Theory Fused_Resource

theory Fused_Resource imports

(* TODO: move these somewhere *)
context includes ℐ.lifting begin
lift_definition eℐ :: "('a, 'b)   ('a, 'b × 'c) " is "λ x.  x × UNIV" .

lemma outs_ℐ_eℐ[simp]: "outs_ℐ (eℐ ) = outs_ℐ "
  by transfer simp

lemma responses_ℐ_eℐ [simp]: "responses_ℐ (eℐ ) x = responses_ℐ  x × UNIV"
  by transfer simp

lemma eℐ_map_ℐ: "eℐ (map_ℐ f g ) = map_ℐ f (apfst g) (eℐ )"
  by transfer(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff intro: rev_image_eqI)

lemma eℐ_inverse [simp]: "map_ℐ id fst (eℐ ) = "
  by transfer auto
lifting_update ℐ.lifting
lifting_forget ℐ.lifting

section ‹Fused Resource›

subsection ‹Event Oracles -- they generate events›

  ('state, 'event, 'input, 'output) eoracle = "('state, 'input, 'output × 'event list) oracle'" 

  parallel_eoracle :: "
    ('s1, 'e1, 'i1, 'o1) eoracle  ('s2, 'e2, 'i2, 'o2) eoracle 
      ('s1 × 's2, 'e1 + 'e2, 'i1 + 'i2, 'o1 + 'o2) eoracle"
    "parallel_eoracle eoracle1 eoracle2 state 
              (map_prod Inl (map Inl)) 
              (map_prod Inr (map Inr))) 
        (parallel_oracle eoracle1 eoracle2 state)"

  plus_eoracle :: "
    ('s, 'e1, 'i1, 'o1) eoracle  ('s, 'e2, 'i2, 'o2) eoracle 
      ('s, 'e1 + 'e2, 'i1 + 'i2, 'o1 + 'o2) eoracle"
    "plus_eoracle eoracle1 eoracle2 state 
              (map_prod Inl (map Inl)) 
              (map_prod Inr (map Inr))) 
        (plus_oracle eoracle1 eoracle2 state)"

  translate_eoracle :: "
    ('s_event, 'e1, 'e2 list) oracle'  ('s_event × 's, 'e1, 'i, 'o) eoracle 
      ('s_event × 's, 'e2, 'i, 'o) eoracle"
    "translate_eoracle translator eoracle state inp  
        (eoracle state inp)
        (λ((out, e_in), s).
          let conc = (λ(es, st) e. map_spmf (map_prod ((@) es) id) (translator st e)) in do {
          (e_out, s_event)  foldl_spmf conc (return_spmf ([], fst s)) e_in;
          return_spmf ((out, e_out), s_event, snd s)

subsection ‹Event Handlers -- they absorb (and silently handle) events›

  ('state, 'event) handler = "'state  'event  'state spmf"

  parallel_handler :: "('s1, 'e1) handler  ('s2, 'e2) handler  ('s1 × 's2, 'e1 + 'e2) handler"
    "parallel_handler left _ s (Inl e1) = map_spmf (λs1'. (s1', snd s)) (left (fst s) e1)"
  | "parallel_handler _ right s (Inr e2) = map_spmf (λs2'. (fst s, s2')) (right (snd s) e2)"

  plus_handler :: "('s, 'e1) handler  ('s, 'e2) handler  ('s, 'e1 + 'e2) handler"
    "plus_handler left right s  case_sum (left s) (right s)"

lemma parallel_handler_left:
  "map_fun id (map_fun Inl id) (parallel_handler left right) = 
    (λ(s_l, s_r) q. map_spmf (λs_l'. (s_l', s_r)) (left s_l q))"
  by force

lemma parallel_handler_right:
  "map_fun id (map_fun Inr id) (parallel_handler left right) = 
    (λ(s_l, s_r) q. map_spmf (λs_r'. (s_l, s_r')) (right s_r q))"
  by force

lemma in_set_spmf_parallel_handler:
  "s'  set_spmf (parallel_handler left right s x) 
  (case x of Inl e  fst s'  set_spmf (left (fst s) e)  snd s' = snd s
    | Inr e  snd s'  set_spmf (right (snd s) e)  fst s' = fst s)"
  by(cases s; cases s'; auto split: sum.split)

subsection ‹Fused Resource Construction›

  ('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core =
      (cpoke: "('s_core, 'event) handler")
      (cfunc_adv: "('s_core, 'iadv_core, 'oadv_core) oracle'")
      (cfunc_usr: "('s_core, 'iusr_core, 'ousr_core) oracle'")

declare core.sel_transfer[transfer_rule del]
declare core.ctr_transfer[transfer_rule del]
declare core.case_transfer[transfer_rule del]

  includes lifting_syntax 

  rel_core':: "
    ('s_core  's_core'  bool)  
    ('event  'event'  bool)  
    ('iadv_core  'iadv_core'  bool) 
    ('iusr_core  'iusr_core'  bool)  
    ('oadv_core  'oadv_core'  bool)  
    ('ousr_core  'ousr_core'  bool) 
    ('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core  
    ('s_core', 'event', 'iadv_core', 'iusr_core', 'oadv_core', 'ousr_core') core  bool"
  for S E IA IU OA OU
  where "rel_core' S E IA IU OA OU (Core cpoke cfunc_adv cfunc_usr) (Core cpoke' cfunc_adv' cfunc_usr')"
    "(S ===> E ===> rel_spmf S) cpoke cpoke'" and 
    "(S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OA S)) cfunc_adv cfunc_adv'" and 
    "(S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OU S)) cfunc_usr cfunc_usr'"
  for cpoke cfunc_adv cfunc_usr

  rel_core'_simps [simp]: 
    "rel_core' S E IA IU OA OU (Core cpoke' cfunc_adv' cfunc_usr') (Core cpoke'' cfunc_adv'' cfunc_usr'')"

  rel_core'_eq [relator_eq]:
    "rel_core' (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) = (=)"
  apply(intro ext)
  subgoal for x y by(cases x; cases y)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff rel_fun_def relator_eq)

  rel_core'_mono [relator_mono]:
    "rel_core' S E IA IU OA OU  rel_core' S E' IA' IU' OA' OU'"
  if "E'  E" "IA'  IA" "IU'  IU" "OA  OA'" "OU  OU'"
  apply(rule predicate2I)
  subgoal for x y
    apply(cases x; cases y; clarsimp; intro conjI)
      apply(erule rel_fun_mono rel_spmf_mono prod.rel_mono[THEN predicate2D, rotated -1] |
        rule impI that order_refl | erule that[THEN predicate2D] | erule rel_spmf_mono | assumption)+

  cpoke_parametric [transfer_rule]:
    "(rel_core' S E IA IU OA OU ===> S ===> E ===> rel_spmf S) cpoke cpoke"
  by(rule rel_funI; erule rel_core'.cases; simp)

  cfunc_adv_parametric [transfer_rule]:
    "(rel_core' S E IA IU OA OU ===> S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OA S)) cfunc_adv cfunc_adv"
  by(rule rel_funI; erule rel_core'.cases; simp)

  cfunc_usr_parametric [transfer_rule]:
    "(rel_core' S E IA IU OA OU ===> S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OU S)) cfunc_usr cfunc_usr"
  by(rule rel_funI; erule rel_core'.cases; simp)

  Core_parametric [transfer_rule]:
    "((S ===> E ===> rel_spmf S) ===> (S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OA S)) ===> (S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OU S))
   ===> rel_core' S E IA IU OA OU) Core Core"
  by(rule rel_funI)+ simp

  case_core_parametric [transfer_rule]:
    "(((S ===> E ===> rel_spmf S) ===> 
        (S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OA S)) ===> 
        (S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OU S)) ===> X) ===> 
      rel_core' S E IA IU OA OU ===> X) case_core case_core"
  by(rule rel_funI)+(auto 4 4 split: core.split dest: rel_funD)

  corec_core_parametric [transfer_rule]:
    "((X ===> S ===> E ===> rel_spmf S) ===> 
      (X ===> S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OA S)) ===> 
      (X ===> S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod OU S)) ===> 
      X ===> rel_core' S E IA IU OA OU) corec_core corec_core"
  by(rule rel_funI)+(auto simp add: core.corec dest: rel_funD)

primcorec map_core' ::
   "('event'  'event)  
    ('iadv_core'  'iadv_core) 
    ('iusr_core'  'iusr_core)  
    ('oadv_core  'oadv_core')  
    ('ousr_core  'ousr_core') 
    ('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core  
    ('s_core, 'event', 'iadv_core', 'iusr_core', 'oadv_core', 'ousr_core') core"
  "cpoke (map_core' e ia iu oa ou core) = (id ---> e ---> id) (cpoke core)"
| "cfunc_adv (map_core' e ia iu oa ou core) = (id ---> ia ---> map_spmf (map_prod oa id)) (cfunc_adv core)"
| "cfunc_usr (map_core' e ia iu oa ou core) = (id ---> iu ---> map_spmf (map_prod ou id)) (cfunc_usr core)"

lemmas map_core'_simps [simp] = map_core'.ctr[where core="Core _ _ _", simplified]

parametric_constant map_core'_parametric[transfer_rule]: map_core'_def

lemma core'_rel_Grp:
  "rel_core' (=) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV e)¯¯ (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV ia)¯¯ (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV iu)¯¯ (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV oa) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV ou)
   = BNF_Def.Grp UNIV (map_core' e ia iu oa ou)"
  apply(intro ext)
  subgoal for x y
    apply(cases x; cases y; clarsimp)
    apply(subst (2 4 6) eq_alt_conversep)
    apply(subst (2 3 4) eq_alt)
    apply(simp add: pmf.rel_Grp option.rel_Grp prod.rel_Grp rel_fun_conversep_grp_grp)
    apply(auto simp add: Grp_def spmf.map_id[abs_def] id_def[symmetric])


inductive WT_core :: "('iadv, 'oadv)   ('iusr, 'ousr)   ('s  bool)  ('s, 'event, 'iadv, 'iusr, 'oadv, 'ousr) core  bool"
  for ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I core where
  "WT_core ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I core" if
  "s e s'.  s'  set_spmf (cpoke core s e); I s   I s'"
  "s x y s'.  (y, s')  set_spmf (cfunc_adv core s x); x  outs_ℐ ℐ_adv; I s   y  responses_ℐ ℐ_adv x  I s'"
  "s x y s'.  (y, s')  set_spmf (cfunc_usr core s x); x  outs_ℐ ℐ_usr; I s   y  responses_ℐ ℐ_usr x  I s'"

lemma WT_coreD:
  assumes "WT_core ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I core"
  shows WT_coreD_cpoke: "s e s'.  s'  set_spmf (cpoke core s e); I s   I s'"
    and WT_coreD_cfunc_adv: "s x y s'.  (y, s')  set_spmf (cfunc_adv core s x); x  outs_ℐ ℐ_adv; I s   y  responses_ℐ ℐ_adv x  I s'"
    and WT_coreD_cfund_usr: "s x y s'.  (y, s')  set_spmf (cfunc_usr core s x); x  outs_ℐ ℐ_usr; I s   y  responses_ℐ ℐ_usr x  I s'"
  using assms by(auto elim!: WT_core.cases)

lemma WT_coreD_foldl_spmf_cpoke:
  assumes "WT_core ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I core"
    and "s'  set_spmf (foldl_spmf (cpoke core) p es)"
    and "s  set_spmf p. I s"
  shows "I s'"
  using assms(2, 3)
  by(induction es arbitrary: p)(fastforce dest: WT_coreD_cpoke[OF assms(1)] simp add: bind_UNION)+

lemma WT_core_trivial:
  assumes adv: "s. ℐ_adv ⊢c cfunc_adv core s "
    and usr: "s. ℐ_usr ⊢c cfunc_usr core s "
  shows "WT_core ℐ_adv ℐ_usr (λ_. True) core"
  by(rule WT_core.intros)(auto dest: assms[THEN WT_calleeD])

