Theory Eg1Eg2RefinementSimple
theory Eg1Eg2RefinementSimple
imports Eg1Eg2
context sifum_refinement_eg1_eg2
inductive_set RelS_Eg1Eg2 :: "(
(((var, aexp, bexp) Stmt × (Mode ⇒ var set)) × (var ⇒ val)) ×
((var⇩C, aexp⇩C, bexp⇩C) Stmt × (Mode ⇒ var⇩C set)) × (var⇩C ⇒ val)
) set"
acq_mode_rel: "⟦c⇩A = ModeDecl Skip (Acq x SomeMode) ;; c⇩A_tail;
c⇩C = ModeDecl Skip (Acq (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) SomeMode) ;; c⇩C_tail;
mds⇩A = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C;
mem⇩A = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C;
(∀v⇩C. v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C AsmNoReadOrWrite);
∀mds⇩A' mem⇩A' mem⇩A'' mds⇩C' mem⇩C' mem⇩C''.
mds⇩A' = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A'' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'' ∧
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A''⟩⇩A, ⟨Stop ;; c⇩A_tail, mds⇩A', mem⇩A'⟩⇩A) ∈ A.eval⇩w ∧
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C''⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C', mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w
(⟨Stop ;; c⇩A_tail, mds⇩A', mem⇩A'⟩⇩A, ⟨Stop ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C', mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" |
rel_mode_rel: "⟦c⇩A = ModeDecl Skip (Rel x SomeMode);
c⇩C = ModeDecl Skip (Rel (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) SomeMode);
mds⇩A = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C;
mem⇩A = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C;
(∀v⇩C. v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C AsmNoReadOrWrite);
∀mds⇩A' mem⇩A' mem⇩A'' mds⇩C' mem⇩C' mem⇩C''.
mds⇩A' = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A'' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'' ∧
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A''⟩⇩A, ⟨Stop, mds⇩A', mem⇩A'⟩⇩A) ∈ A.eval⇩w ∧
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C''⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop, mds⇩C', mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w
(⟨Stop, mds⇩A', mem⇩A'⟩⇩A, ⟨Stop, mds⇩C', mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" |
assign_load_rel: "⟦c⇩A = (x ← aexp.Load y) ;; c⇩A_tail;
c⇩C = ((Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) ← aexp⇩C.Load (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y)) ;; c⇩C_tail;
mds⇩A = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C;
mem⇩A = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C;
(∀v⇩C. v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C AsmNoReadOrWrite);
x ∉ mds⇩A GuarNoReadOrWrite;
x ∉ mds⇩A GuarNoWrite;
y ∉ mds⇩A GuarNoReadOrWrite;
x ∉ 𝒞;
y ∉ 𝒞;
∀mds⇩A' mem⇩A' mem⇩A'' mds⇩C' mem⇩C' mem⇩C''.
mds⇩A' = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A'' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'' ∧
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A''⟩⇩A, ⟨Stop ;; c⇩A_tail, mds⇩A', mem⇩A'⟩⇩A) ∈ A.eval⇩w ∧
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C''⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C', mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w
(⟨Stop ;; c⇩A_tail, mds⇩A', mem⇩A'⟩⇩A, ⟨Stop ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C', mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" |
assign_const_rel: "⟦c⇩A = (x ← aexp.Const z) ;; c⇩A_tail;
c⇩C = ((Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) ← aexp⇩C.Const z) ;; c⇩C_tail;
mds⇩A = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C;
mem⇩A = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C;
(∀v⇩C. v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C AsmNoReadOrWrite);
x ∉ mds⇩A GuarNoReadOrWrite;
x ∉ mds⇩A GuarNoWrite;
x ∉ 𝒞;
∀mds⇩A' mem⇩A' mem⇩A'' mds⇩C' mem⇩C' mem⇩C''.
mds⇩A' = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A'' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'' ∧
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A''⟩⇩A, ⟨Stop ;; c⇩A_tail, mds⇩A', mem⇩A'⟩⇩A) ∈ A.eval⇩w ∧
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C''⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C', mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w
(⟨Stop ;; c⇩A_tail, mds⇩A', mem⇩A'⟩⇩A, ⟨Stop ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C', mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" |
if_reg_load_rel: "⟦
c⇩A = (If (Eg1.Eq x 0) c⇩A_then c⇩A_else) ;; c⇩A_tail;
c⇩C = (reg⇩C ← (Load (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x))) ;; ((If (Eq reg⇩C 0) c⇩C_then c⇩C_else) ;; c⇩C_tail);
mds⇩A = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C;
mem⇩A = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C;
(∀v⇩C. v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C AsmNoReadOrWrite);
reg⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite;
reg⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoWrite;
x ∉ mds⇩A GuarNoReadOrWrite;
∀x'. x ∈ 𝒞_vars x' ⟶ x' ∉ mds⇩A GuarNoReadOrWrite;
(∀mem⇩A' mem⇩C' mem⇩A'' mem⇩C''.
mem⇩A' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A'' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'' ∧
mem⇩A'' = mem⇩A' ∧
ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C' (Eq reg⇩C 0) = ev⇩B mem⇩A' (Eg1.Eq x 0) ∧
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C''⟩⇩C,
⟨Stop ;; (If (Eq reg⇩C 0) c⇩C_then c⇩C_else) ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A''⟩⇩A,
⟨Stop ;; (If (Eq reg⇩C 0) c⇩C_then c⇩C_else) ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2)
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" |
if_reg_stop_rel: "⟦
c⇩A = (If (Eg1.Eq x 0) c⇩A_then c⇩A_else) ;; c⇩A_tail;
c⇩C = Stop ;; ((If (Eq reg⇩C 0) c⇩C_then c⇩C_else) ;; c⇩C_tail);
mds⇩A = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C;
mem⇩A = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C;
(∀v⇩C. v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C AsmNoReadOrWrite);
x ∈ mds⇩A AsmNoWrite ∧ x ∉ mds⇩A AsmNoReadOrWrite;
ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C (Eq reg⇩C 0) = ev⇩B mem⇩A (Eg1.Eq x 0);
(∀mem⇩A' mem⇩C' mem⇩A'' mem⇩C''.
mem⇩A' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A'' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'' ∧
mem⇩A'' = mem⇩A' ∧
ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C' (Eq reg⇩C 0) = ev⇩B mem⇩A' (Eg1.Eq x 0) ∧
ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C'' (Eq reg⇩C 0) = ev⇩B mem⇩A'' (Eg1.Eq x 0) ∧
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C''⟩⇩C,
⟨(If (Eq reg⇩C 0) c⇩C_then c⇩C_else) ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A''⟩⇩A,
⟨(If (Eq reg⇩C 0) c⇩C_then c⇩C_else) ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2)
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" |
if_reg_rel: "⟦
c⇩A = (If (Eg1.Eq x 0) c⇩A_then c⇩A_else) ;; c⇩A_tail;
c⇩C = (If (Eq reg⇩C 0) c⇩C_then c⇩C_else) ;; c⇩C_tail;
mds⇩A = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C;
mem⇩A = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C;
(∀v⇩C. v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C AsmNoReadOrWrite);
x ∈ mds⇩A AsmNoWrite ∧ x ∉ mds⇩A AsmNoReadOrWrite;
ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C (Eq reg⇩C 0) = ev⇩B mem⇩A (Eg1.Eq x 0);
reg⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite;
reg⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoWrite;
x ∉ mds⇩A GuarNoReadOrWrite;
∀x'. x ∈ 𝒞_vars x' ⟶ x' ∉ mds⇩A GuarNoReadOrWrite;
(∀mem⇩A' mem⇩C' mem⇩A'' mem⇩C''.
