Theory Fermat4

(*  Title:      Fermat4.thy
    Author:     Roelof Oosterhuis
                2007  Rijksuniversiteit Groningen

section ‹Pythagorean triples and Fermat's last theorem, case $n=4$›

theory Fermat4
imports "HOL-Computational_Algebra.Primes"


(* TODO: this lemma is also used in Fermat3 with a slightly different generalization to ints.
Maybe it should be generalized to factorial rings and moved to another theory. *)
private lemma nat_relprime_power_divisors: 
  assumes n0: "0 < n" and abc: "(a::nat)*b = c^n" and relprime: "coprime a b"
  shows " k. a = k^n"
using assms proof (induct c arbitrary: a b rule: nat_less_induct)
case (1 c)
  show ?case
  proof (cases "a > 1")
  case False
    hence "a = 0  a = 1" by linarith
    thus ?thesis using n0 power_one zero_power by (simp only: eq_sym_conv) blast
  case True
    then obtain p where p: "prime p" "p dvd a" using prime_factor_nat[of a] by blast
    hence h1: "p dvd (c^n)" using 1(3) dvd_mult2[of p a b] by presburger
    hence "(p^n) dvd (c^n)"
      using p(1) prime_dvd_power_nat[of p c n] dvd_power_same[of p c n] by blast
    moreover have h2: "¬ p dvd b"
      using p coprime a b coprime_common_divisor_nat [of a b p] by auto
    hence "¬ (p^n) dvd b" using n0 p(1)
      by (auto intro: dvd_trans dvd_power[of n p])
    ultimately have "(p^n) dvd a"
      using "1.prems" p(1) prime_elem_divprod_pow [of p a b n] by simp
    then obtain a' c' where ac: "a = p^n * a'" "c = p * c'"
      using h1 dvdE[of "p^n" a] dvdE[of p c] prime_dvd_power_nat[of p c n] p(1) by meson
    hence "p^n * (a' * b) = p^n * c'^n" using 1(3)
      by (simp add: power_mult_distrib semiring_normalization_rules(18))
    hence "a' * b = c'^n" using p(1) by auto
    moreover have "coprime a' b" using 1(4) ac(1)
      by (simp add: ac_simps)
    moreover have "0 < b" "0 < a" using h2 dvd_0_right gr0I True by fastforce+
    then have "0 < c" "1 < p"
      using p a * b = c ^ n n0 nat_0_less_mult_iff [of a b] n0
      by (auto simp add: prime_gt_Suc_0_nat)
    hence "c' < c" using ac(2) by simp
    ultimately obtain k where "a' = k^n" using 1(1) n0 by presburger
    hence "a = (p*k)^n" using ac(1) by (simp add: power_mult_distrib)
    thus ?thesis by blast

private lemma int_relprime_power_divisors:
  assumes "0 < n" and "0  a" and "0  b" and "(a::int) * b = c ^ n" and "coprime a b"
  shows "k. a = k^n"
proof (cases "a = 0")
  case False
  from 0  a 0  b a * b = c ^ n[symmetric] have "0  c ^ n"
    by simp
  hence "c^n = ¦c¦^n" using power_even_abs[of n c] zero_le_power_eq[of c n] by linarith
  hence "a * b = ¦c¦^n" using assms(4) by presburger
  hence "nat a * nat b = (nat ¦c¦)^n" using nat_mult_distrib[of "a" "b"] assms(2)
    by (simp add: nat_power_eq)
  moreover have "0  b" using assms mult_less_0_iff[of a b] False by auto
  with 0  a coprime a b have "coprime (nat a) (nat b)"
    using coprime_nat_abs_left_iff [of a "nat b"] by simp
  ultimately have " k. nat a = k^n"
    using nat_relprime_power_divisors[of n "nat a" "nat b" "nat ¦c¦"] assms(1) by blast
  thus ?thesis using assms(2) int_nat_eq[of "a"] by fastforce
qed (simp add: zero_power[of n] assms(1))

text ‹Proof of Fermat's last theorem for the case $n=4$: $$\forall x,y,z:~x^4 + y^4 = z^4 \Longrightarrow xyz=0.$$›

