Theory Higher_Order_Terms.Term_to_Nterm

chapter ‹Converting between term›s and nterm›s›

theory Term_to_Nterm

section α›-equivalence›

inductive alpha_equiv :: "(name, name) fmap  nterm  nterm  bool" where
const: "alpha_equiv env (Nconst x) (Nconst x)" |
var1: "x |∉| fmdom env  x |∉| fmran env  alpha_equiv env (Nvar x) (Nvar x)" |
var2: "fmlookup env x = Some y  alpha_equiv env (Nvar x) (Nvar y)" |
abs: "alpha_equiv (fmupd x y env) n1 n2  alpha_equiv env (Λn x. n1) (Λn y. n2)" |
app: "alpha_equiv env n1 n2  alpha_equiv env m1 m2  alpha_equiv env (n1 $n m1) (n2 $n m2)"

code_pred alpha_equiv .

abbreviation alpha_eq :: "nterm  nterm  bool" (infixl "α" 50) where
"alpha_eq n1 n2  alpha_equiv fmempty n1 n2"

lemma alpha_equiv_refl[intro?]:
  assumes "fmpred (=) Γ"
  shows "alpha_equiv Γ t t"
using assms proof (induction t arbitrary: Γ)
  case Napp
  show ?case
    apply (rule; rule Napp)
    using Napp.prems unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def by auto
qed (auto simp: fdisjnt_alt_def intro: alpha_equiv.intros)

corollary alpha_eq_refl: "alpha_eq t t"
by (auto intro: alpha_equiv_refl)

section ‹From @{typ term} to @{typ nterm}

fun term_to_nterm :: "name list  term  (name, nterm) state" where
"term_to_nterm _ (Const name) = State_Monad.return (Nconst name)" |
"term_to_nterm _ (Free name) = State_Monad.return (Nvar name)" |
"term_to_nterm Γ (Bound n) = State_Monad.return (Nvar (Γ ! n))" |
"term_to_nterm Γ (Λ t) = do {
  n  fresh_create;
  e  term_to_nterm (n # Γ) t;
  State_Monad.return (Λn n. e)
}" |
"term_to_nterm Γ (t1 $ t2) = do {
  e1  term_to_nterm Γ t1;
  e2  term_to_nterm Γ t2;
  State_Monad.return (e1 $n e2)

lemmas term_to_nterm_induct = term_to_nterm.induct[case_names const free bound abs app]

lemma term_to_nterm:
  assumes "no_abs t"
  shows "fst (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ t) x) = convert_term t"
using assms
apply (induction arbitrary: x)
apply auto
by (auto simp: free_term_def free_nterm_def const_term_def const_nterm_def app_term_def app_nterm_def split_beta split: prod.splits)

definition term_to_nterm' :: "term  nterm" where
"term_to_nterm' t = frun_fresh (term_to_nterm [] t) (frees t)"

lemma term_to_nterm_mono: "mono_state (term_to_nterm Γ x)"
by (induction Γ x rule: term_to_nterm.induct) (auto intro: bind_mono_strong)

lemma term_to_nterm_vars0:
  assumes "wellformed' (length Γ) t"
  shows "frees (fst (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ t) s)) |⊆| frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ"
using assms proof (induction Γ t arbitrary: s rule: term_to_nterm_induct)
  case (bound Γ i)
  hence "Γ ! i |∈| fset_of_list Γ"
    including fset.lifting by transfer auto
  thus ?case
    by (auto simp: State_Monad.return_def)
  case (abs Γ t)
  let ?x = "next s"

  from abs have "frees (fst (run_state (term_to_nterm (?x # Γ) t) ?x)) |⊆| frees t |∪| {|?x|} |∪| fset_of_list Γ"
    by simp
  thus ?case
    by (auto simp: create_alt_def split_beta)
qed (auto simp: split_beta)

