Theory Binary_Code_Imprimitive

(*  Title:      Binary Code Imprimitive
    File:       Binary_Code_Imprimitive.Binary_Code_Imprimitive
    Author:     Štěpán Holub, Charles University
    Author:     Martin Raška, Charles University

Part of Combinatorics on Words Formalized. See

theory Binary_Code_Imprimitive

text ‹This theory focuses on the characterization of imprimitive words which are concatenations
of copies of  two words (forming a binary code).
We follow the article @{cite lerest} (mainly Th\'eor\`eme 2.1 and Lemme 3.1),
while substantially optimizing the proof. See also @{cite spehner} for an earlier result on this question,
and @{cite Manuch} for another proof.›

section ‹General primitivity not preserving codes›

context code


text ‹
Two nontrivially conjugate elements generated by a code induce a disjoint interpretation.›

lemma shift_disjoint:
  assumes  "ws  lists 𝒞" and "ws'  lists 𝒞" and  "z  𝒞" and "z  concat ws = concat ws'  z"
    "us ≤p ws@n" and "vs ≤p ws'@n"
  shows "z  concat us  concat vs"
  using z  𝒞
proof (elim contrapos_nn)
  assume "z  concat us = concat vs"
  have "z  ε"
    using z  𝒞 by blast
  obtain us' where "ws@n = us  us'"
    using  prefixE[OF us ≤p ws@n].
  obtain vs' where "ws'@n = vs  vs'"
    using  prefixE[OF vs ≤p ws'@n].
  from conjug_pow[OF z  concat ws = concat ws'  z[symmetric], symmetric]
  have "z  concat (ws@n)  = concat (ws'@n)  z"
    unfolding concat_pow.
  from this[ unfolded ws@n = us  us' ws'@n = vs  vs' concat_morph rassoc
      z  concat us = concat vs[symmetric] cancel]
  have "concat vs'  z = concat us'"..
  show "z  𝒞"
  proof (rule stability)
    have "us  lists 𝒞" and "us'  lists 𝒞" and "vs  lists 𝒞" and "vs'  lists 𝒞"
      using ws  lists 𝒞 ws'  lists 𝒞  ws'@n = vs  vs' ws@n = us  us'
      by inlists
    thus "z  concat us  𝒞" and "concat vs'  𝒞" and "concat us  𝒞" and "concat vs'  z  𝒞"
      unfolding concat vs'  z = concat us' z  concat us = concat vs
      by (simp_all add: concat_in_hull')

text‹This in particular yields a disjoint extendable interpretation of any prefix›

lemma  shift_interp:
  assumes  "ws  lists 𝒞" and "ws'  lists 𝒞"  and "z  𝒞" and
    conjug: "z  concat ws = concat ws'  z" and "|z|  |concat ws'|"
    and "us ≤p ws" and "us  ε"
  obtains p s vs ps where
     "p us s 𝒟 vs" and "vs  lists 𝒞"
     and "s ≤p concat (us¯>(ws  ws))" and "p ≤s concat ws" ― ‹extendable›
     and "ps  vs ≤p ws'  ws'" and "concat ps  p = z"
  have "ws'  ws'  lists 𝒞"
    using ws'  lists 𝒞 by inlists
  have "concat us  ε"
    using us  ε unfolding code_concat_eq_emp_iff[OF pref_in_lists[OF us ≤p ws ws  lists 𝒞]].
  have "|concat ws'| = |concat ws|"
    using lenarg[OF conjug, unfolded lenmorph] by linarith
  have "z  concat(ws  ws) = concat (ws'  ws')  z"
    unfolding rassoc concat_morph conjug[symmetric] unfolding lassoc cancel_right
    using conjug.
  hence "concat (ws'  ws') ≤p z  concat (ws  ws)"
    by blast
  have "z  concat ws ≤p concat (ws'  ws')"
    unfolding concat_morph conjug pref_cancel_conv using eq_le_pref[OF conjug  |z|  |concat ws'|].
  from prefixE[OF pref_shorten[OF pref_concat_pref[OF us ≤p ws] this], unfolded rassoc]
  obtain su where fac_u[symmetric]: "concat (ws'  ws') = z  concat us  su".

  from obtain_fac_interp[OF fac_u concat us  ε]
  obtain ps ss' p s vs where "p (concat us) s  vs" and
    "ps  vs  ss' = ws'  ws'" and "concat ps  p = z" and "s  concat ss' = su".
  note fac_interpD[OF p (concat us) s  vs]

  let ?ss = "us¯>(ws  ws)"
  have "us  ?ss = ws  ws"
    using us ≤p ws by auto

  have "ps  vs ≤p ws'  ws'"
    unfolding ps  vs  ss' = ws'  ws'[symmetric] lassoc using triv_pref.

  hence "vs  lists 𝒞"
    using ws' lists 𝒞
    by inlists

  have "s ≤p concat ?ss"
    using concat (ws'  ws') ≤p z  concat (ws  ws)
    unfolding arg_cong[OF ps  vs  ss' = ws'  ws', of concat, symmetric] concat ps  p = z[symmetric]
              arg_cong[OF us  ?ss = ws  ws, of concat, symmetric]
    unfolding concat_morph rassoc pref_cancel_conv
              p  concat us  s = concat vs[symmetric]
    using append_prefixD by auto

  have "|p|  |concat ws|"
    using  |z|  |concat ws'|[folded lenarg[OF concat ps  p = z], unfolded |concat ws'| = |concat ws|]
    by simp

  with eqd[reversed, OF conjug[folded concat ps  p = z, unfolded lassoc, symmetric] this]
  have "p ≤s concat ws"
    by blast

  have disjoint: "p  concat us'  concat vs'" if "us' ≤p us" "vs' ≤p vs" for us' vs'
    have "us' ≤p ws  ws"
      using us ≤p ws us' ≤p us by auto
    have "ps  vs' ≤p ws'  ws'"
      using vs' ≤p vs ps  vs ≤p ws'  ws' pref_trans same_prefix_prefix by metis
    assume "p  concat us' = concat vs'"
    hence "z  concat us' = concat (ps  vs')"
      unfolding concat_morph concat ps  p = z[symmetric] rassoc cancel.
    thus False
      using shift_disjoint[OF ws  lists 𝒞 ws'  lists 𝒞 z  𝒞
          z  concat ws = concat ws'  z us' ≤p ws  ws[folded pow_two] ps  vs' ≤p ws'  ws'[folded pow_two]] by fast
  from disjoint[of ε ε]
  have "p  ε" by blast
  have "s  ε"
    using p  concat us  s = concat vs disjoint by auto

  from disjoint_interpI[OF p (concat us) s  vs] disjoint
  have "p us s 𝒟 vs"
    by blast

  from that[OF this vs  lists 𝒞
       s ≤p concat ?ss p ≤s concat ws ps  vs ≤p ws'  ws' concat ps  p = z ]
  show thesis.