mem⇩A' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' ∧
mem⇩A'' = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'' ∧
ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C'' (Eq reg⇩C 0) = ev⇩B mem⇩A'' (Eg1.Eq x 0) ∧
ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C' (Eq reg⇩C 0) = ev⇩B mem⇩A' (Eg1.Eq x 0) ∧
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A''⟩⇩A,
⟨(if (ev⇩B mem⇩A'' (Eg1.Eq x 0)) then c⇩A_then else c⇩A_else) ;; c⇩A_tail, mds⇩A, mem⇩A'⟩⇩A) ∈ A.eval⇩w ∧
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C''⟩⇩C,
⟨(if (ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C'' (Eq reg⇩C 0)) then c⇩C_then else c⇩C_else) ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w
(⟨(if (ev⇩B mem⇩A'' (Eg1.Eq x 0)) then c⇩A_then else c⇩A_else) ;; c⇩A_tail, mds⇩A, mem⇩A'⟩⇩A,
⟨(if (ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C'' (Eq reg⇩C 0)) then c⇩C_then else c⇩C_else) ;; c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2);
x ≠ buffer ∧ x ≠ high_var
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" |
stop_seq_rel: "⟦c⇩A = Stop ;; c⇩A_tail;
c⇩C = Stop ;; c⇩C_tail;
mds⇩A = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C;
mem⇩A = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C;
(⟨c⇩A_tail, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C_tail, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2⟧
(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" |
"(⟨Stop, mds⇩A_of mds⇩C, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C⟩⇩A, ⟨Stop, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
definition abs_steps' :: "(_,_,_) Stmt ⇒ (_,_,_) Stmt ⇒ nat" where
"abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C ≡
(if (∃x m c⇩A_tail. c⇩A = ((Skip@[x +=⇩m m]) ;; c⇩A_tail)) ∧
(∃x m c⇩C_tail. c⇩C = ((Skip@[Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x +=⇩m m]) ;; c⇩C_tail)) then (Suc 0)
else if (∃ c⇩A_tail c⇩C_tail. c⇩A = (Stop ;; c⇩A_tail) ∧ c⇩C = (Stop ;; c⇩C_tail)) then (Suc 0)
else if (∃ x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C.
c⇩A = (Stmt.If (bexp.Eq x 0) then⇩A else⇩A ;; tail⇩A) ∧
(c⇩C = ((reg⇩C ← aexp⇩C.Load (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x)) ;; Stmt.If (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C)) ∨
c⇩C = (Stop ;; Stmt.If (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C))
then 0
else (Suc 0))"
fun abs_steps
"abs_steps ⟨c⇩A, _, _⟩⇩A ⟨c⇩C, _, _⟩⇩C = abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C"
lemma closed_others_RelS_Eg1Eg2:
"closed_others RelS_Eg1Eg2"
unfolding closed_others_def
fix c⇩A c⇩C mds⇩C mem⇩C mem⇩C'
in_rel: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A_of mds⇩C, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C⟩⇩A,
⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" and
vars: " ∀x. mem⇩C x ≠ mem⇩C' x ⟶ ¬ var_asm_not_written mds⇩C x"
and dmas: "∀x. dma⇩C mem⇩C x ≠ dma⇩C mem⇩C' x ⟶ ¬ var_asm_not_written mds⇩C x"
from in_rel vars dmas
show "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A_of mds⇩C, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
proof (induct rule: RelS_Eg1Eg2.induct)
case (acq_mode_rel c⇩A x SomeMode tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
show "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using acq_mode_rel
by (simp add:RelS_Eg1Eg2.acq_mode_rel)
case (rel_mode_rel c⇩A x SomeMode c⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
show "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using rel_mode_rel
by (simp add:RelS_Eg1Eg2.rel_mode_rel)
case (assign_load_rel c⇩A x y tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
show "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using assign_load_rel
by (simp add:RelS_Eg1Eg2.assign_load_rel)
case (assign_const_rel c⇩A x z tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
show "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using assign_const_rel
by (simp add:RelS_Eg1Eg2.assign_const_rel)
case (if_reg_load_rel c⇩A x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
show "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using if_reg_load_rel
by (simp add:RelS_Eg1Eg2.if_reg_load_rel)
case (if_reg_stop_rel c⇩A x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
show "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using if_reg_stop_rel
proof (clarsimp)
from if_reg_stop_rel.hyps(3,5,6) if_reg_stop_rel.prems(1)
have reg⇩C_untouched: "mem⇩C reg⇩C = mem⇩C' reg⇩C" and
x⇩C_untouched: "mem⇩C (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) = mem⇩C' (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x)" and
x⇩A_untouched: "mem⇩A_of mem⇩C x = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' x"
using reg⇩C_is_not_the_var⇩C_of_anything mem⇩A_of_def NoWrite⇩A_implies_NoWrite⇩C
by (clarsimp simp:var_asm_not_written_def, blast)+
with if_reg_stop_rel.hyps
have conds_still_match: "(mem⇩C' reg⇩C = 0) = (mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' x = 0)"
by simp
with if_reg_stop_rel RelS_Eg1Eg2.if_reg_stop_rel
show "(⟨Stmt.If (bexp.Eq x 0) then⇩A else⇩A ;; tail⇩A, mds⇩A_of mds⇩C, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A,
⟨Stop ;; Stmt.If (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C)
∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
by clarsimp
case (if_reg_rel c⇩A x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
show "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using if_reg_rel
proof (clarsimp)
from if_reg_rel.hyps(3,5,6) if_reg_rel.prems(1)
have reg⇩C_untouched: "mem⇩C reg⇩C = mem⇩C' reg⇩C" and
x⇩C_untouched: "mem⇩C (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) = mem⇩C' (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x)" and
x⇩A_untouched: "mem⇩A_of mem⇩C x = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' x"
using reg⇩C_is_not_the_var⇩C_of_anything mem⇩A_of_def NoWrite⇩A_implies_NoWrite⇩C
by (clarsimp simp:var_asm_not_written_def, blast)+
with if_reg_rel.hyps
have conds_still_match: "(mem⇩C' reg⇩C = 0) = (mem⇩A_of mem⇩C' x = 0)"
by simp
show "(⟨Stmt.If (bexp.Eq x 0) then⇩A else⇩A ;; tail⇩A, mds⇩A_of mds⇩C, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A,
⟨Stmt.If (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C)
∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
apply (rule RelS_Eg1Eg2.if_reg_rel, simp+)
using if_reg_rel apply simp
using if_reg_rel apply simp
using conds_still_match apply simp
using if_reg_rel apply blast+
case (stop_seq_rel c⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
show "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using stop_seq_rel
by (simp add:RelS_Eg1Eg2.stop_seq_rel)
case (stop_rel mds⇩C mem⇩C)
show ?case by (simp add:RelS_Eg1Eg2.stop_rel)
lemma preserves_modes_mem_RelS_Eg1Eg2:
"preserves_modes_mem RelS_Eg1Eg2"
unfolding preserves_modes_mem_def2
fix c⇩A mds⇩A mem⇩A c⇩C mds⇩C mem⇩C
assume in_rel: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
thus "mem⇩A = mem⇩A_of mem⇩C ∧ mds⇩A = mds⇩A_of mds⇩C"
by (cases rule:RelS_Eg1Eg2.cases, blast+)
lemma mem_twist_other: "z ≠ x ⟹ z ≠ y ⟹ mem (x := mem y, z := v) = mem (z := v, x := (mem (z := v)) y)"
by (simp add: fun_upd_other fun_upd_twist)
