Theory HOL-Data_Structures.Define_Time_Function
theory Define_Time_Function
imports Main
keywords "time_fun" :: thy_decl
and "time_function" :: thy_decl
and "time_definition" :: thy_decl
and "time_partial_function" :: thy_decl
and "equations"
and "time_fun_0" :: thy_decl
ML_file Define_Time_0.ML
ML_file Define_Time_Function.ML
declare [[time_prefix = "T_"]]
text ‹
This theory provides commands for the automatic definition of step-counting running-time functions
from HOL functions following the translation described in Section 1.5, Running Time, of the book
"Functional Data Structures and Algorithms. A Proof Assistant Approach."
See @{url ""}
Command ‹time_fun f› retrieves the definition of ‹f› and defines a corresponding step-counting
running-time function ‹T_f›. For all auxiliary functions used by ‹f› (excluding constructors),
running time functions must already have been defined.
If the definition of the function requires a manual termination proof,
use ‹time_function› accompanied by a ‹termination› command.
Limitation: The commands do not work properly in locales yet.
The pre-defined functions below are assumed to have constant running time.
In fact, we make that constant 0.
This does not change the asymptotic running time of user-defined functions using the
pre-defined functions because 1 is added for every user-defined function call.
Many of the functions below are polymorphic and reside in type classes.
The constant-time assumption is justified only for those types where the hardware offers
suitable support, e.g. numeric types. The argument size is implicitly bounded, too.
The constant-time assumption for ‹(=)› is justified for recursive data types such as lists and trees
as long as the comparison is of the form ‹t = c› where ‹c› is a constant term, for example ‹xs = []›.
Users of this running time framework need to ensure that 0-time functions are used only
within the above restrictions.›
time_fun_0 "min"
time_fun_0 "max"
time_fun_0 "(+)"
time_fun_0 "(-)"
time_fun_0 "(*)"
time_fun_0 "(/)"
time_fun_0 "(div)"
time_fun_0 "(<)"
time_fun_0 "(≤)"
time_fun_0 "Not"
time_fun_0 "(∧)"
time_fun_0 "(∨)"
time_fun_0 "Num.numeral_class.numeral"
time_fun_0 "(=)"