Theory Relative_Domain
section ‹Relative Domain›
theory Relative_Domain
imports Tests
class Z =
fixes Z :: "'a"
class relative_domain_semiring = idempotent_left_semiring + dom + Z +
assumes d_restrict : "x ≤ d(x) * x ⊔ Z"
assumes d_mult_d : "d(x * y) = d(x * d(y))"
assumes d_below_one: "d(x) ≤ 1"
assumes d_Z : "d(Z) = bot"
assumes d_dist_sup : "d(x ⊔ y) = d(x) ⊔ d(y)"
assumes d_export : "d(d(x) * y) = d(x) * d(y)"
lemma d_plus_one:
"d(x) ⊔ 1 = 1"
by (simp add: d_below_one sup_absorb2)
text ‹Theorem 44.2›
lemma d_zero:
"d(bot) = bot"
by (metis d_Z d_export mult_left_zero)
text ‹Theorem 44.3›
lemma d_idempotent:
"d(d(x)) = d(x)"
by (metis d_mult_d mult_left_one)
lemma d_fixpoint:
"(∃y . x = d(y)) ⟷ x = d(x)"
using d_idempotent by auto
lemma d_type:
"∀P . (∀x . x = d(x) ⟶ P(x)) ⟷ (∀x . P(d(x)))"
by (metis d_idempotent)
text ‹Theorem 44.4›
lemma d_mult_sub:
"d(x * y) ≤ d(x)"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) d_plus_one d_dist_sup d_mult_d le_iff_sup mult.right_neutral mult_left_sub_dist_sup_right sup_commute)
lemma d_sub_one:
"x ≤ 1 ⟹ x ≤ d(x) ⊔ Z"
by (metis sup_left_isotone d_restrict mult_right_isotone mult_1_right order_trans)
lemma d_one:
"d(1) ⊔ Z = 1 ⊔ Z"
by (meson d_sub_one d_below_one order.trans preorder_one_closed sup.cobounded1 sup_same_context)
text ‹Theorem 44.8›
lemma d_strict:
"d(x) = bot ⟷ x ≤ Z"
by (metis sup_commute sup_bot_right d_Z d_dist_sup d_restrict le_iff_sup mult_left_zero)
text ‹Theorem 44.1›
lemma d_isotone:
"x ≤ y ⟹ d(x) ≤ d(y)"
using d_dist_sup sup_right_divisibility by force
lemma d_plus_left_upper_bound:
"d(x) ≤ d(x ⊔ y)"
by (simp add: d_isotone)
lemma d_mult_idempotent:
"d(x) * d(x) = d(x)"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) d_idempotent d_mult_sub d_Z d_dist_sup d_export d_restrict le_iff_sup sup_bot_left sup_commute)
text ‹Theorem 44.12›
lemma d_least_left_preserver:
"x ≤ d(y) * x ⊔ Z ⟷ d(x) ≤ d(y)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (smt (z3) comm_monoid.comm_neutral d_idempotent d_mult_sub d_plus_left_upper_bound d_Z d_dist_sup order_trans sup_absorb2 sup_bot.comm_monoid_axioms)
by (smt (verit, del_insts) d_restrict mult_right_dist_sup sup.cobounded1 sup.orderE sup_assoc sup_commute)
text ‹Theorem 44.9›
lemma d_weak_locality:
"x * y ≤ Z ⟷ x * d(y) ≤ Z"
by (metis d_mult_d d_strict)
lemma d_sup_closed:
"d(d(x) ⊔ d(y)) = d(x) ⊔ d(y)"
by (simp add: d_idempotent d_dist_sup)
lemma d_mult_closed:
"d(d(x) * d(y)) = d(x) * d(y)"
using d_export d_mult_d by auto
lemma d_mult_left_lower_bound:
"d(x) * d(y) ≤ d(x)"
by (metis d_export d_idempotent d_mult_sub)
lemma d_mult_left_absorb_sup:
"d(x) * (d(x) ⊔ d(y)) = d(x)"
by (smt d_sup_closed d_export d_mult_idempotent d_idempotent d_mult_sub order.eq_iff mult_left_sub_dist_sup_left)
lemma d_sup_left_absorb_mult:
"d(x) ⊔ d(x) * d(y) = d(x)"
using d_mult_left_lower_bound sup.absorb_iff1 by auto
lemma d_commutative:
"d(x) * d(y) = d(y) * d(x)"
