Theory Efficient_Sort
theory Efficient_Sort
imports "HOL-Library.Multiset"
section ‹GHC Version of Mergesort›
text ‹
In the following we show that the mergesort implementation
used in GHC (see 🌐‹›)
is a correct and stable sorting algorithm. Furthermore, experimental
data suggests that generated code for this implementation is much more
efficient than for the implementation provided by \<^theory>‹HOL-Library.Multiset›.
A high-level overview of an older version of this formalization as well as some experimental data
is to be found in \<^cite>‹"Sternagel2012"›.
subsection ‹Definition of Natural Mergesort›
fixes key :: "'a ⇒ 'k::linorder"
text ‹
Split a list into chunks of ascending and descending parts, where
descending parts are reversed on the fly.
Thus, the result is a list of sorted lists.
fun sequences :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list list"
and asc :: "'a ⇒ ('a list ⇒ 'a list) ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list list"
and desc :: "'a ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list list"
"sequences (a # b # xs) =
(if key a > key b then desc b [a] xs else asc b ((#) a) xs)"
| "sequences [x] = [[x]]"
| "sequences [] = []"
| "asc a as (b # bs) =
(if key a ≤ key b then asc b (λys. as (a # ys)) bs
else as [a] # sequences (b # bs))"
| "asc a as [] = [as [a]]"
| "desc a as (b # bs) =
(if key a > key b then desc b (a # as) bs
else (a # as) # sequences (b # bs))"
| "desc a as [] = [a # as]"
fun merge :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list ⇒ 'a list"
"merge (a # as) (b # bs) =
(if key a > key b then b # merge (a # as) bs else a # merge as (b # bs))"
| "merge [] bs = bs"
| "merge as [] = as"
fun merge_pairs :: "'a list list ⇒ 'a list list"
"merge_pairs (a # b # xs) = merge a b # merge_pairs xs"
| "merge_pairs xs = xs"
lemma length_merge [simp]:
"length (merge xs ys) = length xs + length ys"
by (induct xs ys rule: merge.induct) simp_all
lemma length_merge_pairs [simp]:
"length (merge_pairs xs) = (1 + length xs) div 2"
by (induct xs rule: merge_pairs.induct) simp_all
fun merge_all :: "'a list list ⇒ 'a list"
"merge_all [] = []"
| "merge_all [x] = x"
| "merge_all xs = merge_all (merge_pairs xs)"
fun msort_key :: "'a list ⇒ 'a list"
"msort_key xs = merge_all (sequences xs)"
subsection ‹The Functional Argument of @{const asc}›
text ‹‹f› is a function that only adds some prefix to a given list.›
definition "ascP f = (∀xs. f xs = f [] @ xs)"
lemma ascP_Cons [simp]: "ascP ((#) x)" by (simp add: ascP_def)
lemma ascP_comp_append_Cons [simp]:
"ascP (λxs. f [] @ x # xs)"
by (auto simp: ascP_def)
lemma ascP_f_Cons:
assumes "ascP f"
shows "f (x # xs) = f [] @ x # xs"
using ‹ascP f› [unfolded ascP_def, THEN spec, of "x # xs"] .
lemma ascP_comp_Cons [simp]:
assumes "ascP f"
shows "ascP (λys. f (x # ys))"
proof (unfold ascP_def, intro allI)
fix xs show "f (x # xs) = f [x] @ xs"
using assms by (simp add: ascP_f_Cons)
lemma ascP_f_singleton:
assumes "ascP f"
shows "f [x] = f [] @ [x]"
by (rule ascP_f_Cons [OF assms])
subsection ‹Facts about Lengths›
shows length_sequences: "length (sequences xs) ≤ length xs"
and length_asc: "ascP f ⟹ length (asc a f ys) ≤ 1 + length ys"
and length_desc: "length (desc a xs ys) ≤ 1 + length ys"
by (induct xs and a f ys and a xs ys rule: sequences_asc_desc.induct) auto
lemma length_concat_merge_pairs [simp]:
"length (concat (merge_pairs xss)) = length (concat xss)"
by (induct xss rule: merge_pairs.induct) simp_all
subsection ‹Functional Correctness›
lemma mset_merge [simp]:
"mset (merge xs ys) = mset xs + mset ys"
by (induct xs ys rule: merge.induct) simp_all
lemma set_merge [simp]:
"set (merge xs ys) = set xs ∪ set ys"
by (simp flip: set_mset_mset)
lemma mset_concat_merge_pairs [simp]:
"mset (concat (merge_pairs xs)) = mset (concat xs)"
by (induct xs rule: merge_pairs.induct) auto
lemma set_concat_merge_pairs [simp]:
"set (concat (merge_pairs xs)) = set (concat xs)"