corollary term_to_nterm_vars:
  assumes "wellformed t"
  shows "frees (fresh_frun (term_to_nterm [] t) F) |⊆| frees t"
proof -
  let  = "[]"
  from assms have "wellformed' (length ) t"
    by simp
  hence "frees (fst (run_state (term_to_nterm  t) (fNext F))) |⊆| (frees t |∪| fset_of_list )"
    by (rule term_to_nterm_vars0)
  thus ?thesis
    by (simp add: fresh_fNext_def fresh_frun_def)

corollary term_to_nterm_closed: "closed t  wellformed t  closed (term_to_nterm' t)"
using term_to_nterm_vars[where F = "frees t" and t = t, simplified]
unfolding closed_except_def term_to_nterm'_def
by (simp add: fresh_frun_def)

lemma term_to_nterm_consts: "pred_state (λt'. consts t' = consts t) (term_to_nterm Γ t)"
apply (rule pred_stateI)
apply (induction t arbitrary: Γ)
apply (auto split: prod.splits)

section ‹From @{typ nterm} to @{typ term}

fun nterm_to_term :: "name list  nterm  term" where
"nterm_to_term Γ (Nconst name) = Const name" |
"nterm_to_term Γ (Nvar name) = (case find_first name Γ of Some n  Bound n | None  Free name)" |
"nterm_to_term Γ (t $n u) = nterm_to_term Γ t $ nterm_to_term Γ u" |
"nterm_to_term Γ (Λn x. t) = Λ nterm_to_term (x # Γ) t"

lemma nterm_to_term:
  assumes "no_abs t" "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ) (frees t)"
  shows "nterm_to_term Γ t = convert_term t"
using assms proof (induction arbitrary: Γ)
  case (free name)
  then show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (auto simp: free_nterm_def free_term_def fdisjnt_alt_def split: option.splits)
    apply (rule find_first_none)
    by (metis fset_of_list_elem)
  case (const name)
  show ?case
    apply simp
    by (simp add: const_nterm_def const_term_def)
  case (app t1 t2)
  then have "nterm_to_term Γ t1 = convert_term t1" "nterm_to_term Γ t2 = convert_term t2"
    by (auto simp: fdisjnt_alt_def finter_funion_distrib)
  then show ?case
    apply simp
    by (simp add: app_nterm_def app_term_def)

abbreviation "nterm_to_term'  nterm_to_term []"

lemma nterm_to_term': "no_abs t  nterm_to_term' t = convert_term t"
by (auto simp: fdisjnt_alt_def nterm_to_term)

lemma nterm_to_term_frees[simp]: "frees (nterm_to_term Γ t) = frees t - fset_of_list Γ"
proof (induction t arbitrary: Γ)
  case (Nvar name)
  show ?case
    proof (cases "find_first name Γ")
      case None
      hence "name |∉| fset_of_list Γ"
        including fset.lifting
        by transfer (metis find_first_some option.distinct(1))
      with None show ?thesis
        by auto
      case (Some u)
      hence "name |∈| fset_of_list Γ"
        including fset.lifting
        by transfer (metis find_first_none option.distinct(1))
      with Some show ?thesis
        by auto
  qed (auto split: option.splits)

section ‹Correctness›

text ‹Some proofs in this section have been contributed by Yu Zhang.›

lemma term_to_nterm_nterm_to_term0:
  assumes "wellformed' (length Γ) t" "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ) (frees t)" "distinct Γ"
  assumes "fBall (frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ) (λx. x  s)"
  shows "nterm_to_term Γ (fst (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ t) s)) = t"
using assms proof (induction Γ t arbitrary: s rule: term_to_nterm_induct)
  case (free Γ name)
  hence "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ) {|name|}"
    by simp
  hence "name  set Γ"
    including fset.lifting by transfer' (simp add: disjnt_def)
  hence "find_first name Γ = None"
    by (rule find_first_none)
  thus ?case
    by (simp add: State_Monad.return_def)
  case (bound Γ i)
  thus ?case
    by (simp add: State_Monad.return_def find_first_some_index)
  case (app Γ t1 t2)
  have "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ) (frees t1)"
    apply (rule fdisjnt_subset_right[where N = "frees t1 |∪| frees t2"])
    using app by auto
  have "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ) (frees t2)"
    apply (rule fdisjnt_subset_right[where N = "frees t1 |∪| frees t2"])
    using app by auto