lemma reg⇩C_load_helper:
"x⇩C ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ⟹
(⟨reg⇩C ← aexp⇩C.Load (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x), mds, mem(x⇩C := v)⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop, mds, mem
(x⇩C := v, reg⇩C := mem (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x))⟩⇩C) =
(⟨reg⇩C ← aexp⇩C.Load (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x), mds, mem(x⇩C := v)⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop, mds, mem
(x⇩C := v, reg⇩C := (mem(x⇩C := v)) (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x))⟩⇩C)"
using fun_upd_other by simp
lemma preserves_local_guarantee_compliance_RelS_Eg1Eg2:
"preserves_local_guarantee_compliance RelS_Eg1Eg2"
proof(clarsimp simp:preserves_local_guarantee_compliance_def2)
fix c⇩A mds⇩A mem⇩A c⇩C mds⇩C mem⇩C
assume in_RelS: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" and
respects⇩A: "A.respects_own_guarantees (c⇩A, mds⇩A)"
thus "conc.respects_own_guarantees (c⇩C, mds⇩C)"
unfolding conc.respects_own_guarantees_def conc.doesnt_read_or_modify_def conc.doesnt_read_or_modify_vars_def conc.doesnt_modify_def
proof(induct rule:RelS_Eg1Eg2.induct)
case (acq_mode_rel c⇩A x m tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
from acq_mode_rel.hyps(2-3)
show ?case using C.decl_eval⇩w' C.eval⇩w.seq C.seq_decl_elim by fastforce+
case (rel_mode_rel c⇩A x m c⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
from rel_mode_rel.hyps(2-3)
show ?case using C.decl_eval⇩w' C.eval⇩w.seq C.seq_decl_elim by fastforce+
case (assign_load_rel c⇩A x y tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
hence in_RelS: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
by (simp add:RelS_Eg1Eg2.intros(3))
from assign_load_rel.prems show ?case
proof (clarify)
assume respects⇩A: "A.respects_own_guarantees (c⇩A, mds⇩A)"
fix x⇩C
let ?case_x⇩C = "(x⇩C ∈ snd (c⇩C, mds⇩C) GuarNoReadOrWrite ⟶
(∀mds mem c' mds' mem'.
(⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ⟶
(∀x∈{x⇩C} ∪ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C.
∀v. (⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem(x := v)⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'(x := v)⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C))) ∧
(x⇩C ∈ snd (c⇩C, mds⇩C) GuarNoWrite ⟶
(∀mds mem c' mds' mem'.
(⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ⟶
mem x⇩C = mem' x⇩C ∧ dma⇩C mem x⇩C = dma⇩C mem' x⇩C))"
from assign_load_rel(3,6,7) preserves_modes_mem_RelS_Eg1Eg2 has_mode⇩A
have notGuarNoRW_x⇩C: "x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite" and
notGuarNoWrite_x⇩C: "x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoWrite" by clarsimp+
from assign_load_rel(3,8) preserves_modes_mem_RelS_Eg1Eg2 has_mode⇩A
have "x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite" by clarsimp
with assign_load_rel(2)
have "⟦x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y; Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C⟧ ⟹ ?case_x⇩C"
apply clarsimp
apply(drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
using 𝒞_vars⇩C_def dma⇩C_def by auto
moreover have "⟦x⇩C ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x; x⇩C ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y;
Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C; Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C⟧
⟹ ?case_x⇩C"
using assign_load_rel(2,6) apply safe
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim)
apply(simp add: mem_twist_other C.eval⇩w.seq assign_eval⇩w_load⇩C del:fun_upd_apply)
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(subgoal_tac "xa ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∧ xa ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y")
apply(simp add: mem_twist_other C.eval⇩w.seq assign_eval⇩w_load⇩C del:fun_upd_apply)
apply blast
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim)
using 𝒞_vars⇩C_def dma⇩C_def by auto
moreover have "Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C" and "Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C"
using assign_load_rel(9-10) unfolding 𝒞_vars⇩C_def
by (metis Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1.simps(1) A.𝒞_simp empty_iff insert_iff inv_f_eq var⇩C_of_inj)+
moreover note notGuarNoRW_x⇩C notGuarNoWrite_x⇩C
moreover have "x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoWrite ⟹ ?case_x⇩C" by auto
ultimately show ?case_x⇩C by fastforce
case (assign_const_rel c⇩A x z tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
from assign_const_rel.prems show ?case
proof (clarify)
assume respects⇩A: "A.respects_own_guarantees (c⇩A, mds⇩A)"
fix x⇩C
let ?case_x⇩C = "(x⇩C ∈ snd (c⇩C, mds⇩C) GuarNoReadOrWrite ⟶
(∀mds mem c' mds' mem'.
(⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ⟶
(∀x∈{x⇩C} ∪ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C.
∀v. (⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem(x := v)⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'(x := v)⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C))) ∧
(x⇩C ∈ snd (c⇩C, mds⇩C) GuarNoWrite ⟶
(∀mds mem c' mds' mem'.
(⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ⟶
mem x⇩C = mem' x⇩C ∧ dma⇩C mem x⇩C = dma⇩C mem' x⇩C))"
from assign_const_rel(3,6,7) preserves_modes_mem_RelS_Eg1Eg2 has_mode⇩A
have notGuarNoRW_x⇩C: "x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite" and
notGuarNoWrite_x⇩C: "x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoWrite" by clarsimp+
moreover have "⟦x⇩C ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x; Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C⟧ ⟹ ?case_x⇩C"
using assign_const_rel(2,8) apply safe
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim)
apply(simp add: fun_upd_twist C.eval⇩w.seq assign_eval⇩w_const⇩C)
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(subgoal_tac "xa ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x")
apply(simp add: fun_upd_twist C.eval⇩w.seq assign_eval⇩w_const⇩C)
apply blast
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim)
using 𝒞_vars⇩C_def dma⇩C_def by auto
moreover have "Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C"
using assign_const_rel(8) unfolding 𝒞_vars⇩C_def
by (metis Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1.simps(1) A.𝒞_simp empty_iff insert_iff inv_f_eq var⇩C_of_inj)
moreover note notGuarNoRW_x⇩C notGuarNoWrite_x⇩C
moreover have "x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoWrite ⟹ ?case_x⇩C" by auto
ultimately show ?case_x⇩C by fastforce
case (if_reg_load_rel c⇩A x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
from if_reg_load_rel.prems show ?case
proof (clarify)
assume respects⇩A: "A.respects_own_guarantees (c⇩A, mds⇩A)"
fix x⇩C
let ?case_x⇩C = "(x⇩C ∈ snd (c⇩C, mds⇩C) GuarNoReadOrWrite ⟶
(∀mds mem c' mds' mem'.
(⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ⟶
(∀x∈{x⇩C} ∪ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C.
∀v. (⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem(x := v)⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'(x := v)⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C))) ∧
(x⇩C ∈ snd (c⇩C, mds⇩C) GuarNoWrite ⟶
(∀mds mem c' mds' mem'.
(⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ⟶
mem x⇩C = mem' x⇩C ∧ dma⇩C mem x⇩C = dma⇩C mem' x⇩C))"
from if_reg_load_rel(3,8) preserves_modes_mem_RelS_Eg1Eg2 has_mode⇩A
have "x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite" by clarsimp
with if_reg_load_rel(2)
have "x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ⟹ ?case_x⇩C"
apply clarsimp
apply(drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
using 𝒞_vars⇩C_def dma⇩C_def by auto
moreover from if_reg_load_rel(2)
have "⟦x⇩C ≠ reg⇩C; x⇩C ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x; reg⇩C ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C;
Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∈ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite⟧ ⟹ ?case_x⇩C"
apply safe
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim)
apply(simp add:fun_upd_twist del:fun_upd_apply)
apply(rule C.eval⇩w.seq, clarsimp)
apply(simp add:reg⇩C_load_helper del:fun_upd_apply)
apply(rule assign_eval⇩w_load⇩C)
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim)
apply(simp add:fun_upd_twist del:fun_upd_apply)
apply(rule C.eval⇩w.seq, clarsimp)
apply(subgoal_tac "xa ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∧ xa ≠ reg⇩C")
apply clarsimp
apply(simp add:fun_upd_twist reg⇩C_load_helper assign_eval⇩w_load⇩C del:fun_upd_apply)
apply blast
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(clarsimp, drule C.seq_assign_elim)
using 𝒞_vars⇩C_def dma⇩C_def by auto
moreover from if_reg_load_rel(3,9)
have "Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∈ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite"
by (metis Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1.simps(1-2) 𝒞_vars⇩C_def 𝒞_vars_def empty_iff has_mode⇩A insert_iff inv_f_f var⇩C_of_inj)
moreover have "x⇩C = reg⇩C ⟹ ?case_x⇩C"
using if_reg_load_rel(6-7) by clarsimp
moreover have "reg⇩C ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C"
using reg⇩C_is_not_the_var⇩C_of_anything 𝒞_vars⇩C_def by clarsimp
ultimately show ?case_x⇩C by fastforce
case (if_reg_stop_rel c⇩A x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
from if_reg_stop_rel(2) show ?case
by (metis C.seq_stop_elim C.seq_stop_eval⇩w fst_conv)
case (if_reg_rel c⇩A x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
from if_reg_rel.prems show ?case
proof (clarify)
assume respects⇩A: "A.respects_own_guarantees (c⇩A, mds⇩A)"
fix x⇩C
let ?case_x⇩C = "(x⇩C ∈ snd (c⇩C, mds⇩C) GuarNoReadOrWrite ⟶
(∀mds mem c' mds' mem'.
(⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ⟶
(∀x∈{x⇩C} ∪ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C.
∀v. (⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem(x := v)⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'(x := v)⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C))) ∧
(x⇩C ∈ snd (c⇩C, mds⇩C) GuarNoWrite ⟶
(∀mds mem c' mds' mem'.
(⟨fst (c⇩C, mds⇩C), mds, mem⟩⇩C, ⟨c', mds', mem'⟩⇩C)
∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ⟶
mem x⇩C = mem' x⇩C ∧ dma⇩C mem x⇩C = dma⇩C mem' x⇩C))"
from if_reg_rel(3,10) preserves_modes_mem_RelS_Eg1Eg2 has_mode⇩A
have "x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite" by clarsimp
with if_reg_rel(2)
have "x⇩C = Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ⟹ ?case_x⇩C"
apply clarsimp
apply(drule C.seq_elim, clarsimp)
using 𝒞_vars⇩C_def dma⇩C_def by auto
moreover from if_reg_rel(2)
have "⟦x⇩C ≠ reg⇩C; x⇩C ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x; reg⇩C ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C;
Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∈ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite⟧ ⟹ ?case_x⇩C"
apply safe
apply(subgoal_tac "(mem(x⇩C := v)) reg⇩C = mem reg⇩C")
apply clarsimp
apply(drule C.seq_elim, clarsimp+)
apply(erule C.if_elim, clarsimp)
apply(simp add: if_true_eval⇩w⇩C if_false_eval⇩w⇩C)+
apply(subgoal_tac "xa ≠ Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∧ xa ≠ reg⇩C")
apply(drule C.seq_elim, clarsimp+)
apply(erule C.if_elim, clarsimp)
apply(simp add: if_true_eval⇩w⇩C if_false_eval⇩w⇩C)+
apply blast
apply clarsimp
apply(drule C.seq_elim, clarsimp+)
apply(erule C.if_elim, clarsimp+)
apply(drule C.seq_elim, clarsimp+)
apply(erule C.if_elim, clarsimp+)
moreover from if_reg_rel(3,11)
have "Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x ∈ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C ⟹ x⇩C ∉ mds⇩C GuarNoReadOrWrite"
by (metis Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1.simps(1-2) 𝒞_vars⇩C_def 𝒞_vars_def empty_iff has_mode⇩A insert_iff inv_f_f var⇩C_of_inj)
moreover have "x⇩C = reg⇩C ⟹ ?case_x⇩C"
using if_reg_rel(8-9) by clarsimp
moreover have "reg⇩C ∉ 𝒞_vars⇩C x⇩C"
using reg⇩C_is_not_the_var⇩C_of_anything 𝒞_vars⇩C_def by clarsimp
ultimately show ?case_x⇩C by fastforce
case (stop_seq_rel c⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
from stop_seq_rel(2)
show ?case by (metis C.seq_stop_elim C.seq_stop_eval⇩w fst_conv)
case stop_rel
thus ?case by (simp add: C.stop_no_eval)
definition mdss⇩A_of :: "((var⇩C Mds) list) ⇒ ((var Mds) list)"
"mdss⇩A_of mdss⇩C = map mds⇩A_of mdss⇩C"
lemma new_vars_private_RelS_Eg1Eg2:
"sifum_refinement.new_vars_private dma⇩C C.eval⇩w Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 RelS_Eg1Eg2"
unfolding new_vars_private_def
fix c⇩A mds⇩A mem⇩A c⇩C mds⇩C mem⇩C c⇩C' mds⇩C' mem⇩C'
assume in_rel: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" and
does_eval: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨c⇩C', mds⇩C', mem⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w"
let "?diff_mem v⇩C" = "mem⇩C' v⇩C ≠ mem⇩C v⇩C"
let "?diff_dma v⇩C" = "dma⇩C mem⇩C' v⇩C < dma⇩C mem⇩C v⇩C"
let "?conc_only v⇩C" = "v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1"
show "(∀v⇩C. (?diff_mem v⇩C ∨ ?diff_dma v⇩C) ∧ ?conc_only v⇩C ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C' AsmNoReadOrWrite) ∧
mds⇩C AsmNoReadOrWrite - range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1
⊆ mds⇩C' AsmNoReadOrWrite - range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1"
using in_rel does_eval
proof(cases rule:RelS_Eg1Eg2.cases)
case (acq_mode_rel x SomeMode tail⇩A tail⇩C)
moreover with does_eval
have "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C (SomeMode := insert (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) (mds⇩C SomeMode))"
by (metis (mono_tags) C.seq_decl_elim C.update_modes.simps(1))
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
case (rel_mode_rel x SomeMode)
moreover with does_eval
have "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C (SomeMode := {y. y ∈ (mds⇩C SomeMode) ∧ y ≠ (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x)})"
by (metis (mono_tags) C.upd_elim C.skip_elim C.update_modes.simps(2))
ultimately show ?thesis
by auto
case (assign_load_rel x y tail⇩A tail⇩C)
with does_eval
show ?thesis
by (metis C.assign_elim C.seq_elim Stmt.distinct(14) set_eq_subset)
case (assign_const_rel x z tail⇩A tail⇩C)
with does_eval
show ?thesis
by (metis C.assign_elim C.seq_elim Stmt.distinct(14) set_eq_subset)
case (if_reg_load_rel x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C)
with does_eval
show ?thesis
by (metis C.assign_elim C.seq_elim Stmt.distinct(14) set_eq_subset)
case (if_reg_stop_rel x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C)
with does_eval
show ?thesis
by (metis C.seq_stop_elim subset_refl)
case (if_reg_rel x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C)
with does_eval
have mds⇩C_unchanged: "mds⇩C = mds⇩C'"
by (metis C.if_elim C.seq_elim Stmt.distinct(50))
moreover with if_reg_rel(5)
have "∀v⇩C. (?diff_mem v⇩C ∨ ?diff_dma v⇩C) ∧ ?conc_only v⇩C ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C' AsmNoReadOrWrite"
by simp
moreover from mds⇩C_unchanged
have "mds⇩C AsmNoReadOrWrite - range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⊆ mds⇩C' AsmNoReadOrWrite - range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1"
by clarify
ultimately show ?thesis
by simp
case (stop_seq_rel tail⇩A tail⇩C)
with does_eval C.seq_stop_elim
show ?thesis
by blast
case (stop_rel)
with does_eval C.stop_no_eval have False by simp
thus ?thesis by simp
lemma simple_refinement_safe_RelS_Eg1Eg2:
assumes R_low_mds_eq:
"⋀c mds mem mem'. (⟨c, mds, mem⟩⇩A, ⟨c, mds, mem'⟩⇩A) ∈ Some_R ⟹ A.low_mds_eq mds mem mem'"
"sifum_refinement.simple_refinement_safe C.eval⇩w Some_R RelS_Eg1Eg2 abs_steps"
unfolding simple_refinement_safe_def
fix c⇩A mds⇩A mem⇩1⇩A mem⇩2⇩A c⇩C mds⇩C mem⇩1⇩C mem⇩2⇩C
assume in_R: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩1⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩2⇩A⟩⇩A) ∈ Some_R" and
in_RelS_1: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩1⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" and
in_RelS_2: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩2⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
show "stops⇩C ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C = stops⇩C ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C ∧
(∀mds⇩1⇩C' mds⇩2⇩C' mem⇩1⇩C' mem⇩2⇩C' c⇩1⇩C' c⇩2⇩C'.
