Theory RM_Sums_Diophantine

theory RM_Sums_Diophantine imports Equation_Setup "../Diophantine/Register_Machine_Sums"


context register_machine

definition sum_ssub_nzero_of_bit_and  :: "polynomial  nat  polynomial list  polynomial list
  ([_ = ∑S- _ '(_ && _')]) where
  "[x = ∑S- d (s && z)]  let x' = push_param x (length p);
                                s' = push_param_list s (length p); 
                                z' = push_param_list z (length p)
                            in [∃length p] [∀<length p] (λi. [Param i = s'!i && z'!i])
                                                        [∧] x' [=] ([∑S-] p d Param)"

lemma sum_ssub_nzero_of_bit_and_dioph[dioph]:
  fixes s z :: "polynomial list" and d :: nat and x
  shows "is_dioph_rel [x = ∑S- d (s && z)]"
  unfolding sum_ssub_nzero_of_bit_and_def by (auto simp add: dioph)

lemma sum_rsub_nzero_of_bit_and_eval:
  fixes z s :: "polynomial list" and d :: nat and x :: polynomial
  assumes "length s = Suc m" "length z = Suc m" "length p > 0"
  shows "eval [x = ∑S- d (s && z)] a
          peval x a = ∑S- p d (λk. peval (s!k) a && peval (z!k) a)" (is "?P  ?Q")
proof -
  have invariance: "k<length p. y1 k = y2 k  ∑S- p d y1 = ∑S- p d y2" for y1 y2
    unfolding sum_ssub_nzero.simps apply (intro sum.cong, simp)
    using length p > 0 by auto (metis Suc_pred le_imp_less_Suc length_greater_0_conv)

  have len_ps: "length s = length p"
    using m_def length s = Suc m length p > 0 by auto
  have len_pz: "length z = length p"
    using m_def length z = Suc m length p > 0 by auto

  show ?thesis
  proof (rule)
    assume ?P
    thus ?Q
      using sum_ssub_nzero_of_bit_and_def length p > 0 apply (auto simp add: defs push_push)
      using push_push_map_i apply (simp add: push_param_list_def len_ps len_pz)
      unfolding list_eval_def apply (auto simp: assms len_ps len_pz invariance)
      apply (rule sum_ssub_nzero_cong) apply auto
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def assms(1) assms(2)
                le_imp_less_Suc len_ps m_def nth_map)
    assume ?Q
    thus ?P
      using sum_ssub_nzero_of_bit_and_def length p > 0 apply (auto simp add: defs push_push)
      apply (rule exI[of _ "map (λk. peval (s ! k) a && peval (z ! k) a) [0..<length p]"], simp)
      using push_push push_push_map_i
      by (simp add: push_param_list_def invariance push_list_eval len_ps len_pz)

definition sum_ssub_zero_of_bit_and  :: "polynomial  nat  polynomial list  polynomial list
  ([_ = ∑S0 _ '(_ && _')]) where
  "[x = ∑S0 d (s && z)]  let x' = push_param x (length p);
                                s' = push_param_list s (length p); 
                                z' = push_param_list z (length p)
                            in [∃length p] [∀<length p] (λi. [Param i = s'!i && z'!i])
                                                        [∧] x' [=] [∑S0] p d Param"

lemma sum_ssub_zero_of_bit_and_dioph[dioph]:
  fixes s z :: "polynomial list" and d :: nat and x
  shows "is_dioph_rel [x = ∑S0 d (s && z)]"
  unfolding sum_ssub_zero_of_bit_and_def by (auto simp add: dioph)

lemma sum_rsub_zero_of_bit_and_eval:
  fixes z s :: "polynomial list" and d :: nat and x :: polynomial
  assumes "length s = Suc m" "length z = Suc m" "length p > 0"
  shows "eval [x = ∑S0 d (s && z)] a
          peval x a = ∑S0 p d (λk. peval (s!k) a && peval (z!k) a)" (is "?P  ?Q")
proof -
  have invariance: "k<length p. y1 k = y2 k  ∑S0 p d y1 = ∑S0 p d y2" for y1 y2
    unfolding sum_ssub_zero.simps apply (intro sum.cong, simp)
    using length p > 0 by auto (metis Suc_pred le_imp_less_Suc length_greater_0_conv)

  have len_ps: "length s = length p"
    using m_def length s = Suc m length p > 0 by auto
  have len_pz: "length z = length p"
    using m_def length z = Suc m length p > 0 by auto

  show ?thesis
  proof (rule)
    assume ?P
    thus ?Q
      using sum_ssub_zero_of_bit_and_def length p > 0 apply (auto simp add: defs push_push)
      using push_push_map_i apply (simp add: push_param_list_def len_ps len_pz)
      unfolding list_eval_def apply (auto simp: assms len_ps len_pz invariance)
      apply (rule sum_ssub_zero_cong) apply auto
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) One_nat_def assms(1) assms(2)
                le_imp_less_Suc len_ps m_def nth_map)
    assume ?Q
    thus ?P
      using sum_ssub_zero_of_bit_and_def length p > 0 apply (auto simp add: defs push_push)
      apply (rule exI[of _ "map (λk. peval (s ! k) a && peval (z!k) a) [0..<length p]"], simp)
      using push_push push_push_map_i
      by (simp add: push_param_list_def invariance push_list_eval len_ps len_pz)

