Theory More_Bit_Operations_Nat

theory More_Bit_Operations_Nat

text ‹
In the process of translating Cypto Standards to HOL, I needed some facts about bit operations
on natural numbers that were not (at least at that time) available in HOL.  

         not  (NOT)
    and "and" (infixr AND 64)
    and   or  (infixr OR  59)
    and  xor  (infixr XOR 59)

declare [[coercion_enabled]]
declare [[coercion int]]

section ‹Bit Operations on Nats or Ints›

text ‹The following was proved for integers.  Here we prove them for naturals. ›
lemma nat_OR_upper:
  fixes    b s :: nat
  assumes "b < 2^n" "s < 2^n" 
  shows   "b OR s < 2^n"
  using assms OR_upper or_nat_def by force

lemma nat_AND_upper:
  fixes  x y :: nat
  shows "x AND y  x"
  by (simp add: and_nat_def nat_le_iff) 

lemma nat_AND_upper2:
  fixes  x :: nat
    and  y :: int
  shows "x AND y  x"
  using AND_upper1 by force 

lemma nat_NAND_upper:
  fixes  x y :: nat
  shows "x AND (NOT y)  x"
  using nat_AND_upper by simp 

lemma nat_XOR_upper:
  fixes    x y :: nat
  assumes "x < 2 ^ n" "y < 2 ^ n"
  shows   "x XOR y < 2 ^ n"
  using assms XOR_upper xor_nat_def by simp

lemma XOR_power_mod_int: "(a XOR b :: int) mod 2^n = (a mod 2^n) XOR (b mod 2^n)"
  by (metis take_bit_int_def take_bit_xor)

lemma XOR_power_mod_nat:
  fixes   a b :: nat
  shows "(a XOR b) mod 2^n = a mod 2^n XOR b mod 2^n"
  by (metis take_bit_nat_def take_bit_xor)

text ‹The following was true for words, but I needed it for naturals.  So first I showed it for
integers and second I proved it for naturals. ›
lemma shiftr_over_or_dist_int:
  fixes  a b :: int
  shows "((a OR b) div 2^n) = ((a div 2^n) OR (b div 2^n))"
  by (metis drop_bit_int_def drop_bit_or)

lemma shiftr_over_or_dist_nat:
  fixes  a b :: nat
  shows "((a OR b) div 2^n) = ((a div 2^n) OR (b div 2^n))"
  by (metis drop_bit_nat_def drop_bit_or)

lemma mod_over_or_dist_int:
  fixes  a b :: int
  shows "((a OR b) mod 2^n) = ((a mod 2^n) OR (b mod 2^n))"
  by (metis take_bit_int_def take_bit_or)

lemma mod_over_or_dist_nat:
  fixes  a b :: nat
  shows "((a OR b) mod 2^n) = ((a mod 2^n) OR (b mod 2^n))"
  by (metis take_bit_nat_def take_bit_or)

text ‹The idea of "hilo" or "high/low" is inspired values that fit inside two machine words.
We generalize these lemmas for any size n of the machine, say n=32 or n=64.›
lemma OR_shiftn_of_nat_hilo: 
  fixes    b c s t:: nat
  assumes "b < 2^n" "s < 2^n" 
  shows   "((2^n * c + b) OR (2^n*t + s)) div 2^n = (c OR t)"
  by (simp add: assms shiftr_over_or_dist_nat)

lemma OR_power_mod_nat_hilo:
  fixes    b c s t:: nat
  assumes "b < 2^n" "s < 2^n" 
  shows   "((2^n* c + b) OR (2^n*t + s)) mod 2^n = b OR s"
  by (simp add: assms mod_over_or_dist_nat)

lemma OR_sum_nat_hilo:
  fixes    b c s t:: nat
  assumes "b < 2^n" "s < 2^n"
  shows   "2^n*(c OR t) + (b OR s) = (2^n* c + b) OR (2^n*t + s)"
  by (metis OR_power_mod_nat_hilo OR_shiftn_of_nat_hilo assms mult_div_mod_eq)

lemma OR_sum_nat_hilo_2:
  fixes    c s n:: nat
  assumes "s < 2^n"
  shows   "2^n* c + s = 2^n* c OR s"
proof - 
  have "(0::nat) < 2^n"  by presburger
  then have "2^n*(c OR 0) + (0 OR s) = (2^n* c + 0) OR (2^n*0 + s)" 
    using assms OR_sum_nat_hilo by blast
  then have "2^n*(c OR 0) + (0 OR s) = 2^n* c OR s"
    using add_0_right mult_0_right add_0_left by force
  then show "2^n* c + s = 2^n* c OR s"  using or_nat_def by fastforce

