Theory FOL_Harrison

  FOL-Harrison - First-Order Logic According to Harrison

  Authors: Alexander Birch Jensen, Anders Schlichtkrull, Jørgen Villadsen

  Acknowledgement: The SML code is based on the OCaml code accompanying John Harrison's
  Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning, Cambridge University Press, 2009

chapter ‹FOL-Harrison›

theory FOL_Harrison

section ‹Module Proven›

subsection ‹Syntax of first-order logic›

type_synonym id = String.literal

datatype tm = Var id | Fn id "tm list"

datatype 'a fm = Truth | Falsity | Atom 'a | Imp "'a fm" "'a fm" | Iff "'a fm" "'a fm" |
    And "'a fm" "'a fm" | Or "'a fm" "'a fm" | Not "'a fm" | Exists id "'a fm" | Forall id "'a fm"

datatype fol = Rl id "tm list"

datatype "thm" = Thm (concl: "fol fm")

subsection ‹Definition of rules and axioms›

abbreviation (input) "fail_thm  Thm Truth"

definition fol_equal :: "fol fm  fol fm  bool"
  "fol_equal p q  p = q"

definition zip_eq :: "tm list  tm list  fol fm list"
  "zip_eq l l'  map (λ(t, t'). Atom (Rl (STR ''='') [t, t'])) (zip l l')"

primrec occurs_in :: "id  tm  bool" and occurs_in_list :: "id  tm list  bool"
  "occurs_in i (Var x) = (i = x)" |
  "occurs_in i (Fn _ l) = occurs_in_list i l" |
  "occurs_in_list _ [] = False" |
  "occurs_in_list i (h # t) = (occurs_in i h  occurs_in_list i t)"

primrec free_in :: "id  fol fm  bool"
  "free_in _ Truth = False" |
  "free_in _ Falsity = False" |
  "free_in i (Atom a) = (case a of Rl _ l  occurs_in_list i l)" |
  "free_in i (Imp p q) = (free_in i p  free_in i q)" |
  "free_in i (Iff p q) = (free_in i p  free_in i q)" |
  "free_in i (And p q) = (free_in i p  free_in i q)" |
  "free_in i (Or p q) = (free_in i p  free_in i q)" |
  "free_in i (Not p) = free_in i p" |
  "free_in i (Exists x p) = (i  x  free_in i p)" |
  "free_in i (Forall x p) = (i  x  free_in i p)"

primrec equal_length :: "tm list  tm list  bool"
  "equal_length l [] = (case l of []  True | _ # _  False)" |
  "equal_length l (_ # r') = (case l of []  False | _ # l'  equal_length l' r')"

definition modusponens :: "thm  thm  thm"
  "modusponens s s'  case concl s of Imp p q 
      let p' = concl s' in if fol_equal p p' then Thm q else fail_thm | _  fail_thm"

definition gen :: "id  thm  thm"
  "gen x s  Thm (Forall x (concl s))"

definition axiom_addimp :: "fol fm  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_addimp p q  Thm (Imp p (Imp q p))"

definition axiom_distribimp :: "fol fm  fol fm  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_distribimp p q r  Thm (Imp (Imp p (Imp q r)) (Imp (Imp p q) (Imp p r )))"

definition axiom_doubleneg :: "fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_doubleneg p  Thm (Imp (Imp (Imp p Falsity) Falsity) p)"

definition axiom_allimp :: "id  fol fm  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_allimp x p q  Thm (Imp (Forall x (Imp p q)) (Imp (Forall x p) (Forall x q)))"

definition axiom_impall :: "id  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_impall x p  if ¬ free_in x p then Thm (Imp p (Forall x p)) else fail_thm"

definition axiom_existseq :: "id  tm  thm"
  "axiom_existseq x t  if ¬ occurs_in x t
      then Thm (Exists x (Atom (Rl (STR ''='') [Var x, t]))) else fail_thm"

definition axiom_eqrefl :: "tm  thm"
  "axiom_eqrefl t  Thm (Atom (Rl (STR ''='') [t, t]))"

definition axiom_funcong :: "id  tm list  tm list  thm"
  "axiom_funcong i l l'  if equal_length l l'
      then Thm (foldr Imp (zip_eq l l') (Atom (Rl (STR ''='') [Fn i l, Fn i l']))) else fail_thm"

definition axiom_predcong :: "id  tm list  tm list  thm"
  "axiom_predcong i l l'  if equal_length l l'
      then Thm (foldr Imp (zip_eq l l') (Imp (Atom (Rl i l)) (Atom (Rl i l')))) else fail_thm"

definition axiom_iffimp1 :: "fol fm  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_iffimp1 p q  Thm (Imp (Iff p q) (Imp p q))"

definition axiom_iffimp2 :: "fol fm  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_iffimp2 p q  Thm (Imp (Iff p q) (Imp q p))"

definition axiom_impiff :: "fol fm  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_impiff p q  Thm (Imp (Imp p q) (Imp (Imp q p) (Iff p q)))"

definition axiom_true :: "thm"
  "axiom_true  Thm (Iff Truth (Imp Falsity Falsity))"

definition axiom_not :: "fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_not p  Thm (Iff (Not p) (Imp p Falsity))"

definition axiom_and :: "fol fm  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_and p q  Thm (Iff (And p q) (Imp (Imp p (Imp q Falsity)) Falsity))"

definition axiom_or :: "fol fm  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_or p q  Thm (Iff (Or p q) (Not (And (Not p) (Not q))))"

definition axiom_exists :: "id  fol fm  thm"
  "axiom_exists x p  Thm (Iff (Exists x p) (Not (Forall x (Not p))))"

subsection ‹Code generation for rules and axioms›

(* The following export_code's are only for inspection purposes *)

  modusponens gen axiom_addimp axiom_distribimp axiom_doubleneg axiom_allimp axiom_impall
  axiom_existseq axiom_eqrefl axiom_funcong axiom_predcong axiom_iffimp1 axiom_iffimp2
  axiom_impiff axiom_true axiom_not axiom_and axiom_or axiom_exists concl
in SML module_name Proven

code_printing constant fol_equal  (SML) "_ = _" ― ‹More efficient›

  modusponens gen axiom_addimp axiom_distribimp axiom_doubleneg axiom_allimp axiom_impall
  axiom_existseq axiom_eqrefl axiom_funcong axiom_predcong axiom_iffimp1 axiom_iffimp2
  axiom_impiff axiom_true axiom_not axiom_and axiom_or axiom_exists concl
in SML module_name Proven

code_printing constant fol_equal  (SML) ― ‹Delete›

  modusponens gen axiom_addimp axiom_distribimp axiom_doubleneg axiom_allimp axiom_impall
  axiom_existseq axiom_eqrefl axiom_funcong axiom_predcong axiom_iffimp1 axiom_iffimp2
  axiom_impiff axiom_true axiom_not axiom_and axiom_or axiom_exists concl
in SML module_name Proven

subsection ‹Semantics of first-order logic›

definition length2 :: "tm list  bool"
  "length2 l  case l of [_,_]  True | _  False"

primrec ― ‹Semantics of terms›
  semantics_term :: "(id  'a)  (id  'a list  'a)  tm  'a" and
  semantics_list :: "(id  'a)  (id  'a list  'a)  tm list  'a list"
  "semantics_term e _ (Var x) = e x" |
  "semantics_term e f (Fn i l) = f i (semantics_list e f l)" |
  "semantics_list _ _ [] = []" |
  "semantics_list e f (t # l) = semantics_term e f t # semantics_list e f l"

primrec ― ‹Semantics of formulas›
  semantics :: "(id  'a)  (id  'a list  'a)  (id  'a list  bool)  fol fm  bool"
  "semantics _ _ _ Truth = True" |
  "semantics _ _ _ Falsity = False" |
  "semantics e f g (Atom a) = (case a of Rl i l  if i = STR ''=''  length2 l
      then (semantics_term e f (hd l) = semantics_term e f (hd (tl l)))
      else g i (semantics_list e f l))" |
  "semantics e f g (Imp p q) = (semantics e f g p  semantics e f g q)" |
  "semantics e f g (Iff p q) = (semantics e f g p  semantics e f g q)" |
  "semantics e f g (And p q) = (semantics e f g p  semantics e f g q)" |
  "semantics e f g (Or p q) = (semantics e f g p  semantics e f g q)" |
  "semantics e f g (Not p) = (¬ semantics e f g p)" |
  "semantics e f g (Exists x p) = (v. semantics (e(x := v)) f g p)" |
  "semantics e f g (Forall x p) = (v. semantics (e(x := v)) f g p)"

subsection ‹Definition of proof system›

inductive OK :: "fol fm  bool" ( _› 0)
                    " concl s   concl s'   concl (modusponens s s')" |
                    " concl s   concl (gen _ s)" |
                    " concl (axiom_addimp _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_distribimp _ _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_doubleneg _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_allimp _ _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_impall _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_existseq _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_eqrefl _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_funcong _ _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_predcong _ _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_iffimp1 _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_iffimp2 _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_impiff _ _)" |
                    " concl axiom_true" |
                    " concl (axiom_not _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_and _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_or _ _)" |
                    " concl (axiom_exists _ _)"

(* Example *)

proposition " Imp p p"
proof -
  have 1: " concl (Thm (Imp (Imp p (Imp (Imp p p) p)) (Imp (Imp p (Imp p p)) (Imp p p))))"
  using axiom_distribimp
  unfolding axiom_distribimp_def
  by simp

  have 2: " concl (Thm (Imp p (Imp (Imp p p) p)))"
  using axiom_addimp
  unfolding axiom_addimp_def
  by simp

  have 3: " concl (Thm (Imp (Imp p (Imp p p)) (Imp p p)))"
  using 1 2 modusponens
  unfolding modusponens_def fol_equal_def
  by fastforce

  have 4: " concl (Thm (Imp p (Imp p p)))"
  using axiom_addimp
  unfolding axiom_addimp_def
  by simp

  have 5: " concl (Thm (Imp p p))"
  using 3 4 modusponens
  unfolding modusponens_def fol_equal_def
  by fastforce

  show ?thesis
  using 5
  by simp

subsection ‹Soundness of proof system›

lemma map':
  "¬ occurs_in x t  semantics_term e f t = semantics_term (e(x := v)) f t"
  "¬ occurs_in_list x l  semantics_list e f l = semantics_list (e(x := v)) f l"
by (induct t and l rule: semantics_term.induct semantics_list.induct) simp_all

lemma map:
  "¬ free_in x p  semantics e f g p  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p"
proof (induct p arbitrary: e)
  fix e
  show "¬ free_in x Truth  semantics e f g Truth  semantics (e(x := v)) f g Truth"
  by simp
  fix e
  show "¬ free_in x Falsity  semantics e f g Falsity  semantics (e(x := v)) f g Falsity"
  by simp
  fix a e
  show "¬ free_in x (Atom a)  semantics e f g (Atom a)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (Atom a)"
  proof (cases a)
    fix i l
    show "¬ free_in x (Atom a)  a = Rl i l 
        semantics e f g (Atom a)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (Atom a)"
    proof -
      assume assm: "¬ free_in x (Atom a)" "a = Rl i l"
      then have fresh: "¬ occurs_in_list x l"
      by simp
      show "semantics e f g (Atom a)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (Atom a)"
      proof cases
        assume eq: "i = STR ''=''  length2 l"
        then have "semantics e f g (Atom (Rl i l)) 
            semantics_term e f (hd l) = semantics_term e f (hd (tl l))"
        by simp
        also have "... 
            semantics_term (e(x := v)) f (hd l) = semantics_term (e(x := v)) f (hd (tl l))"
        using map'(1) fresh occurs_in_list.simps(2) eq list.case_eq_if list.collapse
        unfolding length2_def
        by metis
        finally show ?thesis
        using eq assm(2)
        by simp
        assume not_eq: "¬ (i = STR ''=''  length2 l)"
        then have "semantics e f g (Atom (Rl i l))  g i (semantics_list e f l)"
        by simp iprover
        also have "...  g i (semantics_list (e(x := v)) f l)"
        using map'(2) fresh
        by metis
        finally show ?thesis
        using not_eq assm(2)
        by simp iprover
  fix p1 p2 e
  assume assm1: "¬ free_in x p1  semantics e f g p1  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p1" for e
  assume assm2: "¬ free_in x p2  semantics e f g p2  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p2" for e
  show "¬ free_in x (Imp p1 p2) 
      semantics e f g (Imp p1 p2)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (Imp p1 p2)"
  using assm1 assm2
  by simp
  fix p1 p2 e
  assume assm1: "¬ free_in x p1  semantics e f g p1  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p1" for e
  assume assm2: "¬ free_in x p2  semantics e f g p2  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p2" for e
  show "¬ free_in x (Iff p1 p2) 
      semantics e f g (Iff p1 p2)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (Iff p1 p2)"
  using assm1 assm2
  by simp
  fix p1 p2 e
  assume assm1: "¬ free_in x p1  semantics e f g p1  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p1" for e
  assume assm2: "¬ free_in x p2  semantics e f g p2  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p2" for e
  show "¬ free_in x (And p1 p2) 
      semantics e f g (And p1 p2)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (And p1 p2)"
  using assm1 assm2
  by simp
  fix p1 p2 e
  assume assm1: "¬ free_in x p1  semantics e f g p1  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p1" for e
  assume assm2: "¬ free_in x p2  semantics e f g p2  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p2" for e
  show "¬ free_in x (Or p1 p2) 
      semantics e f g (Or p1 p2)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (Or p1 p2)"
  using assm1 assm2
  by simp
  fix p e
  assume "¬ free_in x p  semantics e f g p  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p" for e
  then show "¬ free_in x (Not p)  semantics e f g (Not p)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (Not p)"
  by simp
  fix x1 p e
  assume "¬ free_in x p  semantics e f g p  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p" for e
  then show "¬ free_in x (Exists x1 p) 
      semantics e f g (Exists x1 p)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (Exists x1 p)"
  by simp (metis fun_upd_twist fun_upd_upd)
  fix x1 p e
  assume "¬ free_in x p  semantics e f g p  semantics (e(x := v)) f g p" for e
  then show "¬ free_in x (Forall x1 p) 
      semantics e f g (Forall x1 p)  semantics (e(x := v)) f g (Forall x1 p)"
  by simp (metis fun_upd_twist fun_upd_upd)

lemma length2_equiv:
  "length2 l  [hd l, hd (tl l)] = l"
proof -
  have "length2 l  [hd l, hd (tl l)] = l"
  unfolding length2_def
  using list.case_eq_if list.exhaust_sel
  by metis
  then show ?thesis
  unfolding length2_def
  using list.case_eq_if
  by metis

lemma equal_length_sym:
  "equal_length l l'  equal_length l' l"
proof (induct l' arbitrary: l)
  fix l
  assume "equal_length l []"
  then show "equal_length [] l"
  using equal_length.simps list.case_eq_if
  by metis
  fix l l' a
  assume sym: "equal_length l l'  equal_length l' l" for l
  assume "equal_length l (a # l')"
  then show "equal_length (a # l') l"
  using equal_length.simps list.case_eq_if list.collapse list.inject sym
  by metis

lemma equal_length2:
  "equal_length l l'  length2 l  length2 l'"
proof -
  assume assm: "equal_length l l'"
  have "equal_length l [t, t']  length2 l" for t t'
  unfolding length2_def
  using equal_length.simps list.case_eq_if
  by metis
  moreover have "equal_length [t, t'] l'  length2 l'" for t t'
  unfolding length2_def
  using equal_length.simps list.case_eq_if equal_length_sym
  by metis
  ultimately show ?thesis
  using assm length2_equiv
  by metis

lemma imp_chain_equiv:
  "semantics e f g (foldr Imp l p)  (q  set l. semantics e f g q)  semantics e f g p"
using imp_conjL
by (induct l) simp_all

lemma imp_chain_zip_eq:
  "equal_length l l' 
      semantics e f g (foldr Imp (zip_eq l l') p) 
      semantics_list e f l = semantics_list e f l'  semantics e f g p"
proof -
  assume "equal_length l l'"
  then have "(q  set (zip_eq l l'). semantics e f g q) 
      semantics_list e f l = semantics_list e f l'"
  unfolding zip_eq_def
  using length2_def
  by (induct l l' rule: list_induct2') simp_all
  then show ?thesis
  using imp_chain_equiv
  by iprover

