Theory All_Equations
subsubsection ‹Wrap-Up: Combining all equations›
theory All_Equations
imports All_Equations_Invariance
context register_machine
definition all_equations_relation :: "polynomial ⇒ polynomial ⇒ polynomial ⇒ polynomial
⇒ polynomial ⇒ polynomial ⇒ polynomial ⇒ polynomial list ⇒ polynomial list ⇒ polynomial list
⇒ relation" (‹[ALLEQ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _›) where
"[ALLEQ] a q b c d e f r z s
≡ LARY (λll. all_equations (ll!0!0) (ll!0!1) (ll!0!2) (ll!0!3) (ll!0!4) (ll!0!5) (ll!0!6)
(nth (ll!1)) (nth (ll!2)) (nth (ll!3)))
[[a, q, b, c, d, e, f], r, z, s]"
lemma all_equations_dioph:
fixes A f e d c b q :: polynomial
fixes r z s :: "polynomial list"
assumes "length r = n" "length z = n" "length s = Suc m"
defines "DR ≡ [ALLEQ] A q b c d e f r z s"
shows "is_dioph_rel DR"
proof -
define DS where "DS ≡ ([REG] A b q r z s)
[∧] ([STATE] b e q z s)
[∧] ([MASK] c d e f r z)
[∧] ([CONST] b c d e f q)
[∧] [MISC] A c q"
have "eval DS a = eval DR a" for a
unfolding DR_def DS_def all_equations_relation_def all_equations_def
unfolding register_equations_relation_def state_equations_relation_def
mask_equations_relation_def rm_constant_equations_def rm_miscellaneous_equations_def
by (simp add: defs)
moreover have "is_dioph_rel DS"
unfolding DS_def apply (rule and_dioph)+
apply (simp_all add: rm_constant_equations_dioph rm_miscellaneous_equations_dioph)
using assms reg_dioph[of r z s A b q] state_equations_dioph[of s z b e q]
mask_equations_relation_dioph[of r z c d e f] by metis+
ultimately show ?thesis using is_dioph_rel_def by auto
definition rm_equations :: "nat ⇒ bool" where
"rm_equations a ≡ ∃ q :: nat.
∃ b c d e f :: nat.
∃ r z :: register ⇒ nat.
∃ s :: state ⇒ nat.
all_equations a q b c d e f r z s"
definition rm_equations_relation :: "polynomial ⇒ relation" (‹[RM] _›) where
"[RM] A ≡ UNARY (rm_equations) A"
lemma rm_dioph:
fixes A
fixes ic :: configuration
defines "DR ≡ [RM] A"
shows "is_dioph_rel DR"
proof -
define q b c d e f where "q ≡ Param 0" and
"b ≡ Param 1" and
"c ≡ Param 2" and
"d ≡ Param 3" and
"e ≡ Param 4" and
"f ≡ Param 5"
define r where "r ≡ map Param [6..<n + 6]"
define z where "z ≡ map Param [n+6..<2*n + 6]"
define s where "s ≡ map Param [2*n + 6..<2*n + 6 + m + 1]"
define number_of_ex_vars where "number_of_ex_vars ≡ 2*n + 6 + m + 1"
define A' where "A' ≡ push_param A number_of_ex_vars"
define DS where "DS ≡ [∃number_of_ex_vars] [ALLEQ] A' q b c d e f r z s"
have "length r = n" and "length z = n" and "length s = Suc m"
unfolding r_def z_def s_def by auto
have "eval DS a = eval DR a" for a
proof (rule)
assume "eval DS a"
then obtain ks where
ks_length: "number_of_ex_vars = length ks" and
ALLEQ: "eval ([ALLEQ] A' q b c d e f r z s) (push_list a ks)"
unfolding DS_def by (auto simp add: defs)
define q' b' c' d' e' f' where "q' ≡ ks!0" and
"b' ≡ ks!1" and
"c' ≡ ks!2" and
"d' ≡ ks!3" and
"e' ≡ ks!4" and
"f' ≡ ks!5"
define r_list where "r_list ≡ (take n (drop 6 ks))"
define z_list where "z_list ≡ (take n (drop (6+n) ks))"
define s_list where "s_list ≡ (drop (6 + 2*n) ks)"
define r' where "r' ≡ (!) r_list"
define z' where "z' ≡ (!) z_list"
define s' where "s' ≡ (!) s_list"
have A: "peval A' (push_list a ks) = peval A a" for a
using ks_length push_push_simp unfolding A'_def by auto
have q: "peval q (push_list a ks) = q'"
unfolding q_def q'_def push_list_def using ks_length unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def by auto
have b: "peval b (push_list a ks) = b'"
unfolding b_def b'_def push_list_def using ks_length unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def by auto
have c: "peval c (push_list a ks) = c'"
unfolding c_def c'_def push_list_def using ks_length unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def by auto
have d: "peval d (push_list a ks) = d'"
unfolding d_def d'_def push_list_def using ks_length unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def by auto
have e: "peval e (push_list a ks) = e'"
unfolding e_def e'_def push_list_def using ks_length unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def by auto
have f: "peval f (push_list a ks) = f'"
unfolding f_def f'_def push_list_def using ks_length unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def by auto
have r: "(!) (map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) r) x = (!) r_list x" if "x < n" for x
