Theory Reviewer_Assignment_Value_Setup

(* The value setup for reviewer confidentiality *)
theory Reviewer_Assignment_Value_Setup
  imports Reviewer_Assignment_Intro

subsection ‹Preliminaries›

declare updates_commute_paper[simp]

consts PID :: paperID

(* Equality of two role lists everywhere except on their PID reviewer roles *)
definition eqExcRLR :: "role list  role list  bool" where
"eqExcRLR rl rl1  [r  rl . ¬ isRevRoleFor PID r] = [r  rl1 . ¬ isRevRoleFor PID r]"

lemma eqExcRLR_set:
assumes 1: "eqExcRLR rl rl1" and 2: "¬ isRevRoleFor PID r"
shows "r ∈∈ rl  r ∈∈ rl1"
  have "set ([rrl . ¬ isRevRoleFor PID r]) = set ([rrl1 . ¬ isRevRoleFor PID r])"
  using 1 unfolding eqExcRLR_def by auto
  thus ?thesis using 2 unfolding set_filter by auto

lemmas eqExcRLR = eqExcRLR_def

lemma eqExcRLR_eq[simp,intro!]: "eqExcRLR rl rl"
unfolding eqExcRLR by auto

lemma eqExcRLR_sym:
assumes "eqExcRLR rl rl1"
shows "eqExcRLR rl1 rl"
using assms unfolding eqExcRLR by auto

lemma eqExcRLR_trans:
assumes "eqExcRLR rl rl1" and "eqExcRLR rl1 rl2"
shows "eqExcRLR rl rl2"
using assms unfolding eqExcRLR by auto

lemma eqExcRLR_imp:
assumes s: "reach s" and pid: "pid  PID" and
1: "eqExcRLR (roles s cid uid) (roles s1 cid uid)"
"isRevNth s cid uid pid = isRevNth s1 cid uid pid 
 isRev s cid uid pid = isRev s1 cid uid pid 
 getRevRole s cid uid pid = getRevRole s1 cid uid pid 
 getReviewIndex s cid uid pid = getReviewIndex s1 cid uid pid" (is "?A  ?B  ?C  ?D")
proof(intro conjI)
  show A: ?A
    apply(rule ext)
    using 1 by (metis eqExcRLR_set isRevRoleFor.simps(1) pid)
  show B: ?B using A unfolding isRev_def2 by auto
  show C: ?C
    apply(cases "isRev s cid uid pid")
    subgoal by (metis A B getRevRole_Some_Rev_isRevNth isRevNth_equals isRev_getRevRole2 s)
    by (metis B Bex_set_list_ex find_None_iff getRevRole_def isRev_def)
  show D: ?D unfolding getReviewIndex_def using C by auto

lemma eqExcRLR_imp2:
assumes "eqExcRLR (roles s cid uid) (roles s1 cid uid)"
"isPC s cid uid = isPC s1 cid uid 
 isChair s cid uid = isChair s1 cid uid 
 isAut s cid uid = isAut s1 cid uid"
by (metis (opaque_lifting, no_types) assms eqExcRLR_set isRevRoleFor.simps)

(* fixme: move where belong *)
lemma filter_eq_imp:
assumes " x. P x  Q x"
and "filter Q xs = filter Q ys"
shows "filter P xs = filter P ys"
using assms filter_filter
  have "filter P xs = filter P (filter Q xs)"
  unfolding filter_filter using assms by metis
  also have "... = filter P (filter Q ys)" using assms by simp
  also have "... = filter P ys" unfolding filter_filter using assms by metis
  finally show ?thesis .

lemma arg_cong3: "a = a1  b = b1  c = c1  h a b c = h a1 b1 c1"
by auto

lemmas map_concat_cong1 = arg_cong[where f = concat, OF arg_cong2[where f = map, OF _ refl]]
lemmas If_cong1 = arg_cong3[where h = If, OF _ refl refl]

lemma diff_cong1: "a = a1  (a  b) = (a1  b)" by auto

lemma isRev_pref_notConflict:
assumes "reach s" and "isRev s cid uid pid"
shows "pref s uid pid  Conflict"
by (metis assms pref_Conflict_isRev)

lemma isRev_pref_notConflict_isPC:
assumes "reach s" and "isRev s cid uid pid"
shows "pref s uid pid  Conflict  isPC s cid uid"
by (metis assms(1) assms(2) isRev_isPC isRev_pref_notConflict)