lemma AND_zero_OR_eq_XOR:
  fixes   a b :: nat
  assumes "a AND b = 0"
  shows   "a OR b = a XOR b"
  by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) and_eq_not_not_or assms bit.de_Morgan_conj bit.xor_def2 
      nat_int_comparison(1) of_nat_0 of_nat_and_eq of_nat_or_eq of_nat_xor_eq or.right_neutral 

lemma hilo_AND_zero_h:
  fixes    c s n i :: nat
  assumes "s < 2^n"
  shows   "bit (2^n* c AND s) i = False"
proof (cases "i < n") 
  case A0: True
  have A1: "0 < n - i"              by (simp add: A0) 
  have A2: "2^n* c div 2^i = 2^(n-i)* c"
    by (metis A0 dvd_div_mult dvd_triv_left le_add_diff_inverse less_or_eq_imp_le power_add 
             power_diff zero_neq_numeral) 
  have A3: "even (2^(n-i)* c)"      using A1 by force 
  have A4: "bit (2^n* c) i = False" using A2 A3 bit_nat_def by presburger 
  show ?thesis                      by (simp add: A4 bit_and_iff) 
  case False
  then have B0: "n  i"       by (meson not_le)
  have B1: "s div 2^i = 0"    
    by (smt (verit, del_insts) assms B0 Euclidean_Rings.div_eq_0_iff div_mult2_eq le_iff_add 
        power_add zero_less_numeral zero_less_power) 
  have B2: "even (s div 2^i)" by (simp add: B1)
  have B3: "bit s i = False"  by (simp add: B1 bit_nat_def) 
  show ?thesis                by (simp add: B3 bit_and_iff)

lemma hilo_AND_zero:
  fixes    c s n:: nat
  assumes "s < 2^n"
  shows   "(2^n* c) AND s = 0"
proof -
  have "j. bit (2^n* c AND s) j = False"  by (simp add: assms hilo_AND_zero_h) 
  then show ?thesis                        by (simp add: bit_eq_iff) 

lemma XOR_sum_nat_hilo_2:
  fixes    c s n:: nat
  assumes "s < 2^n"
  shows   "2^n* c + s = 2^n* c XOR s"
  using assms AND_zero_OR_eq_XOR hilo_AND_zero OR_sum_nat_hilo_2 by presburger

lemma int_OR:
  fixes  a b :: nat
  shows "int (a OR b) = int(a) OR int(b)"
  by (simp add: or_nat_def)

lemma OR_sum_int_hilo_2:
  fixes    c s :: int
  and      n   :: nat
  assumes "s < 2^n" "0  c" "0  s"
  shows   "2^n* c + s = 2^n* c OR s"
proof - 
  let ?C = "nat c"
  let ?S = "nat s"
  have 1: "?S < 2^n"                                    using assms(1) by simp
  have 2: "2^n*?C + ?S = 2^n*?C OR ?S"                  using 1 OR_sum_nat_hilo_2 by blast
  have 3: "int ?C = c"                                  using assms(2) by presburger
  have 4: "int ?S = s"                                  using assms(3) by presburger
  have 5: "int (2^n*?C + ?S) = 2^n* c + s"              using 3 4 by auto
  have 6: "int (2^n*?C OR ?S) = int(2^n*?C) OR int(?S)" using int_OR by blast
  have 7: "int (2^n*?C OR ?S) = 2^n* c OR s"            using 3 4 6 by force
  then show ?thesis                                     using 2 5 7 by argo

lemma sum_int_hilo:
  fixes c s :: int
  and   n m :: nat
  assumes "s < 2^n" "0  c" "0  s" "c < 2^m"
  shows   "(2^n)* c + s < 2^(n+m)"
proof - 
  have 1: "2^n* c + s = 2^n* c OR s"  using assms(1,2,3) OR_sum_int_hilo_2 by blast
  have 2: "2^n* c < 2^n*2^m"          using assms(4) by simp
  have 3: "1 < (2::int)"              by presburger
  have 4: "(2::int)^n*2^m = 2^(n+m)"  by (simp add: 3 power_add) 
  have 5: "n  (n+m)"                 by simp
  have 6: "s < 2^(n+m)"               by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) assms(1) 5 power_increasing_iff)
  have 7: "2^n* c < 2^(n+m)"          using 2 4 by presburger
  have 8: "2^n* c OR s < 2^(n+m)"     using 6 7 OR_upper assms(2) by auto
  show ?thesis                        using 1 8 by presburger
