Theory Collections.HashMap_Impl
section ‹\isaheader{Hash maps implementation}›
theory HashMap_Impl
text ‹
We use a red-black tree instead of an indexed array. This
has the disadvantage of being more complex, however we need not bother
about a fixed-size array and rehashing if the array becomes too full.
The entries of the red-black tree are lists of (key,value) pairs.
subsection ‹Abstract Hashmap›
text ‹
We first specify the behavior of our hashmap on the level of maps.
We will then show that our implementation based on hashcode-map and bucket-map
is a correct implementation of this specification.
('k,'v) abs_hashmap = "hashcode ⇀ ('k ⇀ 'v)"
abbreviation map_entry where "map_entry k f m == m(k := f (m k))"
definition ahm_invar:: "('k::hashable,'v) abs_hashmap ⇒ bool"
where "ahm_invar m ==
(∀hc cm k. m hc = Some cm ∧ k∈dom cm ⟶ hashcode k = hc) ∧
(∀hc cm. m hc = Some cm ⟶ cm ≠ Map.empty)"
definition ahm_α where
"ahm_α m k == case m (hashcode k) of
None ⇒ None |
Some cm ⇒ cm k"
definition ahm_lookup :: "'k::hashable ⇒ ('k,'v) abs_hashmap ⇒ 'v option"
where "ahm_lookup k m == (ahm_α m) k"
definition ahm_empty :: "('k::hashable,'v) abs_hashmap"
where "ahm_empty = Map.empty"
definition ahm_update where
"ahm_update k v m ==
case m (hashcode k) of
None ⇒ m (hashcode k ↦ [k ↦ v]) |
Some cm ⇒ m (hashcode k ↦ cm (k ↦ v))
definition ahm_delete where
"ahm_delete k m == map_entry (hashcode k)
(λv. case v of
None ⇒ None |
Some bm ⇒ (
if bm |` (- {k}) = Map.empty then
Some ( bm |` (- {k}))
) m
definition ahm_isEmpty where
"ahm_isEmpty m == m=Map.empty"
text ‹
Now follow correctness lemmas, that relate the hashmap operations to
operations on the corresponding map. Those lemmas are named op\_correct, where
(is) the operation.
lemma ahm_invarI: "⟦
!!hc cm k. ⟦m hc = Some cm; k∈dom cm⟧ ⟹ hashcode k = hc;
!!hc cm. ⟦ m hc = Some cm ⟧ ⟹ cm ≠ Map.empty
⟧ ⟹ ahm_invar m"
by (unfold ahm_invar_def) blast
lemma ahm_invarD: "⟦ ahm_invar m; m hc = Some cm; k∈dom cm ⟧ ⟹ hashcode k = hc"
by (unfold ahm_invar_def) blast
lemma ahm_invarDne: "⟦ ahm_invar m; m hc = Some cm ⟧ ⟹ cm ≠ Map.empty"
by (unfold ahm_invar_def) blast
lemma ahm_invar_bucket_not_empty[simp]:
"ahm_invar m ⟹ m hc ≠ Some Map.empty"
by (auto dest: ahm_invarDne)
lemmas ahm_lookup_correct = ahm_lookup_def
lemma ahm_empty_correct:
"ahm_α ahm_empty = Map.empty"
"ahm_invar ahm_empty"
apply (rule ext)
apply (unfold ahm_empty_def)
apply (auto simp add: ahm_α_def intro: ahm_invarI split: option.split)
lemma ahm_update_correct:
"ahm_α (ahm_update k v m) = (ahm_α m)(k ↦ v)"
"ahm_invar m ⟹ ahm_invar (ahm_update k v m)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (unfold ahm_update_def)
apply (auto simp add: ahm_α_def split: option.split)
apply (rule ahm_invarI)
apply (auto dest: ahm_invarD ahm_invarDne split: if_split_asm)
apply (rule ahm_invarI)
apply (auto dest: ahm_invarD split: if_split_asm)
apply (drule (1) ahm_invarD)
apply auto
lemma fun_upd_apply_ne: "x≠y ⟹ (f(x:=v)) y = f y"
by simp
lemma cancel_one_empty_simp: "m |` (-{k}) = Map.empty ⟷ dom m ⊆ {k}"
assume "m |` (- {k}) = Map.empty"
hence "{} = dom (m |` (-{k}))" by auto
also have "… = dom m - {k}" by auto
finally show "dom m ⊆ {k}" by blast
assume "dom m ⊆ {k}"
hence "dom m - {k} = {}" by auto
hence "dom (m |` (-{k})) = {}" by auto
thus "m |` (-{k}) = Map.empty" by blast
lemma ahm_delete_correct:
"ahm_α (ahm_delete k m) = (ahm_α m) |` (-{k})"
"ahm_invar m ⟹ ahm_invar (ahm_delete k m)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (unfold ahm_delete_def)
