Theory Ordered_List
section‹Replicated Growable Array›
text‹The RGA, introduced by \<^cite>‹"Roh:2011dw"›, is a replicated ordered list (sequence) datatype
that supports \emph{insert} and \emph{delete} operations.›
type_synonym ('id, 'v) elt = "'id × 'v × bool"
subsection‹Insert and delete operations›
text‹Insertion operations place the new element \emph{after} an existing list element with a given ID, or at the head of the list if no ID is given.
Deletion operations refer to the ID of the list element that is to be deleted.
However, it is not safe for a deletion operation to completely remove a list element, because then a concurrent insertion after the deleted element would not be able to locate the insertion position.
Instead, the list retains so-called \emph{tombstones}: a deletion operation merely sets a flag on a list element to mark it as deleted, but the element actually remains in the list.
A separate garbage collection process can be used to eventually purge tombstones \<^cite>‹"Roh:2011dw"›, but we do not consider tombstone removal here.›
hide_const insert
fun insert_body :: "('id::{linorder}, 'v) elt list ⇒ ('id, 'v) elt ⇒ ('id, 'v) elt list" where
"insert_body [] e = [e]" |
"insert_body (x#xs) e =
(if fst x < fst e then
else x#insert_body xs e)"
fun insert :: "('id::{linorder}, 'v) elt list ⇒ ('id, 'v) elt ⇒ 'id option ⇒ ('id, 'v) elt list option" where
"insert xs e None = Some (insert_body xs e)" |
"insert [] e (Some i) = None" |
"insert (x#xs) e (Some i) =
(if fst x = i then
Some (x#insert_body xs e)
insert xs e (Some i) ⤜ (λt. Some (x#t)))"
fun delete :: "('id::{linorder}, 'v) elt list ⇒ 'id ⇒ ('id, 'v) elt list option" where
"delete [] i = None" |
"delete ((i', v, flag)#xs) i =
(if i' = i then
Some ((i', v, True)#xs)
delete xs i ⤜ (λt. Some ((i',v,flag)#t)))"
subsection‹Well-definedness of insert and delete›
lemma insert_no_failure:
assumes "i = None ∨ (∃i'. i = Some i' ∧ i' ∈ fst ` set xs)"
shows "∃xs'. insert xs e i = Some xs'"
using assms by(induction rule: insert.induct; force)
lemma insert_None_index_neq_None [dest]:
assumes "insert xs e i = None"
shows "i ≠ None"
using assms by(cases i, auto)
lemma insert_Some_None_index_not_in [dest]:
assumes "insert xs e (Some i) = None"
shows "i ∉ fst ` set xs"
using assms by(induction xs, auto split: if_split_asm bind_splits)
lemma index_not_in_insert_Some_None [simp]:
assumes "i ∉ fst ` set xs"
shows "insert xs e (Some i) = None"
using assms by(induction xs, auto)
lemma delete_no_failure:
assumes "i ∈ fst ` set xs"
shows "∃xs'. delete xs i = Some xs'"
using assms by(induction xs; force)
lemma delete_None_index_not_in [dest]:
assumes "delete xs i = None"
shows "i ∉ fst ` set xs"
using assms by(induction xs, auto split: if_split_asm bind_splits simp add: fst_eq_Domain)
lemma index_not_in_delete_None [simp]:
assumes "i ∉ fst ` set xs"
shows "delete xs i = None"
using assms by(induction xs, auto)
subsection‹Preservation of element indices›
lemma insert_body_preserve_indices [simp]:
shows "fst ` set (insert_body xs e) = fst ` set xs ∪ {fst e}"
by(induction xs, auto simp add: insert_commute)
lemma insert_preserve_indices:
assumes "∃ys. insert xs e i = Some ys"
shows "fst ` set (the (insert xs e i)) = fst ` set xs ∪ {fst e}"
using assms by(induction xs; cases i; auto simp add: insert_commute split: bind_splits)
corollary insert_preserve_indices':