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨c⇩1⇩C', mds⇩1⇩C', mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w ∧
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨c⇩2⇩C', mds⇩2⇩C', mem⇩2⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w ⟶
c⇩1⇩C' = c⇩2⇩C' ∧ mds⇩1⇩C' = mds⇩2⇩C')"
using in_RelS_1 in_RelS_2
proof(cases rule:RelS_Eg1Eg2.cases)
case (acq_mode_rel x m tail⇩A tail⇩C)
let ?mds⇩C' = "mds⇩C(m := insert (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) (mds⇩C m))"
from acq_mode_rel have
eval_1: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; tail⇩C, ?mds⇩C', mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w" and
eval_2: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; tail⇩C, ?mds⇩C', mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w"
by (simp add: C.decl_eval⇩w' C.eval⇩w.seq)+
thus ?thesis unfolding stops⇩C_def using C.eval_det by blast
case (rel_mode_rel x m)
let ?mds⇩C' = "mds⇩C(m := {y. y ∈ (mds⇩C m) ∧ y ≠ (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x)})"
from rel_mode_rel have
eval_1: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop, ?mds⇩C', mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w" and
eval_2: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop, ?mds⇩C', mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w"
by (simp add: C.decl_eval⇩w')+
thus ?thesis unfolding stops⇩C_def using C.eval_det by blast
case (assign_load_rel x y tail⇩A tail⇩C)
from assign_load_rel have
eval_1: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C,
mem⇩1⇩C((Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) := mem⇩1⇩C (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y))⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w" and
eval_2: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C,
mem⇩2⇩C((Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) := mem⇩2⇩C (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y))⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w"
by (simp add: assign_eval⇩w_load⇩C C.eval⇩w.seq)+
thus ?thesis unfolding stops⇩C_def using C.eval_det by blast
case (assign_const_rel x z tail⇩A tail⇩C)
from assign_const_rel have
eval_1: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C,
mem⇩1⇩C((Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) := z)⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w" and
eval_2: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C,
mem⇩2⇩C((Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) := z)⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w"
by (simp add: assign_eval⇩w_const⇩C C.eval⇩w.seq)+
thus ?thesis unfolding stops⇩C_def using C.eval_det by blast
case (if_reg_load_rel x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C)
from if_reg_load_rel have
eval_1: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; Stmt.If (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C,
mem⇩1⇩C(reg⇩C := mem⇩1⇩C (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x))⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w" and
eval_2: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨Stop ;; Stmt.If (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C,
mem⇩2⇩C(reg⇩C := mem⇩2⇩C (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x))⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w"
by (simp add: assign_eval⇩w_load⇩C C.eval⇩w.seq)+
thus ?thesis unfolding stops⇩C_def using C.eval_det by blast
case (if_reg_stop_rel x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C)
from if_reg_stop_rel have
eval_1: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C,
⟨Stmt.If (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w" and
eval_2: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C,
⟨Stmt.If (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w"
by (simp add: C.seq_stop_eval⇩w)+
thus ?thesis unfolding stops⇩C_def using C.eval_det by blast
case (if_reg_rel x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C)
from if_reg_rel have
eval_1: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C,
⟨(if ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩1⇩C (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then then⇩C else else⇩C) ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w" and
eval_2: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C,
⟨(if ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩2⇩C (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) then then⇩C else else⇩C) ;; tail⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w"
by (simp add: if_true_eval⇩w⇩C if_false_eval⇩w⇩C)+
hence stops_eq: "stops⇩C ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C = stops⇩C ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C"
unfolding stops⇩C_def by blast
from in_R R_low_mds_eq
have "A.low_mds_eq mds⇩A mem⇩1⇩A mem⇩2⇩A" by clarsimp
with if_reg_rel(6,13) dma_def
have "ev⇩B mem⇩1⇩A (bexp.Eq x 0) = ev⇩B mem⇩2⇩A (bexp.Eq x 0)"
by (simp add:A.low_mds_eq_def)
with if_reg_rel(1,2,7) in_RelS_2
have "ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩1⇩C (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0) = ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩2⇩C (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0)"
apply clarsimp
by (cases rule:RelS_Eg1Eg2.cases, simp+)
with if_reg_rel(1,2) eval_1 eval_2 C.eval_det have
"(∀mds⇩1⇩C' mds⇩2⇩C' mem⇩1⇩C' mem⇩2⇩C' c⇩1⇩C' c⇩2⇩C'.
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨c⇩1⇩C', mds⇩1⇩C', mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ∧
(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨c⇩2⇩C', mds⇩2⇩C', mem⇩2⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ sifum_lang_no_dma.eval⇩w ev⇩A⇩C ev⇩B⇩C ⟶
c⇩1⇩C' = c⇩2⇩C' ∧ mds⇩1⇩C' = mds⇩2⇩C')"
by (clarsimp, blast)
thus ?thesis using stops_eq by simp
case (stop_seq_rel tail⇩A tail⇩C)
from stop_seq_rel have
eval_1: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨tail⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w" and
eval_2: "(⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨tail⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w"
by (simp add: C.seq_stop_eval⇩w)+
thus ?thesis unfolding stops⇩C_def using C.eval_det by blast
case stop_rel
with C.stop_no_eval have
stops_1: "stops⇩C ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C" and
stops_2: "stops⇩C ⟨c⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩2⇩C⟩⇩C"
unfolding stops⇩C_def by simp+
thus ?thesis unfolding stops⇩C_def by auto
lemma induction_RelS_Eg1Eg2:
notes A.update_modes.simps[simp del]
"(⟨c⇩1⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩1⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩1⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2 ⟹
(⟨c⇩1⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C, ⟨c⇩1⇩C', mds⇩C', mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ C.eval⇩w ⟹
∃c⇩1⇩A' mds⇩A' mem⇩1⇩A'.
