Theory Post_Visibility_Traceback

theory Post_Visibility_Traceback
  imports Traceback_Intro

consts PID :: postID
consts VIS :: vis

subsection ‹Tracing Back Post Visibility Status›

text ‹We prove the following traceback property:
If, at some point t› on a system trace, the visibility of a post PID›
has a value VIS›, then one of the following holds:
\item Either VIS› is FriendV› (i.e., friends-only) which is the default at post creation
\item Or the post's owner had issued a successful ``update visibility'' action setting the visibility to VIS›,
and no other successful update actions to PID›'s visibility occur
between the time of that action and t›.

This will be captured in the predicate proper›, and the main theorem states that proper tr›
holds for any trace tr› that leads to post PID› acquiring visibility VIS›.

text SNC uidd trn› means
``The transaction trn› is a successful post creation by user uidd›'' ›

fun SNC :: "userID  (state,act,out) trans  bool" where
"SNC uidd (Trans s (Cact (cPost uid p pid tit)) ou s') = (ou = outOK  (uid,pid) = (uidd,PID))"
"SNC uidd _ = False"

text SNVU uidd vvs trn› means
"The transaction trn› is a successful post visibility update for PID›, by user uidd›, to value vvs›'' ›

fun SNVU :: "userID  vis  (state,act,out) trans  bool" where
"SNVU uidd vvs (Trans s (Uact (uVisPost uid p pid vs)) ou s') =
   (ou = outOK  (uid,pid) = (uidd,PID)  vs = vvs)"
"SNVU uidd vvis _ = False"

definition proper :: "(state,act,out) trans trace  bool" where
"proper tr 
 VIS = FriendV
 ( uid tr1 trn tr2 trnn tr3.
    tr = tr1 @ trn # tr2 @ trnn # tr3 
    SNC uid trn  SNVU uid VIS trnn  ( vis. never (SNVU uid vis) tr3))"

(*  *)

definition proper1 :: "(state,act,out) trans trace  bool" where
"proper1 tr 
  tr2 trnn tr3.
    tr = tr2 @ trnn # tr3 
    SNVU (owner (srcOf trnn) PID) VIS trnn"

lemma not_never_ex:
assumes "¬ never P xs"
shows " xs1 x xs2. xs = xs1 @ x # xs2  P x  never P xs2"
using assms proof(induct xs rule: rev_induct)
  case (Nil)
  thus ?case unfolding list_all_iff empty_iff by auto
  case (snoc y ys)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "P y")
    case True thus ?thesis using snoc
    apply(intro exI[of _ ys]) apply(intro exI[of _ y] exI[of _ "[]"]) by auto
    case False then obtain xs1 x xs2 where "ys = xs1 @ x # xs2  P x  never P xs2"
    using snoc by auto
    thus ?thesis using snoc False
    apply(intro exI[of _ xs1]) apply(intro exI[of _ x] exI[of _ "xs2 ## y"]) by auto

lemma SNVU_postIDs:
assumes "validTrans trn" and "SNVU uid vs trn"
shows "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf trn)"
proof(cases trn)
  case (Trans s a ou s')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (cases "a") (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims)

lemma SNVU_visib:
assumes "validTrans trn" and "SNVU uid vs trn"
shows "vis (tgtOf trn) PID = vs"
proof(cases trn)
  case (Trans s a ou s')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (cases "a") (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims)

lemma owner_validTrans:
assumes "validTrans trn" and "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf trn)"
shows "owner (srcOf trn) PID = owner (tgtOf trn) PID"
proof(cases trn)
  case (Trans s a ou s')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (cases "a") (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims)

lemma owner_valid:
assumes "valid tr" and "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf (hd tr))"
shows "owner (srcOf (hd tr)) PID = owner (tgtOf (last tr)) PID"
using assms using owner_validTrans IDs_mono validTrans by induct auto

lemma SNVU_vis_validTrans:
assumes "validTrans trn" and "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf trn)"
and " vs. ¬ SNVU (owner (srcOf trn) PID) vs trn"
shows "vis (srcOf trn) PID = vis (tgtOf trn) PID"
proof(cases trn)
  case (Trans s a ou s')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (cases "a") (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims)

