Theory SeCaV

chapter SeCaV

  Author: Jørgen Villadsen, DTU Compute, 2020
  Contributors: Stefan Berghofer, Asta Halkjær From, Alexander Birch Jensen & Anders Schlichtkrull

section ‹Sequent Calculus Verifier (SeCaV)›

theory SeCaV imports Main begin

section ‹Syntax: Terms / Formulas›

datatype tm = Fun nat tm list | Var nat

datatype fm = Pre nat tm list | Imp fm fm | Dis fm fm | Con fm fm | Exi fm | Uni fm | Neg fm

section ‹Semantics: Terms / Formulas›

definition shift e v x  λn. if n < v then e n else if n = v then x else e (n - 1)

primrec semantics_term and semantics_list where
  semantics_term e f (Var n) = e n |
  semantics_term e f (Fun i l) = f i (semantics_list e f l) |
  semantics_list e f [] = [] |
  semantics_list e f (t # l) = semantics_term e f t # semantics_list e f l

primrec semantics where
  semantics e f g (Pre i l) = g i (semantics_list e f l) |
  semantics e f g (Imp p q) = (semantics e f g p  semantics e f g q) |
  semantics e f g (Dis p q) = (semantics e f g p  semantics e f g q) |
  semantics e f g (Con p q) = (semantics e f g p  semantics e f g q) |
  semantics e f g (Exi p) = (x. semantics (shift e 0 x) f g p) |
  semantics e f g (Uni p) = (x. semantics (shift e 0 x) f g p) |
  semantics e f g (Neg p) = (¬ semantics e f g p)

― ‹Test›

corollary semantics e f g (Imp (Pre 0 []) (Pre 0 []))
  by simp

lemma ¬ semantics e f g (Neg (Imp (Pre 0 []) (Pre 0 [])))
  by simp

section ‹Auxiliary Functions›

primrec new_term and new_list where
  new_term c (Var n) = True |
  new_term c (Fun i l) = (if i = c then False else new_list c l) |
  new_list c [] = True |
  new_list c (t # l) = (if new_term c t then new_list c l else False)

primrec new where
  new c (Pre i l) = new_list c l |
  new c (Imp p q) = (if new c p then new c q else False) |
  new c (Dis p q) = (if new c p then new c q else False) |
  new c (Con p q) = (if new c p then new c q else False) |
  new c (Exi p) = new c p |
  new c (Uni p) = new c p |
  new c (Neg p) = new c p

primrec news where
  news c [] = True |
  news c (p # z) = (if new c p then news c z else False)

primrec inc_term and inc_list where
  inc_term (Var n) = Var (n + 1) |
  inc_term (Fun i l) = Fun i (inc_list l) |
  inc_list [] = [] |
  inc_list (t # l) = inc_term t # inc_list l

primrec sub_term and sub_list where
  sub_term v s (Var n) = (if n < v then Var n else if n = v then s else Var (n - 1)) |
  sub_term v s (Fun i l) = Fun i (sub_list v s l) |
  sub_list v s [] = [] |
  sub_list v s (t # l) = sub_term v s t # sub_list v s l

primrec sub where
  sub v s (Pre i l) = Pre i (sub_list v s l) |
  sub v s (Imp p q) = Imp (sub v s p) (sub v s q) |
  sub v s (Dis p q) = Dis (sub v s p) (sub v s q) |
  sub v s (Con p q) = Con (sub v s p) (sub v s q) |
  sub v s (Exi p) = Exi (sub (v + 1) (inc_term s) p) |
  sub v s (Uni p) = Uni (sub (v + 1) (inc_term s) p) |
  sub v s (Neg p) = Neg (sub v s p)

primrec member where
  member p [] = False |
  member p (q # z) = (if p = q then True else member p z)

primrec ext where
  ext y [] = True |
  ext y (p # z) = (if member p y then ext y z else False)

― ‹Simplifications›

lemma member [iff]: member p z  p  set z
  by (induct z) simp_all

lemma ext [iff]: ext y z  set z  set y
  by (induct z) simp_all

section ‹Sequent Calculus›

inductive sequent_calculus ( _› 0) where
   p # z if member (Neg p) z |
   Dis p q # z if  p # q # z |
   Imp p q # z if  Neg p # q # z |
   Neg (Con p q) # z if  Neg p # Neg q # z |
   Con p q # z if  p # z and  q # z |
   Neg (Imp p q) # z if  p # z and  Neg q # z |
   Neg (Dis p q) # z if  Neg p # z and  Neg q # z |
   Exi p # z if  sub 0 t p # z |
   Neg (Uni p) # z if  Neg (sub 0 t p) # z |
   Uni p # z if  sub 0 (Fun i []) p # z and news i (p # z) |
   Neg (Exi p) # z if  Neg (sub 0 (Fun i []) p) # z and news i (p # z) |
   Neg (Neg p) # z if  p # z |
   y if  z and ext y z