  ('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme =
      (rinit: "'more")
      (rfunc_adv: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'oadv_rest) eoracle")
      (rfunc_usr: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iusr_rest, 'ousr_rest) eoracle")

declare rest_scheme.sel_transfer[transfer_rule del]
declare rest_scheme.ctr_transfer[transfer_rule del]
declare rest_scheme.case_transfer[transfer_rule del]

  includes lifting_syntax 

  rel_rest':: "
    ('s_rest  's_rest'  bool)  
    ('event  'event'  bool)  
    ('iadv_rest  'iadv_rest'  bool) 
    ('iusr_rest  'iusr_rest'  bool)  
    ('oadv_rest  'oadv_rest'  bool)  
    ('ousr_rest  'ousr_rest'  bool) 
    ('more  'more'  bool)  
    ('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme  
    ('s_rest', 'event', 'iadv_rest', 'iusr_rest', 'oadv_rest', 'ousr_rest', 'more') rest_scheme  bool"
  for S E IA IU OA OU M
  where "rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M (Rest rinit rfunc_adv rfunc_usr) (Rest rinit' rfunc_adv' rfunc_usr')"
    "M rinit rinit'" and 
    "(S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OA (list_all2 E)) S)) rfunc_adv rfunc_adv'" and 
    "(S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OU (list_all2 E)) S)) rfunc_usr rfunc_usr'"
  for rinit rfunc_adv rfunc_usr

  rel_rest'_simps [simp]: 
    "rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M (Rest rinit' rfunc_adv' rfunc_usr') (Rest rinit'' rfunc_adv'' rfunc_usr'')"

  rel_rest'_eq [relator_eq]:
    "rel_rest' (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) = (=)"
  apply(intro ext)
  subgoal for x y by(cases x; cases y)(auto simp add: fun_eq_iff rel_fun_def relator_eq)

  rel_rest'_mono [relator_mono]:
    "rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M  rel_rest' S E' IA' IU' OA' OU' M'"
  if "E  E'" "IA'  IA" "IU'  IU" "OA  OA'" "OU  OU'" "M  M'"
  apply(rule predicate2I)
  subgoal for x y
    apply(cases x; cases y; clarsimp; intro conjI)
      apply(erule rel_fun_mono rel_spmf_mono prod.rel_mono[THEN predicate2D, rotated -1] |
        rule impI that order_refl prod.rel_mono list.rel_mono | erule that[THEN predicate2D] | erule rel_spmf_mono | assumption)+

lemma rel_rest'_sel: "rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M rest1 rest2"
  if "M (rinit rest1) (rinit rest2)"
  and "(S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OA (list_all2 E)) S)) (rfunc_adv rest1) (rfunc_adv rest2)" 
  and "(S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OU (list_all2 E)) S)) (rfunc_usr rest1) (rfunc_usr rest2)"
  using that by(cases rest1; cases rest2) simp

lemma rinit_parametric [transfer_rule]: "(rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M ===> M) rinit rinit"
  by(rule rel_funI; erule rel_rest'.cases; simp)

lemma rfunc_adv_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M ===> S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OA (list_all2 E)) S)) rfunc_adv rfunc_adv"
  by(rule rel_funI; erule rel_rest'.cases; simp)

lemma rfunc_usr_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M ===> S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OU (list_all2 E)) S)) rfunc_usr rfunc_usr"
  by(rule rel_funI; erule rel_rest'.cases; simp)

lemma Rest_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(M ===> (S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OA (list_all2 E)) S))
    ===> (S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OU (list_all2 E)) S))
   ===> rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M) Rest Rest"
  by(rule rel_funI)+ simp

lemma case_rest_scheme_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "((M ===> 
    (S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OA (list_all2 E)) S)) ===> 
    (S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OU (list_all2 E)) S)) ===> X) ===> 
  rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M ===> X) case_rest_scheme case_rest_scheme"
  by(rule rel_funI)+(auto 4 4 split: rest_scheme.split dest: rel_funD)

lemma corec_rest_scheme_parametric [transfer_rule]:
    "((X ===> M) ===> 
      (X ===> S ===> IA ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OA (list_all2 E)) S)) ===> 
      (X ===> S ===> IU ===> rel_spmf (rel_prod (rel_prod OU (list_all2 E)) S)) ===> 
      X ===> rel_rest' S E IA IU OA OU M) corec_rest_scheme corec_rest_scheme"
  by(rule rel_funI)+(auto simp add: rest_scheme.corec dest: rel_funD)

primcorec map_rest' ::
   "('event  'event')  
    ('iadv_rest'  'iadv_rest) 
    ('iusr_rest'  'iusr_rest)  
    ('oadv_rest  'oadv_rest')  
    ('ousr_rest  'ousr_rest') 
    ('more  'more') 
    ('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme  
    ('s_rest, 'event', 'iadv_rest', 'iusr_rest', 'oadv_rest', 'ousr_rest', 'more') rest_scheme"
  "rinit (map_rest' e ia iu oa ou m rest) = m (rinit rest)"
| "rfunc_adv (map_rest' e ia iu oa ou m rest) =
   (id ---> ia ---> map_spmf (map_prod (map_prod oa (map e)) id)) (rfunc_adv rest)"
| "rfunc_usr (map_rest' e ia iu oa ou m rest) =
   (id ---> iu ---> map_spmf (map_prod (map_prod ou (map e)) id)) (rfunc_usr rest)"

lemmas map_rest'_simps [simp] = map_rest'.ctr[where rest="Rest _ _ _", simplified]

parametric_constant map_rest'_parametric[transfer_rule]: map_rest'_def

lemma rest'_rel_Grp:
  "rel_rest' (=) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV e) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV ia)¯¯ (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV iu)¯¯ (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV oa) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV ou) (BNF_Def.Grp UNIV m)
   = BNF_Def.Grp UNIV (map_rest' e ia iu oa ou m)"
  apply(intro ext)
  subgoal for x y
    apply(cases x; cases y; clarsimp)
    apply(subst (2 4) eq_alt_conversep)
    apply(subst (2 3) eq_alt)
    apply(simp add: pmf.rel_Grp list.rel_Grp option.rel_Grp prod.rel_Grp rel_fun_conversep_grp_grp)
    apply(auto simp add: Grp_def spmf.map_id[abs_def] id_def[symmetric])


  ('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest) rest_wstate =
    "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 's_rest) rest_scheme"

inductive WT_rest :: "('iadv, 'oadv)   ('iusr, 'ousr)   ('s  bool)  ('s, 'event, 'iadv, 'iusr, 'oadv, 'ousr) rest_wstate  bool"
  for ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I rest where
  "WT_rest ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I rest" if
  "s x y es s'.  ((y, es), s')  set_spmf (rfunc_adv rest s x); x  outs_ℐ ℐ_adv; I s   y  responses_ℐ ℐ_adv x  I s'"
  "s x y es s'.  ((y, es), s')  set_spmf (rfunc_usr rest s x); x  outs_ℐ ℐ_usr; I s   y  responses_ℐ ℐ_usr x  I s'"
  "I (rinit rest)"

lemma WT_restD:
  assumes "WT_rest ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I rest"
  shows WT_restD_rfunc_adv: "s x y es s'.  ((y, es), s')  set_spmf (rfunc_adv rest s x); x  outs_ℐ ℐ_adv; I s   y  responses_ℐ ℐ_adv x  I s'"
    and WT_restD_rfunc_usr: "s x y es s'.  ((y, es), s')  set_spmf (rfunc_usr rest s x); x  outs_ℐ ℐ_usr; I s   y  responses_ℐ ℐ_usr x  I s'"
    and WT_restD_rinit: "I (rinit rest)"
  using assms by(auto elim!: WT_rest.cases)

  fuse_cfunc :: "
    ('o  'x)  ('s_core, 'i, 'o) oracle'  ('s_core × 's_rest, 'i , 'x) oracle'"
  "fuse_cfunc redirect cfunc state inp   do {
    let handle = map_prod redirect (prod.swap o Pair (snd state));
    (os_cfunc :: 'o × 's_core)  cfunc (fst state) inp;
    return_spmf (handle os_cfunc)

  fuse_rfunc :: "
    ('o  'x)  ('s_rest, 'e, 'i, 'o) eoracle  ('s_core, 'e) handler  
      ('s_core × 's_rest, 'i , 'x) oracle'"
  "fuse_rfunc redirect rfunc notify state inp  
      (rfunc (snd state) inp)
      (λ((o_rfunc, e_lst), s_rfunc). 
          (foldl_spmf notify (return_spmf (fst state)) e_lst)
          (λs_notify. return_spmf (redirect o_rfunc, s_notify, s_rfunc)))

locale fused_resource =
    core :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core" and 
    core_init :: 's_core

  fuse :: "
    ('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'm) rest_scheme 
    ('s_core × 's_rest, 
      ('iadv_core + 'iadv_rest) + ('iusr_core + 'iusr_rest),  
      ('oadv_core + 'oadv_rest) + ('ousr_core + 'ousr_rest)) oracle'" 
    "fuse rest state (Inl (Inl iadv_core)) = 
      fuse_cfunc (Inl o Inl) (cfunc_adv core) state iadv_core"
  | "fuse rest state (Inl (Inr iadv_rest)) = 
      fuse_rfunc (Inl o Inr) (rfunc_adv rest) (cpoke core) state iadv_rest"
  | "fuse rest state (Inr (Inl iusr_core)) = 
      fuse_cfunc (Inr o Inl) (cfunc_usr core) state iusr_core"
  | "fuse rest state (Inr (Inr iusr_rest)) = 
      fuse_rfunc (Inr o Inr) (rfunc_usr rest) (cpoke core) state iusr_rest"

case_of_simps fuse_case: fused_resource.fuse.simps

lemma callee_invariant_on_fuse:
  assumes "WT_core ℐ_adv_core ℐ_usr_core I_core core" 
    and "WT_rest ℐ_adv_rest ℐ_usr_rest I_rest rest"
  shows "callee_invariant_on (fuse rest) (pred_prod I_core I_rest) ((ℐ_adv_core  ℐ_adv_rest)  (ℐ_usr_core  ℐ_usr_rest))"
proof(unfold_locales, goal_cases)
  case (1 s x y s')
  then show ?case using assms
    by(cases s; cases s')(auto 4 4 dest: WT_restD WT_coreD WT_coreD_foldl_spmf_cpoke)
  case (2 s)
  show ?case
    apply(rule WT_calleeI)
    subgoal for x y s' using 2 assms
      by (cases "(rest, s, x)" rule: fuse.cases) (auto simp add: pred_prod_beta dest: WT_restD WT_coreD )

  resource :: "
    ('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest) rest_wstate 
    (('iadv_core + 'iadv_rest) + ('iusr_core + 'iusr_rest),
      ('oadv_core + 'oadv_rest) + ('ousr_core + 'ousr_rest)) resource" 
    "resource rest = resource_of_oracle (fuse rest) (core_init, rinit rest)"

lemma WT_resource [WT_intro]:
  assumes "WT_core ℐ_adv_core ℐ_usr_core I_core core"
    and "WT_rest ℐ_adv_rest ℐ_usr_rest I_rest rest"
    and "I_core core_init"
  shows "(ℐ_adv_core  ℐ_adv_rest)  (ℐ_usr_core  ℐ_usr_rest) ⊢res resource rest "
proof -
  interpret callee_invariant_on "fuse rest" "pred_prod I_core I_rest" "(ℐ_adv_core  ℐ_adv_rest)  (ℐ_usr_core  ℐ_usr_rest)"
    using assms(1,2) by(rule callee_invariant_on_fuse)
  show ?thesis unfolding resource_def
    by(rule WT_resource_of_oracle)(simp add: assms(3) WT_restD_rinit[OF assms(2)])


  fuse_parametric [transfer_rule]: fused_resource.fuse_case

subsection ‹More helpful construction functions›

    core1 :: "('s_core1, 'event1, 'iadv_core1, 'iusr_core1, 'oadv_core1, 'ousr_core1) core" and
    core2 :: "('s_core2, 'event2, 'iadv_core2, 'iusr_core2, 'oadv_core2, 'ousr_core2) core"

primcorec parallel_core :: "
  ('s_core1 × 's_core2, 'event1 + 'event2, 
   'iadv_core1 + 'iadv_core2, 'iusr_core1 + 'iusr_core2,
   'oadv_core1 + 'oadv_core2, 'ousr_core1 + 'ousr_core2) core" 
    "cpoke parallel_core = parallel_handler (cpoke core1) (cpoke core2)"
  | "cfunc_adv parallel_core = parallel_oracle (cfunc_adv core1) (cfunc_adv core2)"
  | "cfunc_usr parallel_core = parallel_oracle (cfunc_usr core1) (cfunc_usr core2)"