lemma funcong:
  "equal_length l l' 
      semantics e f g (foldr Imp (zip_eq l l') (Atom (Rl (STR ''='') [Fn i l, Fn i l'])))"
proof -
  assume assm: "equal_length l l'"
  show ?thesis
  proof cases
    assume "semantics_list e f l = semantics_list e f l'"
    then have "semantics e f g (Atom (Rl (STR ''='') [Fn i l, Fn i l']))"
    using length2_def
    by simp
    then show ?thesis
    using imp_chain_equiv
    by iprover
    assume "semantics_list e f l  semantics_list e f l'"
    then show ?thesis
    using assm imp_chain_zip_eq
    by iprover

lemma predcong:
  "equal_length l l' 
      semantics e f g (foldr Imp (zip_eq l l') (Imp (Atom (Rl i l)) (Atom (Rl i l'))))"
proof -
  assume assm: "equal_length l l'"
  show ?thesis
  proof cases
    assume eq: "i = STR ''=''  length2 l  length2 l'"
    show ?thesis
    proof cases
      assume "semantics_list e f l = semantics_list e f l'"
      then have "semantics_list e f [hd l, hd (tl l)] = semantics_list e f [hd l', hd (tl l')]"
      using eq length2_equiv
      by simp
      then have "semantics e f g (Imp (Atom (Rl (STR ''='') l)) (Atom (Rl (STR ''='') l')))"
      using eq
      by simp
      then show ?thesis
      using eq imp_chain_equiv
      by iprover
      assume "semantics_list e f l  semantics_list e f l'"
      then show ?thesis
      using assm imp_chain_zip_eq
      by iprover
    assume not_eq: "¬ (i = STR ''=''  length2 l  length2 l')"
    show ?thesis
    proof cases
      assume "semantics_list e f l = semantics_list e f l'"
      then have "semantics e f g (Imp (Atom (Rl i l)) (Atom (Rl i l')))"
      using assm not_eq equal_length2
      by simp iprover
      then show ?thesis
      using imp_chain_equiv
      by iprover
      assume "semantics_list e f l  semantics_list e f l'"
      then show ?thesis
      using assm imp_chain_zip_eq
      by iprover

theorem soundness:
  " p  semantics e f g p"
proof (induct arbitrary: e rule: OK.induct)
  fix e s s'
  assume "semantics e f g (concl s)" "semantics e f g (concl s')" for e
  then show "semantics e f g (concl (modusponens s s'))"
  unfolding modusponens_def
  proof (cases s)
    fix r
    assume "semantics e f g (concl s)" "semantics e f g (concl s')" "s = Thm r" for e
    then show "semantics e f g (concl (case (concl s) of Imp p q 
        let p' = concl s' in if fol_equal p p' then Thm q else fail_thm | _  fail_thm))"
    unfolding fol_equal_def
    by (cases r) simp_all
  fix e x s
  assume "semantics e f g (concl s)" for e
  then show "semantics e f g (concl (gen x s))"
  unfolding gen_def
  by simp
  fix e p q
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_addimp p q))"
  unfolding axiom_addimp_def
  by simp
  fix e p q r
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_distribimp p q r))"
  unfolding axiom_distribimp_def
  by simp
  fix e g p
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_doubleneg p))"
  unfolding axiom_doubleneg_def
  by simp
  fix e x p q
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_allimp x p q))"
  unfolding axiom_allimp_def
  by simp
  fix e x p
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_impall x p))"
  unfolding axiom_impall_def
  using map
  by simp iprover
  fix e x t
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_existseq x t))"
  unfolding axiom_existseq_def
  using map'(1) length2_def
  by simp iprover
  fix e t
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_eqrefl t))"
  unfolding axiom_eqrefl_def
  using length2_def
  by simp
  fix e i l l'
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_funcong i l l'))"
  unfolding axiom_funcong_def
  using funcong
  by simp standard
  fix e i l l'
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_predcong i l l'))"
  unfolding axiom_predcong_def
  using predcong
  by simp standard
  fix e p q
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_iffimp1 p q))"
  unfolding axiom_iffimp1_def
  by simp
  fix e p q
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_iffimp2 p q))"
  unfolding axiom_iffimp2_def
  by simp
  fix e p q
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_impiff p q))"
  unfolding axiom_impiff_def
  by (simp add: iffI)
  fix e
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_true))"
  unfolding axiom_true_def
  by simp
  fix e p
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_not p))"
  unfolding axiom_not_def
  by simp
  fix e p q
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_and p q))"
  unfolding axiom_and_def
  by simp
  fix e p q
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_or p q))"
  unfolding axiom_or_def
  by simp
  fix e x p
  show "semantics e f g (concl (axiom_exists x p))"
  unfolding axiom_exists_def
  by simp

corollary "¬ ( Falsity)"
using soundness
by fastforce

section ‹ML Code Reflection›

  fm = Falsity | Truth | Atom | Imp | Iff | And | Or | Not | Exists | Forall
  tm = Var | Fn
  fol = Rl
  modusponens gen axiom_addimp axiom_distribimp axiom_doubleneg axiom_allimp axiom_impall
  axiom_existseq axiom_eqrefl axiom_funcong axiom_predcong axiom_iffimp1 axiom_iffimp2
  axiom_impiff axiom_true axiom_not axiom_and axiom_or axiom_exists concl

ML open Proven

ML val print = writeln (* Should not add newline but only used for testing (see XXX label) *)

ML "format_simple.sml";

fun set_margin _ = ();

fun print_string x = print x;

fun open_box _ = ();

fun close_box () = ();

fun print_space () = print " ";

fun print_break _ _ = ();

fun open_hbox () = ();

fun print_flush () = ();

fun print_newline () = print "\n";

fun print_int n = print (Int.toString n);

fun open_hvbox _ = ();

ML "lib.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Misc library functions to set up a nice environment.                      *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

fun str_ord s1 s2 =
    case,s2) of
      EQUAL => 0    | GREATER => 1    | LESS  => ~1;

fun sip_ord (f1,a1) (f2,a2) =
    case str_ord f1 f2 of
      0 => if a1>a2 then 1 else ~1
    | n => n

infix 6 lxor
infix 6 land

fun to_int_fun f = fn a => fn b => Word.toIntX (f ((Word.fromInt a),(Word.fromInt b) ) );

fun a lxor b = to_int_fun Word.xorb a b;
fun a land b = to_int_fun Word.andb a b;

fun list_hash elem_hash l=
  let fun hash_code sval l =
        case l of
         [] => sval
        | e::l' =>
          let val e_hash = Word.fromInt (elem_hash e) in
          hash_code (Word.+(Word.*(sval,0wx31),(e_hash))) l'
  Word.toIntX(hash_code 0wx0 l)

fun str_hash str = list_hash Char.ord (String.explode str);

fun fst (x,_) = x;
fun snd (_,y) = y;

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Misc library functions to set up a nice environment.                      *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

fun identity x = x;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A useful idiom for "non contradictory" etc.                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun non p x = not(p x);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Kind of assertion checking.                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun check p x = if p(x) then x else raise Fail "check";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Repetition of a function.                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun funpow n f x =
    if n < 1 then x
    else funpow (n - 1) f (f x);

fun can f x = (f x; true) handle Fail _ => false;

fun repeat f x = repeat f (f x) handle Fail _ => x;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Handy list operations.                                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

infix 6 --
fun m -- n = if m > n then [] else m::((m + 1) -- n);

fun map2 f l1 l2 =
  case (l1,l2) of
    ([],[]) => []
  | ((h1::t1),(h2::t2)) => let val h = f h1 h2 in h::(map2 f t1 t2) end
  | _ => raise Fail "map2: length mismatch";

fun itlist f l b = List.foldr (fn (x,y) => f x y) b l;

fun end_itlist f l =
  case l of
        []     => raise Fail "end_itlist"
      | [x]    => x
      | (h::t) => f h (end_itlist f t);

fun itlist2 f l1 l2 b =
  case (l1,l2) of
    ([],[]) => b
  | (h1::t1,h2::t2) => f h1 h2 (itlist2 f t1 t2 b)
  | _ => raise Fail "itlist2";

fun zip l1 l2 =
  case (l1,l2) of
        ([],[]) => []
      | (h1::t1,h2::t2) => (h1,h2)::(zip t1 t2)
      | _ => raise Fail "zip";

fun chop_list n l =
  if n = 0 then ([],l) else
  let val (m,l') = chop_list (n-1) (tl l) in ((hd l)::m,l') end
  handle Fail _ => raise Fail "chop_list";

fun index x =
  let fun ind n l =
    case l of
      [] => raise Fail "index"
    | (h::t) => if x = h then n else ind (n + 1) t
    ind 0

fun unzip l =
  case l of
    [] => ([],[])
  | (x,y)::t =>
      let val (xs,ys) = unzip t in (x::xs,y::ys) end;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Association lists.                                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun assoc a l =
  case l of
    (x,y)::t => if x = a then y else assoc a t
  | [] => raise Fail "find";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Merging of sorted lists (maintaining repetitions).                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun merge ord l1 l2 =
  case l1 of
    [] => l2
  | h1::t1 => case l2 of
                [] => l1
              | h2::t2 => if ord h1 h2 then h1::(merge ord t1 l2)
                          else h2::(merge ord l1 t2);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Bottom-up mergesort.                                                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun sort ord =
  let fun mergepairs l1 l2 =
    case (l1,l2) of
        ([s],[]) => s
      | (l,[]) => mergepairs [] l
      | (l,[s1]) => mergepairs (s1::l) []
      | (l,(s1::s2::ss)) => mergepairs ((merge ord s1 s2)::l) ss in
  fn l => if l = [] then [] else mergepairs [] ( (fn x => [x]) l)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Common measure predicates to use with "sort".                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun increasing f x y = (f x) < (f y);

fun decreasing f x y = (f x) > (f y) ;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Eliminate repetitions of adjacent elements, with and without counting.    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun uniq l =
    case l of
      x :: (t as y :: ys ) =>
        let val t' = uniq t in
            if x = y then t'
                x :: t'
    | _ => l;

fun tryfind f l =
  case l of
      [] => raise Fail "tryfind"
    | (h::t) =>
      ((f h) handle Fail _ => tryfind f t);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Set operations on ordered lists.                                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun setify ord l=
  let fun canonical lis =
     case lis of
       x::(rest as y::_) => ord x y < 0 andalso canonical rest
     | _ => true in
  if canonical l then l
  else uniq (sort (fn x => fn y => ord x y <= 0) l)

fun union ord s1 s2=
  let fun union l1 l2 =
    case (l1,l2) of
        ([],l2) => l2
      | (l1,[]) => l1
      | ((l1 as h1::t1),(l2 as h2::t2)) =>
          if h1 = h2 then h1::(union t1 t2)
          else if ord h1 h2 = ~1 then h1::(union t1 l2)
          else h2::(union l1 t2) in
  union (setify ord s1) (setify ord s2)

 fun union_str s1 s2 = union str_ord s1 s2;
 fun union_sip p1 p2 = union sip_ord p1 p2;

fun subtract ord s1 s2=
  let fun subtract l1 l2 =
    case (l1,l2) of
        ([],l2) => []
      | (l1,[]) => l1
      | ((l1 as h1::t1),(l2 as h2::t2)) =>
          if h1 = h2 then subtract t1 t2
          else if ord h1 h2 = ~1 then h1::(subtract t1 l2)
          else subtract l1 t2 in
  subtract (setify ord s1) (setify ord s2)

fun subtract_str s1 s2 = subtract str_ord s1 s2;

fun insert ord x s = union ord [x] s;

fun insert_str x s = insert str_ord x s;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Union of a family of sets.                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun unions ord s =
   let fun concat a b = a @ b in
   setify ord (itlist concat s [])

fun unions_str s = unions str_ord s;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* List membership. This does *not* assume the list is a set.                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun mem x lis =
    case lis of
      [] => false
    | hd :: tl => hd = x orelse mem x tl;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Timing; useful for documentation but not logically necessary.             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun time f x =
    let val timer = Timer.startRealTimer()
        val result = f x
        val time = Timer.checkRealTimer timer
    in (
    (* XXX print_string ("CPU time (user): " ^ (Real.toString (Time.toReal time)));
    print_newline(); *)
    ) end;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Polymorphic finite partial functions via Patricia trees.                  *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* The point of this strange representation is that it is canonical (equal   *)
(* functions have the same encoding) yet reasonably efficient on average.    *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* Idea due to Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons (OCaml list, 2003/11/10).        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

datatype ('a,'b)func =
 | Leaf of int * ('a*'b)list
 | Branch of int * int * ('a,'b)func * ('a,'b)func;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Undefined function.                                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

val undefined = Empty;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* In case of equality comparison worries, better use this.                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun is_undefined f =
  case f of
    Empty => true
  | _ => false;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Operation analogous to "map" for lists.                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  fun map_list f l =
        case l of
          [] => []
        | (x,y)::t => (x,f(y))::(map_list f t)
  fun mapf f t =
        case t of
          Empty => Empty
        | Leaf(h,l) => Leaf(h,map_list f l)
        | Branch(p,b,l,r) => Branch(p,b,mapf f l,mapf f r)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Application.                                                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun applyd ord hash f d x=
  let fun apply_listd l d x =
        case l of
          (a,b)::t => if x = a then b else if ord x a > 0 then apply_listd t d x else d x
        | [] => d x
      val k = hash x
      fun look t =
        case t of
          Leaf(h,l) =>
            if (h = k) then
              apply_listd l d x
            else d x
        | Branch(p,b,l,r) =>
            if ((k lxor p) land (b - 1)) = 0 then
              look (if k land b = 0 then l else r)
            else d x
        | _ => d x
  look f

fun apply ord hash f = applyd ord hash f (fn x => raise Fail "apply");

fun apply_str f = apply str_ord str_hash f;

fun tryapplyd ord hash f a d = applyd ord hash f (fn x => d) a;

fun tryapplyd_str f a d = tryapplyd str_ord str_hash f a d;

fun tryapplyl ord hash f x = tryapplyd ord hash f x [];

fun defined ord hash f x = (apply ord hash f x; true) handle Fail _ => false;

fun defined_str f x = defined str_ord str_hash f x;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Undefinition.                                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  fun undefine_list ord x l =
    case l of
      (ab as (a,b))::t =>
          let val c = ord x a in
          if c = 0 then
          else if c < 0 then
            let val t' = undefine_list ord x t in
    | [] => []
  fun undefine ord hash x =
    let val k = hash x
        fun und t =
          case t of
            Leaf(h,l) =>
              if h=k then (
                let val l' = undefine_list ord x l in
                if l' = l then t
                else if l' = [] then Empty
                else Leaf(h,l')
              ) else t
          | Branch(p,b,l,r) =>
              if k land (b - 1) = p then (
                if k land b = 0 then
                  let val l' = und l in
                  if l' = l then t
                  else (case l' of Empty => r | _ => Branch(p,b,l',r))
                  let val r' = und r in
                  if r' = r then t
                  else (case r' of Empty => l | _ => Branch(p,b,l,r'))
              ) else t
          | _ => t

fun undefine_str x t = undefine str_ord str_hash x t

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Redefinition and combination.                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

infix 6 |->

  fun newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2 =
        let val zp = p1 lxor p2
            val b = zp land (~zp)
            val p = p1 land (b - 1) in
        if p1 land b = 0 then Branch(p,b,t1,t2)
        else Branch(p,b,t2,t1)
  fun define_list ord (xy as (x,y)) l =
        case l of
          (ab as (a,b))::t =>
              let val c = ord x a in
              if c = 0 then xy::t
              else if c < 0 then xy::l
              else ab::(define_list ord xy t)
        | [] => [xy]
  fun combine_list ord op' z l1 l2 =
        case (l1,l2) of
          ([],_) => l2
        | (_,[]) => l1
        | ((xy1 as (x1,y1))::t1,(xy2 as (x2,y2))::t2) =>
              let val c = ord x1 x2 in
              if c < 0 then
                xy1::(combine_list ord op' z t1 l2)
              else if c > 0 then
                xy2::(combine_list ord op' z l1 t2)
                let val y = op' y1 y2
                    val l = combine_list ord op' z t1 t2 in
                if z(y) then l else (x1,y)::l
  fun (x |-> y) t ord hash =
        let val k = hash x
            fun upd t =
              case t of
                Empty => Leaf (k,[(x,y)])
              | Leaf(h,l) =>
                   if h = k then Leaf(h,define_list ord (x,y) l)
                   else newbranch h t k (Leaf(k,[(x,y)]))
              | Branch(p,b,l,r) =>
                  if k land (b - 1) <> p then newbranch p t k (Leaf(k,[(x,y)]))
                  else if k land b = 0 then Branch(p,b,upd l,r)
                  else Branch(p,b,l,upd r) in
        upd t
  fun combine ord op' z t1 t2 =
        case (t1,t2) of
          (Empty,_) => t2
        | (_,Empty) => t1
        | (Leaf(h1,l1),Leaf(h2,l2)) =>
              if h1 = h2 then
                let val l = combine_list ord op' z l1 l2 in
                if l = [] then Empty else Leaf(h1,l)
              else newbranch h1 t1 h2 t2
        | ((lf as Leaf(k,lis)),(br as Branch(p,b,l,r))) =>
              if k land (b - 1) = p then
                if k land b = 0 then
                  (case combine ord op' z lf l of
                     Empty => r | l' => Branch(p,b,l',r))
                  (case combine ord op' z lf r of
                     Empty => l | r' => Branch(p,b,l,r'))
                newbranch k lf p br
        | ((br as Branch(p,b,l,r)),(lf as Leaf(k,lis))) =>
              if k land (b - 1) = p then
                if k land b = 0 then
                  (case combine ord op' z l lf of
                    Empty => r | l' => Branch(p,b,l',r))
                  (case combine ord op' z r lf of
                     Empty => l | r' => Branch(p,b,l,r'))
                newbranch p br k lf
        | (Branch(p1,b1,l1,r1),Branch(p2,b2,l2,r2)) =>
              if b1 < b2 then
                if p2 land (b1 - 1) <> p1 then newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2
                else if p2 land b1 = 0 then
                  (case combine ord op' z l1 t2 of
                     Empty => r1 | l => Branch(p1,b1,l,r1))
                  (case combine ord op' z r1 t2 of
                     Empty => l1 | r => Branch(p1,b1,l1,r))
              else if b2 < b1 then
                if p1 land (b2 - 1) <> p2 then newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2
                else if p1 land b2 = 0 then
                  (case combine ord op' z t1 l2 of
                     Empty => r2 | l => Branch(p2,b2,l,r2))
                  (case combine ord op' z t1 r2 of
                     Empty => l2 | r => Branch(p2,b2,l2,r))
              else if p1 = p2 then
               (case (combine ord op' z l1 l2,combine ord op' z r1 r2) of
                  (Empty,r) => r | (l,Empty) => l | (l,r) => Branch(p1,b1,l,r))
                newbranch p1 t1 p2 t2
end ;

infix 6 |--> (* For strings *)

fun (x |--> y) t = (x |-> y) t str_ord str_hash;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Special case of point function.                                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

infix 6 |=>

fun x |=> y = (x |-> y) undefined;

infix 6 |==> (* For strings *)

fun x |==> y = (x |=> y) str_ord str_hash;