by (metis sup_commute order.antisym d_sup_left_absorb_mult d_below_one d_export d_mult_left_absorb_sup mult_assoc mult_left_isotone mult_left_one)
lemma d_mult_greatest_lower_bound:
"d(x) ≤ d(y) * d(z) ⟷ d(x) ≤ d(y) ∧ d(x) ≤ d(z)"
by (metis d_commutative d_mult_idempotent d_mult_left_lower_bound mult_isotone order_trans)
lemma d_sup_left_dist_mult:
"d(x) ⊔ d(y) * d(z) = (d(x) ⊔ d(y)) * (d(x) ⊔ d(z))"
by (metis sup_assoc d_commutative d_dist_sup d_mult_idempotent d_mult_left_absorb_sup mult_right_dist_sup)
lemma d_order:
"d(x) ≤ d(y) ⟷ d(x) = d(x) * d(y)"
by (metis d_mult_greatest_lower_bound d_mult_left_absorb_sup le_iff_sup order_refl)
text ‹Theorem 44.6›
lemma Z_mult_decreasing:
"Z * x ≤ Z"
by (metis d_mult_sub bot.extremum d_strict order.eq_iff)
text ‹Theorem 44.5›
lemma d_below_d_one:
"d(x) ≤ d(1)"
by (metis d_mult_sub mult_left_one)
text ‹Theorem 44.7›
lemma d_relative_Z:
"d(x) * x ⊔ Z = x ⊔ Z"
by (metis sup_ge1 sup_same_context d_below_one d_restrict mult_isotone mult_left_one)
lemma Z_left_zero_above_one:
"1 ≤ x ⟹ Z * x = Z"
by (metis Z_mult_decreasing order.eq_iff mult_right_isotone mult_1_right)
text ‹Theorem 44.11›
lemma kat_4:
"d(x) * y = d(x) * y * d(z) ⟹ d(x) * y ≤ y * d(z)"
by (metis d_below_one mult_left_isotone mult_left_one)
lemma kat_4_equiv:
"d(x) * y = d(x) * y * d(z) ⟷ d(x) * y ≤ y * d(z)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: kat_4)
apply (rule order.antisym)
apply (metis d_mult_idempotent mult_assoc mult_right_isotone)
by (metis d_below_one mult_right_isotone mult_1_right)
lemma kat_4_equiv_opp:
"y * d(x) = d(z) * y * d(x) ⟷ y * d(x) ≤ d(z) * y"
apply (rule iffI)
using d_below_one mult_right_isotone apply fastforce
apply (rule order.antisym)
apply (metis d_mult_idempotent mult_assoc mult_left_isotone)
by (metis d_below_one mult_left_isotone mult_left_one)
text ‹Theorem 44.10›
lemma d_restrict_iff_1:
"d(x) * y ≤ z ⟷ d(x) * y ≤ d(x) * z"
by (smt (verit, del_insts) d_below_one d_mult_idempotent mult_assoc mult_left_isotone mult_left_one mult_right_isotone order_trans)
proposition d_restrict : "x ≤ d(x) * x ⊔ Z" oops
proposition d_mult_d : "d(x * y) = d(x * d(y))" oops
proposition d_below_one: "d(x) ≤ 1" oops
proposition d_Z : "d(Z) = bot" oops
proposition d_dist_sup : "d(x ⊔ y) = d(x) ⊔ d(y)" oops
proposition d_export : "d(d(x) * y) = d(x) * d(y)" oops
typedef (overloaded) 'a dImage = "{ x::'a::relative_domain_semiring . (∃y::'a . x = d(y)) }"
by auto
lemma simp_dImage[simp]:
"∃y . Rep_dImage x = d(y)"
using Rep_dImage by simp
setup_lifting type_definition_dImage
text ‹Theorem 44›
instantiation dImage :: (relative_domain_semiring) bounded_distrib_lattice
lift_definition sup_dImage :: "'a dImage ⇒ 'a dImage ⇒ 'a dImage" is sup
by (metis d_dist_sup)
lift_definition inf_dImage :: "'a dImage ⇒ 'a dImage ⇒ 'a dImage" is times
by (metis d_export)
lift_definition bot_dImage :: "'a dImage" is bot
by (metis d_zero)
lift_definition top_dImage :: "'a dImage" is "d(1)"
by auto
lift_definition less_eq_dImage :: "'a dImage ⇒ 'a dImage ⇒ bool" is less_eq .
