψ)))"

definition φJ :: "'fmla  'fmla" where
"φJ ψ  subst ψ (tJ ψ) xx"

lemma tJ[simp]:
assumes "ψ  fmla" and "Fvars ψ = {xx}"
shows "tJ ψ  trm"
using assms tJ_def by auto

lemma FvarsT_tJ[simp]:
assumes "ψ  fmla" and "Fvars ψ = {xx}"
shows "FvarsT (tJ ψ) = {}"
using assms tJ_def by auto

lemma φJ[simp]:
assumes "ψ  fmla" and "Fvars ψ = {xx}"
shows "φJ ψ  fmla"
using assms φJ_def by auto

lemma Fvars_φJ[simp]:
assumes "ψ  fmla" and "Fvars ψ = {xx}"
shows "Fvars (φJ ψ) = {}"
using assms φJ_def by auto

lemma diagonalization:
assumes "ψ  fmla" and "Fvars ψ = {xx}"
shows "prv (eql (tJ ψ) inst ψ (tJ ψ)) 
       prv (eqv (φJ ψ) (inst ψ φJ ψ))"
  define fJ where "fJ  ssap ψ"
  have fJ[simp]: "fJ  F" unfolding fJ_def using assms by auto
  have "fJ (tenc (encF fJ)) = inst ψ (tJ ψ)"
   by (simp add: CapSS assms fJ_def tJ_def)
  thus **: "prv (eql (tJ ψ) inst ψ (tJ ψ))"
   using ReprF fJ fJ_def tJ_def by fastforce
  show "prv (eqv (φJ ψ) (inst ψ φJ ψ))"
   using assms prv_eql_subst_trm_eqv[OF xx _  _ _ **, of "ψ"]
   by (auto simp: φJ_def inst_def)

end ― ‹context @{locale Jeroslow_Diagonalization}

subsection ‹Term-based version of Jeroslow's Second Incompleteness Theorem›

locale Jeroslow_Godel_Second =
  var trm fmla Var FvarsT substT Fvars subst
  eql cnj imp all exi
  Ops tenc
  F encF N ssap
  var trm fmla Var FvarsT substT Fvars subst
  eql cnj imp all exi
  prv prv
var :: "'var set" and trm :: "'trm set" and fmla :: "'fmla set"
and Var FvarsT substT Fvars subst
and eql cnj imp all exi
and fls
and num
and prv
and enc (_)
and Ops and tenc
and P
and F encF N ssap
SHBL3: "t. t  trm  FvarsT t = {}  prv (imp (PP t) (PP PP t))"

text ‹Consistency formula a la Jeroslow:›
definition jcons :: "'fmla" where
"jcons  all xx (neg (cnj (PP (Var xx)) (PP (encF N (Var (xx))))))"

lemma prv_eql_subst_trm3:
"x  var  φ  fmla  t1  trm  t2  trm 
prv (eql t1 t2)  prv (subst φ t1 x)  prv (subst φ t2 x)"
using prv_eql_subst_trm2
  by (meson subst prv_imp_mp)

lemma prv_eql_neg_encF_N:
assumes "φ  fmla" and "Fvars φ = {}"
shows "prv (eql neg φ (encF N φ))"
  unfolding CapN[symmetric, OF assms]
  by (rule prv_prv_eql_sym) (auto simp: assms intro: ReprF)

lemma prv_imp_neg_encF_N_aux:
assumes "φ  fmla" and "Fvars φ = {}"
shows "prv (imp (PP neg φ) (PP (encF N φ)))"
using assms prv_eql_subst_trm2[OF _ _ _ _ prv_eql_neg_encF_N[OF assms],
  of xx "PP (Var xx)"]
  unfolding PP_def by auto