ML "intro.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Simple algebraic expression example from the introductory chapter.        *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Lexical analysis.                                                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun matches s =
    let val chars = String.explode s in
    fn c => mem c chars

val space = matches " \t\n\r";
val punctuation = matches "()[]{},";
val symbolic = matches "~`!@#$%^&*-+=|\\:;<>.?/";
val numeric = matches "0123456789";
val alphanumeric = matches

fun lexwhile prop inp =
  if inp <> [] andalso prop (List.hd inp) then
     let val (tok,rest) = lexwhile prop ( inp) in
     ((str (List.hd inp))^tok,rest)

fun lex inp =
  case snd(lexwhile space inp) of
    [] => []
  | c::cs => let val prop = if alphanumeric(c) then alphanumeric
                        else if symbolic(c) then symbolic
                        else fn c => false
                 val (toktl,rest) = lexwhile prop cs in
             ((str c)^toktl)::lex rest

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Generic function to impose lexing and exhaustion checking on a parser.    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun make_parser pfn s =
  let val (expr,rest) = pfn (lex(String.explode s)) in
  if rest = [] then expr else raise Fail "Unparsed input"

ML "formulas.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Polymorphic type of formulas with parser and printer.                     *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

fun fm_ord at_ord fm1 fm2 =
    case (fm1,fm2) of
      (Falsity,Falsity) => 0
    | (Falsity,_) =>  1
    | (_,Falsity) => ~1

    | (Truth,Truth) => 0
    | (Truth,_)  =>  1
    | (_,Truth)  => ~1

    | (Atom a, Atom b) => at_ord a b
    | (Atom(_),_) => 1
    | (_,Atom(_)) => ~1

    | (Not a,Not b) => fm_ord at_ord a b
    | (Not(_),_) => 1
    | (_,Not(_)) => ~1

    | (And(a1,a2),And(b1,b2)) => fm_pair_ord at_ord (a1,a2) (b1,b2)
    | (And(_,_),_) =>  1
    | (_,And(_,_)) => ~1

    | (Or(a1,a2),Or(b1,b2)) => fm_pair_ord at_ord (a1,a2) (b1,b2)
    | (Or(_,_),_) =>  1
    | (_,Or(_,_)) => ~1

    | (Imp(a1,a2),Imp(b1,b2)) => fm_pair_ord at_ord (a1,a2) (b1,b2)
    | (Imp(_,_),_) =>  1
    | (_,Imp(_,_)) => ~1

    | (Iff(a1,a2),Iff(b1,b2)) => fm_pair_ord at_ord (a1,a2) (b1,b2)
    | (Iff(_,_),_) =>  1
    | (_,Iff(_,_)) => ~1

    | (Forall(x1,a),Forall(x2,b)) => fm_quant_ord at_ord (x1,a) (x2,b)
    | (Forall (_,_), _) => 1
    | (_, Forall (_,_)) => ~1

    | (Exists(x1,a),Exists(x2,b)) => fm_quant_ord at_ord (x1,a) (x2,b)
and fm_pair_ord at_ord (a1,a2) (b1,b2) =
    case fm_ord at_ord a1 b1 of
     0 => fm_ord at_ord a2 b2
    |n => n
and fm_quant_ord at_ord (x1,a) (x2,b) =
    case str_ord x1 x2 of
     0 => fm_ord at_ord a b
    |n => n

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* General parsing of iterated infixes.                                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun parse_ginfix opsym opupdate sof subparser inp =
  let val (e1,inp1) = subparser inp in
  if inp1 <> [] andalso List.hd inp1 = opsym then
     parse_ginfix opsym opupdate (opupdate sof e1) subparser ( inp1)
  else (sof e1,inp1)

fun parse_left_infix opsym opcon =
  parse_ginfix opsym (fn f => fn e1 => fn e2 => opcon(f e1,e2)) (fn x => x);

fun parse_right_infix opsym opcon =
  parse_ginfix opsym (fn f => fn e1 => fn e2 => f(opcon(e1,e2))) (fn x => x);

fun parse_list opsym =
  parse_ginfix opsym (fn f => fn e1 => fn e2 => (f e1)@[e2]) (fn x => [x]);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Other general parsing combinators.                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun papply f (ast,rest) = (f ast,rest);

fun nextin inp tok = inp <> [] andalso List.hd inp = tok;

fun parse_bracketed subparser cbra inp =
  let val(ast,rest) = subparser inp in
  if nextin rest cbra then (ast, rest)
  else raise Fail "Closing bracket expected"

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Parsing of formulas, parametrized by atom parser "pfn".                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun parse_atomic_formula (ifn,afn) vs inp =
  case inp of
    [] => raise Fail "formula expected"
  | "false"::rest => (Falsity,rest)
  | "true"::rest => (Truth,rest)
  | "("::rest => ( (ifn vs inp) handle Fail _ =>
                  parse_bracketed (parse_formula (ifn,afn) vs) ")" rest)
  | "~"::rest => papply (fn p => Not p)
                        (parse_atomic_formula (ifn,afn) vs rest)
  | "forall"::x::rest =>
        parse_quant (ifn,afn) (x::vs) (fn (x,p) => Forall(x,p)) x rest
  | "exists"::x::rest =>
        parse_quant (ifn,afn) (x::vs) (fn (x,p) => Exists(x,p)) x rest
  | _ => afn vs inp

and parse_quant (ifn,afn) vs qcon x inp =
   case inp of
     [] => raise Fail "Body of quantified term expected"
   | y::rest =>
        papply (fn fm => qcon(x,fm))
               (if y = "." then parse_formula (ifn,afn) vs rest
                else parse_quant (ifn,afn) (y::vs) qcon y rest)

and parse_formula (ifn,afn) vs inp =
   parse_right_infix "<=>" (fn (p,q) => Iff(p,q))
     (parse_right_infix "==>" (fn (p,q) => Imp(p,q))
         (parse_right_infix "\\/" (fn (p,q) => Or(p,q))
             (parse_right_infix "/\\" (fn (p,q) => And(p,q))
                  (parse_atomic_formula (ifn,afn) vs)))) inp;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Printing of formulas, parametrized by atom printer.                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun bracket p n f x y = (
    (if p then print_string "(" else ());
    open_box n; f x y; close_box();
    (if p then print_string ")" else ())

fun strip_quant fm =
    case fm of
      Forall (x, (Forall (y, p))) =>
        let val (xs, q) = strip_quant (Forall (y, p)) in
        ((x :: xs), q)
    | Exists (x, (Exists (y, p))) =>
        let val (xs, q) = strip_quant (Exists (y, p)) in
        ((x :: xs), q)
    | Forall (x, p) =>
    | Exists (x, p) =>
    | _ =>
        ([], fm);

fun print_formula_aux pfn =
    let fun print_formula pr fm =
        case fm of
          Falsity =>
            print_string "false"
        | Truth =>
            print_string "true"
        | Atom pargs =>
            pfn pr pargs
        | Not p =>
            bracket (pr > 10) 1 (print_prefix 10) "~" p
        | And (p, q) =>
            bracket (pr > 8) 0 (print_infix 8 "/\\") p q
        | Or (p, q) =>
            bracket (pr > 6) 0 (print_infix 6 "\\/") p q
        | Imp (p, q) =>
            bracket (pr > 4) 0 (print_infix 4 "==>") p q
        | Iff (p, q) =>
            bracket (pr > 2) 0 (print_infix 2 "<=>") p q
        | Forall (x, p) =>
            bracket (pr > 0) 2 print_qnt "forall" (strip_quant fm)
        | Exists (x, p) =>
            bracket (pr > 0) 2 print_qnt "exists" (strip_quant fm)

    and print_qnt qname (bvs, bod) = (
        print_string qname; (fn v => (print_string " "; print_string v)) bvs;
        print_string "."; print_space(); open_box 0;
        print_formula 0 bod;

    and print_prefix newpr sym p = (
        print_string sym ; print_formula (newpr + 1) p

    and print_infix newpr sym p q = (
        print_formula (newpr + 1) p ;
        print_string (" "^sym); print_space();
        print_formula newpr q
    ) in
    print_formula 0

fun print_formula pfn fm = (print_formula_aux pfn fm; print_flush ());

fun print_qformula_aux pfn fm = (
  open_box 0; print_string "<!";
  open_box 0; print_formula_aux pfn fm; close_box();
  print_string "!>"; close_box()

fun print_qformula pfn fm = (print_qformula_aux pfn fm; print_flush ());

fun mk_and p q = And (p, q)

fun mk_or p q = Or (p, q)

fun mk_imp p q = Imp (p, q)

fun mk_iff p q = Iff (p, q)

fun mk_forall x p = Forall (x, p)

fun mk_exists x p = Exists (x, p)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Destructors.                                                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun dest_iff fm =
  case fm of Iff(p,q) => (p,q) | _ => raise Fail "dest_iff";

fun dest_and fm =
  case fm of And(p,q) => (p,q) | _ => raise Fail "dest_and";

fun conjuncts fm =
  case fm of And(p,q) => conjuncts p @ conjuncts q | _ => [fm];

fun dest_or fm =
  case fm of Or(p,q) => (p,q) | _ => raise Fail "dest_or";

fun disjuncts fm =
  case fm of Or(p,q) => disjuncts p @ disjuncts q | _ => [fm];

fun dest_imp fm =
  case fm of Imp(p,q) => (p,q) | _ => raise Fail "dest_imp";

fun antecedent fm = fst (dest_imp fm);
fun consequent fm = snd (dest_imp fm);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Apply a function to the atoms, otherwise keeping structure.               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun onatoms f fm =
  case fm of
    Atom a => f a
  | Not(p) => Not(onatoms f p)
  | And(p,q) => And(onatoms f p,onatoms f q)
  | Or(p,q) => Or(onatoms f p,onatoms f q)
  | Imp(p,q) => Imp(onatoms f p,onatoms f q)
  | Iff(p,q) => Iff(onatoms f p,onatoms f q)
  | Forall(x,p) => Forall(x,onatoms f p)
  | Exists(x,p) => Exists(x,onatoms f p)
  | _ => fm;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Formula analog of list iterator "itlist".                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun overatoms f fm b =
  case fm of
    Atom(a) => f a b
  | Not(p) => overatoms f p b
  | And(p,q) => overatoms f p (overatoms f q b)
  | Or(p,q)  => overatoms f p (overatoms f q b)
  | Imp(p,q) => overatoms f p (overatoms f q b)
  | Iff(p,q) => overatoms f p (overatoms f q b)
  | Forall(x,p) => overatoms f p b
  | Exists(x,p) => overatoms f p b
  | _ => b;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Special case of a union of the results of a function over the atoms.      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun atom_union ord f fm = setify ord (overatoms (fn h => fn t => f(h)@t) fm []);

fun atom_union_sip f fm = atom_union sip_ord f fm;

ML "prop.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Basic stuff for propositional logic: datatype, parsing and printing.      *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Disjunctive normal form (DNF) via truth tables.                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun list_conj l = if l = [] then Truth else end_itlist mk_and l;

ML "fol.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Basic stuff for first order logic.                                        *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Terms.                                                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun t_ord t1 t2 =
    case (t1,t2) of
      (Var x1, Var x2 ) => str_ord x1 x2
    | (Var _, _) => 1
    | (_, Var _) => ~1
    | (Fn(f1,tl1),Fn(f2,tl2)) =>
       case str_ord f1 f2 of
         0 => tl_ord tl1 tl2
        |n => n
and tl_ord tl1 tl2 =
    case (tl1,tl2) of
      ([],[]) => 0
    | ([],_) => 1
    | (_,[]) => ~1
    | (t1::tl1',t2::tl2') =>
        case t_ord t1 t2 of
         0 => tl_ord tl1' tl2'
       | n => n

fun t_hash t =
    case t of
      Var x => str_hash x
    | Fn (f,tl) => Word.toIntX(Word.+(Word.*(0wx31,Word.fromInt(str_hash f)),
                                      Word.fromInt(list_hash t_hash tl)))

infix 6 |---> (* For terms *)

fun (x |---> y) t = (x |-> y) t t_ord t_hash;

infix 6 |===> (* For terms *)
fun x |===> y = (x |=> y) t_ord t_hash;

fun apply_t f = apply t_ord t_hash f;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Abbreviation for FOL formula.                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun fol_ord (r1 as Rl(s1,tl1)) (r2 as Rl(s2,tl2)) =
    case str_ord s1 s2 of
      0 => tl_ord tl1 tl2
    | n => n

fun folfm_ord fm1 fm2 = fm_ord fol_ord fm1 fm2;

fun union_folfm s1 s2 = union folfm_ord s1 s2;

fun ftp_ord (fm1,t1) (fm2,t2) =
    case folfm_ord fm1 fm2 of
      0 => t_ord t1 t2
    | n => n;

fun setify_ftp s = setify ftp_ord s;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Special case of applying a subfunction to the top *terms*.                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun onformula f = onatoms(fn (Rl(p,a)) => Atom(Rl(p, f a)));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Parsing of terms.                                                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun is_const_name s = List.all numeric (String.explode s) orelse s = "nil";

fun parse_atomic_term vs inp =
  case inp of
    [] => raise Fail "term expected"
  | "("::rest => parse_bracketed (parse_term vs) ")" rest
  | "-"::rest => papply (fn t => Fn("-",[t])) (parse_atomic_term vs rest)
  | f::"("::")"::rest => (Fn(f,[]),rest)
  | f::"("::rest =>
      papply (fn args => Fn(f,args))
             (parse_bracketed (parse_list "," (parse_term vs)) ")" rest)
  | a::rest =>
      ((if is_const_name a andalso not(mem a vs) then Fn(a,[]) else Var a),rest)

and parse_term vs inp =
  parse_right_infix "::" (fn (e1,e2) => Fn("::",[e1,e2]))
    (parse_right_infix "+" (fn (e1,e2) => Fn("+",[e1,e2]))
       (parse_left_infix "-" (fn (e1,e2) => Fn("-",[e1,e2]))
          (parse_right_infix "*" (fn (e1,e2) => Fn("*",[e1,e2]))
             (parse_left_infix "/" (fn (e1,e2) => Fn("/",[e1,e2]))
                (parse_left_infix "^" (fn (e1,e2) => Fn("^",[e1,e2]))
                   (parse_atomic_term vs)))))) inp;

