Theory Native_Word.Uint_Common

(*  Title:      Uint_Common.thy
    Author:     Andreas Lochbihler, ETH Zurich
    Author:     Florian Haftmann, TU Muenchen

chapter ‹Common logic auxiliary for all fixed-width word types›

theory Uint_Common

section ‹Some abstract nonsense›

lemmas [transfer_rule] =
  Quotient_integer[folded integer.pcr_cr_eq]

lemma undefined_transfer:
  assumes "Quotient R Abs Rep T"
  shows "T (Rep undefined) undefined"
using assms unfolding Quotient_alt_def by blast

bundle undefined_transfer = undefined_transfer[transfer_rule]

section ‹Establishing type class instances for type copies of word type›

text ‹The lifting machinery is not localized, hence the abstract proofs are carried out using morphisms.›

locale word_type_copy =
  fixes of_word :: 'b::len word  'a
    and word_of :: 'a  'b word
  assumes type_definition: type_definition word_of of_word UNIV

lemma word_of_word:
  word_of (of_word w) = w
  using type_definition by (simp add: type_definition_def)

lemma of_word_of [code abstype]:
  of_word (word_of p) = p
    ― ‹Use an abstract type for code generation to disable pattern matching on termof_word.›
  using type_definition by (simp add: type_definition_def)

lemma word_of_eqI:
  p = q if word_of p = word_of q
proof -
  from that have of_word (word_of p) = of_word (word_of q)
    by simp
  then show ?thesis
    by (simp add: of_word_of)

lemma eq_iff_word_of:
  p = q  word_of p = word_of q
  by (auto intro: word_of_eqI)


bundle constraintless

declaration let
    val cs = map (rpair NONE o fst o dest_Const)
      [term0, term(+), termuminus, term(-),
       term1, term(*), term(div), term(mod),
       termHOL.equal, term(≤), term(<),
       term(dvd), termof_bool, termnumeral, termof_nat,
       termBit_Operations.not, termBit_Operations.and, termBit_Operations.or, termBit_Operations.xor, termmask,
       termpush_bit, termdrop_bit, termtake_bit,
       termBit_Operations.set_bit, termunset_bit, termflip_bit,
       termmsb, termsize, termset_bits]
    K (Context.mapping I (fold Proof_Context.add_const_constraint cs))


locale word_type_copy_ring = word_type_copy
  opening constraintless +
  constrains word_of :: 'a  'b::len word
  assumes word_of_0 [code]: word_of 0 = 0
    and word_of_1 [code]: word_of 1 = 1
    and word_of_add [code]: word_of (p + q) = word_of p + word_of q
    and word_of_minus [code]: word_of (- p) = - (word_of p)
    and word_of_diff [code]: word_of (p - q) = word_of p - word_of q
    and word_of_mult [code]: word_of (p * q) = word_of p * word_of q
    and word_of_div [code]: word_of (p div q) = word_of p div word_of q
    and word_of_mod [code]: word_of (p mod q) = word_of p mod word_of q
    and equal_iff_word_of [code]: HOL.equal p q  HOL.equal (word_of p) (word_of q)
    and less_eq_iff_word_of [code]: p  q  word_of p  word_of q
    and less_iff_word_of [code]: p < q  word_of p < word_of q

lemma of_class_comm_ring_1:
  OFCLASS('a, comm_ring_1_class)
  by standard (simp_all add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_0 word_of_1
    word_of_add word_of_minus word_of_diff word_of_mult algebra_simps)

lemma of_class_semiring_modulo:
  OFCLASS('a, semiring_modulo_class)
  by standard (simp_all add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_0 word_of_1
    word_of_add word_of_minus word_of_diff word_of_mult word_of_mod word_of_div algebra_simps

lemma of_class_equal:
  OFCLASS('a, equal_class)
  by standard (simp add: eq_iff_word_of equal_iff_word_of equal)

lemma of_class_linorder:
  OFCLASS('a, linorder_class)
  by standard (auto simp add: eq_iff_word_of less_eq_iff_word_of less_iff_word_of)