lemma eqExcRLR_imp_isRevRole_imp:
assumes "eqExcRLR rl rl1"
shows "[r rl. ¬ isRevRole r] = [r rl1 . ¬ isRevRole r]"
using assms filter_eq_imp unfolding eqExcRLR_def
by (metis isRevRole.simps(1) isRevRoleFor.elims(2))

lemma notIsPC_eqExLRL_roles_eq:
assumes s: "reach s" and s1: "reach s1" and PID: "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s cid"
and pc: "¬ isPC s cid uid"
and eq: "eqExcRLR (roles s cid uid) (roles (s1::state) cid uid)"
shows "roles s cid uid = roles s1 cid uid"
  have "¬ isPC s1 cid uid" using pc eqExcRLR_imp2[OF eq] by auto
  hence "¬ isRev s cid uid PID  ¬ isRev s1 cid uid PID" using pc s s1 PID
  by (metis isRev_pref_notConflict_isPC)
  thus ?thesis using eq unfolding eqExcRLR_def
  by (metis Bex_set_list_ex filter_id_conv isRev_def)

lemma foo1: "P a  [rList.insert a l . P r] = (if aset l then filter P l else a#filter P l)"
  by (metis filter.simps(2) in_set_insert not_in_set_insert)

lemma foo2: "eqExcRLR rl rl'; ¬ isRevRoleFor PID x  eqExcRLR (List.insert x rl) (List.insert x rl')"
  unfolding eqExcRLR_def
  apply (auto simp: foo1) []
  apply (metis eqExcRLR_def eqExcRLR_set isRevRoleFor.simps)+

lemma foo3:
  assumes "eqExcRLR rl rl'" "isRevRoleFor PID x"
  shows "eqExcRLR (List.insert x rl) (rl')"
  and "eqExcRLR (rl) (List.insert x rl')"
  using assms
  unfolding eqExcRLR_def
  by (auto simp: List.insert_def)

text ‹The notion of two states being equal everywhere except on the reviewer roles for PID:›

definition eqExcPID :: "state  state  bool" where
"eqExcPID s s1 
 confIDs s = confIDs s1  conf s = conf s1 
 userIDs s = userIDs s1  pass s = pass s1  user s = user s1
 ( cid uid. eqExcRLR (roles s cid uid) (roles s1 cid uid))
 paperIDs s = paperIDs s1
 paper s = paper s1
 pref s = pref s1 
 voronkov s = voronkov s1 
 news s = news s1  phase s = phase s1"

lemma eqExcPID_eq[simp,intro!]: "eqExcPID s s"
unfolding eqExcPID_def by auto

lemma eqExcPID_sym:
assumes "eqExcPID s s1" shows "eqExcPID s1 s"
using assms eqExcRLR_sym unfolding eqExcPID_def by auto

lemma eqExcPID_trans:
assumes "eqExcPID s s1" and "eqExcPID s1 s2" shows "eqExcPID s s2"
using assms eqExcRLR_trans unfolding eqExcPID_def by metis

(* Implications from eqExcPID, including w.r.t. auxiliary operations: *)
lemma eqExcPID_imp:
"eqExcPID s s1 
 confIDs s = confIDs s1  conf s = conf s1 
 userIDs s = userIDs s1  pass s = pass s1  user s = user s1
 eqExcRLR (roles s cid uid) (roles s1 cid uid)
 paperIDs s = paperIDs s1
 paper s = paper s1
 pref s = pref s1 
 voronkov s = voronkov s1 
 news s = news s1  phase s = phase s1 
 getAllPaperIDs s = getAllPaperIDs s1"
unfolding eqExcPID_def eqExcRLR_def getAllPaperIDs_def by auto

(* does not work well with simp: *)
lemma eqExcPID_imp':
assumes s: "reach s" and ss1: "eqExcPID s s1" and pid: "pid  PID  PID  pid"
"isRev s cid uid pid = isRev s1 cid uid pid 
 getRevRole s cid uid pid = getRevRole s1 cid uid pid 
 getReviewIndex s cid uid pid = getReviewIndex s1 cid uid pid"
  have 1: "eqExcRLR (roles s cid uid) (roles s1 cid uid)"
  using eqExcPID_imp[OF ss1] by auto
  show ?thesis proof (intro conjI)
    show 3: "isRev s cid uid pid = isRev s1 cid uid pid"
    by (metis "1" eqExcRLR_imp pid s)
    show 4: "getRevRole s cid uid pid = getRevRole s1 cid uid pid"
    by (metis "1" eqExcRLR_imp pid s)
    show "getReviewIndex s cid uid pid = getReviewIndex s1 cid uid pid"
    unfolding getReviewIndex_def using 4 by auto