val parset = make_parser (parse_term []);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Parsing of formulas.                                                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun parse_infix_atom vs inp =
  let val (tm,rest) = parse_term vs inp in
  if List.exists (nextin rest) ["=", "<", "<=", ">", ">="] then
        papply (fn tm' => Atom(Rl(List.hd rest,[tm,tm'])))
               (parse_term vs ( rest))
  else raise Fail ""

fun parse_atom vs inp =
  (parse_infix_atom vs inp) handle Fail _ =>
  case inp of
    p::"("::")"::rest => (Atom(Rl(p,[])),rest)
  | p::"("::rest =>
      papply (fn args => Atom(Rl(p,args)))
             (parse_bracketed (parse_list "," (parse_term vs)) ")" rest)
  | p::rest =>
      if p <> "(" then (Atom(Rl(p,[])),rest)
      else raise Fail "parse_atom"
  | _ => raise Fail "parse_atom";

val parse = make_parser
  (parse_formula (parse_infix_atom,parse_atom) []);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Set up parsing of quotations.                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

val default_parser = parse;
datatype default_parser_end = !>;
fun <! s !> = default_parser s;

val secondary_parser = parset;
datatype secondary_parser_end = |!>;
fun <!| s |!> = secondary_parser s;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Printing of terms.                                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun print_term_aux prec fm =
  case fm of
    Var x => print_string x
  | Fn("^",[tm1,tm2]) => print_infix_term_aux true prec 24 "^" tm1 tm2
  | Fn("/",[tm1,tm2]) => print_infix_term_aux true prec 22 " /" tm1 tm2
  | Fn("*",[tm1,tm2]) => print_infix_term_aux false prec 20 " *" tm1 tm2
  | Fn("-",[tm1,tm2]) => print_infix_term_aux true prec 18 " -" tm1 tm2
  | Fn("+",[tm1,tm2]) => print_infix_term_aux false prec 16 " +" tm1 tm2
  | Fn("::",[tm1,tm2]) => print_infix_term_aux false prec 14 "::" tm1 tm2
  | Fn(f,args) => print_fargs_aux f args

and print_fargs_aux f args = (
  print_string f;
  if args = [] then () else
   (print_string "(";
    open_box 0;
    print_term_aux 0 (List.hd args); print_break 0 0; (fn t => (print_string ","; print_break 0 0 ; print_term_aux 0 t))
            ( args);
    close_box ();
    print_string ")")

and print_infix_term_aux isleft oldprec newprec sym p q = (
  if oldprec > newprec then (print_string "("; open_box 0) else ();
  print_term_aux (if isleft then newprec else newprec+1) p;
  print_string sym;
  print_break (if String.substring (sym, 0, 1) = " " then 1 else 0) 0;
  print_term_aux (if isleft then newprec+1 else newprec) q;
  if oldprec > newprec then (close_box (); print_string ")") else ()

fun print_term prec fm = (print_term_aux prec fm; print_flush ())
and print_fargs f args = (print_fargs_aux f args; print_flush ())
and print_infix_term isleft oldprec newprec sym p q = (print_infix_term_aux isleft oldprec newprec sym p q; print_flush ());

fun printert_aux tm = (
  open_box 0; print_string "<!|";
  open_box 0; print_term_aux 0 tm; close_box();
  print_string "|!>"; close_box()

fun printert tm = (printert_aux tm; print_flush ());

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Printing of formulas.                                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun print_atom_aux prec (Rl (p, args)) =
    if mem p ["=", "<", "<=", ">", ">="] andalso List.length args = 2 then
        print_infix_term_aux false 12 12 (" " ^ p) (List.nth (args, 0)) (List.nth (args, 1))
        print_fargs_aux p args;

fun print_atom prec rpa = (print_atom_aux prec rpa; print_flush ());

val print_fol_formula_aux = print_qformula_aux print_atom_aux;

fun print_fol_formula f = (print_fol_formula_aux f; print_flush ());

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Free variables in terms and formulas.                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun fvt tm =
    case tm of
      Var x => [x]
    | Fn (f, args) =>
        unions_str ( fvt args)

fun var fm =
    case fm of
      Falsity => []
    | Truth => []
    | Atom (Rl (p, args)) =>
        unions str_ord ( fvt args)
    | Not p => var p
    | And (p, q) => union_str (var p) (var q)
    | Or  (p, q) => union_str (var p) (var q)
    | Imp (p, q) => union_str (var p) (var q)
    | Iff (p, q) => union_str (var p) (var q)
    | Forall (x, p) => insert_str x (var p)
    | Exists (x, p) => insert_str x (var p)

fun fv fm =
    case fm of
      Falsity => []
    | Truth => []
    | Atom (Rl (p, args)) =>
        unions_str ( fvt args)
    | Not p => fv p
    | And (p, q) => union_str (fv p) (fv q)
    | Or  (p, q) => union_str (fv p) (fv q)
    | Imp (p, q) => union_str (fv p) (fv q)
    | Iff (p, q) => union_str (fv p) (fv q)
    | Forall (x, p) => subtract_str (fv p) [x]
    | Exists (x, p) => subtract_str (fv p) [x]

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Substitution within terms.                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun tsubst sfn tm =
  case tm of
    Var x => tryapplyd_str sfn x tm
  | Fn(f,args) => Fn(f, (tsubst sfn) args);

fun variant x vars =
  if mem x vars then variant (x^"'") vars else x;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Substitution in formulas, with variable renaming.                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun subst subfn fm =
    case fm of
      Falsity => Falsity
    | Truth => Truth
    | Atom (Rl (p, args)) =>
        Atom (Rl (p, (tsubst subfn) args))
    | Not p =>
        Not (subst subfn p)
    | And (p, q) =>
        And (subst subfn p, subst subfn q)
    | Or (p, q) =>
        Or  (subst subfn p, subst subfn q)
    | Imp (p, q) =>
        Imp (subst subfn p, subst subfn q)
    | Iff (p, q) =>
        Iff (subst subfn p, subst subfn q)
    | Forall (x, p) =>
        substq subfn mk_forall x p
    | Exists (x, p) =>
        substq subfn mk_exists x p
and substq subfn quant x p =
    let val x' =
        if List.exists (fn y => mem x (fvt (tryapplyd_str subfn y (Var y))))
                       (subtract_str (fv p) [x]) then
            variant x (fv (subst (undefine_str x subfn) p))
        else x
    quant x' (subst ((x |--> Var x') subfn) p)

ML "skolem.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Prenex and Skolem normal forms.                                           *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Get the functions in a term and formula.                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun funcs tm =
  case tm of
    Var x => []
  | Fn(f,args) => itlist (union_sip o funcs) args [(f,List.length args)];

fun functions fm =
  atom_union_sip (fn (Rl(p,a)) => itlist (union_sip o funcs) a []) fm;

ML "unif.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Unification for first order terms.                                        *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

fun istriv env x t =
  case t of
    Var y => y = x orelse defined_str env y andalso istriv env x (apply_str env y)
  | Fn(f,args) => List.exists (istriv env x) args andalso raise Fail "cyclic";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Main unification procedure                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun unify env eqs =
  case eqs of
    [] => env
  | (Fn(f,fargs),Fn(g,gargs))::oth =>
        if f = g andalso length fargs = length gargs
        then unify env (zip fargs gargs @ oth)
        else raise Fail "impossible unification"
  | (Var x,t)::oth =>
        if defined_str env x then unify env ((apply_str env x,t)::oth)
        else unify (if istriv env x t then env else (x|-->t) env) oth
  | (t,Var x)::oth =>
        if defined_str env x then unify env ((apply_str env x,t)::oth)
        else unify (if istriv env x t then env else (x|-->t) env) oth;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Solve to obtain a single instantiation.                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun solve env =
  let val env' = mapf (tsubst env) env in
  if env' = env then env else solve env'

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Unification reaching a final solved form (often this isn't needed).       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun fullunify eqs = solve (unify undefined eqs);

fun unify_and_apply eqs =
  let val i = fullunify eqs
      fun apply (t1,t2) = (tsubst i t1,tsubst i t2) in
  map apply eqs

ML "tableaux.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Tableaux, seen as an optimized version of a Prawitz-like procedure.       *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

fun deepen f n =
  ((* XXX print_string "Searching with depth limit ";
      print_int n; print_newline(); *) f n
  handle Fail _ => deepen f (n + 1);

ML "resolution.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Resolution.                                                               *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Matching of terms and literals.                                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun term_match env eqs =
    case eqs of
      [] => env
    | (Fn (f, fa), Fn(g, ga)) :: oth =>
        if (f = g andalso List.length fa = List.length ga) then
        term_match env (zip fa ga @ oth)
        else raise Fail "term_match"
    | (Var x, t) :: oth =>
        if not (defined_str env x) then
            term_match ((x |--> t) env) oth
        else if apply_str env x = t then
            term_match env oth
            raise Fail "term_match"
    | _ =>
        raise Fail "term_match";

ML "equal.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* First order logic with equality.                                          *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

fun mk_eq s t = Atom(Rl("=",[s,t]));

fun dest_eq fm =
  case fm of
    Atom(Rl("=",[s,t])) => (s,t)
  | _ => raise Fail "dest_eq: not an equation";

fun lhs eq = fst (dest_eq eq) and rhs eq = snd (dest_eq eq);

ML "order.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Term orderings.                                                           *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

fun termsize tm =
  case tm of
    Var x => 1
  | Fn(f,args) => itlist (fn t => fn n => termsize t + n) args 1;

ML "eqelim.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Equality elimination including Brand transformation and relatives.        *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Replacement (substitution for non-variable) in term and literal.          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun replacet rfn tm =
  apply_t rfn tm
  handle Fail _ =>
  case tm of
    Fn(f,args) => Fn(f, (replacet rfn) args)
  | _ => tm;

ML "lcf.sml";

fun print_thm_aux th = (
    open_box 0;
    print_string "|-"; print_space();
    open_box 0; print_formula_aux print_atom_aux (concl th); close_box();

fun print_thm th = (print_thm_aux th; print_flush ())

ML "lcfprop.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Propositional reasoning by derived rules atop the LCF core.               *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- p ==> p                                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_refl p =
  modusponens (modusponens (axiom_distribimp p (Imp(p,p)) p)
                           (axiom_addimp p (Imp(p,p))))
              (axiom_addimp p p);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                 |- p ==> p ==> q                                          *)
(*               -------------------- imp_unduplicate                        *)
(*                 |- p ==> q                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_unduplicate th =
  let val (p,pq) = dest_imp(concl th)
      val q = consequent pq in
  modusponens (modusponens (axiom_distribimp p p q) th) (imp_refl p)
  end ;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Some handy syntax operations.                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun negatef fm =
  case fm of
    Imp(p,Falsity) => p
  | p => Imp(p,Falsity);

fun negativef fm =
  case fm of
    Imp(p,Falsity) => true
  | _ => false;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                           |- q                                            *)
(*         ------------------------------------------------ add_assum (p)    *)
(*                         |- p ==> q                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun add_assum p th = modusponens (axiom_addimp (concl th) p) th;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                   |- q ==> r                                              *)
(*         --------------------------------------- imp_add_assum p           *)
(*           |- (p ==> q) ==> (p ==> r)                                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_add_assum p th =
  let val (q,r) = dest_imp(concl th) in
  modusponens (axiom_distribimp p q r) (add_assum p th)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*            |- p ==> q              |- q ==> r                             *)
(*         ----------------------------------------- imp_trans               *)
(*                 |- p ==> r                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_trans th1 th2 =
  let val p = antecedent(concl th1) in
  modusponens (imp_add_assum p th2) th1

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                 |- p ==> r                                                *)
(*         -------------------------- imp_insert q                           *)
(*              |- p ==> q ==> r                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_insert q th =
  let val (p,r) = dest_imp(concl th) in
  imp_trans th (axiom_addimp r q)
  end ;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                 |- p ==> q ==> r                                          *)
(*              ---------------------- imp_swap                              *)
(*                 |- q ==> p ==> r                                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_swap th =
  let val (p,qr) = dest_imp(concl th)
      val (q,r) = dest_imp qr in
  imp_trans (axiom_addimp q p)
            (modusponens (axiom_distribimp p q r) th)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- (q ==> r) ==> (p ==> q) ==> (p ==> r)                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_trans_th p q r =
   imp_trans (axiom_addimp (Imp(q,r)) p)
             (axiom_distribimp p q r);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                 |- p ==> q                                                *)
(*         ------------------------------- imp_add_concl r                   *)
(*          |- (q ==> r) ==> (p ==> r)                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_add_concl r th =
  let val (p,q) = dest_imp(concl th) in
  modusponens (imp_swap(imp_trans_th p q r)) th

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- (p ==> q ==> r) ==> (q ==> p ==> r)                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_swap_th p q r =
  imp_trans (axiom_distribimp p q r)
            (imp_add_concl (Imp(p,r)) (axiom_addimp q p));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*  |- (p ==> q ==> r) ==> (s ==> t ==> u)                                   *)
(* -----------------------------------------                                 *)
(*  |- (q ==> p ==> r) ==> (t ==> s ==> u)                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_swap2 th =
  case concl th of
    Imp(Imp(p,Imp(q,r)),Imp(s,Imp(t,u))) =>
        imp_trans (imp_swap_th q p r) (imp_trans th (imp_swap_th s t u))
  | _ => raise Fail "imp_swap2";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If |- p ==> q ==> r and |- p ==> q then |- p ==> r.                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun right_mp ith th =
  imp_unduplicate(imp_trans th (imp_swap ith));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                 |- p <=> q                                                *)
(*                ------------ iff_imp1                                      *)
(*                 |- p ==> q                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun iff_imp1 th =
  let val (p,q) = dest_iff(concl th) in
  modusponens (axiom_iffimp1 p q) th

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                 |- p <=> q                                                *)
(*                ------------ iff_imp2                                      *)
(*                 |- q ==> p                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun iff_imp2 th =
  let val (p,q) = dest_iff(concl th) in
  modusponens (axiom_iffimp2 p q) th

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*         |- p ==> q      |- q ==> p                                        *)
(*        ---------------------------- imp_antisym                           *)
(*              |- p <=> q                                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_antisym th1 th2 =
  let val (p,q) = dest_imp(concl th1) in
  modusponens (modusponens (axiom_impiff p q) th1) th2

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*         |- p ==> (q ==> false) ==> false                                  *)
(*       ----------------------------------- right_doubleneg                 *)
(*               |- p ==> q                                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun right_doubleneg th =
  case concl th of
    Imp(_,Imp(Imp(p,Falsity),Falsity)) => imp_trans th (axiom_doubleneg p)
  | _ => raise Fail "right_doubleneg";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                                                                           *)
(*         ------------------------------------------- ex_falso (p)          *)
(*                 |- false ==> p                                            *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun ex_falso p = right_doubleneg(axiom_addimp Falsity (Imp(p,Falsity)));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*  |- p ==> q ==> r        |- r ==> s                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------ imp_trans2                           *)
(*      |- p ==> q ==> s                                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_trans2 th1 th2 =
  let val Imp(p,Imp(q,r)) = concl th1
      val Imp(r',s) = concl th2
      val th = imp_add_assum p (modusponens (imp_trans_th q r s) th2) in
  modusponens th th1

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*         |- p ==> q1   ...   |- p ==> qn   |- q1 ==> ... ==> qn ==> r      *)
(*        --------------------------------------------------------------     *)
(*                             |- p ==> r                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_trans_chain ths th =
  itlist (fn a => fn b => imp_unduplicate (imp_trans a (imp_swap b)))
    (List.rev( ths)) (imp_trans (List.hd ths) th);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- (q ==> false) ==> p ==> (p ==> q) ==> false                            *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_truefalse p q =
  imp_trans (imp_trans_th p q Falsity) (imp_swap_th (Imp(p,q)) p Falsity);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*  |- (p' ==> p) ==> (q ==> q') ==> (p ==> q) ==> (p' ==> q')               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_mono_th p p' q q' =
  let val th1 = imp_trans_th (Imp(p,q)) (Imp(p',q)) (Imp(p',q'))
      val th2 = imp_trans_th p' q q'
      val th3 = imp_swap(imp_trans_th p' p q) in
  imp_trans th3 (imp_swap(imp_trans th2 th1))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- true                                                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

val truth = modusponens (iff_imp2 axiom_true) (imp_refl Falsity);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*         |- p ==> q                                                        *)
(*      ----------------- contrapos                                          *)
(*         |- ~q ==> ~p                                                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun contrapos th =
  let val (p,q) = dest_imp(concl th) in
  imp_trans (imp_trans (iff_imp1(axiom_not q)) (imp_add_concl Falsity th))
            (iff_imp2(axiom_not p))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- p /\ q ==> p                                                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun and_left p q =
  let val th1 = imp_add_assum p (axiom_addimp Falsity q)
      val th2 = right_doubleneg(imp_add_concl Falsity th1) in
  imp_trans (iff_imp1(axiom_and p q)) th2

