Theory Boo2
section ‹Isabelle Formalization II›
theory Boo2 imports Main
text "Boolos's inference"
locale boolax_2 =
fixes F :: " 'a × 'a ⇒ 'a "
fixes s :: " 'a ⇒ 'a "
fixes D :: " 'a ⇒ bool "
fixes e :: " 'a "
assumes A1: "F(x, e) = s(e)"
and A2: "F(e, s(y)) = s(s(F(e, y)))"
and A3: "F(s(x), s(y)) = F(x, F(s(x), y))"
and A4: "D(e)"
and A5: "D(x) ⟶ D(s(x))"
context boolax_2
text "Definitions"
definition (in boolax_2) induct :: "'a set ⇒ bool"
where "induct X ≡ (e ∈ X ∧ (∀x. (x ∈ X ⟶ s(x) ∈ X)))"
definition (in boolax_2) N :: "'a set"
where "N = {x. (∀Y. (induct Y ⟶ x ∈ Y))}"
definition (in boolax_2) P1 :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool"
where "P1 x y ≡ F(x,y) ∈ N"
definition (in boolax_2) P2 :: "'a ⇒ bool"
where "P2 x ≡ N ⊆ {y. P1 x y}"
text "Lemmas"
text "I. Basic Lemmas"
lemma Induction_wrt_N: "induct X ⟶ N ⊆ X" using N_def by auto
lemma N_is_inductive: "induct N" by (simp add: N_def induct_def)
lemma D_is_inductive: "induct {x. D(x)}" using A4 A5 induct_def by auto
lemma Four_in_N: "s(s(s(s(e)))) ∈ N" using induct_def N_is_inductive by auto
text "II. Proof that ${x. P1 e x}$ is inductive"
lemma P1ex_basis: "P1 e e" using A1 P1_def induct_def N_is_inductive by auto
lemma P1ex_closed: "P1 e x ⟶ P1 e (s(x))" using A2 P1_def induct_def N_is_inductive by auto
lemma P1ex_inductive: "induct {x. P1 e x}" using induct_def P1ex_basis P1ex_closed by auto
text "III. Proof that ${x. P2 x}$ is inductive"
lemma P1sx_basis: "P1 (s(x)) e" using A1 P1_def induct_def N_is_inductive by auto
lemma P2_basis: "P2 e" by (simp add: P2_def Induction_wrt_N P1ex_inductive)
lemma P2_closeda: "P2 x ⟶ (∀y. (P1 (s(x)) y ⟶ P1 (s(x)) (s(y))))" using A3 P1_def P2_def by auto
lemma P2_closedb: "P2 x ⟶ P2(s(x))" using P2_def induct_def Induction_wrt_N P1sx_basis P2_closeda by auto
lemma P2_inductive: "induct {x. P2 x}" using induct_def P2_basis P2_closedb by auto
text "IV. Proof that $N$ is closed under $F$"
lemma N_closed_F: "x ∈ N ∧ y ∈ N ⟶ F(x,y) ∈ N" using Induction_wrt_N P1_def P2_def P2_inductive by auto
text "V. Conclusion"
lemma F_Four_in_D: "D(F(s(s(s(s(e)))), s(s(s(s(e))))))" using D_is_inductive Four_in_N N_closed_F Induction_wrt_N by auto