Theory Refinement

section ‹Models, Invariants and Refinements›

theory Refinement imports Infra 

subsection ‹Specifications, reachability, and behaviours.›

text ‹Transition systems are multi-pointed graphs.›

record 's TS = 
  init :: "'s set"
  trans :: "('s × 's) set"

text ‹The inductive set of reachable states.›

  reach ::  "('s, 'a) TS_scheme  's set" 
  for T :: "('s, 'a) TS_scheme"
  r_init [intro]:  "s  init T  s  reach T"
| r_trans [intro]: " (s, t)  trans T; s  reach T   t  reach T"

(* inductive_cases reach_invert: "t ∈ reach T" *)

subsubsection ‹Finite behaviours›

text ‹Note that behaviours grow at the head of the list, i.e., the initial 
state is at the end.›

  beh :: "('s, 'a) TS_scheme  ('s list) set"
  for T :: "('s, 'a) TS_scheme" 
  b_empty [iff]: "[]  beh T"
| b_init [intro]: "s  init T  [s]  beh T"
| b_trans [intro]: " s # b  beh T; (s, t)  trans T   t # s # b  beh T"

inductive_cases beh_non_empty: "s # b  beh T"

text ‹Behaviours are prefix closed.›

lemma beh_immediate_prefix_closed:
  "s # b  beh T  b  beh T"
by (erule beh_non_empty, auto) 

lemma beh_prefix_closed:
  "c @ b  beh T  b  beh T"
by (induct c, auto dest!: beh_immediate_prefix_closed)

text ‹States in behaviours are exactly reachable.›

lemma beh_in_reach [rule_format]:
  "b  beh T  (s  set b. s  reach T)"
by (erule beh.induct) (auto)
lemma reach_in_beh:
  "s  reach T  b  beh T. s  set b" 
proof (induction rule: reach.induct)
  case (r_init s) thus ?case by (auto intro: bexI [where x="[s]"])
  case (r_trans s t) thus ?case
  proof -
    from r_trans(3) obtain b b0 b1 where "b  beh T" "b = b1 @ s # b0" by (auto dest: split_list)
    hence "s # b0  beh T" by (auto intro: beh_prefix_closed)
    hence "t # s # b0  beh T" using (s, t)  trans T  by auto 
    thus ?thesis by - (rule bexI, auto)

lemma reach_equiv_beh_states: "reach T = (bbeh T. set b)"
by (auto intro!: reach_in_beh beh_in_reach)

text ‹Consecutive states in a behavior are connected by the transition relation›

lemma beh_consecutive_in_trans:
  assumes "b  beh TS"
  and "Suc i < length b"
  and "s = b ! Suc i"
  and "t = b ! i"
  shows "(s, t)  trans TS"
  from assms have
    "b = take i b @ t # s # drop (Suc (Suc i)) b"    
    by(auto simp add: id_take_nth_drop Cons_nth_drop_Suc)
  thus ?thesis
    by (metis assms(1) beh_non_empty beh_prefix_closed list.distinct(1) list.inject)

subsubsection ‹Specifications, observability, and implementation› 

text ‹Specifications add an observer function to transition systems.›

record ('s, 'o) spec = "'s TS" +
  obs :: "'s  'o" 

lemma beh_obs_upd [simp]: "beh (S(| obs := x |)) = beh S"
by (safe) (erule beh.induct, auto)+

lemma reach_obs_upd [simp]: "reach (S(| obs := x |)) = reach S"
by (safe) (erule reach.induct, auto)+

text ‹Observable behaviour and reachability.›

  obeh :: "('s, 'o) spec  ('o list) set" where
  "obeh S  (map (obs S))`(beh S)"

  oreach :: "('s, 'o) spec  'o set" where 
  "oreach S  (obs S)`(reach S)"

lemma oreach_equiv_obeh_states: "oreach S = (bobeh S. set b)"
by (auto simp add: reach_equiv_beh_states oreach_def obeh_def)

lemma obeh_pi_translation:
  "(map pi)`(obeh S) = obeh (S(| obs := pi o (obs S) |))"
  by (simp add: obeh_def image_comp)

lemma oreach_pi_translation:
  "pi`(oreach S) = oreach (S(| obs := pi o (obs S) |))"
by (auto simp add: oreach_def)