    cnv_adv :: "'s_adv  'iadv  ('oadv × 's_adv, 'iadv_core, 'oadv_core) gpv" and
    cnv_usr :: "'s_usr  'iusr  ('ousr × 's_usr, 'iusr_core, 'ousr_core) gpv" and
    core :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"

  attach_core :: "(('s_adv × 's_usr) × 's_core, 'event, 'iadv, 'iusr, 'oadv, 'ousr) core"
    "cpoke attach_core = (λ(s_advusr, s_core) event. 
      map_spmf (λs_core'. (s_advusr, s_core')) (cpoke core s_core event))"
  | "cfunc_adv attach_core = (λ((s_adv, s_usr), s_core) iadv. 
        (λ((oadv, s_adv'), s_core'). (oadv, ((s_adv', s_usr), s_core'))) 
        (exec_gpv (cfunc_adv core) (cnv_adv s_adv iadv) s_core))"
  | "cfunc_usr attach_core = (λ((s_adv, s_usr), s_core) iusr. 
        (λ((ousr, s_usr'), s_core'). (ousr, ((s_adv, s_usr'), s_core'))) 
        (exec_gpv (cfunc_usr core) (cnv_usr s_usr iusr) s_core))"


  attach_core_id_oracle_adv: "cfunc_adv (attach_core 1I cnv core) = 
    (λ(s_cnv, s_core) q. map_spmf (λ(out, s_core'). (out, s_cnv, s_core')) (cfunc_adv core s_core q))"
  by(simp add: id_oracle_def split_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)

  attach_core_id_oracle_usr: "cfunc_usr (attach_core cnv 1I core) = 
    (λ(s_cnv, s_core) q. map_spmf (λ(out, s_core'). (out, s_cnv, s_core')) (cfunc_usr core s_core q))"
  by(simp add: id_oracle_def split_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)

    rest1 :: "('s_rest1, 'event1, 'iadv_rest1, 'iusr_rest1, 'oadv_rest1, 'ousr_rest1, 'more1) rest_scheme" and
    rest2 :: "('s_rest2, 'event2, 'iadv_rest2, 'iusr_rest2, 'oadv_rest2, 'ousr_rest2, 'more2) rest_scheme"

primcorec parallel_rest :: "
    ('s_rest1 × 's_rest2, 'event1 + 'event2, 'iadv_rest1 + 'iadv_rest2, 'iusr_rest1 + 'iusr_rest2, 
     'oadv_rest1 + 'oadv_rest2, 'ousr_rest1 + 'ousr_rest2, 'more1 × 'more2) rest_scheme" 
    "rinit parallel_rest = (rinit rest1, rinit rest2)"
  | "rfunc_adv parallel_rest = parallel_eoracle (rfunc_adv rest1) (rfunc_adv rest2)"
  | "rfunc_usr parallel_rest = parallel_eoracle (rfunc_usr rest1) (rfunc_usr rest2)"


lemma WT_parallel_rest [WT_intro]:
  "WT_rest (ℐ_adv1  ℐ_adv2) (ℐ_usr1  ℐ_usr2) (pred_prod I1 I2) (parallel_rest rest1 rest2)"
  if "WT_rest ℐ_adv1 ℐ_usr1 I1 rest1"
  and "WT_rest ℐ_adv2 ℐ_usr2 I2 rest2"
  by(rule WT_rest.intros)
    (auto 4 3 simp add: parallel_eoracle_def simp add: that[THEN WT_restD_rinit] dest: that[THEN WT_restD_rfunc_adv] that[THEN WT_restD_rfunc_usr])

    cnv_adv :: "'s_adv  'iadv  ('oadv × 's_adv, 'iadv_rest, 'oadv_rest) gpv" and
    cnv_usr :: "'s_usr  'iusr  ('ousr × 's_usr, 'iusr_rest, 'ousr_rest) gpv" and
    f_init :: "'more  'more'" and
    rest :: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme"

  attach_rest :: "
    (('s_adv × 's_usr) × 's_rest, 'event, 'iadv, 'iusr, 'oadv, 'ousr, 'more') rest_scheme"
    "rinit attach_rest = f_init (rinit rest)"
  | "rfunc_adv attach_rest = (λ((s_adv, s_usr), s_rest) iadv.
      let orc_of = λorc (s, es) q. map_spmf (λ ((out, e), s'). (out, s', es @ e)) (orc s q) in
      let eorc_of = λ((oadv, s_adv'), (s_rest', es)). ((oadv, es), ((s_adv', s_usr), s_rest')) in
      map_spmf eorc_of (exec_gpv (orc_of (rfunc_adv rest)) (cnv_adv s_adv iadv) (s_rest, [])))"
  | "rfunc_usr attach_rest = (λ((s_adv, s_usr), s_rest) iusr. 
      let orc_of = λorc (s, es) q. map_spmf (λ ((out, e), s'). (out, s', es @ e)) (orc s q) in
      let eorc_of = λ((ousr, s_usr'), (s_rest', es)). ((ousr, es), ((s_adv, s_usr'), s_rest')) in
      map_spmf eorc_of (exec_gpv (orc_of (rfunc_usr rest)) (cnv_usr s_usr iusr) (s_rest, [])))"

  attach_rest_id_oracle_adv: "rfunc_adv (attach_rest 1I cnv f_init rest) = 
    (λ(s_cnv, s_core) q. map_spmf (λ(out, s_core'). (out, s_cnv, s_core')) (rfunc_adv rest s_core q))"
  by(simp add: id_oracle_def split_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf fun_eq_iff)  

  attach_rest_id_oracle_usr: "rfunc_usr (attach_rest cnv 1I f_init rest) = 
    (λ(s_cnv, s_core) q. map_spmf (λ(out, s_core'). (out, s_cnv, s_core')) (rfunc_usr rest s_core q))"
  by(simp add: id_oracle_def split_def map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf)  

section ‹Traces›

type_synonym ('event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) trace_core =
  "('event + 'iadv_core × 'oadv_core + 'iusr_core × 'ousr_core) list 
   ('event  real)
  × ('iadv_core  'oadv_core spmf) 
  × ('iusr_core  'ousr_core spmf)"

  fixes core :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"

primrec trace_core' :: "'s_core spmf  ('event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) trace_core" where
  "trace_core' S [] = 
   (λe. weight_spmf' (bind_spmf S (λs. cpoke core s e)),
    λia. bind_spmf S (λs. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core s ia)),
    λiu. bind_spmf S (λs. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core s iu)))"
| "trace_core' S (obs # tr) = (case obs of
     Inl e  trace_core' (mk_lossless (bind_spmf S (λs. cpoke core s e))) tr
   | Inr (Inl (ia, oa))  trace_core' (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf S (λs. cfunc_adv core s ia)) oa) tr
   | Inr (Inr (iu, ou))  trace_core' (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf S (λs. cfunc_usr core s iu)) ou) tr


declare trace_core'.simps [simp del]
case_of_simps trace_core'_unfold: trace_core'.simps[unfolded weight_spmf'_def]
simps_of_case trace_core'_simps [simp]: trace_core'_unfold

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma trace_core'_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(rel_core' S E IA IU (=) (=) ===>
      rel_spmf S ===>
      list_all2 (rel_sum E (rel_sum (rel_prod IA (=)) (rel_prod IU (=)))) ===>
      rel_prod (E ===> (=)) (rel_prod (IA ===> (=)) (IU ===> (=))))
      trace_core' trace_core'"
  unfolding trace_core'_def by transfer_prover

definition trace_core_eq 
  :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core
   ('s_core', 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core
   'event set  'iadv_core set  'iusr_core set
   's_core spmf  's_core' spmf  bool" where
  "trace_core_eq core1 core2 E IA IU p q 
  (tr. set tr  E <+> (IA × UNIV) <+> (IU × UNIV)  
   rel_prod (eq_onp (λe. e  E) ===> (=)) (rel_prod (eq_onp (λia. ia  IA) ===> (=)) (eq_onp (λiu. iu  IU) ===> (=)))
     (trace_core' core1 p tr) (trace_core' core2 q tr))"


lemma trace_core_eqD:
  assumes "trace_core_eq core1 core2 E IA IU p q"
    and "set tr  E <+> (IA × UNIV) <+> (IU × UNIV)"
  shows trace_core_eqD_cpoke: 
      "e  E  fst (trace_core' core1 p tr) e = fst (trace_core' core2 q tr) e"
    and trace_core_eqD_cfunc_adv: 
      "ia  IA  fst (snd (trace_core' core1 p tr)) ia = fst (snd (trace_core' core2 q tr)) ia"
    and trace_core_eqD_cfunc_usr:
      "iu  IU  snd (snd (trace_core' core1 p tr)) iu = snd (snd (trace_core' core2 q tr)) iu"
  using assms by(auto simp add: trace_core_eq_def rel_fun_def eq_onp_def rel_prod_sel)

lemma trace_core_eqI:
  assumes "tr e.  set tr  E <+> (IA × UNIV) <+> (IU × UNIV); e  E  
      fst (trace_core' core1 p tr) e = fst (trace_core' core2 q tr) e"
    and "tr ia.  set tr  E <+> (IA × UNIV) <+> (IU × UNIV); ia  IA 
      fst (snd (trace_core' core1 p tr)) ia = fst (snd (trace_core' core2 q tr)) ia"
    and "tr iu.  set tr  E <+> (IA × UNIV) <+> (IU × UNIV); iu  IU 
      snd (snd (trace_core' core1 p tr)) iu = snd (snd (trace_core' core2 q tr)) iu"
  shows "trace_core_eq core1 core2 E IA IU p q"
  using assms by(auto simp add: trace_core_eq_def rel_fun_def eq_onp_def rel_prod_sel)

lemma trace_core_return_pmf_None [simp]:
  "trace_core' core (return_pmf None) tr = (λ_. 0, λ_. return_pmf None, λ_. return_pmf None)"
  by(induction tr)(simp_all add: trace_core'.simps split: sum.split)

lemma rel_core'_into_trace_core_eq: "trace_core_eq core core' E IA IU p q" 
  if "rel_core' S (eq_onp (λe. e  E)) (eq_onp (λia. ia  IA)) (eq_onp (λiu. iu  IU)) (=) (=) core core'"
     "rel_spmf S p q"
  using trace_core'_parametric[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, OF that]
  unfolding trace_core_eq_def
  apply(intro strip)
  subgoal for tr
    apply(simp add: eq_onp_True[symmetric] prod.rel_eq_onp sum.rel_eq_onp list.rel_eq_onp)
    apply(auto 4 3 simp add: eq_onp_def list_all_iff dest: rel_funD[where x=tr and y=tr])

