Theory Mask_Equations
subsubsection ‹Equations for masking relations›
theory Mask_Equations
imports "../Register_Machine/MachineMasking" Equation_Setup "../Diophantine/Binary_And"
abbrevs mb = "≼"
context rm_eq_fixes
text ‹Equation 4.15›
definition register_mask :: "bool" where
"register_mask ≡ ∀l < n. r l ≼ d"
text ‹Equation 4.17›
definition zero_indicator_mask :: "bool" where
"zero_indicator_mask ≡ ∀l < n. z l ≼ e"
text ‹Equation 4.20›
definition zero_indicator_0_or_1 :: "bool" where
"zero_indicator_0_or_1 ≡ ∀l<n. 2^c * z l = (r l + d) && f"
definition mask_equations :: "bool" where
"mask_equations ≡ register_mask ∧ zero_indicator_mask ∧ zero_indicator_0_or_1"
context register_machine
lemma register_mask_dioph:
fixes d r
assumes "n = length r"
defines "DR ≡ (NARY (λl. rm_eq_fixes.register_mask n (l!0) (shift l 1)) ([d] @ r))"
shows "is_dioph_rel DR"
proof -
define DS where "DS ≡ [∀<n] (λi. ((r!i) [≼] d))"
have "eval DS a = eval DR a" for a
proof -
have "eval DR a = rm_eq_fixes.register_mask n (peval d a) (list_eval r a)"
unfolding DR_def by (auto simp add: shift_def list_eval_def)
also have "... = (∀l < n. (peval (r!l) a) ≼ peval d a)"
using rm_eq_fixes.register_mask_def ‹n = length r› rm_eq_fixes_def
local.register_machine_axioms by (auto simp: list_eval_def)
finally show ?thesis
unfolding DS_def defs by simp
moreover have "is_dioph_rel DS"
unfolding DS_def by (auto simp add: dioph)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: is_dioph_rel_def)
lemma zero_indicator_mask_dioph:
fixes e z
assumes "n = length z"
defines "DR ≡ (NARY (λl. rm_eq_fixes.zero_indicator_mask n (l!0) (shift l 1)) ([e] @ z))"
shows "is_dioph_rel DR"
proof -
define DS where "DS ≡ [∀<n] (λi. ((z!i) [≼] e))"
have "eval DS a = eval DR a" for a
proof -
have "eval DR a = rm_eq_fixes.zero_indicator_mask n (peval e a) (list_eval z a)"
unfolding DR_def by (auto simp add: shift_def list_eval_def)
also have "... = (∀l < n. (peval (z!l) a) ≼ peval e a)"
using rm_eq_fixes.zero_indicator_mask_def ‹n = length z›
rm_eq_fixes_def local.register_machine_axioms by (auto simp: list_eval_def)
finally show ?thesis
unfolding DS_def defs by simp
moreover have "is_dioph_rel DS"
unfolding DS_def by (auto simp add: dioph)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: is_dioph_rel_def)
lemma zero_indicator_0_or_1_dioph:
fixes c d f r z
assumes "n = length r" and "n = length z"
defines "DR ≡ LARY (λll. rm_eq_fixes.zero_indicator_0_or_1 n (ll!0!0) (ll!0!1) (ll!0!2)
(nth (ll!1)) (nth (ll!2))) [[c, d, f], r, z]"
shows "is_dioph_rel DR"
proof -
let ?N = 2
define c' d' f' r' z' where pushed_def: "c' = push_param c ?N" "d' = push_param d ?N"
"f' = push_param f ?N" "r' = map (λx. push_param x ?N) r"
"z' = map (λx. push_param x ?N) z"
define DS where "DS ≡ [∀<n] (λi. ([∃2] [Param 0 = (Const 2) ^ c']
[∧] [Param 1 = (r'!i) [+] d' && f']
[∧] Param 0 [*] (z'!i) [=] Param 1))"
have "eval DS a = eval DR a" for a
proof -
have "eval DR a = rm_eq_fixes.zero_indicator_0_or_1 n (peval c a) (peval d a) (peval f a)
(list_eval r a) (list_eval z a)"
unfolding DR_def defs by (auto simp add: assms shift_def list_eval_def)
also have "... = (∀l < n. 2^(peval c a) * (peval (z!l) a)
= (peval (r!l) a + peval d a) && peval f a)"
using rm_eq_fixes.zero_indicator_0_or_1_def ‹n = length r› using assms
rm_eq_fixes_def local.register_machine_axioms by (auto simp: list_eval_def)
finally show ?thesis
unfolding DS_def defs pushed_def using push_push apply (auto)
subgoal for k
apply (rule exI[of _ "[2^peval c a, peval (r!k) a + peval d a && peval f a]"])
apply (auto simp: push_list_def assms(1-2))
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) length_Cons list.size(3) nth_map numeral_2_eq_2)
using assms by auto
moreover have "is_dioph_rel DS"
unfolding DS_def by (auto simp add: dioph)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: is_dioph_rel_def)
definition mask_equations_relation (‹[MASK] _ _ _ _ _ _›) where
"[MASK] c d e f r z ≡ LARY (λll. rm_eq_fixes.mask_equations n
(ll!0!0) (ll!0!1) (ll!0!2) (ll!0!3) (nth (ll!1)) (nth (ll!2)))
[[c, d, e, f], r, z]"
lemma mask_equations_relation_dioph:
fixes c d e f r z
assumes "n = length r" and "n = length z"
defines "DR ≡ [MASK] c d e f r z"
shows "is_dioph_rel DR"
proof -
define DS where "DS ≡ NARY (λl. rm_eq_fixes.register_mask n (l!0) (shift l 1)) ([d] @ r)
[∧] NARY (λl. rm_eq_fixes.zero_indicator_mask n (l!0) (shift l 1)) ([e] @ z)
[∧] LARY (λll. rm_eq_fixes.zero_indicator_0_or_1 n (ll!0!0) (ll!0!1) (ll!0!2)
(nth (ll!1)) (nth (ll!2))) [[c, d, f], r, z]"
have "eval DS a = eval DR a" for a
using DS_def DR_def mask_equations_relation_def rm_eq_fixes.mask_equations_def
rm_eq_fixes_def local.register_machine_axioms by (simp add: defs shift_def)
moreover have "is_dioph_rel DS"
unfolding DS_def using assms dioph
using register_mask_dioph zero_indicator_mask_dioph zero_indicator_0_or_1_dioph
by (metis (no_types, lifting))
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: is_dioph_rel_def)