text ‹A predicate $P$ on the states of a specification is \emph{observable} 
if it cannot distinguish between states yielding the same observation. 
Equivalently, $P$ is observable if it is the inverse image under the 
observation function of a predicate on observations.›

  observable :: "['s  'o, 's set]  bool"
  "observable ob P  s s'. ob s = ob s'  s'  P  s  P"

  observable2 :: "['s  'o, 's set]  bool"
  "observable2 ob P  Q. P = ob-`Q"

  observable3 :: "['s  'o, 's set]  bool"
  "observable3 ob P  ob-`ob`P  P"    ― ‹other direction holds trivially›

lemma observableE [elim]:
  "observable ob P; ob s = ob s'; s'  P  s  P"
by (unfold observable_def) (fast)

lemma observable2_equiv_observable: "observable2 ob P = observable ob P"
by (unfold observable_def observable2_def) (auto)

lemma observable3_equiv_observable2: "observable3 ob P = observable2 ob P"
by (unfold observable3_def observable2_def) (auto)

lemma observable_id [simp]: "observable id P" 
by (simp add: observable_def)

text ‹The set extension of a function @{term "ob"} is the left adjoint of 
a Galois connection on the powerset lattices over domain and range of @{term "ob"} 
where the right adjoint is the inverse image function.›

lemma image_vimage_adjoints: "(ob`P  Q) = (P  ob-`Q)"
by auto

declare image_vimage_subset [simp, intro]
declare vimage_image_subset [simp, intro]

text ‹Similar but "reversed" (wrt to adjointness) relationships only hold under
additional conditions.›

lemma image_r_vimage_l: " Q  ob`P; observable ob P   ob-`Q  P"
by (auto)

lemma vimage_l_image_r: " ob-`Q  P; Q  range ob   Q  ob`P"
by (drule image_mono [where f=ob], auto)

text ‹Internal and external invariants›

lemma external_from_internal_invariant: 
  " reach S  P; (obs S)`P  Q   
   oreach S  Q"
by (auto simp add: oreach_def)

lemma external_from_internal_invariant_vimage: 
  " reach S  P; P  (obs S)-`Q 
   oreach S  Q"
by (erule external_from_internal_invariant) (auto)

lemma external_to_internal_invariant_vimage: 
  " oreach S  Q; (obs S)-`Q  P 
   reach S  P"
by (auto simp add: oreach_def)

lemma external_to_internal_invariant:
  " oreach S  Q; Q  (obs S)`P; observable (obs S) P  
   reach S  P"
by (erule external_to_internal_invariant_vimage) (auto)

lemma external_equiv_internal_invariant_vimage: 
  " P = (obs S)-`Q  
   (oreach S  Q) = (reach S  P)"
by (fast intro: external_from_internal_invariant_vimage
         del: subsetI)

lemma external_equiv_internal_invariant: 
  " (obs S)`P = Q; observable (obs S) P  
   (oreach S  Q) = (reach S  P)"
by (rule external_equiv_internal_invariant_vimage) (auto)

text ‹Our notion of implementation is inclusion of observable behaviours.›

  implements :: "['p  'o, ('s, 'o) spec, ('t, 'p) spec]  bool" where
  "implements pi Sa Sc  (map pi)`(obeh Sc)  obeh Sa"

text ‹Reflexivity and transitivity›

lemma implements_refl: "implements id S S"
by (auto simp add: implements_def)

lemma implements_trans:
  " implements pi1 S1 S2; implements pi2 S2 S3  
   implements (pi1 o pi2) S1 S3"
by (auto simp add: implements_def image_comp del: subsetI
         dest: image_mono [where f="map pi1"])

text ‹Preservation of external invariants›

lemma implements_oreach:
  "implements pi Sa Sc  pi`(oreach Sc)  oreach Sa"
by (auto simp add: implements_def oreach_equiv_obeh_states dest!: subsetD)

lemma external_invariant_preservation:
  " oreach Sa  Q; implements pi Sa Sc 
   pi`(oreach Sc)  Q"
by (rule subset_trans [OF implements_oreach]) (auto)

lemma external_invariant_translation:
  " oreach Sa  Q; pi-`Q  P; implements pi Sa Sc 
   oreach Sc  P"
apply (rule subset_trans [OF vimage_image_subset, of pi])
apply (rule subset_trans [where B="pi-`Q"])
apply (intro vimage_mono external_invariant_preservation, auto)