  have s: "s  snd (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ t1) s)"
    apply (rule state_io_relD[OF term_to_nterm_mono])
    apply (rule surjective_pairing)

  show ?case
    apply (auto simp: split_beta)
      apply (rule app)
      subgoal using app by simp
      subgoal by fact
      subgoal by fact
      using app by auto
      apply (rule app)
      subgoal using app by simp
      subgoal by fact
      subgoal by fact
      using app s by force+
  case (abs Γ t)

  have "next s |∉| frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ"
    using abs(5) next_ge_fall by auto

  have "nterm_to_term (next s # Γ) (fst (run_state (term_to_nterm (next s # Γ) t) (next s))) = t"
    proof (subst abs)
      show "wellformed' (length (next s # Γ)) t"
        using abs by auto
      show "fdisjnt (fset_of_list (next s # Γ)) (frees t)"
        apply simp
        apply (rule fdisjnt_insert)
        using next s |∉| frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ abs by auto
      show "distinct (next s # Γ)"
        apply simp
        apply rule
        using next s |∉| frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ apply (simp add: fset_of_list_elem)
        apply fact
      have "fBall (frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ) (λx. x  next s)"
      proof (rule fBall_pred_weaken)
        show "fBall (frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ) (λx. x  s)"
          using abs(5) by simp
        show "x. x |∈| frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ  x  s  x  next s"
          by (metis Fresh_Class.next_ge dual_order.strict_trans less_eq_name_def)
      thus "fBall (frees t |∪| fset_of_list (next s # Γ)) (λx. x  next s)"
        by simp
    qed auto

  thus ?case
    by (auto simp: split_beta create_alt_def)
qed (auto simp: State_Monad.return_def)

lemma term_to_nterm_nterm_to_term:
  assumes "wellformed t" "frees t |⊆| S"
  shows "nterm_to_term' (frun_fresh (term_to_nterm [] t) (S |∪| Q)) = t"
proof (rule term_to_nterm_nterm_to_term0)
  show "wellformed' (length []) t"
    using assms by simp
  show "fdisjnt (fset_of_list []) (frees t)"
    unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def by simp
  have "fBall (S |∪| Q) (λx. x < fresh.fNext next default (S |∪| Q))"
    by (metis fNext_geq_not_member fresh_fNext_def le_less_linear fBallI)
  hence "fBall (S |∪| Q) (λx. x  fresh.fNext next default (S |∪| Q))"
    by (meson fBall_pred_weaken less_eq_name_def)
  thus "fBall (frees t |∪| fset_of_list []) (λx. x  fresh.fNext next default (S |∪| Q))"
    using frees t |⊆| S
    by auto
qed simp

corollary term_to_nterm_nterm_to_term_simple:
  assumes "wellformed t"
  shows "nterm_to_term' (term_to_nterm' t) = t"
unfolding term_to_nterm'_def using assms
by (metis order_refl sup.idem term_to_nterm_nterm_to_term)

lemma nterm_to_term_eq:
  assumes "frees u |⊆| fset_of_list (common_prefix Γ Γ')"
  shows "nterm_to_term Γ u = nterm_to_term Γ' u"
using assms
proof (induction u arbitrary: Γ Γ')
  case (Nvar name)
  hence "name  set (common_prefix Γ Γ')"
    unfolding frees_nterm.simps
    including fset.lifting
    by transfer' simp
  thus ?case
    by (auto simp: common_prefix_find)
  case (Nabs x t)
  hence *: "frees t - {|x|} |⊆| fset_of_list (common_prefix Γ Γ')"
    by simp

  show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (rule Nabs)
    using * Nabs by auto
qed auto