lift_definition less_dImage :: "'a dImage ⇒ 'a dImage ⇒ bool" is less .
apply intro_classes
apply (simp add: less_dImage.rep_eq less_eq_dImage.rep_eq less_le_not_le)
apply (simp add: less_eq_dImage.rep_eq)
using less_eq_dImage.rep_eq apply simp
apply (simp add: Rep_dImage_inject less_eq_dImage.rep_eq)
apply (metis (mono_tags) d_idempotent d_mult_sub inf_dImage.rep_eq less_eq_dImage.rep_eq simp_dImage)
apply (metis (mono_tags) d_mult_greatest_lower_bound inf_dImage.rep_eq less_eq_dImage.rep_eq order_refl simp_dImage)
apply (metis (mono_tags) d_mult_greatest_lower_bound inf_dImage.rep_eq less_eq_dImage.rep_eq simp_dImage)
apply (simp add: less_eq_dImage.rep_eq sup_dImage.rep_eq)
apply (simp add: less_eq_dImage.rep_eq sup_dImage.rep_eq)
apply (simp add: less_eq_dImage.rep_eq sup_dImage.rep_eq)
apply (simp add: bot_dImage.rep_eq less_eq_dImage.rep_eq)
apply (smt (z3) d_below_d_one less_eq_dImage.rep_eq simp_dImage top_dImage.rep_eq)
by (smt (z3) inf_dImage.rep_eq sup_dImage.rep_eq simp_dImage Rep_dImage_inject d_sup_left_dist_mult)
class bounded_relative_domain_semiring = relative_domain_semiring + bounded_idempotent_left_semiring
lemma Z_top:
"Z * top = Z"
by (simp add: Z_left_zero_above_one)
lemma d_restrict_top:
"x ≤ d(x) * top ⊔ Z"
by (metis sup_left_isotone d_restrict mult_right_isotone order_trans top_greatest)
proposition d_one_one: "d(1) = 1" nitpick [expect=genuine,card=2] oops
class relative_domain_semiring_split = relative_domain_semiring +
assumes split_Z: "x * (y ⊔ Z) ≤ x * y ⊔ Z"
lemma d_restrict_iff:
"(x ≤ y ⊔ Z) ⟷ (x ≤ d(x) * y ⊔ Z)"
proof -
have "x ≤ y ⊔ Z ⟶ x ≤ d(x) * (y ⊔ Z) ⊔ Z"
by (smt sup_left_isotone d_restrict le_iff_sup mult_left_sub_dist_sup_left order_trans)
hence "x ≤ y ⊔ Z ⟶ x ≤ d(x) * y ⊔ Z"
by (meson le_supI order_lesseq_imp split_Z sup.cobounded2)
thus ?thesis
by (meson d_restrict_iff_1 le_supI mult_left_sub_dist_sup_left order_lesseq_imp sup.cobounded2)
class relative_antidomain_semiring = idempotent_left_semiring + dom + Z + uminus +
assumes a_restrict : "-x * x ≤ Z"
assumes a_mult_d : "-(x * y) = -(x * --y)"
assumes a_complement: "-x * --x = bot"
assumes a_Z : "-Z = 1"
assumes a_export : "-(--x * y) = -x ⊔ -y"
assumes a_dist_sup : "-(x ⊔ y) = -x * -y"
assumes d_def : "d(x) = --x"
uminus (‹a›)
text ‹Theorem 45.7›
lemma a_complement_one:
"--x ⊔ -x = 1"
by (metis a_Z a_complement a_export a_mult_d mult_left_one)
text ‹Theorem 45.5 and Theorem 45.6›
lemma a_d_closed:
"d(a(x)) = a(x)"
by (metis a_mult_d d_def mult_left_one)
lemma a_below_one:
"a(x) ≤ 1"
using a_complement_one sup_right_divisibility by auto
lemma a_export_a:
"a(a(x) * y) = d(x) ⊔ a(y)"
by (metis a_d_closed a_export d_def)
lemma a_sup_absorb:
"(x ⊔ a(y)) * a(a(y)) = x * a(a(y))"
by (simp add: a_complement mult_right_dist_sup)
text ‹Theorem 45.10›
lemma a_greatest_left_absorber:
"a(x) * y ≤ Z ⟷ a(x) ≤ a(y)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (smt a_Z a_sup_absorb a_dist_sup a_export_a a_mult_d sup_commute d_def le_iff_sup mult_left_one)
by (meson a_restrict mult_isotone order.refl order_trans)
lemma a_plus_left_lower_bound:
"a(x ⊔ y) ≤ a(x)"
by (metis a_greatest_left_absorber a_restrict sup_commute mult_left_sub_dist_sup_right order_trans)
text ‹Theorem 45.2›
subclass relative_domain_semiring
apply unfold_locales
apply (smt (verit) a_Z a_complement_one a_restrict sup_commute sup_ge1 case_split_left d_def order_trans)
using a_mult_d d_def apply force
apply (simp add: a_below_one d_def)
apply (metis a_Z a_complement d_def mult_left_one)
apply (simp add: a_export_a a_dist_sup d_def)
using a_dist_sup a_export d_def by auto
text ‹Theorem 45.1›
subclass tests
apply unfold_locales
apply (simp add: mult_assoc)
apply (metis a_dist_sup sup_commute)
apply (smt a_complement a_d_closed a_export_a sup_bot_right d_sup_left_dist_mult)
apply (metis a_d_closed a_dist_sup d_def)
apply (rule the_equality[THEN sym])
apply (simp add: a_complement)
apply (simp add: a_complement)
using a_d_closed a_Z d_Z d_def apply force
using a_export a_mult_d apply fastforce
apply (metis a_d_closed d_order)
by (simp add: less_le_not_le)
lemma a_plus_mult_d:
"-(x * y) ⊔ -(x * --y) = -(x * --y)"
using a_mult_d by auto
lemma a_mult_d_2:
"a(x * y) = a(x * d(y))"
using a_mult_d d_def by auto
lemma a_3:
"a(x) * a(y) * d(x ⊔ y) = bot"
by (metis a_complement a_dist_sup d_def)
lemma a_fixpoint:
"∀x . (a(x) = x ⟶ (∀y . y = bot))"
by (metis a_complement_one mult_1_left mult_left_zero order.refl sup.order_iff tests_dual.one_def)
text ‹Theorem 45.9›
lemma a_strict:
"a(x) = 1 ⟷ x ≤ Z"
by (metis a_Z d_def d_strict order.refl tests_dual.sba_dual.double_negation)
lemma d_complement_zero:
"d(x) * a(x) = bot"
by (simp add: d_def tests_dual.sub_commutative)
lemma a_complement_zero:
"a(x) * d(x) = bot"
by (simp add: d_def)
lemma a_shunting_zero:
"a(x) * d(y) = bot ⟷ a(x) ≤ a(y)"
by (simp add: d_def tests_dual.sba_dual.less_eq_inf_bot)
lemma a_antitone:
"x ≤ y ⟹ a(y) ≤ a(x)"
using a_plus_left_lower_bound sup_commute sup_right_divisibility by fastforce
lemma a_mult_deMorgan:
"a(a(x) * a(y)) = d(x ⊔ y)"
by (simp add: a_dist_sup d_def)
lemma a_mult_deMorgan_1:
"a(a(x) * a(y)) = d(x) ⊔ d(y)"
by (simp add: a_mult_deMorgan d_dist_sup)
lemma a_mult_deMorgan_2:
"a(d(x) * d(y)) = a(x) ⊔ a(y)"
using a_export d_def by auto
lemma a_plus_deMorgan:
"a(a(x) ⊔ a(y)) = d(x) * d(y)"
by (simp add: a_dist_sup d_def)
lemma a_plus_deMorgan_1:
"a(d(x) ⊔ d(y)) = a(x) * a(y)"
by (simp add: a_dist_sup d_def)
text ‹Theorem 45.8›
lemma a_mult_left_upper_bound:
"a(x) ≤ a(x * y)"
using a_shunting_zero d_def d_mult_sub tests_dual.less_eq_sup_top by auto
text ‹Theorem 45.6›
lemma d_a_closed:
"a(d(x)) = a(x)"
by (simp add: d_def)
lemma a_export_d:
"a(d(x) * y) = a(x) ⊔ a(y)"
by (simp add: a_export d_def)
lemma a_7:
"d(x) * a(d(y) ⊔ d(z)) = d(x) * a(y) * a(z)"
