Theory PQ_Implementation
section ‹Relating Functional Binomial Queues To The Abstract Priority Queues›
theory PQ_Implementation
imports PQ Binomial_Queue
"PQ.values" (‹|(_)|›)
and "PQ.priorities" (‹∥(_)∥›)
text ‹
\noindent Naming convention: prefix ‹bt_› for bintrees, ‹bts_› for bintree lists,
no prefix for binqueues.
primrec bt_dfs :: "(('a::linorder, 'b) bintree ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('a, 'b) bintree ⇒ 'c list"
and bts_dfs :: "(('a::linorder, 'b) bintree ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('a, 'b) bintree list ⇒ 'c list" where
"bt_dfs f (Node a v ts) = f (Node a v ts) # bts_dfs f ts"
| "bts_dfs f [] = []"
| "bts_dfs f (t # ts) = bt_dfs f t @ bts_dfs f ts"
lemma bt_dfs_simp:
"bt_dfs f t = f t # bts_dfs f (children t)"
by (cases t) simp_all
lemma bts_dfs_append [simp]:
"bts_dfs f (ts @ rs) = bts_dfs f ts @ bts_dfs f rs"
by (induct ts) simp_all
lemma set_bts_dfs_rev:
"set (bts_dfs f (rev ts)) = set (bts_dfs f ts)"
by (induct ts) auto
lemma bts_dfs_rev_distinct:
"distinct (bts_dfs f ts) ⟹ distinct (bts_dfs f (rev ts))"
by (induct ts) (auto simp add: set_bts_dfs_rev)
lemma bt_dfs_comp:
"bt_dfs (f ∘ g) t = map f (bt_dfs g t)"
"bts_dfs (f ∘ g) ts = map f (bts_dfs g ts)"
by (induct t and ts rule: bt_dfs.induct bts_dfs.induct) simp_all
lemma bt_dfs_comp_distinct:
"distinct (bt_dfs (f ∘ g) t) ⟹ distinct (bt_dfs g t)"
"distinct (bts_dfs (f ∘ g) ts) ⟹ distinct (bts_dfs g ts)"
by (simp_all add: bt_dfs_comp distinct_map [of f])
lemma bt_dfs_distinct_children:
"distinct (bt_dfs f x) ⟹ distinct (bts_dfs f (children x))"
by (cases x) simp
fun dfs :: "(('a::linorder, 'b) bintree ⇒ 'c) ⇒ ('a, 'b) binqueue ⇒ 'c list" where
"dfs f [] = []"
| "dfs f (None # xs) = dfs f xs"
| "dfs f (Some t # xs) = bt_dfs f t @ dfs f xs"
lemma dfs_append:
"dfs f (xs @ ys) = (dfs f xs) @ (dfs f ys)"
by (induct xs) simp_all
lemma set_dfs_rev:
"set (dfs f (rev xs)) = set (dfs f xs)"
by (induct xs) (auto simp add: dfs_append)
lemma set_dfs_Cons:
"set (dfs f (x # xs)) = set (dfs f xs) ∪ set (dfs f [x])"
proof -
have "set (dfs f (x # xs)) = set (dfs f (rev xs @ [x]))"
using set_dfs_rev[of f "rev xs @ [x]"] by simp
thus ?thesis by (simp add: dfs_append set_dfs_rev)
lemma dfs_comp:
"dfs (f ∘ g) xs = map f (dfs g xs)"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: bt_dfs_comp del: o_apply)
lemma dfs_comp_distinct:
"distinct (dfs (f ∘ g) xs) ⟹ distinct (dfs g xs)"
by (simp add: dfs_comp distinct_map[of f])
lemma dfs_distinct_member:
"distinct (dfs f xs) ⟹
Some x ∈ set xs ⟹
distinct (bt_dfs f x)"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: x)
case (Some r xs t) then show ?case by (cases "t = r") simp_all
qed simp_all
lemma dfs_map_Some_idem:
"dfs f (map Some xs) = bts_dfs f xs"
by (induct xs) simp_all
primrec alist :: "('a, 'b) bintree ⇒ ('b × 'a)" where
"alist (Node a v _) = (v, a)"
lemma alist_split_pre:
"val t = (fst ∘ alist) t"
"priority t = (snd ∘ alist) t"
by (cases t, simp)+
lemma alist_split:
"val = fst ∘ alist"
"priority = snd ∘ alist"
by (auto intro!: ext simp add: alist_split_pre)
lemma alist_split_set:
"set (dfs val xs) = fst ` set (dfs alist xs)"
"set (dfs priority xs) = snd ` set (dfs alist xs)"
by (auto simp add: dfs_comp alist_split)
lemma in_set_in_alist:
assumes "Some t ∈ set xs"
shows "(val t, priority t) ∈ set (dfs alist xs)"
using assms
proof (induct xs)
case (Some x xs) then show ?case
proof (cases "Some t ∈ set xs")
case False with Some show ?thesis by (cases t) (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp)
qed simp
qed simp_all
abbreviation vals where "vals ≡ dfs val"
abbreviation prios where "prios ≡ dfs priority"
abbreviation elements where "elements ≡ dfs alist"