apply (auto simp add: ahm_α_def Let_def Map.restrict_map_def
split: option.split)[1]
apply (drule_tac x=x in fun_cong)
apply (auto)[1]
apply (rule ahm_invarI)
apply (auto split: if_split_asm option.split_asm dest: ahm_invarD)
apply (drule (1) ahm_invarD)
apply (auto simp add: restrict_map_def split: if_split_asm option.split_asm)
lemma ahm_isEmpty_correct: "ahm_invar m ⟹ ahm_isEmpty m ⟷ ahm_α m = Map.empty"
assume "ahm_invar m" "ahm_isEmpty m"
thus "ahm_α m = Map.empty"
by (auto simp add: ahm_isEmpty_def ahm_α_def intro: ext)
assume I: "ahm_invar m"
and E: "ahm_α m = Map.empty"
show "ahm_isEmpty m"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "¬ahm_isEmpty m"
then obtain hc bm where MHC: "m hc = Some bm"
by (unfold ahm_isEmpty_def)
(blast elim: nempty_dom dest: domD)
from ahm_invarDne[OF I, OF MHC] obtain k v where
BMK: "bm k = Some v"
by (blast elim: nempty_dom dest: domD)
from ahm_invarD[OF I, OF MHC] BMK have [simp]: "hashcode k = hc"
by auto
hence "ahm_α m k = Some v"
by (simp add: ahm_α_def MHC BMK)
with E show False by simp
lemmas ahm_correct = ahm_empty_correct ahm_lookup_correct ahm_update_correct
ahm_delete_correct ahm_isEmpty_correct
lemma ahm_be_is_e:
assumes I: "ahm_invar m"
assumes A: "m hc = Some bm" "bm k = Some v"
shows "ahm_α m k = Some v"
using A
apply (auto simp add: ahm_α_def split: option.split dest: ahm_invarD[OF I])
apply (frule ahm_invarD[OF I, where k=k])
apply auto
lemma ahm_e_is_be: "⟦
ahm_α m k = Some v;
!!bm. ⟦m (hashcode k) = Some bm; bm k = Some v ⟧ ⟹ P
⟧ ⟹ P"
by (unfold ahm_α_def)
(auto split: option.split_asm)
subsection ‹Concrete Hashmap›
text ‹
In this section, we define the concrete hashmap that is made from the
hashcode map and the bucket map.
We then show the correctness of the operations w.r.t. the abstract hashmap, and
thus, indirectly, w.r.t. the corresponding map.
('k,'v) hm_impl = "(hashcode, ('k,'v) lm) rm"
subsubsection "Operations"
definition rm_map_entry
:: "hashcode ⇒ ('v option ⇒ 'v option) ⇒ (hashcode, 'v) rm ⇒ (hashcode,'v) rm"
"rm_map_entry k f m ==
case rm.lookup k m of
None ⇒ (
case f None of
None ⇒ m |
Some v ⇒ rm.update k v m
) |
Some v ⇒ (
case f (Some v) of
None ⇒ rm.delete k m |
Some v' ⇒ rm.update k v' m
definition empty :: "unit ⇒ ('k :: hashable, 'v) hm_impl" where "empty == rm.empty"
definition update :: "'k::hashable ⇒ 'v ⇒ ('k,'v) hm_impl ⇒ ('k,'v) hm_impl"
"update k v m ==
let hc = hashcode k in
case rm.lookup hc m of
None ⇒ rm.update hc (lm.update k v (lm.empty ())) m |
Some bm ⇒ rm.update hc (lm.update k v bm) m"
definition lookup :: "'k::hashable ⇒ ('k,'v) hm_impl ⇒ 'v option" where
"lookup k m ==
case rm.lookup (hashcode k) m of
None ⇒ None |
Some lm ⇒ lm.lookup k lm"
definition delete :: "'k::hashable ⇒ ('k,'v) hm_impl ⇒ ('k,'v) hm_impl" where
"delete k m ==
rm_map_entry (hashcode k)
(λv. case v of
None ⇒ None |
Some lm ⇒ (
let lm' = lm.delete k lm
in if lm.isEmpty lm' then None else Some lm'
) m"
definition "isEmpty == rm.isEmpty"
definition "iteratei m c f σ0 ==
rm.iteratei m c (λ(hc, lm) σ.
lm.iteratei lm c f σ
) σ0"
lemma iteratei_alt_def :
"iteratei m = set_iterator_image snd (
set_iterator_product (rm.iteratei m) (λhclm. lm.iteratei (snd hclm)))"
proof -
have aux: "⋀c f. (λ(hc, lm). lm.iteratei lm c f) = (λm. lm.iteratei (snd m) c f)"
by auto
show ?thesis
unfolding set_iterator_product_def set_iterator_image_alt_def
iteratei_def[abs_def] aux
by (simp add: split_beta)
subsubsection "Correctness w.r.t. Abstract HashMap"
text ‹
The following lemmas establish the correctness of the operations w.r.t. the
abstract hashmap.