lemma trace_core_eq_simI:
  fixes core1 :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"
    and core2 :: "('s_core', 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"
    and S :: "'s_core spmf  's_core' spmf  bool"
  assumes start: "S p q"
    and step_cpoke: "p q e.  S p q; e  E   
      weight_spmf (bind_spmf p (λs. cpoke core1 s e)) = weight_spmf (bind_spmf q (λs. cpoke core2 s e))"
    and sim_cpoke: "p q e.  S p q; e  E   
      S (mk_lossless (bind_spmf p (λs. cpoke core1 s e))) (mk_lossless (bind_spmf q (λs. cpoke core2 s e)))"
    and step_cfunc_adv: "p q ia.  S p q; ia  IA   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia))"
    and sim_cfunc_adv: "p q ia s1 s2 s1' s2' oa.  S p q; ia  IA; 
      s1  set_spmf p; s2  set_spmf q; (oa, s1')  set_spmf (cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia); (oa, s2')  set_spmf (cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia) 
       S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) oa) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia)) oa)"
    and step_cfunc_usr: "p q iu.  S p q; iu  IU   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu))"
    and sim_cfunc_usr: "p q iu s1 s2 s1' s2' ou.  S p q; iu  IU; 
      s1  set_spmf p; s2  set_spmf q; (ou, s1')  set_spmf (cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu); (ou, s2')  set_spmf (cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu) 
       S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) ou) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu)) ou)"
  shows "trace_core_eq core1 core2 E IA IU p q"
proof(rule trace_core_eqI)
  fix tr :: " ('event + 'iadv_core × 'oadv_core + 'iusr_core × 'ousr_core) list"
  assume "set tr  E <+> IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV"
  then have "(eE. fst (trace_core' core1 p tr) e = fst (trace_core' core2 q tr) e) 
     (iaIA. fst (snd (trace_core' core1 p tr)) ia = fst (snd (trace_core' core2 q tr)) ia) 
     (iuIU. snd (snd (trace_core' core1 p tr)) iu = snd (snd (trace_core' core2 q tr)) iu)"
    using start
  proof(induction tr arbitrary: p q)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by(simp add: step_cpoke step_cfunc_adv step_cfunc_usr)
    case (Cons a tr)
    from Cons.prems(1) have tr: "set tr  E <+> IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV" by simp
    from Cons.prems(1)
    consider (cpoke) e where "a = Inl e" "e  E"
      | (cfunc_adv) ia oa where "a = Inr (Inl (ia, oa))" "ia  IA"
      | (cfunc_usr) iu ou where "a = Inr (Inr (iu, ou))" "iu  IU" by auto
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case cpoke
      then show ?thesis using tr Cons.prems(2) by(auto simp add: sim_cpoke intro!: Cons.IH)
      case cfunc_adv
      let ?p = "bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)"
      let ?q = "bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia)"
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "oa  fst ` set_spmf ?p")
        case True
        with step_cfunc_adv[OF Cons.prems(2) cfunc_adv(2), THEN arg_cong[where f=set_spmf]]
        have "oa  fst ` set_spmf ?q"
          unfolding set_map_spmf[symmetric] by(simp only: map_bind_spmf o_def)
        then show ?thesis using True Cons.prems cfunc_adv
          by(clarsimp)(rule Cons.IH; blast intro: sim_cfunc_adv)
        case False
        hence "cond_spmf_fst ?p oa = return_pmf None" by simp
        from step_cfunc_adv[OF Cons.prems(2) cfunc_adv(2), THEN arg_cong[where f=set_spmf]] False
        have oa': "oa  fst ` set_spmf ?q"
          unfolding set_map_spmf[symmetric] by(simp only: map_bind_spmf o_def) simp
        hence "cond_spmf_fst ?q oa = return_pmf None" by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis using cfunc_adv by(simp del: cond_spmf_fst_eq_return_None)
      case cfunc_usr
      let ?p = "bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)"
      let ?q = "bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu)"
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "ou  fst ` set_spmf ?p")
        case True
        with step_cfunc_usr[OF Cons.prems(2) cfunc_usr(2), THEN arg_cong[where f=set_spmf]]
        have "ou  fst ` set_spmf ?q"
          unfolding set_map_spmf[symmetric] by(simp only: map_bind_spmf o_def)
        then show ?thesis using True Cons.prems cfunc_usr
          by(clarsimp)(rule Cons.IH; blast intro: sim_cfunc_usr)
        case False
        hence "cond_spmf_fst ?p ou = return_pmf None" by simp
        from step_cfunc_usr[OF Cons.prems(2) cfunc_usr(2), THEN arg_cong[where f=set_spmf]] False
        have oa': "ou  fst ` set_spmf ?q"
          unfolding set_map_spmf[symmetric] by(simp only: map_bind_spmf o_def) simp
        hence "cond_spmf_fst ?q ou = return_pmf None" by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis using cfunc_usr by(simp del: cond_spmf_fst_eq_return_None)
  then show "e  E  fst (trace_core' core1 p tr) e = fst (trace_core' core2 q tr) e"
    and "ia  IA  fst (snd (trace_core' core1 p tr)) ia = fst (snd (trace_core' core2 q tr)) ia"
    and "iu  IU  snd (snd (trace_core' core1 p tr)) iu = snd (snd (trace_core' core2 q tr)) iu"
    for e ia iu by blast+

  fixes core :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"

fun trace_core_aux 
  :: "'s_core spmf  ('event + 'iadv_core × 'oadv_core + 'iusr_core × 'ousr_core) list  's_core spmf" where
  "trace_core_aux p [] = p"
| "trace_core_aux p (Inl e # tr) = trace_core_aux (mk_lossless (bind_spmf p (λs. cpoke core s e))) tr"
| "trace_core_aux p (Inr (Inl (ia, oa)) # tr) = trace_core_aux (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs. cfunc_adv core s ia)) oa) tr"
| "trace_core_aux p (Inr (Inr (iu, ou)) # tr) = trace_core_aux (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs. cfunc_usr core s iu)) ou) tr"


lemma trace_core_conv_trace_core_aux:
  "trace_core' core p tr = 
   (λe. weight_spmf (bind_spmf (trace_core_aux core p tr) (λs. cpoke core s e)),
    λia. bind_spmf (trace_core_aux core p tr) (λs. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core s ia)),
    λiu. bind_spmf (trace_core_aux core p tr) (λs. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core s iu)))"
  by(induction p tr rule: trace_core_aux.induct) simp_all

lemma trace_core_aux_append:
  "trace_core_aux core p (tr @ tr') = trace_core_aux core (trace_core_aux core p tr) tr'"
  by(induction p tr rule: trace_core_aux.induct) auto

inductive trace_core_closure 
  :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core
   ('s_core', 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core
   'event set  'iadv_core set  'iusr_core set
   's_core spmf  's_core' spmf  's_core spmf  's_core' spmf  bool"
  for core1 core2 E IA IU p q where
  "trace_core_closure core1 core2 E IA IU p q (trace_core_aux core1 p tr) (trace_core_aux core2 q tr)"
  if "set tr  E <+> IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV"

lemma trace_core_closure_start: "trace_core_closure core1 core2 E IA IU p q p q"
  by(simp add: trace_core_closure.simps exI[where x="[]"])

lemma trace_core_closure_step:
  assumes "trace_core_eq core1 core2 E IA IU p q"
    and "trace_core_closure core1 core2 E IA IU p q p' q'"
  shows trace_core_closure_step_cpoke:
    "e  E  weight_spmf (bind_spmf p' (λs. cpoke core1 s e)) = weight_spmf (bind_spmf q' (λs. cpoke core2 s e))"
    (is "PROP ?thesis1")
    and trace_core_closure_step_cfunc_adv: 
    "ia  IA  bind_spmf p' (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) = bind_spmf q' (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia))"
    (is "PROP ?thesis2")
    and trace_core_closure_step_cfunc_usr:
    "iu  IU  bind_spmf p' (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) = bind_spmf q' (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu))"
    (is "PROP ?thesis3")
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain tr where p: "p' = trace_core_aux core1 p tr"
    and q: "q' = trace_core_aux core2 q tr"
    and tr: "set tr  E <+> IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV" by cases
  from trace_core_eqD[OF assms(1) tr] p q
  show "PROP ?thesis1" and "PROP ?thesis2" "PROP ?thesis3"
    by(simp_all add: trace_core_conv_trace_core_aux)

lemma trace_core_closure_sim:
  fixes core1 core2 E IA IU p q
  defines "S  trace_core_closure core1 core2 E IA IU p q"
  assumes "S p' q'"
  shows trace_core_closure_sim_cpoke:
    "e  E  S (mk_lossless (bind_spmf p' (λs. cpoke core1 s e))) (mk_lossless (bind_spmf q' (λs. cpoke core2 s e)))"
    (is "PROP ?thesis1")
    and trace_core_closure_sim_cfunc_adv: "ia  IA 
     S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p' (λs1. cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) oa) 
          (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q' (λs2. cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia)) oa)"
    (is "PROP ?thesis2")
    and trace_core_closure_sim_cfunc_usr: "iu  IU 
     S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p' (λs1. cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) ou)
          (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q' (λs2. cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu)) ou)"
    (is "PROP ?thesis3")
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain tr where p: "p' = trace_core_aux core1 p tr"
    and q: "q' = trace_core_aux core2 q tr"
    and tr: "set tr  E <+> IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV" unfolding S_def by cases
  show "PROP ?thesis1" using p q tr
    by(auto simp add: S_def trace_core_closure.simps trace_core_aux_append intro!: exI[where x="tr @ [Inl _]"])
  show "PROP ?thesis2" using p q tr
    by(auto simp add: S_def trace_core_closure.simps trace_core_aux_append intro!: exI[where x="tr @ [Inr (Inl (_, _))]"])
  show "PROP ?thesis3" using p q tr
    by(auto simp add: S_def trace_core_closure.simps trace_core_aux_append intro!: exI[where x="tr @ [Inr (Inr (_, _))]"])

proposition trace_core_eq_complete:
  assumes "trace_core_eq core1 core2 E IA IU p q"
  obtains S
  where "S p q"
    and "p q e.  S p q; e  E   
      weight_spmf (bind_spmf p (λs. cpoke core1 s e)) = weight_spmf (bind_spmf q (λs. cpoke core2 s e))"
    and "p q e.  S p q; e  E   
      S (mk_lossless (bind_spmf p (λs. cpoke core1 s e))) (mk_lossless (bind_spmf q (λs. cpoke core2 s e)))"
    and "p q ia.  S p q; ia  IA   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia))"
    and "p q ia oa.  S p q; ia  IA 
       S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) oa) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia)) oa)"
    and "p q iu.  S p q; iu  IU   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu))"
    and "p q iu ou.  S p q; iu  IU 
       S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) ou) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu)) ou)"
proof -
  show thesis
    by(rule that[where S="trace_core_closure core1 core2 E IA IU p q"])
      (auto intro: trace_core_closure_start trace_core_closure_step[OF assms] trace_core_closure_sim (* trace_core_closure_weight[OF assms] *))

type_synonym ('event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest) trace_rest =
  "('iadv_rest × 'oadv_rest × 'event list + 'iusr_rest × 'ousr_rest × 'event list) list
   ('iadv_rest  ('oadv_rest × 'event list) spmf) 
  × ('iusr_rest  ('ousr_rest × 'event list) spmf)"

  fixes rest :: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme"

primrec trace_rest' :: "'s_rest spmf  ('event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest) trace_rest" where
  "trace_rest' S [] =
  (λia. bind_spmf S (λs. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest s ia)),
   λiu. bind_spmf S (λs. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest s iu)))"
| "trace_rest' S (obs # tr) = (case obs of
     Inl (ia, oa)  trace_rest' (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf S (λs. rfunc_adv rest s ia)) oa) tr
   | Inr (iu, ou)  trace_rest' (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf S (λs. rfunc_usr rest s iu)) ou) tr)"


declare trace_rest'.simps [simp del]
case_of_simps trace_rest'_unfold: trace_rest'.simps
simps_of_case trace_rest'_simps [simp]: trace_rest'_unfold

context includes lifting_syntax begin

lemma trace_rest'_parametric [transfer_rule]:
  "(rel_rest' S (=) IA IU (=) (=) M ===> rel_spmf S ===>
      list_all2 (rel_sum (rel_prod IA (=)) (rel_prod IU (=))) ===>
      rel_prod (IA ===> (=)) (IU ===> (=)))
      trace_rest' trace_rest'"
  unfolding trace_rest'_def by transfer_prover

definition trace_rest_eq
  :: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more1) rest_scheme
   ('s_rest', 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more2) rest_scheme
   'iadv_rest set  'iusr_rest set
   's_rest spmf  's_rest' spmf  bool" where
  "trace_rest_eq rest1 rest2 IA IU p q 
  (tr. set tr  (IA × UNIV) <+> (IU × UNIV) 
   rel_prod (eq_onp (λia. ia  IA) ===> (=)) (eq_onp (λiu. iu  IU) ===> (=))
     (trace_rest' rest1 p tr) (trace_rest' rest2 q tr))"


lemma trace_rest_eqD:
  assumes "trace_rest_eq rest1 rest2 IA IU p q"
    and "set tr  (IA × UNIV) <+> (IU × UNIV)"
  shows trace_rest_eqD_rfunc_adv:
     "ia  IA  fst (trace_rest' rest1 p tr) ia = fst (trace_rest' rest2 q tr) ia"
    and trace_rest_eqD_rfunc_usr:
     "iu  IU  snd (trace_rest' rest1 p tr) iu = snd (trace_rest' rest2 q tr) iu"
  using assms by(auto simp add: trace_rest_eq_def rel_fun_def rel_prod_sel eq_onp_def)