unfolding r_def r_list_def using that unfolding push_list_def
using ks_length unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def by auto
have z: "(map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) z) ! x = z_list ! x" if "x < n" for x
unfolding z_def z_list_def using that unfolding push_list_def
using ks_length unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def by (auto simp add: add.commute)
have s: "(map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) s) ! x = s_list ! x" if "x < Suc m" for x
unfolding s_def s_list_def using that unfolding push_list_def
using ks_length unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def by (auto simp add: add.commute)
have "all_equations (peval A a) q' b' c' d' e' f' r' z' s'"
using ALLEQ unfolding all_equations_relation_def apply (simp add: defs)
unfolding A q b c d e f
using all_equations_invariance[of
"(!) (map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) r)" r'
"(!) (map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) z)" z'
"(!) (map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) s)" s'
"peval A a" q' b' c' d' e' f'] r z s
using r'_def s'_def z'_def by fastforce
thus "eval DR a"
unfolding DR_def rm_equations_def rm_equations_relation_def by (auto simp: defs) (blast)
assume "eval DR a"
then obtain q' b' c' d' e' f' r' z' s' where
all_eq: "all_equations (peval A a) q' b' c' d' e' f' r' z' s'"
unfolding DR_def rm_equations_def rm_equations_relation_def by (auto simp: defs)
define r_list where "r_list ≡ map r' [0..<n]"
define z_list where "z_list ≡ map z' [0..<n]"
define s_list where "s_list ≡ map s' [0..<Suc m]"
define ks where "ks ≡ [q', b', c', d', e', f'] @ r_list @ z_list @ s_list"
have "number_of_ex_vars = length ks"
unfolding number_of_ex_vars_def ks_def r_list_def z_list_def s_list_def by auto
have A: "peval A' (push_list a ks) = peval A a" for a
unfolding A'_def
using push_push_simp[of A ks a] unfolding ‹number_of_ex_vars = length ks› by auto
have q: "peval q (push_list a ks) = q'"
unfolding q_def ks_def push_list_def by auto
have b: "peval b (push_list a ks) = b'"
unfolding b_def ks_def push_list_def by auto
have c: "peval c (push_list a ks) = c'"
unfolding c_def ks_def push_list_def by auto
have d: "peval d (push_list a ks) = d'"
unfolding d_def ks_def push_list_def by auto
have e: "peval e (push_list a ks) = e'"
unfolding e_def ks_def push_list_def by auto
have f: "peval f (push_list a ks) = f'"
unfolding f_def ks_def push_list_def by auto
have r: "(map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) r) ! x = r' x" if "x < n" for x
using that unfolding ks_def r_list_def r_def push_list_def
using nth_append[of "map r' [0..<n]" "z_list @ s_list"] by auto
have z: "(map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) z) ! x = z' x" if "x < n" for x
using that unfolding ks_def z_list_def r_list_def z_def push_list_def apply simp
using nth_append[of "map r' [0..<n] @ map z' [0..<n]" "s_list"]
by (metis add_diff_cancel_left' gen_length_def length_code length_map length_upt
not_add_less1 nth_append nth_map_upt)
have s: "(map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) s) ! x = s' x" if "x < Suc m" for x
using that unfolding ks_def r_list_def z_list_def s_list_def s_def push_list_def apply simp
using nth_append[of "map r' [0..<n] @ map z' [0..<n]" "map s' [0..<m] @ [s' m]" "(2 * n + x)"]
by (auto) (metis (mono_tags, lifting) add_cancel_left_left diff_zero length_map length_upt
less_antisym nth_append nth_append_length nth_map_upt)
have "eval ([ALLEQ] A' q b c d e f r z s) (push_list a ks)"
using all_eq unfolding all_equations_relation_def apply (simp add: defs)
unfolding A q b c d e f
using all_equations_invariance[of "(!) (map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) r)" r'
"(!) (map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) z)" z'
"(!) (map (λP. peval P (push_list a ks)) s)" s'
"peval A a" q' b' c' d' e' f'] r z s
using r_list_def s_list_def z_list_def by auto
thus "eval DS a"
unfolding DS_def using ‹number_of_ex_vars = length ks› by (auto)
moreover have "is_dioph_rel DS"
unfolding DS_def
using all_equations_dioph ‹length r = n› ‹length z = n› ‹length s = Suc m› assms
by (auto simp: dioph)
ultimately show ?thesis
using is_dioph_rel_def by auto