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- p /\ q ==> q                                                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun and_right p q =
  let val th1 = axiom_addimp (Imp(q,Falsity)) p
      val th2 = right_doubleneg(imp_add_concl Falsity th1) in
  imp_trans (iff_imp1(axiom_and p q)) th2

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- p1 /\ ... /\ pn ==> pi for each 1 <= i <= n (input term right assoc)   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun conjths fm =
  let val (p,q) = dest_and fm in
      (and_left p q) (imp_trans (and_right p q)) (conjths q)
  end handle Fail _ => [imp_refl fm];

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- p ==> q ==> p /\ q                                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun and_pair p q =
  let val th1 = iff_imp2(axiom_and p q)
      val th2 = imp_swap_th (Imp(p,Imp(q,Falsity))) q Falsity
      val th3 = imp_add_assum p (imp_trans2 th2 th1) in
  modusponens th3 (imp_swap (imp_refl (Imp(p,Imp(q,Falsity)))))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If |- p /\ q ==> r then |- p ==> q ==> r                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun shunt th =
  let val (p,q) = dest_and(antecedent(concl th)) in
  modusponens (itlist imp_add_assum [p,q] th) (and_pair p q)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If |- p ==> q ==> r then |- p /\ q ==> r                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun unshunt th =
  let val (p,qr) = dest_imp(concl th)
      val (q,r) = dest_imp qr in
  imp_trans_chain [and_left p q, and_right p q] th

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Produce |- (p <=> q) <=> (p ==> q) /\ (q ==> p)                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun iff_def p q = (* Not in the book *)
  let val th1 = and_pair (Imp(p,q)) (Imp(q,p))
      val th2 = imp_trans_chain [axiom_iffimp1 p q, axiom_iffimp2 p q] th1 in
  imp_antisym th2 (unshunt (axiom_impiff p q))

fun iff_def p q =
  let val th = and_pair (Imp(p,q)) (Imp(q,p))
      val thl = [axiom_iffimp1 p q, axiom_iffimp2 p q] in
  imp_antisym (imp_trans_chain thl th) (unshunt (axiom_impiff p q))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Produce "expansion" theorem for defined connectives.                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun expand_connective fm =
  case fm of
    Truth => axiom_true
  | Not p => axiom_not p
  | And(p,q) => axiom_and p q
  | Or(p,q) => axiom_or p q
  | Iff(p,q) => iff_def p q
  | Exists(x,p) => axiom_exists x p
  | _ => raise Fail "expand_connective";

fun eliminate_connective fm =
  if not(negativef fm) then iff_imp1(expand_connective fm)
  else imp_add_concl Falsity (iff_imp2(expand_connective(negatef fm)));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                                                                           *)
(*   ------------------------------------------------- imp_false_conseqs     *)
(*      [|- ((p ==> q) ==> false) ==> (q ==> false);                         *)
(*       |- ((p ==> q) ==> false) ==> p]                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_false_conseqs p q =
 [right_doubleneg(imp_add_concl Falsity (imp_add_assum p (ex_falso q))),
  imp_add_concl Falsity (imp_insert p (imp_refl q))];

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*         |- p ==> (q ==> false) ==> r                                      *)
(*        ------------------------------------ imp_false_rule                *)
(*             |- ((p ==> q) ==> false) ==> r                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_false_rule th =
  let val (p,r) = dest_imp (concl th) in
  imp_trans_chain (imp_false_conseqs p (funpow 2 antecedent r)) th

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*         |- (p ==> false) ==> r          |- q ==> r                        *)
(*       ---------------------------------------------- imp_true_rule        *)
(*                      |- (p ==> q) ==> r                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_true_rule th1 th2 =
  let val p = funpow 2 antecedent (concl th1)
      val q = antecedent(concl th2)
      val th3 = right_doubleneg(imp_add_concl Falsity th1)
      val th4 = imp_add_concl Falsity th2
      val th5 = imp_swap(imp_truefalse p q)
      val th6 = imp_add_concl Falsity (imp_trans_chain [th3, th4] th5)
      val th7 = imp_swap(imp_refl(Imp(Imp(p,q),Falsity))) in
  right_doubleneg(imp_trans th7 th6)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                                 *                                         *)
(*                 -------------------------------------- imp_contr          *)
(*                        |- p ==> -p ==> q                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_contr p q =
  if negativef p then imp_add_assum (negatef p) (ex_falso q)
  else imp_swap (imp_add_assum p (ex_falso q));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* --------------------------------------------- imp_front (this antecedent) *)
(*  |- (p0 ==> p1 ==> ... ==> pn ==> q)                                      *)
(*     ==> pn ==> p0 ==> p1 ==> .. p(n-1) ==> q                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_front_th n fm =
  if n = 0 then imp_refl fm else
  let val (p,qr) = dest_imp fm
      val th1 = imp_add_assum p (imp_front_th (n - 1) qr)
      val (q',r') = dest_imp(funpow 2 consequent(concl th1)) in
  imp_trans th1 (imp_swap_th p q' r')

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*           |- p0 ==> p1 ==> ... ==> pn ==> q                               *)
(*         ------------------------------------------ imp_front n            *)
(*           |- pn ==> p0 ==> p1 ==> .. p(n-1) ==> q                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_front n th = modusponens (imp_front_th n (concl th)) th;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Propositional tableaux procedure.                                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun is_false Falsity = true
  | is_false _ = false;

fun is_true (Imp(p,q)) = (p = q)
  | is_true _ = false;

fun is_conj (Imp(Imp(p,q),Falsity)) = true
  | is_conj _ = false

fun dest_conj fm =
    case fm of
      (Imp(Imp(p,q),Falsity)) => (p,q)
    | _ => raise Fail "dest_conj"

fun is_disj (Imp(p,q)) = (q <> Falsity)
  | is_disj _ = false

fun dest_disj fm = dest_imp fm;

fun is_prop_lit p =
  case p of
     Atom(_) => true
   | Forall(_,_) => true
   | Imp(Atom(_),Falsity) => true
   | Imp(Forall(_),Falsity) => true
   | _ => false ;

fun lcfptab fms lits =
    case fms of
      []     => raise Fail "lcfptab: no contradiction"
    | fm::fl =>
        if is_false fm then (
            ex_falso (itlist mk_imp (fl @ lits) Falsity)
        ) else if is_true fm then (
            add_assum fm (lcfptab fl lits)
        ) else if is_conj fm then (
            let val (p,q)=dest_conj fm in
            imp_false_rule(lcfptab (p::Imp(q,Falsity)::fl) lits)
        ) else if is_disj fm then (
            let val (p,q)=dest_disj fm in
            imp_true_rule (lcfptab (Imp(p,Falsity)::fl) lits) (lcfptab (q::fl) lits)
        ) else if is_prop_lit fm then (
            if mem (negatef fm) lits then
              let val (l1,l2) = chop_list (index (negatef fm) lits) lits
                  val th = imp_contr fm (itlist mk_imp ( l2) Falsity ) in
              itlist imp_insert (fl @ l1) th
            else imp_front (List.length fl) (lcfptab fl (fm::lits))
        ) else ( (* is nonprimitive *)
           let val th = eliminate_connective fm in
           imp_trans th (lcfptab (consequent(concl th)::fl) lits)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* In particular, this gives a tautology prover.                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun lcftaut p =
  modusponens (axiom_doubleneg p) (lcfptab [negatef p] []);

ML "folderived.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* First-order derived rules in the LCF setup.                               *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                         ******                                            *)
(*         ------------------------------------------ eq_sym                 *)
(*                      |- s = t ==> t = s                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun eq_sym s t =
  let val rth = axiom_eqrefl s in
  funpow 2 (fn th => (modusponens (imp_swap th) rth))
           (axiom_predcong "=" [s, s] [t, s])

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- s = t ==> t = u ==> s = u.                                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun eq_trans s t u =
  let val th1 = axiom_predcong "=" [t, u] [s, u]
      val th2 = modusponens (imp_swap th1) (axiom_eqrefl u) in
  imp_trans (eq_sym s t) th2

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*         ---------------------------- icongruence                          *)
(*          |- s = t ==> tm[s] = tm[t]                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun icongruence s t stm ttm =
  if stm = ttm then add_assum (mk_eq s t) (axiom_eqrefl stm)
  else if stm = s andalso ttm = t then imp_refl (mk_eq s t) else
  case (stm,ttm) of
   (Fn(fs,sa),Fn(ft,ta)) =>
        if fs = ft andalso length sa = length ta then
            let val ths = map2 (icongruence s t) sa ta
                val ts = (consequent o concl) ths in
            imp_trans_chain ths (axiom_funcong fs ( lhs ts) ( rhs ts))
        else raise Fail "icongruence: not congruent"
  | _ => raise Fail "icongruence: not congruent";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- (forall x. p ==> q(x)) ==> p ==> (forall x. q(x))                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun gen_right_th x p q =
  imp_swap(imp_trans (axiom_impall x p) (imp_swap(axiom_allimp x p q)));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                       |- p ==> q                                          *)
(*         ------------------------------------- genimp "x"                  *)
(*           |- (forall x. p) ==> (forall x. q)                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun genimp x th =
  let val (p,q) = dest_imp(concl th) in
  modusponens (axiom_allimp x p q) (gen x th)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If |- p ==> q[x] then |- p ==> forall x. q[x]                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun gen_right x th =
  let val (p,q) = dest_imp(concl th) in
  modusponens (gen_right_th x p q) (gen x th)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* |- (forall x. p(x) ==> q) ==> (exists x. p(x)) ==> q                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun exists_left_th x p q =
  let val  p' = Imp(p,Falsity)
      val  q' = Imp(q,Falsity)
      val th1 = genimp x (imp_swap(imp_trans_th p q Falsity))
      val th2 = imp_trans th1 (gen_right_th x q' p')
      val th3 = imp_swap(imp_trans_th q' (Forall(x,p')) Falsity)
      val th4 = imp_trans2 (imp_trans th2 th3) (axiom_doubleneg q)
      val th5 = imp_add_concl Falsity (genimp x (iff_imp2 (axiom_not p)))
      val th6 = imp_trans (iff_imp1 (axiom_not (Forall(x,Not p)))) th5
      val th7 = imp_trans (iff_imp1(axiom_exists x p)) th6 in
  imp_swap(imp_trans th7 (imp_swap th4))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If |- p(x) ==> q then |- (exists x. p(x)) ==> q                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun exists_left x th =
  let val (p,q) = dest_imp(concl th) in
  modusponens (exists_left_th x p q) (gen x th)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*    |- x = t ==> p ==> q    [x not in t and not free in q]                 *)
(*  --------------------------------------------------------------- subspec  *)
(*                 |- (forall x. p) ==> q                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun subspec th =
  case concl th of
    Imp(e as Atom(Rl("=",[Var x,t])),Imp(p,q)) =>
        let val th1 = imp_trans (genimp x (imp_swap th))
                            (exists_left_th x e q) in
        modusponens (imp_swap th1) (axiom_existseq x t)
  | _ => raise Fail "subspec: wrong sort of theorem";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*    |- x = y ==> p[x] ==> q[y]  [x not in FV(q); y not in FV(p) or x == y] *)
(*  --------------------------------------------------------- subalpha       *)
(*                 |- (forall x. p) ==> (forall y. q)                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun subalpha th =
   case concl th of
    Imp(Atom(Rl("=",[Var x,Var y])),Imp(p,q)) =>
        if x = y then genimp x (modusponens th (axiom_eqrefl(Var x)))
        else gen_right y (subspec th)
  | _ => raise Fail "subalpha: wrong sort of theorem";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*         ---------------------------------- isubst                         *)
(*            |- s = t ==> p[s] ==> p[t]                                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun isubst s t sfm tfm =
  if sfm = tfm then add_assum (mk_eq s t) (imp_refl tfm) else
  case (sfm,tfm) of
    (Atom(Rl(p,sa)),Atom(Rl(p',ta))) =>
        if p = p' andalso List.length sa = List.length ta then
            let val ths = map2 (icongruence s t) sa ta
                val (ls,rs) = unzip ( (dest_eq o consequent o concl) ths) in
            imp_trans_chain ths (axiom_predcong p ls rs)
            raise Fail "isubst"
  | (Imp(sp,sq),Imp(tp,tq)) =>
        let val th1 = imp_trans (eq_sym s t) (isubst t s tp sp)
            val th2 = isubst s t sq tq in
        imp_trans_chain [th1, th2] (imp_mono_th sp tp sq tq)
  | (Forall(x,p),Forall(y,q)) =>
        if x = y then
          imp_trans (gen_right x (isubst s t p q)) (axiom_allimp x p q)
          let val z = Var(variant x (unions_str [fv p, fv q, fvt s, fvt t]))
              val th1 = isubst (Var x) z p (subst (x |==> z) p)
              val th2 = isubst z (Var y) (subst (y |==> z) q) q
              val th3 = subalpha th1
              val th4 = subalpha th2
              val th5 = isubst s t (consequent(concl th3))
                               (antecedent(concl th4)) in
          imp_swap (imp_trans2 (imp_trans th3 (imp_swap th5)) th4)
  | _ =>
        let val sth = iff_imp1(expand_connective sfm)
            val tth = iff_imp2(expand_connective tfm)
            val th1 = isubst s t (consequent(concl sth))
                             (antecedent(concl tth)) in
        imp_swap(imp_trans sth (imp_swap(imp_trans2 th1 tth)))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* -------------------------------------------- alpha "z" <!forall x. p[x]!> *)
(*   |- (forall x. p[x]) ==> (forall z. p'[z])                               *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* [Restriction that z is not free in the initial p[x].]                     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun alpha z fm =
  case fm of
    Forall(x,p) => let val p' = subst (x |==> Var z) p in
                   subalpha(isubst (Var x) (Var z) p p')
  | _ => raise Fail "alpha: not a universal formula";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*                                                                           *)
(* -------------------------------- ispec t <!forall x. p[x]!>               *)
(*   |- (forall x. p[x]) ==> p'[t]                                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun ispec t fm =
  case fm of
    Forall(x,p) =>
      if mem x (fvt t) then
        let val th = alpha (variant x (union_str (fvt t) (var p))) fm in
        imp_trans th (ispec t (consequent(concl th)))
      else subspec(isubst (Var x) t p (subst (x |==> t) p))
  | _ => raise Fail "ispec: non-universal formula";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Specialization rule.                                                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun spec t th = modusponens (ispec t (concl th)) th;

ML "lcffol.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* First order tableau procedure using LCF setup.                            *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Unification of complementary literals.                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun unify_complementsf env =
  fn (Atom(Rl(p1,a1)),Imp(Atom(Rl(p2,a2)),Falsity)) => unify env [(Fn(p1,a1),Fn(p2,a2))]
   | (Imp(Atom(Rl(p1,a1)),Falsity),Atom(Rl(p2,a2))) => unify env [(Fn(p1,a1),Fn(p2,a2))]
   | _ => raise Fail "unify_complementsf";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*    |- (q ==> f) ==> ... ==> (q ==> p) ==> r                               *)
(* --------------------------------------------- use_laterimp <!q ==> p!>    *)
(*    |- (p ==> f) ==> ... ==> (q ==> p) ==> r                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun use_laterimp i fm =
  case fm of
    Imp(_,Imp(i',_)) =>
      ( case (fm,i'=i) of
          (Imp(Imp(q',s),Imp(i' as Imp(q,p),r)),true) =>
             let val th1 = axiom_distribimp i (Imp(Imp(q,s),r)) (Imp(Imp(p,s),r))
                 val th2 = imp_swap(imp_trans_th q p s)
                 val th3 = imp_swap(imp_trans_th (Imp(p,s)) (Imp(q,s)) r) in
             imp_swap2(modusponens th1 (imp_trans th2 th3))
        | (Imp(qs,Imp(a,b)),_) =>
             imp_swap2(imp_add_assum a (use_laterimp i (Imp(qs,b))))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* The "closure" inference rules.                                            *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_false_rule' th es = imp_false_rule(th es);

fun imp_true_rule' th1 th2 es = imp_true_rule (th1 es) (th2 es);

fun imp_front' n thp es = imp_front n (thp es);

fun add_assum' fm thp (es as(e,s)) =
  add_assum (onformula e fm) (thp es);

fun eliminate_connective' fm thp (es as(e,s)) =
  imp_trans (eliminate_connective (onformula e fm)) (thp es);

fun spec' y fm n thp (e,s) =
  let val th = imp_swap(imp_front n (thp(e,s))) in
  imp_unduplicate(imp_trans (ispec (e y) (onformula e fm)) th)

fun ex_falso' fms (e,s) =
  ex_falso (itlist (mk_imp o onformula e) fms s);

fun complits' (p::fl,lits) i (e,s) =
  let val (l1,p'::l2) = chop_list i lits in
  itlist (imp_insert o onformula e) (fl @ l1)
         (imp_contr (onformula e p)
                    (itlist (mk_imp o onformula e) l2 s))

fun deskol' (skh:fol fm) thp (e,s) =
  let val th = thp (e,s) in
  modusponens (use_laterimp (onformula e skh) (concl th)) th