bt_augment :: "('a::linorder, 'b) bintree ⇒ ('b, 'a) PQ.pq ⇒ ('b, 'a) PQ.pq"
bts_augment :: "('a::linorder, 'b) bintree list ⇒ ('b, 'a) PQ.pq ⇒ ('b, 'a) PQ.pq"
"bt_augment (Node a v ts) q = PQ.push v a (bts_augment ts q)"
| "bts_augment [] q = q"
| "bts_augment (t # ts) q = bts_augment ts (bt_augment t q)"
lemma bts_augment [simp]:
"bts_augment = fold bt_augment"
proof (rule ext)
fix ts :: "('a, 'b) bintree list"
show "bts_augment ts = fold bt_augment ts"
by (induct ts) simp_all
lemma bt_augment_Node [simp]:
"bt_augment (Node a v ts) q = PQ.push v a (fold bt_augment ts q)"
by (simp add: bts_augment)
lemma bt_augment_simp:
"bt_augment t q = PQ.push (val t) (priority t) (fold bt_augment (children t) q)"
by (cases t) (simp_all add: bts_augment)
declare bt_augment.simps [simp del] bts_augment.simps [simp del]
fun pqueue :: "('a::linorder, 'b) binqueue ⇒ ('b, 'a) PQ.pq" where
Empty: "pqueue [] = PQ.empty"
| None: "pqueue (None # xs) = pqueue xs"
| Some: "pqueue (Some t # xs) = bt_augment t (pqueue xs)"
lemma bt_augment_v_subset:
"set |q| ⊆ set |bt_augment t q|"
"set |q| ⊆ set |bts_augment ts q|"
by (induct t and ts arbitrary: q and q rule: bt_augment.induct bts_augment.induct) auto
lemma bt_augment_v_in:
"v ∈ set |q| ⟹ v ∈ set |bt_augment t q|"
"v ∈ set |q| ⟹ v ∈ set |bts_augment ts q|"
using bt_augment_v_subset[of q] by auto
lemma bt_augment_v_union:
"set |bt_augment t (bt_augment r q)| =
set |bt_augment t q| ∪ set |bt_augment r q|"
"set |bts_augment ts (bt_augment r q)| =
set |bts_augment ts q| ∪ set |bt_augment r q|"
proof (induct t and ts arbitrary: q r and q r rule: bt_augment.induct bts_augment.induct)
case Nil_bintree
from bt_augment_v_subset[of q] show ?case by auto
qed auto
lemma bt_val_augment:
shows "set (bt_dfs val t) ∪ set |q| = set |bt_augment t q|"
and "set (bts_dfs val ts) ∪ set |q| = set |bts_augment ts q|"
proof (induct t and ts rule: bt_augment.induct bts_augment.induct)
case (Cons_bintree r rs)
have "set |bts_augment rs (bt_augment r q)| =
set |bts_augment rs q| ∪ set |bt_augment r q|"
by (simp only: bt_augment_v_union)
with bt_augment_v_subset[of q]
have "set |bts_augment rs (bt_augment r q)| =
set |bts_augment rs q| ∪ set |bt_augment r q| ∪ set |q|"
by auto
with Cons_bintree show ?case by auto
qed auto
lemma vals_pqueue:
"set (vals xs) = set |pqueue xs|"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: bt_val_augment)
lemma bt_augment_v_push:
"set |bt_augment t (PQ.push v a q)| = set |bt_augment t q| ∪ {v}"
"set |bts_augment ts (PQ.push v a q)| = set |bts_augment ts q| ∪ {v}"
using bt_val_augment[where q = "PQ.push v a q"] by (simp_all add: bt_val_augment)
lemma bt_augment_v_push_commute:
"set |bt_augment t (PQ.push v a q)| = set |PQ.push v a (bt_augment t q)|"
"set |bts_augment ts (PQ.push v a q)| = set |PQ.push v a (bts_augment ts q)|"
by (simp_all add: bt_augment_v_push del: bts_augment)
lemma bts_augment_v_union:
"set |bt_augment t (bts_augment rs q)| =
set |bt_augment t q| ∪ set |bts_augment rs q|"
"set |bts_augment ts (bts_augment rs q)| =
set |bts_augment ts q| ∪ set |bts_augment rs q|"
proof (induct t and ts arbitrary: q rs and q rs rule: bt_augment.induct bts_augment.induct)
case Nil_bintree
from bt_augment_v_subset[of q] show ?case by auto
case (Cons_bintree x xs)
let ?L = "set |bts_augment xs (bt_augment x (bts_augment rs q))|"
from bt_augment_v_union
have *: "⋀ q. set |bts_augment xs (bt_augment x q)| =
set |bts_augment xs q| ∪ set |bt_augment x q|" by simp
with Cons_bintree
have "?L =
set |bts_augment xs q| ∪ set |bts_augment rs q| ∪ set |bt_augment x q|"
by auto
with * show ?case by auto
qed simp
lemma bt_augment_v_commute:
"set |bt_augment t (bt_augment r q)| = set |bt_augment r (bt_augment t q)|"