corollary nterm_to_term_eq_closed: "closed t  nterm_to_term Γ t = nterm_to_term Γ' t"
by (rule nterm_to_term_eq) (auto simp: closed_except_def)

lemma nterm_to_term_wellformed: "wellformed' (length Γ) (nterm_to_term Γ t)"
proof (induction t arbitrary: Γ)
  case (Nabs x t)
  hence "wellformed' (Suc (length Γ)) (nterm_to_term (x # Γ) t)"
    by (metis length_Cons)
  thus ?case
    by auto
qed (auto simp: find_first_correct split: option.splits)

corollary nterm_to_term_closed_wellformed: "closed t  wellformed (nterm_to_term Γ t)"
by (metis Ex_list_of_length nterm_to_term_eq_closed nterm_to_term_wellformed)

lemma nterm_to_term_term_to_nterm:
  assumes "frees t |⊆| fset_of_list Γ" "length Γ = length Γ'"
  shows "alpha_equiv (fmap_of_list (zip Γ Γ')) t (fst (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ' (nterm_to_term Γ t)) s))"
using assms proof (induction Γ t arbitrary: s Γ' rule:nterm_to_term.induct)
  case (4 Γ x t)
  show ?case
    apply (simp add: split_beta)
    apply (rule alpha_equiv.abs)
    using "4.IH"[where Γ' = "next s # Γ'"] "4.prems"
    by (fastforce simp: create_alt_def intro: alpha_equiv.intros)
  (force split: option.splits intro: find_first_some intro!: alpha_equiv.intros
         simp: fset_of_list_elem find_first_in_map split_beta fdisjnt_alt_def)+

corollary nterm_to_term_term_to_nterm': "closed t  t α term_to_nterm' (nterm_to_term' t)"
unfolding term_to_nterm'_def closed_except_def
apply (rule nterm_to_term_term_to_nterm[where Γ = "[]" and Γ' = "[]", simplified])
by auto

context begin

private lemma term_to_nterm_alpha_equiv0:
  "length Γ1 = length Γ2  distinct Γ1  distinct Γ2  wellformed' (length Γ1) t1 
   fresh_fin (frees t1 |∪| fset_of_list Γ1) s1  fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ1) (frees t1) 
   fresh_fin (frees t1 |∪| fset_of_list Γ2) s2  fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ2) (frees t1) 
   alpha_equiv (fmap_of_list (zip Γ1 Γ2)) (fst( run_state (term_to_nterm Γ1 t1) s1)) (fst ( run_state (term_to_nterm Γ2 t1) s2))"
proof (induction Γ1 t1 arbitrary: Γ2 s1 s2 rule:term_to_nterm_induct)
  case (free Γ1 name)
  then have "name |∉| fmdom (fmap_of_list (zip Γ1 Γ2))"
    unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def
    by force
  moreover have "name |∉| fmran (fmap_of_list (zip Γ1 Γ2))"
    apply rule
    apply (subst (asm) fmran_of_list)
    apply (subst (asm) fset_of_list_map[symmetric])
    apply (subst (asm) distinct_clearjunk_id)
      apply (subst map_fst_zip)
      apply fact
      apply fact
    apply (subst (asm) map_snd_zip)
    apply fact
    using free unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def
    by fastforce
  ultimately show ?case
    by (force intro:alpha_equiv.intros)
  case (abs Γ t)
  have *: "next s1 > s1" "next s2 > s2"
    using next_ge by force+
  from abs.prems(5,7) have "next s1  set Γ" "next s2  set Γ2"
    unfolding fBall_funion
    by (metis fset_of_list_elem next_ge_fall)+
  moreover have "fresh_fin (frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ) (next s1)"
       "fresh_fin (frees t |∪| fset_of_list Γ2) (next s2)"
    using * abs
    by (smt dual_order.trans fBall_pred_weaken frees_term.simps(3) less_imp_le)+
  moreover have "fdisjnt (finsert (next s1) (fset_of_list Γ)) (frees t)"
       "fdisjnt (finsert (next s2) (fset_of_list Γ2)) (frees t)"
    unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def using abs frees_term.simps
    by (metis fdisjnt_alt_def finter_finsert_right funionCI inf_commute next_ge_fall)+
  moreover have "wellformed' (Suc (length Γ2)) t"
    using wellformed'.simps abs
    by (metis Suc_eq_plus1)
  ultimately show ?case
    using abs.prems(1,2,3)
    by (auto simp: split_beta create_alt_def
        intro: alpha_equiv.abs abs.IH[of _ "next s2 # Γ2", simplified])
  case (app Γ1 t1 t2)
  hence "wellformed' (length Γ1) t1" "wellformed' (length Γ1) t2"
  and "fresh_fin (frees t1 |∪| fset_of_list Γ1) s1" "fresh_fin (frees t1 |∪| fset_of_list Γ2) s2"
  and "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ1) (frees t1)" "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ2) (frees t1)"
  and "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ1) (frees t2)" "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ2) (frees t2)"
    using app
    unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def
    by (auto simp: inf_sup_distrib1)
  have "s1  snd (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ1 t1) s1)" "s2  snd (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ2 t1) s2)"
    using term_to_nterm_mono
    by (simp add: state_io_rel_def)+
  hence "fresh_fin (frees t2 |∪| fset_of_list Γ1) (snd (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ1 t1) s1))"
    using fresh_fin (frees (t1 $ t2) |∪| fset_of_list Γ1) s1
    by force