NB: this lemma is quite slow, maybe use more steps *)
private lemma nat_power2_diff: "a  (b::nat)  (a-b)^2 = a^2 + b^2 - 2*a*b"
proof -
  assume a_ge_b: "a  b"
  hence a2_ge_b2: "a^2  b^2" by (simp only: power_mono)
  from a_ge_b have ab_ge_b2: "a*b  b^2" by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
  have "b*(a-b) + (a-b)^2 = a*(a-b)" by (simp add: power2_eq_square diff_mult_distrib)
  also have " = a*b + a^2 + (b^2 - b^2) - 2*a*b" 
    by (simp add: diff_mult_distrib2 power2_eq_square)
  also with a2_ge_b2 have " = a*b + (a^2 - b^2) + b^2 - 2*a*b"
    by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
  also with ab_ge_b2 have " = (a*b - b^2) + a^2 + b^2 - 2*a*b" by auto
  also have " = b*(a-b) + a^2 + b^2 - 2*a*b" 
    by (simp only: diff_mult_distrib2 power2_eq_square mult.commute)
  finally show ?thesis by arith

private lemma nat_power_le_imp_le_base: " n  0; a^n  b^n   (a::nat)  b"
  by simp
private lemma nat_power_inject_base: " n  0; a^n = b^n   (a::nat) = b"
proof -
  assume "n  0" and ab: "a^n = b^n"
  then obtain m where "n = Suc m" by (frule_tac n="n" in not0_implies_Suc, auto)
  with ab have "a^Suc m = b^Suc m" and "a  0" and "b  0" by auto
  thus ?thesis by (rule power_inject_base)
subsection ‹Parametrisation of Pythagorean triples (over $\mathbb{N}$ and $\mathbb{Z}$)›