assumes "insert xs e i = Some ys"
shows "fst ` set (the (insert xs e i)) = fst ` set xs ∪ {fst e}"
using assms insert_preserve_indices by blast
lemma delete_preserve_indices:
assumes "delete xs i = Some ys"
shows "fst ` set xs = fst ` set ys"
using assms by(induction xs arbitrary: ys, simp) (case_tac a; auto split: if_split_asm bind_splits)
subsection‹Commutativity of concurrent operations›
lemma insert_body_commutes:
assumes "fst e1 ≠ fst e2"
shows "insert_body (insert_body xs e1) e2 = insert_body (insert_body xs e2) e1"
using assms by(induction xs, auto)
lemma insert_insert_body:
assumes "fst e1 ≠ fst e2"
and "i2 ≠ Some (fst e1)"
shows "insert (insert_body xs e1) e2 i2 = insert xs e2 i2 ⤜ (λys. Some (insert_body ys e1))"
using assms by (induction xs; cases i2) (auto split: if_split_asm simp add: insert_body_commutes)
lemma insert_Nil_None:
assumes "fst e1 ≠ fst e2"
and "i ≠ fst e2"
and "i2 ≠ Some (fst e1)"
shows "insert [] e2 i2 ⤜ (λys. insert ys e1 (Some i)) = None"
using assms by (cases "i2") clarsimp+
lemma insert_insert_body_commute:
assumes "i ≠ fst e1"
and "fst e1 ≠ fst e2"
shows "insert (insert_body xs e1) e2 (Some i) =
insert xs e2 (Some i) ⤜ (λy. Some (insert_body y e1))"
using assms by(induction xs, auto simp add: insert_body_commutes)
lemma insert_commutes:
assumes "fst e1 ≠ fst e2"
"i1 = None ∨ i1 ≠ Some (fst e2)"
"i2 = None ∨ i2 ≠ Some (fst e1)"
shows "insert xs e1 i1 ⤜ (λys. insert ys e2 i2) =
insert xs e2 i2 ⤜ (λys. insert ys e1 i1)"
using assms proof(induction rule: insert.induct)
fix xs and e :: "('a, 'b) elt"
assume "i2 = None ∨ i2 ≠ Some (fst e)" and "fst e ≠ fst e2"
thus "insert xs e None ⤜ (λys. insert ys e2 i2) = insert xs e2 i2 ⤜ (λys. insert ys e None)"
by(auto simp add: insert_body_commutes intro: insert_insert_body)
fix i and e :: "('a, 'b) elt"
assume "fst e ≠ fst e2" and "i2 = None ∨ i2 ≠ Some (fst e)" and "Some i = None ∨ Some i ≠ Some (fst e2)"
thus "insert [] e (Some i) ⤜ (λys. insert ys e2 i2) = insert [] e2 i2 ⤜ (λys. insert ys e (Some i))"
by (auto intro: insert_Nil_None[symmetric])
fix xs i and x e :: "('a, 'b) elt"
assume IH: "(fst x ≠ i ⟹
fst e ≠ fst e2 ⟹
Some i = None ∨ Some i ≠ Some (fst e2) ⟹
i2 = None ∨ i2 ≠ Some (fst e) ⟹
insert xs e (Some i) ⤜ (λys. insert ys e2 i2) = insert xs e2 i2 ⤜ (λys. insert ys e (Some i)))"
and "fst e ≠ fst e2"
and "Some i = None ∨ Some i ≠ Some (fst e2)"
and "i2 = None ∨ i2 ≠ Some (fst e)"
thus "insert (x # xs) e (Some i) ⤜ (λys. insert ys e2 i2) = insert (x # xs) e2 i2 ⤜ (λys. insert ys e (Some i))"
apply -
apply(erule disjE, clarsimp, simp, rule conjI)
apply(case_tac i2; force simp add: insert_body_commutes insert_insert_body_commute)
apply(case_tac i2; clarsimp cong: Option.bind_cong simp add: insert_insert_body split: bind_splits)
apply force
lemma delete_commutes:
shows "delete xs i1 ⤜ (λys. delete ys i2) = delete xs i2 ⤜ (λys. delete ys i1)"
by(induction xs, auto split: bind_splits if_split_asm)
lemma insert_body_delete_commute:
assumes "i2 ≠ fst e"
shows "delete (insert_body xs e) i2 ⤜ (λt. Some (x#t)) =
delete xs i2 ⤜ (λy. Some (x#insert_body y e))"
using assms by (induction xs arbitrary: x; cases e, auto split: bind_splits if_split_asm)
lemma insert_delete_commute:
assumes "i2 ≠ fst e"
shows "insert xs e i1 ⤜ (λys. delete ys i2) = delete xs i2 ⤜ (λys. insert ys e i1)"