  have "fresh_fin (frees t2 |∪| fset_of_list Γ2) (snd (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ2 t1) s2))"
    apply rule
    using app frees_term.simps s2  _ dual_order.trans
    by (metis funion_iff)

  show ?case
    apply (auto simp: split_beta create_alt_def)
    apply (rule
      using app.IH
      using fBall (frees t1 |∪| fset_of_list Γ1) (λy. y  s1)
        fBall (frees t1 |∪| fset_of_list Γ2) (λy. y  s2)
        fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ1) (frees t1)
        fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ2) (frees t1) wellformed' (length Γ1) t1
        app.prems(1) app.prems(2) app.prems(3) by blast
      using app.IH
      using fBall (frees t2 |∪| fset_of_list Γ1) (λy. y  snd (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ1 t1) s1))
        fBall (frees t2 |∪| fset_of_list Γ2) (λy. y  snd (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ2 t1) s2))
        fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ1) (frees t2)
        fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ2) (frees t2)
        wellformed' (length Γ1) t2
        app.prems(1) app.prems(2) app.prems(3) by blast
qed (force intro: alpha_equiv.intros simp: fmlookup_of_list in_set_zip)+

lemma term_to_nterm_alpha_equiv:
  assumes "length Γ1 = length Γ2" "distinct Γ1" "distinct Γ2" "closed t"
  assumes "wellformed' (length Γ1) t"
  assumes "fresh_fin (fset_of_list Γ1) s1" "fresh_fin (fset_of_list Γ2) s2"
  shows "alpha_equiv (fmap_of_list (zip Γ1 Γ2)) (fst (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ1 t) s1)) (fst (run_state (term_to_nterm Γ2 t) s2))"
  ― ‹An instantiated version of this lemma with @{prop Γ1 = []} and @{prop Γ2 = []}
      would not make sense because then it would just be a special case of
      @{thm [source=true] alpha_eq_refl}.›
using assms
by (simp add: fdisjnt_alt_def closed_except_def term_to_nterm_alpha_equiv0)


global_interpretation nrelated: term_struct_rel_strong "(λt n. t = nterm_to_term Γ n)" for Γ
proof (standard, goal_cases)
  case (5 name t)
  then show ?case by (cases t) (auto simp: const_term_def const_nterm_def split: option.splits)
  case (6 u1 u2 t)
  then show ?case by (cases t) (auto simp: app_term_def app_nterm_def split: option.splits)
qed (auto simp: const_term_def const_nterm_def app_term_def app_nterm_def)

