Theory Outer_Friend_Issuer_Openness
theory Outer_Friend_Issuer_Openness
imports Outer_Friend_Issuer_State_Indistinguishability
subsubsection ‹Dynamic declassification trigger›
context OuterFriendIssuer
text ‹The dynamic declassification trigger condition holds, i.e.~the access window to the
confidential information is open, while an observer is a local friend of the user ‹UID›.›
definition "open" :: "state ⇒ bool"
where "open s ≡ ∃uid ∈ UIDs AID. uid ∈∈ friendIDs s UID"
lemma open_step_cases:
assumes "open s ≠ open s'"
and "step s a = (ou, s')"
(OpenF) uid p uid' where "a = Cact (cFriend uid p uid')" "ou = outOK" "p = pass s uid"
"uid ∈ UIDs AID ∧ uid' = UID ∨ uid = UID ∧ uid' ∈ UIDs AID"
"open s'" "¬open s"
| (CloseF) uid p uid' where "a = Dact (dFriend uid p uid')" "ou = outOK" "p = pass s uid"
"uid ∈ UIDs AID ∧ uid' = UID ∨ uid = UID ∧ uid' ∈ UIDs AID"
"open s" "¬open s'"
using assms proof (cases a)
case (Uact ua) then show ?thesis using assms by (cases ua) (auto simp: u_defs open_def) next
case (COMact ca) then show ?thesis using assms by (cases ca) (auto simp: com_defs open_def) next
case (Sact sa)
then show ?thesis using assms by (cases sa) (auto simp: s_defs open_def)
case (Cact ca)
then show ?thesis using assms proof (cases ca)
case (cFriend uid p uid')
then show ?thesis using Cact assms by (intro OpenF) (auto simp: c_defs open_def)
qed (auto simp: c_defs open_def)
case (Dact da)
then show ?thesis using assms proof (cases da)
case (dFriend uid p uid')
then show ?thesis using Dact assms by (intro CloseF) (auto simp: d_defs open_def)
qed auto
lemma COMact_open:
assumes "step s a = (ou, s')"
and "a = COMact ca"
shows "open s = open s'"
by (rule ccontr, insert assms, elim open_step_cases, auto)
lemma eqButUID_open_eq: "eqButUID s s1 ⟹ open s = open s1"
using open_def eqButUID_def by auto