private theorem nat_euclid_pyth_triples:
  assumes abc: "(a::nat)^2 + b^2 = c^2" and ab_relprime: "coprime a b" and aodd: "odd a"
  shows " p q. a = p^2 - q^2  b = 2*p*q  c = p^2 + q^2  coprime p q"
proof -
  have two0: "(2::nat)  0" by simp
  from abc have a2cb: "a^2 = c^2 - b^2" by arith
  ― ‹factor $a^2$ in coprime factors $(c-b)$ and $(c+b)$; hence both are squares›
  have a2factor: "a^2 = (c-b)*(c+b)"
  proof -
    have "c*b - c*b = 0" by simp
    with a2cb have "a^2 = c*c + c*b - c*b - b*b" by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
    also have " = c*(c+b) - b*(c+b)" 
      by (simp add: add_mult_distrib2 add_mult_distrib mult.commute)
    finally show ?thesis by (simp only: diff_mult_distrib)
  have a_nonzero: "a  0"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ a  0" hence "a = 0" by simp
    with aodd have "odd (0::nat)" by simp
    thus False by simp
  have b_less_c: "b < c"
  proof -
    from abc have "b^2  c^2" by linarith
    with two0 have "b  c" by (rule_tac n="2" in nat_power_le_imp_le_base)
    moreover have"b  c"
      assume "b=c" with a2cb have "a^2 = 0" by simp
      with a_nonzero show False by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  hence b2_le_c2: "b^2  c^2" by (simp add: power_mono)
  have bc_relprime: "coprime b c"
  proof -
    from b2_le_c2 have cancelb2: "c^2-b^2+b^2 = c^2" by auto
    let ?g = "gcd b c"
    have "?g^2 = gcd (b^2) (c^2)" by simp
    with cancelb2 have "?g^2 = gcd (b^2) (c^2-b^2+b^2)" by simp
    hence "?g^2 = gcd (b^2) (c^2-b^2)" using gcd_add2[of "b^2" "c^2 - b^2"] 
      by (simp add: algebra_simps del: gcd_add1)
    with a2cb have "?g^2 dvd a^2" by (simp only: gcd_dvd2)
    hence "?g dvd a  ?g dvd b" by simp
    hence "?g dvd gcd a b" by (simp only: gcd_greatest)
    with ab_relprime show ?thesis
      by (simp add: ac_simps gcd_eq_1_imp_coprime)
  have p2: "prime (2::nat)" by simp
  have factors_odd: "odd (c-b)  odd (c+b)"
  proof (auto simp only: ccontr)
    assume "even (c-b)" 
    with a2factor have "2 dvd a^2" by (simp only: dvd_mult2)
    with p2 have "2 dvd a" by auto
    with aodd show False by simp
    assume "even (c+b)"
    with a2factor have "2 dvd a^2" by (simp only: dvd_mult)
    with p2 have "2 dvd a" by auto
    with aodd show False by simp
  have cb1: "c-b + (c+b) = 2*c" 
  proof -
    have "c-b + (c+b) = ((c-b)+b)+c" by simp
    also with b_less_c have " = (c+b-b)+c" by (simp only: diff_add_assoc2)
    also have " = c+c" by simp
    finally show ?thesis by simp
  have cb2: "2*b + (c-b) = c+b"
  proof -
    have "2*b + (c-b) = b+b + (c - b)" by auto
    also have " = b + ((c-b)+b)" by simp
    also with b_less_c have "  = b + (c+b-b)" by (simp only: diff_add_assoc2)
    finally show ?thesis by simp
  have factors_relprime: "coprime (c-b) (c+b)"
  proof -
    let ?g = "gcd (c-b) (c+b)"
    have cb1: "c-b + (c+b) = 2*c"
    proof -
      have "c-b + (c+b) = ((c-b)+b)+c" by simp
      also with b_less_c have " = (c+b-b)+c" by (simp only: diff_add_assoc2)
      also have " = c+c" by simp
      finally show ?thesis by simp
    have "?g = gcd (c-b + (c+b)) (c+b)" by simp
    with cb1 have "?g = gcd (2*c) (c+b)" by (rule_tac a="c-b + (c+b)" in back_subst)
    hence g2c: "?g dvd 2*c" by (simp only: gcd_dvd1)
    have "gcd (c-b) (2*b + (c-b)) = gcd (c-b) (2*b)"
      using gcd_add2[of "c - b" "2*b + (c - b)"] by (simp add: algebra_simps)
    with cb2 have "?g = gcd (c-b) (2*b)" by (rule_tac a="2*b + (c-b)" in back_subst)