text ‹Preservation of internal invariants›

lemma internal_invariant_translation:
  " reach Sa  Pa; Pa  obs Sa -` Qa; pi -` Qa  Q; obs S -` Q  P;
     implements pi Sa S 
   reach S  P"
by (rule external_from_internal_invariant_vimage [
      THEN external_invariant_translation, 
      THEN external_to_internal_invariant_vimage]) 

subsection ‹Invariants›

text ‹First we define Hoare triples over transition relations and then
we derive proof rules to establish invariants.›

subsubsection ‹Hoare triples›

  PO_hoare :: "['s set, ('s × 's) set, 's set]  bool"
     ((3{_} _ {> _}) [0, 0, 0] 90)
  "{pre} R {> post}  R``pre  post"

lemmas PO_hoare_defs = PO_hoare_def Image_def

lemma "{P} R {> Q} = (s t. s  P  (s, t)  R  t  Q)"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

lemma hoareD:
  " {I} R {>J}; s  I; (s, s')  R   s'  J"
  by(auto simp add: PO_hoare_def)

text ‹Some essential facts about Hoare triples.›

lemma hoare_conseq_left [intro]:
  " {P'} R {> Q}; P  P' 
   {P} R {> Q}"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

lemma hoare_conseq_right:
  " {P} R {> Q'}; Q'  Q 
   {P} R {> Q}"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

lemma hoare_false_left [simp]:
  "{{}} R {> Q}"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

lemma hoare_true_right [simp]:
  "{P} R {> UNIV}"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

lemma hoare_conj_right [intro!]:
  " {P} R {> Q1}; {P} R {> Q2} 
   {P} R {> Q1  Q2}"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

text ‹Special transition relations.›

lemma hoare_stop [simp, intro!]:
  "{P} {} {> Q}"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

lemma hoare_skip [simp, intro!]: 
  "P  Q  {P} Id {> Q}"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

lemma hoare_trans_Un [iff]:
  "{P} R1  R2 {> Q} = ({P} R1 {> Q}  {P} R2 {> Q})"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

lemma hoare_trans_UN [iff]:
  "{P}  x. R x {> Q} = (x. {P} R x {> Q})"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

subsubsection ‹Characterization of reachability›

lemma reach_init: "reach T  I  init T  I"
by (auto dest: subsetD)

lemma reach_trans: "reach T  I  {reach T} trans T {> I}"
by (auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

text ‹Useful consequences.›

corollary init_reach [iff]: "init T  reach T" 
by (rule reach_init, simp)

corollary trans_reach [iff]: "{reach T} trans T {> reach T}" 
by (rule reach_trans, simp)

subsubsection ‹Invariant proof rules›

text ‹Basic proof rule for invariants.›

lemma inv_rule_basic:
  " init T  P; {P} (trans T) {> P} 
   reach T  P"
by (safe, erule reach.induct, auto simp add: PO_hoare_def)

text ‹General invariant proof rule. This rule is complete (set 
@{term "I = reach T"}).›

lemma inv_rule:
  " init T  I; I  P; {I} (trans T) {> I} 
   reach T  P"
apply (rule subset_trans, auto)              ― ‹strengthen goal›
apply (erule reach.induct, auto simp add: PO_hoare_def)

text ‹The following rule is equivalent to the previous one.›

lemma INV_rule:
  " init T  I; {I  reach T} (trans T) {> I} 
   reach T  I"
by (safe, erule reach.induct, auto simp add: PO_hoare_defs)

text ‹Proof of equivalence.›

lemma inv_rule_from_INV_rule:
  " init T  I; I  P; {I} (trans T) {> I} 
   reach T  P"
apply (rule subset_trans, auto del: subsetI)
apply (rule INV_rule, auto)

lemma INV_rule_from_inv_rule:
  " init T  I; {I  reach T} (trans T) {> I} 
   reach T  I"
by (rule_tac I="I  reach T" in inv_rule, auto)

text ‹Incremental proof rule for invariants using auxiliary invariant(s). 
This rule might have become obsolete by addition of $INV\_rule$.›

lemma inv_rule_incr:
  " init T  I; {I  J} (trans T) {> I}; reach T  J     
   reach T  I"
by (rule INV_rule, auto)

subsection ‹Refinement›

text ‹Our notion of refinement is simulation. We first define a general
notion of relational Hoare tuple, which we then use to define the refinement
proof obligation.  Finally, we show that observation-consistent refinement 
of specifications implies the implementation relation between them.›

subsubsection ‹Relational Hoare tuples›

text ‹Relational Hoare tuples formalize the following generalized simulation 

                           o -- Ra --> o
                           |           |
                          pre         post
                           |           |
                           v           V
                           o -- Rc --> o