A.neval ⟨c⇩1⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩1⇩A⟩⇩A
(abs_steps ⟨c⇩1⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩1⇩A⟩⇩A ⟨c⇩1⇩C, mds⇩C, mem⇩1⇩C⟩⇩C)
⟨c⇩1⇩A', mds⇩A', mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A ∧
(⟨c⇩1⇩A', mds⇩A', mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩1⇩C', mds⇩C', mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
proof(induct rule: RelS_Eg1Eg2.induct)
case (acq_mode_rel c⇩A x m tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
let ?mds⇩A' = "mds⇩A_of mds⇩C'"
let ?mem⇩1⇩A' = "mem⇩A_of mem⇩1⇩C'"
let ?c⇩1⇩A' = "Stop ;; tail⇩A"
from acq_mode_rel(1,2)
have abs_steps_acq: "(abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C) = 1"
by (simp add:abs_steps'_def)
moreover from acq_mode_rel.prems acq_mode_rel(2)
have c⇩1⇩C'_def: "c⇩1⇩C' = (Stop ;; tail⇩C)" and
mds⇩C'_def: "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C(m := insert (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) (mds⇩C m))" and
mem⇩1⇩C'_def: "mem⇩1⇩C' = mem⇩C"
by (metis (mono_tags) C.seq_decl_elim C.update_modes.simps(1))+
moreover from mds⇩C'_def
have mds⇩A'_def: "?mds⇩A' = A.update_modes (x +=⇩m m) (mds⇩A_of mds⇩C)"
unfolding A.update_modes.simps
by(blast intro: mode_acquire_refinement_helper)
moreover with mem⇩1⇩C'_def acq_mode_rel A.eval⇩w.seq A.decl_eval⇩w
have neval⇩A: "A.neval ⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A 1 ⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A"
by clarsimp
moreover from acq_mode_rel(5)
have mds⇩C'_concrete_vars_unwritable:
"(∀v⇩C. v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C' AsmNoReadOrWrite)"
by(auto simp: mds⇩C'_def)
moreover with acq_mode_rel(6)[simplified] acq_mode_rel.hyps(4) neval⇩A c⇩1⇩C'_def
have in_Rel': "(⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩1⇩C', mds⇩C', mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
by (metis A.neval_Suc_simp One_nat_def acq_mode_rel.prems)
ultimately show ?case
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) One_nat_def abs_steps.simps n_not_Suc_n)
case (rel_mode_rel c⇩A x m c⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
let ?mds⇩A' = "mds⇩A_of mds⇩C'"
let ?mem⇩1⇩A' = "mem⇩A_of mem⇩1⇩C'"
let ?c⇩1⇩A' = "Stop"
from rel_mode_rel(1,2)
have abs_steps_acq: "(abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C) = 1"
by (simp add:abs_steps'_def)
moreover from rel_mode_rel.prems rel_mode_rel(2)
have c⇩1⇩C'_def: "c⇩1⇩C' = Stop" and
mds⇩C'_def: "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C(m := {y. y ∈ (mds⇩C m) ∧ y ≠ (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x)})" and
mem⇩1⇩C'_def: "mem⇩1⇩C' = mem⇩C"
by (metis (mono_tags) C.upd_elim C.skip_elim C.update_modes.simps(2))+
moreover from mds⇩C'_def
have mds⇩A'_def: "?mds⇩A' = A.update_modes (x -=⇩m m) (mds⇩A_of mds⇩C)"
unfolding A.update_modes.simps
by(blast intro: mode_release_refinement_helper)
moreover with mem⇩1⇩C'_def rel_mode_rel A.eval⇩w.seq A.decl_eval⇩w
have neval⇩A: "A.neval ⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A 1 ⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A"
by clarsimp
moreover from rel_mode_rel(5)
have mds⇩C'_concrete_vars_unwritable:
"(∀v⇩C. v⇩C ∉ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 ⟶ v⇩C ∈ mds⇩C' AsmNoReadOrWrite)"
by(auto simp: mds⇩C'_def)
moreover with rel_mode_rel(6)[simplified] rel_mode_rel.hyps(4) neval⇩A c⇩1⇩C'_def
have in_Rel': "(⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩1⇩C', mds⇩C', mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
by (metis A.neval_Suc_simp One_nat_def rel_mode_rel.prems)
ultimately show ?case
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) One_nat_def abs_steps.simps n_not_Suc_n)
case (assign_load_rel c⇩A x y tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
let ?c⇩1⇩A' = "Stop ;; tail⇩A"
let ?mds⇩A' = "mds⇩A_of mds⇩C'"
let ?mem⇩1⇩A' = "mem⇩A_of mem⇩1⇩C'"
from assign_load_rel(1,2)
have abs_steps_load: "(abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C) = 1"
by (simp add:abs_steps'_def)
from assign_load_rel.prems assign_load_rel(2)
have c⇩1⇩C'_def: "c⇩1⇩C' = (Stop ;; tail⇩C)" and
mds⇩C'_def: "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C" and
mem⇩1⇩C'_def: "mem⇩1⇩C' = mem⇩C((Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) := mem⇩C (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 y))"
using C.seq_elim C.assign_elim C.skip_elim assign_eval⇩w_load⇩C
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Stmt.distinct(14))+
from assign_load_rel(1,3,4) mds⇩C'_def mem⇩1⇩C'_def
have eval⇩A: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A,⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A) ∈ A.eval⇩w" and
neval⇩A: "A.neval ⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A 1 ⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A"
using A.eval⇩w.seq assign_eval⇩w_load⇩A mem_assign_refinement_helper_var by simp+
with assign_load_rel(11)[simplified] assign_load_rel.prems c⇩1⇩C'_def
have rel': "(⟨?c⇩1⇩A',?mds⇩A',?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A,⟨c⇩1⇩C',mds⇩C',mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using assign_load_rel.hyps(4-5) mds⇩C'_def by blast
thus ?case using rel' abs_steps_load neval⇩A by auto
case (assign_const_rel c⇩A x z tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
let ?c⇩1⇩A' = "Stop ;; tail⇩A"
let ?mds⇩A' = "mds⇩A_of mds⇩C'"
let ?mem⇩1⇩A' = "mem⇩A_of mem⇩1⇩C'"
from assign_const_rel(1,2)
have abs_steps_const: "(abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C) = 1"
by (simp add:abs_steps'_def)
from assign_const_rel.prems assign_const_rel(2)
have c⇩1⇩C'_def: "c⇩1⇩C' = (Stop ;; tail⇩C)" and
mds⇩C'_def: "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C" and
mem⇩1⇩C'_def: "mem⇩1⇩C' = mem⇩C((Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x) := z)"
using C.seq_elim C.assign_elim C.skip_elim assign_eval⇩w_const⇩C
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Stmt.distinct(14))+
from assign_const_rel(1,3,4) mds⇩C'_def mem⇩1⇩C'_def