"set |bt_augment t (bts_augment rs q)| = set |bts_augment rs (bt_augment t q)|"
"set |bts_augment ts (bts_augment rs q)| =
set |bts_augment rs (bts_augment ts q)|"
unfolding bts_augment_v_union bt_augment_v_union by auto
lemma bt_augment_v_merge:
"set |bt_augment (merge t r) q| = set |bt_augment t (bt_augment r q)|"
by (simp add: bt_augment_simp [symmetric] bt_augment_v_push
bt_augment_v_commute merge_def)
lemma vals_merge [simp]:
"set (bt_dfs val (merge t r)) = set (bt_dfs val t) ∪ set (bt_dfs val r)"
by (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp merge_def)
lemma vals_merge_distinct:
"distinct (bt_dfs val t) ⟹ distinct (bt_dfs val r) ⟹
set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (bt_dfs val r) = {} ⟹
distinct (bt_dfs val (merge t r))"
by (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp merge_def)
lemma vals_add_Cons:
"set (vals (add x xs)) = set (vals (x # xs))"
proof (cases x)
case (Some t) then show ?thesis
by (induct xs arbitrary: x t) auto
qed simp
lemma vals_add_distinct:
assumes "distinct (vals xs)"
and "distinct (dfs val [x])"
and "set (vals xs) ∩ set (dfs val [x]) = {}"
shows "distinct (vals (add x xs))"
using assms
proof (cases x)
case (Some t) with assms show ?thesis
proof (induct xs arbitrary: x t)
case (Some r xs)
then have "set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (bt_dfs val r) = {}" by auto
with Some have "distinct (bt_dfs val (merge t r))" by (simp add: vals_merge_distinct)
with Some have "set (vals xs) ∩ set (bt_dfs val (merge t r)) = {}" by auto
moreover note Some
ultimately show ?case by simp
qed auto
qed simp
lemma vals_insert [simp]:
"set (vals (insert a v xs)) = set (vals xs) ∪ {v}"
by (simp add: insert_def vals_add_Cons)
lemma insert_v_push:
"set (vals (insert a v xs)) = set |PQ.push v a (pqueue xs)|"
by (simp add: vals_pqueue[symmetric])
lemma vals_meld:
"set (dfs val (meld xs ys)) = set (dfs val xs) ∪ set (dfs val ys)"
proof (induct xs ys rule: meld.induct)
case (3 xs y ys) then show ?case
using set_dfs_Cons[of val y "meld xs ys"] using set_dfs_Cons[of val y ys] by auto
case (4 x xs ys) then show ?case
using set_dfs_Cons[of val x "meld xs ys"] using set_dfs_Cons[of val x xs] by auto
case (5 x xs y ys) then show ?case by (auto simp add: vals_add_Cons)
qed simp_all
lemma vals_meld_distinct:
"distinct (dfs val xs) ⟹ distinct (dfs val ys) ⟹
set (dfs val xs) ∩ set (dfs val ys) = {} ⟹
distinct (dfs val (meld xs ys))"
proof (induct xs ys rule: meld.induct)
case (3 xs y ys) then show ?case
proof (cases y)
case None with "3" show ?thesis by simp
case (Some t)
from "3" have A: "set (vals xs) ∩ set (vals ys) = {}"
using set_dfs_Cons[of val y ys] by auto
from Some "3" have "set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (vals xs) = {}" by auto
from Some "3" have "set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (vals ys) = {}" by simp
ultimately have "set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (vals (meld xs ys)) = {}"
by (auto simp add: vals_meld)
with "3" Some show ?thesis by auto
case (4 x xs ys) then show ?case
proof (cases x)
case None with "4" show ?thesis by simp
case (Some t)
from "4" have "set (vals xs) ∩ set (vals ys) = {}"
using set_dfs_Cons[of val x xs] by auto
from Some "4" have "set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (vals xs) = {}" by simp
from Some "4" have "set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (vals ys) = {}" by auto
ultimately have "set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (vals (meld xs ys)) = {}"
by (auto simp add: vals_meld)
with "4" Some show ?thesis by auto
case (5 x xs y ys) then
have "set (vals xs) ∩ set (vals ys) = {}" by (auto simp add: set_dfs_Cons)
with "5" have "distinct (vals (meld xs ys))" by simp