lemma trace_rest_eqI:
  assumes "tr ia.  set tr  (IA × UNIV) <+> (IU × UNIV); ia  IA 
      fst (trace_rest' rest1 p tr) ia = fst (trace_rest' rest2 q tr) ia"
    and "tr iu.  set tr  (IA × UNIV) <+> (IU × UNIV); iu  IU 
       snd (trace_rest' rest1 p tr) iu = snd (trace_rest' rest2 q tr) iu"
  shows "trace_rest_eq rest1 rest2 IA IU p q"
  using assms by(auto simp add: trace_rest_eq_def rel_fun_def eq_onp_def rel_prod_sel)

lemma trace_rest_return_pmf_None [simp]:
  "trace_rest' rest (return_pmf None) tr = (λ_. return_pmf None, λ_. return_pmf None)"
  by(induction tr)(simp_all add: trace_rest'.simps split: sum.split)

lemma rel_rest'_into_trace_rest_eq: "trace_rest_eq rest rest' IA IU p q" 
  if "rel_rest' S (=) (eq_onp (λia. ia  IA)) (eq_onp (λiu. iu  IU)) (=) (=) M rest rest'"
     "rel_spmf S p q"
  using trace_rest'_parametric[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, OF that]
  unfolding trace_rest_eq_def
  apply(intro strip)
  subgoal for tr
    apply(simp add: eq_onp_True[symmetric] prod.rel_eq_onp sum.rel_eq_onp list.rel_eq_onp)
    apply(auto 4 3 simp add: eq_onp_def list_all_iff dest: rel_funD[where x=tr and y=tr])

lemma trace_rest_eq_simI:
  fixes rest1 :: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme"
    and rest2 :: "('s_rest', 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme"
    and S :: "'s_rest spmf  's_rest' spmf  bool"
  assumes start: "S p q"
    and step_rfunc_adv: "p q ia.  S p q; ia  IA   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia))"
    and sim_rfunc_adv: "p q ia s1 s2 s1' s2' oa.  S p q; ia  IA; 
      s1  set_spmf p; s2  set_spmf q; (oa, s1')  set_spmf (rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia); (oa, s2')  set_spmf (rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia) 
       S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia)) oa) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia)) oa)"
    and step_rfunc_usr: "p q iu.  S p q; iu  IU   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu))"
    and sim_rfunc_usr: "p q iu s1 s2 s1' s2' ou.  S p q; iu  IU; 
      s1  set_spmf p; s2  set_spmf q; (ou, s1')  set_spmf (rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu); (ou, s2')  set_spmf (rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu) 
       S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu)) ou) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu)) ou)"
  shows "trace_rest_eq rest1 rest2 IA IU p q"
proof(rule trace_rest_eqI)
  fix tr :: "('iadv_rest × 'oadv_rest × 'event list + 'iusr_rest × 'ousr_rest × 'event list) list"
  assume "set tr  IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV"
  then have "(iaIA. fst (trace_rest' rest1 p tr) ia = fst (trace_rest' rest2 q tr) ia) 
       (iuIU. snd (trace_rest' rest1 p tr) iu = snd (trace_rest' rest2 q tr) iu)"
    using start
  proof(induction tr arbitrary: p q)
    case Nil
    then show ?case by(simp add: step_rfunc_adv step_rfunc_usr)
    case (Cons a tr)
    from Cons.prems(1) have tr: "set tr  IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV" by simp
    from Cons.prems(1)
    consider (rfunc_adv) ia oa where "a = Inl (ia, oa)" "ia  IA"
      | (rfunc_usr) iu ou where "a = Inr (iu, ou)" "iu  IU" by auto
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case rfunc_adv
      let ?p = "bind_spmf p (λs1. rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia)"
      let ?q = "bind_spmf q (λs2. rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia)"
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "oa  fst ` set_spmf ?p")
        case True
        with step_rfunc_adv[OF Cons.prems(2) rfunc_adv(2), THEN arg_cong[where f=set_spmf]]
        have "oa  fst ` set_spmf ?q"
          unfolding set_map_spmf[symmetric] by(simp only: map_bind_spmf o_def)
        then show ?thesis using True Cons.prems rfunc_adv
          by(clarsimp)(rule Cons.IH; blast intro: sim_rfunc_adv)
        case False
        hence "cond_spmf_fst ?p oa = return_pmf None" by simp
        from step_rfunc_adv[OF Cons.prems(2) rfunc_adv(2), THEN arg_cong[where f=set_spmf]] False
        have oa': "oa  fst ` set_spmf ?q"
          unfolding set_map_spmf[symmetric] by(simp only: map_bind_spmf o_def) simp
        hence "cond_spmf_fst ?q oa = return_pmf None" by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis using rfunc_adv by(simp del: cond_spmf_fst_eq_return_None)
      case rfunc_usr
      let ?p = "bind_spmf p (λs1. rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu)"
      let ?q = "bind_spmf q (λs2. rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu)"
      show ?thesis
      proof(cases "ou  fst ` set_spmf ?p")
        case True
        with step_rfunc_usr[OF Cons.prems(2) rfunc_usr(2), THEN arg_cong[where f=set_spmf]]
        have "ou  fst ` set_spmf ?q"
          unfolding set_map_spmf[symmetric] by(simp only: map_bind_spmf o_def)
        then show ?thesis using True Cons.prems rfunc_usr
          by(clarsimp)(rule Cons.IH; blast intro: sim_rfunc_usr)
        case False
        hence "cond_spmf_fst ?p ou = return_pmf None" by simp
        from step_rfunc_usr[OF Cons.prems(2) rfunc_usr(2), THEN arg_cong[where f=set_spmf]] False
        have oa': "ou  fst ` set_spmf ?q"
          unfolding set_map_spmf[symmetric] by(simp only: map_bind_spmf o_def) simp
        hence "cond_spmf_fst ?q ou = return_pmf None" by simp
        ultimately show ?thesis using rfunc_usr by(simp del: cond_spmf_fst_eq_return_None)
  then show "ia  IA  fst (trace_rest' rest1 p tr) ia = fst (trace_rest' rest2 q tr) ia"
    and "iu  IU  snd (trace_rest' rest1 p tr) iu = snd (trace_rest' rest2 q tr) iu"
    for ia iu by blast+

  fixes rest :: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme"

fun trace_rest_aux 
  :: "'s_rest spmf  ('iadv_rest × 'oadv_rest × 'event list + 'iusr_rest × 'ousr_rest × 'event list) list  's_rest spmf" where
  "trace_rest_aux p [] = p"
| "trace_rest_aux p (Inl (ia, oaes) # tr) = trace_rest_aux (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs. rfunc_adv rest s ia)) oaes) tr"
| "trace_rest_aux p (Inr (iu, oues) # tr) = trace_rest_aux (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs. rfunc_usr rest s iu)) oues) tr"


lemma trace_rest_conv_trace_rest_aux:
  "trace_rest' rest p tr = 
   (λia. bind_spmf (trace_rest_aux rest p tr) (λs. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest s ia)),
    λiu. bind_spmf (trace_rest_aux rest p tr) (λs. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest s iu)))"
  by(induction p tr rule: trace_rest_aux.induct) simp_all

lemma trace_rest_aux_append:
  "trace_rest_aux rest p (tr @ tr') = trace_rest_aux rest (trace_rest_aux rest p tr) tr'"
  by(induction p tr rule: trace_rest_aux.induct) auto

inductive trace_rest_closure 
  :: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme
   ('s_rest', 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more') rest_scheme
   'iadv_rest set  'iusr_rest set
   's_rest spmf  's_rest' spmf  's_rest spmf  's_rest' spmf  bool"
  for rest1 rest2 IA IU p q where
  "trace_rest_closure rest1 rest2 IA IU p q (trace_rest_aux rest1 p tr) (trace_rest_aux rest2 q tr)"
  if "set tr  IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV"

lemma trace_rest_closure_start: "trace_rest_closure rest1 rest2 IA IU p q p q"
  by(simp add: trace_rest_closure.simps exI[where x="[]"])

lemma trace_rest_closure_step:
  assumes "trace_rest_eq rest1 rest2 IA IU p q"
    and "trace_rest_closure rest1 rest2 IA IU p q p' q'"
  shows trace_rest_closure_step_rfunc_adv: 
    "ia  IA  bind_spmf p' (λs1. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia)) = bind_spmf q' (λs2. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia))"
    (is "PROP ?thesis1")
    and trace_rest_closure_step_rfunc_usr:
    "iu  IU  bind_spmf p' (λs1. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu)) = bind_spmf q' (λs2. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu))"
    (is "PROP ?thesis2")
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain tr where p: "p' = trace_rest_aux rest1 p tr"
    and q: "q' = trace_rest_aux rest2 q tr"
    and tr: "set tr  IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV" by cases
  from trace_rest_eqD[OF assms(1) tr] p q
  show "PROP ?thesis1" and "PROP ?thesis2"
    by(simp_all add: trace_rest_conv_trace_rest_aux)

lemma trace_rest_closure_sim:
  fixes rest1 rest2 IA IU p q
  defines "S  trace_rest_closure rest1 rest2 IA IU p q"
  assumes "S p' q'"
  shows trace_rest_closure_sim_rfunc_adv: "ia  IA 
     S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p' (λs1. rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia)) oa) 
          (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q' (λs2. rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia)) oa)"
    (is "PROP ?thesis1")
    and trace_rest_closure_sim_rfunc_usr: "iu  IU 
     S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p' (λs1. rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu)) ou)
          (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q' (λs2. rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu)) ou)"
    (is "PROP ?thesis2")
proof -
  from assms(2) obtain tr where p: "p' = trace_rest_aux rest1 p tr"
    and q: "q' = trace_rest_aux rest2 q tr"
    and tr: "set tr  IA × UNIV <+> IU × UNIV" unfolding S_def by cases
  show "PROP ?thesis1" using p q tr
    by(auto simp add: S_def trace_rest_closure.simps trace_rest_aux_append intro!: exI[where x="tr @ [Inl (_, _)]"])
  show "PROP ?thesis2" using p q tr
    by(auto simp add: S_def trace_rest_closure.simps trace_rest_aux_append intro!: exI[where x="tr @ [Inr (_, _)]"])

proposition trace_rest_eq_complete:
  assumes "trace_rest_eq rest1 rest2 IA IU p q"
  obtains S
  where "S p q"
    and "p q ia.  S p q; ia  IA   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia))"
    and "p q ia oa.  S p q; ia  IA 
       S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia)) oa) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia)) oa)"
    and "p q iu.  S p q; iu  IU   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu))"
    and "p q iu ou.  S p q; iu  IU 
       S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu)) ou) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu)) ou)"
proof -
  show thesis
    by(rule that[where S="trace_rest_closure rest1 rest2 IA IU p q"])
      (auto intro: trace_rest_closure_start trace_rest_closure_step[OF assms] trace_rest_closure_sim (* trace_rest_closure_weight[OF assms] *))

definition callee_of_core
  :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core
     ('s_core, 'event + 'iadv_core + 'iusr_core, unit + 'oadv_core + 'ousr_core) oracle'" where
  "callee_of_core core =
   map_fun id (map_fun id (map_spmf (Pair ()))) (cpoke core) O cfunc_adv core O cfunc_usr core"

lemma callee_of_core_simps [simp]:
  "callee_of_core core s (Inl e) = map_spmf (Pair (Inl ())) (cpoke core s e)"
  "callee_of_core core s (Inr (Inl iadv_core)) = map_spmf (apfst (Inr  Inl)) (cfunc_adv core s iadv_core)"
  "callee_of_core core s (Inr (Inr iusr_core)) = map_spmf (apfst (Inr  Inr)) (cfunc_usr core s iusr_core)"
  by(simp_all add: callee_of_core_def spmf.map_comp o_def apfst_def prod.map_comp id_def)

lemma WT_callee_of_core [WT_intro]:
  assumes WT: "WT_core ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I core"
     and I: "I s"
   shows "ℐ_full  (ℐ_adv  ℐ_usr) ⊢c callee_of_core core s "
  apply(rule WT_calleeI)
  subgoal for x y s' using I WT_coreD[OF WT]
    by(auto simp add: callee_of_core_def plus_oracle_def split!: sum.splits)