    hence g2b: "?g dvd 2*b" by (simp only: gcd_dvd2)
    with g2c have "?g dvd 2 * gcd b c" by (simp only: gcd_greatest gcd_mult_distrib_nat)
    with bc_relprime have "?g dvd 2" by simp
    moreover have "?g  0"
      using b_less_c by auto
    ultimately have "1  ?g" "?g  2"
      by (simp_all add: dvd_imp_le)
    then have g1or2: "?g = 2  ?g = 1"
      by arith
    moreover have "?g  2"
      assume "?g = 2"
      moreover have "?g dvd c - b"
        by simp
      ultimately show False
        using factors_odd by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      by (auto intro: gcd_eq_1_imp_coprime)
  from a2factor have "(c-b)*(c+b) = a^2" and "(2::nat) >1"  by auto
  with factors_relprime have " k. c-b = k^2"
    by (simp only: nat_relprime_power_divisors)
  then obtain r where r: "c-b = r^2" by auto
  from a2factor have "(c+b)*(c-b) = a^2" and "(2::nat) >1"  by auto
  with factors_relprime have " k. c+b = k^2"
    by (simp only: nat_relprime_power_divisors ac_simps)
  then obtain s where s: "c+b = s^2" by auto
  ― ‹now $p := (s+r)/2$ and $q := (s-r)/2$ is our solution›
  have rs_odd: "odd r  odd s"
  proof (auto dest: ccontr)
    assume "even r" hence "2 dvd r"by presburger
    with r have  "2 dvd (c-b)" by (simp only: power2_eq_square dvd_mult)
    with factors_odd show False by auto
    assume "even s" hence "2 dvd s" by presburger
    with s have "2 dvd (c+b)" by (simp only: power2_eq_square dvd_mult)
    with factors_odd show False by auto
  obtain m where m: "m = s-r" by simp
  from r s have "r^2  s^2" by arith
  with two0 have "r  s" by (rule_tac n="2" in nat_power_le_imp_le_base)
  with m have m2: "s = r + m" by simp
  have "even m" 
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "odd m" with rs_odd and m2 show False by presburger 
  then obtain q where "m = 2*q" ..
  with m2 have q: "s = r + 2*q" by simp
  obtain p where p: "p = r+q" by simp
  have c: "c = p^2 + q^2"
  proof -
    from cb1 and r and s have "2*c = r^2 + s^2" by simp
    also with q have " = 2*r^2+(2*q)^2+2*r*(2*q)" by algebra
    also have " = 2*r^2+2^2*q^2+2*2*q*r" by (simp add: power_mult_distrib)
    also have " = 2*(r^2+2*q*r+q^2)+2*q^2" by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
    also with p have " = 2*p^2+2*q^2" by algebra
    finally show ?thesis by auto
  moreover have b: "b = 2*p*q"
  proof -
    from cb2 and r and s have "2*b = s^2 - r^2" by arith
    also with q have " = (2*q)^2 + 2*r*(2*q)" by (simp add: power2_sum)
    also with p have " = 4*q*p" by (simp add: power2_eq_square add_mult_distrib2)
    finally show ?thesis by auto
  moreover have a: "a = p^2 - q^2"
  proof -
    from p have "pq" by simp
    hence p2_ge_q2: "p^2  q^2" by (simp only: power_mono)
    from a2cb and b and c have "a^2 = (p^2 + q^2)^2 - (2*p*q)^2" by simp
    also have " = (p^2)^2 + (q^2)^2 - 2*(p^2)*(q^2)" 
      by (auto simp add: power2_sum power_mult_distrib ac_simps)
    also with p2_ge_q2 have " = (p^2 - q^2)^2" by (simp only: nat_power2_diff)
    finally have "a^2 = (p^2 - q^2)^2" by simp
    with two0 show ?thesis by (rule_tac n="2" in nat_power_inject_base)
  moreover have "coprime p q"
  proof -
    let ?k = "gcd p q"
    have "?k dvd p  ?k dvd q" by simp
    with b and a have "?k dvd a  ?k dvd b" 
      by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
    hence "?k dvd gcd a b" by (simp only: gcd_greatest)
    with ab_relprime show ?thesis
      by (auto intro: gcd_eq_1_imp_coprime)
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