from "5" have "set (bt_dfs val x) ∩ set (bt_dfs val y) = {}" by auto
with "5" have "distinct (bt_dfs val (merge x y))"
by (simp add: vals_merge_distinct)
from "5" have "set (vals (meld xs ys)) ∩ set (bt_dfs val (merge x y)) = {}"
by (auto simp add: vals_meld)
ultimately show ?case by (simp add: vals_add_distinct)
qed simp_all
lemma bt_augment_alist_subset:
"set (PQ.alist_of q) ⊆ set (PQ.alist_of (bt_augment t q))"
"set (PQ.alist_of q) ⊆ set (PQ.alist_of (bts_augment ts q))"
proof (induct t and ts arbitrary: q and q rule: bt_augment.induct bts_augment.induct)
case (Node a v rs)
show ?case using Node[of q] by (auto simp add: bt_augment_simp set_insort_key)
qed auto
lemma bt_augment_alist_in:
"(v,a) ∈ set (PQ.alist_of q) ⟹ (v,a) ∈ set (PQ.alist_of (bt_augment t q))"
"(v,a) ∈ set (PQ.alist_of q) ⟹ (v,a) ∈ set (PQ.alist_of (bts_augment ts q))"
using bt_augment_alist_subset[of q] by auto
lemma bt_augment_alist_union:
"distinct (bts_dfs val (r # [t])) ⟹
set (bts_dfs val (r # [t])) ∩ set |q| = {} ⟹
set (PQ.alist_of (bt_augment t (bt_augment r q))) =
set (PQ.alist_of (bt_augment t q)) ∪ set (PQ.alist_of (bt_augment r q))"
"distinct (bts_dfs val (r # ts)) ⟹
set (bts_dfs val (r # ts)) ∩ set |q| = {} ⟹
set (PQ.alist_of (bts_augment ts (bt_augment r q))) =
set (PQ.alist_of (bts_augment ts q)) ∪ set (PQ.alist_of (bt_augment r q))"
proof (induct t and ts arbitrary: q r and q r rule: bt_augment.induct bts_augment.induct)
case Nil_bintree
from bt_augment_alist_subset[of q] show ?case by auto
case (Node a v rs) then
"set (PQ.alist_of (bts_augment rs (bt_augment r q))) =
set (PQ.alist_of (bts_augment rs q)) ∪ set (PQ.alist_of (bt_augment r q))"
by simp
from Node.prems have *: "v ∉ set |bts_augment rs q| ∪ set |bt_augment r q|" unfolding bt_val_augment[symmetric] by simp
hence "v ∉ set |bts_augment rs (bt_augment r q)|" by (unfold bt_augment_v_union)
from * have "v ∉ set |bts_augment rs q|" by simp
ultimately show ?case by (simp add: set_insort_key)
case (Cons_bintree x xs) then
"distinct (bts_dfs val (x # xs))" and
"distinct (bts_dfs val (r # xs))" and
"distinct (bts_dfs val [r,x])" and
"set (bts_dfs val (x # xs)) ∩ set |bt_augment r q| = {}" and
"set (bts_dfs val (x # xs)) ∩ set |q| = {}" and
"set (bts_dfs val [r, x]) ∩ set |q| = {}" and
"set (bts_dfs val (r # xs)) ∩ set |q| = {}"
unfolding bt_val_augment[symmetric] by auto
with Cons_bintree.hyps show ?case by auto
lemma bt_alist_augment:
"distinct (bt_dfs val t) ⟹
set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set |q| = {} ⟹
set (bt_dfs alist t) ∪ set (PQ.alist_of q) = set (PQ.alist_of (bt_augment t q))"
"distinct (bts_dfs val ts) ⟹
set (bts_dfs val ts) ∩ set |q| = {} ⟹
set (bts_dfs alist ts) ∪ set (PQ.alist_of q) =
set (PQ.alist_of (bts_augment ts q))"
proof (induct t and ts rule: bt_augment.induct bts_augment.induct)
case Nil_bintree then show ?case by simp
case (Node a v rs)
hence "v ∉ set |bts_augment rs q|"
unfolding bt_val_augment[symmetric] by simp
with Node show ?case by (simp add: set_insort_key)
case (Cons_bintree r rs) then
have "set (PQ.alist_of (bts_augment (r # rs) q)) =
set (PQ.alist_of (bts_augment rs q)) ∪ set (PQ.alist_of (bt_augment r q))"
using bt_augment_alist_union by simp
with Cons_bintree bt_augment_alist_subset show ?case by auto
lemma alist_pqueue:
"distinct (vals xs) ⟹ set (dfs alist xs) = set (PQ.alist_of (pqueue xs))"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: vals_pqueue bt_alist_augment)
lemma alist_pqueue_priority:
"distinct (vals xs) ⟹ (v, a) ∈ set (dfs alist xs)
⟹ PQ.priority (pqueue xs) v = Some a"
by (simp add: alist_pqueue PQ.priority_def)
lemma prios_pqueue:
"distinct (vals xs) ⟹ set (prios xs) = set ∥pqueue xs∥"
by (auto simp add: alist_pqueue priorities_set alist_split_set)