text‹The conditions are in particular met by imprimitivity witnesses›

lemma imprim_witness_shift:
  assumes "ws  lists 𝒞" and "primitive ws" and "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
  obtains z n  where "concat ws = z@n" "z  𝒞" and
    "z  concat ws = concat ws  z" and "|z| < |concat ws|" and "2  n"
  have "concat ws  ε"
    using primitive ws  emp_concat_emp'[OF ws  lists 𝒞] emp_not_prim by blast
  obtain z n where [symmetric]: "z@n = concat ws" and "2  n"
    using not_prim_primroot_expE[OF ¬ primitive (concat ws)] by metis

  hence "z  ε"
    using concat ws  ε  by force

  have "z  𝒞"
    assume "z  𝒞"
    then obtain zs where "zs  lists 𝒞" and "concat zs = z"
      using hull_concat_lists0 by blast
    from is_code[OF ws  lists 𝒞 pow_in_lists[OF zs  lists 𝒞],
        unfolded concat_pow concat ws = z@n concat zs = z, of n]
    show False
      using primitive ws 2  n pow_nemp_imprim by blast

  have "|z| < |concat ws|"
    unfolding lenarg[OF concat ws = z@n, unfolded lenmorph pow_len]
    using nemp_len[OF z  ε] 2  n by simp

  from that[OF concat ws = z@n z  𝒞 _  this 2  n]
  show thesis
    unfolding concat ws = z@n  pow_comm by blast



section ‹Covered uniform square›

― ‹Showing that two noncommuting words of the same length do not admit a non-trivial interpretation›

lemma cover_xy_xxx: assumes "|x| = |y|" and "p  x  y  s = x  x  x"
  shows "x = y"
  using append_assoc assms(1) assms(2) eq_le_pref le_refl long_pref lq_triv prefI pref_comm_eq' by metis

lemma cover_xy_yyy: assumes "|x| = |y|" and eq: "p  x  y  s = y  y  y"
  shows "x = y"
  using cover_xy_xxx[reversed, unfolded rassoc, OF |x| = |y|[symmetric] eq, symmetric].

lemma cover_xy_xxy: assumes "|x| = |y|" and "s  ε" and eq: "p  x  y  s = x  x  y"
  shows "x = y"
  have "|p| < |x|"
    using lenarg[OF eq] nemp_pos_len[OF s  ε] unfolding lenmorph by linarith
  then obtain t where x: "x = p  t" and "t  ε"
    using eqd[OF eq] by force
  from eq[unfolded this rassoc cancel]
  have "p  t = t  p"
    by mismatch
  hence "x ≤p t  x"
    unfolding x by auto
  from eq[unfolded x]
  have "y ≤p t  y"
    using p  t = t  p p  t  y  s = t  p  t  y pref_cancel' suf_marker_per_root triv_pref by metis
  show "x = y"
    using same_len_nemp_root_eq[OF per_rootI[OF x ≤p t  x t  ε]
          per_rootI[OF y ≤p t  y t  ε]  |x| = |y|].

lemma cover_xy_xyy: assumes "|x| = |y|" and "p  ε" and eq: "p  x  y  s = x  y  y"
  shows "x = y"
  using cover_xy_xxy[reversed, unfolded rassoc, OF assms(1)[symmetric] assms(2) eq]..

lemma cover_xy_yyx: assumes "|x| = |y|" and eq: "p  x  y  s = y  y  x"
  shows "x = y"
  have "|p|  |y|"
    using lenarg[OF eq]  unfolding lenmorph by linarith
  then obtain t where y: "y = p  t"
    using eqd[OF eq] by force
  from eqd_eq[OF _  |x| = |y|[unfolded y swap_len[of p]], unfolded rassoc]  eq[unfolded this rassoc cancel]
  have x: "x = t  p" by blast
  from eq[unfolded x y rassoc cancel]
  have "p  t = t  p"
    by mismatch
  thus "x = y"
    unfolding x y..

lemma cover_xy_yxx: assumes "|x| = |y|" and eq: "p  x  y  s = y  x  x"
  shows "x = y"
  using cover_xy_yyx[reversed, unfolded rassoc, OF assms(1)[symmetric] eq]..

lemma cover_xy_xyx: assumes "|x| = |y|" and "p  ε" and "s  ε" and eq: "p  x  y  s = x  y  x"
  shows "¬ primitive (x  y)"
  assume "primitive (x  y)"
  have "p  (x  y)  (s  y) = (x  y)  (x  y)"
    unfolding lassoc eq[unfolded lassoc]..
  from prim_overlap_sqE[OF primitive (x  y) this]
  show False
    using p  ε s  ε by blast

lemma cover_xy_yxy: assumes "|x| = |y|" and "p  ε" and s  ε and eq: "p  x  y  s = y  x  y"
  shows "¬ primitive (x  y)"
  using cover_xy_xyx[reversed, unfolded rassoc, OF assms(1)[symmetric] assms(3) assms(2) eq].

theorem uniform_square_interp: assumes "xy  yx" and  "|x| = |y|" and "vs  lists {x,y}"
  and "p  (x  y)  s  vs" and "p  ε"
shows "¬ primitive (xy)" and  "vs = [x,y,x]  vs = [y,x,y]"
  note fac_interpD[OF p  (x  y)  s  vs]

  have "vs  ε"
    using p  (x  y)  s = concat vs assms(5) by force
  have "|p| < |x|"
    using prefix_length_less[OF p <p hd vs] lists_hd_in_set[OF vs  ε vs  lists {x,y}]
     |x| = |y|
    by fastforce
  have "|s| < |x|"
    using suffix_length_less[OF s <s last vs] |x| = |y| lists_hd_in_set[reversed, OF vs  ε vs  lists {x,y}]
    by fastforce
  have "|concat vs| = |x| * |vs|"
    using assms(2-3)
  proof (induction vs)
    case (Cons a vs)
    have "|a| = |x|" and "|a # vs| = Suc |vs|" and
      "|concat (a # vs)| = |a| + |concat vs|" and "|concat vs| = |x| * |vs|"
      using a#vs  lists {x,y} |x| = |y| Cons.IH Cons.prems by auto
    then show ?case by force
  qed simp
  note leneq = lenarg[OF p  (x  y)  s = concat vs, unfolded this lenmorph |x| = |y|[symmetric]]
  hence "|x| * |vs| < |x| * 4" and  "2 * |x| < |x| * |vs| "
    using |p| < |x| |s| < |x| nemp_pos_len[OF p  ε] by linarith+
  hence "|vs| = 3"
    by force
  hence "s  ε"
    using leneq |p| < |x| by force