Here, $Ra$ and $Rc$ are the abstract and concrete transition relations, 
and $pre$ and $post$ are the pre- and post-relations.
(In the definiton below, the operator @{term "(O)"} stands for relational 
composition, which is defined as follows: @{thm relcomp_def [no_vars]}.)›

  PO_rhoare :: 
    "[('s × 't) set, ('s × 's) set, ('t × 't) set, ('s × 't) set]  bool"
     ((4{_} _, _ {> _}) [0, 0, 0] 90)
  "{pre} Ra, Rc {> post}  pre O Rc  Ra O post"

lemmas PO_rhoare_defs = PO_rhoare_def relcomp_unfold

text ‹Facts about relational Hoare tuples.›

lemma relhoare_conseq_left [intro]:
  " {pre'} Ra, Rc {> post}; pre  pre'  
   {pre} Ra, Rc {> post}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs dest!: subsetD)

lemma relhoare_conseq_right:                    ― ‹do NOT declare [intro]›
  " {pre} Ra, Rc {> post'}; post'  post  
   {pre} Ra, Rc {> post}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)

lemma relhoare_false_left [simp]:               ― ‹do NOT declare [intro]›
  "{ {} } Ra, Rc {> post}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)

lemma relhoare_true_right [simp]:                ― ‹not true in general›
  "{pre} Ra, Rc {> UNIV} = (Domain (pre O Rc)  Domain Ra)"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)

lemma Domain_rel_comp [intro]:
  "Domain pre  R  Domain (pre O Rc)  R"
by (auto simp add: Domain_def)

lemma rel_hoare_skip [iff]: "{R} Id, Id {> R}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_def)

text ‹Reflexivity and transitivity.›

lemma relhoare_refl [simp]: "{Id} R, R {> Id}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)

lemma rhoare_trans:
  " {R1} T1, T2 {> R1}; {R2} T2, T3 {> R2} 
   {R1 O R2} T1, T3 {> R1 O R2}"
apply (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_def del: subsetI)
apply (drule subset_refl [THEN relcomp_mono, where r=R1])
apply (drule subset_refl [THEN [2] relcomp_mono, where s=R2])
apply (auto simp add: O_assoc del: subsetI)

text ‹Conjunction in the post-relation cannot be split in general.  However, 
here are two useful special cases.  In the first case the abstract transtition 
relation is deterministic and in the second case one conjunct is a cartesian 
product of two state predicates.›

lemma relhoare_conj_right_det:                 
  " {pre} Ra, Rc {> post1}; {pre} Ra, Rc {> post2};
     single_valued Ra                            ― ‹only for deterministic Ra›!›
   {pre} Ra, Rc {> post1  post2}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs dest: single_valuedD dest!: subsetD)

lemma relhoare_conj_right_cartesian [intro]:
  " {Domain pre} Ra {> I}; {Range pre} Rc {> J};
     {pre} Ra, Rc {> post}  
   {pre} Ra, Rc {> post  I × J}"
by (force simp add: PO_rhoare_defs PO_hoare_defs Domain_def Range_def)

text ‹Separate rule for cartesian products.›

corollary relhoare_cartesian:
  " {Domain pre} Ra {> I}; {Range pre} Rc {> J};
     {pre} Ra, Rc {> post}                       ― ‹any post›, including UNIV›!›
   {pre} Ra, Rc {> I × J}"
by (auto intro: relhoare_conseq_right)

text ‹Unions of transition relations.›

lemma relhoare_concrete_Un [simp]:
  "{pre} Ra, Rc1  Rc2 {> post} 
   = ({pre} Ra, Rc1 {> post}  {pre} Ra, Rc2 {> post})"
apply (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)
apply (auto dest!: subsetD)

lemma relhoare_concrete_UN [simp]:
  "{pre} Ra, x. Rc x {> post} = (x. {pre} Ra, Rc x {> post})"
apply (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)
 apply (auto dest!: subsetD)

