Theory Gale_Shapley2
section ‹Part 2: Refinement from lists to arrays›
theory Gale_Shapley2
imports Gale_Shapley1 "Collections.Diff_Array"
text ‹Refinement from lists to arrays,
resulting in a linear (in the input size, which is ‹n^2›) time algorithm.›
abbreviation "array ≡ new_array"
notation array_get (infixl ‹!!› 100)
notation array_set (‹_[_ ::= _]› [1000,0,0] 900)
abbreviation "list ≡ list_of_array"
lemma list_array: "list (array x n) = replicate n x"
by (simp add: new_array_def)
lemma array_get: "a !! i = list a ! i"
by (cases a) simp
context Pref
subsection ‹Algorithm 7: Arrays›
definition "match_array A a = P ! a ! (A !! a)"
lemma match_array: "match_array A a = match (list A) a"
by(cases A) (simp add: match_array_def match_def)
lemmas array_abs = match_array array_list_of_set array_get
lemma Gale_Shapley7:
assumes "R = map ranking Q"
"VARS A B N ai a a' b r
[ai = 0 ∧ A = array 0 n ∧ B = array 0 n ∧ N = array False n]
WHILE ai < n
INV { invar1 (list A) (list B) (list N) ai }
VAR {z = n - ai}
DO a := ai; b := match_array A a;
WHILE N !! b
INV { invar2 (list A) (list B) (list N) ai a ∧ b = match_array A a ∧ z = n-ai }
VAR {var (list A) {<ai}}
DO a' := B !! b; r := R ! match_array A a';
IF r ! a < r ! a'
THEN B := B[b ::= a]; A := A[a' ::= A !! a' + 1]; a := a'
ELSE A := A[a ::= A !! a + 1]
b := match_array A a
B := B[b ::= a]; N := N[b ::= True]; ai := ai+1
[matching (list A) {<n} ∧ stable (list A) {<n} ∧ optiA (list A)]"
proof (vcg_tc, goal_cases)
case 1 thus ?case
by(auto simp: pref_match_def P_set card_distinct match_def list_array index_nth_id prefers_def optiA_def α_def cong: conj_cong)
case 2
thus ?case by (auto simp: atLeastLessThanSuc_atLeastAtMost simp flip: atLeastLessThan_eq_atLeastAtMost_diff)
case 3
have R: "∀b<n. ∀a1<n. ∀a2<n. R ! b ! a1 < R ! b ! a2 ⟷ Q ! b ⊢ a1 < a2"
by (simp add: Q_set ‹R = _› length_Q ranking_iff_pref)
show ?case
proof (simp only: mem_Collect_eq, goal_cases)
case 1 show ?case using inner_pres[OF R _ _ refl refl refl] 3
unfolding array_abs by blast
case 4
show ?case
proof (simp only: mem_Collect_eq, rule conjI, goal_cases)
case 1 show ?case using 4 inner_to_outer unfolding array_abs by blast
case 2 thus ?case using 4 by auto
case 5
thus ?case using pref_match_stable unfolding invAM_def invar1_def by(metis le_neq_implies_less)
subsection ‹Algorithm 7.1: single-loop variant›
lemma Gale_Shapley7_1:
assumes "R = map ranking Q"
shows "VARS A B N a a' ai b r
[ai = 0 ∧ a = 0 ∧ A = array 0 n ∧ B = array 0 n ∧ N = array False n]
WHILE ai < n
INV { invar2' (list A) (list B) (list N) ai a }
VAR {var (list A) ({<ai+1} - {a})}
DO b := match_array A a;
IF ¬ N !! b
THEN B := B[b ::= a]; N := N[b ::= True]; ai := ai + 1; a := ai
ELSE a' := B !! b; r := R ! match_array A a';
IF r ! a < r ! a'
THEN B := B[b ::= a]; A := A[a' ::= A!!a' + 1]; a := a'
ELSE A := A[a ::= A!!a + 1]
[matching (list A) {<n} ∧ stable (list A) {<n} ∧ optiA (list A)]"
proof (vcg_tc, goal_cases)
case 1 thus ?case
by(auto simp: pref_match_def P_set card_distinct match_def list_array index_nth_id prefers_def optiA_def α_def cong: conj_cong)
case 3 thus ?case using pref_match_stable atLeast0_lessThan_Suc[of n] by force
case (2 v A B N a a' ai)
