Theory Crypto_Scheme_new

theory Crypto_Scheme_new

imports "CRYSTALS-Kyber.Crypto_Scheme"

section ‹Deterministic Part of Correctness Proof for Kyber without Compression of the Public Key›
context kyber_spec

text ‹In the following the key generation and encryption algorithms 
  of Kyber without compression of the public key are stated. Here, the variables have the meaning:
    \item $A$: matrix, part of Alices public key
    \item $s$: vector, Alices secret key
    \item $t$: is the key generated by Alice qrom $A$ and $s$ in key_gen›
    \item $r$: Bobs "secret" key, randomly picked vector
    \item $m$: message bits, $m\in \{0,1\}^{256}$
    \item $(u,v)$: encrypted message
    \item $du$, $dv$: the compression parameters for $u$ and $v$ respectively. 
      Notice that 0 < d < ⌈log_2 q⌉›. The $d$ values are public knowledge.
    \item $e$, $e1$ and $e2$: error parameters to obscure the message. 
      We need to make certain that an eavesdropper cannot distinguish 
      the encrypted message qrom uniformly random input.
      Notice that $e$ and $e1$ are vectors while $e2$ is a mere element in ℤ_q[X]/(X^n+1).›
  The decryption algorithm is the same as in the original Kyber algorithms, thus we do not need 
  to redefine it.

definition key_gen_new :: 
  "(('a qr, 'k) vec, 'k) vec  ('a qr, 'k) vec  
   ('a qr, 'k) vec  ('a qr, 'k) vec" where 
"key_gen_new A s e = A *v s + e"

definition encrypt_new :: 
  "('a qr, 'k) vec  (('a qr, 'k) vec, 'k) vec  
   ('a qr, 'k) vec  ('a qr, 'k) vec  ('a qr)  
   nat  nat  'a qr  
   (('a qr, 'k) vec) * ('a qr)" where
"encrypt_new t A r e1 e2 du dv m = 
  (compress_vec du ((transpose A) *v r + e1),  
   compress_poly dv (scalar_product t r +
    e2 + to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * m)) "

text ‹We now want to show the deterministic correctness of the algorithm. 
  That means, for fixed input variables, after generating the public key, encrypting 
  and decrypting, we get back the original message.›