text ‹Now for the case of integers. Based on \textit{nat-euclid-pyth-triples}.›
private corollary int_euclid_pyth_triples: " coprime (a::int) b; odd a; a^2 + b^2 = c^2 
    p q. a = p^2 - q^2  b = 2*p*q  ¦c¦ = p^2 + q^2  coprime p q"
proof -
  assume ab_rel: "coprime a b" and aodd: "odd a" and abc: "a^2 + b^2 = c^2"
  let ?a = "nat¦a¦"
  let ?b = "nat¦b¦"
  let ?c = "nat¦c¦"
  have ab2_pos: "a^2  0  b^2  0" by simp
  hence "nat(a^2) + nat(b^2) = nat(a^2 + b^2)" by (simp only: nat_add_distrib)
  with abc have "nat(a^2) + nat(b^2) = nat(c^2)" by presburger
  hence "nat(¦a¦^2) + nat(¦b¦^2) = nat(¦c¦^2)" by simp
  hence new_abc: "?a^2 + ?b^2 = ?c^2"
    by (simp only: nat_mult_distrib power2_eq_square nat_add_distrib)
  moreover from ab_rel have new_ab_rel: "coprime ?a ?b"
    by (simp add: gcd_int_def)
  moreover have new_a_odd: "odd ?a" using aodd
    by simp
  ultimately have 
    " p q. ?a = p^2-q^2  ?b = 2*p*q  ?c = p^2 + q^2  coprime p q" 
    by (rule_tac a="?a" and b = "?b" and c="?c" in nat_euclid_pyth_triples)
  then obtain m and n where mn: 
    "?a = m^2-n^2  ?b = 2*m*n  ?c = m^2 + n^2  coprime m n" by auto
  have "n^2  m^2"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬ n^2  m^2"
    with mn have "?a = 0" by auto
    with new_a_odd show False by simp
  moreover from mn have "int ?a = int(m^2 - n^2)" and "int ?b = int(2*m*n)" 
    and "int ?c = int(m^2 + n^2)" by auto
  ultimately have "¦a¦ = int(m^2) - int(n^2)" and "¦b¦ = int(2*m*n)"
    and "¦c¦ = int(m^2) + int(n^2)" by (simp add: of_nat_diff)+
  hence absabc: "¦a¦ = (int m)^2 - (int n)^2  ¦b¦ = 2*(int m)*int n
     ¦c¦ = (int m)^2 + (int n)^2" by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
  from mn have mn_rel: "coprime (int m) (int n)"
    by (simp add: gcd_int_def)
  show " p q. a = p^2 - q^2  b = 2*p*q  ¦c¦ = p^2 + q^2  coprime p q" 
    (is " p q. ?Q p q")
  proof (cases)
    assume apos: "a  0" then obtain p where p: "p = int m" by simp
    hence " q. ?Q p q"
    proof (cases)
      assume bpos: "b  0" then obtain q where "q = int n" by simp
      with p apos bpos absabc mn_rel have "?Q p q" by simp
      thus ?thesis by (rule exI)
      assume "¬ b0" hence bneg: "b<0" by simp 
      then obtain q where "q = - int n" by simp
      with p apos bneg absabc mn_rel have "?Q p q" by simp
      thus ?thesis by (rule exI)
    thus ?thesis by (simp only: exI)
    assume "¬ a0" hence aneg: "a<0" by simp 
    then obtain p where p: "p = int n" by simp
    hence " q. ?Q p q"
    proof (cases)
      assume bpos: "b  0" then obtain q where "q = int m" by simp
      with p aneg bpos absabc mn_rel have "?Q p q"
        by (simp add: ac_simps)
      thus ?thesis by (rule exI)
      assume "¬ b0" hence bneg: "b<0" by simp 
      then obtain q where "q = - int m" by simp
      with p aneg bneg absabc mn_rel have "?Q p q" 
        by (simp add: ac_simps)
      thus ?thesis by (rule exI)
    thus ?thesis by (simp only: exI)