lemma alist_merge [simp]:
"distinct (bt_dfs val t) ⟹ distinct (bt_dfs val r) ⟹
set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (bt_dfs val r) = {} ⟹
set (bt_dfs alist (merge t r)) = set (bt_dfs alist t) ∪ set (bt_dfs alist r)"
by (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp merge_def alist_split)
lemma alist_add_Cons:
assumes "distinct (vals (x#xs))"
shows "set (dfs alist (add x xs)) = set (dfs alist (x # xs))"
using assms proof (induct xs arbitrary: x)
case Empty then show ?case by (cases x) simp_all
case None then show ?case by (cases x) simp_all
case (Some y ys) then
show ?case
proof (cases x)
case (Some t)
note prem = Some.prems Some
from prem have "distinct (bt_dfs val (merge t y))"
by (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp merge_def)
with prem have "distinct (vals (Some (merge t y) # ys))" by auto
with prem Some.hyps
have "set (dfs alist (add (Some (merge t y)) ys)) =
set (dfs alist (Some (merge t y) # ys))" by simp
from prem have "set (bt_dfs val t) ∩ set (bt_dfs val y) = {}" by auto
with prem
have "set (bt_dfs alist (merge t y)) =
set (bt_dfs alist t) ∪ set (bt_dfs alist y)"
by simp
moreover note prem and Un_assoc
show ?thesis by simp
qed simp
lemma alist_insert [simp]:
"distinct (vals xs) ⟹
v ∉ set (vals xs) ⟹
set (dfs alist (insert a v xs)) = set (dfs alist xs) ∪ {(v,a)}"
by (simp add: insert_def alist_add_Cons)
lemma insert_push:
"distinct (vals xs) ⟹
v ∉ set (vals xs) ⟹
set (dfs alist (insert a v xs)) = set (PQ.alist_of (PQ.push v a (pqueue xs)))"
by (simp add: alist_pqueue vals_pqueue set_insort_key)
lemma insert_p_push:
assumes "distinct (vals xs)"
and "v ∉ set (vals xs)"
shows "set (prios (insert a v xs)) = set ∥PQ.push v a (pqueue xs)∥"
proof -
from assms
have "set (dfs alist (insert a v xs)) =
set (PQ.alist_of (PQ.push v a (pqueue xs)))"
by (rule insert_push)
thus ?thesis by (simp add: alist_split_set priorities_set)
lemma empty_empty:
"normalized xs ⟹ xs = empty ⟷ PQ.is_empty (pqueue xs)"
proof (rule iffI)
assume "xs = []" then show "PQ.is_empty (pqueue xs)" by simp
assume N: "normalized xs" and E: "PQ.is_empty (pqueue xs)"
show "xs = []"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume "xs ≠ []"
with N have "set (vals xs) ≠ {}"
by (induct xs) (simp_all add: bt_dfs_simp dfs_append)
hence "set |pqueue xs| ≠ {}" by (simp add: vals_pqueue)
from E have "set |pqueue xs| = {}" by (simp add: is_empty_empty)
ultimately show False by simp
lemma bt_dfs_Min_priority:
assumes "is_heap t"
shows "priority t = Min (set (bt_dfs priority t))"
using assms
proof (induct "priority t" "children t" arbitrary: t)
case is_heap_list_Nil then show ?case by (simp add: bt_dfs_simp)
case (is_heap_list_Cons rs r t) note cons = this
let ?M = "Min (set (bt_dfs priority t))"
obtain t' where "t' = Node (priority t) (val t) rs" by auto
hence ot: "rs = children t'" "priority t' = priority t" by simp_all
with is_heap_list_Cons have "priority t = Min (set (bt_dfs priority t'))"
by simp
with ot
have "priority t = Min (Set.insert (priority t) (set (bts_dfs priority rs)))"
by (simp add: bt_dfs_simp)
from cons have "priority r = Min (set (bt_dfs priority r))" by simp
from cons have "children t = r # rs" by simp
then have "bts_dfs priority (children t) =
(bt_dfs priority r) @ (bts_dfs priority rs)" by simp
hence "bt_dfs priority t =
priority t # (bt_dfs priority r @ bts_dfs priority rs)"
by (simp add: bt_dfs_simp)
hence A: "?M = Min
(Set.insert (priority t) (set (bt_dfs priority r) ∪ set (bts_dfs priority rs)))"
by simp
have "Set.insert (priority t) (set (bt_dfs priority r)
∪ set (bts_dfs priority rs)) =
Set.insert (priority t) (set (bts_dfs priority rs)) ∪ set (bt_dfs priority r)"
by auto