have R': "N !! match_array A a ⟹
(R ! match_array A (B !! match_array A a) ! a < R ! match_array A (B !! match_array A a) ! (B !! match_array A a)) =
(Q ! match_array A (B !! match_array A a) ⊢ a < B !! match_array A a)"
using R_iff_P 2 assms by (metis array_abs)
show ?case
apply(simp only:mem_Collect_eq
using 2 R' pres2'[of "list A" "list B" "list N" ai a] by (metis array_abs)
subsection ‹Executable functional Code›
definition gs_inner where
"gs_inner P R N =
while (λ(A,B,a,b). N !! b)
let a' = B !! b;
r = R !! (P !! a' !! (A !! a')) in
let (A, B, a) =
if r !! a < r !! a'
then (A[a' ::= A !! a' + 1], B[b ::= a], a')
else (A[a ::= A !! a + 1], B, a)
in (A, B, a, P !! a !! (A !! a)))"
definition gs :: "nat ⇒ nat array array ⇒ nat array array
⇒ nat array × nat array × bool array × nat" where
"gs n P R =
while (λ(A,B,N,ai). ai < n)
let (A,B,a,b) = gs_inner P R N (A, B, ai, P !! ai !! (A !! ai))
in (A, B[b ::= a], N[b::=True], ai+1))
(array 0 n, array 0 n, array False n, 0)"
definition gs1 :: "nat ⇒ nat array array ⇒ nat array array
⇒ nat array × nat array × bool array × nat × nat" where
"gs1 n P R =
while (λ(A,B,N,ai,a). ai < n)
let b = P !! a !! (A !! a)
in if ¬ N !! b
then (A, B[b ::= a], N[b ::= True], ai+1, ai+1)
else let a' = B !! b;
r = R !! (P !! a' !! (A !! a'))
in if r !! a < r !! a'
then (A[a' ::= A!!a' + 1], B[b ::= a], N, ai, a')
else (A[a ::= A!!a + 1], B, N, ai, a))
(array 0 n, array 0 n, array False n, 0, 0)"
definition "pref_array = array_of_list o map array_of_list"
lemma list_list_pref_array: "i < length Pa ⟹ list (list (pref_array Pa) ! i) = Pa ! i"
by(simp add: pref_array_def)
fun rk_of_pref :: "nat ⇒ nat array ⇒ nat list ⇒ nat array" where
"rk_of_pref r rs (n#ns) = (rk_of_pref (r+1) rs ns)[n ::= r]" |
"rk_of_pref r rs [] = rs"
definition rank_array1 :: "nat list ⇒ nat array" where
"rank_array1 P = rk_of_pref 0 (array 0 (length P)) P"
definition rank_array :: "nat list list ⇒ nat array array" where
"rank_array = array_of_list o map rank_array1"
lemma length_rk_of_pref[simp]: "array_length(rk_of_pref v vs P) = array_length vs"
by(induction P arbitrary: v)(auto)
lemma nth_rk_of_pref:
"⟦ length P ≤ array_length rs; i ∈ set P; distinct P; set P ⊆ {<array_length rs} ⟧
⟹ rk_of_pref r rs P !! i = index P i + r"
by(induction P arbitrary: r i) (auto simp add: array_get_array_set_other)
lemma rank_array1_iff_pref: "⟦ set P = {<length P}; i < length P; j < length P ⟧
⟹ rank_array1 P !! i < rank_array1 P !! j ⟷ P ⊢ i < j"
by(simp add: rank_array1_def prefers_def nth_rk_of_pref card_distinct)
definition Gale_Shapley where
"Gale_Shapley P Q =
(if Pref P Q
then Some (fst (gs (length P) (pref_array P) (rank_array Q)))
else None)"
definition Gale_Shapley1 where
"Gale_Shapley1 P Q =
(if Pref P Q
then Some (fst (gs1 (length P) (pref_array P) (rank_array Q)))
else None)"
context Pref
lemma gs_inner:
assumes "R = rank_array Q"
assumes "invar2 (list A) (list B) (list N) ai a" "b = match_array A a"
shows "gs_inner (pref_array P) R N (A, B, a, b) = (A',B',a',b')
⟶ invar1 (list A') ((list B')[b' := a']) ((list N)[b' := True]) (ai+1)"
unfolding gs_inner_def
proof(rule while_rule2[where
P = "λ(A,B,a,b). invar2 (list A) (list B) (list N) ai a ∧ b = match_array A a"