― ‹Test›

corollary  [Imp (Pre 0 []) (Pre 0 [])]
  using sequent_calculus.intros(1,3,13) ext.simps member.simps(2) by metis

section ‹Shorthands›

lemmas Basic = sequent_calculus.intros(1)

lemmas AlphaDis = sequent_calculus.intros(2)
lemmas AlphaImp = sequent_calculus.intros(3)
lemmas AlphaCon = sequent_calculus.intros(4)

lemmas BetaCon = sequent_calculus.intros(5)
lemmas BetaImp = sequent_calculus.intros(6)
lemmas BetaDis = sequent_calculus.intros(7)

lemmas GammaExi = sequent_calculus.intros(8)
lemmas GammaUni = sequent_calculus.intros(9)

lemmas DeltaUni = sequent_calculus.intros(10)
lemmas DeltaExi = sequent_calculus.intros(11)

lemmas Neg = sequent_calculus.intros(12)

lemmas Ext = sequent_calculus.intros(13)

― ‹Test›

    Imp (Pre 0 []) (Pre 0 [])
proof -
  from AlphaImp have ?thesis if 
      Neg (Pre 0 []),
      Pre 0 []
    using that by simp
  with Ext have ?thesis if 
      Pre 0 [],
      Neg (Pre 0 [])
    using that by simp
  with Basic show ?thesis
    by simp

section ‹Appendix: Soundness›

subsection ‹Increment Function›

primrec liftt :: tm  tm and liftts :: tm list  tm list where
  liftt (Var i) = Var (Suc i) |
  liftt (Fun a ts) = Fun a (liftts ts) |
  liftts [] = [] |
  liftts (t # ts) = liftt t # liftts ts

subsection ‹Parameters: Terms›

primrec paramst :: tm  nat set and paramsts :: tm list  nat set where
  paramst (Var n) = {} |
  paramst (Fun a ts) = {a}  paramsts ts |
  paramsts [] = {} |
  paramsts (t # ts) = (paramst t  paramsts ts)

lemma p0 [simp]: paramsts ts = (set (map paramst ts))
  by (induct ts) simp_all

primrec paramst' :: tm  nat set where
  paramst' (Var n) = {} |
  paramst' (Fun a ts) = {a}  (set (map paramst' ts))

lemma p1 [simp]: paramst' t = paramst t
  by (induct t) simp_all

subsection ‹Parameters: Formulas›

primrec params :: fm  nat set where
  params (Pre b ts) = paramsts ts |
  params (Imp p q) = params p  params q |
  params (Dis p q) = params p  params q |
  params (Con p q) = params p  params q |
  params (Exi p) = params p |
  params (Uni p) = params p |
  params (Neg p) = params p

primrec params' :: fm  nat set where
  params' (Pre b ts) = (set (map paramst' ts)) |
  params' (Imp p q) = params' p  params' q |
  params' (Dis p q) = params' p  params' q |
  params' (Con p q) = params' p  params' q |
  params' (Exi p) = params' p |
  params' (Uni p) = params' p |
  params' (Neg p) = params' p

lemma p2 [simp]: params' p = params p
  by (induct p) simp_all

fun paramst'' :: tm  nat set where
  paramst'' (Var n) = {} |
  paramst'' (Fun a ts) = {a}  (t  set ts. paramst'' t)

lemma p1' [simp]: paramst'' t = paramst t
  by (induct t) simp_all

fun params'' :: fm  nat set where
  params'' (Pre b ts) = (t  set ts. paramst'' t) |
  params'' (Imp p q) = params'' p  params'' q |
  params'' (Dis p q) = params'' p  params'' q |
  params'' (Con p q) = params'' p  params'' q |
  params'' (Exi p) = params'' p |
  params'' (Uni p) = params'' p |
  params'' (Neg p) = params'' p

lemma p2' [simp]: params'' p = params p
  by (induct p) simp_all

subsection ‹Update Lemmas›

lemma upd_lemma' [simp]:
  n  paramst t  semantics_term e (f(n := z)) t = semantics_term e f t
  n  paramsts ts  semantics_list e (f(n := z)) ts = semantics_list e f ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: paramst.induct paramsts.induct) auto