lemma env_nrelated_closed:
  assumes "nrelated.P_env Γ env nenv" "closed_env nenv"
  shows "nrelated.P_env Γ' env nenv"
  fix x
  from assms have "rel_option (λt n. t = nterm_to_term Γ n) (fmlookup env x) (fmlookup nenv x)"
    by auto
  thus "rel_option (λt n. t = nterm_to_term Γ' n) (fmlookup env x) (fmlookup nenv x)"
    using assms
    by (cases rule: option.rel_cases) (auto dest: fmdomI simp: nterm_to_term_eq_closed)

lemma nrelated_subst:
  assumes "nrelated.P_env Γ env nenv" "closed_env nenv" "fdisjnt (fset_of_list Γ) (fmdom nenv)"
  shows "subst (nterm_to_term Γ t) env = nterm_to_term Γ (subst t nenv)"
using assms
proof (induction t arbitrary: Γ env nenv)
  case (Nvar name)
  thus ?case
    proof (cases rule: fmrel_cases[where x = name])
      case (some t1 t2)
      with Nvar have "name |∉| fset_of_list Γ"
        unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def by (auto dest: fmdomI)
      hence "find_first name Γ = None"
        including fset.lifting by transfer' (simp add: find_first_none)
      with some show ?thesis
        by auto
    qed (auto split: option.splits)
  case (Nabs x t)
  show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (subst subst_drop[symmetric, where x = x])
    subgoal by simp
    apply (rule Nabs)
    using Nabs unfolding fdisjnt_alt_def
    by (auto intro: env_nrelated_closed)
qed auto

lemma nterm_to_term_insert_dupl:
  assumes "y  set (take n Γ)" "n  length Γ"
  shows "nterm_to_term Γ t = incr_bounds (- 1) (Suc n) (nterm_to_term (insert_nth n y Γ) t)"
using assms
proof (induction t arbitrary: n Γ)
  case (Nvar name)
  show ?case
    proof (cases "y = name")
      case True
      with Nvar obtain i where "find_first name Γ = Some i" "i < n"
        by (auto elim: find_first_some_strong)

      hence "find_first name (take n Γ) = Some i"
        by (rule find_first_prefix)

      show ?thesis
        apply simp
        apply (subst find_first name Γ = Some i)
        apply simp
        apply (subst find_first_append)
        apply (subst find_first name (take n Γ) = Some i)
        apply simp
        using i < n by simp
      case False
      show ?thesis
        apply (simp del: insert_nth_take_drop)
        apply (subst find_first_insert_nth_neq)
        subgoal using False by simp
        by (cases "find_first name Γ") auto
  case (Nabs x t)
  show ?case
    apply simp
    apply (subst Nabs(1)[where n = "Suc n"])
    using Nabs by auto
qed auto

lemma nterm_to_term_bounds_dupl:
  assumes "i < length Γ" "j < length Γ" "i < j"
  assumes "Γ ! i = Γ ! j"
  shows "j |∉| bounds (nterm_to_term Γ t)"
using assms
proof (induction t arbitrary: Γ i j)
  case (Nvar name)
  show ?case
    proof (cases "find_first name Γ")
      case (Some k)
      show ?thesis
          assume "j |∈| bounds (nterm_to_term Γ (Nvar name))"
          with Some have "find_first name Γ = Some j"
            by simp

          moreover have "find_first name Γ  Some j"
            proof (rule find_first_later)
              show "i < length Γ" "j < length Γ" "i < j"
                by fact+
              show "Γ ! j = name"
                by (rule find_first_correct) fact
              thus "Γ ! i = name"
                using Nvar by simp

          ultimately show False
            by blast
    qed simp
  case (Nabs x t)
  show ?case
      assume "j |∈| bounds (nterm_to_term Γ (Λn x. t))"
      then obtain j' where "j' |∈| bounds (nterm_to_term (x # Γ) t)" "j' > 0" "j = j' - 1"
        by auto
      hence "Suc j |∈| bounds (nterm_to_term (x # Γ) t)"
        by simp