by (simp add: a_plus_deMorgan_1 mult_assoc)
lemma d_a_shunting:
"d(x) * a(y) ≤ d(z) ⟷ d(x) ≤ d(z) ⊔ d(y)"
by (simp add: d_def tests_dual.sba_dual.shunting_right)
lemma d_d_shunting:
"d(x) * d(y) ≤ d(z) ⟷ d(x) ≤ d(z) ⊔ a(y)"
by (simp add: d_def tests_dual.sba_dual.shunting_right)
lemma d_cancellation_1:
"d(x) ≤ d(y) ⊔ (d(x) * a(y))"
by (smt (z3) a_d_closed d_a_shunting d_export eq_refl sup_commute)
lemma d_cancellation_2:
"(d(z) ⊔ d(y)) * a(y) ≤ d(z)"
by (metis d_a_shunting d_dist_sup eq_refl)
lemma a_sup_closed:
"d(a(x) ⊔ a(y)) = a(x) ⊔ a(y)"
using a_mult_deMorgan tests_dual.sub_inf_def by auto
lemma a_mult_closed:
"d(a(x) * a(y)) = a(x) * a(y)"
using d_def tests_dual.sub_sup_closed by auto
lemma d_a_shunting_zero:
"d(x) * a(y) = bot ⟷ d(x) ≤ d(y)"
using a_shunting_zero d_def by force
lemma d_d_shunting_zero:
"d(x) * d(y) = bot ⟷ d(x) ≤ a(y)"
using d_a_shunting_zero d_def by auto
lemma d_compl_intro:
"d(x) ⊔ d(y) = d(x) ⊔ a(x) * d(y)"
by (simp add: d_def tests_dual.sba_dual.sup_complement_intro)
lemma a_compl_intro:
"a(x) ⊔ a(y) = a(x) ⊔ d(x) * a(y)"
by (simp add: d_def tests_dual.sba_dual.sup_complement_intro)
lemma kat_2:
"y * a(z) ≤ a(x) * y ⟹ d(x) * y * a(z) = bot"
by (metis d_complement_zero order.eq_iff mult_assoc mult_left_zero mult_right_isotone bot_least)
text ‹Theorem 45.4›
lemma kat_2_equiv:
"y * a(z) ≤ a(x) * y ⟷ d(x) * y * a(z) = bot"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: kat_2)
by (smt (verit, best) a_Z a_below_one a_complement_one case_split_left d_def mult_assoc mult_right_isotone mult_1_right bot_least)
lemma kat_3_equiv_opp:
"a(z) * y * d(x) = bot ⟷ y * d(x) = d(z) * y * d(x)"
using kat_2_equiv d_def kat_4_equiv_opp by auto
text ‹Theorem 45.4›
lemma kat_3_equiv_opp_2:
"d(z) * y * a(x) = bot ⟷ y * a(x) = a(z) * y * a(x)"
by (metis a_d_closed kat_3_equiv_opp d_def)
lemma kat_equiv_6:
"d(x) * y * a(z) = d(x) * y * bot ⟷ d(x) * y * a(z) ≤ y * bot"
by (metis d_restrict_iff_1 order.eq_iff mult_left_sub_dist_sup_right tests_dual.sba_dual.sup_right_unit mult_assoc)
lemma d_one_one:
"d(1) = 1"
by (simp add: d_def)
lemma case_split_left_sup:
"-p * x ≤ y ∧ --p * x ≤ z ⟹ x ≤ y ⊔ z"
by (smt (z3) a_complement_one case_split_left order_lesseq_imp sup.cobounded2 sup_ge1)
lemma test_mult_left_sub_dist_shunt:
"-p * (--p * x ⊔ Z) ≤ Z"
by (simp add: a_greatest_left_absorber a_Z a_dist_sup a_export)
lemma test_mult_left_dist_shunt:
"-p * (--p * x ⊔ Z) = -p * Z"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) order.antisym mult_left_sub_dist_sup_right sup.orderE tests_dual.sba_dual.sup_idempotent mult_assoc test_mult_left_sub_dist_shunt tests_dual.sup_absorb)
proposition a_restrict : "-x * x ≤ Z" oops
proposition a_mult_d : "-(x * y) = -(x * --y)" oops
proposition a_complement: "-x * --x = bot" oops
proposition a_Z : "-Z = 1" oops
proposition a_export : "-(--x * y) = -x ⊔ -y" oops