lemma relhoare_abstract_Un_left [intro]:
  " {pre} Ra1, Rc {> post} 
   {pre} Ra1  Ra2, Rc {> post}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)

lemma relhoare_abstract_Un_right [intro]:
  " {pre} Ra2, Rc {> post} 
   {pre} Ra1  Ra2, Rc {> post}"
by (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)

lemma relhoare_abstract_UN [intro!]:   ― ‹might be too aggressive?›
  " {pre} Ra x, Rc {> post} 
   {pre} x. Ra x, Rc {> post}"
apply (auto simp add: PO_rhoare_defs)
apply (auto dest!: subsetD)

subsubsection ‹Refinement proof obligations›

text ‹A transition system refines another one if the initial states and the
transitions are refined. 
Initial state refinement means that for each concrete initial state there is 
a related abstract one. Transition refinement means that the simulation 
relation is preserved (as expressed by a relational Hoare tuple). 

  PO_refines :: 
    "[('s × 't) set, ('s, 'a) TS_scheme, ('t, 'b) TS_scheme]  bool" 
  "PO_refines R Ta Tc  (
       init Tc  R``(init Ta)
      {R} (trans Ta), (trans Tc) {> R} 

text ‹Basic refinement rule. This is just an introduction rule for the

lemma refine_basic:
  " init Tc  R``(init Ta); {R} (trans Ta), (trans Tc) {> R} 
   PO_refines R Ta Tc"
by (simp add: PO_refines_def)

text ‹The following proof rule uses individual invariants @{term "I"} 
and @{term "J"} of the concrete and abstract systems to strengthen the 
simulation relation $R$. 

The hypotheses state that these state predicates are indeed invariants.
Note that the pre-condition of the invariant preservation hypotheses for 
@{term "I"} and @{term "J"} are strengthened by adding the predicates 
@{term "Domain (R  UNIV × J)"} and @{term "Range (R  I × UNIV)"}, 
respectively.  In particular, the latter predicate may be essential, if a 
concrete invariant depends on the simulation relation and an abstract invariant, 
i.e. to "transport" abstract invariants to the concrete system.›

lemma refine_init_using_invariants:
  " init Tc  R``(init Ta); init Ta  I; init Tc  J 
   init Tc  (R  I × J)``(init Ta)"
by (auto simp add: Image_def dest!: bspec subsetD)

lemma refine_trans_using_invariants:
  " {R  I × J} (trans Ta), (trans Tc) {> R};
     {I  Domain (R  UNIV × J)} (trans Ta) {> I}; 
     {J  Range (R  I × UNIV)} (trans Tc) {> J} 
   {R  I × J} (trans Ta), (trans Tc) {> R   I × J}"
by (rule relhoare_conj_right_cartesian) (auto)

text ‹This is our main rule for refinements.›

lemma refine_using_invariants:
  " {R  I × J} (trans Ta), (trans Tc) {> R};
     {I  Domain (R  UNIV × J)} (trans Ta) {> I}; 
     {J  Range (R  I × UNIV)} (trans Tc) {> J}; 
     init Tc  R``(init Ta); 
     init Ta  I; init Tc  J 
   PO_refines (R  I × J) Ta Tc"
by (unfold PO_refines_def)
   (intro refine_init_using_invariants refine_trans_using_invariants conjI)

subsubsection ‹Deriving invariants from refinements›

text ‹Some invariants can only be proved after the simulation has been 
established, because they depend on the simulation relation and some abstract
invariants.  Here is a rule to derive invariant theorems from the refinement.›

lemma PO_refines_implies_Range_init:
  "PO_refines R Ta Tc  init Tc  Range R"
by (auto simp add: PO_refines_def)

lemma PO_refines_implies_Range_trans:
  "PO_refines R Ta Tc  {Range R} trans Tc {> Range R}"
by (auto simp add: PO_refines_def PO_rhoare_def PO_hoare_def)

lemma PO_refines_implies_Range_invariant:
  "PO_refines R Ta Tc  reach Tc  Range R"
by (rule INV_rule)
   (auto intro!: PO_refines_implies_Range_init 

text ‹The following rules are more useful in proofs.›

corollary INV_init_from_refinement: 
  " PO_refines R Ta Tc; Range R  I 
   init Tc  I"
by (drule PO_refines_implies_Range_init, auto)