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Main refutation function.                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun is_lit (Atom(_)) = true
  | is_lit (Imp(Atom(_),Falsity)) = true
  | is_lit _ = false;

fun is_uni (Forall(_,_)) = true
  | is_uni _ = false;

fun dest_uni (Forall(x,p)) = (x,p);

fun is_exi (Imp(Forall(_,_),Falsity)) = true
  | is_exi _ = false;

fun dest_exi (Imp(yp as Forall(y,p),Falsity)) = (y,p,yp);

fun lcftab skofun (fms,lits,n) cont (esk as (env,sks,k)) =
    if n < 0 then raise Fail "lcftab: no proof" else
    case fms of
      []     => raise Fail "lcftab: No contradiction"
    | fm::fl =>
        if is_false fm then (
            cont (ex_falso' (fl @ lits)) esk
        ) else if is_true fm then (
            lcftab skofun (fl,lits,n) (cont o add_assum' fm) esk
        ) else if is_conj fm then (
            let val (p,q)=dest_conj fm in
            lcftab skofun (p::Imp(q,Falsity)::fl,lits,n) (cont o imp_false_rule') esk
        ) else if is_disj fm then (
            let val (p,q)=dest_disj fm in
            lcftab skofun (Imp(p,Falsity)::fl,lits,n) (fn th => lcftab skofun (q::fl,lits,n)
                                                                (cont o imp_true_rule' th)) esk
        ) else if is_lit fm then (
            (tryfind (fn p' => (
                let val env' = unify_complementsf env (fm, p') in
                cont (complits' (fms, lits) (index p' lits)) (env', sks, k)
                end)) lits)
            handle Fail _ => (
                lcftab skofun (fl,fm::lits,n) (cont o imp_front' (List.length fl)) esk
        ) else if is_uni fm then (
            let val (x,p) = dest_uni fm
                val y = Var("X_"^(Int.toString k)) in
            lcftab skofun ((subst (x |==> y) p)::fl@[fm],lits,n-1)
                    (cont o spec' y fm (List.length fms)) (env,sks,k+1)
        ) else if is_exi fm then (
            let val (y,p,yp) = dest_exi fm
                val fx = skofun yp
                val p' = subst(y |==> fx) p
                val skh = Imp(p',Forall(y,p))
                val sks' = (Forall(y,p),fx)::sks in
            lcftab skofun (Imp(p',Falsity)::fl,lits,n) (cont o deskol' skh) (env,sks',k)
        ) else ( (* is nonprimitive *)
           let val fm' = consequent(concl(eliminate_connective fm)) in
           lcftab skofun (fm'::fl,lits,n) (cont o eliminate_connective' fm) esk

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Identify quantified subformulas; true = exists, false = forall. This is   *)
(* taking into account the effective parity.                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun quantforms e fm =
  case fm of
    Not(p) => quantforms (not e) p
  | And(p,q) => union_folfm (quantforms e p) (quantforms e q)
  | Or(p,q)  => union_folfm (quantforms e p) (quantforms e q)
  | Imp(p,q) => quantforms e (Or(Not p,q))
  | Iff(p,q) => quantforms e (Or(And(p,q),And(Not p,Not q)))
  | Exists(x,p) => if e then fm::(quantforms e p) else quantforms e p
  | Forall(x,p) => if e then quantforms e p else fm::(quantforms e p)
  | _ => [];

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Now create some Skolem functions.                                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun skolemfuns fm =
  let val fns = (fn pr => fst pr) (functions fm)
      val skts = (fn Exists(x,p) => Forall(x,Not p) | p => p)
                 (quantforms true fm)
      fun skofun i (ap as Forall(y,p)) =
            let val vars = (fn v => Var v) (fv ap) in
            (ap,Fn(variant("f"^"_"^Int.toString i) fns,vars))
  map2 skofun (1--length skts) skts

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Matching.                                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun form_match (fp as (f1,f2)) env =
  case fp of
    (Falsity,Falsity) => env
  | (Truth,Truth)     => env
  | (Atom(Rl(p,pa)),Atom(Rl(q,qa))) => term_match env [(Fn(p,pa),Fn(q,qa))]
  | (Not(p1),Not(p2)) => form_match (p1,p2) env
  | (And(p1,q1),And(p2,q2)) => form_match (p1,p2) (form_match (q1,q2) env)
  | (Or(p1,q1),Or(p2,q2))   => form_match (p1,p2) (form_match (q1,q2) env)
  | (Imp(p1,q1),Imp(p2,q2)) => form_match (p1,p2) (form_match (q1,q2) env)
  | (Iff(p1,q1),Iff(p2,q2)) => form_match (p1,p2) (form_match (q1,q2) env)
  | (Forall(x1,p1),Forall(x2,p2)) =>
        if (x1=x2) then
          let val z = variant x1 (union_str (fv p1) (fv p2))
              val inst_fn = subst (x1 |==> Var z) in
          undefine_str z (form_match (inst_fn p1,inst_fn p2) env)
          raise Fail "form_match"
  | (Exists(x1,p1),Exists(x2,p2)) =>
        if (x1=x2) then
          let val z = variant x1 (union_str (fv p1) (fv p2))
              val inst_fn = subst (x1 |==> Var z) in
          undefine_str z (form_match (inst_fn p1,inst_fn p2) env)
          raise Fail "form_match"
  | _ => raise Fail "form_match";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* With the current approach to picking Skolem functions.                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun lcfrefute fm n cont =
  let val sl = skolemfuns fm
      fun find_skolem fm =
           tryfind(fn (f,t) => tsubst(form_match (f,fm) undefined) t) sl
  lcftab find_skolem ([fm],[],n) cont (undefined,[],0)

fun mk_skol (Forall(y,p),fx) q =
  Imp(Imp(subst (y |==> fx) p,Forall(y,p)),q);

fun simpcont thp (env,sks,k) =
  let val ifn = tsubst(solve env) in
  thp(ifn,onformula ifn (itlist mk_skol sks Falsity))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(*         |- (p(v) ==> forall x. p(x)) ==> q                                *)
(*       -------------------------------------- elim_skolemvar               *)
(*                   |- q                                                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun elim_skolemvar th =
  case concl th of
    Imp(Imp(pv,(apx as Forall(x,px))),q) =>
        let val [th1,th2] = (imp_trans(imp_add_concl Falsity th))
                            (imp_false_conseqs pv apx)
            val v = hd(subtract_str (fv pv) (fv apx) @ [x])
            val th3 = gen_right v th1
            val th4 = imp_trans th3 (alpha x (consequent(concl th3))) in
        modusponens (axiom_doubleneg q) (right_mp th2 th4)
  | _ => raise Fail "elim_skolemvar";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Top continuation with careful sorting and variable replacement.           *)
(* Also need to delete post-instantiation duplicates! This shows up more     *)
(* often now that we have adequate sharing.                                  *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun deskolcont thp (env,sks,k) =
  let val ifn = tsubst(solve env)
      val isk = setify_ftp( (fn (p,t) => (onformula ifn p,ifn t)) sks)
      val ssk = sort (decreasing (termsize o snd)) isk
      val vs  = (fn i => Var("Y_"^Int.toString i)) (1--List.length ssk)
      val vfn = replacet(itlist2 (fn (p,t) => fn v => t |---> v) ssk vs undefined)
      val th  = thp(vfn o ifn,onformula vfn (itlist mk_skol ssk Falsity)) in
  repeat (elim_skolemvar o imp_swap) th

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Overall first-order prover.                                               *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun lcffol fm =
  let val fvs = fv fm
      val fm' = Imp(itlist mk_forall fvs fm,Falsity)
      val th1 = deepen (fn n => lcfrefute fm' n deskolcont) 0
      val th2 = modusponens (axiom_doubleneg (negatef fm')) th1 in
  itlist (fn v => spec(Var v)) (rev fvs) th2

ML "tactics.sml";

(* ========================================================================= *)
(* Goals, LCF-like tactics and Mizar-like proofs.                            *)
(* ========================================================================= *)

datatype goals =
  Goals of ((string * fol fm) list * fol fm)list *
           (thm list -> thm);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Printer for goals (just shows first goal plus total number).              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

val print_goal_aux =
    let fun print_hyp (l, fm) = (
        print_string (l^":");
        print_space ();
        print_formula_aux print_atom_aux fm;
    ) in
    fn (Goals (gls, jfn)) =>
        case gls of
          [] =>
            print_string "No subgoals"
        | (asl, w) :: ogls =>(
            print_newline ();
            if ogls = [] then
                print_string "1 subgoal:"
            else (
                print_int (List.length gls);
                print_string " subgoals starting with"
   print_hyp (List.rev asl);
            print_string "---> ";
            open_hvbox 0; print_formula_aux print_atom_aux w; close_box();
            print_newline ()

fun print_goal g = (print_goal_aux g; print_flush ());

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Setting up goals and terminating them in a theorem.                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun set_goal p =
  let fun chk th = if concl th = p then th else raise Fail "wrong theorem" in
  Goals([([],p)],fn [th] => chk(modusponens th truth))

fun extract_thm gls =
  case gls of
    Goals([],jfn) => jfn []
  | _ => raise Fail "extract_thm: unsolved goals";

fun tac_proof g prf = extract_thm(itlist (fn f => f) (List.rev prf) g);

fun prove p prf = tac_proof (set_goal p) prf;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Conjunction introduction tactic.                                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun conj_intro_tac (Goals((asl,And(p,q))::gls,jfn)) =
  let fun jfn' (thp::thq::ths) =
    jfn(imp_trans_chain [thp, thq] (and_pair p q)::ths) in

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Handy idiom for tactic that does not split subgoals.                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun jmodify jfn tfn (th::oths) = jfn(tfn th :: oths);

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Version of gen_right with a bound variable change.                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun gen_right_alpha y x th =
  let val th1 = gen_right y th in
  imp_trans th1 (alpha x (consequent(concl th1)))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Universal introduction.                                                   *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun forall_intro_tac y (Goals((asl,(fm as Forall(x,p)))::gls,jfn)) =
  if mem y (fv fm) orelse List.exists (mem y o fv o snd) asl
  then raise Fail "fix: variable already free in goal" else
  Goals((asl,subst(x |==> Var y) p)::gls,
        jmodify jfn (gen_right_alpha y x));

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Another inference rule: |- P[t] ==> exists x. P[x]                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun right_exists x t p =
  let val th = contrapos(ispec t (Forall(x,Not p)))
      val Not(Not p') = antecedent(concl th) in
  end_itlist imp_trans
   [imp_contr p' Falsity, imp_add_concl Falsity (iff_imp1 (axiom_not p')),
    iff_imp2(axiom_not (Not p')), th, iff_imp2(axiom_exists x p)]

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Existential introduction.                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun exists_intro_tac t (Goals((asl,Exists(x,p))::gls,jfn)) =
  Goals((asl,subst(x |==> t) p)::gls,
        jmodify jfn (fn th => imp_trans th (right_exists x t p))) ;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Implication introduction tactic.                                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun imp_intro_tac s (Goals((asl,Imp(p,q))::gls,jfn)) =
  let val jmod = if asl = [] then add_assum Truth else imp_swap o shunt in
  Goals(((s,p)::asl,q)::gls,jmodify jfn jmod)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Append contextual hypothesis to unconditional theorem.                    *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun assumptate (Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) th =
  add_assum (list_conj (map snd asl)) th;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Get the first assumption (quicker than head of assumps result).           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun firstassum asl =
  let val p = snd(hd asl)
      val q = list_conj( snd ( asl)) in
  if tl asl = [] then imp_refl p else and_left p q

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Import "external" theorem.                                                *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun using ths p g =
  let val ths' = map (fn th => itlist gen (fv(concl th)) th) ths in (assumptate g) ths'

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Turn assumptions p1,...,pn into theorems |- p1 /\ ... /\ pn ==> pi        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun assumps asl =
  case asl of
    [] => []
  | [(l,p)] => [(l,imp_refl p)]
  | (l,p)::lps =>
        let val ths = assumps lps
            val q = antecedent(concl(snd(List.hd ths)))
            val rth = and_right p q in
        (l,and_left p q) (fn (l,th) => (l,imp_trans rth th)) ths

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Produce canonical theorem from list of theorems or assumption labels.     *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun by hyps p (Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) =
  let val ths = assumps asl in (fn s => assoc s ths) hyps

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Main automatic justification step.                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

  fun singleton [_] = true
    | singleton _ = false
  fun justify byfn hyps p g =
    let val ths = byfn hyps p g in
    if singleton ths andalso consequent(concl (List.hd ths)) = p then (
      List.hd ths
    ) else (
      let val th = lcffol(itlist (mk_imp o consequent o concl) ths p) in
      case ths of
        [] => assumptate g th
      | _  => imp_trans_chain ths th

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Nested subproof.                                                          *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun proof tacs p (Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) =
  [tac_proof (Goals([(asl,p)],fn [th] => th)) tacs];

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Trivial justification, producing no hypotheses.                           *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun at once p gl = [];
val once = [];

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Hence an automated terminal tactic.                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun auto_tac byfn hyps (g as Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) =
  let val th = justify byfn hyps w g in
  Goals(gls,fn ths => jfn(th::ths))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A "lemma" tactic.                                                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun lemma_tac s p byfn hyps (g as Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) =
  let val tr = imp_trans(justify byfn hyps p g)
      val mfn = if asl = [] then tr else imp_unduplicate o tr o shunt in
  Goals(((s,p)::asl,w)::gls,jmodify jfn mfn)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Elimination tactic for existential quantification.                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun exists_elim_tac l fm byfn hyps (g as Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) =
  let val Exists(x,p) = fm in
  if List.exists (mem x o fv) ( snd asl)
  then raise Fail "exists_elim_tac: variable free in assumptions" else
  let val th = justify byfn hyps (Exists(x,p)) g
      fun jfn' pth = imp_unduplicate(imp_trans th (exists_left x (shunt pth)))
  Goals(((l,p)::asl,w)::gls,jmodify jfn jfn')
  end end;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* If |- p ==> r and |- q ==> r then |- p \/ q ==> r                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun ante_disj th1 th2 =
  let val (p,r) = dest_imp(concl th1)
      val (q,s) = dest_imp(concl th2)
      val ths = map contrapos [th1, th2]
      val th3 = imp_trans_chain ths (and_pair (Not p) (Not q))
      val th4 = contrapos(imp_trans (iff_imp2(axiom_not r)) th3)
      val th5 = imp_trans (iff_imp1(axiom_or p q)) th4 in
  right_doubleneg(imp_trans th5 (iff_imp1(axiom_not(Imp(r,Falsity)))))

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Elimination tactic for disjunction.                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun disj_elim_tac l fm byfn hyps (g as Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn) ) =
  let val th = justify byfn hyps fm g
      val Or(p,q) = fm
      fun jfn' (pth::qth::ths) =
         let val th1 = imp_trans th (ante_disj (shunt pth) (shunt qth)) in
         jfn(imp_unduplicate th1::ths)