using assms by(induction xs; cases e; cases i1, auto split: bind_splits if_split_asm simp add: insert_body_delete_commute)
subsection‹Alternative definition of insert›
fun insert' :: "('id::{linorder}, 'v) elt list ⇒ ('id, 'v) elt ⇒ 'id option ⇀ ('id::{linorder}, 'v) elt list" where
"insert' [] e None = Some [e]" |
"insert' [] e (Some i) = None" |
"insert' (x#xs) e None =
(if fst x < fst e then
Some (e#x#xs)
case insert' xs e None of
None ⇒ None
| Some t ⇒ Some (x#t))" |
"insert' (x#xs) e (Some i) =
(if fst x = i then
case insert' xs e None of
None ⇒ None
| Some t ⇒ Some (x#t)
case insert' xs e (Some i) of
None ⇒ None
| Some t ⇒ Some (x#t))"
lemma [elim!, dest]:
assumes "insert' xs e None = None"
shows "False"
using assms by(induction xs, auto split: if_split_asm option.split_asm)
lemma insert_body_insert':
shows "insert' xs e None = Some (insert_body xs e)"
by(induction xs, auto)
lemma insert_insert':
shows "insert xs e i = insert' xs e i"
by(induction xs; cases e; cases i, auto split: option.split simp add: insert_body_insert')
lemma insert_body_stop_iteration:
assumes "fst e > fst x"
shows "insert_body (x#xs) e = e#x#xs"
using assms by simp
lemma insert_body_contains_new_elem:
shows "∃p s. xs = p @ s ∧ insert_body xs e = p @ e # s"
proof (induction xs)
case Nil thus ?case by force
case (Cons a xs)
then obtain p s where "xs = p @ s ∧ insert_body xs e = p @ e # s" by force
thus ?case
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI; clarsimp)
apply force
apply (rule_tac x="a # p" in exI, force)
lemma insert_between_elements:
assumes "xs = pre@ref#suf"
and "distinct (map fst xs)"
and "⋀i'. i' ∈ fst ` set xs ⟹ i' < fst e"
shows "insert xs e (Some (fst ref)) = Some (pre @ ref # e # suf)"
using assms by(induction xs arbitrary: pre ref suf, force) (case_tac pre; case_tac suf; force)
lemma insert_position_element_technical:
assumes "∀x∈set as. a ≠ fst x"
and "insert_body (cs @ ds) e = cs @ e # ds"
shows "insert (as @ (a, aa, b) # cs @ ds) e (Some a) = Some (as @ (a, aa, b) # cs @ e # ds)"
using assms by (induction as arbitrary: cs ds; clarsimp)
lemma split_tuple_list_by_id:
assumes "(a,b,c) ∈ set xs"
and "distinct (map fst xs)"
shows "∃pre suf. xs = pre @ (a,b,c) # suf ∧ (∀y ∈ set pre. fst y ≠ a)"
using assms proof(induction xs, clarsimp)
case (Cons x xs)
{ assume "x ≠ (a, b, c)"
hence "(a, b, c) ∈ set xs" "distinct (map fst xs)"
using Cons.prems by force+
then obtain pre suf where "xs = pre @ (a, b, c) # suf ∧ (∀y∈set pre. fst y ≠ a)"
using Cons.IH by force
hence ?case
apply(rule_tac x="x#pre" in exI)
using Cons.prems(2) by auto
} thus ?case
by force
lemma insert_preserves_order:
assumes "i = None ∨ (∃i'. i = Some i' ∧ i' ∈ fst ` set xs)"
and "distinct (map fst xs)"
shows "∃pre suf. xs = pre@suf ∧ insert xs e i = Some (pre @ e # suf)"
using assms proof -
{ assume "i = None"
hence ?thesis
by clarsimp (metis insert_body_contains_new_elem)
} moreover {
assume "∃i'. i = Some i' ∧ i' ∈ fst ` set xs"
then obtain j v b where "i = Some j" "(j, v, b) ∈ set xs" by force
moreover then obtain as bs where "xs = as@(j,v,b)#bs" "∀x ∈ set as. fst x ≠ j"
using assms by (metis split_tuple_list_by_id)
moreover then obtain cs ds where "insert_body bs e = cs@e#ds" "cs@ds = bs"
by(metis insert_body_contains_new_elem)
ultimately have ?thesis
by(rule_tac x="as@(j,v,b)#cs" in exI; clarsimp)(metis insert_position_element_technical)
} ultimately show ?thesis
using assms by force