corollary INV_trans_from_refinement: 
  " PO_refines R Ta Tc; K  Range R; Range R  I 
   {K} trans Tc {> I}"
apply (drule PO_refines_implies_Range_trans)
apply (auto intro: hoare_conseq_right)

corollary INV_from_refinement: 
  " PO_refines R Ta Tc; Range R  I 
   reach Tc  I"
by (drule PO_refines_implies_Range_invariant, fast)

subsubsection ‹Transfering abstract invariants to concrete systems›

lemmas hoare_conseq = hoare_conseq_right[OF hoare_conseq_left] for P' R Q'

lemma PO_refines_implies_R_image_init:
  "PO_refines R Ta Tc  init Tc  R `` (init Ta)"
  apply(rule subset_trans[where B="R `` init Ta"])
   apply (auto simp add: PO_refines_def)

lemma commute_dest:
  " R O Tc  Ta O R; (sa, sc)  R; (sc, sc')  Tc   sa'. (sa, sa')  Ta  (sa', sc')  R"

lemma PO_refines_implies_R_image_trans:
  assumes "PO_refines R Ta Tc"
  shows "{R `` reach Ta} trans Tc {> R `` reach Ta}" using assms
proof(unfold PO_hoare_def Image_def PO_refines_def PO_rhoare_def, safe)
  fix sc sc' sa
  assume R: "(sa, sc)  R"
    and step: "(sc, sc')  TS.trans Tc"
    and sa_reach: "sa  reach Ta"
    and trans_ref: "R O trans Tc  trans Ta O R"
  from commute_dest[OF trans_ref R step] sa_reach
  show " sa'reach Ta. (sa', sc')  R"

lemma PO_refines_implies_R_image_invariant:
  assumes "PO_refines R Ta Tc"
  shows "reach Tc  R `` reach Ta" 
proof(rule INV_rule)
  show "init Tc  R `` reach Ta"
    by (rule subset_trans[OF PO_refines_implies_R_image_init, OF assms]) (auto)
  show "{R `` reach Ta  reach Tc} TS.trans Tc {> R `` reach Ta}" using assms
    by (auto intro!: PO_refines_implies_R_image_trans)

lemma abs_INV_init_transfer:
    "PO_refines R Ta Tc"
    "init Ta  I"
  shows "init Tc  R `` I" using PO_refines_implies_R_image_init[OF assms(1)] assms(2)
    by(blast elim!: subset_trans intro: Image_mono)

lemma abs_INV_trans_transfer:
    ref: "PO_refines R Ta Tc"
    and abs_hoare: "{I} trans Ta {> J}"
  shows "{R `` I} trans Tc {> R `` J}"
proof(unfold PO_hoare_def Image_def, safe)
  fix sc sc' sa
  assume step: "(sc, sc')  trans Tc" and abs_inv: "sa  I" and R: "(sa, sc)  R"
  from ref step and R obtain sa' where 
    abs_step: "(sa, sa')  trans Ta" and R': "(sa', sc')  R"
    by(auto simp add: PO_refines_def PO_rhoare_def)
  with hoareD[OF abs_hoare abs_inv abs_step]
  show "sa'J. (sa', sc')  R"
lemma abs_INV_transfer:
    "PO_refines R Ta Tc"
    "reach Ta  I"
  shows "reach Tc  R `` I" using PO_refines_implies_R_image_invariant[OF assms(1)] assms(2)

subsubsection ‹Refinement of specifications›

text ‹Lift relation membership to finite sequences›

  seq_lift :: "('s × 't) set  ('s list × 't list) set" 
  for R :: "('s × 't) set"
  sl_nil [iff]: "([], [])  seq_lift R"
| sl_cons [intro]: 
    " (xs, ys)  seq_lift R; (x, y)  R   (x#xs, y#ys)  seq_lift R"

inductive_cases sl_cons_right_invert: "(ba', t # bc)  seq_lift R" 