subsection ‹Fermat's last theorem, case $n=4$›

text ‹Core of the proof. Constructs a smaller solution over $\mathbb{Z}$ of $$a^4+b^4=c^2\,\land\,coprime\,a\,b\,\land\,abc\ne 0\,\land\,a~{\rm odd}.$$›

private lemma smaller_fermat4:
  assumes abc: "(a::int)^4+b^4=c^2" and abc0: "a*b*c  0" and aodd: "odd a" 
    and ab_relprime: "coprime a b"
  " p q r. (p^4+q^4=r^2  p*q*r  0  odd p  coprime p q  r^2 < c^2)"
proof - 
  ― ‹put equation in shape of a pythagorean triple and obtain $u$ and $v$›
  from ab_relprime have a2b2relprime: "coprime (a^2) (b^2)"
    by simp
  moreover from aodd have "odd (a^2)" by presburger
  moreover from abc have "(a^2)^2 + (b^2)^2 = c^2" by simp
  ultimately obtain u and v where uvabc: 
    "a^2 = u^2-v^2  b^2 = 2*u*v  ¦c¦ = u^2 + v^2  coprime u v" 
    by (frule_tac a="a^2" in int_euclid_pyth_triples, auto)
  with abc0 have uv0: "u0  v0" by auto
  have av_relprime: "coprime a v" 
  proof -
    have "gcd a v dvd gcd (a^2) v" by (simp add: power2_eq_square)
    moreover from uvabc have "gcd v (a^2) dvd gcd (b^2) (a^2)"
      by simp
    with a2b2relprime have "gcd (a^2) v dvd (1::int)"
      by (simp add: ac_simps)
    ultimately have "gcd a v dvd 1"
      by (rule dvd_trans)
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: gcd_eq_1_imp_coprime)
  ― ‹make again a pythagorean triple and obtain $k$ and $l$›
  from uvabc have "a^2 + v^2 = u^2" by simp
  with av_relprime and aodd obtain k l where 
    klavu: "a = k^2-l^2  v = 2*k*l  ¦u¦ = k^2+l^2" and kl_rel: "coprime k l" 
    by (frule_tac a="a" in int_euclid_pyth_triples, auto)
  ― ‹prove $b=2m$ and $kl(k^2 + l^2) = m^2$, for coprime $k$, $l$ and $k^2+l^2$›
  from uvabc have "even (b^2)" by simp
  hence "even b" by simp
  then obtain m where bm: "b = 2*m" using evenE by blast
  have "¦k¦*¦l¦*¦k^2+l^2¦ = m^2"
  proof -  
    from bm have "4*m^2 = b^2" by (simp only: power2_eq_square ac_simps)
    also have " = ¦b^2¦" by simp
    also with uvabc have " = 2*¦v¦*¦¦u¦¦" by (simp add: abs_mult)
    also with klavu have " = 2*¦2*k*l¦*¦k^2+l^2¦" by simp
    also have " = 4*¦k¦*¦l¦*¦k^2+l^2¦" by (auto simp add: abs_mult)
    finally show ?thesis by simp
  moreover have "(2::nat) > 1" by auto
  moreover from kl_rel have "coprime ¦k¦ ¦l¦" by simp
  moreover have "coprime ¦l¦ (¦k^2+l^2¦)"
  proof -
    from kl_rel have "coprime (k*k) l"
      by simp
    hence "coprime (k*k+l*l) l" using gcd_add_mult [of l l "k*k"]
      by (simp add: ac_simps gcd_eq_1_imp_coprime)
    hence "coprime l (k^2+l^2)"
      by (simp add: power2_eq_square ac_simps)
    thus ?thesis by simp
  moreover have "coprime ¦k^2+l^2¦ ¦k¦"
  proof -
    from kl_rel have "coprime l k"
      by (simp add: ac_simps)
    hence "coprime (l*l) k"
      by simp
    hence "coprime (l*l+k*k) k" using gcd_add_mult[of k k "l*l"]
      by (simp add: ac_simps gcd_eq_1_imp_coprime)
    hence "coprime (k^2+l^2) k"
      by (simp add: power2_eq_square ac_simps)
    thus ?thesis by simp
  ultimately have " x y z. ¦k¦ = x^2  ¦l¦ = y^2  ¦k^2+l^2¦ = z^2"
    using int_relprime_power_divisors[of 2 "¦k¦" "¦l¦ * ¦k2 + l2¦" m]
      int_relprime_power_divisors[of 2 "¦l¦" "¦k¦ * ¦k2 + l2¦" m]
      int_relprime_power_divisors[of 2 "¦k2 + l2¦" "¦k¦*¦l¦" m]
    by (simp_all add: ac_simps)
  then obtain α β γ where albega: 
    "¦k¦ = α^2  ¦l¦ = β^2  ¦k^2+l^2¦ = γ^2" 
    by auto
  ― ‹show this is a new solution›
  have "k^2 = α^4"
  proof -
    from albega have "¦k¦^2 = (α^2)^2" by simp
    thus ?thesis by simp
  moreover have "l^2 = β^4"
  proof -
    from albega have "¦l¦^2 = (β^2)^2" by simp
    thus ?thesis by simp
  moreover have gamma2: "k^2 + l^2 = γ^2"
  proof -
    have "k^2  0  l^2  0" by simp
    with albega show ?thesis by auto
  ultimately have newabc: "α^4 + β^4 = γ^2" by auto 
  from uv0 klavu albega have albega0: "α * β * γ   0" by auto
  ― ‹show the coprimality›
  have alphabeta_relprime: "coprime α β"
  proof (rule classical)
    let ?g = "gcd α β"
    assume "¬ coprime α β"
    then have gnot1: "?g  1"
      by (auto intro: gcd_eq_1_imp_coprime)
    have "?g > 1"
    proof -
      have "?g  0"
        assume "?g=0"
        hence "nat ¦α¦=0" by simp
        hence "α=0" by arith
        with albega0 show False by simp
      hence "?g>0" by auto
      with gnot1 show ?thesis by linarith
    moreover have "?g dvd gcd k l"
    proof -
      have "?g dvd α  ?g dvd β" by auto
      with albega have "?g dvd ¦k¦  ?g dvd ¦l¦" 
        by (simp add: power2_eq_square mult.commute)
      hence "?g dvd k  ?g dvd l" by simp
      thus ?thesis by simp
    ultimately have "gcd k l  1" by fastforce
    with kl_rel show ?thesis by auto
  ― ‹choose $p$ and $q$ in the right way›
  have " p q. p^4 + q^4 = γ^2  p*q*γ  0  odd p  coprime p q"
  proof -
    have "odd α  odd β"      
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬ (odd α  odd β)" 
      hence "even α  even β" by simp
      then have "2 dvd α  2 dvd β" by simp
      then have "2 dvd gcd α β" by simp
      with alphabeta_relprime show False by auto
    { assume "odd α"
      with newabc albega0 alphabeta_relprime obtain p q where 
        "p=α  q=β  p^4 + q^4 = γ^2  p*q*γ   0  odd p  coprime p q" 
        by auto
      hence ?thesis by auto }
    { assume "odd β"
      with newabc albega0 alphabeta_relprime obtain p q where 
        "q=α  p=β  p^4 + q^4 = γ^2  p*q*γ   0  odd p  coprime p q" 
        by (auto simp add: ac_simps)
      hence ?thesis by auto }
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  ― ‹show the solution is smaller›
  moreover have "γ^2 < c^2"
  proof -
    from gamma2 klavu have "γ^2  ¦u¦" by simp
    also have h1: "  ¦u¦^2" using self_le_power[of "¦u¦" 2] uv0 by auto
    also have h2: "  u^2" by simp
    also have h3: " < u^2 + v^2" 
    proof -
      from uv0 have v2non0: "0  v^2" 
        by simp
      have "0  v^2" by (rule zero_le_power2)
      with v2non0 have "0 < v^2" by (auto simp add: less_le)
      thus ?thesis by auto
    also with uvabc have "  ¦c¦" by auto
    also have "  ¦c¦^2" using self_le_power[of "¦c¦" 2] h1 h2 h3 uvabc by linarith
    also have "  c^2" by simp
    finally show ?thesis by simp
  ultimately show ?thesis by auto

