Theory BinaryTree_TacticStyle

(*  Title:       Binary Search Trees, Tactic-Style
    Author:      Viktor Kuncak, MIT CSAIL, November 2003
    Maintainer:  Larry Paulson <Larry.Paulson at>
    License:     LGPL

section ‹Tactic-Style Reasoning for Binary Tree Operations›
theory BinaryTree_TacticStyle imports Main begin

text ‹This example theory illustrates automated proofs of correctness
   for binary tree operations using tactic-style reasoning.
   The current proofs for remove operation are by Tobias Nipkow, 
   some modifications and the remaining tree operations are 
   by Viktor Kuncak.›

section ‹Definition of a sorted binary tree›

datatype tree = Tip | Nd tree nat tree

primrec set_of :: "tree => nat set"
― ‹The set of nodes stored in a tree.›
  "set_of Tip = {}"
| "set_of(Nd l x r) = set_of l Un set_of r  Un {x}"

primrec sorted :: "tree => bool"
― ‹Tree is sorted›
  "sorted Tip = True"
| "sorted(Nd l y r) =
    (sorted l & sorted r & (x  set_of l. x < y) & (z  set_of r. y < z))"

section ‹Tree Membership›

  memb :: "nat => tree => bool"
  "memb e Tip = False"
| "memb e (Nd t1 x t2) = 
   (if e < x then memb e t1
    else if x < e then memb e t2
    else True)"

lemma member_set: "sorted t --> memb e t = (e : set_of t)"
by (induct t) auto

section ‹Insertion operation›

primrec binsert :: "nat => tree => tree"
― ‹Insert a node into sorted tree.›
  "binsert x Tip = (Nd Tip x Tip)"
| "binsert x (Nd t1 y t2) = (if x < y then
                                 (Nd (binsert x t1) y t2)
                               (if y < x then
                                 (Nd t1 y (binsert x t2))
                                else (Nd t1 y t2)))"

theorem set_of_binsert [simp]: "set_of (binsert x t) = set_of t Un {x}"
by (induct t) auto

theorem binsert_sorted: "sorted t --> sorted (binsert x t)"
by (induct t) (auto simp add: set_of_binsert)

corollary binsert_spec:  (* summary specification of binsert *)
"sorted t ==>
   sorted (binsert x t) & 
   set_of (binsert x t) = set_of t Un {x}" 
by (simp add: binsert_sorted)

section ‹Remove operation›

  rm :: "tree => nat" ― ‹find the rightmost element in the tree›
  "rm(Nd l x r) = (if r = Tip then x else rm r)"
  rem :: "tree => tree" ― ‹find the tree without the rightmost element›
  "rem(Nd l x r) = (if r=Tip then l else Nd l x (rem r))"

  remove:: "nat => tree => tree" ― ‹remove a node from sorted tree›
  "remove x Tip = Tip"
| "remove x (Nd l y r) =
    (if x < y then Nd (remove x l) y r else
     if y < x then Nd l y (remove x r) else
     if l = Tip then r
     else Nd (rem l) (rm l) r)"

lemma rm_in_set_of: "t ~= Tip ==> rm t : set_of t"
  by (induct t) auto

lemma set_of_rem: "t ~= Tip ==> set_of t = set_of(rem t) Un {rm t}"
  by (induct t) auto

lemma [simp]: "[| t ~= Tip; sorted t  |] ==> sorted(rem t)"
  by (induct t) (auto simp add:set_of_rem)

lemma sorted_rem: "[| t ~= Tip; x  set_of(rem t); sorted t |] ==> x < rm t"
  by (induct t) (auto simp add:set_of_rem split:if_splits)

theorem set_of_remove [simp]: "sorted t ==> set_of(remove x t) = set_of t - {x}"
apply(induct t)
 apply simp
apply simp
apply(rule conjI)
 apply fastforce
apply(rule impI)
apply(rule conjI)
 apply fastforce
apply(fastforce simp:set_of_rem)

theorem remove_sorted: "sorted t ==> sorted(remove x t)"
by (induct t) (auto intro: less_trans rm_in_set_of sorted_rem)

corollary remove_spec: ― ‹summary specification of remove›
"sorted t ==>
   sorted (remove x t) &
   set_of (remove x t) = set_of t - {x}"
by (simp add: remove_sorted)

text ‹Finally, note that rem and rm can be computed
        using a single tree traversal given by remrm.›

primrec remrm :: "tree => tree * nat"
"remrm(Nd l x r) = (if r=Tip then (l,x) else
                    let (r',y) = remrm r in (Nd l x r',y))"

lemma "t ~= Tip ==> remrm t = (rem t, rm t)"
by (induct t) (auto simp:Let_def)

text ‹We can test this implementation by generating code.›

definition "test = memb 4 (remove (3::nat) (binsert 4 (binsert 3 Tip)))"

export_code test
  in SML module_name BinaryTree_TacticStyle_Code file ‹BinaryTree_TacticStyle_Code.ML›
