Theory SSA_Semantics
section ‹Proof of Semantic Equivalence›
theory SSA_Semantics imports Construct_SSA begin
type_synonym ('node, 'var) state = "'var ⇀ 'node"
context CFG_SSA_Transformed
declare invar[intro!]
definition step ::
"'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ ('node, 'var) state ⇒ ('node, 'var) state"
"step g m s v ≡ if v ∈ oldDefs g m then Some m else s v"
inductive bs :: "'g ⇒ 'node list ⇒ ('node, 'var) state ⇒ bool" (‹_ ⊢ _⇓_› [50, 50, 50] 50)
"g ⊢ Entry g-ns→last ns ⟹ g ⊢ ns⇓(fold (step g) ns Map.empty)"
definition ssaStep ::
"'g ⇒ 'node ⇒ nat ⇒ ('node, 'val) state ⇒ ('node, 'val) state"
"ssaStep g m i s v ≡
if v ∈ defs g m then
Some m
case phis g (m,v) of
Some phiParams ⇒ s (phiParams ! i)
| None ⇒ s v"
inductive ssaBS :: "'g ⇒ 'node list ⇒ ('node, 'val) state ⇒ bool" (‹_ ⊢ _⇓⇩s _› [50, 50, 50] 50)
g :: 'g
empty: "g ⊢ [Entry g]⇓⇩s(ssaStep g (Entry g) 0 Map.empty)"
| snoc: "⟦g ⊢ ns⇓⇩ss; last ns = old.predecessors g m ! i; m ∈ set (αn g); i < length (old.predecessors g m)⟧ ⟹
g ⊢ (ns@[m])⇓⇩s(ssaStep g m i s)"
lemma ssaBS_I:
assumes "g ⊢ Entry g-ns→n"
obtains s where "g ⊢ ns⇓⇩ss"
using assms
proof (atomize_elim, induction rule:old.path2_rev_induct)
case (snoc ns m' m)
then obtain s where s: "g ⊢ ns⇓⇩ss" by auto
from snoc.hyps(2) obtain i where "m' = old.predecessors g m ! i" "i < length (old.predecessors g m)" by (auto simp:in_set_conv_nth)
with snoc.hyps snoc.prems s show ?case by -(rule exI, erule ssaBS.snoc, auto dest:old.path2_last)
qed (auto intro: ssaBS.empty)
lemma ssaBS_nonempty[simp]: "¬ (g ⊢ []⇓⇩ss)"
by (rule notI, cases rule: ssaBS.cases, auto)
lemma ssaBS_hd[simp]: "g ⊢ ns⇓⇩ss ⟹ hd ns = Entry g"
by (induction rule: ssaBS.induct, auto simp: hd_append)
lemma equiv_aux:
assumes "g ⊢ ns⇓s" "g ⊢ ns⇓⇩ss'" "g ⊢ last ns-ms→m" "v ∈ allUses g m" "∀n ∈ set (tl ms). var g v ∉ var g ` allDefs g n"
shows "s (var g v) = s' v"
using assms(2) assms(1,3-) proof (induction arbitrary: v s ms m)
case empty
have "v ∈ defs g (Entry g)"
from empty.prems(2,3) have "defAss g m v" by - (rule allUses_def_ass, auto)
with empty.prems(2) obtain n where n: "n ∈ set ms" "v ∈ allDefs g n" by - (drule defAssD, auto)
with empty.prems(4) have "n ∉ set (tl ms)" by auto
with empty.prems(2) n have "n = Entry g" by (cases ms, auto dest: old.path2_hd)
with n(2) show ?thesis by (auto simp: allDefs_def)
with empty.prems(1) show ?case
by - (erule bs.cases, auto simp: step_def ssaStep_def oldDefs_def split: option.split)
case (snoc ns s' n i)
from snoc.prems(2) have[simp]: "n ∈ set (αn g)" "m ∈ set (αn g)" by auto
from snoc.prems(2,3) have[simp]: "v ∈ allVars g" by - (rule allUses_in_allVars, auto)
from snoc.hyps(4) have[simp]: "n ≠ Entry g" by (auto simp: Entry_no_predecessor)
show ?case
proof (cases "var g v ∈ var g ` allDefs g n")
case True
have[simp]: "defNode g v = n" (is "?n⇩v = _")
from True obtain v' where v': "v' ∈ allDefs g n" "var g v' = var g v" by auto
from snoc.prems(3) have "defAss g m v" by - (rule allUses_def_ass, auto)
moreover from snoc.prems(1) obtain ns' where ns': "g ⊢ Entry g-ns'→n" "set ns' ⊆ set (ns@[n])" "distinct ns'"
by (auto elim!: bs.cases intro: old.simple_path2)