text ‹Show that no solution exists, by infinite descent of $c^2$.›

private lemma no_rewritten_fermat4:
  "¬ ( (a::int) b. (a^4 + b^4 = c^2  a*b*c  0  odd a  coprime a b))"
proof (induct c rule: infinite_descent0_measure[where V="λc. nat(c^2)"])
  case (0 x)
  have "x^2  0" by (rule zero_le_power2)
  with 0 have "int(nat(x^2)) = 0" by auto
  hence "x = 0" by auto
  thus ?case by auto
  case (smaller x)
  then obtain a b where "a^4 + b^4 = x^2" and "a*b*x  0" 
    and "odd a" and "coprime a b" by auto
  hence " p q r. (p^4+q^4=r^2  p*q*r  0  odd p
     coprime p q  r^2 < x^2)" by (rule smaller_fermat4)
  then obtain p q r where pqr: "p^4 + q^4 = r^2  p*q*r  0  odd p
     coprime p q  r^2 < x^2" by auto
  have "r^2  0" and "x^2  0" by (auto simp only: zero_le_power2)
  hence "int(nat(r^2)) = r^2  int(nat(x^2)) = x^2" by auto
  with pqr have "int(nat(r^2)) < int(nat(x^2))" by auto
  hence "nat(r^2) < nat(x^2)" by presburger
  with pqr show ?case by auto