with A have "?M = Min
(Set.insert (priority t) (set (bts_dfs priority rs)) ∪ set (bt_dfs priority r))"
by simp
with Min_Un
[of "Set.insert (priority t) (set (bts_dfs priority rs))" "set (bt_dfs priority r)"]
have "?M =
ord_class.min (Min (Set.insert (priority t) (set (bts_dfs priority rs))))
(Min (set (bt_dfs priority r)))"
by (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp)
have "?M = ord_class.min (priority t) (priority r)" by simp
with ‹priority t ≤ priority r› show ?case by (auto simp add: ord_class.min_def)
lemma is_binqueue_min_Min_prios:
assumes "is_binqueue l xs"
and "normalized xs"
and "xs ≠ []"
shows "min xs = Some (Min (set (prios xs)))"
using assms
proof (induct xs)
case (Some l xs x) then show ?case
proof (cases "xs ≠ []")
case False with Some show ?thesis
using bt_dfs_Min_priority[of x] by (simp add: min_single)
case True note T = this Some
from T have "normalized xs" by simp
with ‹xs ≠ []› have "prios xs ≠ []" by (induct xs) (simp_all add: bt_dfs_simp)
with T show ?thesis
using Min_Un[of "set (bt_dfs priority x)" "set (prios xs)"]
using bt_dfs_Min_priority[of x]
by (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp ord_class.min_def)
qed simp_all
lemma min_p_min:
assumes "is_binqueue l xs"
and "xs ≠ []"
and "normalized xs"
and "distinct (vals xs)"
and "distinct (prios xs)"
shows "min xs = PQ.priority (pqueue xs) (PQ.min (pqueue xs))"
proof -
from ‹xs ≠ []› ‹normalized xs› have "¬ PQ.is_empty (pqueue xs)"
by (simp add: empty_empty)
from assms have "min xs = Some (Min (set (prios xs)))"
by (simp add: is_binqueue_min_Min_prios)
with ‹distinct (vals xs)› have "min xs = Some (Min (set ∥pqueue xs∥ ))"
by (simp add: prios_pqueue)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (simp add: priority_Min_priorities [where q = "pqueue xs"] )
lemma find_min_p_min:
assumes "is_binqueue l xs"
and "xs ≠ []"
and "normalized xs"
and "distinct (vals xs)"
and "distinct (prios xs)"
shows "priority (the (find_min xs)) =
the (PQ.priority (pqueue xs) (PQ.min (pqueue xs)))"
proof -
from assms have "min xs ≠ None" by (simp add: normalized_min_not_None)
from assms have "min xs = PQ.priority (pqueue xs) (PQ.min (pqueue xs))"
by (simp add: min_p_min)
with ‹min xs ≠ None› show ?thesis by (auto simp add: min_eq_find_min_Some)
lemma find_min_v_min:
assumes "is_binqueue l xs"
and "xs ≠ []"
and "normalized xs"
and "distinct (vals xs)"
and "distinct (prios xs)"
shows "val (the (find_min xs)) = PQ.min (pqueue xs)"
proof -
from assms have "min xs ≠ None" by (simp add: normalized_min_not_None)
then obtain a where oa: "Some a = min xs" by auto
then obtain t where ot: "find_min xs = Some t" "priority t = a"
using min_eq_find_min_Some [of xs a] by auto
hence *: "(val t, a) ∈ set (dfs alist xs)"
by (auto simp add: find_min_exist in_set_in_alist)
have "PQ.min (pqueue xs) = val t"
proof (rule ccontr)
assume A: "PQ.min (pqueue xs) ≠ val t"
then obtain t' where ot':"PQ.min (pqueue xs) = t'" by simp
with A have NE: "val t ≠ t'" by simp
from ot' oa assms have "(t', a) ∈ set (dfs alist xs)"
by (simp add: alist_pqueue PQ.priority_def min_p_min)
with * NE have "¬ distinct (prios xs)"
unfolding alist_split(2)
unfolding dfs_comp
by (induct ("dfs alist xs")) (auto simp add: rev_image_eqI)
with ‹distinct (prios xs)› show False by simp
with ot show ?thesis by auto
lemma alist_normalize_idem:
"dfs alist (normalize xs) = dfs alist xs"
unfolding normalize_def
proof (induct xs rule: rev_induct)
case (snoc x xs) then show ?case by (cases x) (simp_all add: dfs_append)
qed simp
lemma dfs_match_not_in:
"(∀ t. Some t ∈ set xs ⟶ priority t ≠ a) ⟹
set (dfs f (map (match a) xs)) = set (dfs f xs)"
by (induct xs) simp_all
lemma dfs_match_subset:
"set (dfs f (map (match a) xs)) ⊆ set (dfs f xs)"