  have "x  y"
    using assms(1) by blast
  with |vs| = 3 vs  lists {x,y} p  (x  y)  s = concat vs
  have "(¬ primitive (xy))  (vs = [x,y,x]  vs = [y,x,y])"
  proof(list_inspection, simp_all)
    assume "p  x  y  s = x  x  x"
    from cover_xy_xxx[OF |x| = |y| this]
    show False
      using x  y by blast
    assume "p  x  y  s = x  x  y"
    from cover_xy_xxy[OF |x| = |y| s  ε this]
    show False
      using x  y by blast
    assume "p  x  y  s = x  y  x"
    from cover_xy_xyx[OF |x| = |y| p  ε s  ε this]
    show "¬ primitive (x  y)"
      by blast
    assume "p  x  y  s = x  y  y"
    from cover_xy_xyy[OF |x| = |y| p  ε this]
    show False
      using x  y by blast
    assume "p  x  y  s = y  x  x"
    from cover_xy_yxx[OF |x| = |y| this]
    show False
      using x  y by blast
    assume "p  x  y  s = y  x  y"
    from cover_xy_yxy[OF |x| = |y| p  ε s  ε this]
    show "¬ primitive (x  y)"
      by blast
    assume "p  x  y  s = y  y  x"
    from cover_xy_yyx[OF |x| = |y| this]
    show False
      using x  y by blast
    assume "p  x  y  s = y  y  y"
    from cover_xy_yyy[OF |x| = |y| this]
    show False
      using x  y by blast
  thus "¬ primitive (xy)" "vs = [x,y,x]  vs = [y,x,y]"
    by blast+

subsection ‹Primitivity (non)preserving uniform binary codes›

― ‹This in particular implies the following characterization of uniform binary primitive codes. Cf. V. Mitrana, Primitive morphisms, Information Processing Letters 64 (1997), 277--281›

theorem bin_uniform_prim_morph:
  assumes "x  y  y  x" and "|x| = |y|" and "primitive (x  y)"
         and "ws  lists {x,y}" and "2  |ws|"
         shows "primitive ws   primitive (concat ws)"
proof (standard, rule ccontr)
  assume primitive ws and ¬ primitive (concat ws)
  from bin_prim_long_pref[OF ws  lists {x,y} primitive ws 2  |ws|]
  obtain ws' where "ws  ws'" "[x, y] ≤p ws'".
  have "ws'  lists {x,y}"
    using conjug_in_lists'[OF ws  ws' ws  lists {x,y}].
  have "primitive ws'"
    using prim_conjug[OF primitive ws ws  ws'].
  have "¬ primitive (concat ws')"
    using conjug_concat_prim_iff ¬ primitive (concat ws) ws  ws' by auto
  interpret code "{x,y}"
    using bin_code_code[OF x  y  y  x].

  have "[x,y]  ε" by blast
  from imprim_witness_shift[OF ws'  lists {x,y} primitive ws' ¬ primitive (concat ws')]
  obtain z n where "concat ws' = z @ n" "z  {x, y}" "z  concat ws' = concat ws'  z" "|z| < |concat ws'|".
  from shift_interp[OF ws'  lists {x,y} ws'  lists {x,y} this(2-3) less_imp_le[OF this(4)] [x,y] ≤p ws' [x,y]  ε]
  obtain p s vs ps where "p [x, y] s 𝒟 vs" "vs  lists {x, y}" "s ≤p concat ([x, y]¯>(ws'  ws'))"
        "p ≤s concat ws'" "ps  vs ≤p ws'  ws'" "concat ps  p = z".
  from uniform_square_interp(1)[OF x  y  y  x |x| = |y| vs  lists {x,y} _ _]
       primitive (x  y) disj_interpD[OF this(1), simplified] disj_interp_nemp(1)[OF this(1)]
  show False by force
qed (simp add: prim_concat_prim)

― ‹A stronger version is implied by the following lemma.›

lemma bin_uniform_imprim: assumes "x  y  y  x" and "|x| = |y|" and "¬ primitive (x  y)"
  shows "primitive x"
  have "x  y  ε" and "x  ε" and "y  ε"
    using x  y  y  x by blast+
  from not_prim_expE[OF ¬ primitive (x  y) x  y  ε]
  obtain z k where "primitive z" and  "2  k" and "z@k = x  y".
  hence "0 < k"
    by simp
  from split_pow[OF z@k = x  y[symmetric] 0 < k y  ε]
  obtain u v l m where [symmetric]: "z = u  v" and "v  ε" "x = (uv) @ l  u"  "y = (v  u) @ m  v" "k = l + m + 1".
  have "u  v  v  u"
    using  x  y  y  x unfolding x = (uv) @ l  u y = (v  u) @ m  v
      shifts unfolding add_exps[symmetric] add.commute[of m] by force
  have "u  ε" and "v  ε" and "u  v"
    using u  v  v  u by blast+
  have "m = l" and "|u| = |v|"
    using almost_equal_equal[OF nemp_len[OF u  ε] nemp_len[OF v  ε], of l m] lenarg[OF x = (uv)@l  u, unfolded |x| =|y|, unfolded lenarg[OF y = (v  u) @ m  v]]
    unfolding lenmorph pow_len lenarg[OF u  v = z, symmetric] by algebra+
  from k = l + m + 1[folded Suc_eq_plus1, symmetric]
  have "l  0"
    using  2  k[folded Suc(l+m) = k, unfolded m = l] by force
  let ?w = "[u,v]@l  [u]"
  have "?w  lists {u,v}"
    by (induct l, simp_all)
  have "2  |?w|"
    using l  0 unfolding lenmorph pow_len by fastforce
  have "concat ?w = x"
    using x = (u  v) @ l  u by simp
  from bin_uniform_prim_morph[OF u  v  v  u |u| = |v| primitive z[folded u  v = z] ?w  lists {u,v} 2  |?w|]
  show "primitive x"
    unfolding concat ?w = x using alternate_prim[OF u  v] by blast

theorem bin_uniform_prim_morph':
  assumes "x  y  y  x" and "|x| = |y|" and "primitive (x  y)  ¬ primitive x  ¬ primitive y"
         and "ws  lists {x,y}" and "2  |ws|"
       shows "primitive ws   primitive (concat ws)"
  using bin_uniform_prim_morph[OF assms(1-2) _ assms(4-5)] bin_uniform_imprim[OF assms(1-2)]
        bin_uniform_imprim[OF assms(1-2)[symmetric], unfolded conjug_prim_iff'[of y]]
        assms(3) by blast

section ‹The main theorem›

subsection ‹Imprimitive words with single y›

text ‹If the shorter word occurs only once, the result is straightforward from the parametric solution of the Lyndon-Schutzenberger

lemma bin_imprim_single_y:
  assumes  non_comm: "x  y  y  x" and
    "ws  lists {x,y}" and
    "|y|  |x|" and
    "2  count_list ws x" and
    "count_list ws y < 2" and
    "primitive ws" and
    "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
  shows "ws  [x,x,y]" and "primitive x" and "primitive y"
  have "x  y"
    using non_comm by blast
  have "count_list ws y  0"
    assume "count_list ws y = 0"
    from bin_lists_count_zero'[OF ws  lists {x,y} this]
    have "ws  lists {x}".
    from  prim_exp_one[OF primitive ws sing_lists_exp_count[OF this]]
    show False
      using 2  count_list ws x by simp
  hence "count_list ws y = 1"
    using count_list ws y < 2 by linarith

  from this bin_count_one_conjug[OF ws  lists {x,y} _ this]
  have "ws  [x]@count_list ws x  [y]"
    using  non_comm (1) by metis
  from conjug_concat_prim_iff[OF this]
  have "¬ primitive (x@(count_list ws x)  y)"
    using ¬ primitive (concat ws) by simp

  from not_prim_primroot_expE[OF this]
  obtain z l where [symmetric]: "z@l = x@(count_list ws x)  y@1" and "2  l"
    unfolding pow_1.