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Declarative proof.                                                        *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun multishunt i th =
  let val th1 = imp_swap(funpow i (imp_swap o shunt) th) in
  imp_swap(funpow (i-1) (unshunt o imp_front 2) th1)

fun assume lps (Goals((asl,Imp(p,q))::gls,jfn)) =
  if end_itlist mk_and (map snd lps) <> p then raise Fail "assume" else
  let fun jfn' th =
    if asl = [] then add_assum Truth th else multishunt (length lps) th in
  Goals((lps@asl,q)::gls,jmodify jfn jfn')

fun note (l,p) = lemma_tac l p;

fun have p = note("",p);

fun so tac arg byfn =
  tac arg (fn hyps => fn p => fn (gl as Goals((asl,w)::_,_)) =>
                     firstassum asl :: byfn hyps p gl);

val fix = forall_intro_tac;

fun consider (x,p) = exists_elim_tac "" (Exists(x,p));

fun take tm gls = exists_intro_tac tm gls;

fun cases fm byfn hyps g = disj_elim_tac "" fm byfn hyps g;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Thesis modification.                                                      *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun conclude p byfn hyps (gl as Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) =
  let val th = justify byfn hyps p gl in
  if p = w then Goals((asl,Truth)::gls,jmodify jfn (fn _ => th)) else
  let val (p',q) = dest_and w in
  if p' <> p then raise Fail "conclude: bad conclusion" else
  let fun mfn th' = imp_trans_chain [th, th'] (and_pair p q) in
  Goals((asl,q)::gls,jmodify jfn mfn)
  end end end;

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A useful shorthand for solving the whole goal.                            *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun our thesis byfn hyps (gl as Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) =
  conclude w byfn hyps gl;
val thesis = "";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Termination.                                                              *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

fun qed (gl as Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) =
  if w = Truth then Goals(gls,fn ths => jfn(assumptate gl truth :: ths))
  else raise Fail "qed: non-trivial goal";

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* A simple example.                                                         *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

val ewd954 = prove
 (<!("(forall x y. x <= y <=> x * y = x) /\\ " ^
   "(forall x y. f(x * y) = f(x) * f(y)) " ^
   "==> forall x y. x <= y ==> f(x) <= f(y)")!>)
 [note("eq_sym",<!"forall x y. x = y ==> y = x"!>)
    using [eq_sym (<!|"x"|!>) (<!|"y"|!>)],
  note("eq_trans",<!"forall x y z. x = y /\\ y = z ==> x = z"!>)
    using [eq_trans (<!|"x"|!>) (<!|"y"|!>) (<!|"z"|!>)],
  note("eq_cong",<!"forall x y. x = y ==> f(x) = f(y)"!>)
    using [axiom_funcong "f" [(<!|"x"|!>)] [(<!|"y"|!>)]],
  assume [("le",<!"forall x y. x <= y <=> x * y = x"!>),
          ("hom",<!"forall x y. f(x * y) = f(x) * f(y)"!>)],
  fix "x", fix "y",
  assume [("xy",<!"x <= y"!>)],
  so have (<!"x * y = x"!>) by ["le"],
  so have (<!"f(x * y) = f(x)"!>) by ["eq_cong"],
  so have (<!"f(x) = f(x * y)"!>) by ["eq_sym"],
  so have (<!"f(x) = f(x) * f(y)"!>) by ["eq_trans", "hom"],
  so have (<!"f(x) * f(y) = f(x)"!>) by ["eq_sym"],
  so conclude (<!"f(x) <= f(y)"!>) by ["le"],

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* More examples not in the main text.                                       *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

 (<!("(exists x. p(x)) ==> (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) " ^
   "==> exists y. p(f(f(f(f(y)))))")!>)
  [assume [("A",<!"exists x. p(x)"!>)],
   assume [("B",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))"!>)],
   note ("C",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(f(f(f(x)))))"!>)
    [have (<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(f(x)))"!>) by ["B"],
     so conclude (<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(f(f(f(x)))))"!>) at once,
   consider ("a",<!"p(a)"!>) by ["A"],
   take (<!|"a"|!>),
   so conclude (<!"p(f(f(f(f(a)))))"!>) by ["C"],

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Alternative formulation with lemma construct.                             *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

let fun lemma (s,p) (gl as Goals((asl,w)::gls,jfn)) =
        fn (thp::thw::oths) =>
            jfn(imp_unduplicate(imp_trans thp (shunt thw)) :: oths)) in
 (<!("(exists x. p(x)) ==> (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) " ^
   "==> exists y. p(f(f(f(f(y)))))")!>)
  [assume [("A",<!"exists x. p(x)"!>)],
   assume [("B",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))"!>)],
   lemma ("C",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(f(f(f(x)))))"!>),
     have (<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(f(x)))"!>) by ["B"],
     so conclude (<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(f(f(f(x)))))"!>) at once,
   consider ("a",<!"p(a)"!>) by ["A"],
   take (<!|"a"|!>),
   so conclude (<!"p(f(f(f(f(a)))))"!>) by ["C"],

(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* Examples.                                                                 *)
(* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

prove (<!("p(a) ==> (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) " ^
        "==> exists y. p(y) /\\ p(f(y))")!>)
      [our thesis at once,

 (<!("(exists x. p(x)) ==> (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) " ^
   "==> exists y. p(f(f(f(f(y)))))")!>)
  [assume [("A",<!"exists x. p(x)"!>)],
   assume [("B",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))"!>)],
   note ("C",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(f(f(f(x)))))"!>) proof
    [have (<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(f(x)))"!>) by ["B"],
     so our thesis at once,
   consider ("a",<!"p(a)"!>) by ["A"],
   take (<!|"a"|!>),
   so our thesis by ["C"],

prove (<!("forall a. p(a) ==> (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) " ^
                  "==> exists y. p(y) /\\ p(f(y))")!>)
      [fix "c",
       assume [("A",<!"p(c)"!>)],
       assume [("B",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))"!>)],
       take (<!|"c"|!>),
       conclude (<!"p(c)"!>) by ["A"],
       note ("C",<!"p(c) ==> p(f(c))"!>) by ["B"],
       so our thesis by ["C", "A"],

prove (<!("p(c) ==> (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) " ^
                  "==> exists y. p(y) /\\ p(f(y))")!>)
      [assume [("A",<!"p(c)"!>)],
       assume [("B",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))"!>)],
       take (<!|"c"|!>),
       conclude (<!"p(c)"!>) by ["A"],
       our thesis by ["A", "B"],

prove (<!("forall a. p(a) ==> (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) " ^
                  "==> exists y. p(y) /\\ p(f(y))")!>)
      [fix "c",
       assume [("A",<!"p(c)"!>)],
       assume [("B",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))"!>)],
       take (<!|"c"|!>),
       conclude (<!"p(c)"!>) by ["A"],
       note ("C",<!"p(c) ==> p(f(c))"!>) by ["B"],
       our thesis by ["C", "A"],

prove (<!("forall a. p(a) ==> (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) " ^
                  "==> exists y. p(y) /\\ p(f(y))")!>)
      [fix "c",
       assume [("A",<!"p(c)"!>)],
       assume [("B",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))"!>)],
       take (<!|"c"|!>),
       note ("D",<!"p(c)"!>) by ["A"],
       note ("C",<!"p(c) ==> p(f(c))"!>) by ["B"],
       our thesis by ["C", "A", "D"],

prove (<!"(p(a) \\/ p(b)) ==> q ==> exists y. p(y)"!>)
  [assume [("A",<!"p(a) \\/ p(b)"!>)],
   assume [("",<!"q"!>)],
   cases (<!"p(a) \\/ p(b)"!>) by ["A"],
     take (<!|"a"|!>),
     so our thesis at once,

     take (<!|"b"|!>),
     so our thesis at once,

  (<!"(p(a) \\/ p(b)) /\\ (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) ==> exists y. p(f(y))"!>)
  [assume [("base",<!"p(a) \\/ p(b)"!>),
           ("Step",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))"!>)],
   cases (<!"p(a) \\/ p(b)"!>) by ["base"],
     so note("A",<!"p(a)"!>) at once,
     note ("X",<!"p(a) ==> p(f(a))"!>) by ["Step"],
     take (<!|"a"|!>),
     our thesis by ["A", "X"],

     take (<!|"b"|!>),
     so our thesis by ["Step"],

 (<!"(exists x. p(x)) ==> (forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))) ==> exists y. p(f(y))"!>)
  [assume [("A",<!"exists x. p(x)"!>)],
   assume [("B",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> p(f(x))"!>)],
   consider ("a",<!"p(a)"!>) by ["A"],
   so note ("concl",<!"p(f(a))"!>) by ["B"],
   take (<!|"a"|!>),
   our thesis by ["concl"],

prove (<!("(forall x. p(x) ==> q(x)) ==> (forall x. q(x) ==> p(x)) " ^
       "==> (p(a) <=> q(a))")!>)
  [assume [("A",<!"forall x. p(x) ==> q(x)"!>)],
   assume [("B",<!"forall x. q(x) ==> p(x)"!>)],
   note ("von",<!"p(a) ==> q(a)"!>) by ["A"],
   note ("bis",<!"q(a) ==> p(a)"!>) by ["B"],
   our thesis by ["von", "bis"],

section ‹Main Examples›

ML_val (* Hoare's Exercise ewd1062_1 & ewd1062_2 (Harrison has only a proof with tactics) *)

  (<!("(forall x. x <= x) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y z. x <= y /\\ y <= z ==> x <= z) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y. f(x) <= y <=> x <= g(y)) " ^
      "==> (forall x y. x <= y ==> f(x) <= f(y)) /\\ " ^
          "(forall x y. x <= y ==> g(x) <= g(y))")!>)
    assume [("A", <!("(forall x. x <= x) /\\ " ^
             "(forall x y z. x <= y /\\ y <= z ==> x <= z) /\\ " ^
             "(forall x y. f(x) <= y <=> x <= g(y))")!>)],
    conclude (<!("(forall x y. x <= y ==> f(x) <= f(y)) /\\ " ^
                 "(forall x y. x <= y ==> g(x) <= g(y))")!>) proof
      conclude (<!"(forall x y. x <= y ==> f(x) <= f(y))"!>) by ["A"],
      conclude (<!"(forall x y. x <= y ==> g(x) <= g(y))"!>) by ["A"],

ML_val (* Pelletier p43 (Harrison has it in a comment but the proof seems not to finish) *)

  (<!"(forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> forall z. P(z,x) <=> P(z,y)) ==> forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> Q(y,x)"!>)
    assume [("A", <!"forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> forall z. P(z,x) <=> P(z,y)"!>)],
    conclude (<!"forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> Q(y,x)"!>) proof
      fix "x", fix "y",
      conclude (<!"Q(x,y) <=> Q(y,x)"!>) proof
        have (<!"(Q(x,y) ==> Q(y,x)) /\\ (Q(y,x) ==> Q(x,y))"!>) proof
          conclude (<!"Q(x,y) ==> Q(y,x)"!>) proof
            assume [("", <!"Q(x,y)"!>)],
            so have (<!"forall z. P(z,x) <=> P(z,y)"!>) by ["A"],
            so have (<!"forall z. P(z,y) <=> P(z,x)"!>) at once,
            so conclude (<!"Q(y,x)"!>) by ["A"],
          conclude (<!"Q(y,x) ==> Q(x,y)"!>) proof
            assume [("", <!"Q(y,x)"!>)],
            so have (<!"forall z. P(z,y) <=> P(z,x)"!>) by ["A"],
            so have (<!"forall z. P(z,x) <=> P(z,y)"!>) at once,
            so conclude (<!"Q(x,y)"!>) by ["A"],
        so our thesis at once,

ML_val (* Pelletier p46 (Harrison does not have it) *)

    (<!("(forall x. P(x) /\\ (forall y. P(y) /\\ H(y,x) ==> G(y)) ==> G(x)) /\\ " ^
          "((exists x. P(x) /\\ ~G(x)) ==> " ^
            "(exists x. P(x) /\\ ~G(x) /\\ (forall y. P(y) /\\ ~G(y) ==> J(x,y)))) /\\ " ^
          "(forall x y. P(x) /\\ P(y) /\\ H(x,y) ==> ~J(y,x)) ==> " ^
          "(forall x. P(x) ==> G(x))")!>)
      assume [("A", <!("(forall x. P(x) /\\ (forall y. P(y) /\\ H(y,x) ==> G(y)) ==> G(x)) /\\ " ^
          "((exists x. P(x) /\\ ~G(x)) ==> " ^
            "(exists x. P(x) /\\ ~G(x) /\\ (forall y. P(y) /\\ ~G(y) ==> J(x,y)))) /\\ " ^
          "(forall x y. P(x) /\\ P(y) /\\ H(x,y) ==> ~J(y,x))")!>)],
      conclude (<!"(forall x. P(x) ==> G(x))"!>) proof
        fix "x",
        conclude (<!"P(x) ==> G(x)"!>) proof
          assume [("B", <!"P(x)"!>)],
          conclude (<!"G(x)"!>) by ["B","A"], qed
        ], qed
      ], qed

section ‹Other Examples›

(* For Pelletier's Problem 34 aka Andrews's Challenge *)

ML fun by_mp (ab, a) p (Goals((asl,_)::_,_)) =
    val ths = assumps asl
    val th = right_mp (assoc ab ths) (assoc a ths)
    handle Fail _ => raise Fail "by_mp: unapplicable assumptions"
  if consequent (concl th) = p then [th] else raise Fail "by_mp: wrong conclusion"
  | by_mp _ _ _ = raise Fail "Match by_mp"

(* Function auto as a basic declarative proof *)

ML fun auto s = prove (<!s!>) [our thesis at once, qed]

ML_val auto "A ==> A"

ML_val auto "exists x. D(x) ==> forall x. D(x)"

ML_val auto "(forall x. ~R(x) ==> R(f(x))) ==> exists x. R(x) /\\ R(f(f(x)))"

ML_val (* Harrison p58 (as mentioned in the errata it is not Pelletier p58) *)

auto "forall x. exists v w. forall y z. P(x) /\\ Q(y) ==> (P(v) \\/ R(w)) /\\ (R(z) ==> Q(v))"

ML_val (* Pelletier p1 *)

auto "p ==> q <=> ~q ==> ~p"

ML_val (* Pelletier p2 *)

auto "~ ~p <=> p"

ML_val (* Pelletier p3 *)

auto "~(p ==> q) ==> q ==> p"

ML_val (* Pelletier p4 *)

auto "~p ==> q <=> ~q ==> p"

ML_val (* Pelletier p5 *)

auto "(p \\/ q ==> p \\/ r) ==> p \\/ (q ==> r)"

ML_val (* Pelletier p6 *)

auto "p \\/ ~p"

ML_val (* Pelletier p7 *)

auto "p \\/ ~ ~ ~p"

ML_val (* Pelletier p8 *)

auto "((p ==> q) ==> p) ==> p"

ML_val (* Pelletier p9 *)

auto "(p \\/ q) /\\ (~p \\/ q) /\\ (p \\/ ~q) ==> ~(~q \\/ ~q)"

ML_val (* Pelletier p10 *)

auto "(q ==> r) /\\ (r ==> p /\\ q) /\\ (p ==> q /\\ r) ==> (p <=> q)"

ML_val (* Pelletier p11 *)

auto "p <=> p"

ML_val (* Pelletier p12 *)

auto "((p <=> q) <=> r) <=> (p <=> (q <=> r))"

ML_val (* Pelletier p13 *)

auto "p \\/ q /\\ r <=> (p \\/ q) /\\ (p \\/ r)"

ML_val (* Pelletier p14 *)

auto "(p <=> q) <=> (q \\/ ~p) /\\ (~q \\/ p)"

ML_val (* Pelletier p15 *)

auto "p ==> q <=> ~p \\/ q"

ML_val (* Pelletier p16 *)

auto "(p ==> q) \\/ (q ==> p)"

ML_val (* Pelletier p17 *)

auto "p /\\ (q ==> r) ==> s <=> (~p \\/ q \\/ s) /\\ (~p \\/ ~r \\/ s)"

ML_val (* Pelletier p18 *)

auto "exists y. forall x. P(y) ==> P(x)"

ML_val (* Pelletier p19 *)

auto "exists x. forall y z. (P(y) ==> Q(z)) ==> P(x) ==> Q(x)"

ML_val (* Pelletier p20 *)

auto ("(forall x y. exists z. forall w. P(x) /\\ Q(y) ==> R(z) /\\ U(w)) " ^
      "==> (exists x y. P(x) /\\ Q(y)) ==> (exists z. R(z))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p21 *)

auto "(exists x. P ==> Q(x)) /\\ (exists x. Q(x) ==> P) ==> (exists x. P <=> Q(x))"

ML_val (* Pelletier p22 *)

auto "(forall x. P <=> Q(x)) ==> (P <=> (forall x. Q(x)))"

ML_val (* Pelletier p23 *)

auto "(forall x. P \\/ Q(x)) <=> P \\/ (forall x. Q(x))"