lemma WT_core_callee_invariant_on [WT_intro]:
  assumes WT: "WT_core ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I core"
  shows "callee_invariant_on (callee_of_core core) I (ℐ_full  (ℐ_adv  ℐ_usr))"
  apply unfold_locales
  subgoal for s x y s' by(auto simp add: callee_of_core_def plus_oracle_def split!: sum.splits dest: WT_coreD[OF assms])
  subgoal by(rule WT_callee_of_core[OF WT])

definition callee_of_rest
  :: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme
     ('s_rest, 'iadv_rest + 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest × 'event list + 'ousr_rest × 'event list) oracle'" where
  "callee_of_rest rest = rfunc_adv rest O rfunc_usr rest"

lemma callee_of_rest_simps [simp]:
  "callee_of_rest rest s (Inl iadv_rest) = map_spmf (apfst Inl) (rfunc_adv rest s iadv_rest)"
  "callee_of_rest rest s (Inr iusr_rest) = map_spmf (apfst Inr) (rfunc_usr rest s iusr_rest)"
  by(simp_all add: callee_of_rest_def)

lemma WT_callee_of_rest [WT_intro]:
  assumes WT: "WT_rest ℐ_adv ℐ_usr I rest"
    and I: "I s"
  shows "eℐ ℐ_adv  eℐ ℐ_usr ⊢c callee_of_rest rest s "
  apply(rule WT_calleeI)
  subgoal for x y s' using I WT_restD[OF WT]
    by(auto simp add: callee_of_core_def plus_oracle_def split!: sum.splits)

fun fuse_callee 
  :: "('iadv_core + 'iadv_rest) + ('iusr_core + 'iusr_rest) 
      (('oadv_core + 'oadv_rest) + ('ousr_core + 'ousr_rest),
       ('event + 'iadv_core + 'iusr_core) + ('iadv_rest + 'iusr_rest),
       (unit + 'oadv_core + 'ousr_core) + ('oadv_rest × 'event list + 'ousr_rest × 'event list)) gpv"
  "fuse_callee (Inl (Inl iadv_core)) = Pause (Inl (Inr (Inl iadv_core))) (λx. case x of
       Inl (Inr (Inl oadv_core))  Done (Inl (Inl oadv_core))
     | _  Fail)"
| "fuse_callee (Inl (Inr iadv_rest)) = Pause (Inr (Inl iadv_rest)) (λx. case x of
       Inr (Inl (oadv_rest, es))  bind_gpv (pauses (map (Inl  Inl) es)) (λ_. Done (Inl (Inr oadv_rest)))
     | _  Fail)"
| "fuse_callee (Inr (Inl iusr_core)) = Pause (Inl (Inr (Inr iusr_core))) (λx. case x of
       Inl (Inr (Inr oadv_core))  Done (Inr (Inl oadv_core)))"
| "fuse_callee (Inr (Inr iusr_rest)) = Pause (Inr (Inr iusr_rest)) (λx. case x of
       Inr (Inr (ousr_rest, es))  bind_gpv (pauses (map (Inl  Inl) es)) (λ_. Done (Inr (Inr ousr_rest))))"

case_of_simps fuse_callee_case: fuse_callee.simps

(* parametric_constant fuse_callee_parametric [transfer_rule]: fuse_callee_case *)

definition fuse_converter 
  :: "(('iadv_core + 'iadv_rest) + ('iusr_core + 'iusr_rest), 
       ('oadv_core + 'oadv_rest) + ('ousr_core + 'ousr_rest),
       ('event + 'iadv_core + 'iusr_core) + ('iadv_rest + 'iusr_rest),
       (unit + 'oadv_core + 'ousr_core) + ('oadv_rest × 'event list + 'ousr_rest × 'event list)) converter"
  "fuse_converter = converter_of_callee (stateless_callee fuse_callee) ()"

lemma fuse_converter:
  "resource_of_oracle (fused_resource.fuse core rest) (s_core, s_rest) = 
  fuse_converter  (resource_of_oracle (callee_of_core core) s_core  resource_of_oracle (callee_of_rest rest) s_rest)"
  unfolding fuse_converter_def resource_of_parallel_oracle[symmetric] attach_CNV_RES attach_stateless_callee resource_of_oracle_extend_state_oracle
proof(rule arg_cong2[where f=resource_of_oracle]; clarsimp simp add: fun_eq_iff)
  interpret fused_resource core core_init for core_init .
  have "foldl_spmf (map_fun id (map_fun (Inl  Inl) id) (map_fun id (map_fun id (map_spmf snd)) (callee_of_core core O callee_of_rest rest))) (return_spmf (s_core, s_rest)) xs
     = map_spmf (λs_core. (s_core, s_rest)) (foldl_spmf (cpoke core) (return_spmf s_core) xs)" for s_core s_rest xs
    by(induction xs arbitrary: s_core)
      (simp_all add: spmf.map_comp foldl_spmf_Cons' map_bind_spmf bind_map_spmf o_def del: foldl_spmf_Cons)
  then show "fuse rest (s_core, s_rest) q = exec_gpv (callee_of_core core O callee_of_rest rest) (fuse_callee q) (s_core, s_rest)"
    for s_core s_rest q
    by(cases q rule: fuse_callee.cases; clarsimp simp add: map_bind_spmf bind_map_spmf exec_gpv_bind exec_gpv_pauses intro!: bind_spmf_cong[OF refl]; simp add: map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf[symmetric])

lemma trace_eq_callee_of_coreI:
  "trace_callee_eq (callee_of_core core1) (callee_of_core core2) (E <+> IA <+> IU) p q"
  if "trace_core_eq core1 core2 E IA IU p q"
proof -
  from that obtain S_core 
    where core_start: "S_core p q"
      and step_cpoke: "p q e. S_core p q  e  E
         weight_spmf (bind_spmf p (λs. cpoke core1 s e)) = weight_spmf (bind_spmf q (λs. cpoke core2 s e))"
      and sim_cpoke: "p q e. S_core p q  e  E 
        S_core (mk_lossless (bind_spmf p (λs. cpoke core1 s e))) (mk_lossless (bind_spmf q (λs. cpoke core2 s e)))"
      and step_cfunc_adv: "p q ia.  S_core p q; ia  IA 
        bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia))"
      and sim_cfunc_adv: "p q ia oa.  S_core p q; ia  IA  
        S_core (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) oa)
               (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia)) oa)"
      and step_cfunc_usr: "p q iu.  S_core p q; iu  IU 
         bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu))"
      and sim_cfunc_usr: "p q iu ou.  S_core p q; iu  IU  
        S_core (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) ou)
               (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu)) ou)"
    by(rule trace_core_eq_complete) blast

  show ?thesis using core_start
  proof(coinduct rule: trace'_eqI_sim[consumes 1, case_names step sim])
    case (step p q a)
    then consider (cpoke) e where "a = Inl e" "e  E"
      | (cfunc_adv) ia where "a = Inr (Inl ia)" "ia  IA"
      | (cfunc_usr) iu where "a = Inr (Inr iu)" "iu  IU" by auto
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case cpoke
      with step_cpoke[OF step(1), of e] show ?thesis 
        by(simp add: spmf.map_comp o_def map_spmf_const weight_bind_spmf)
          (auto intro!: spmf_eqI simp add: spmf_bind spmf_scale_spmf max_def min_absorb2 weight_spmf_le_1)
      case cfunc_adv
      with step_cfunc_adv[OF step(1) cfunc_adv(2)] show ?thesis
        by(simp add: spmf.map_comp)(simp add: spmf.map_comp[symmetric] map_bind_spmf[unfolded o_def, symmetric])
      case cfunc_usr
      with step_cfunc_usr[OF step(1) cfunc_usr(2)] show ?thesis
        by(simp add: spmf.map_comp)(simp add: spmf.map_comp[symmetric] map_bind_spmf[unfolded o_def, symmetric])
    case (sim p q a res b s')
    then consider (cpoke) e where "a = Inl e" "e  E"
      | (cfunc_adv) ia where "a = Inr (Inl ia)" "ia  IA"
      | (cfunc_usr) iu where "a = Inr (Inr iu)" "iu  IU" by auto
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case cpoke
      with sim_cpoke[OF sim(1) , of e] sim show ?thesis 
        by(clarsimp simp add: map_bind_spmf[unfolded o_def, symmetric])
      case cfunc_adv
      with sim_cfunc_adv[OF sim(1) cfunc_adv(2)] sim show ?thesis
        apply(clarsimp simp add: map_bind_spmf[unfolded o_def, symmetric] apfst_def map_prod_def)
        apply(subst (1 2) cond_spmf_fst_map_prod_inj)
         apply(simp_all add: o_def[symmetric] inj_compose del: o_apply)
      case cfunc_usr
      with sim_cfunc_usr[OF sim(1) cfunc_usr(2)] sim show ?thesis
        apply(clarsimp simp add: map_bind_spmf[unfolded o_def, symmetric] apfst_def map_prod_def)
        apply(subst (1 2) cond_spmf_fst_map_prod_inj)
         apply(simp_all add: o_def[symmetric] inj_compose del: o_apply)

lemma trace_eq_callee_of_restI:
  "trace_callee_eq (callee_of_rest rest1) (callee_of_rest rest2) (IA <+> IU) p q"
  if "trace_rest_eq rest1 rest2 IA IU p q"
proof -
  from that obtain S_rest 
    where rest_start: "S_rest p q"
      and step_rfunc_adv: "p q ia.  S_rest p q; ia  IA 
        bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia))"
      and sim_rfunc_adv: "p q ia oa.  S_rest p q; ia  IA  
        S_rest (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. rfunc_adv rest1 s1 ia)) oa)
               (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. rfunc_adv rest2 s2 ia)) oa)"
      and step_rfunc_usr: "p q iu.  S_rest p q; iu  IU 
         bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu))"
      and sim_rfunc_usr: "p q iu ou.  S_rest p q; iu  IU  
        S_rest (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. rfunc_usr rest1 s1 iu)) ou)
               (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. rfunc_usr rest2 s2 iu)) ou)"
    by(rule trace_rest_eq_complete) blast

  show ?thesis using rest_start
  proof(coinduct rule: trace'_eqI_sim[consumes 1, case_names step sim])
    case (step p q a)
    then consider (rfunc_adv) ia where "a = Inl ia" "ia  IA"
      | (rfunc_usr) iu where "a = Inr iu" "iu  IU" by auto
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case rfunc_adv
      with step_rfunc_adv[OF step(1) rfunc_adv(2)] show ?thesis
        by(simp add: spmf.map_comp)(simp add: spmf.map_comp[symmetric] map_bind_spmf[unfolded o_def, symmetric])
      case rfunc_usr
      with step_rfunc_usr[OF step(1) rfunc_usr(2)] show ?thesis
        by(simp add: spmf.map_comp)(simp add: spmf.map_comp[symmetric] map_bind_spmf[unfolded o_def, symmetric])
    case (sim p q a res b s')
    then consider (rfunc_adv) ia where "a = Inl ia" "ia  IA"
      | (rfunc_usr) iu where "a = Inr iu" "iu  IU" by auto
    then show ?case
    proof cases
      case rfunc_adv
      with sim_rfunc_adv[OF sim(1) rfunc_adv(2)] sim show ?thesis
        by(clarsimp simp add: map_bind_spmf[unfolded o_def, symmetric] apfst_def map_prod_def)
          (subst (1 2) cond_spmf_fst_map_prod_inj; simp)
      case rfunc_usr
      with sim_rfunc_usr[OF sim(1) rfunc_usr(2)] sim show ?thesis
        by(clarsimp simp add: map_bind_spmf[unfolded o_def, symmetric] apfst_def map_prod_def)
          (subst (1 2) cond_spmf_fst_map_prod_inj; simp)

lemma trace_callee_resource_of_oracle:
  "trace_callee run_resource (map_spmf (resource_of_oracle callee) p) = trace_callee callee p"
  (is "?lhs = ?rhs")
proof(intro ext)
  show "?lhs tr x = ?rhs tr x" for tr x
  proof(induction tr arbitrary: p)
    case Nil show ?case by(simp add: bind_map_spmf o_def spmf.map_comp)
    case (Cons a tr)
    obtain y z where a [simp]: "a = (y, z)" by(cases a)
    have "trace_callee run_resource (map_spmf (RES callee) p) (a # tr) x =
      trace_callee run_resource (cond_spmf_fst (map_spmf (λ(x, y). (x, RES callee y)) (p  (λx. (callee x y)))) z) tr x"
      by(clarsimp simp add: bind_map_spmf o_def map_prod_def map_bind_spmf)
    also have " = trace_callee run_resource (map_spmf (RES callee) (cond_spmf_fst (p  (λx. (callee x y))) z)) tr x"
      by(subst cond_spmf_fst_map_prod_inj) simp_all
    finally show ?case using Cons.IH by simp