  interpret LS_len_le x y "count_list ws x" 1 l z
    by (unfold_locales)
    (use 2  count_list ws x x  y  y  x |y|  |x|
     x @ count_list ws x  y @ 1 = z @ l 2  l in force)+

  from case_j2k1[OF 2  count_list ws x refl]
  have "primitive x" and "primitive y" and "count_list ws x = 2" by blast+

  with ws  [x]@count_list ws x  [y][unfolded this(3) pow_two append_Cons append_Nil]
  show  "primitive x" and "primitive y" and "ws  [x,x,y]"
    by simp_all


subsection ‹Conjugate words›

lemma bin_imprim_not_conjug:
  assumes "ws  lists {x,y}" and
    "x  y  y  x" and
    "2  |ws|" and
    "primitive ws" and
    "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
  shows "¬ x  y"
  assume "x  y"
  hence "|x| = |y|" by force
  from bin_uniform_prim_morph[OF x  y  y  x this _ ws  lists {x,y} 2  |ws|]
  have "¬ primitive (xy)"
    using primitive ws ¬ primitive (concat ws) by blast

  from Lyndon_Schutzenberger_conjug[OF x  y this]
  show False
    using x  y  y  x by blast

subsection ‹Square factor of the longer word and both words primitive (was all\_assms)›

text‹The main idea of the proof is as follows: Imprimitivity of the concatenation yields
(at least) two overlapping factorizations into @{term "{x,y}"}.
Due to the presence of the square @{term "x  x"}, these two can be synchronized, which yields that the
situation coincides with the canonical form.

lemma bin_imprim_primitive:
  assumes "x  y  y  x"
    and  "primitive x" and "primitive y"
    and "|y|  |x|"
    and "ws  lists {x, y}"
    and "primitive ws" and "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
    and "[x, x] ≤f ws  ws"
  shows "ws  [x, x, y]"
  ― ‹Preliminaries›
  have "x  y"
    using assms(1) by blast
  have "|ws|  1"
    using  len_one_concat_in[OF ws  lists {x, y}] ¬ primitive (concat ws) primitive x primitive y
    by blast
  with prim_nemp[OF primitive ws, THEN nemp_le_len]
  have "2  |ws|"
    by auto
  hence "|[x, x]|  |ws|"
     by force
  have "¬ x  y"
    by (rule bin_imprim_not_conjug) fact+
  have "primitive [x,x,y]"
    using x  y by primitivity_inspection
  have "concat [x,x] = x  x"
    by simp
  interpret xy: binary_code x y
    using x  y  y  x by (unfold_locales)

  ― ‹Rotate @{term ws} in order to obtain a list with a prefix @{term "[xx]"}
  obtain ws' where "ws  ws'" "[x,x] ≤p ws'"
    using rotate_into_pos_sq[of ε "[x,x]" _ thesis, unfolded emp_simps, OF [x, x] ≤f ws  ws
        le0 |[x, x]|  |ws|] by blast

  have "ws'  lists {x,y}" and "primitive ws'" and "¬ primitive (concat ws')"
    using conjug_in_lists'[OF ws  ws' ws  lists {x, y}]
      prim_conjug[OF primitive ws  ws  ws']
      ¬ primitive (concat ws)[unfolded conjug_concat_prim_iff[OF ws  ws']].
  have "2  |ws'|" and "[x,x]  ε" and "ws'  ε"
    using [x,x] ≤p ws' unfolding prefix_def by auto
  have "concat ws'  ε"
    using primitive x [x,x] ≤p ws' by (fastforce simp add: prefix_def)
  have "ws'  ws'  ws'  lists {x, y}" and "ws'  ws'  lists {x, y}"
    using ws'  lists {x,y} by inlists

  ― ‹The core of the proof›
  have "ws' = [x,x,y]"
  proof(rule ccontr)
    assume "ws'  [x,x,y]"

    from xy.imprim_witness_shift[OF ws'  lists {x,y} primitive ws' ¬ primitive (concat ws')]
    obtain z n where con_ws: "concat ws' = z @ n" and "z  {x, y}" and "z  concat ws' = concat ws'  z"
        and "|z| < |concat ws'|" and "2  n".
    have "0 < n"
        using 2  n by simp
    from xy.shift_interp[OF ws'  lists {x,y} ws'  lists {x,y} z  {x, y} z  concat ws' = concat ws'  z
            less_imp_le[OF |z| < |concat ws'|] [x,x] ≤p ws' [x,x]  ε]
    obtain p s vs ps where dis: "p [x,x] s 𝒟 vs" and vs  lists {x, y} and
      "s ≤p concat ([x,x]¯>(ws'ws'))" and "p ≤s concat ws'" and "ps  vs ≤p ws'  ws'" and "concat ps  p = z".

    from disj_interp_nemp(1)[OF this(1)]
    have "p  ε" by simp

    have "p  concat p1  concat p2" if  "p1 ≤p [x, x]" and "p2 ≤p vs" for p1 p2
        using p [x,x] s 𝒟 vs disj_interpD1 that by blast

    have "ps  lists {x,y}"
      using ps  vs ≤p ws'  ws' ws'  lists {x,y} ws'  ws'  lists {x, y} append_prefixD pref_in_lists by metis
    have "vs  lists {x,y}"
      using ws'  lists {x,y} pref_in_lists[OF ps  vs ≤p ws'  ws'] by inlists
    have "[x,x]¯>(ws'ws')  lists {x,y}"
      using ws'  lists {x,y} by inlists
    have "p x  x s  vs"
      using disj_interpD[OF p [x,x] s 𝒟 vs] by simp

    interpret square_interp_ext x y p s vs
    proof (rule square_interp_ext.intro[OF square_interp.intro, unfolded square_interp_ext_axioms_def])
      show "(pe. pe  {x, y}  p ≤s pe)  (se. se  {x, y}  s ≤p se)"
        using s ≤p concat ([x,x]¯>(ws'ws')) p ≤s concat ws'
         [x, x]¯>(ws'  ws')  lists {x, y} ws'  lists {x, y} concat_in_hull' by meson
    qed fact+