lemma SNVU_vis_valid:
assumes "valid tr" and "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf (hd tr))"
and " vis. never (SNVU (owner (srcOf (hd tr)) PID) vis) tr"
shows "vis (srcOf (hd tr)) PID = vis (tgtOf (last tr)) PID"
using assms proof induct
  case (Singl)
  thus ?case using SNVU_vis_validTrans by auto
  case (Cons trn tr)
  have n: "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf (hd tr))"
  using Cons by (simp add: IDs_mono(2) validTrans)
  have v: " vis. never (SNVU (owner (srcOf (hd tr)) PID) vis) tr"
  using Cons by (simp add: owner_validTrans)
  have "vis (srcOf trn) PID = vis (srcOf (hd tr)) PID"
  using Cons SNVU_vis_validTrans by auto
  also have "... = vis (tgtOf (last tr)) PID"
  using n v Cons(4) by auto
  finally show ?case using Cons by auto

lemma proper1_never:
assumes vtr: "valid tr" and PID: "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf (hd tr))"
and tr: "proper1 tr" and v: "vis (tgtOf (last tr)) PID = VIS"
shows " tr2 trnn tr3.
    tr = tr2 @ trnn # tr3 
    SNVU (owner (srcOf trnn) PID) VIS trnn  ( vis. never (SNVU (owner (srcOf trnn) PID) vis) tr3)"
  obtain tr2 trnn tr3 where
  tr: "tr = tr2 @ trnn # tr3" and SNVU: "SNVU (owner (srcOf trnn) PID) VIS trnn"
  using tr unfolding proper1_def by auto
  define uid where "uid  owner (srcOf trnn) PID"
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases "never (λ trn.  vis. SNVU uid vis trn) tr3")
    case True thus ?thesis using tr SNVU unfolding uid_def list_all_iff by blast
    case False
    from not_never_ex[OF this] obtain tr3a tr3n tr3b vs where tr3: "tr3 = tr3a @ tr3n # tr3b"
    and SNVUtr3n: "SNVU uid vs tr3n" and n: " vs. never (SNVU uid vs) tr3b"
    unfolding list_all_iff by blast
    have trnn: "validTrans trnn" and
    tr3n: "validTrans tr3n" and vtr3: "valid tr3" using tr unfolding tr tr3
    by (metis Nil_is_append_conv append_self_conv2 list.distinct(1) tr tr3 valid_ConsE valid_append vtr)+
    hence PID_trnn: "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf trnn)" and
    PID_tr3n: "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf tr3n)" using SNVU_postIDs SNVU SNVUtr3n by auto
    have vvv: "valid (trnn # tr3a @ [tr3n])"
    using vtr unfolding tr tr3
    by (smt Nil_is_append_conv append_self_conv2 hd_append2 list.distinct(1) list.sel(1)
        valid_Cons_iff valid_append)
    hence PID_tr3n': "PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf tr3n)" using tr3n SNVUtr3n
    by (simp add: IDs_mono(2) PID_tr3n validTrans)
    from owner_valid[OF vvv] PID_trnn
    have 000: "owner (tgtOf tr3n) PID = uid" unfolding uid_def by simp
    hence 0: "owner (srcOf tr3n) PID = uid" using PID_tr3n owner_validTrans tr3n by blast
    have 00: "vs = vis (tgtOf tr3n) PID" using SNVUtr3n tr3n SNVU_visib by auto
    have vis: "vs = VIS"
    proof(cases "tr3b = []")
      case True
      thus ?thesis using v 00 unfolding tr tr3 by simp
      case False
      hence tgt: "tgtOf tr3n = srcOf (hd tr3b)" and tr3b: "valid tr3b" using vtr3 unfolding tr3
      apply (metis valid_append list.distinct(2) self_append_conv2 valid_ConsE)
      by (metis False append_self_conv2 list.distinct(1) tr3 valid_Cons_iff valid_append vtr3)
      show ?thesis unfolding 00 tgt
        using v False PID_tr3n'
        using SNVU_vis_valid[OF tr3b _ n[unfolded 000[symmetric] tgt]]
      unfolding tr tr3 tgt by simp
    show ?thesis apply(intro exI[of _ "tr2 @ trnn # tr3a"])
    apply(intro exI[of _ tr3n] exI[of _ tr3b])
    using SNVUtr3n n unfolding tr tr3 0 vis by simp