ML_val (* Pelletier p24 *)

auto ("~(exists x. U(x) /\\ Q(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. P(x) ==> Q(x) \\/ R(x)) /\\ " ^
      "~(exists x. P(x) ==> (exists x. Q(x))) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. Q(x) /\\ R(x) ==> U(x)) " ^
      "==> (exists x. P(x) /\\ R(x))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p25 *)

auto ("(exists x. P(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. U(x) ==> ~G(x) /\\ R(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. P(x) ==> G(x) /\\ U(x)) /\\ " ^
      "((forall x. P(x) ==> Q(x)) \\/ (exists x. Q(x) /\\ P(x))) " ^
      "==> (exists x. Q(x) /\\ P(x))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p26 *)

auto ("((exists x. P(x)) <=> (exists x. Q(x))) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y. P(x) /\\ Q(y) ==> (R(x) <=> U(y))) " ^
      "==> ((forall x. P(x) ==> R(x)) <=> (forall x. Q(x) ==> U(x)))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p27 *)

auto ("(exists x. P(x) /\\ ~Q(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. P(x) ==> R(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. U(x) /\\ V(x) ==> P(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(exists x. R(x) /\\ ~Q(x)) " ^
      "==> (forall x. V(x) ==> ~R(x)) ==> (forall x. U(x) ==> ~V(x))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p28 *)

auto ("(forall x. P(x) ==> (forall x. Q(x))) /\\ " ^
      "((forall x. Q(x) \\/ R(x)) ==> (exists x. Q(x) /\\ R(x))) /\\ " ^
      "((exists x. R(x)) ==> (forall x. L(x) ==> M(x))) " ^
      "==> (forall x. P(x) /\\ L(x) ==> M(x))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p29 *)

auto ("(exists x. P(x)) /\\ (exists x. G(x)) ==> " ^
      "((forall x. P(x) ==> H(x)) /\\ (forall x. G(x) ==> J(x)) " ^
      "<=> (forall x y. P(x) /\\ G(y) ==> H(x) /\\ J(y)))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p30 *)

auto ("(forall x. P(x) \\/ G(x) ==> ~H(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. (G(x) ==> ~U(x)) ==> P(x) /\\ H(x)) " ^
      "==> (forall x. U(x))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p31 *)

auto ("~(exists x. P(x) /\\ (G(x) \\/ H(x))) /\\ " ^
      "(exists x. Q(x) /\\ P(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. ~H(x) ==> J(x)) " ^
      "==> (exists x. Q(x) /\\ J(x))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p32 *)

auto ("(forall x. P(x) /\\ (G(x) \\/ H(x)) ==> Q(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. Q(x) /\\ H(x) ==> J(x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. R(x) ==> H(x)) " ^
      "==> (forall x. P(x) /\\ R(x) ==> J(x))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p33 *)

auto ("(forall x. P(a) /\\ (P(x) ==> P(b)) ==> P(c)) " ^
      "<=> (forall x. P(a) ==> P(x) \\/ P(c)) /\\ (P(a) ==> P(b) ==> P(c))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p34 *)

(<!("((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) <=>"
^   "((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))))")!>)

  note ("directions",
  <!("(((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) ==>"
^    "((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))))) /\\"
^    "(((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))) ==>"
^    "((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))))")!>)
    (<!("((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) ==>"
^       "((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))))")!>)
      assume [("A",
      <!"(exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))"!>)],

      note ("ant",
      <!("((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) ==> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))) /\\"
^        "(((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))) ==> ((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y))))")!>)

        (<!"(exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) ==> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))"!>)
          assume [("", <!"exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)"!>)],
          so have (<!"(exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))"!>) at once,
          so have (<!"exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)"!>) by ["A"],
          so our thesis at once,

        (<!"((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))) ==> (exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y))"!>)
          note ("imp",
          <!("((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) ==>"
^            "((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) ==> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))))")!>)
          using [axiom_iffimp1
            (<!"exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)"!>)
            (<!"(exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))"!>)],
          note ("A1",
           <!"(exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) ==> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))"!>)
          by_mp ("imp", "A"),

          assume [("", <!"((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))"!>)],
          so have (<!"(exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y))"!>) at once,
          so have (<!"((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))"!>) by ["A1"],
          so our thesis at once,

      note ("imp",
      <!("((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) ==> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))) /\\"
^        "(((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))) ==> ((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)))) ==>"
^        "((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))))")!>)
      using [unshunt (axiom_impiff
        (<!"exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)"!>)
        (<!"(exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))"!>))],

      our thesis by_mp ("imp", "ant"),

    (<!("((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))) ==>"
^       "((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))))")!>)
      assume [("A",
       <!"(exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))"!>)],

      note ("ant",
      <!("((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) ==> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) /\\"
^        "(((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))) ==> (exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)))")!>)

        (<!"(exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) ==> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))"!>)
          assume [("", <!"exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)"!>)],
          so have (<!"(exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))"!>) at once,
          so have (<!"exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)"!>) by ["A"],
          so our thesis at once,

        (<!"((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))) ==> (exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y))"!>)
          note ("imp",
          <!("((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))) ==>"
^            "((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) ==> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))))")!>)
          using [axiom_iffimp1
            (<!"exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)"!>)
            (<!"(exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))"!>)],
          note ("A1",
          <!"(exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) ==> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))"!>)
          by_mp ("imp", "A"),

          assume [("", <!"(exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))"!>)],
          so have (<!"(exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y))"!>) at once,
          so have (<!"((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))"!>) by ["A1"],
          so our thesis at once,

      note ("imp",
      <!("((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) ==> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) /\\"
^        "(((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))) ==> (exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y))) ==>"
^        "((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))))")!>)
      using [unshunt (axiom_impiff
        (<!"exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)"!>)
        (<!"(exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))"!>))],

      our thesis by_mp ("imp", "ant"),

  note ("impiff",
  <!(("(((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) ==>"
^     "((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))))) /\\"
^     "(((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))) ==>"
^     "((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y))))) ==>"
^     "(((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) <=>"
^     "((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))))"))!>)
  using [unshunt (axiom_impiff
    (<!("(exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> ((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))")!>)
    (<!("(exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> ((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y)))")!>))],

  our thesis by_mp ("impiff", "directions"),

ML_val (* Pelletier p35 *)

auto "exists x y. P(x,y) ==> (forall x y. P(x,y))"

ML_val (* Pelletier p36 *)

auto ("(forall x. exists y. P(x,y)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. exists y. G(x,y)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y. P(x,y) \\/ G(x,y) ==> (forall z. P(y,z) \\/ G(y,z) ==> H(x,z))) " ^
      "==> (forall x. exists y. H(x,y))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p37 *)

auto ("(forall z. " ^
        "exists w. forall x. exists y. (P(x,z) ==> P(y,w)) /\\ P(y,z) /\\ " ^
        "(P(y,w) ==> (exists u. Q(u,w)))) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x z. ~P(x,z) ==> (exists y. Q(y,z))) /\\ " ^
      "((exists x y. Q(x,y)) ==> (forall x. R(x,x))) " ^
      "==> (forall x. exists y. R(x,y))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p38 *)

auto ("(forall x. " ^
        "P(a) /\\ (P(x) ==> (exists y. P(y) /\\ R(x,y))) ==> " ^
        "(exists z w. P(z) /\\ R(x,w) /\\ R(w,z))) <=> " ^
      "(forall x. " ^
        "(~P(a) \\/ P(x) \\/ (exists z w. P(z) /\\ R(x,w) /\\ R(w,z))) /\\ " ^
        "(~P(a) \\/ ~(exists y. P(y) /\\ R(x,y)) \\/ " ^
        "(exists z w. P(z) /\\ R(x,w) /\\ R(w,z))))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p39 *)

auto "~(exists x. forall y. P(y,x) <=> ~P(y,y))"

ML_val (* Pelletier p40 *)

auto ("(exists y. forall x. P(x,y) <=> P(x,x)) " ^
      "==> ~(forall x. exists y. forall z. P(z,y) <=> ~P(z,x))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p41 *)

auto ("(forall z. exists y. forall x. P(x,y) <=> P(x,z) /\\ ~P(x,x)) " ^
      "==> ~(exists z. forall x. P(x,z))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p42 *)

auto "~(exists y. forall x. P(x,y) <=> ~(exists z. P(x,z) /\\ P(z,x)))"

ML_val (* Pelletier p44 *)

auto ("(forall x. P(x) ==> (exists y. G(y) /\\ H(x,y)) /\\ " ^
      "(exists y. G(y) /\\ ~H(x,y))) /\\ " ^
      "(exists x. J(x) /\\ (forall y. G(y) ==> H(x,y))) ==> " ^
      "(exists x. J(x) /\\ ~P(x))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p45 *)

auto ("(forall x. " ^
        "P(x) /\\ (forall y. G(y) /\\ H(x,y) ==> J(x,y)) ==> " ^
             "(forall y. G(y) /\\ H(x,y) ==> R(y))) /\\ " ^
      "~(exists y. L(y) /\\ R(y)) /\\ " ^
      "(exists x. P(x) /\\ (forall y. H(x,y) ==> " ^
        "L(y)) /\\ (forall y. G(y) /\\ H(x,y) ==> J(x,y))) ==> " ^
      "(exists x. P(x) /\\ ~(exists y. G(y) /\\ H(x,y)))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p55 *)

auto ("lives(agatha) /\\ lives(butler) /\\ lives(charles) /\\ " ^
      "(killed(agatha,agatha) \\/ killed(butler,agatha) \\/ " ^
       "killed(charles,agatha)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y. killed(x,y) ==> hates(x,y) /\\ ~richer(x,y)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. hates(agatha,x) ==> ~hates(charles,x)) /\\ " ^
      "(hates(agatha,agatha) /\\ hates(agatha,charles)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. lives(x) /\\ ~richer(x,agatha) ==> hates(butler,x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. hates(agatha,x) ==> hates(butler,x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x. ~hates(x,agatha) \\/ ~hates(x,butler) \\/ ~hates(x,charles)) " ^
      "==> killed(agatha,agatha) /\\ " ^
             "~killed(butler,agatha) /\\ " ^

ML_val (* Pelletier p57 *)

auto ("P(f(a,b),f(b,c)) /\\ " ^
      "P(f(b,c),f(a,c)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y z. P(x,y) /\\ P(y,z) ==> P(x,z)) " ^
      "==> P(f(a,b),f(a,c))")

ML_val (* Pelletier p59 *)

auto "(forall x. P(x) <=> ~P(f(x))) ==> (exists x. P(x) /\\ ~P(f(x)))"

ML_val (* Pelletier p60 *)

auto "forall x. P(x,f(x)) <=> exists y. (forall z. P(z,y) ==> P(z,f(x))) /\\ P(x,y)"

ML_val (* gilmore_3 *)

auto ("exists x. forall y z. " ^
              "((F(y,z) ==> (G(y) ==> H(x))) ==> F(x,x)) /\\ " ^
              "((F(z,x) ==> G(x)) ==> H(z)) /\\ " ^
              "F(x,y) " ^
              "==> F(z,z)")

ML_val (* gilmore_4 *)

auto ("exists x y. forall z. " ^
              "(F(x,y) ==> F(y,z) /\\ F(z,z)) /\\ " ^
              "(F(x,y) /\\ G(x,y) ==> G(x,z) /\\ G(z,z))")

ML_val (* gilmore_5 *)

auto ("(forall x. exists y. F(x,y) \\/ F(y,x)) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y. F(y,x) ==> F(y,y)) " ^
      "==> exists z. F(z,z)")

ML_val (* gilmore_6 *)

auto ("forall x. exists y. " ^
              "(exists u. forall v. F(u,x) ==> G(v,u) /\\ G(u,x)) " ^
              "==> (exists u. forall v. F(u,y) ==> G(v,u) /\\ G(u,y)) \\/ " ^
                        "(forall u v. exists w. G(v,u) \\/ H(w,y,u) ==> G(u,w))")

ML_val (* gilmore_7 *)

auto ("(forall x. K(x) ==> exists y. L(y) /\\ (F(x,y) ==> G(x,y))) /\\ " ^
      "(exists z. K(z) /\\ forall u. L(u) ==> F(z,u)) " ^
      "==> exists v w. K(v) /\\ L(w) /\\ G(v,w)")

ML_val (* gilmore_8 *)

auto ("exists x. forall y z. " ^
              "((F(y,z) ==> (G(y) ==> (forall u. exists v. H(u,v,x)))) ==> F(x,x)) /\\ " ^
              "((F(z,x) ==> G(x)) ==> (forall u. exists v. H(u,v,z))) /\\ " ^
              "F(x,y) " ^
              "==> F(z,z)")

ML_val (* gilmore_9 *)

auto ("forall x. exists y. forall z. " ^
              "((forall u. exists v. F(y,u,v) /\\ G(y,u) /\\ ~H(y,x)) " ^
                   "==> (forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\\ G(z,u) /\\ ~H(x,z)) " ^
                   "==> (forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\\ G(y,u) /\\ ~H(x,y))) /\\ " ^
              "((forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\\ G(y,u) /\\ ~H(x,y)) " ^
                  "==> ~(forall u. exists v. F(x,u,v) /\\ G(z,u) /\\ ~H(x,z)) " ^
                  "==> (forall u. exists v. F(y,u,v) /\\ G(y,u) /\\ ~H(y,x)) /\\ " ^
                         "(forall u. exists v. F(z,u,v) /\\ G(y,u) /\\ ~H(z,y)))")

ML_val (* davis_putnam_example *)

auto ("exists x. exists y. forall z. " ^
      "(F(x,y) ==> (F(y,z) /\\ F(z,z))) /\\ " ^
      "((F(x,y) /\\ G(x,y)) ==> (G(x,z) /\\ G(z,z)))")

ML_val (* ewd1062_1 *)

auto ("(forall x. x <= x) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y z. x <= y /\\ y <= z ==> x <= z) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y. f(x) <= y <=> x <= g(y)) " ^
      "==> (forall x y. x <= y ==> f(x) <= f(y))")

ML_val (* ewd1062_2 *)

auto ("(forall x. x <= x) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y z. x <= y /\\ y <= z ==> x <= z) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y. f(x) <= y <=> x <= g(y)) " ^
      "==> (forall x y. x <= y ==> g(x) <= g(y))")


Non-terminating examples

ML_val {* (* ewd1062 *)

auto ("(forall x. x <= x) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y z. x <= y /\\ y <= z ==> x <= z) /\\ " ^
      "(forall x y. f(x) <= y <=> x <= g(y)) " ^
      "==> (forall x y. x <= y ==> f(x) <= f(y)) /\\ " ^
          "(forall x y. x <= y ==> g(x) <= g(y))")


ML_val {* (* Pelletier p34 / page 178 Andrews's challenge *)

auto ("((exists x. forall y. P(x) <=> P(y)) <=> " ^
    "((exists x. Q(x)) <=> (forall y. Q(y)))) <=> " ^
   "((exists x. forall y. Q(x) <=> Q(y)) <=> " ^
    "((exists x. P(x)) <=> (forall y. P(y))))")


ML_val {* (* Pelletier p43 *)

auto "(forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> forall z. P(z,x) <=> P(z,y)) ==> forall x y. Q(x,y) <=> Q(y,x)"


ML_val {* (* Pelletier p46 *)

auto ("(forall x. P(x) /\\ (forall y. P(y) /\\ H(y,x) ==> G(y)) ==> G(x)) /\\ " ^
        "((exists x. P(x) /\\ ~G(x)) ==> " ^
          "(exists x. P(x) /\\ ~G(x) /\\ (forall y. P(y) /\\ ~G(y) ==> J(x,y)))) /\\ " ^
        "(forall x y. P(x) /\\ P(y) /\\ H(x,y) ==> ~J(y,x)) ==> " ^
        "(forall x. P(x) ==> G(x))")


ML_val {* (* Pelletier p56 *)

auto ("(forall x. (exists y. P(y) /\\ x = f(y)) ==> P(x)) <=> (forall x. P(x) ==> P(f(x)))")


ML_val {* (* Correct Pelletier p58 *)

auto "(forall x y. f(x) = g(y)) ==> (forall x y. f(f(x)) = f(g(y)))"


ML_val {* (* gilmore_1 *)

auto ("exists x. forall y z. " ^
        "((F(y) ==> G(y)) <=> F(x)) /\\ " ^
        "((F(y) ==> H(y)) <=> G(x)) /\\ " ^
        "(((F(y) ==> G(y)) ==> H(y)) <=> H(x)) " ^
          "==> F(z) /\\ G(z) /\\ H(z)")


ML_val {* (* gilmore_2 has a counterexample *)

auto ("exists x y. forall z. (F(x,z) <=> F(z,y)) /\\ (F(z,y) <=> F(z,z)) /\\ (F(x,y) <=> F(y,x)) " ^
      "==> (F(x,y) <=> F(x,z))")