have eval⇩A: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A,⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A) ∈ A.eval⇩w" and
neval⇩A: "A.neval ⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A 1 ⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A"
using A.eval⇩w.seq assign_eval⇩w_const⇩A mem_assign_refinement_helper_const by simp+
with assign_const_rel(9)[simplified] assign_const_rel.prems c⇩1⇩C'_def
have rel': "(⟨?c⇩1⇩A',?mds⇩A',?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A,⟨c⇩1⇩C',mds⇩C',mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using assign_const_rel.hyps(4) by blast
thus ?case using rel' abs_steps_const neval⇩A by auto
case (if_reg_load_rel c⇩A x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
let ?c⇩1⇩A' = "c⇩A"
let ?mds⇩A' = "mds⇩A_of mds⇩C'"
let ?mem⇩1⇩A' = "mem⇩A_of mem⇩1⇩C'"
from if_reg_load_rel.hyps(1,2)
have abs_steps_if_reg_load: "(abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C) = 0"
by (simp add:abs_steps'_def)
from if_reg_load_rel.prems if_reg_load_rel(2)
have c⇩1⇩C'_def: "c⇩1⇩C' = (Stop ;; If (Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C)" and
mds⇩C'_def: "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C" and
mem⇩1⇩C'_def: "mem⇩1⇩C' = mem⇩C(reg⇩C := mem⇩C (Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1 x))"
using C.seq_elim C.assign_elim C.skip_elim assign_eval⇩w_load⇩C
by (metis (no_types, lifting) Stmt.distinct(14))+
from if_reg_load_rel(1-4) mds⇩C'_def mem⇩1⇩C'_def
have neval⇩A: "A.neval ⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A 0 ⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A" and
mem⇩A_unchanged: "?mem⇩1⇩A' = mem⇩A"
using reg⇩C_not_visible_abs conc_only_var_assign_not_visible_abs A.neval.intros(1) by simp+
with if_reg_load_rel c⇩1⇩C'_def mds⇩C'_def mem⇩1⇩C'_def
have rel': "(⟨?c⇩1⇩A',?mds⇩A',?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A,⟨c⇩1⇩C',mds⇩C',mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
apply clarsimp
apply(erule_tac x=mem⇩1⇩C' in allE)
apply(erule_tac impE)
apply(rule_tac x=mem⇩C in exI)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: mem⇩A_of_def)
using if_reg_load_rel.prems mem⇩A_of_def apply blast
apply clarsimp
show ?case using rel' abs_steps_if_reg_load neval⇩A by auto
case (if_reg_stop_rel c⇩A x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
let ?c⇩1⇩A' = "c⇩A"
let ?mds⇩A' = "mds⇩A_of mds⇩C'"
let ?mem⇩1⇩A' = "mem⇩A_of mem⇩1⇩C'"
from if_reg_stop_rel.hyps(1,2)
have abs_steps_if_reg_stop: "(abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C) = 0"
by (simp add:abs_steps'_def)
from if_reg_stop_rel.prems if_reg_stop_rel(2)
have c⇩1⇩C'_def: "c⇩1⇩C' = (If (Eq reg⇩C 0) then⇩C else⇩C ;; tail⇩C)" and
mds⇩C'_def: "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C" and
mem⇩1⇩C'_def: "mem⇩1⇩C' = mem⇩C"
using C.seq_stop_elim by simp+
from if_reg_stop_rel(1-4) mds⇩C'_def mem⇩1⇩C'_def
have neval⇩A: "A.neval ⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A 0 ⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A" and
mem⇩A_unchanged: "?mem⇩1⇩A' = mem⇩A"
using reg⇩C_not_visible_abs conc_only_var_assign_not_visible_abs A.neval.intros(1) by simp+
with if_reg_stop_rel c⇩1⇩C'_def mds⇩C'_def mem⇩1⇩C'_def
have rel': "(⟨?c⇩1⇩A',?mds⇩A',?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A,⟨c⇩1⇩C',mds⇩C',mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2" by blast
show ?case using rel' abs_steps_if_reg_stop neval⇩A by auto
case (if_reg_rel c⇩A x then⇩A else⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C then⇩C else⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
let ?c⇩1⇩A' = "if (ev⇩B mem⇩A (bexp.Eq x 0)) then (then⇩A ;; tail⇩A) else (else⇩A ;; tail⇩A)"
let ?mds⇩A' = "mds⇩A_of mds⇩C'"
let ?mem⇩1⇩A' = "mem⇩A_of mem⇩1⇩C'"
from if_reg_rel(1) if_reg_rel(2)
have abs_steps_if_reg: "(abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C) = Suc 0"
by (simp add:abs_steps'_def)
from if_reg_rel.prems if_reg_rel(2)
have c⇩1⇩C'_def: "c⇩1⇩C' = (if (ev⇩B⇩C mem⇩C (bexp⇩C.Eq reg⇩C 0)) then (then⇩C ;; tail⇩C) else (else⇩C ;; tail⇩C))" and
mds⇩C'_def: "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C" and
mem⇩1⇩C'_def: "mem⇩1⇩C' = mem⇩C"
apply simp_all
by (drule C.seq_elim, simp, erule exE, clarsimp, erule C.if_elim, clarsimp+)+
from if_reg_rel(1,3,4) mds⇩C'_def mem⇩1⇩C'_def
have eval⇩A: "(⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A, ⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A) ∈ A.eval⇩w"
using if_seq_eval⇩w_helper⇩A A.if_eval⇩w by presburger
hence neval⇩A: "A.neval ⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A (abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C) ⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A"
using abs_steps_if_reg by (simp only:A.neval_Suc_simp)
from if_reg_rel(3,4,7,12) if_reg_rel.prems c⇩1⇩C'_def mds⇩C'_def mem⇩1⇩C'_def eval⇩A
have rel': "(⟨?c⇩1⇩A',?mds⇩A',?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩1⇩C',mds⇩C',mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
by (clarify, presburger)
show ?case using rel' abs_steps_if_reg neval⇩A by auto
case (stop_seq_rel c⇩A tail⇩A c⇩C tail⇩C mds⇩A mds⇩C mem⇩A mem⇩C)
let ?c⇩1⇩A' = "tail⇩A"
let ?mds⇩A' = "mds⇩A_of mds⇩C'"
let ?mem⇩1⇩A' = "mem⇩A_of mem⇩1⇩C'"
from stop_seq_rel(1,2)
have abs_steps_stop: "(abs_steps' c⇩A c⇩C) = 1"
by (simp add:abs_steps'_def)
from stop_seq_rel
have c⇩1⇩C'_def: "c⇩1⇩C' = tail⇩C" and
mds⇩C'_def: "mds⇩C' = mds⇩C" and
mem⇩1⇩C'_def: "mem⇩1⇩C' = mem⇩C"
using C.seq_stop_elim by auto
neval⇩A: "A.neval ⟨c⇩A, mds⇩A, mem⇩A⟩⇩A 1 ⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A" and
rel': "(⟨?c⇩1⇩A', ?mds⇩A', ?mem⇩1⇩A'⟩⇩A, ⟨c⇩1⇩C', mds⇩C', mem⇩1⇩C'⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
using stop_seq_rel A.seq_stop_eval⇩w by auto
thus ?case using abs_steps_stop by auto
case stop_rel
with C.stop_no_eval have False by simp
thus ?case by simp
mds⇩0 :: "Mode ⇒ var⇩C set"
"mds⇩0 ≡ λm. case m of AsmNoReadOrWrite ⇒ {reg⇩C} | _ ⇒ {}"