locale word_type_copy_bits = word_type_copy_ring
  opening constraintless and bit_operations_syntax +
  constrains word_of :: 'a::{comm_ring_1, semiring_modulo, equal, linorder}  'b::len word
  fixes signed_drop_bit :: nat  'a  'a
  assumes bit_eq_word_of [code]: bit p = bit (word_of p)
    and word_of_not [code]: word_of (NOT p) = NOT (word_of p)
    and word_of_and [code]: word_of (p AND q) = word_of p AND word_of q
    and word_of_or [code]: word_of (p OR q) = word_of p OR word_of q
    and word_of_xor [code]: word_of (p XOR q) = word_of p XOR word_of q
    and word_of_mask [code]: word_of (mask n) = mask n
    and word_of_push_bit [code]: word_of (push_bit n p) = push_bit n (word_of p)
    and word_of_drop_bit [code]: word_of (drop_bit n p) = drop_bit n (word_of p)
    and word_of_signed_drop_bit [code]: word_of (signed_drop_bit n p) = Word.signed_drop_bit n (word_of p)
    and word_of_take_bit [code]: word_of (take_bit n p) = take_bit n (word_of p)
    and word_of_set_bit [code]: word_of (Bit_Operations.set_bit n p) = Bit_Operations.set_bit n (word_of p)
    and word_of_unset_bit [code]: word_of (unset_bit n p) = unset_bit n (word_of p)
    and word_of_flip_bit [code]: word_of (flip_bit n p) = flip_bit n (word_of p)

lemma word_of_bool:
  word_of (of_bool n) = of_bool n
  by (simp add: word_of_0 word_of_1)

lemma word_of_nat:
  word_of (of_nat n) = of_nat n
  by (induction n) (simp_all add: word_of_0 word_of_1 word_of_add)

lemma word_of_numeral [simp]:
  word_of (numeral n) = numeral n
proof -
  have word_of (of_nat (numeral n)) = of_nat (numeral n)
    by (simp only: word_of_nat)
  then show ?thesis by simp

lemma word_of_power:
  word_of (p ^ n) = word_of p ^ n
  by (induction n) (simp_all add: word_of_1 word_of_mult)

lemma even_iff_word_of:
  2 dvd p  2 dvd word_of p (is ?P  ?Q)
  assume ?P
  then obtain q where p = 2 * q ..
  then show ?Q by (simp add: word_of_mult)
  assume ?Q
  then obtain w where word_of p = 2 * w ..
  then have of_word (word_of p) = of_word (2 * w)
    by simp
  then have p = 2 * of_word w
    by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_word word_of_mult)
  then show ?P
    by simp