lemma kyber_new_correct:
  fixes A s r e e1 e2 du dv cu cv t u v
      t_def:   "t = key_gen_new A s e"
  and u_v_def: "(u,v) = encrypt_new t A r e1 e2 du dv m"
  and cu_def:  "cu = compress_error_vec du 
                ((transpose A) *v r + e1)"
  and cv_def:  "cv = compress_error_poly dv 
                (scalar_product t r + e2 + 
                 to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * m)"
  and delta:   "abs_infty_poly (scalar_product e r + e2 + cv - 
                scalar_product s e1 - 
                scalar_product s cu) < round (real_of_int q / 4)"
  and m01:     "set ((coeffs  of_qr) m)  {0,1}"
  shows "decrypt u v s du dv = m"
proof -
  text ‹First, show that the calculations are performed correctly.›
  have t_correct: "t = A *v s + e" unfolding t_def key_gen_new_def by simp
  have u_correct: "decompress_vec du u = 
    (transpose A) *v r + e1 + cu" 
    using u_v_def cu_def unfolding encrypt_new_def 
    compress_error_vec_def by simp
  have v_correct: "decompress_poly dv v = 
    scalar_product t r + e2 + 
    to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * m + cv"
    using u_v_def unfolding encrypt_new_def 
    compress_error_poly_def cv_def by simp
  have v_correct': "decompress_poly dv v = 
    scalar_product (A *v s + e) r + e2 + 
    to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * m + cv"
   using t_correct v_correct 
    by (auto simp add: scalar_product_linear_left)
  let ?u = "decompress_vec du u"
  let ?v = "decompress_poly dv v"
  text ‹Define w as the error term of the message encoding. 
    Have $\|w\|_{\infty ,q} < \lceil q/4 \rfloor$›
  define w where "w = scalar_product e r + e2 + cv - 
    scalar_product s e1 - 
    scalar_product s cu"
  have w_length: "abs_infty_poly w < round (real_of_int q / 4)" 
    unfolding w_def using delta by auto
  moreover have "abs_infty_poly w = abs_infty_poly (-w)" 
    unfolding abs_infty_poly_def 
    using neg_mod_plus_minus[OF q_odd q_gt_zero] 
    using abs_infty_q_def abs_infty_q_minus by auto
  ultimately have minus_w_length: 
    "abs_infty_poly (-w) < round (real_of_int q / 4)" 
    by auto
  have vsu: "?v - scalar_product s ?u = 
        w + to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * m" 
    unfolding w_def by (auto simp add: u_correct v_correct' 
    scalar_product_linear_left scalar_product_linear_right 
  text ‹Set m' as the actual result of the decryption. 
    It remains to show that $m' = m$.›
  define m' where "m' = decrypt u v s du dv"
  have coeffs_m': "i. poly.coeff (of_qr m') i  {0,1}" 
    unfolding m'_def decrypt_def using compress_poly_1 by auto
  text ‹Show $\| v - s^Tu - \lceil q/2 \rfloor m' \|_{\infty, q} 
    \leq \lceil q/4 \rfloor$›
  have "abs_infty_poly (?v - scalar_product s ?u - 
    to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * m')
  = abs_infty_poly (?v - scalar_product s ?u - 
    decompress_poly 1 (compress_poly 1 (?v - scalar_product s ?u)))"
    by (auto simp flip: decompress_poly_1[of m', OF coeffs_m'])
       (simp add:m'_def decrypt_def)
  also have "  round (real_of_int q / 4)" 
    using decompress_compress_poly[of 1 "?v - scalar_product s ?u"] 
      q_gt_two by fastforce
  finally have "abs_infty_poly (?v - scalar_product s ?u - 
    to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * m')  
    round (real_of_int q / 4)"
    by auto
  text ‹Show $\| \lceil q/2 \rfloor (m-m')) \|_{\infty, q} < 
    2 \lceil q/4 \rfloor $›
  then have "abs_infty_poly (w + to_module 
    (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * m - to_module 
    (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * m')  round (real_of_int q / 4)" 
    using vsu by auto
  then have w_mm': "abs_infty_poly (w + 
    to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * (m - m'))
     round (real_of_int q / 4)" 
    by (smt (verit) add_uminus_conv_diff is_num_normalize(1) 
  have "abs_infty_poly (to_module 
      (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * (m - m')) = 
    abs_infty_poly (w + to_module 
      (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * (m - m') - w)"
    by auto
  also have "  abs_infty_poly 
    (w + to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * (m - m')) 
     + abs_infty_poly (- w)"
    using abs_infty_poly_triangle_ineq[of 
      "w+to_module (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * (m - m')" "-w"] 
    by auto
  also have " < 2 * round (real_of_int q / 4)" 
    using w_mm' minus_w_length by auto
  finally have error_lt: "abs_infty_poly (to_module 
    (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * (m - m')) < 
    2 * round (real_of_int q / 4)" 
    by auto
  text ‹Finally show that $m-m'$ is small enough, ie that it is 
    an integer smaller than one. 
    Here, we need that $q \cong 1\mod 4$.›
  have coeffs_m':"set ((coeffs  of_qr) m')  {0,1}" 
  proof -
    have "compress 1 a  {0,1}" for a 
    unfolding compress_def by auto
    then have "poly.coeff (of_qr (compress_poly 1 a)) i  {0,1}" 
      for a i
      using compress_poly_1 by presburger
    then have "set (coeffs (of_qr (compress_poly 1 a)))  {0,1}" 
      for a 
      using coeffs_in_coeff[of "of_qr (compress_poly 1 a)" "{0,1}"] 
      by simp
    then show ?thesis unfolding m'_def decrypt_def by simp
  have coeff_0pm1: "set ((coeffs  of_qr) (m-m'))  
    {of_int_mod_ring (-1),0,1}"
  proof -
    have "poly.coeff (of_qr m) i  {0,1}" 
      for i using m01 coeff_in_coeffs
      by (metis comp_def insertCI le_degree subset_iff 
    moreover have "poly.coeff (of_qr m') i  {0,1}" for i 
      using coeffs_m' coeff_in_coeffs
      by (metis comp_def insertCI le_degree subset_iff zero_poly.rep_eq)
    ultimately have "poly.coeff (of_qr m - of_qr m') i  
      {of_int_mod_ring (- 1), 0, 1}" for i
      by (metis (no_types, lifting) coeff_diff diff_zero 
        eq_iff_diff_eq_0 insert_iff of_int_hom.hom_one of_int_minus 
        of_int_of_int_mod_ring singleton_iff verit_minus_simplify(3))
    then have "set (coeffs (of_qr m - of_qr m'))  
      {of_int_mod_ring (- 1), 0, 1}" 
      by (simp add: coeffs_in_coeff)
    then show ?thesis using m01 of_qr_diff[of m m'] by simp
  have "set ((coeffs  of_qr) (m-m'))  {0}"
  proof (rule ccontr)
    assume "¬set ((coeffs  of_qr) (m-m'))  {0}"
    then have "i. poly.coeff (of_qr (m-m')) i  
      {of_int_mod_ring (-1),1}" 
      using coeff_0pm1 
      by (smt (z3) coeff_in_coeffs comp_apply insert_iff 
        leading_coeff_0_iff order_refl 
        set_coeffs_subset_singleton_0_iff subsetD)
    then have error_ge: "abs_infty_poly (to_module 
      (round((real_of_int q)/2)) * (m-m'))  
      2 * round (real_of_int q / 4)" 
      using abs_infty_poly_ineq_pm_1 by simp
    show False using error_lt error_ge by simp
  then show ?thesis by (simp flip: m'_def) (metis to_qr_of_qr)