proposition a_dist_sup : "-(x ⊔ y) = -x * -y" oops
proposition d_def : "d(x) = --x" oops
typedef (overloaded) 'a aImage = "{ x::'a::relative_antidomain_semiring . (∃y::'a . x = a(y)) }"
by auto
lemma simp_aImage[simp]:
"∃y . Rep_aImage x = a(y)"
using Rep_aImage by simp
setup_lifting type_definition_aImage
text ‹Theorem 45.3›
instantiation aImage :: (relative_antidomain_semiring) boolean_algebra
lift_definition sup_aImage :: "'a aImage ⇒ 'a aImage ⇒ 'a aImage" is sup
using tests_dual.sba_dual.sba_dual.inf_closed by auto
lift_definition inf_aImage :: "'a aImage ⇒ 'a aImage ⇒ 'a aImage" is times
using tests_dual.sba_dual.inf_closed by auto
lift_definition minus_aImage :: "'a aImage ⇒ 'a aImage ⇒ 'a aImage" is "λx y . x * a(y)"
using tests_dual.sba_dual.inf_closed by blast
lift_definition uminus_aImage :: "'a aImage ⇒ 'a aImage" is a
by auto
lift_definition bot_aImage :: "'a aImage" is bot
by (metis tests_dual.sba_dual.sba_dual.complement_bot)
lift_definition top_aImage :: "'a aImage" is 1
using a_Z by auto
lift_definition less_eq_aImage :: "'a aImage ⇒ 'a aImage ⇒ bool" is less_eq .
lift_definition less_aImage :: "'a aImage ⇒ 'a aImage ⇒ bool" is less .
apply intro_classes
apply (simp add: less_aImage.rep_eq less_eq_aImage.rep_eq less_le_not_le)
apply (simp add: less_eq_aImage.rep_eq)
using less_eq_aImage.rep_eq apply simp
apply (simp add: Rep_aImage_inject less_eq_aImage.rep_eq)
apply (metis (mono_tags) a_below_one inf_aImage.rep_eq less_eq_aImage.rep_eq mult.right_neutral mult_right_isotone simp_aImage)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) less_eq_aImage.rep_eq a_d_closed a_export bot.extremum_unique inf_aImage.rep_eq kat_equiv_6 mult.assoc mult.left_neutral mult_left_isotone mult_left_zero simp_aImage sup.cobounded1 tests_dual.sba_dual.sba_dual.complement_top)
apply (smt (z3) less_eq_aImage.rep_eq inf_aImage.rep_eq mult_isotone simp_aImage tests_dual.sba_dual.inf_idempotent)
apply (simp add: less_eq_aImage.rep_eq sup_aImage.rep_eq)
apply (simp add: less_eq_aImage.rep_eq sup_aImage.rep_eq)
using less_eq_aImage.rep_eq sup_aImage.rep_eq apply force
apply (simp add: less_eq_aImage.rep_eq bot_aImage.rep_eq)
apply (smt (z3) less_eq_aImage.rep_eq a_below_one simp_aImage top_aImage.rep_eq)
apply (metis (mono_tags, lifting) tests_dual.sba_dual.sba_dual.inf_left_dist_sup Rep_aImage_inject inf_aImage.rep_eq sup_aImage.rep_eq simp_aImage)
apply (smt (z3) inf_aImage.rep_eq uminus_aImage.rep_eq Rep_aImage_inject a_complement bot_aImage.rep_eq simp_aImage)
apply (smt (z3) top_aImage.rep_eq Rep_aImage_inject a_complement_one simp_aImage sup_aImage.rep_eq sup_commute uminus_aImage.rep_eq)
by (metis (mono_tags) inf_aImage.rep_eq Rep_aImage_inject minus_aImage.rep_eq uminus_aImage.rep_eq)
class bounded_relative_antidomain_semiring = relative_antidomain_semiring + bounded_idempotent_left_semiring
subclass bounded_relative_domain_semiring ..