― ‹Establishing the connection between ws' = [x,x,y] and z = xp.›

    define xp where "xp = x  p"

    have "concat [x,x,y] = xp  xp"
      by (simp add: xxy_root xp_def)

    hence "ws'  [x,x,y]  [x,x,y]  ws'"
      using  comm_prim[OF primitive ws' primitive [x,x,y]] ws'  [x,x,y]by force

    have "z  xp  xp  z"
      assume "z  xp = xp  z"
      from comm_add_exp[symmetric, OF this[symmetric], of 2,
          THEN comm_add_exp, of n, unfolded pow_two]
      have "z@n  xp  xp = xp  xp  z@n"
        unfolding  rassoc.
      hence "concat ws'  concat [x,x,y] = concat [x,x,y]  concat ws'"
        unfolding con_ws concat [x,x,y] = xp  xp rassoc  by simp
      from  xy.is_code[OF _ _ this[folded concat_morph]]
      have "ws'  [x, x, y] = [x,x,y]  ws'"
        using append_in_lists ws'  lists {x,y} by simp
      thus False
        using ws'  [x, x, y]  [x,x,y]  ws' by fastforce

    then interpret binary_code z xp
      by (unfold_locales)

    have "¬ concat (ws'  [x, x, y])  concat ([x, x, y]  ws')"
    proof (rule notI)
      assume "concat (ws'  [x, x, y])  concat ([x, x, y]  ws')"
      from comm_comp_eq[OF this[unfolded concat_morph], unfolded concat [x,x,y] = xp  xp con_ws]
      have "z @ n  xp@Suc(Suc 0) = xp@Suc(Suc 0)  z @ n"
        unfolding pow_Suc pow_zero emp_simps rassoc.
      from comm_drop_exps[OF this]
      show False
        using z  xp  xp  z 2  n by force

― ‹How the xp/z mismatch is reflected by mismatch in lists {x,y}?›
― ‹Looking at the first occurrence of z:›

    define lcp_ws where "lcp_ws = ws'  [x,x,y] p [x,x,y]  ws'"

    have "lcp_ws  lists {x,y}"
      unfolding lcp_ws_def by inlists

    have lcp_xp_z: "concat (ws'  [x,x,y]) p concat ([x,x,y]  ws') = bin_lcp z (x  p)"
      unfolding concat_morph con_ws concat [x,x,y] = xp  xp add_exps[symmetric]
      using bin_lcp_pows[OF 0 < n, of 2]
      unfolding pow_two pow_pos[OF 0 < n] rassoc xp_def by force

    have "(concat lcp_ws)  bin_lcp x y = bin_lcp z (x  p)"
    proof (rule xy.bin_code_lcp_concat'[OF _ _  ¬ concat (ws'  [x, x, y])  concat ([x, x, y]  ws'), folded lcp_ws_def, unfolded lcp_xp_z, symmetric])
      show "ws'  [x, x, y]  lists {x, y}" and  "[x, x, y]  ws'  lists {x, y}"
        by inlists

― ‹Looking at the second occurrence of z:›

    define ws'' where "ws'' = ps  [x,y]"
    define lcp_ws' where "lcp_ws' = ws'  ws'' p ws''  ws'"

    have "lcp_ws'  lists {x,y}"
      unfolding lcp_ws'_def
      using ps  lists {x, y} ws'  lists {x, y} ws''_def by inlists

    have "concat ws'' = z  xp"
      unfolding ws''_def xp_def using concat ps  p = z xxy_root by fastforce

    have "ws'  ws''  ws''  ws'"
      assume "ws'  ws'' = ws''  ws'"
      from arg_cong[OF this, of concat, unfolded concat_morph con_ws
          concat ws'' = z  xp,
          unfolded lassoc pow_comm, unfolded rassoc cancel]
      show False
        using z  xp  xp  z comm_drop_exp'[OF _ 0 < n] by blast

      lcp_xp_z': "concat (ws'  ws'') p concat (ws''  ws') = z  bin_lcp z (x  p)"
      unfolding concat_morph con_ws concat ws'' = z  xp pow_Suc
      unfolding lcp_ext_left[symmetric] bin_lcp_def shifts
      unfolding rassoc lcp_ext_left cancel
      using bin_lcp_pows[OF 0 < n, of 1 ε  "z@(n-1)", unfolded pow_1, folded pow_pos[OF 0 < n]]
      unfolding bin_lcp_def xp_def rassoc emp_simps by linarith

    have "z  bin_lcp z (x  p) = concat (lcp_ws')  bin_lcp x y"
      unfolding lcp_xp_z'[symmetric] lcp_ws'_def
    proof (rule xy.bin_code_lcp_concat')
      show "ws'  ws''  lists {x, y}"
        unfolding ws''_def using ws'  ws'  ws'  lists {x, y} ps  lists {x,y} by inlists
      thus "ws''  ws'  lists {x, y}"
        by inlists
      show "¬ concat (ws'  ws'')  concat (ws''  ws')"
        unfolding concat_morph con_ws concat ws'' = z  xp pow_pos[OF 0 < n]
        unfolding rassoc comp_cancel
        unfolding lassoc pow_pos[OF 0 < n, symmetric] pow_pos'[OF 0 < n, symmetric]
        using  comm_drop_exp'[OF _ 0 < n, of z n xp] non_comm by argo

    have "concat lcp_ws' = z  concat lcp_ws"
      unfolding cancel_right[of "concat lcp_ws'" "bin_lcp x y" "z  concat lcp_ws", symmetric]
      unfolding rassoc[of z] concat (lcp_ws)  bin_lcp x y = bin_lcp z (x  p) z  bin_lcp z (x  p) = concat (lcp_ws')  bin_lcp x y..

    have "lcp_ws ≤p ws'  [x,x,y]"
      unfolding lcp_ws_def using  longest_common_prefix_prefix1.
    have "lcp_ws  ws'  [x,x,y]"
      unfolding lcp_ws_def lcp_pref_conv
      using  ws'  [x, x, y]  [x, x, y]  ws' pref_comm_eq by blast
    have "lcp_ws ≤p ws'  [x,x]"
      using spref_butlast_pref[OF  lcp_ws ≤p ws'  [x,x,y] lcp_ws  ws'  [x,x,y]]
      unfolding butlast_append by simp
    from  prefixE[OF pref_prolong[OF this [x,x] ≤p ws']]
    obtain ws''1 where "ws'  ws'  ws' = lcp_ws  ws''1" using rassoc by metis

    have "ws'  ps  [x,y] ≤p ws'  ps  [x,y,x]"
      by simp
    from pref_trans[OF pref_trans[OF longest_common_prefix_prefix1 this]]
    have "lcp_ws' ≤p ws'  ws'  ws'"
      unfolding lcp_ws'_def ws''_def using ps  vs ≤p ws'  ws'[unfolded cover_xyx, unfolded pref_cancel_conv]
      unfolding pref_cancel_conv[symmetric, of "ps  [x,y,x]" "ws'  ws'" ws'] by blast
    from prefixE[OF this]
    obtain ws''2 where "ws'  ws'  ws' = lcp_ws'  ws''2".