lemma eqExcPID_imp1:
"eqExcPID s s1  pid  PID  PID  pid 
    getNthReview s pid n = getNthReview s1 pid n"
unfolding eqExcPID_def getNthReview_def
by auto

lemma eqExcPID_imp2:
assumes "reach s" and "eqExcPID s s1" and "pid  PID  PID  pid"
shows "getReviewersReviews s cid pid = getReviewersReviews s1 cid pid"
  "(λuID. if isRev s cid uID pid then [(uID, getNthReview s pid (getReviewIndex s cid uID pid))] else []) =
   (λuID. if isRev s1 cid uID pid then [(uID, getNthReview s1 pid (getReviewIndex s1 cid uID pid))] else [])"
  apply(rule ext)
  using assms using assms by (auto simp add: eqExcPID_imp' eqExcPID_imp1)
  thus ?thesis unfolding getReviewersReviews_def using assms by (simp add: eqExcPID_imp)

lemma eqExcPID_imp3:
"reach s  eqExcPID s s1  pid  PID  PID  pid
 getNthReview s pid = getNthReview s1 pid"
unfolding eqExcPID_def apply auto
apply (rule ext) by (metis getNthReview_def)

lemma eqExcPID_cong[simp, intro]:
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s confIDs := uu1) (s1 confIDs := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s conf := uu1) (s1 conf := uu2)"

" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s userIDs := uu1) (s1 userIDs := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s pass := uu1) (s1 pass := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s user := uu1) (s1 user := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s roles := uu1) (s1 roles := uu2)"

" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s paperIDs := uu1) (s1 paperIDs := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s paper := uu1) (s1 paper := uu2)"

" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s pref := uu1) (s1 pref := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s voronkov := uu1) (s1 voronkov := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s news := uu1) (s1 news := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID (s phase := uu1) (s1 phase := uu2)"

unfolding eqExcPID_def by auto

text ‹A slightly weaker state equivalence that allows differences in the reviews of paper termPID.
It is used for the confidentiality property that doesn't cover the authors of that paper in the
notification phase (when the authors will learn the contents of the reviews).›

(* Equality of two papers everywhere except on their reviews *)
fun eqExcR :: "paper  paper  bool" where
"eqExcR (Paper name info ct reviews dis decs)
        (Paper name1 info1 ct1 reviews1 dis1 decs1) =
 (name = name1  info = info1  ct = ct1  dis = dis1  decs = decs1)"

lemma eqExcR:
"eqExcR pap pap1 =
 (titlePaper pap = titlePaper pap1  abstractPaper pap = abstractPaper pap1 
  contentPaper pap = contentPaper pap1 
  disPaper pap = disPaper pap1  decsPaper pap = decsPaper pap1)"
by(cases pap, cases pap1, auto)

lemma eqExcR_eq[simp,intro!]: "eqExcR pap pap"
unfolding eqExcR by auto

lemma eqExcR_sym:
assumes "eqExcR pap pap1"
shows "eqExcR pap1 pap"
using assms unfolding eqExcR by auto

lemma eqExcR_trans:
assumes "eqExcR pap pap1" and "eqExcR pap1 pap2"
shows "eqExcR pap pap2"
using assms unfolding eqExcR by auto

(* Auxiliary notion:  *)
definition eeqExcPID where
"eeqExcPID paps paps1 
  pid. if pid = PID then eqExcR (paps pid) (paps1 pid) else paps pid = paps1 pid"

lemma eeqExcPID_eeq[simp,intro!]: "eeqExcPID s s"
unfolding eeqExcPID_def by auto

lemma eeqExcPID_sym:
assumes "eeqExcPID s s1" shows "eeqExcPID s1 s"
using assms eqExcR_sym unfolding eeqExcPID_def by auto

lemma eeqExcPID_trans:
assumes "eeqExcPID s s1" and "eeqExcPID s1 s2" shows "eeqExcPID s s2"
using assms eqExcR_trans unfolding eeqExcPID_def by simp blast

lemma eeqExcPID_imp:
"eeqExcPID paps paps1  eqExcR (paps PID) (paps1 PID)"
"eeqExcPID paps paps1; pid  PID  paps pid = paps1 pid"
unfolding eeqExcPID_def by auto