lemma of_class_ring_bit_operations:
  OFCLASS('a, ring_bit_operations_class)
proof -
  have induct: P p if stable: (p. p div 2 = p  P p)
      and rec: (p b. P p  (of_bool b + 2 * p) div 2 = p  P (of_bool b + 2 * p))
    for p :: 'a and P
  proof -
    from stable have stable': (p. word_of p div 2 = word_of p  P p)
      by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_div)
    from rec have rec': (p b. P p  (of_bool b + 2 * word_of p) div 2 = word_of p  P (of_bool b + 2 * p))
      by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_add word_of_bool word_of_mult word_of_div)
    define w where w = word_of p
    then have p = of_word w
      by (simp add: of_word_of)
    also have P (of_word w)
    proof (induction w rule: bit_induct)
      case (stable w)
      show ?case
        by (rule stable') (simp add: word_of_word stable)
      case (rec w b)
      have P (of_bool b + 2 * of_word w)
        by (rule rec') (simp_all add: word_of_word rec)
      also have of_bool b + 2 * of_word w = of_word (of_bool b + 2 * w)
        by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_word word_of_add word_of_1 word_of_mult word_of_0)
      finally show ?case .
    finally show P p .
  have class.semiring_parity_axioms (+) (0::'a) (*) 1 (div) (mod)
    by standard
      (simp_all add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_0 word_of_1 even_iff_word_of word_of_add word_of_div word_of_mod even_iff_mod_2_eq_zero)
  with of_class_semiring_modulo have OFCLASS('a, semiring_parity_class)
    by (rule semiring_parity_class.intro) 
  moreover have OFCLASS('a, semiring_modulo_trivial_class)
    apply standard
      apply (simp_all only: eq_iff_word_of word_of_0 word_of_1 word_of_div)
      apply simp_all
  moreover have class.semiring_bits_axioms (+) (0::'a) (*) 1 (div) (mod) bit
    apply standard
             apply (fact induct)
            apply (simp_all only: eq_iff_word_of word_of_0 word_of_1 word_of_bool word_of_numeral
              word_of_add word_of_diff word_of_mult word_of_div word_of_mod word_of_power
              bit_eq_word_of push_bit_take_bit drop_bit_take_bit even_iff_word_of
              flip: push_bit_eq_mult drop_bit_eq_div take_bit_eq_mod mask_eq_exp_minus_1 drop_bit_Suc)
           apply (simp_all add: bit_simps even_drop_bit_iff_not_bit not_less)
  ultimately have OFCLASS('a, semiring_bits_class)
    by (rule semiring_bits_class.intro)
  moreover have class.semiring_bit_operations_axioms (+) (-) (0::'a) (*) (1::'a) (div) (mod) (AND) (OR) (XOR) mask Bit_Operations.set_bit unset_bit flip_bit push_bit drop_bit take_bit
    apply standard
    apply (simp_all add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_add word_of_push_bit word_of_power
      bit_eq_word_of word_of_and word_of_or word_of_xor word_of_mask word_of_diff
      word_of_0 word_of_1 bit_simps
      word_of_set_bit set_bit_eq_or word_of_unset_bit unset_bit_eq_or_xor word_of_flip_bit flip_bit_eq_xor
      word_of_drop_bit word_of_div word_of_take_bit word_of_mod
      and_rec [of word_of a word_of b for a b]
      or_rec [of word_of a word_of b for a b]
      xor_rec [of word_of a word_of b for a b] even_iff_word_of
      flip: mask_eq_exp_minus_1 push_bit_eq_mult drop_bit_eq_div take_bit_eq_mod)
  ultimately have OFCLASS('a, semiring_bit_operations_class)
    by (rule semiring_bit_operations_class.intro)
  moreover have OFCLASS('a, ring_parity_class)
    using OFCLASS('a, semiring_parity_class) by (rule ring_parity_class.intro) standard
  moreover have class.ring_bit_operations_axioms (-) (1::'a) uminus NOT
    by standard
      (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_not word_of_diff word_of_minus word_of_1 not_eq_complement)
  ultimately show OFCLASS('a, ring_bit_operations_class)
    by (rule ring_bit_operations_class.intro)

lemma [code]:
  take_bit n a = a AND mask n for a :: 'a
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_take_bit word_of_and word_of_mask take_bit_eq_mask)

lemma [code]:
  mask (Suc n) = push_bit n (1 :: 'a) OR mask n
  mask 0 = (0 :: 'a)
  by (simp_all add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_mask word_of_or word_of_push_bit word_of_0 word_of_1 mask_Suc_exp)

lemma [code]:
  Bit_Operations.set_bit n w = w OR push_bit n 1 for w :: 'a
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_set_bit word_of_or word_of_push_bit word_of_1 set_bit_eq_or)

lemma [code]:
  unset_bit n w = w AND NOT (push_bit n 1) for w :: 'a
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_unset_bit word_of_and word_of_not word_of_push_bit word_of_1 unset_bit_eq_and_not)

lemma [code]:
  flip_bit n w = w XOR push_bit n 1 for w :: 'a
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_flip_bit word_of_xor word_of_push_bit word_of_1 flip_bit_eq_xor)