lemma prv_cnj_neg_encF_N_aux:
assumes "φ  fmla" and "Fvars φ = {}" "χ  fmla" "Fvars χ = {}"
and "prv (neg (cnj χ (PP neg φ)))"
shows"prv (neg (cnj χ (PP (encF N φ))))"
using assms prv_eql_subst_trm3[OF _ _ _ _ prv_eql_neg_encF_N,
  of xx "neg (cnj χ (PP (Var xx)))"]
  unfolding PP_def by auto

theorem jeroslow_godel_second:
assumes consistent
shows "¬ prv jcons"
  assume *: "prv jcons"
  define ψ where "ψ  PP (encF N (Var xx))"
  define t where "t  tJ ψ"
  have ψ[simp,intro]: "ψ  fmla" "Fvars ψ = {xx}"
  and t[simp,intro]: "t  trm" "FvarsT t = {}"
    unfolding ψ_def t_def by auto

  have sPP[simp]: "subst (PP (encF N (Var xx))) PP (encF N t) xx =
             PP (encF N PP (encF N t))"
    unfolding PP_def by (subst subst_compose_eq_or) auto
  have sPP2[simp]: "subst (PP (encF N (Var xx))) t xx = PP (encF N t)"
    unfolding PP_def by (subst subst_compose_eq_or) auto
  have 00: "PP (encF N t) = inst ψ t" unfolding ψ_def inst_def PP_def
    by (subst subst_compose_eq_or) auto

  define φ where "φ  φJ ψ"
  have [simp]: "φ  fmla" "Fvars φ = {}" unfolding φ_def by auto
  have **: "prv (eql t φ)"
    unfolding 00 φ_def
    using φJ_def diagonalization inst_def t_def by auto
  have φ: "φ = PP (encF N t)" unfolding φ_def φJ_def t_def ψ_def
    using sPP2 ψ_def t_def by blast
  have 1: "prv (imp φ (PP φ))" using SHBL3[of "encF N t"]
    using 00 φJ_def φ_def ψ_def inst_def t_def by auto
  have eqv_φ: "prv (eqv φ (PP (encF N φ)))"  using diagonalization
    by (metis "00" sPP φJ_def φ_def ψ ψ_def diagonalization inst_def t_def)
  have 2: "prv (imp φ (PP (encF N φ)))"
   using prv_cnjEL[OF _ _ eqv_φ[unfolded eqv_def]] by auto
  have "prv (imp (PP (encF N φ)) φ)"
   using prv_cnjER[OF _ _ eqv_φ[unfolded eqv_def]] by auto
  from  prv_prv_imp_trans[OF _ _ _ prv_imp_neg_encF_N_aux this]
  have 22: "prv (imp (PP neg φ) φ)" by auto
  have 3: "prv (imp φ (cnj (PP φ) (PP (encF N φ))))"
    by (rule prv_imp_cnj[OF _ _ _ 1 2]) (auto simp: φ_def)
  have 4: "prv (neg (cnj (PP φ) (PP (encF N φ))))"
     using prv_allE[OF _ _ _ *[unfolded jcons_def], of "φ"]
  by (simp add: φ ψ_def)
  have 5: "prv (neg φ)"
    unfolding neg_def
    by (rule prv_prv_imp_trans[OF _ _ _ 3 4[unfolded neg_def]]) auto
  hence "prv (PP neg φ)" using
      HBL1_PP[OF _ _ 5] by auto
  hence "prv φ" using prv_imp_mp[OF _ _ 22] by auto
  with 5 assms show False unfolding consistent_def3 by auto

subsection ‹A variant of the Second Incompleteness Theorem›

text ‹This variant (also discussed in our CADE 2019 paper~cite"DBLP:conf/cade/0001T19") strengthens
the conclusion of the theorem to the standard formulation
of "does not prove its own consistency" at the expense of two
additional derivability-like conditions, HBL4 and WHBL2.›