lemma eeqExcPID_cong:
assumes "eeqExcPID paps paps1"
and "pid = PID  eqExcR uu uu1"
and "pid  PID  uu = uu1"
shows "eeqExcPID (paps (pid := uu)) (paps1(pid := uu1))"
using assms unfolding eeqExcPID_def by auto

lemma eeqExcPID_RDD:
"eeqExcPID paps paps1 
 titlePaper (paps PID) = titlePaper (paps1 PID) 
 abstractPaper (paps PID) = abstractPaper (paps1 PID) 
 contentPaper (paps PID) = contentPaper (paps1 PID) 
 disPaper (paps PID) = disPaper (paps1 PID) 
 decsPaper (paps PID) = decsPaper (paps1 PID)"
using eeqExcPID_def unfolding eqExcR by auto

(* The notion of two states being equal everywhere except on the the reviews of PID
   and on the reviewer roles for PID *)
definition eqExcPID2 :: "state  state  bool" where
"eqExcPID2 s s1 
 confIDs s = confIDs s1  conf s = conf s1 
 userIDs s = userIDs s1  pass s = pass s1  user s = user s1
 ( cid uid. eqExcRLR (roles s cid uid) (roles s1 cid uid))
 paperIDs s = paperIDs s1
 eeqExcPID (paper s) (paper s1)
 pref s = pref s1 
 voronkov s = voronkov s1 
 news s = news s1  phase s = phase s1"

lemma eqExcPID2_eq[simp,intro!]: "eqExcPID2 s s"
unfolding eqExcPID2_def by auto

lemma eqExcPID2_sym:
assumes "eqExcPID2 s s1" shows "eqExcPID2 s1 s"
using assms eeqExcPID_sym eqExcRLR_sym unfolding eqExcPID2_def by auto

lemma eqExcPID2_trans:
assumes "eqExcPID2 s s1" and "eqExcPID2 s1 s2" shows "eqExcPID2 s s2"
using assms eeqExcPID_trans eqExcRLR_trans unfolding eqExcPID2_def by metis

(* Implications from eqExcPID2, including w.r.t. auxiliary operations: *)
lemma eqExcPID2_imp:
"eqExcPID2 s s1 
 confIDs s = confIDs s1  conf s = conf s1 
 userIDs s = userIDs s1  pass s = pass s1  user s = user s1
 eqExcRLR (roles s cid uid) (roles s1 cid uid)
 paperIDs s = paperIDs s1
 eeqExcPID (paper s) (paper s1)
 pref s = pref s1 
 voronkov s = voronkov s1 
 news s = news s1  phase s = phase s1 

 getAllPaperIDs s = getAllPaperIDs s1"
unfolding eqExcPID2_def eqExcRLR_def getAllPaperIDs_def by auto

lemma eeqExcPID_imp2:
assumes pid: "pid  PID" and
1: "eeqExcPID (paper s) (paper s1)"
"reviewsPaper (paper s pid) = reviewsPaper (paper s1 pid)"
by (metis "1" eeqExcPID_imp(2) pid)

(* does not work well with simp: *)
lemma eqExcPID2_imp':
assumes s: "reach s" and ss1: "eqExcPID2 s s1" and pid: "pid  PID  PID  pid"
"isRev s cid uid pid = isRev s1 cid uid pid 
 getRevRole s cid uid pid = getRevRole s1 cid uid pid 
 getReviewIndex s cid uid pid = getReviewIndex s1 cid uid pid 
 reviewsPaper (paper s pid) = reviewsPaper (paper s1 pid)"
  have 1: "eqExcRLR (roles s cid uid) (roles s1 cid uid)"
  and 2: "eeqExcPID (paper s) (paper s1)"
  using eqExcPID2_imp[OF ss1] by auto
  show ?thesis proof (intro conjI)
    show 3: "isRev s cid uid pid = isRev s1 cid uid pid"
    by (metis "1" eqExcRLR_imp pid s)
    show 4: "getRevRole s cid uid pid = getRevRole s1 cid uid pid"
    by (metis "1" eqExcRLR_imp pid s)
    show "getReviewIndex s cid uid pid = getReviewIndex s1 cid uid pid"
    unfolding getReviewIndex_def using 4 by auto
    show "reviewsPaper (paper s pid) = reviewsPaper (paper s1 pid)"
    using pid 2 unfolding eeqExcPID_def by auto