(* *)

lemma SNVU_validTrans:
assumes "validTrans trn"
and "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf trn)"
and "vis (srcOf trn) PID  VIS"
and "vis (tgtOf trn) PID = VIS"
shows "SNVU (owner (srcOf trn) PID) VIS trn"
proof(cases trn)
  case (Trans s a ou s')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (cases "a") (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims)

lemma valid_mono_postID:
assumes "valid tr"
and "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf (hd tr))"
shows "PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf (last tr))"
using assms proof induct
  case (Singl trn)
  then show ?case using IDs_mono(2) by (cases trn) auto
  case (Cons trn tr)
  then show ?case using IDs_mono(2) by (cases trn) auto

lemma proper1_valid:
assumes V: "VIS  FriendV"
and a: "valid tr"
"PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf (hd tr))"
"vis (srcOf (hd tr)) PID  VIS"
"vis (tgtOf (last tr)) PID = VIS"
shows "proper1 tr"
using a unfolding valid_valid2 proof induct
  case (Singl trn)
  then show ?case unfolding proper1_def using SNVU_validTrans
  by (intro exI[of _ "owner (srcOf trn) PID"] exI[of _ "[]"] exI[of _ trn]) auto
  case (Rcons tr trn)
  hence "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf (hd tr))" using Rcons by simp
  from valid_mono_postID[OF valid2 tr[unfolded valid2_valid] this]
  have "PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf (last tr))" by simp
  hence 0: "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf trn)" using Rcons by simp
  show ?case
  proof(cases "vis (srcOf trn) PID = VIS")
    case False
    hence "SNVU (owner (srcOf trn) PID) VIS trn"
    apply (intro SNVU_validTrans) using 0 Rcons by auto
    thus ?thesis unfolding proper1_def
    by (intro exI[of _ tr] exI[of _ trn] exI[of _ "[]"]) auto
    case True
    hence "proper1 tr" using Rcons by auto
    then obtain trr trnn tr3 where
    tr: "tr = trr @ trnn # tr3" and SNVU: "SNVU (owner (srcOf trnn) PID) VIS trnn"
    unfolding proper1_def using V by auto
    have "vis (tgtOf trn) PID = VIS" using Rcons.prems by auto
    thus ?thesis
    using SNVU V unfolding proper1_def tr
    by(intro exI[of _ trr] exI[of _ trnn] exI[of _ "tr3 ## trn"]) auto

lemma istate_postIDs:
"¬ PID ∈∈ postIDs istate"
unfolding istate_def by simp

(* *)

definition proper2 :: "(state,act,out) trans trace  bool" where
"proper2 tr 
  uid tr1 trn tr2.
    tr = tr1 @ trn # tr2  SNC uid trn"

lemma SNC_validTrans:
assumes "VIS  FriendV" and "validTrans trn"
and "¬ PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf trn)"
and "PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf trn)"
shows " uid. SNC uid trn"
proof(cases trn)
  case (Trans s a ou s')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (cases "a") (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims)

lemma proper2_valid:
assumes V: "VIS  FriendV"
and a: "valid tr"
"¬ PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf (hd tr))"
"PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf (last tr))"
shows "proper2 tr"
using a unfolding valid_valid2 proof induct
  case (Singl trn)
  then obtain uid where "SNC uid trn" using SNC_validTrans V by auto
  thus ?case unfolding proper2_def using SNC_validTrans
  by (intro exI[of _ uid] exI[of _ "[]"]  exI[of _ trn]) auto
  case (Rcons tr trn)
  show ?case
  proof(cases "PID ∈∈ postIDs (srcOf trn)")
    case False
    then obtain uid where "SNC uid trn"
    using Rcons SNC_validTrans V by auto
    thus ?thesis unfolding proper2_def
    apply - apply (intro exI[of _ uid] exI[of _ tr]) by (intro exI[of _ trn] exI[of _ "[]"]) auto
    case True
    hence "proper2 tr" using Rcons by auto
    then obtain uid tr1 trnn tr2 where
    tr: "tr = tr1 @ trnn # tr2" and SFRC: "SNC uid trnn"
    unfolding proper2_def by auto
    have "PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf trn)" using V Rcons.prems by auto
    show ?thesis using SFRC unfolding proper2_def tr
    apply - apply (intro exI[of _ uid] exI[of _ tr1])
    by (intro exI[of _ trnn] exI[of _ "tr2 ## trn"]) simp

lemma proper2_valid_istate:
assumes V: "VIS  FriendV"
and a: "valid tr"
"srcOf (hd tr) = istate"
"PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf (last tr))"
shows "proper2 tr"
using proper2_valid assms istate_postIDs by auto