and r = "measure (λ(A, B, a, b). Pref.var0 P (list A) {<n})"], goal_cases)
case 1
show ?case using assms unfolding var_def by simp
case inv: (2 s)
obtain A B a b where s: "s = (A, B, a, b)"
using prod_cases4 by blast
show ?case
proof(rule, goal_cases)
case 1
have *: "a < n" using s inv(1)[unfolded invar2_def] by (auto)
hence 2: "list A ! a < n" using s inv(1)[unfolded invar2_def]
apply simp using "*" wf_less_n by presburger
hence "match (list A) a < n"
by (metis "*" P_set atLeast0LessThan lessThan_iff match_def nth_mem)
from this have **: "list B ! match (list A) a < n" using s inv[unfolded invar2_def]
apply (simp add: array_abs ran_def) using atLeast0LessThan by blast
have R: "∀b<n. ∀a1<n. ∀a2<n. map list (list R) ! b ! a1 < map list (list R) ! b ! a2 ⟷ Q ! b ⊢ a1 < a2"
using rank_array1_iff_pref by(simp add: ‹R = _› length_Q array_get Q_set rank_array_def)
have ***: "match (list A) (list B ! b) < length (list R)" using s inv(1)[unfolded invar2_def]
using ** by(simp add: ‹R = _› rank_array_def match_array match_less_n length_Q)
show ?case
using inv apply(simp only: s Let_def split: if_split)
using inner_pres[OF R _ _ refl refl refl refl refl, of "list A" "list B" "list N" ai a b]
unfolding invar2_def array_abs
list_list_pref_array[OF **[unfolded n_def]] list_list_pref_array[OF *[unfolded n_def]] nth_map[OF ***]
unfolding match_def by presburger
case 2 show ?case
using inv apply(simp only: s Let_def in_measure split: if_split)
using inner_pres2[OF R _ _ refl refl refl refl refl, of "list A" "list B" "list N" ai a b]
unfolding invar2_def array_abs
list_list_pref_array[OF **[unfolded n_def]] list_list_pref_array[OF *[unfolded n_def]] nth_map[OF ***]
unfolding match_def by presburger
case 3
show ?case
proof (rule, goal_cases)
case 1 show ?case by(rule inner_to_outer[OF 3[unfolded 1 array_abs]])
case 4
show ?case by simp
lemma gs: assumes "R = rank_array Q"
shows "gs n (pref_array P) R = (A,B,N,ai) ⟶ matching (list A) {<n} ∧ stable (list A) {<n} ∧ optiA (list A)"
unfolding gs_def
proof(rule while_rule2[where P = "λ(A,B,N,ai). invar1 (list A) (list B) (list N) ai"
and r = "measure(λ(A,B,N,ai). n - ai)"], goal_cases)
case 1 show ?case
by(auto simp: pref_match_def P_set card_distinct match_def list_array index_nth_id prefers_def optiA_def α_def cong: conj_cong)
case (2 s)
obtain A B N ai where s: "s = (A, B, N, ai)"
using prod_cases4 by blast
have 1: "invar2 (list A) (list B) (list N) ai ai" using 2 s
by (auto simp: atLeastLessThanSuc_atLeastAtMost simp flip: atLeastLessThan_eq_atLeastAtMost_diff)
hence "ai < n" by(simp)
show ?case using 2 s gs_inner[OF ‹R = _ › 1]
by (auto simp: array_abs match_def list_list_pref_array[OF ‹ai < n›[unfolded n_def]]
simp del: invar1_def split: prod.split)
case 3
thus ?case using pref_match_stable by auto
case 4
show ?case by simp
lemma R_iff_P:
assumes "R = rank_array Q" "invar2' A B N ai a" "ai < n" "N ! match A a"
"b = match A a" "a' = B ! b"
shows "(list (list R ! match A a') ! a < list (list R ! match A a') ! a')
= (Q ! match A a' ⊢ a < a')"
proof -
have R: "∀b<n. ∀a1<n. ∀a2<n. R !! b !! a1 < R !! b !! a2 ⟷ Q ! b ⊢ a1 < a2"