lemma eqExcPID2_imp1:
"eqExcPID2 s s1  eqExcR (paper s pid) (paper s1 pid)"
"eqExcPID2 s s1  pid  PID  PID  pid 
    paper s pid = paper s1 pid 
    getNthReview s pid n = getNthReview s1 pid n"
unfolding eqExcPID2_def eeqExcPID_def getNthReview_def
apply auto by (metis eqExcR_eq)

lemma eqExcPID2_imp2:
assumes "reach s" and "eqExcPID2 s s1" and "pid  PID  PID  pid"
shows "getReviewersReviews s cid pid = getReviewersReviews s1 cid pid"
  "(λuID. if isRev s cid uID pid then [(uID, getNthReview s pid (getReviewIndex s cid uID pid))] else []) =
   (λuID. if isRev s1 cid uID pid then [(uID, getNthReview s1 pid (getReviewIndex s1 cid uID pid))] else [])"
  apply(rule ext)
  using assms using assms by (auto simp add: eqExcPID2_imp' eqExcPID2_imp1)
  thus ?thesis unfolding getReviewersReviews_def using assms by (simp add: eqExcPID2_imp)

lemma eqExcPID2_imp3:
"reach s  eqExcPID2 s s1  pid  PID  PID  pid
 getNthReview s pid = getNthReview s1 pid"
unfolding eqExcPID2_def apply auto
apply (rule ext) by (metis eeqExcPID_imp getNthReview_def)

lemma eqExcPID2_RDD:
"eqExcPID2 s s1 
 titlePaper (paper s PID) = titlePaper (paper s1 PID) 
 abstractPaper (paper s PID) = abstractPaper (paper s1 PID) 
 contentPaper (paper s PID) = contentPaper (paper s1 PID) 
 disPaper (paper s PID) = disPaper (paper s1 PID) 
 decsPaper (paper s PID) = decsPaper (paper s1 PID)"
using eqExcPID2_imp eeqExcPID_RDD by auto

lemma eqExcPID2_cong[simp, intro]:
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s confIDs := uu1) (s1 confIDs := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s conf := uu1) (s1 conf := uu2)"

" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s userIDs := uu1) (s1 userIDs := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s pass := uu1) (s1 pass := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s user := uu1) (s1 user := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s roles := uu1) (s1 roles := uu2)"

" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s paperIDs := uu1) (s1 paperIDs := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  eeqExcPID uu1 uu2  eqExcPID2 (s paper := uu1) (s1 paper := uu2)"

" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s pref := uu1) (s1 pref := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s voronkov := uu1) (s1 voronkov := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s news := uu1) (s1 news := uu2)"
" uu1 uu2. eqExcPID2 s s1  uu1 = uu2  eqExcPID2 (s phase := uu1) (s1 phase := uu2)"

unfolding eqExcPID2_def by auto

lemma eqExcPID2_Paper:
assumes s's1': "eqExcPID2 s s1"
and "paper s pid = Paper title abstract content reviews dis decs"
and "paper s1 pid = Paper title1 abstract1 content1 reviews1 dis1 decs1"
shows "title = title1  abstract = abstract1  content = content1  dis = dis1  decs = decs1"
using assms unfolding eqExcPID2_def apply (auto simp: eqExcR eeqExcPID_def)
by (metis titlePaper.simps abstractPaper.simps contentPaper.simps disPaper.simps decsPaper.simps)+

lemma cReview_step_eqExcPID2:
assumes a:
"a = Cact (cReview cid uid p PID uid')"
and "step s a = (ou,s')"
shows "eqExcPID2 s s'"
using assms unfolding eqExcPID2_def eeqExcPID_def eqExcRLR_def
apply (auto simp: c_defs)
unfolding List.insert_def by (smt (verit) filter.simps(2) isRevRoleFor.simps(1))

subsection ‹Value Setup›

type_synonym "value" = "userID × userID set"

fun φ :: "(state,act,out) trans  bool" where
"φ (Trans _ (Cact (cReview cid uid p pid uid')) ou _) =
 (pid = PID  ou = outOK)"
"φ _ = False"

fun f :: "(state,act,out) trans  value" where
"f (Trans s (Cact (cReview cid uid p pid uid')) _ s') =
 (uid', {uid'. isPC s cid uid'  pref s uid' PID  Conflict})"

lemma φ_def2:
"φ (Trans s a ou s') =
 (ou = outOK 
 ( cid uid p uid'. a = Cact (cReview cid uid p PID uid')))"
apply(cases a, simp_all) subgoal for x1 by (cases x1, auto) .