    have "concat lcp_ws' concat ws''1 = z  concat(lcp_ws)  concat ws''1"
      unfolding lassoc concat lcp_ws' = z  concat lcp_ws..
    also have "... = z  concat (ws'  ws'  ws')"
      unfolding rassoc ws'  ws'  ws' = lcp_ws  ws''1 concat_morph..
    also have "... = concat (ws'  ws'  ws')  z"
      unfolding concat_morph con_ws add_exps[symmetric]
        pow_Suc[symmetric] pow_Suc'[symmetric]..
    also have "... = concat lcp_ws' concat ws''2  z"
      unfolding ws'  ws'  ws' = lcp_ws'  ws''2 concat_morph rassoc..
    finally have "concat ws''1 = concat ws''2  z"
      unfolding cancel.

    from xy.stability[of "concat ws''2"  "concat lcp_ws" z,
        folded concat ws''1 = concat ws''2  z concat lcp_ws' = z  concat lcp_ws]
    have "z  {x, y}"
      using ws'  ws'  ws' = lcp_ws  ws''1 ws'  ws'  ws' = lcp_ws'  ws''2 ws'  ws'  ws'  lists {x, y}
        append_in_lists_dest append_in_lists_dest' concat_in_hull' by metis
    thus False
      using  z  {x,y} by blast
  thus "ws  [x, x, y]"
    using ws  ws' by blast

subsection ‹Obtaining primitivity with two squares (refining)›

lemma bin_imprim_both_squares_prim:
  assumes "x  y  y  x"
    and "ws  lists {x, y}"
    and "primitive ws" and "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
    and "[x, x] ≤f ws  ws"
    and "[y, y] ≤f ws  ws"
    and  "primitive x" and "primitive y"
  shows False
  have "x  y" using x  y  y  x
    by blast
  from bin_imprim_primitive[OF x  y  y  x primitive x primitive y
      _ ws  lists {x,y} primitive ws ¬ primitive (concat ws) [x, x] ≤f ws  ws]
    bin_imprim_primitive[OF x  y  y  x[symmetric] primitive y primitive x
      _ ws  lists {x,y}[unfolded insert_commute[of x]] primitive ws ¬ primitive (concat ws)
      [y, y] ≤f ws  ws]
  have "ws  [x, x, y]  ws  [y, y, x]"
    using x  y  y  x
    by force
  hence "|ws| = 3"
    using conjug_len by force
  note[simp] = sublist_code(3)
  from |ws| = 3 ws  lists {x,y} x  y
       [x, x] ≤f ws  ws [y, y] ≤f ws  ws
  show False
   by list_inspection simp_all

lemma bin_imprim_both_squares:
  assumes "x  y  y  x"
    and "ws  lists {x, y}"
    and "primitive ws" and "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
    and "[x, x] ≤f ws  ws"
    and "[y, y] ≤f ws  ws"
  shows False
proof (rule bin_imprim_both_squares_prim)
  have "x  ε" and "y  ε" and "x  y"
    using x  y  y  x by blast+
  let ?R = "λ x. [ρ x]@(eρ x)"
  define ws' where "ws' = concat (map ?R ws)"
  show "ρ x  ρ y  ρ y  ρ x"
    using  x  y  y  x[unfolded comp_primroot_conv'[of x y]].
  have [simp]: "a = x  a = y  [ρ a] @ eρ a  lists {ρ x, ρ y}" for a
    using insert_iff sing_pow_lists[of _ "{ρ x, ρ y}"] by metis
  show "ws'  lists {ρ x, ρ y}"
    unfolding ws'_def using ws  lists {x,y}
    by (induction ws, simp_all)

― ‹The primitivity of ws' is obtained from the fact that the decompositions into
    roots is a primitive morphism›
  interpret binary_code x y
    using x  y  y  x by unfold_locales
  note[simp] = sublist_code(3)
  have "|ws|  3  ws  lists {x,y}  x  y  [x, x] ≤f ws  ws  [y, y] ≤f ws  ws  False"
    by list_inspection simp_all
  from this[OF _ ws  lists {x,y} x  y [x, x] ≤f ws  ws [y, y] ≤f ws  ws]
      roots_prim_morph[OF ws  lists {x,y} _ primitive ws]
  show "primitive ws'"
    unfolding ws'_def  by fastforce

  show "¬ primitive (concat ws')"
    unfolding ws'_def concat_root_dec_eq_concat[OF ws  lists{x,y}] by fact

  have "concat(map ?R [x,x]) ≤f ws'  ws'" and "concat(map ?R [y,y]) ≤f ws'  ws'"
    unfolding ws'_def
    using concat_mono_fac[OF map_mono_sublist[OF [x,x] ≤f ws  ws]]
          concat_mono_fac[OF map_mono_sublist[OF [y,y] ≤f ws  ws]]
    unfolding concat_morph  map_append.

  have "Suc (Suc (eρ x + eρ x - 2)) = eρ x + eρ x"
    using Suc_minus2 primroot_exp_nemp[OF x  ε] by simp
  have "concat (map ?R [x,x]) = [ρ x] @ (Suc (eρ x -1) + Suc (eρ x - 1))"
    unfolding  Suc_minus_pos[OF primroot_exp_nemp[OF x  ε]] by (simp add: add_exps)
  hence "[ρ x, ρ x] ≤f concat (map ?R [x,x])"
    by auto
  thus "[ρ x, ρ x] ≤f ws'  ws'"
    using fac_trans[OF _ concat(map ?R [x,x]) ≤f ws'  ws'] by blast

  have "Suc (Suc (eρ y + eρ y - 2)) = eρ y + eρ y"
    using Suc_minus2 primroot_exp_nemp[OF y  ε] by simp
  have "concat (map ?R [y,y]) = [ρ y] @ (Suc (eρ y -1) + Suc (eρ y - 1))"
    unfolding  Suc_minus_pos[OF primroot_exp_nemp[OF y  ε]] by (simp add: add_exps)
  hence "[ρ y, ρ y] ≤f concat (map ?R [y,y])"
    by auto
  thus "[ρ y, ρ y] ≤f ws'  ws'"
    using fac_trans[OF _ concat(map ?R [y,y]) ≤f ws'  ws'] by blast

  show "primitive (ρ x)" and "primitive (ρ y)"
    using  primroot_prim x  ε y  ε by blast+

subsection ‹Obtaining the square of the longer word (gluing)›

lemma bin_imprim_longer_twice:
  ― ‹
1. If there are both squares, then contradiction;
2. If a square is missing:
   a) if y appears once: the positive conclusion
   b) if y appears twice, then gluing preserves presence of the longer word at least twice (because both appear twice)
      and induction yields [x',x',y'] where y' is a suffix of x',
      a contradiction with primitivity of words of the form xyxyy;
  assumes "x  y  y  x"
    and "ws  lists {x, y}"
    and "|y|  |x|"
    and "count_list ws x  2"
    and "primitive ws" and "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
  shows "ws  [x,x,y]  primitive x  primitive y"
  using assms proof (induction "|ws|" arbitrary: x y ws rule: less_induct)
  case less
  then show ?case
  proof (cases)
    assume "[x, x] ≤f ws  ws  [y, y] ≤f ws  ws"
    with bin_imprim_both_squares[OF x  y  y  x ws  lists {x,y} primitive ws ¬ primitive (concat ws)]
    have False by blast
    thus ?case by blast
    assume missing_sq: "¬ ([x, x] ≤f ws  ws  [y, y] ≤f ws  ws)"
    then show ?case
    proof (cases)
      assume "count_list ws y < 2"
      with bin_imprim_single_y[OF less.prems(1-4) this less.prems(5-6)]
      show "ws  [x,x,y]  primitive x  primitive y"
        by blast
      assume "¬ count_list ws y < 2" hence "2  count_list ws y" by simp