theorem jeroslow_godel_second_standardCon:
assumes consistent
and HBL4: "φ1 φ2. {φ1,φ2}  fmla  Fvars φ1 = {}  Fvars φ2 = {} 
   prv (imp (cnj (PP φ1) (PP φ2)) (PP cnj φ1 φ2))"
and WHBL2: "φ1 φ2. {φ1,φ2}  fmla  Fvars φ1 = {}  Fvars φ2 = {} 
   prv (imp φ1 φ2)  prv (imp (PP φ1) (PP φ2))"
shows "¬ prv (neg (PP fls))"
  assume *:  "prv (neg (PP fls))"
  define ψ where "ψ  PP (encF N (Var xx))"
  define t where "t  tJ ψ"
  have ψ[simp,intro]: "ψ  fmla" "Fvars ψ = {xx}"
  and t[simp,intro]: "t  trm" "FvarsT t = {}"
    unfolding ψ_def t_def by auto

  have [simp]: "subst (PP (encF N (Var xx))) PP (encF N t) xx =
             PP (encF N PP (encF N t))"
    unfolding PP_def by (subst subst_compose_eq_or) auto
  have [simp]: "subst (PP (encF N (Var xx))) t xx = PP (encF N t)"
    unfolding PP_def by (subst subst_compose_eq_or) auto
  have 00: "PP (encF N t) = inst ψ t" unfolding ψ_def inst_def PP_def
    by (subst subst_compose_eq_or) auto

  define φ where "φ = PP (encF N t)"
  have [simp]: "φ  fmla" "Fvars φ = {}" unfolding φ_def by auto
  have **: "prv (eql t PP (encF N t))"
    unfolding 00 by (simp add: diagonalization t_def)
  have 1: "prv (imp φ (PP φ))" using SHBL3[of "encF N t"]
    by (auto simp: φ_def)
  have 2: "prv (imp φ (PP (encF N φ)))"
   using prv_eql_subst_trm2[OF xx _  _ _ **, of "PP (encF N (Var xx))"]
   by (auto simp: φ_def)
  have "prv (imp (PP (encF N φ)) φ)"
   using prv_eql_subst_trm_rev2[OF xx _  _ _ **, of "PP (encF N (Var xx))"]
   by (auto simp: φ_def)
  from prv_prv_imp_trans[OF _ _ _ prv_imp_neg_encF_N_aux this]
  have 22: "prv (imp (PP neg φ) φ)" by auto
  have 3: "prv (imp φ (cnj (PP φ) (PP (encF N φ))))"
    by (rule prv_imp_cnj[OF _ _ _ 1 2]) (auto simp: φ_def)

  ― ‹This is the modification from the proof of @{thm jeroslow_godel_second}:›
  have 41: "prv (imp (cnj (PP φ) (PP neg φ)) (PP cnj φ (neg φ)))"
  using HBL4[of φ "neg φ"] by auto
  have "prv (imp (cnj φ (neg φ)) (fls))"
    by (simp add: prv_cnj_imp_monoR2 prv_imp_neg_fls)
  from WHBL2[OF _ _ _ this]
  have 42: "prv (imp (PP cnj φ (neg φ)) (PP fls))" by auto
  from prv_prv_imp_trans[OF _ _ _ 41 42]
  have "prv (imp (cnj (PP φ) (PP neg φ)) (PP fls))" by auto
  from prv_prv_imp_trans[OF _ _ _ this *[unfolded neg_def]]
  have "prv (neg (cnj (PP φ) (PP neg φ)))"
  unfolding neg_def by auto
  from prv_cnj_neg_encF_N_aux[OF _ _ _ _ this]
  have 4: "prv (neg (cnj (PP φ) (PP (encF N φ))))" by auto
  ― ‹End modification›

  have 5: "prv (neg φ)"
    unfolding neg_def
    by (rule prv_prv_imp_trans[OF _ _ _ 3 4[unfolded neg_def]]) auto
  hence "prv (PP neg φ)" using HBL1_PP[OF _ _ 5] by auto
  hence "prv φ" using prv_imp_mp[OF _ _ 22] by auto
  with 5 assms show False unfolding consistent_def3 by auto