proof (induct xs rule: list.induct)
case (Cons x xs) then show ?case by (cases x) auto
qed simp
lemma dfs_match_distinct:
"distinct (dfs f xs) ⟹ distinct (dfs f (map (match a) xs))"
proof (induct xs rule: list.induct)
case (Cons x xs) then show ?case
using dfs_match_subset[of f a xs]
by (cases x, auto)
qed simp
lemma dfs_match:
"distinct (prios xs) ⟹
distinct (dfs f xs) ⟹
Some t ∈ set xs ⟹
priority t = a ⟹
set (dfs f (map (match a) xs)) = set (dfs f xs) - set (bt_dfs f t)"
proof (induct xs arbitrary: t)
case (Some r xs t) then show ?case
proof (cases "t = r")
case True
from Some have "priority r ∉ set (prios xs)" by (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp)
with Some True have "a ∉ set (prios xs)" by simp
hence "∀ s. Some s ∈ set xs ⟶ priority s ≠ a"
by (induct xs) (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp)
hence "set (dfs f (map (match a) xs)) = set (dfs f xs)"
by (simp add: dfs_match_not_in)
with True Some show ?thesis by auto
case False
with Some.prems have "Some t ∈ set xs" by simp
with ‹priority t = a› have "a ∈ set (prios xs)"
proof (induct xs)
case (Some x xs) then show ?case
by (cases "t = x") (simp_all add: bt_dfs_simp)
qed simp_all
with False Some have "priority r ≠ a" by (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp)
from Some False
have "set (dfs f (map (match a) xs)) = set (dfs f xs) - set (bt_dfs f t)"
by simp
from Some.prems False have "set (bt_dfs f t) ∩ set (bt_dfs f r) = {}"
by (induct xs) auto
hence "set (bt_dfs f r) - set (bt_dfs f t) = set (bt_dfs f r)" by auto
ultimately show ?thesis by auto
qed simp_all
lemma alist_meld:
"distinct (dfs val xs) ⟹ distinct (dfs val ys) ⟹
set (dfs val xs) ∩ set (dfs val ys) = {} ⟹
set (dfs alist (meld xs ys)) = set (dfs alist xs) ∪ set (dfs alist ys)"
proof (induct xs ys rule: meld.induct)
case (3 xs y ys)
have "set (dfs alist (y # meld xs ys)) =
set (dfs alist xs) ∪ set (dfs alist (y # ys))"
proof -
note assms = "3"
from assms have "set (vals xs) ∩ set (vals ys) = {}"
using set_dfs_Cons[of val y ys] by auto
from assms have "distinct (vals ys)" by (cases y) simp_all
from assms have "distinct (vals xs)" by simp
moreover note assms
ultimately have "set (dfs alist (meld xs ys)) =
set (dfs alist xs) ∪ set (dfs alist ys)" by simp
hence "set (dfs alist (y # meld xs ys)) =
set (dfs alist [y]) ∪ set (dfs alist xs) ∪ set (dfs alist ys)"
using set_dfs_Cons[of alist y "meld xs ys"] by auto
then show ?thesis using set_dfs_Cons[of alist y ys] by auto
thus ?case by simp
case (4 x xs ys)
have "set (dfs alist (x # meld xs ys)) =
set (dfs alist (x # xs)) ∪ set (dfs alist ys)"
proof -
note assms = "4"
from assms have "set (vals xs) ∩ set (vals ys) = {}"
using set_dfs_Cons[of val x xs] by auto
from assms have "distinct (vals xs)" by (cases x) simp_all
from assms have "distinct (vals ys)" by simp
moreover note assms
ultimately have "set (dfs alist (meld xs ys)) =
set (dfs alist xs) ∪ set (dfs alist ys)" by simp
hence "set (dfs alist (x # meld xs ys)) =
set (dfs alist [x]) ∪ set (dfs alist xs) ∪ set (dfs alist ys)"
using set_dfs_Cons[of alist x "meld xs ys"] by auto
then show ?thesis using set_dfs_Cons[of alist x xs] by auto
thus ?case by simp
case (5 x xs y ys)
have "set (dfs alist (add (Some (merge x y)) (meld xs ys))) =
set (bt_dfs alist x) ∪ set (dfs alist xs)
∪ set (bt_dfs alist y) ∪ set (dfs alist ys)"
proof -
note assms = "5"
from assms have "distinct (bt_dfs val x)" "distinct (bt_dfs val y)" by simp_all
moreover from assms have xyint:
"set (bt_dfs val x) ∩ set (bt_dfs val y) = {}" by (auto simp add: set_dfs_Cons)
ultimately have *: "set (dfs alist [Some (merge x y)]) =
set (bt_dfs alist x) ∪ set (bt_dfs alist y)" by auto
from assms