― ‹Missing square and two y's allow gluing›
      define x' where "x' = (if ¬ [x, x] ≤f ws  ws then x else y)"
      define y' where "y' = (if ¬ [x, x] ≤f ws  ws then y else x)"

      have "{x', y'} = {x, y}"
        by (simp add: doubleton_eq_iff x'_def y'_def)
      note cases = disjE[OF this[unfolded doubleton_eq_iff]]
      have "¬ [x', x'] ≤f ws  ws"
        using missing_sq x'_def by presburger
      have "count_list ws x'  2" and "count_list ws y'  2"
        unfolding x'_def y'_def using 2  count_list ws x 2  count_list ws y by presburger+
      have "x'   y'  y'  x'"
        by (rule cases, simp_all add: x  y  y  x x  y  y  x[symmetric])
      have "x'  ε" and "x'  y'" and "x'  y'  y'"
        using x'  y'  y'  x' by auto

― ‹rotating last if necessary for successful gluing›
      note prim_nemp[OF primitive ws]
      hence rot: "last ws = x'  hd ws = x'  butlast ws  [x',x']  tl ws = ws  ws"
        using append_butlast_last_id hd_tl hd_word rassoc by metis
      from this[THEN facI']
      have "last ws = x'  hd ws  x'"
        using ¬ [x', x'] ≤f ws  ws  by blast
      define ws' where "ws' = (if last ws  x' then ws else tl ws  [hd ws])"
      have cond: "ws' = ε  last ws'  x'" ― ‹gluing condition›
        unfolding ws'_def using last ws = x'  hd ws  x' by simp
      have "ws'  ws"
        unfolding ws'_def using ws  ε by fastforce
      hence counts': "count_list ws' x'  2" "count_list ws' y'  2"
        by (simp_all add: 2  count_list ws x' 2  count_list ws y' count_list_conjug)

― ‹verify induction assumptions of the glued word›
      let ?ws = "glue x' ws'"
      have c1: "|?ws| < |ws|"
        using len_glue[OF cond] conjug_len[OF ws'  ws] count_list ws' x'  2 by linarith
      hence c2: "(x'  y')  y'  y'  x'  y'"
        using x'  y'  y'  x' by force

      have "ws' ≤f ws  ws"
        using conjugE[OF ws'  ws] rassoc sublist_appendI by metis
      hence "¬ [x', x'] ≤f ws'"
        using ¬ [x',x'] ≤f ws  ws by blast
      have "ws'  lists {x',y'}"
        using conjug_in_lists[OF ws'  ws ws  lists {x,y}[folded {x',y'} = {x,y}]].
      have  c3: "?ws  lists {x'  y', y'}"
        using single_bin_glue_in_lists[OF cond ¬ [x', x'] ≤f ws' ws'  lists {x',y'}].

      have c4: "2  count_list (glue x' ws') (x'  y')"
        using 2  count_list ws' x'
        unfolding count_list_single_bin_glue(1)[OF x'  ε x'  y' cond ws'  lists {x',y'} ¬ [x',x'] ≤f ws'].

      from primitive ws[folded conjug_prim_iff[OF ws'  ws]]
      have c5: "primitive (glue x' ws')"
        using prim_bin_glue [OF ws'  lists {x',y'} x'  ε cond] by blast

      have "count_list ws' x'  2"
        using count_list ws x  2 count_list ws y  2 {x', y'} = {x, y}
          count_list_conjug[OF ws'  ws] x'_def by metis

      have "concat (glue x' ws') = concat ws'"
        by (simp add: cond)
      have c6: "¬ primitive (concat (glue x' ws'))"
        unfolding concat (glue x' ws') = concat ws' using ¬ primitive (concat ws) ws'  ws
          conjug_concat_conjug prim_conjug by metis
          ― ‹The claim holds by induction›
      from less.hyps[OF c1 c2 c3 _ c4 c5 c6]
      have "glue x' ws'  [x'  y', x'  y', y']" by simp
          ― ‹Which is impossible after gluing›
      from prim_xyxyy[OF x'  y'  y'  x'] conjug_prim_iff[OF conjug_concat_conjug[OF this]]
      have False
        using ¬ primitive (concat (glue x' ws')) by simp
      thus ?case by blast

lemma bin_imprim_both_twice:
  assumes "x  y  y  x"
    and "ws  lists {x, y}"
    and "count_list ws x  2"
    and "count_list ws y  2"
    and "primitive ws" and "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
  shows False
  have "x  y"
    using x  y  y  x by blast
  from bin_imprim_longer_twice[OF assms(1-2) _ assms(3) assms(5-6)]
    bin_imprim_longer_twice[OF assms(1)[symmetric] assms(2)[unfolded insert_commute[of x]] _ assms(4) assms(5-6)]
  have or: "ws  [x, x, y]  ws  [y, y, x]" by linarith
  thus False
  proof (rule disjE)
    assume "ws  [x, x, y]"
    from count_list ws y  2[unfolded count_list_conjug[OF this]]
    show False
      using x  y by force
    assume "ws  [y, y, x]"
    from count_list ws x  2[unfolded count_list_conjug[OF this]]
    show False
      using x  y by force

section ‹Examples›

lemma "x  ε   ε (xx) ε  [x,x]"
  unfolding factor_interpretation_def
  by simp

lemma assumes "x = [(0::nat),1,0,1,0]" and "y = [1,0,0,1]"
  shows "[0,1] (xx) [1,0]  [x,y,x]"
  unfolding factor_interpretation_def assms by (simp add: suffix_def)

section "Primitivity non-preserving binary code"

text‹In this section, we give the final form of imprimitive words over a given
binary code @{term "{x,y}"}.
We start with a lemma, then we show that the only possibility is that such
word is conjugate with @{term "x@j  y@k"}.›