They have the naming scheme op\_correct', where (is) the name of the
definition hm_α' where "hm_α' m == λhc. case rm.α m hc of
None ⇒ None |
Some lm ⇒ Some (lm.α lm)"
definition "invar m == ahm_invar (hm_α' m)"
lemma rm_map_entry_correct:
"rm.α (rm_map_entry k f m) = (rm.α m)(k := f (rm.α m k))"
apply (auto
simp add: rm_map_entry_def rm.delete_correct rm.lookup_correct rm.update_correct
split: option.split)
lemma empty_correct':
"hm_α' (empty ()) = ahm_empty"
"invar (empty ())"
by (simp_all add: hm_α'_def empty_def ahm_empty_def rm.correct invar_def ahm_invar_def)
lemma lookup_correct':
"invar m ⟹ lookup k m = ahm_lookup k (hm_α' m)"
apply (unfold lookup_def invar_def)
apply (auto split: option.split
simp add: ahm_lookup_def ahm_α_def hm_α'_def
rm.correct lm.correct)
lemma update_correct':
"invar m ⟹ hm_α' (update k v m) = ahm_update k v (hm_α' m)"
"invar m ⟹ invar (update k v m)"
proof -
assume "invar m"
thus "hm_α' (update k v m) = ahm_update k v (hm_α' m)"
apply (unfold invar_def)
apply (rule ext)
apply (auto simp add: update_def ahm_update_def hm_α'_def Let_def
rm.correct lm.correct
split: option.split)
thus "invar m ⟹ invar (update k v m)"
by (simp add: invar_def ahm_update_correct)
lemma delete_correct':
"invar m ⟹ hm_α' (delete k m) = ahm_delete k (hm_α' m)"
"invar m ⟹ invar (delete k m)"
proof -
assume "invar m"
thus "hm_α' (delete k m) = ahm_delete k (hm_α' m)"
apply (unfold invar_def)
apply (rule ext)
apply (auto simp add: delete_def ahm_delete_def hm_α'_def
rm.correct lm.correct Let_def
split: option.split option.split_asm)
thus "invar (delete k m)" using ‹invar m›
by (simp add: ahm_delete_correct invar_def)
lemma isEmpty_correct':
"invar hm ⟹ isEmpty hm ⟷ ahm_α (hm_α' hm) = Map.empty"
apply (simp add: isEmpty_def rm.isEmpty_correct invar_def
ahm_isEmpty_correct[unfolded ahm_isEmpty_def, symmetric])
by (auto simp add: hm_α'_def ahm_α_def fun_eq_iff split: option.split_asm)
lemma iteratei_correct':
assumes invar: "invar hm"
shows "map_iterator (iteratei hm) (ahm_α (hm_α' hm))"
proof -
from rm.iteratei_correct
have it_rm: "map_iterator (rm.iteratei hm) (rm.α hm)" by simp
from lm.iteratei_correct
have it_lm: "⋀lm. map_iterator (lm.iteratei lm) (lm.α lm)" by simp
from set_iterator_product_correct
[OF it_rm, of "λhclm. lm.iteratei (snd hclm)"
"λhclm. map_to_set (lm.α (snd hclm))", OF it_lm]
have it_prod: "set_iterator
(set_iterator_product (rm.iteratei hm) (λhclm. lm.iteratei (snd hclm)))
(SIGMA hclm:map_to_set (rm.α hm). map_to_set (lm.α (snd hclm)))"
by simp
show ?thesis unfolding iteratei_alt_def
proof (rule set_iterator_image_correct[OF it_prod])
from invar
show "inj_on snd
(SIGMA hclm:map_to_set (rm.α hm). map_to_set (lm.α (snd hclm)))"
apply (simp add: inj_on_def invar_def ahm_invar_def hm_α'_def Ball_def
map_to_set_def split: option.splits)
apply (metis domI option.inject)
from invar
show "map_to_set (ahm_α (hm_α' hm)) =
snd ` (SIGMA hclm:map_to_set (rm.α hm). map_to_set (lm.α (snd hclm)))"
apply (simp add: inj_on_def invar_def ahm_invar_def hm_α'_def Ball_def
map_to_set_def set_eq_iff image_iff split: option.splits)
apply (auto simp add: dom_def ahm_α_def split: option.splits)
lemmas hm_correct' = empty_correct' lookup_correct' update_correct'
delete_correct' isEmpty_correct'
lemmas hm_invars = empty_correct'(2) update_correct'(2)
hide_const (open) empty invar lookup update delete isEmpty iteratei