by (simp flip: set_mset_mset)
lemma mset_merge_all [simp]:
"mset (merge_all xs) = mset (concat xs)"
by (induct xs rule: merge_all.induct) simp_all
lemma set_merge_all [simp]:
"set (merge_all xs) = set (concat xs)"
by (simp flip: set_mset_mset)
shows mset_seqeuences [simp]: "mset (concat (sequences xs)) = mset xs"
and mset_asc: "ascP f ⟹ mset (concat (asc x f ys)) = {#x#} + mset (f []) + mset ys"
and mset_desc: "mset (concat (desc x xs ys)) = {#x#} + mset xs + mset ys"
by (induct xs and x f ys and x xs ys rule: sequences_asc_desc.induct)
(auto simp: ascP_f_singleton)
lemma mset_msort_key:
"mset (msort_key xs) = mset xs"
by (auto)
lemma sorted_merge [simp]:
assumes "sorted (map key xs)" and "sorted (map key ys)"
shows "sorted (map key (merge xs ys))"
using assms by (induct xs ys rule: merge.induct) (auto)
lemma sorted_merge_pairs [simp]:
assumes "∀x∈set xs. sorted (map key x)"
shows "∀x∈set (merge_pairs xs). sorted (map key x)"
using assms by (induct xs rule: merge_pairs.induct) simp_all
lemma sorted_merge_all:
assumes "∀x∈set xs. sorted (map key x)"
shows "sorted (map key (merge_all xs))"
using assms by (induct xs rule: merge_all.induct) simp_all
shows sorted_sequences: "∀x ∈ set (sequences xs). sorted (map key x)"
and sorted_asc: "ascP f ⟹ sorted (map key (f [])) ⟹ ∀x∈set (f []). key x ≤ key a ⟹ ∀x∈set (asc a f ys). sorted (map key x)"
and sorted_desc: "sorted (map key xs) ⟹ ∀x∈set xs. key a ≤ key x ⟹ ∀x∈set (desc a xs ys). sorted (map key x)"
by (induct xs and a f ys and a xs ys rule: sequences_asc_desc.induct)
(auto simp: ascP_f_singleton sorted_append not_less dest: order_trans, fastforce)
lemma sorted_msort_key:
"sorted (map key (msort_key xs))"
by (unfold msort_key.simps) (intro sorted_merge_all sorted_sequences)
subsection ‹Stability›
shows filter_by_key_sequences [simp]: "[y←concat (sequences xs). key y = k] = [y←xs. key y = k]"
and filter_by_key_asc: "ascP f ⟹ [y←concat (asc a f ys). key y = k] = [y←f [a] @ ys. key y = k]"
and filter_by_key_desc: "sorted (map key xs) ⟹ ∀x∈set xs. key a ≤ key x ⟹ [y←concat (desc a xs ys). key y = k] = [y←a # xs @ ys. key y = k]"
proof (induct xs and a f ys and a xs ys rule: sequences_asc_desc.induct)
case (4 a f b bs)
then show ?case
by (auto simp: o_def ascP_f_Cons [where f = f])
case (6 a as b bs)
then show ?case
proof (cases "key b < key a")
case True
with 6 have "[y←concat (desc b (a # as) bs). key y = k] = [y←b # (a # as) @ bs. key y = k]"
by (auto simp: less_le order_trans)
then show ?thesis
using True and 6
by (cases "key a = k", cases "key b = k")
(auto simp: Cons_eq_append_conv intro!: filter_False)
qed auto
qed auto
lemma filter_by_key_merge_is_append [simp]:
assumes "sorted (map key xs)"
shows "[y←merge xs ys. key y = k] = [y←xs. key y = k] @ [y←ys. key y = k]"
using assms
by (induct xs ys rule: merge.induct) (auto simp: Cons_eq_append_conv leD intro!: filter_False)
lemma filter_by_key_merge_pairs [simp]:
assumes "∀xs∈set xss. sorted (map key xs)"
shows "[y←concat (merge_pairs xss). key y = k] = [y←concat xss. key y = k]"
using assms by (induct xss rule: merge_pairs.induct) simp_all
lemma filter_by_key_merge_all [simp]:
assumes "∀xs∈set xss. sorted (map key xs)"
shows "[y←merge_all xss. key y = k] = [y←concat xss. key y = k]"
using assms by (induct xss rule: merge_all.induct) simp_all
lemma filter_by_key_merge_all_sequences [simp]:
"[x←merge_all (sequences xs) . key x = k] = [x←xs . key x = k]"
using sorted_sequences [of xs] by simp
lemma msort_key_stable:
"[x←msort_key xs. key x = k] = [x←xs. key x = k]"
by auto
lemma sort_key_msort_key_conv:
"sort_key key = msort_key"
using msort_key_stable [of "key x" for x]
by (intro ext properties_for_sort_key mset_msort_key sorted_msort_key)
(metis (mono_tags, lifting) filter_cong)
text ‹
Replace existing code equations for \<^const>‹sort_key› by \<^const>‹msort_key›.
declare sort_key_by_quicksort_code [code del]
declare sort_key_msort_key_conv [code]