Theory Link_separation_kernel_model_to_CISK

subsection ‹Link implementation to CISK: the specific separation kernel is an interpretation of the generic model.\label{sect:link_to_CISK}›

theory Link_separation_kernel_model_to_CISK
  imports Separation_kernel_model         

text ‹We show that the separation kernel instantiation satisfies the 
specification of CISK.

theorem CISK_proof_obligations_satisfied:
proof (unfold_locales)
  ― ‹show that rvpeq is equivalence relation›
  show " a b c u. (rvpeq u a b  rvpeq u b c)  rvpeq u a c"
   and " a b u. rvpeq u a b  rvpeq u b a"
   and " a u. rvpeq u a a"
    using inst_vpeq_rel by metis+
  ― ‹show output consistency›
  show " a s t. rvpeq (rcurrent s) s t  rcurrent s = rcurrent t  routput_f s a = routput_f t a"
    using inst_output_consistency by metis
  ― ‹show reflexivity of ifp›
  show " u . rifp u u"
    using inst_ifp_refl by metis
  ― ‹show step consistency›
  show "s t u a. rvpeq u s t  rvpeq (rcurrent s) s t  True  rprecondition s (rcurrent s) a  True  rprecondition t (rcurrent t) a  rcurrent s = rcurrent t 
              rvpeq u (rstep s a) (rstep t a)"
    using inst_weakly_step_consistent by blast
  ― ‹show step atomicity›
  show " s a . rcurrent (rstep s a) = rcurrent s"
    using inst_step_atomicity by metis
  show " a s u. ¬ rifp (rcurrent s) u  True  rprecondition s (rcurrent s) a  rvpeq u s (rstep s a)"
    using inst_local_respect by blast
  ― ‹show cswitch is independent of state›
  show "n s t. rcurrent s = rcurrent t  rcurrent (rcswitch n s) = rcurrent (rcswitch n t)"
    using inst_cswitch_independent_of_state by metis
  ― ‹show cswitch consistency›
  show "u s t n. rvpeq u s t  rvpeq u (rcswitch n s) (rcswitch n t)"
    using inst_cswitch_consistency by metis
  ― ‹Show the empt action sequence is in @{term AS_set}
  show "[]  rAS_set"
    unfolding rAS_set_def
    by auto
  ― ‹The invariant for the initial state, already encoded in @{term rstate_t}
  show "True"
    by auto
  ― ‹Step function of the invariant, already encoded in @{term rstate_t}
  show "s n. True  True"
    by auto
  ― ‹The precondition does not change with a context switch›
  show "s d n a. rprecondition s d a  rprecondition (rcswitch n s) d a"
    using precondition_after_cswitch by blast
  ― ‹The precondition holds for the first action of each action sequence›
  show "s d aseq. True  aseq  rAS_set  aseq  []  rprecondition s d (hd aseq)"
    using prec_first_IPC_action prec_first_EV_WAIT_action prec_first_EV_SIGNAL_action
    unfolding rAS_set_def is_sub_seq_def 
    by auto
  ― ‹The precondition holds for the next action in an action sequence, assuming the sequence is not aborted or delayed›
  show "s a a'. (aseqrAS_set. is_sub_seq a a' aseq)  True  rprecondition s (rcurrent s) a  ¬ raborting s (rcurrent s) a  ¬ rwaiting s (rcurrent s) a 
             rprecondition (rstep s a) (rcurrent s) a'"
    using prec_after_IPC_step prec_after_EV_SIGNAL_step prec_after_EV_WAIT_step
    unfolding rAS_set_def is_sub_seq_def
    by auto
  ― ‹Steps of other domains do not influence the precondition›
  show "s d a a'. rcurrent s  d  rprecondition s d a  rprecondition (rstep s a') d a"
    using prec_dom_independent by blast
  ― ‹The invariant›
  show "s a. True  True"
    by auto
  ― ‹Aborting does not depend on a context switch›
  show "n s. raborting (rcswitch n s) = raborting s"
    using aborting_switch_independent by auto
  ― ‹Aborting does not depend on actions of other domains›
  show "s a d. rcurrent s  d  raborting (rstep s a) d = raborting s d"
    using aborting_dom_independent by auto
  ― ‹Aborting is consistent›
  show "s t u. rvpeq u s t  raborting s u = raborting t u"
    using raborting_consistent by auto
  ― ‹Waiting does not depend on a context switch›
  show "n s. rwaiting (rcswitch n s) = rwaiting s"
    using waiting_switch_independent by auto
  ― ‹Waiting is consistent›
  show "s t u a. rvpeq (rcurrent s) s t  ( d  rkinvolved a . rvpeq d s t) 
          rvpeq u s t  
          rwaiting s u a = rwaiting t u a"
    unfolding Kernel.involved_def
    using waiting_consistent by auto
  ― ‹Domains that are involved in an action may influence the domain of the action›
  show "s a.  d  rkinvolved a. rprecondition s (rcurrent s) a  rifp d (rcurrent s)"
    using involved_ifp by blast
  ― ‹An action that is waiting does not change the state›
  show "s a. rwaiting s (rcurrent s) a  rstep s a = s"
    using spec_of_waiting by blast
  ― ‹Proof obligations for @{term set_error_code}. Right now, they are all trivial›
  show "s d a' a. rcurrent s  d  raborting s d a  raborting (rset_error_code s a') d a"
    unfolding rset_error_code_def
    by auto
  show "s t u a. rvpeq u s t  rvpeq u (rset_error_code s a) (rset_error_code t a)"
    unfolding rset_error_code_def
    by auto
  show "s u a. ¬ rifp (rcurrent s) u  rvpeq u s (rset_error_code s a)"
    unfolding rset_error_code_def
    by (metis a u. rvpeq u a a)
  show "s a. rcurrent (rset_error_code s a) = rcurrent s"
    unfolding rset_error_code_def
    by auto
  show "s d a a'. rprecondition s d a  raborting s (rcurrent s) a'  rprecondition (rset_error_code s a') d a"
    unfolding rset_error_code_def
    by auto
  show "s d a' a. rcurrent s  d  rwaiting s d a  rwaiting (rset_error_code s a') d a"
    unfolding rset_error_code_def
    by auto

text ‹Now we can instantiate CISK with some initial state, interrupt function, etc.›

interpretation Inst:
    rstep           ― ‹step function, without program stack›
    routput_f       ― ‹output function›
    "s0"           ― ‹initial state›
    rcurrent        ― ‹returns the currently active domain›
    rcswitch        ― ‹switches the currently active domain›
    "(=) 42"     ― ‹interrupt function (yet unspecified)›
    rkinvolved      ― ‹returns a set of threads involved in the give action›
    rifp            ― ‹information flow policy›
    rvpeq           ― ‹view partitioning›
    rAS_set         ― ‹the set of valid action sequences›
    rinvariant      ― ‹the state invariant›
    rprecondition   ― ‹the precondition for doing an action›
    raborting       ― ‹condition under which an action is aborted›
    rwaiting        ― ‹condition under which an action is delayed›
    rset_error_code ― ‹updates the state. Has no meaning in the current model.›
using CISK_proof_obligations_satisfied by auto

text ‹The main theorem: the instantiation implements the information flow policy @{term ifp}.›
theorem risecure:
using Inst.unwinding_implies_isecure_CISK
by blast