(* *)

lemma SNC_visPost:
assumes "VIS  FriendV"
and "validTrans trn" "SNC uid trn" and "reach (srcOf trn)"
shows "vis (tgtOf trn) PID  VIS"
proof(cases trn)
  case (Trans s a ou s')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    apply (cases "a") apply (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims)
    subgoal for x2 apply(cases x2)
      using reach_not_postIDs_vis_FriendV
      by (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims) .

lemma SNC_postIDs:
assumes "validTrans trn" and "SNC uid trn"
shows "PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf trn)"
proof(cases trn)
  case (Trans s a ou s')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (cases "a") (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims)

lemma SNC_owner:
assumes "validTrans trn" and "SNC uid trn"
shows "uid = owner (tgtOf trn) PID"
proof(cases trn)
  case (Trans s a ou s')
  then show ?thesis
    using assms
    by (cases "a") (auto simp: all_defs elim: step_elims)

theorem post_accountability:
assumes v: "valid tr" and i: "srcOf (hd tr) = istate"
and PIDin: "PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf (last tr))"
and PID: "vis (tgtOf (last tr)) PID = VIS"
shows "proper tr"
proof(cases "VIS = FriendV")
  case True thus ?thesis unfolding proper_def by auto
  case False
  have "proper2 tr" using proper2_valid_istate[OF False v i PIDin] .
  then obtain uid tr1 trn trr where
  tr: "tr = tr1 @ trn # trr" and SNC: "SNC uid trn" unfolding proper2_def by auto
  hence trn: "validTrans trn" and r: "reach (srcOf trn)" using v unfolding tr
    apply (metis list.distinct(2) self_append_conv2 valid_ConsE valid_append)
    by (metis (mono_tags, lifting) append_Cons hd_append i list.sel(1) reach.simps tr v valid_append valid_init_reach)
  hence N: "PID ∈∈ postIDs (tgtOf trn)" "vis (tgtOf trn) PID  VIS"
  using SNC_postIDs SNC_visPost False SNC by auto
  hence trrNE: "trr  []" and 1: "last tr = last trr" using PID unfolding tr by auto
  hence trr_v: "valid trr" using v unfolding tr
  by (metis valid_Cons_iff append_self_conv2 list.distinct(1) valid_append)
  have 0: "tgtOf trn = srcOf (hd trr)" using v trrNE unfolding tr
  by (metis valid_append list.distinct(2) self_append_conv2 valid_ConsE)
  have "proper1 trr" using proper1_valid[OF False trr_v N[unfolded 0] PID[unfolded 1]] .
  from proper1_never[OF trr_v N(1)[unfolded 0] this PID[unfolded 1]] obtain tr2 trnn tr3 where
  trr: "trr = tr2 @ trnn # tr3" and SNVU: "SNVU (owner (srcOf trnn) PID) VIS trnn"
  and vis: " vis. never (SNVU (owner (srcOf trnn) PID) vis) tr3" by auto
  have 00: "srcOf (hd (tr2 @ [trnn])) = tgtOf trn" using v unfolding tr trr
  by (metis "0" append_self_conv2 hd_append2 list.sel(1) trr)
  have trnn: "validTrans trnn" using trr_v unfolding trr
  by (metis valid_Cons_iff append_self_conv2 list.distinct(1) valid_append)
  have vv: "valid (tr2 @ [trnn])"
  using v unfolding tr trr
  by (smt Nil_is_append_conv append_self_conv2 hd_append2 list.distinct(1) list.sel(1)
        valid_Cons_iff valid_append)
  have "uid = owner (tgtOf trn) PID" using SNC trn SNC_owner by auto
  also have "... = owner (tgtOf trnn) PID"
  using owner_valid[OF vv] N(1) unfolding 00 by simp
  also have "... = owner (srcOf trnn) PID"
  using SNVU trnn SNVU_postIDs owner_validTrans by auto
  finally have uid: "uid = owner (srcOf trnn) PID" .
  show ?thesis unfolding proper_def
  apply(rule disjI2)
  apply(intro exI[of _ uid] exI[of _ tr1])
  apply(rule exI[of _ trn], rule exI[of _ tr2])
  apply(intro exI[of _ trnn] exI[of _ tr3])
  using SNC SNVU vis unfolding tr trr uid by auto