      moreover have "Suc j |∉| bounds (nterm_to_term (x # Γ) t)"
        proof (rule Nabs)
          show "Suc i < length (x # Γ)" "Suc j < length (x # Γ)" "Suc i < Suc j" "(x # Γ) ! Suc i = (x # Γ) ! Suc j"
            using Nabs by simp+

      ultimately show False
        by blast
  qed auto

fun subst_single :: "nterm  name  nterm  nterm" where
"subst_single (Nvar s) s' t' = (if s = s' then t' else Nvar s)" |
"subst_single (t1 $n t2) s' t' = subst_single t1 s' t' $n subst_single t2 s' t'" |
"subst_single (Λn x. t) s' t' = (Λn x. (if x = s' then t else subst_single t s' t'))" |
"subst_single t _ _ = t"

lemma subst_single_eq: "subst_single t s t' = subst t (fmap_of_list [(s, t')])"
proof (induction t)
  case (Nabs x t)
  then show ?case
    by (cases "x = s") (simp add: fmfilter_alt_defs)+
qed auto

lemma nterm_to_term_subst_replace_bound:
  assumes "closed u'" "n  length Γ" "x  set (take n Γ)"
  shows "nterm_to_term Γ (subst_single u x u') = replace_bound n (nterm_to_term (insert_nth n x Γ) u) (nterm_to_term Γ u')"
using assms
proof (induction u arbitrary: n Γ)
  case (Nvar name)
  note insert_nth_take_drop[simp del]
  show ?case
    proof (cases "name = x")
      case True
      thus ?thesis
        using Nvar
        apply (simp add: find_first_insert_nth_eq)
        apply (subst incr_bounds_eq[where k = 0])
        subgoal by simp
        apply (rule nterm_to_term_closed_wellformed)
        by auto
      case False
      thus ?thesis
        apply auto
        apply (subst find_first_insert_nth_neq)
        subgoal by simp
        by (cases "find_first name Γ") auto
  case (Nabs y t)
  note insert_nth_take_drop[simp del]
  show ?case
    proof (cases "x = y")
      case True
      have "nterm_to_term (y # Γ) t = replace_bound (Suc n) (nterm_to_term (y # insert_nth n y Γ) t) (nterm_to_term Γ u')"
        proof (subst replace_bound_eq)
          show "Suc n |∉| bounds (nterm_to_term (y # insert_nth n y Γ) t)"
            apply (rule nterm_to_term_bounds_dupl[where i = 0])
            subgoal by simp
            subgoal using Nabs(3) by (simp add: insert_nth_take_drop)
            subgoal by simp
            apply simp
            apply (subst nth_insert_nth_index_eq)
            using Nabs by auto
          show "nterm_to_term (y # Γ) t = incr_bounds (- 1) (Suc n + 1) (nterm_to_term (y # insert_nth n y Γ) t)"
            apply (subst nterm_to_term_insert_dupl[where Γ = "y # Γ" and y = y and n = "Suc n"])
            using Nabs by auto
      with True show ?thesis
        by auto
      case False
      have "nterm_to_term (y # Γ) (subst_single t x u') = replace_bound (Suc n) (nterm_to_term (y # insert_nth n x Γ) t) (nterm_to_term Γ u')"
        apply (subst Nabs(1)[of "Suc n"])
        subgoal by fact
        subgoal using Nabs by simp
        subgoal using False Nabs by simp
        apply (subst nterm_to_term_eq_closed[where t = u'])
        using Nabs by auto
      with False show ?thesis
        by auto
qed auto

corollary nterm_to_term_subst_β:
  assumes "closed u'"
  shows "nterm_to_term Γ (subst u (fmap_of_list [(x, u')])) = nterm_to_term (x # Γ) u [nterm_to_term Γ u']β"
using assms
by (rule nterm_to_term_subst_replace_bound[where n = 0, simplified, unfolded subst_single_eq])