locale word_type_copy_more = word_type_copy_bits +
  constrains word_of :: 'a::{ring_bit_operations, equal, linorder}  'b::len word
  fixes of_nat :: nat  'a and nat_of :: 'a  nat
    and of_int :: int  'a and int_of :: 'a  int
    and of_integer :: integer  'a and integer_of :: 'a  integer
  assumes word_of_nat_eq: word_of (of_nat n) = word_of_nat n
    and nat_of_eq_word_of: nat_of p = unat (word_of p)
    and word_of_int_eq: word_of (of_int k) = word_of_int k
    and int_of_eq_word_of: int_of p = uint (word_of p)
    and word_of_integer_eq: word_of (of_integer l) = word_of_int (int_of_integer l)
    and integer_of_eq_word_of: integer_of p = unsigned (word_of p)

lemma of_word_numeral [code_post]:
  of_word (numeral n) = numeral n
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_word)

lemma of_word_0 [code_post]:
  of_word 0 = 0
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_0 word_of_word)

lemma of_word_1 [code_post]:
  of_word 1 = 1
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_1 word_of_word)

text ‹Use pretty numerals from integer for pretty printing›

lemma numeral_eq_integer [code_unfold]:
  numeral n = of_integer (numeral n)
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_integer_eq)

lemma neg_numeral_eq_integer [code_unfold]:
  - numeral n = of_integer (- numeral n)
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_integer_eq word_of_minus)


locale word_type_copy_misc = word_type_copy_more
  opening constraintless and bit_operations_syntax +
  constrains word_of :: 'a::{ring_bit_operations, equal, linorder}  'b::len word
  fixes size :: nat and set_bits_aux :: (nat  bool)  nat  'a  'a
    assumes size_eq_length: size = LENGTH('b::len)
    and msb_iff_word_of [code]: msb p  msb (word_of p)
    and size_eq_word_of: Nat.size (p :: 'a) = Nat.size (word_of p)
    and word_of_set_bits: word_of (set_bits P) = set_bits P
    and word_of_set_bits_aux: word_of (set_bits_aux P n p) = Bit_Comprehension.set_bits_aux P n (word_of p)

lemma size_eq [code]:
  Nat.size p = size for p :: 'a
  by (simp add: size_eq_length size_eq_word_of word_size)

lemma set_bits_aux_code [code]:
  set_bits_aux f n w =
  (if n = 0 then w 
   else let n' = n - 1 in set_bits_aux f n' (push_bit 1 w OR (if f n' then 1 else 0)))
  by (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_set_bits_aux Let_def word_of_mult word_of_or word_of_0 word_of_1 set_bits_aux_rec [of f n])

lemma set_bits_code [code]: set_bits P = set_bits_aux P size 0
  by (simp add: fun_eq_iff eq_iff_word_of word_of_set_bits word_of_set_bits_aux word_of_0 size_eq_length set_bits_conv_set_bits_aux)

lemma of_class_bit_comprehension:
  OFCLASS('a, bit_comprehension_class)
  by standard (simp add: eq_iff_word_of word_of_set_bits bit_eq_word_of set_bits_bit_eq)


section ‹Establishing operation variants tailored towards target languages›

locale word_type_copy_target_language = word_type_copy_misc +
  constrains word_of :: 'a::{ring_bit_operations, equal, linorder}  'b::len word
  fixes size_integer :: integer
    and almost_size :: nat
  assumes size_integer_eq_length: size_integer = Nat.of_nat LENGTH('b::len)
    and almost_size_eq_decr_length: almost_size = LENGTH('b::len) - Suc 0

definition shiftl :: 'a  integer  'a
  where shiftl w k = (if k < 0  size_integer  k then undefined (push_bit :: nat  'a  'a) w k
    else push_bit (nat_of_integer k) w)

lemma word_of_shiftl [code abstract]:
  word_of (shiftl w k) =
  (if k < 0  size_integer  k then word_of (undefined (push_bit :: _  _  'a) w k)
   else push_bit (nat_of_integer k) (word_of w))
  by (simp add: shiftl_def word_of_push_bit)