lemma trace_callee_resource_of_oracle':
  "trace_callee run_resource (return_spmf (resource_of_oracle callee s)) = trace_callee callee (return_spmf s)"
  using trace_callee_resource_of_oracle[where p="return_spmf s"]
  by simp

lemma trace_eq_resource_of_oracle:
  "trace_eq A (map_spmf (resource_of_oracle callee1) p) (map_spmf (resource_of_oracle callee2) q) =
   trace_callee_eq callee1 callee2 A p q"
  unfolding trace_callee_eq_def trace_callee_resource_of_oracle by(rule refl)

lemma WT_fuse_converter [WT_intro]:
  "(ℐAC  map_ℐ id fst ℐAR)  (ℐUC  map_ℐ id fst ℐUR), (ℐE  (ℐAC  ℐUC))  (ℐAR  ℐUR) C fuse_converter "
  if "x. (y, es)responses_ℐ ℐAR x. set es  outs_ℐ ℐE" "x. (y, es)responses_ℐ ℐUR x. set es  outs_ℐ ℐE"
  unfolding fuse_converter_def using that
  by(intro WT_converter_of_callee)
    (fastforce simp add: stateless_callee_def image_image intro: rev_image_eqI intro!: WT_gpv_pauses split: if_split_asm)+

theorem fuse_trace_eq:
  fixes core1 :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"
    and core2 :: "('s_core', 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"
    and rest1 :: "('s_rest, 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more1) rest_scheme"
    and rest2 :: "('s_rest', 'event, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more2) rest_scheme"
  assumes core: "trace_core_eq core1 core2 (outs_ℐ ℐE) (outs_ℐ ℐCA) (outs_ℐ ℐCU) (return_spmf s_core) (return_spmf s_core')"
    and rest: "trace_rest_eq rest1 rest2 (outs_ℐ ℐRA) (outs_ℐ ℐRU) (return_spmf s_rest) (return_spmf s_rest')"
    and IC1: "callee_invariant_on (callee_of_core core1) IC1 (ℐE  (ℐCA  ℐCU))" "IC1 s_core"
    and IC2: "callee_invariant_on (callee_of_core core2) IC2 (ℐE  (ℐCA  ℐCU))" "IC2 s_core'"
    and IR1: "callee_invariant_on (callee_of_rest rest1) IR1 (ℐRA  ℐRU)" "IR1 s_rest"
    and IR2: "callee_invariant_on (callee_of_rest rest2) IR2 (ℐRA  ℐRU)" "IR2 s_rest'"
    and E1 [WT_intro]: "x. (y, es)responses_ℐ ℐRA x. set es  outs_ℐ ℐE"
    and E2 [WT_intro]: "x. (y, es)responses_ℐ ℐRU x. set es  outs_ℐ ℐE"
  shows "trace_callee_eq (fused_resource.fuse core1 rest1) (fused_resource.fuse core2 rest2)
    ((outs_ℐ ℐCA <+> outs_ℐ ℐRA) <+> (outs_ℐ ℐCU <+> outs_ℐ ℐRU)) (return_spmf (s_core, s_rest)) (return_spmf (s_core', s_rest'))"
proof -
  let ?ℐC = "ℐE  (ℐCA  ℐCU)"
  let ?ℐR = "ℐRA  ℐRU"
  let ?ℐ' = "?ℐC  ?ℐR"
  let ?ℐ = "(ℐCA  map_ℐ id fst ℐRA)  (ℐCU  map_ℐ id fst ℐRU)"

  interpret fuse1: fused_resource core1 s1 for s1 .
  interpret fuse2: fused_resource core2 s2 for s2 .
  interpret IC1: callee_invariant_on "callee_of_core core1" IC1 ?ℐC by fact
  interpret IC2: callee_invariant_on "callee_of_core core2" IC2 ?ℐC by fact
  interpret IR1: callee_invariant_on "callee_of_rest rest1" IR1 ?ℐR by fact
  interpret IR2: callee_invariant_on "callee_of_rest rest2" IR2 ?ℐR by fact

  from core have "outs_ℐ ?ℐC C callee_of_core core1(s_core)  callee_of_core core2(s_core')"
    by(simp add: trace_eq_callee_of_coreI)
  hence "outs_ℐ ?ℐC R RES (callee_of_core core1) s_core  RES (callee_of_core core2) s_core'" by simp
  moreover have "outs_ℐ ?ℐR C callee_of_rest rest1(s_rest)  callee_of_rest rest2(s_rest')" using rest
    by(simp add: trace_eq_callee_of_restI)
  hence "outs_ℐ ?ℐR R RES (callee_of_rest rest1) s_rest  RES (callee_of_rest rest2) s_rest'" by simp
  ultimately have "outs_ℐ ?ℐ' R
    RES (callee_of_core core1) s_core  RES (callee_of_rest rest1) s_rest 
    RES (callee_of_core core2) s_core'  RES (callee_of_rest rest2) s_rest'"
    by(simp add: trace_eq'_parallel_resource)
  hence "outs_ℐ ?ℐ R fuse_converter  (RES (callee_of_core core1) s_core  RES (callee_of_rest rest1) s_rest) 
                      fuse_converter  (RES (callee_of_core core2) s_core'  RES (callee_of_rest rest2) s_rest')"
    by(rule attach_trace_eq')(intro WT_intro IC1.WT_resource_of_oracle IC1 IC2.WT_resource_of_oracle IC2 IR1.WT_resource_of_oracle IR1 IR2.WT_resource_of_oracle IR2)+
  hence "trace_eq' (outs_ℐ ?ℐ) (resource_of_oracle (fuse1.fuse rest1) (s_core, s_rest)) (resource_of_oracle (fuse2.fuse rest2) (s_core', s_rest'))"
    unfolding fuse_converter by simp
  then show ?thesis by simp

inductive trace_eq_simcl :: "('s1 spmf  's2 spmf  bool)  's1 spmf  's2 spmf  bool"
  for S where
  base: "trace_eq_simcl S p q" if "S p q" for p q
| bind_nat: "trace_eq_simcl S (bind_spmf p f) (bind_spmf p g)" 
if "x :: nat. x  set_spmf p  S (f x) (g x)"

lemma trace_eq_simcl_bindI [intro?]: "trace_eq_simcl S (bind_spmf p f) (bind_spmf p g)"
  if "x. x  set_spmf p  S (f x) (g x)"
  by(subst (1 2) bind_spmf_to_nat_on[symmetric])(auto intro!: trace_eq_simcl.bind_nat simp add: that)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_bind: "trace_eq_simcl S (bind_spmf p f) (bind_spmf p g)"
  if *: "x :: 'a. x  set_spmf p  trace_eq_simcl S (f x) (g x)"
proof -
  obtain P :: "'a  nat spmf" and F G where
    **: "x. x  set_spmf p  f x = bind_spmf (P x) (F x)  g x = bind_spmf (P x) (G x)  (yset_spmf (P x). S (F x y) (G x y))"
    apply(subst choice_iff[symmetric])+
    apply(fastforce dest!: * elim!: trace_eq_simcl.cases intro: exI[where x="return_spmf _"])
  have "bind_spmf p f = bind_spmf (bind_spmf p (λx. map_spmf (Pair x) (P x))) (λ(x, y). F x y)"
    by(simp add: bind_map_spmf o_def ** cong: bind_spmf_cong)
  moreover have "bind_spmf p g = bind_spmf (bind_spmf p (λx. map_spmf (Pair x) (P x))) (λ(x, y). G x y)"
    by(simp add: bind_map_spmf o_def ** cong: bind_spmf_cong)
  ultimately show ?thesis  by(simp only:)(rule trace_eq_simcl_bindI; clarsimp simp add: **)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_bind1_scale: "trace_eq_simcl S (bind_spmf p f) (scale_spmf (weight_spmf p) q)"
  if "xset_spmf p. trace_eq_simcl S (f x) q"
proof -
  have "trace_eq_simcl S (bind_spmf p f) (bind_spmf p (λ_. q))"
    by(rule trace_eq_simcl_bind)(simp add: that)
  thus ?thesis by(simp add: bind_spmf_const)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_bind1: "trace_eq_simcl S (bind_spmf p f) q"
  if "xset_spmf p. trace_eq_simcl S (f x) q" "lossless_spmf p"
  using trace_eq_simcl_bind1_scale[OF that(1)] that(2) by(simp add: lossless_weight_spmfD)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_bind2_scale: "trace_eq_simcl S (scale_spmf (weight_spmf q) p) (bind_spmf q f)"
  if "xset_spmf q. trace_eq_simcl S p (f x)"
proof -
  have "trace_eq_simcl S (bind_spmf q (λ_. p)) (bind_spmf q f)"
    by(rule trace_eq_simcl_bind)(simp add: that)
  thus ?thesis by(simp add: bind_spmf_const)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_bind2: "trace_eq_simcl S p (bind_spmf q f)"
  if "xset_spmf q. trace_eq_simcl S p (f x)" "lossless_spmf q"
  using trace_eq_simcl_bind2_scale[OF that(1)] that(2) by(simp add: lossless_weight_spmfD)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_return_pmf_None [simp, intro!]: "trace_eq_simcl S (return_pmf None) (return_pmf None)" 
  for S :: "'s1 spmf  's2 spmf  bool"
proof -
  have "trace_eq_simcl S (bind_spmf (return_pmf None) (undefined :: nat  's1 spmf)) (bind_spmf (return_pmf None) (undefined :: nat  's2 spmf))"
    by(rule trace_eq_simcl_bindI) simp
  then show ?thesis by simp

lemma trace_eq_simcl_map: "trace_eq_simcl S (map_spmf f p) (map_spmf g p)"
  if "xset_spmf p. S (return_spmf (f x)) (return_spmf (g x))"
  unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf
  by(rule trace_eq_simcl_bindI)(simp add: that)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_map1: "trace_eq_simcl S (map_spmf f p) q"
  if "xset_spmf p. trace_eq_simcl S (return_spmf (f x)) q" "lossless_spmf p"
  unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf
  by(rule trace_eq_simcl_bind1)(simp_all add: that)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_map2: "trace_eq_simcl S p (map_spmf f q)"
  if "xset_spmf q. trace_eq_simcl S p (return_spmf (f x))" "lossless_spmf q"
  unfolding map_spmf_conv_bind_spmf
  by(rule trace_eq_simcl_bind2)(simp_all add: that)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_return_spmf [simp]: "trace_eq_simcl S (return_spmf x) (return_spmf y)  S (return_spmf x) (return_spmf y)"
  apply(rule iffI)
  subgoal by(erule trace_eq_simcl.cases; clarsimp dest!: sym[where s="return_spmf _"])(auto 4 4 simp add: bind_eq_return_spmf dest!: lossless_spmfD_set_spmf_nonempty)
  by(simp add: trace_eq_simcl.base)