ultimately have "?n⇩v ∈ set (ns'@tl ms)"
using snoc.prems(2) by - (drule defAss_defNode, auto elim!: bs.cases dest: old.path2_app)
moreover {
let ?n'' = "last (butlast ns')"
assume asm: "?n⇩v ∈ set (butlast ns')"
with ns'(1,3) have[simp]: "?n⇩v ≠ n" by (cases ns' rule: rev_cases, auto dest!: old.path2_last)
from ns'(1) have "length ns' ≥ 2" by auto
with ns' have bns': "g ⊢ Entry g-butlast ns'→?n''" "?n'' ∈ set (old.predecessors g n)"
by (auto elim: old.path2_unsnoc)
with asm obtain ns'' where ns'': "g ⊢ ?n⇩v-ns''→?n''" "suffix ns'' (butlast ns')" "?n⇩v ∉ set (tl ns'')"
by - (rule old.path2_split_first_last, auto)
with bns' snoc.prems(2) have "g ⊢ ?n⇩v-(ns''@[n])@tl ms→m" by - (rule old.path2_app, auto)
hence "defNode g v' ∉ set (tl (ns''@[n]@tl ms))"
using v' snoc.prems(3,4) bns'(2) ns''(1,3)
by - (rule conventional''[of g v _ m], auto intro!: old.path2_app simp: old.path2_not_Nil)
with ns' ns''(1) v'(1) have False by (auto simp: old.path2_not_Nil)
ultimately show ?thesis using snoc.prems(4) ns'(1) by (cases ns' rule: rev_cases, auto dest: old.path2_last)
from ‹v ∈ allVars g› show ?thesis
proof (cases rule: defNode_cases)
case simpleDef
thus ?thesis using snoc.prems(1) by - (erule bs.cases, auto simp: step_def ssaStep_def oldDefs_def)
case phi
fix v'
assume asm: "v' ∈ defs g n" "var g v = var g v'"
with phi have "v' = v" using allDefs_var_disjoint[of n g v' v]
by (cases, auto dest!: phi_phiDefs)
with asm(1) phi have False using simpleDefs_phiDefs_disjoint[of n g]
by (auto dest!: phi_phiDefs)
note 1 = this
fix vs
assume asm: "g ⊢ Entry g-ns @ [n]→n" "phis g (n, v) = Some vs" "var g v ∉ var g ` defs g n"
let ?n' = "last ns"
from asm(1) have "length ns ≥ 1" by (cases ns, auto simp: old.path2_def)
hence "g ⊢ Entry g-ns→?n'"
by - (rule old.path2_unsnoc[OF asm(1)], auto)
moreover have "vs ! i ∈ phiUses g ?n'" using snoc.hyps(2,4) phis_wf[OF asm(2)]
by - (rule phiUsesI[OF _ asm(2)], auto simp: set_zip)
ultimately have "fold (step g) ns Map.empty (var g (vs ! i)) = s' (vs ! i)"
by - (rule snoc.IH[where ms1="[?n']" and m1="?n'"], auto intro!: bs.intros)
hence "fold (step g) ns Map.empty (var g v) = s' (vs ! i)" using phis_same_var[OF asm(2), of "vs ! i"] snoc.hyps(4) phis_wf[OF asm(2)]
by auto
thus ?thesis using phi snoc.prems(1)
by - (erule bs.cases, auto dest!: 1 simp: step_def ssaStep_def oldDefs_def phi_def)
case False
hence "phis g (n, v) = None" by (auto simp: allDefs_def phiDefs_def)
moreover have "fold (step g) ns Map.empty (var g v) = s' v"
from snoc.hyps(1) have "length ns ≥ 1" by (cases ns, auto)
moreover from snoc.prems(2,4) False have "∀n ∈ set ms. var g v ∉ var g ` allDefs g n"
by (cases ms, auto simp: phiDefs_def dest: old.path2_hd)
ultimately show ?thesis
using snoc.prems(1,2,3) by - (rule snoc.IH[where ms1="last ns#ms"], auto elim!: bs.cases intro!: bs.intros elim: old.path2_unsnoc intro!: old.Cons_path2)
ultimately show ?thesis
using snoc.prems(1) False by - (erule bs.cases, auto simp: step_def ssaStep_def oldDefs_def)
theorem equiv:
assumes "g ⊢ ns⇓s" "g ⊢ ns⇓⇩ss'" "v ∈ uses g (last ns)"
shows "s (var g v) = s' v"
using assms by - (rule equiv_aux[where ms="[last ns]"], auto elim!: bs.cases)