fun χ :: "act  bool" where
"χ (Uact (uReview cid uid p pid n rc)) = (pid = PID)"
"χ (UUact (uuReview cid uid p pid n rc)) = (pid = PID)"
"χ _ = False"

lemma χ_def2:
"χ a =
 ( cid uid p n rc. a = Uact (uReview cid uid p PID n rc) 
                    a = UUact (uuReview cid uid p PID n rc))"
apply(cases a, simp_all)
  subgoal for x2 apply (cases x2, auto) .
  subgoal for x3 by (cases x3, auto) .

lemma eqExcPID_step_φ_imp:
assumes s: "reach s" and ss1: "eqExcPID s s1"
(* new compared to the other properties: *)
and PID: "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s cid" and ph: "phase s cid > revPH"
(* end new *)
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and φ: "¬ φ (Trans s a ou s')"
shows "¬ φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
using assms unfolding φ_def2 apply (auto simp add: c_defs eqExcPID_imp)
unfolding eqExcPID_def
apply(metis eqExcRLR_imp[OF s] eqExcRLR_imp2)
apply(metis eqExcRLR_imp[OF s] eqExcRLR_imp2)
using eqExcRLR_imp[OF s] PID by (metis less_not_refl paperIDs_equals)

lemma eqExcPID_step_φ:
assumes "reach s" and "reach s1" and ss1: "eqExcPID s s1"
(* new compared to the other properties: *)
and PID: "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s cid" and ph: "phase s cid > revPH"
(* end new *)
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
shows "φ (Trans s a ou s') = φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
  have "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s1 cid  phase s1 cid > revPH"
  using eqExcPID_imp[OF ss1] PID ph by auto
  thus ?thesis by (metis eqExcPID_step_φ_imp eqExcPID_sym assms)

(* new lemma compared to the other properties: *)
lemma non_eqExcPID_step_φ_imp:
assumes s: "reach s" and ss1: "eqExcPID s s1"
and PID: "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s cid" and ou: "ou  outErr"
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and φ: "¬ φ (Trans s a ou s')"
shows "¬ φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
using assms unfolding φ_def2 by (auto simp add: c_defs eqExcPID_imp)

(* major *) lemma eqExcPID_step:
assumes s: "reach s" and s1: "reach s1"
and ss1: "eqExcPID s s1"
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')"
and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and PID: "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s cid"
and ou_ph: "ou  outErr  phase s cid > revPH"
and φ: "¬ φ (Trans s a ou s')" and χ: "¬ χ a"
shows "eqExcPID s' s1'"
proof -
  have s': "reach s'" by (metis reach_PairI s step)
  note eqs = eqExcPID_imp[OF ss1]
  note eqs' = eqExcPID_imp1[OF ss1]

  note eqss = eqExcPID_imp'[OF s ss1]

  note simps[simp] = c_defs u_defs uu_defs r_defs l_defs Paper_dest_conv eqExcPID_def
  note simps2[simp] = eqExcRLR_imp2[where s=s and ?s1.0 = s1'] eqExcRLR_imp2[where s=s' and ?s1.0 = s1]
       eqExcRLR_set[of "(roles s cid uid)" "(roles s1' cid uid)" for uid cid]
       eqExcRLR_set[of "(roles s' cid uid)" "(roles s1 cid uid)" for uid cid]
       foo2 foo3 eqExcRLR_imp[OF s, where ?s1.0=s1'] eqExcRLR_imp[OF s', where ?s1.0=s1]

  note * = step step1 eqs eqs' φ χ PID ou_ph

  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases a)
    case (Cact x1)
    with * show ?thesis
    proof (cases x1)
      case (cReview x81 x82 x83 x84 x85)
      with Cact * show ?thesis
        by clarsimp (metis less_irrefl_nat paperIDs_equals s1 simps2(9))
    qed auto
    case (Uact x2)
    with * show ?thesis
    proof (cases x2)
      case (uReview x71 x72 x73 x74 x75 x76)
      with Uact * show ?thesis
        by (clarsimp simp del: simps2) auto
    qed auto
    case (UUact x3)
    with * show ?thesis
    proof (cases x3)
      case (uuReview x31 x32 x33 x34 x35 x36)
      with UUact * show ?thesis
        by (clarsimp simp del: simps2) auto
    qed auto
  qed auto

lemma φ_step_eqExcPID2:
assumes φ: "φ (Trans s a ou s')"
and s: "step s a = (ou,s')"
shows "eqExcPID2 s s'"
using φ cReview_step_eqExcPID2[OF _ s] unfolding φ_def2 by blast