lemma trace_eq_simcl_callee:
  fixes callee1 :: "('a, 'b, 's1) callee" and callee2 :: "('a, 'b, 's2) callee"
  assumes step: "p q a.  S p q; a  A  
      bind_spmf p (λs. map_spmf fst (callee1 s a)) = bind_spmf q (λs. map_spmf fst (callee2 s a))"
    and sim: "p q a res b s'.  S p q; a  A; res  set_spmf q; (b, s')  set_spmf (callee2 res a) 
       trace_eq_simcl S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs. callee1 s a)) b)
            (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs. callee2 s a)) b)"
    and start: "trace_eq_simcl S p q" and a: "a  A"
  shows trace_eq_simcl_callee_step: "bind_spmf p (λs. map_spmf fst (callee1 s a)) = bind_spmf q (λs. map_spmf fst (callee2 s a))" (is "?step")
    and trace_eq_simcl_callee_sim: "res b s'.  res  set_spmf q; (b, s')  set_spmf (callee2 res a) 
       trace_eq_simcl S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs. callee1 s a)) b)
                            (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs. callee2 s a)) b)" (is "res b s'.  ?res res; ?b res b s'   ?sim res b s'")
proof -
  show eq: ?step using start a by cases(auto intro!: bind_spmf_cong intro: step)
  show "?sim res b s'" if "?res res" "?b res b s'" for res b s' using start
  proof cases
    case base then show ?thesis using a that by(rule sim)
    case (bind_nat X f g)
    let ?Y = "cond_bind_spmf_fst X (λy. map_spmf fst (bind_spmf (f y) (λs. callee1 s a))) b"
    let ?Y' = "cond_bind_spmf_fst X (λy. map_spmf fst (bind_spmf (g y) (λs. callee2 s a))) b"
    have "cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs. callee1 s a)) b = bind_spmf ?Y (λx. cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf (f x) (λs. callee1 s a)) b)"
      unfolding bind_nat by(simp add: cond_spmf_fst_bind o_def)
    moreover have "cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs. callee2 s a)) b = bind_spmf ?Y' (λx. cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf (g x) (λs. callee2 s a)) b)"
      unfolding bind_nat by(simp add: cond_spmf_fst_bind o_def)
    moreover have "?Y = ?Y'" using bind_nat eq
      by(intro spmf_eqI)(fastforce simp add: map_bind_spmf o_def spmf_eq_0_set_spmf dest: step[OF _ a])
    show "trace_eq_simcl S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs. callee1 s a)) b)
        (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs. callee2 s a)) b)" using bind_nat a
      by(simp)(rule trace_eq_simcl_bind; auto intro!: sim simp add: bind_UNION)

proposition trace'_eqI_sim_upto:
  fixes callee1 :: "('a, 'b, 's1) callee" and callee2 :: "('a, 'b, 's2) callee"
  assumes start: "S p q"
    and step: "p q a.  S p q; a  A  
      bind_spmf p (λs. map_spmf fst (callee1 s a)) = bind_spmf q (λs. map_spmf fst (callee2 s a))"
    and sim: "p q a res b s'.  S p q; a  A; res  set_spmf q; (b, s')  set_spmf (callee2 res a) 
       trace_eq_simcl S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs. callee1 s a)) b)
            (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs. callee2 s a)) b)"
  shows "trace_callee_eq callee1 callee2 A p q"
proof -
  let ?S = "trace_eq_simcl S"
  from start have "?S p q" by(rule trace_eq_simcl.base)
  then show ?thesis by(rule trace'_eqI_sim)(rule trace_eq_simcl_callee[OF step sim]; assumption)+

lemma trace_core_eq_simI_upto:
  fixes core1 :: "('s_core, 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"
    and core2 :: "('s_core', 'event, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"
    and S :: "'s_core spmf  's_core' spmf  bool"
  assumes start: "S p q"
    and step_cpoke: "p q e.  S p q; e  E   
      weight_spmf (bind_spmf p (λs. cpoke core1 s e)) = weight_spmf (bind_spmf q (λs. cpoke core2 s e))"
    and sim_cpoke: "p q e.  S p q; e  E   
      trace_eq_simcl S (mk_lossless (bind_spmf p (λs. cpoke core1 s e))) (mk_lossless (bind_spmf q (λs. cpoke core2 s e)))"
    and step_cfunc_adv: "p q ia.  S p q; ia  IA   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia))"
    and sim_cfunc_adv: "p q ia s1 s2 s1' s2' oa.  S p q; ia  IA; 
      s1  set_spmf p; s2  set_spmf q; (oa, s1')  set_spmf (cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia); (oa, s2')  set_spmf (cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia) 
       trace_eq_simcl S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia)) oa) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia)) oa)"
    and step_cfunc_usr: "p q iu.  S p q; iu  IU   
      bind_spmf p (λs1. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) = bind_spmf q (λs2. map_spmf fst (cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu))"
    and sim_cfunc_usr: "p q iu s1 s2 s1' s2' ou.  S p q; iu  IU; 
      s1  set_spmf p; s2  set_spmf q; (ou, s1')  set_spmf (cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu); (ou, s2')  set_spmf (cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu) 
       trace_eq_simcl S (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf p (λs1. cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu)) ou) (cond_spmf_fst (bind_spmf q (λs2. cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu)) ou)"
  shows "trace_core_eq core1 core2 E IA IU p q"
proof -
  let ?S = "trace_eq_simcl S"
  from start have "?S p q" by(rule trace_eq_simcl.base)
  then show ?thesis 
  proof(rule trace_core_eq_simI, goal_cases Step_cpoke Sim_cpoke Step_cfunc_adv Sim_cfunc_adv Step_cfunc_usr Sim_cfunc_usr)
    { case (Step_cpoke p q e)
      then show ?case using step_cpoke
        by cases(auto simp add: weight_bind_spmf o_def intro!: Bochner_Integration.integral_cong_AE) }
    note eq = this

    case (Sim_cpoke p q e) then show ?case
    proof cases
      case base then show ?thesis using Sim_cpoke(2) by(rule sim_cpoke)
      case (bind_nat X f g)
      then have "cond_bind_spmf X (λy. f y  (λs. cpoke core1 s e)) UNIV = cond_bind_spmf X (λy. g y  (λs. cpoke core2 s e)) UNIV"
        using eq[OF Sim_cpoke] step_cpoke Sim_cpoke
        by(intro spmf_eqI)(simp add: weight_spmf_def measure_spmf_zero_iff bind_UNION spmf_eq_0_set_spmf)
      then show ?thesis using bind_nat Sim_cpoke sim_cpoke
        by(auto simp add: cond_bind_spmf cond_spmf_UNIV[symmetric] simp del: cond_spmf_UNIV intro: trace_eq_simcl_bind)
    { case (Step_cfunc_adv p q ia)
      then show ?case using step_cfunc_adv by cases(auto intro!: bind_spmf_cong) }
    note eq = this

    case (Sim_cfunc_adv p q ia s1 s2 s1' s2' oa) then show ?case 
    proof cases
      case base then show ?thesis using Sim_cfunc_adv(2-) by(rule sim_cfunc_adv)
      case (bind_nat X f g)
      then have "cond_bind_spmf_fst X (λy. map_spmf fst (f y  (λs1. cfunc_adv core1 s1 ia))) oa =
            cond_bind_spmf_fst X (λy. map_spmf fst (g y  (λs2. cfunc_adv core2 s2 ia))) oa"
        using eq[OF Sim_cfunc_adv(1,2)]
        by(intro spmf_eqI)(fastforce simp add: map_bind_spmf o_def spmf_eq_0_set_spmf dest: step_cfunc_adv[OF _ Sim_cfunc_adv(2)])
      then show ?thesis using bind_nat(3-) Sim_cfunc_adv(1-2)
        unfolding bind_nat(1,2) bind_spmf_assoc
        apply(subst (1 2) cond_spmf_fst_bind)
        apply(simp add: o_def)
        apply(rule trace_eq_simcl_bind)
        apply clarsimp
        apply(frule step_cfunc_adv[OF bind_nat(3) Sim_cfunc_adv(2), THEN arg_cong[where f="set_spmf"], THEN equalityD2])
        apply(clarsimp simp add: o_def bind_UNION)
        apply(drule subsetD)
         apply fastforce
        apply(auto intro: sim_cfunc_adv)
    { case (Step_cfunc_usr p q iu)
      then show ?case using step_cfunc_usr by cases(auto intro!: bind_spmf_cong) }
    note eq = this

    case (Sim_cfunc_usr p q iu s1 s2 s1' s2' ou) then show ?case
    proof cases
      case base then show ?thesis using Sim_cfunc_usr(2-) by(rule sim_cfunc_usr)
      case (bind_nat X f g)
      then have "cond_bind_spmf_fst X (λy. map_spmf fst (f y  (λs1. cfunc_usr core1 s1 iu))) ou =
            cond_bind_spmf_fst X (λy. map_spmf fst (g y  (λs2. cfunc_usr core2 s2 iu))) ou"
        using eq[OF Sim_cfunc_usr(1,2)]
        by(intro spmf_eqI)(fastforce simp add: map_bind_spmf o_def spmf_eq_0_set_spmf dest: step_cfunc_usr[OF _ Sim_cfunc_usr(2)])
      then show ?thesis using bind_nat(3-) Sim_cfunc_usr(1-2)
        unfolding bind_nat(1,2) bind_spmf_assoc
        apply(subst (1 2) cond_spmf_fst_bind)
        apply(simp add: o_def)
        apply(rule trace_eq_simcl_bind)
        apply clarsimp
        apply(frule step_cfunc_usr[OF bind_nat(3) Sim_cfunc_usr(2), THEN arg_cong[where f="set_spmf"], THEN equalityD2])
        apply(clarsimp simp add: o_def bind_UNION)
        apply(drule subsetD)
         apply fastforce
        apply(auto intro: sim_cfunc_usr)

  fixes core :: "('s_core, 'event1 + 'event2, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"
    and rest :: "('s_rest, 'event2, 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_rest, 'more) rest_scheme" 

primcorec core_with_rest :: 
  "('s_core × 's_rest, 'event1, 'iadv_core + 'iadv_rest, 'iusr_core + 'iusr_rest, 'oadv_core + 'oadv_rest, 'ousr_core + 'ousr_rest) core" 
    "cpoke core_with_rest = (λ(s_core, s_rest) e. map_spmf (λs_core'. (s_core', s_rest)) (cpoke core s_core (Inl e)))"
  | "cfunc_adv core_with_rest = (λ(s_core, s_rest) iadv. case iadv of
       Inl iadv_core  map_spmf (λ(oadv_core, s_core'). (Inl oadv_core, (s_core', s_rest))) (cfunc_adv core s_core iadv_core)
     | Inr iadv_rest  
       bind_spmf (rfunc_adv rest s_rest iadv_rest) (λ((oadv_rest, es), s_rest'). 
         map_spmf (λs_core'. (Inr oadv_rest, (s_core', s_rest'))) (foldl_spmf (cpoke core) (return_spmf s_core) (map Inr es))))"
  | "cfunc_usr core_with_rest = (λ(s_core, s_rest) iusr. case iusr of
       Inl iusr_core  map_spmf (λ(ousr_core, s_core'). (Inl ousr_core, (s_core', s_rest))) (cfunc_usr core s_core iusr_core)
     | Inr iusr_rest 
       bind_spmf (rfunc_usr rest s_rest iusr_rest) (λ((ousr_rest, es), s_rest').
         map_spmf (λs_core'. (Inr ousr_rest, (s_core', s_rest'))) (foldl_spmf (cpoke core) (return_spmf s_core) (map Inr es))))"


lemma fuse_core_with_rest:
  fixes core :: "('s_core, 'event1 + 'event2, 'iadv_core, 'iusr_core, 'oadv_core, 'ousr_core) core"
    and rest1 :: "('s_rest1, 'event1, 'iadv_rest1, 'iusr_rest1, 'oadv_rest1, 'ousr_rest1, 'more1) rest_scheme"
    and rest2 :: "('s_rest2, 'event2, 'iadv_rest2, 'iusr_rest2, 'oadv_rest2, 'ousr_rest2, 'more2) rest_scheme"
  "fused_resource.fuse core (parallel_rest rest1 rest2) (s_core, (s_rest1, s_rest2)) = 
   map_fun (map_sum (lsumr  map_sum id swap_sum) (lsumr  map_sum id swap_sum)) (map_spmf (map_prod (map_sum (map_sum id swap_sum  rsuml) (map_sum id swap_sum  rsuml)) (map_prod id prod.swap  rprodl)))
   (fused_resource.fuse (core_with_rest core rest2) rest1 ((s_core, s_rest2), s_rest1))"
  apply(rule ext)
  subgoal for x
    apply(cases "(parallel_rest rest1 rest2, (s_core, (s_rest1, s_rest2)), x)" rule: fused_resource.fuse.cases)
       apply(auto simp add: fused_resource.fuse.simps map_bind_spmf bind_map_spmf map_prod_def split_def o_def parallel_eoracle_def parallel_oracle_def split!: sum.split intro!: bind_spmf_cong)
     apply(subst foldl_spmf_pair_left[simplified split_def]; simp add: map_fun_def o_def bind_map_spmf)+