have **: "set (dfs alist (meld xs ys)) = set (dfs alist xs) ∪ set (dfs alist ys)"
by (auto simp add: set_dfs_Cons)
from assms have "distinct (vals (Some (merge x y) # meld xs ys))"
proof -
from assms xyint have "distinct (bt_dfs val (merge x y))"
by (simp add: vals_merge_distinct)
from assms have
"distinct (vals xs)"
and "distinct (vals ys)"
and "set (vals xs) ∩ set (vals ys) = {}"
by (auto simp add: set_dfs_Cons)
hence "distinct (vals (meld xs ys))" by (rule vals_meld_distinct)
from assms
have "set (bt_dfs val (merge x y)) ∩ set (vals (meld xs ys)) = {}"
by (auto simp add: vals_meld)
ultimately show ?thesis by simp
ultimately show ?thesis by (auto simp add: alist_add_Cons)
thus ?case by auto
qed simp_all
lemma alist_delete_min:
assumes "distinct (vals xs)"
and "distinct (prios xs)"
and "find_min xs = Some (Node a v ts)"
shows "set (dfs alist (delete_min xs)) = set (dfs alist xs) - {(v, a)}"
proof -
from ‹distinct (vals xs)› have d: "distinct (dfs alist xs)"
using dfs_comp_distinct[of fst alist "xs"]
by (simp only: alist_split)
from assms have IN: "Some (Node a v ts) ∈ set xs"
by (simp add: find_min_exist)
hence sub: "set (bts_dfs alist ts) ⊆ set (dfs alist xs)"
by (induct xs) (auto simp add: bt_dfs_simp)
from d IN have "(v,a) ∉ set (bts_dfs alist ts)"
using dfs_distinct_member[of alist xs "Node a v ts"] by simp
with sub have "set (bts_dfs alist ts) ⊆ set (dfs alist xs) - {(v,a)}" by blast
hence nu: "set (bts_dfs alist ts) ∪ (set (dfs alist xs) - {(v,a)}) =
set (dfs alist xs) - {(v,a)}" by auto
from assms have "distinct (vals (map (match a) xs))"
by (simp add: dfs_match_distinct)
from IN assms have "distinct (bts_dfs val ts)"
using dfs_distinct_member[of val xs "Node a v ts"]
by (simp add: bt_dfs_distinct_children)
hence "distinct (vals (map Some (rev ts)))"
by (simp add: bts_dfs_rev_distinct dfs_map_Some_idem)
from assms IN have "set (dfs val (map (match a) xs)) =
set (dfs val xs) - set (bt_dfs val (Node a v ts))"
by (simp add: dfs_match)
hence "set (vals (map (match a) xs)) ∩ set (vals (map Some (rev ts))) = {}"
by (auto simp add: dfs_map_Some_idem set_bts_dfs_rev)
have "set (dfs alist (meld (map Some (rev ts)) (map (match a) xs))) =
set (dfs alist (map Some (rev ts))) ∪ set (dfs alist (map (match a) xs))"
using alist_meld by auto
with assms d IN nu show ?thesis
by (simp add: delete_min_def alist_normalize_idem set_bts_dfs_rev dfs_map_Some_idem
dfs_match Diff_insert2 [of "set (dfs alist xs)" "(v,a)" "set (bts_dfs alist ts)"])
lemma alist_remove_min:
assumes "is_binqueue l xs"
and "distinct (vals xs)"
and "distinct (prios xs)"
and "normalized xs"
and "xs ≠ []"
shows "set (dfs alist (delete_min xs)) =
set (PQ.alist_of (PQ.remove_min (pqueue xs)))"
proof -
from assms obtain t where ot: "find_min xs = Some t"
using normalized_find_min_exists by auto
with assms show ?thesis
proof (cases t)
case (Node a v ys)
from assms have "¬ PQ.is_empty (pqueue xs)" by (simp add: empty_empty)
hence "set (PQ.alist_of (PQ.remove_min (pqueue xs))) =
set (PQ.alist_of (pqueue xs)) - {(PQ.min (pqueue xs),
the (PQ.priority (pqueue xs) (PQ.min (pqueue xs))))}"
by (simp add: set_alist_of_remove_min[of "pqueue xs"] del: alist_of_remove_min)
from assms ot Node
have "set (dfs alist (delete_min xs)) = set (dfs alist xs) - {(v, a)}"
using alist_delete_min[of xs] by simp
from Node ot have "priority (the (find_min xs)) = a" by simp
with assms have "a = the (PQ.priority (pqueue xs) (PQ.min (pqueue xs)))"
by (simp add: find_min_p_min)
from Node ot have "val (the (find_min xs)) = v" by simp
with assms have "v = PQ.min (pqueue xs)" by (simp add: find_min_v_min)
moreover note ‹distinct (vals xs)›
ultimately show ?thesis by (simp add: alist_pqueue)
"PQ.values" (‹|(_)|›)
and "PQ.priorities" (‹∥(_)∥›)