(* major *) lemma eqExcPID2_step:
assumes s: "reach s"
and ss1: "eqExcPID2 s s1"
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')"
and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and PID: "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s cid" and ph: "phase s cid  revPH"
and φ: "¬ φ (Trans s a ou s')"
shows "eqExcPID2 s' s1'"
proof -
  have s': "reach s'" by (metis reach_PairI s step)
  note eqs = eqExcPID2_imp[OF ss1]
  (* note eqss = eqExcPID2_imp'[OF s ss1] *)
  note eqs' = eqExcPID2_imp1[OF ss1]

  note eqss = eqExcPID2_imp'[OF s ss1]

  note simps[simp] = c_defs u_defs uu_defs r_defs l_defs
          eqExcPID2_def eeqExcPID_def
  note simps2[simp] = eqExcRLR_imp2[where s=s and ?s1.0 = s1'] eqExcRLR_imp2[where s=s' and ?s1.0 = s1]
      eqExcRLR_set[of "(roles s cid uid)" "(roles s1' cid uid)" for cid uid]
      eqExcRLR_set[of "(roles s' cid uid)" "(roles s1 cid uid)" for cid uid]
      foo2 foo3 eqExcRLR_imp[OF s, where ?s1.0=s1'] eqExcRLR_imp[OF s', where ?s1.0=s1]
  note * = step step1 eqs eqs' ph PID φ

  then show ?thesis
  proof (cases a)
    case (Cact x1)
    with * show ?thesis
    proof (cases x1)
      case (cReview x81 x82 x83 x84 x85)
      with Cact * show ?thesis
        by clarsimp (metis simps2(9))
    qed auto
    case (Uact x2)
    with * show ?thesis
    proof (cases x2)
      case (uReview x71 x72 x73 x74 x75 x76)
      with Uact * show ?thesis
        by (clarsimp simp del: simps2) auto
    qed auto
    case (UUact x3)
    with * show ?thesis
    proof (cases x3)
      case (uuReview x31 x32 x33 x34 x35 x36)
      with UUact * show ?thesis
        by (clarsimp simp del: simps2) auto
    qed auto
    case (Lact x5)
    with * show ?thesis by (cases x5; auto)
  qed auto

lemma eqExcPID2_step_φ_imp:
assumes s: "reach s" and ss1: "eqExcPID2 s s1"
(* new compared to the other properties: *)
and PID: "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s cid" and ph: "phase s cid > revPH"
(* end new *)
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and φ: "¬ φ (Trans s a ou s')"
shows "¬ φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
using assms unfolding φ_def2 apply (auto simp add: c_defs eqExcPID2_imp)
unfolding eqExcPID2_def
apply(metis eqExcRLR_imp[OF s] eqExcRLR_imp2)
apply(metis eqExcRLR_imp[OF s] eqExcRLR_imp2)
using eqExcRLR_imp[OF s] PID by (metis less_not_refl paperIDs_equals)

lemma eqExcPID2_step_φ:
assumes "reach s" and "reach s1" and ss1: "eqExcPID2 s s1"
(* new compared to the other properties: *)
and PID: "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s cid" and ph: "phase s cid > revPH"
(* end new *)
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
shows "φ (Trans s a ou s') = φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
  have "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s1 cid  phase s1 cid > revPH"
  using eqExcPID2_imp[OF ss1] PID ph by auto
  thus ?thesis by (metis eqExcPID2_step_φ_imp eqExcPID2_sym assms)

(* new lemma compared to the other properties: *)
lemma non_eqExcPID2_step_φ_imp:
assumes s: "reach s" and ss1: "eqExcPID2 s s1"
and PID: "PID ∈∈ paperIDs s cid" and ou: "ou  outErr"
and step: "step s a = (ou,s')" and step1: "step s1 a = (ou1,s1')"
and φ: "¬ φ (Trans s a ou s')"
shows "¬ φ (Trans s1 a ou1 s1')"
using assms unfolding φ_def2 by (auto simp add: c_defs eqExcPID2_imp)