lemma bin_imprim_expsE_y: assumes "x  y  y  x" and
  "ws  lists {x,y}" and
  "2  |ws|" and
  "primitive ws" and
  "¬ primitive (concat ws)" and
  "count_list ws y = 1"
obtains j k where "1  j" "1  k" "j = 1  k = 1"
  "ws  [x]@j  [y]@k"
  have "x  y" using x  y  y  x by blast
  obtain j1 j2 where "[x]@j1[y][x]@j2 = ws"
    using bin_count_one_decompose[OF ws  lists {x,y} x  y count_list ws y = 1].
  have "1  j2 + j1"
    using [x] @ j1  [y]  [x] @ j2 = ws 2  |ws| not_less_eq_eq  by fastforce
  have "ws  [x]@(j2+j1)[y]@1"
    using conjugI'[of "[x] @ j1  [y]" "[x] @ j2"]
    unfolding [x] @ j1  [y]  [x] @ j2 = ws[symmetric] add_exps rassoc pow_1.
  from that[OF 1  j2 + j1 _ _ this]
  show ?thesis
    by blast

lemma bin_imprim_expsE: assumes "x  y  y  x" and
  "ws  lists {x,y}" and
  "2  |ws|" and
  "primitive ws" and
  "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
obtains j k where "1  j" "1  k" "j = 1  k = 1"
  "ws  [x]@j  [y]@k"
  note ws  lists {x,y}[unfolded insert_commute[of x]]

  from bin_lists_count_zero[OF ws  lists {x,y}]
    sing_lists_exp_len[of ws y]
    prim_exp_one[OF primitive ws, of "[y]" "|ws|"]
  have "count_list ws x  0"
    using 2  |ws| by fastforce

  from bin_lists_count_zero[OF ws  lists {y,x}]
    sing_lists_exp_len[of ws x]
    prim_exp_one[OF primitive ws, of "[x]" "|ws|"]
  have "count_list ws y  0"
    using 2  |ws| by fastforce

  consider "count_list ws x = 1" | "count_list ws y = 1"
    using bin_imprim_both_twice[OF x  y  y  x ws  lists {x,y} _ _
        primitive ws ¬ primitive (concat ws)]
      count_list ws x  0 count_list ws y  0
    unfolding One_less_Two_le_iff[symmetric] less_one[symmetric] by fastforce
  thus thesis
    assume count_list ws x = 1
    from bin_imprim_expsE_y[reversed, OF x  y  y  x ws  lists {y, x} 2  |ws|
        primitive ws ¬ primitive (concat ws) count_list ws x = 1]
    show thesis
      using that by metis
    assume count_list ws y = 1
    from bin_imprim_expsE_y[OF x  y  y  x ws  lists {x, y} 2  |ws|
        primitive ws ¬ primitive (concat ws) count_list ws y = 1]
    show ?thesis
      using that.

subsection ‹The target theorem›

text‹Given a binary code @{term "{x,y}"} such that there is a primitive factorisation
@{term ws} over it whose concatenation is imprimitive, we finally show that there are
integers @{term j} and @{term k} (depending only on @{term "{x,y}"}) such that
any other such factorisation @{term ws'} is conjugate to @{term "[x]@j  [y]@k"}.›

theorem bin_imprim_code: assumes "x  y  y  x"  and "ws  lists {x,y}" and
  "2  |ws|" and "primitive ws" and  "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
obtains j k where "1  j" and "1  k" and "j = 1  k = 1"
  "ws. ws  lists {x,y}   2  |ws| 
       (primitive ws  ¬ primitive (concat ws)  ws  [x]@j  [y]@k)" and
  "|y|  |x|  2  j  j = 2  primitive x  primitive y" and
  "|y|  |x|  2  k  j = 1  primitive x"
  obtain j k where "1  j" "1  k" "j = 1  k = 1"
    "ws  [x]@j  [y]@k"
    using bin_imprim_expsE[OF x  y  y  x]
    using assms by metis

  have "¬ primitive (x@j  y@k)"
    using ¬ primitive (concat ws)
    unfolding concat_morph  concat_sing_pow
      conjug_prim_iff[OF conjug_concat_conjug[OF ws  [x] @ j  [y] @ k]].

  from not_prim_primroot_expE[OF this]
  obtain z l where [symmetric]: "z@l = x@j  y@k" and "2  l".

  show thesis
  proof (rule that[of j k ])
    show "1  j" "1  k" "j = 1  k = 1" by fact+

    fix ws'
    assume hyps: "ws'  lists {x,y}" "2  |ws'|"
    show  "primitive ws'  ¬ primitive (concat ws')  ws'  [x]@j  [y]@k"
      assume " primitive ws'  ¬ primitive (concat ws')"
      hence prems: "primitive ws'" "¬ primitive (concat ws')" by blast+
      obtain j' k' where "1  j'" "1  k'" "j' = 1  k' = 1"
        "ws'  [x]@j'  [y]@k'"
        using bin_imprim_expsE[OF x  y  y  x hyps prems].

      have "¬ primitive (x @ j' y @ k')"
        using  ¬ primitive (concat ws')
        unfolding concat_morph  concat_sing_pow
          conjug_prim_iff[OF conjug_concat_conjug[OF ws'  [x] @ j'  [y] @ k']].

      have "j = j'" "k = k'"
        using LS_unique[OF x  y  y  x
            1  j 1  k  ¬ primitive (x @ j  y @ k)
            1  j' 1  k' ¬ primitive (x @ j' y @ k')].

      show "ws'  [x] @ j  [y] @ k"
        unfolding j = j' k = k' by fact
      assume  "ws'  [x]@j  [y]@k"
      note conjug_trans[OF ws  [x]@j  [y]@k conjug_sym[OF this]]
      from prim_conjug[OF primitive ws this]
           ¬ primitive (concat ws)[unfolded conjug_concat_prim_iff[OF ws  ws']]
      show "primitive ws'  ¬ primitive (concat ws')" by blast
    assume "|y|  |x|"
    interpret LS_len_le x y j k l z
    by unfold_locales fact+

    assume "2  j"
    with jk_small
    have "k = 1" by fastforce
    from case_j2k1[OF 2  j this]
    show "j = 2  primitive x  primitive y"
      by blast
    assume "|y|  |x|"
    interpret LS_len_le x y j k l z
      by unfold_locales fact+

    assume "2  k"
    show "j = 1  primitive x"
      using 2  k j = 1  k = 1   case_j1k2_primitive by auto

― ‹Formulation in terms of (binary) primitive morphism›

definition bin_imprim_code where "bin_imprim_code x y  x  y  y  x  (¬ bin_prim x y)"

theorem bin_imprim_code': assumes "bin_imprim_code x y"
obtains j k where "1  j" and "1  k" and "j = 1  k = 1"
  "ws. ws  lists {x,y}   2  |ws| 
       (primitive ws  ¬ primitive (concat ws)  ws  [x]@j  [y]@k)" and
  "|y|  |x|  2  j  j = 2  primitive x  primitive y" and
  "|y|  |x|  2  k  j = 1  primitive x"
  thm bin_imprim_code
  obtain ws where "x  y  y  x"
  and "ws  lists {x,y}" and  "2  |ws|" and "primitive ws" and  "¬ primitive (concat ws)"
    using assms  unfolding bin_imprim_code_def bin_prim_altdef2 by blast
  from bin_imprim_code[OF this] that
  show thesis
    by blast