text ‹Next we perform a formal analysis of some connection between the
above theorems' hypotheses.›

definition noContr :: bool where
"noContr   φ  fmla. Fvars φ = {}  prv (neg (cnj (PP φ) (PP neg φ)))"

lemma jcons_noContr:
assumes j: "prv jcons"
shows "noContr"
unfolding noContr_def proof safe
  fix φ assume φ[simp]: "φ  fmla" "Fvars φ = {}"
  have [simp]: "subst (PP (encF N (Var xx))) φ xx =
               PP (encF N φ)"
  unfolding PP_def by (simp add: subst_compose_same)
  note j = allE_id[OF _ _ j[unfolded jcons_def], simplified]
  have 0: "prv (neg (cnj (PP φ)
                         (PP (encF N φ))))"
  (is "prv (neg (cnj (PP φ) ?j))")
    using prv_subst[OF _ _ _ j, of xx "φ"] by simp
  have 1: "prv (imp (PP neg φ) ?j)"
  using prv_eql_neg_encF_N[of φ, simplified]
  using prv_imp_neg_encF_N_aux by auto
  have 2: "prv (imp (cnj (PP φ) (PP neg φ))
                    (cnj (PP φ) ?j))"
  using 0 1 by (simp add:  prv_cnj_mono prv_imp_refl)

  have "prv (imp (cnj (PP φ) (PP neg φ))
                 (cnj (PP φ) ?j))"
    by (simp add: 2 prv_cnj_mono prv_imp_refl)
  thus "prv (neg (cnj (PP φ) (PP neg φ)))" using 0
    unfolding neg_def
    by (elim prv_prv_imp_trans[rotated 3]) auto

text @{term noContr} is still stronger than the standard notion of proving own consistency:›

lemma noContr_implies_neg_PP_fls:
 assumes "noContr"
 shows "prv (neg (PP fls))"
  have "prv (neg (cnj (PP fls) (PP neg fls)))"
    using assms unfolding noContr_def by auto
  thus ?thesis
  using Fvars_tru enc in_num tru_def PP PP_def fls imp HBL1 neg_def
       prv_cnj_imp prv_fls prv_imp_com prv_imp_mp
  by (metis Encode.enc HBL1_axioms HBL1_def)

corollary jcons_implies_neg_PP_fls:
assumes "prv jcons"
shows "prv (neg (PP fls))"
by (simp add: assms noContr_implies_neg_PP_fls jcons_noContr)

text ‹However, unlike @{term jcons}, which seems to be quite a bit stronger,
@{term noContr} is equivalent to the standard notion under a slightly
stronger assumption than our WWHBL2, namely, a binary version of that:›

lemma neg_PP_fls_implies_noContr:
 assumes WWHBL22:
"φ χ ψ. φ  fmla  χ  fmla  ψ  fmla 
   Fvars φ = {}  Fvars χ = {}  Fvars ψ = {} 
   prv (imp φ (imp χ ψ))  prv (imp (PP φ) (imp (PP χ) (PP ψ)))"
 assumes p: "prv (neg (PP fls))"
 shows "noContr"
unfolding noContr_def proof safe
  fix φ assume φ[simp]: "φ  fmla" "Fvars φ = {}"
  have 0: "prv (imp φ (imp (neg φ) fls))"
    by (simp add: prv_imp_neg_fls)
  have 1: "prv (imp (PP φ) (imp (PP neg φ) (PP fls)))"
    using WWHBL22[OF _ _ _ _ _ _ 0] by auto
  show "prv (neg (cnj (PP φ) (PP neg φ)))" using 1 p
    unfolding neg_def
    by (elim prv_cnj_imp_monoR2[rotated 3, OF prv_prv_imp_trans[rotated 3]])
      (auto intro!: prv_imp_monoL)

end ― ‹context @{locale Jeroslow_Godel_Second}