lemma read_buffer_assign_temp_onwards_RelS:
"(⟨(temp ← aexp.Const 0) ;; (Skip@[temp -=⇩m AsmNoReadOrWrite]),
mds⇩A_of ((case_Mode {reg⇩C} {} {} {}) (AsmNoWrite := {control_var⇩C},
AsmNoReadOrWrite := {temp⇩C, reg⇩C})),
mem⇩A_of mem⇩C⟩⇩A,
⟨(temp⇩C ← aexp⇩C.Const 0) ;; (Skip@[temp⇩C -=⇩m AsmNoReadOrWrite]),
(case_Mode {reg⇩C} {} {} {}) (AsmNoWrite := {control_var⇩C},
AsmNoReadOrWrite := {temp⇩C, reg⇩C}),
mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
apply(rule assign_const_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var doesnt_have_mode)+
apply(drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(rule stop_seq_rel, simp+)
apply(rule rel_mode_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var)+
apply(rule stop_rel)
lemma read_buffer_RelS:
"(⟨A.read_buffer, mds⇩A_of mds⇩0, mem⇩A_of mem⇩C⟩⇩A, ⟨C.read_buffer⇩C, mds⇩0, mem⇩C⟩⇩C) ∈ RelS_Eg1Eg2"
unfolding A.read_buffer_def C.read_buffer⇩C_def mds⇩0_def
apply(rule acq_mode_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var)+
apply(drule C.seq_decl_elim, clarsimp)
apply(rule stop_seq_rel, simp+)
apply(rule acq_mode_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var)+
apply(drule C.seq_decl_elim, clarsimp)
apply(rule stop_seq_rel, simp+)
apply(rule assign_load_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var doesnt_have_mode)+
apply(drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(rule stop_seq_rel, simp+)
apply(rule if_reg_load_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var doesnt_have_mode)+
apply(drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(rule if_reg_stop_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var)
using has_mode⇩A NoRW⇩A_implies_NoRW⇩C apply fastforce
apply(clarsimp simp: has_mode⇩A)+
apply(rule if_reg_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var has_mode⇩A doesnt_have_mode)+
apply(rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply(rule assign_load_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var doesnt_have_mode)+
apply(drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(rule stop_seq_rel, simp+)
apply(rule read_buffer_assign_temp_onwards_RelS)
apply clarsimp
apply(rule assign_load_rel, simp+)
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_the_only_concrete_only_var doesnt_have_mode)+
apply(drule C.seq_assign_elim, clarsimp)
apply(rule stop_seq_rel, simp+)
apply(rule read_buffer_assign_temp_onwards_RelS)
apply simp
lemma control_var_visible:
"control_var⇩C ∈ range Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1"
apply(unfold Eg2_var⇩C_of_Eg1_def)
apply(rule_tac x=control_var in range_eqI)
apply clarsimp
lemma mds⇩s_A_of_mds⇩0:
"mds⇩s = mds⇩A_of mds⇩0"
apply(rule preserves_modes_mem_mds⇩A_simp)
apply clarsimp
apply(case_tac m)
unfolding mds⇩s_def mds⇩0_def mds⇩A_of_def
apply(clarsimp simp: reg⇩C_not_visible_abs control_var_visible)+
lemma A_of_mds⇩0_is_mds⇩s:
"mds⇩A_of mds⇩0 = mds⇩s"
by (simp add: mds⇩s_A_of_mds⇩0)
lemma RelS_Eg1Eg2_secure_refinement_simple_ℛ:
"secure_refinement_simple (A.ℛ Γ 𝒮 P) RelS_Eg1Eg2 abs_steps"
apply(unfold secure_refinement_simple_def)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rule closed_others_RelS_Eg1Eg2)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rule preserves_modes_mem_RelS_Eg1Eg2)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rule new_vars_private_RelS_Eg1Eg2)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rule simple_refinement_safe_RelS_Eg1Eg2)
using A.ℛ_to_ℛ⇩3 A.ℛ⇩3_mem_eq apply fast
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rule bisim_simple_ℛ)
apply safe
apply(drule (1) induction_RelS_Eg1Eg2, clarify)
lemma RelS_Eg1Eg2_secure_refinement_ℛ:
"secure_refinement (A.ℛ Γ 𝒮 P) RelS_Eg1Eg2 ℐsimple"
apply(rule secure_refinement_simpler)
apply(rule secure_refinement_simple)
apply(rule RelS_Eg1Eg2_secure_refinement_simple_ℛ)
lemma strong_low_bisim_mm_R⇩C_of_RelS_ℛ:
"conc.strong_low_bisim_mm (R⇩C_of (A.ℛ Γ 𝒮 P) RelS_Eg1Eg2 ℐsimple)"
apply(rule R⇩C_of_strong_low_bisim_mm)
apply(rule A.ℛ_bisim)
apply(rule RelS_Eg1Eg2_secure_refinement_ℛ)
apply(simp add: sym_def ℐsimple_def)
lemma read_buffer⇩C_secure:
"conc.low_mds_eq mds⇩0 mem⇩1 mem⇩2 ⟹ ∃ Γ' 𝒮' P'.
(⟨C.read_buffer⇩C, mds⇩0, mem⇩1⟩⇩C, ⟨C.read_buffer⇩C, mds⇩0, mem⇩2⟩⇩C) ∈ (R⇩C_of (A.ℛ Γ' 𝒮' P') RelS_Eg1Eg2 ℐsimple)"
apply(insert A.read_buffer_typed[OF HOL.refl HOL.refl HOL.refl])
apply clarsimp
apply(rule_tac x=Γ' in exI)
apply(rule_tac x=a in exI)
apply(rule_tac x=b in exI)
apply(rule_tac x=x in exI)
apply(clarsimp simp: R⇩C_of_def)
apply(rule_tac x=A.read_buffer in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="mds⇩A_of mds⇩0" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="mem⇩A_of mem⇩1" in exI)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rule read_buffer_RelS)
apply(rule_tac x=A.read_buffer in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="mds⇩A_of mds⇩0" in exI)
apply(rule_tac x="mem⇩A_of mem⇩2" in exI)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(rule read_buffer_RelS)
apply(simp add: A_of_mds⇩0_is_mds⇩s ℐsimple_def)
apply(drule low_mds_eq_from_conc_to_abs)
apply(rule A.Typed_in_ℛ, simp)
unfolding A.tyenv_wellformed_def apply safe
unfolding A.mds_consistent_def apply clarsimp
unfolding A.types_wellformed_def mds⇩s_def apply simp
unfolding A.types_stable_def apply simp
apply clarsimp
unfolding A.low_mds_eq_def apply clarsimp
apply(rename_tac v, erule_tac x=v in allE)
apply clarsimp
apply safe
apply(clarsimp simp: mds⇩A_of_def mds⇩0_def)
apply(rename_tac xb, case_tac xb, simp_all)
apply(case_tac v, clarsimp)
unfolding dma_def mds⇩0_def mds⇩A_of_def pred_def
using reg⇩C_not_visible_abs apply auto[4]
using A.pred_def apply clarsimp
using A.pred_def apply clarsimp
lemma "conc.com_sifum_secure (C.read_buffer⇩C, mds⇩0)"
unfolding conc.com_sifum_secure_def conc.low_indistinguishable_def
apply clarify
apply(drule_tac read_buffer⇩C_secure)
apply(erule exE)+
apply(rule conc.mm_equiv_intro)
apply(rule_tac Γ=Γ' and 𝒮=𝒮' and P=P' in strong_low_bisim_mm_R⇩C_of_RelS_ℛ)
by simp