text ‹For each concrete behaviour there is a related abstract one.›

lemma behaviour_refinement:
assumes "PO_refines R Ta Tc" "bc  beh Tc" 
shows "ba  beh Ta. (ba, bc)  seq_lift R" 
using assms(2)
proof (induct rule: beh.induct)
  case b_empty thus ?case by auto 
  case (b_init s) thus ?case using assms(1) by (auto simp add: PO_refines_def)
  case (b_trans s b s') show ?case
  proof -
    from b_trans(2) obtain t c where "t # c  beh Ta" "(t, s)  R" "(t # c, s # b)  seq_lift R"
      by (auto elim!: sl_cons_right_invert)
    from (t, s)  R (s, s')  TS.trans Tc assms(1) 
    obtain t' where "(t, t')  trans Ta" "(t', s')  R" 
      by (auto simp add: PO_refines_def PO_rhoare_def)
    have "t' # t # c  beh Ta" "(t' # t # c, s' # s # b)  seq_lift R" by auto
    thus ?thesis by (auto)

text ‹Observation consistency of a relation is defined using a mediator 
function @{term "pi"} to abstract the concrete observation.  This allows us 
to also refine the observables as we move down a refinement branch.

  obs_consistent :: 
    "[('s × 't) set, 'p  'o, ('s, 'o) spec, ('t, 'p) spec]  bool"
  "obs_consistent R pi Sa Sc  (s t. (s, t)  R  pi (obs Sc t) = obs Sa s)"

lemma obs_consistent_refl [iff]: "obs_consistent Id id S S"
by (simp add: obs_consistent_def)

lemma obs_consistent_trans [intro]: 
  " obs_consistent R1 pi1 S1 S2; obs_consistent R2 pi2 S2 S3 
   obs_consistent (R1 O R2) (pi1 o pi2) S1 S3"
by (auto simp add: obs_consistent_def)

lemma obs_consistent_empty: "obs_consistent {} pi Sa Sc"
by (auto simp add: obs_consistent_def)

lemma obs_consistent_conj1 [intro]: 
  "obs_consistent R pi Sa Sc  obs_consistent (R  R') pi Sa Sc"
by (auto simp add: obs_consistent_def)

lemma obs_consistent_conj2 [intro]: 
  "obs_consistent R pi Sa Sc  obs_consistent (R'  R) pi Sa Sc"
by (auto simp add: obs_consistent_def)

lemma obs_consistent_behaviours:
  " obs_consistent R pi Sa Sc; bc  beh Sc; ba  beh Sa; (ba, bc)  seq_lift R
   map pi (map (obs Sc) bc) = map (obs Sa) ba"
by (erule seq_lift.induct) (auto simp add: obs_consistent_def) 

text ‹Definition of refinement proof obligations.›

  refines :: 
    "[('s × 't) set, 'p  'o, ('s, 'o) spec, ('t, 'p) spec]  bool" 
  "refines R pi Sa Sc  obs_consistent R pi Sa Sc  PO_refines R Sa Sc"

lemmas refines_defs = 
  refines_def PO_refines_def

lemma refinesI: 
  " PO_refines R Sa Sc; obs_consistent R pi Sa Sc 
   refines R pi Sa Sc"
by (simp add: refines_def)

lemma PO_refines_from_refines: 
  "refines R pi Sa Sc  PO_refines R Sa Sc"
by (simp add: refines_def)

text ‹Reflexivity and transitivity of refinement.›

lemma refinement_reflexive: "refines Id id S S"
by (auto simp add: refines_defs)

lemma refinement_transitive: 
  " refines R1 pi1 S1 S2; refines R2 pi2 S2 S3  
   refines (R1 O R2) (pi1 o pi2) S1 S3"
apply (auto simp add: refines_defs del: subsetI intro: rhoare_trans)
apply (fastforce dest: Image_mono)

text ‹Soundness of refinement for proving implementation›

lemma observable_behaviour_refinement:
  " refines R pi Sa Sc; bc  obeh Sc   map pi bc  obeh Sa"
by (auto simp add: refines_def obeh_def image_def
         dest!: behaviour_refinement obs_consistent_behaviours)

theorem refinement_soundness: 
  "refines R pi Sa Sc  implements pi Sa Sc"
by (auto simp add: implements_def 
         elim!: observable_behaviour_refinement)

text ‹Extended versions of proof rules including observations›

lemmas Refinement_basic = refine_basic [THEN refinesI]
lemmas Refinement_using_invariants = refine_using_invariants [THEN refinesI]

lemmas INV_init_from_Refinement = 
  INV_init_from_refinement [OF PO_refines_from_refines]

lemmas INV_trans_from_Refinement = 
  INV_trans_from_refinement [OF PO_refines_from_refines]

lemmas INV_from_Refinement = 
  INV_from_refinement [OF PO_refines_from_refines]