lemma a_top:
"a(top) = bot"
by (metis a_plus_left_lower_bound bot_unique sup_right_top tests_dual.sba_dual.complement_top)
lemma d_top:
"d(top) = 1"
using a_top d_def by auto
lemma shunting_top_1:
"-p * x ≤ y ⟹ x ≤ --p * top ⊔ y"
by (metis sup_commute case_split_left_sup mult_right_isotone top_greatest)
lemma shunting_Z:
"-p * x ≤ Z ⟷ x ≤ --p * top ⊔ Z"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: shunting_top_1)
by (smt a_top a_Z a_antitone a_dist_sup a_export a_greatest_left_absorber sup_commute sup_bot_right mult_left_one)
proposition a_left_dist_sup: "-p * (y ⊔ z) = -p * y ⊔ -p * z" nitpick [expect=genuine,card=7] oops
proposition shunting_top: "-p * x ≤ y ⟷ x ≤ --p * top ⊔ y" nitpick [expect=genuine,card=7] oops
class relative_left_zero_antidomain_semiring = relative_antidomain_semiring + idempotent_left_zero_semiring
lemma kat_3:
"d(x) * y * a(z) = bot ⟹ d(x) * y = d(x) * y * d(z)"
by (metis d_def mult_1_right mult_left_dist_sup sup_monoid.add_0_left tests_dual.inf_complement)
lemma a_a_below:
"a(a(x)) * y ≤ y"
using d_def d_restrict_iff_1 by auto
lemma kat_equiv_5:
"d(x) * y ≤ y * d(z) ⟷ d(x) * y * a(z) = d(x) * y * bot"
assume "d(x) * y ≤ y * d(z)"
thus "d(x) * y * a(z) = d(x) * y * bot"
by (metis d_complement_zero kat_4_equiv mult_assoc)
assume "d(x) * y * a(z) = d(x) * y * bot"
hence "a(a(x)) * y * a(z) ≤ y * a(a(z))"
by (simp add: a_a_below d_def mult_isotone)
thus "d(x) * y ≤ y * d(z)"
by (metis a_a_below a_complement_one case_split_right d_def mult_isotone order_refl)
lemma case_split_right_sup:
"x * -p ≤ y ⟹ x * --p ≤ z ⟹ x ≤ y ⊔ z"
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) a_complement_one order.trans mult_1_right mult_left_dist_sup sup_commute sup_right_isotone)
class bounded_relative_left_zero_antidomain_semiring = relative_left_zero_antidomain_semiring + bounded_idempotent_left_zero_semiring
lemma shunting_top:
"-p * x ≤ y ⟷ x ≤ --p * top ⊔ y"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (metis sup_commute case_split_left_sup mult_right_isotone top_greatest)
by (metis a_complement sup_bot_left sup_right_divisibility mult_assoc mult_left_dist_sup mult_left_one mult_left_zero mult_right_dist_sup mult_right_isotone order_trans tests_dual.inf_left_unit)