text ‹The theorem. Puts equation in requested shape.›

theorem fermat_4:
  assumes ass: "(x::int)^4 + y^4 = z^4"
  shows "x*y*z=0"
proof (rule ccontr)
  let ?g = "gcd x y"
  let ?c = "(z div ?g)^2"
  assume xyz0: "x*y*z  0"
  ― ‹divide out the g.c.d.›
  hence "x  0  y  0" by simp
  then obtain a b where ab: "x = ?g*a  y = ?g*b  coprime a b"
     using gcd_coprime_exists[of x y] by (auto simp: mult.commute)
  moreover have abc: "a^4 + b^4 = ?c^2  a*b*?c  0"
  proof -
    have zgab: "z^4 = ?g^4 * (a^4+b^4)"
    proof -
      from ab ass have "z^4 = (?g*a)^4+(?g*b)^4" by simp
      thus ?thesis by (simp only: power_mult_distrib distrib_left)
    have cgz: "z^2 = ?c * ?g^2" 
    proof -
      from zgab have "?g^4 dvd z^4" by simp
      hence "?g dvd z" by simp
      hence "(z div ?g)*?g = z" by (simp only: ac_simps dvd_mult_div_cancel)
      with ab show ?thesis by (auto simp only: power2_eq_square ac_simps)
    with xyz0 have c0: "?c0" by (auto simp add: power2_eq_square)
    from xyz0 have g0: "?g0" by simp
    have "a^4 + b^4 = ?c^2"
    proof -
      have "?c^2 * ?g^4 = (a^4+b^4)*?g^4"
      proof -
        have "?c^2 * ?g^4 = (?c*?g^2)^2" by algebra
        also with cgz have " = (z^2)^2" by simp
        also have " = z^4" by algebra
        also with zgab have " = ?g^4*(a^4+b^4)" by simp
        finally show ?thesis by simp
      with g0 show ?thesis by auto
    moreover from ab xyz0 c0 have "a*b*?c0" by auto
    ultimately show ?thesis by simp
  ― ‹choose the parity right›
  have " p q. p^4 + q^4 = ?c^2  p*q*?c0  odd p  coprime p q"
  proof -
    have "odd a  odd b"
    proof (rule ccontr)
      assume "¬(odd a  odd b)"
      hence "2 dvd a  2 dvd b" by simp
      hence "2 dvd gcd a b" by simp
      with ab show False by auto
    { assume "odd a"
      then obtain p q where "p = a" and "q = b" and "odd p" by simp
      with ab abc have ?thesis by auto }
    { assume "odd b"
      then obtain p q where "p = b" and "q = a" and "odd p" by simp    
      with ab abc have 
        "p^4 + q^4 = ?c^2  p*q*?c0  odd p  coprime p q"
        by (simp add: ac_simps)
      hence ?thesis by auto }
    ultimately show ?thesis by auto
  ― ‹show contradiction using the earlier result›
  thus False by (auto simp only: no_rewritten_fermat4)

corollary fermat_mult4:
  assumes xyz: "(x::int)^n + y^n = z^n" and n: "4 dvd n"
  shows "x*y*z=0"
proof -
  from n obtain m where "n = m*4" by (auto simp only: ac_simps dvd_def)
  with xyz have "(x^m)^4 + (y^m)^4 = (z^m)^4" by (simp only: power_mult)
  hence "(x^m)*(y^m)*(z^m) = 0" by (rule fermat_4)
  thus ?thesis by auto