lemma upd_lemma [iff]: n  params p  semantics e (f(n := z)) g p  semantics e f g p
  by (induct p arbitrary: e) simp_all

subsection ‹Substitution›

primrec substt :: tm  tm  nat  tm and substts :: tm list  tm  nat  tm list where
  substt (Var i) s k = (if k < i then Var (i - 1) else if i = k then s else Var i) |
  substt (Fun a ts) s k = Fun a (substts ts s k) |
  substts [] s k = [] |
  substts (t # ts) s k = substt t s k # substts ts s k

primrec subst :: fm  tm  nat  fm where
  subst (Pre b ts) s k = Pre b (substts ts s k) |
  subst (Imp p q) s k = Imp (subst p s k) (subst q s k) |
  subst (Dis p q) s k = Dis (subst p s k) (subst q s k) |
  subst (Con p q) s k = Con (subst p s k) (subst q s k) |
  subst (Exi p) s k = Exi (subst p (liftt s) (Suc k)) |
  subst (Uni p) s k = Uni (subst p (liftt s) (Suc k)) |
  subst (Neg p) s k = Neg (subst p s k)

lemma shift_eq [simp]: i = j  (shift e i T) j = T for i :: nat
  unfolding shift_def by simp

lemma shift_gt [simp]: j < i  (shift e i T) j = e j for i :: nat
  unfolding shift_def by simp

lemma shift_lt [simp]: i < j  (shift e i T) j = e (j - 1) for i :: nat
  unfolding shift_def by simp

lemma shift_commute [simp]: shift (shift e i U) 0 T = shift (shift e 0 T) (Suc i) U
  unfolding shift_def by force

lemma subst_lemma' [simp]:
  semantics_term e f (substt t u i) = semantics_term (shift e i (semantics_term e f u)) f t
  semantics_list e f (substts ts u i) = semantics_list (shift e i (semantics_term e f u)) f ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: substt.induct substts.induct) simp_all

lemma lift_lemma [simp]:
  semantics_term (shift e 0 x) f (liftt t) = semantics_term e f t
  semantics_list (shift e 0 x) f (liftts ts) = semantics_list e f ts
  by (induct t and ts rule: liftt.induct liftts.induct) simp_all

lemma subst_lemma [iff]:
  semantics e f g (subst a t i)  semantics (shift e i (semantics_term e f t)) f g a
  by (induct a arbitrary: e i t) simp_all

subsection ‹Auxiliary Lemmas›

lemma s1 [iff]: new_term c t  (c  paramst t) new_list c l  (c  paramsts l)
  by (induct t and l rule: new_term.induct new_list.induct) simp_all

lemma s2 [iff]: new c p  (c  params p)
  by (induct p) simp_all

lemma s3 [iff]: news c z  list_all (λp. c  params p) z
  by (induct z) simp_all

lemma s4 [simp]: inc_term t = liftt t inc_list l = liftts l
  by (induct t and l rule: inc_term.induct inc_list.induct) simp_all

lemma s5 [simp]: sub_term v s t = substt t s v sub_list v s l = substts l s v
  by (induct t and l rule: inc_term.induct inc_list.induct) simp_all

lemma s6 [simp]: sub v s p = subst p s v
  by (induct p arbitrary: v s) simp_all

subsection ‹Soundness›

theorem sound:  z  p  set z. semantics e f g p
proof (induct arbitrary: f rule: sequent_calculus.induct)
  case (10 i p z)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases x. semantics e (f(i := λ_. x)) g (sub 0 (Fun i []) p))
    case False
    moreover have list_all (λp. i  params p) z
      using 10 by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using 10 Ball_set insert_iff list.set(2) upd_lemma by metis
  qed simp
  case (11 i p z)
  then show ?case
  proof (cases x. semantics e (f(i := λ_. x)) g (Neg (sub 0 (Fun i []) p)))
    case False
    moreover have list_all (λp. i  params p) z
      using 11 by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using 11 Ball_set insert_iff list.set(2) upd_lemma by metis
  qed simp
qed force+

corollary  z  p. member p z  semantics e f g p
  using sound by force

corollary  [p]  semantics e f g p
  using sound by force

corollary ¬ ( [])
  using sound by force

section ‹Reference›

text ‹Mordechai Ben-Ari (Springer 2012): Mathematical Logic for Computer Science (Third Edition)›