by (simp add: Q_set ‹R = _› length_Q array_of_list_def rank_array_def rank_array1_iff_pref)
let ?M = "{<ai+1} - {a}"
have A: "wf A" and M: "?M ⊆ {<n}" and as: "a < n" and invAB: "invAB2 A B N ?M"
using assms(2,3) by auto
have a': "B ! match A a ∈ ?M"
using invAB match_less_n[OF A] as ‹N!match A a› by (metis α_Some ranI)
hence "B ! match A a < n" using M by auto
thus ?thesis using assms match_less_n R by simp (metis array_get as)
lemma gs1: assumes "R = rank_array Q"
shows "gs1 n (pref_array P) R = (A,B,N,ai,a) ⟶ matching (list A) {<n} ∧ stable (list A) {<n} ∧ optiA (list A)"
unfolding gs1_def
proof(rule while_rule2[where P = "λ(A,B,N,ai,a). invar2' (list A) (list B) (list N) ai a"
and r = "measure(λ(A,B,N,ai,a). Pref.var P (list A) ({<ai+1} - {a}))"], goal_cases)
case 1 show ?case
by(auto simp: pref_match_def P_set card_distinct match_def list_array index_nth_id prefers_def optiA_def α_def cong: conj_cong)
case (2 s)
obtain A B N ai a where s: "s = (A, B, N, ai, a)"
using prod_cases5 by blast
have 1: "invar2' (list A) (list B) (list N) ai a" using 2(1) s
by (auto simp: atLeastLessThanSuc_atLeastAtMost simp flip: atLeastLessThan_eq_atLeastAtMost_diff)
have "ai < n" using 2(2) s by(simp)
hence "a < n" using 1 by simp
hence "match (list A) a < n" using 1 match_less_n by auto
hence *: "list N ! match (list A) a ⟹ list B ! match (list A) a < n"
using s 1[unfolded invar2'_def] apply (simp add: array_abs ran_def)
using atLeast0LessThan by blast
have R': "list N ! match (list A) a ⟹
(list (list R ! match (list A) (list B ! match (list A) a)) ! a
< list (list R ! match (list A) (list B ! match (list A) a)) ! (list B ! match (list A) a)) =
(Q ! match (list A) (list B ! match (list A) a) ⊢ a < list B ! match (list A) a)"
using R_iff_P ‹R = _› 1 ‹ai < n› by blast
show ?case
using s apply (simp add: Let_def)
unfolding list_list_pref_array[OF ‹a < n›[unfolded n_def]] array_abs
using list_list_pref_array[OF *[unfolded n_def]]
pres2'[OF 1 ‹ai < n› refl refl refl refl refl] R'
apply(intro conjI impI) by (auto simp: match_def)
case 3 thus ?case using pref_match_stable atLeast0_lessThan_Suc[of n] by force
case 4 show ?case by simp
theorem gs: "⟦ Pref P Q; n = length P ⟧ ⟹
∃A. Gale_Shapley P Q = Some A
∧ Pref.matching P (list A) {<n} ∧ Pref.stable P Q (list A) {<n} ∧ Pref.optiA P Q (list A)"
unfolding Gale_Shapley_def using
by (metis fst_conv surj_pair)
theorem gs1: "⟦ Pref P Q; n = length P ⟧ ⟹
∃A. Gale_Shapley1 P Q = Some A
∧ Pref.matching P (list A) {<n} ∧ Pref.stable P Q (list A) {<n} ∧ Pref.optiA P Q (list A)"
unfolding Gale_Shapley1_def using Pref.gs1
by (metis fst_conv surj_pair)
text ‹Two examples from Gusfield and Irving:›
lemma "list_of_array (the (Gale_Shapley
[[3,0,1,2], [1,2,0,3], [1,3,2,0], [2,0,3,1]] [[3,0,2,1], [0,2,1,3], [0,1,2,3], [3,0,2,1]]))
= [0,1,0,1]"
by eval
lemma "list_of_array (the (Gale_Shapley
[[4,6,0,1,5,7,3,2], [1,2,6,4,3,0,7,5], [7,4,0,3,5,1,2,6], [2,1,6,3,0,5,7,4],
[6,1,4,0,2,5,7,3], [0,5,6,4,7,3,1,2], [1,4,6,5,2,3,7,0], [2,7,3,4,6,1,5,0]]
[[4,2,6,5,0,1,7,3], [7,5,2,4,6,1,0,3], [0,4,5,1,3,7,6,2], [7,6,2,1,3,0,4,5],
[5,3,6,2,7,0,1,4], [1,7,4,2,3,5,6,0], [6,4,1,0,7,5,3,2], [6,3,0,4,1,2,5,7]]))
= [0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 2]"
by eval