lemma push_bit_code [code]:
  push_bit k w = (if k < size then shiftl w (integer_of_nat k) else 0)
  by (rule word_of_eqI)
    (simp add: integer_of_nat_eq_of_nat word_of_push_bit word_of_0 shiftl_def, simp add: size_eq_length size_integer_eq_length)

definition shiftr :: 'a  integer  'a
  where shiftr w k = (if k < 0  size_integer  k then undefined (drop_bit :: nat  'a  'a) w k
    else drop_bit (nat_of_integer k) w)

lemma word_of_shiftr [code abstract]:
  word_of (shiftr w k) =
  (if k < 0  size_integer  k then word_of (undefined (drop_bit :: _  _  'a) w k)
   else drop_bit (nat_of_integer k) (word_of w))
  by (simp add: shiftr_def word_of_drop_bit)

lemma drop_bit_code [code]:
  drop_bit k w = (if k < size then shiftr w (integer_of_nat k) else 0)
  by (rule word_of_eqI)
    (simp add: integer_of_nat_eq_of_nat word_of_drop_bit word_of_0 shiftr_def, simp add: size_eq_length size_integer_eq_length)

definition sshiftr :: 'a  integer  'a
  where sshiftr w k = (if k < 0  size_integer  k then undefined (signed_drop_bit :: _  _  'a) w k
    else signed_drop_bit (nat_of_integer k) w)

lemma word_of_sshiftr [code abstract]:
  word_of (sshiftr w k) =
  (if k < 0  size_integer  k then word_of (undefined (signed_drop_bit :: _  _  'a) w k)
   else Word.signed_drop_bit (nat_of_integer k) (word_of w))
  by (simp add: sshiftr_def word_of_signed_drop_bit)

lemma signed_drop_bit_code [code]:
  signed_drop_bit k w = (if k < size then sshiftr w (integer_of_nat k)
    else if (bit w almost_size) then - 1 else 0)
  by (rule word_of_eqI)
    (simp add: integer_of_nat_eq_of_nat word_of_signed_drop_bit
    word_of_0 word_of_1 word_of_minus sshiftr_def bit_eq_word_of not_less,
    simp add: size_eq_length size_integer_eq_length almost_size_eq_decr_length signed_drop_bit_beyond)

definition test_bit :: 'a  integer  bool
  where test_bit w k = (if k < 0  size_integer  k then undefined (bit :: 'a  _) w k
   else bit w (nat_of_integer k))

lemma test_bit_eq [code]:
  test_bit w k = (if k < 0  size_integer  k then undefined (bit :: 'a  _) w k
    else bit (word_of w) (nat_of_integer k))
  by (simp add: test_bit_def bit_eq_word_of)

lemma bit_code [code]:
  bit w n  n < size  test_bit w (integer_of_nat n)
  by (simp add: test_bit_def integer_of_nat_eq_of_nat)
    (simp add: bit_eq_word_of size_eq_length size_integer_eq_length impossible_bit)


subsection ‹Division by signed division›

text ‹Division on @{typ "'a word"} is unsigned, but Scala and OCaml only have signed division and modulus.›


private lemma div_half_nat:
  fixes m n :: nat
  assumes "n  0"
  shows "(m div n, m mod n) = (
      q = 2 * (drop_bit 1 m div n);
      r = m - q * n
    in if n  r then (q + 1, r - n) else (q, r))"
proof -
  let ?q = "2 * (drop_bit 1 m div n)"
  have q: "?q = m div n - m div n mod 2"
    by (simp add: modulo_nat_def drop_bit_Suc, simp flip: div_mult2_eq add: ac_simps)
  let ?r = "m - ?q * n"
  have r: "?r = m mod n + m div n mod 2 * n"
    by (simp add: q algebra_simps modulo_nat_def drop_bit_Suc, simp flip: div_mult2_eq add: ac_simps)
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "n  m - ?q * n")
    case True
    with assms q have "m div n mod 2  0"
      unfolding r by simp (metis add.right_neutral mod_less_divisor mult_eq_0_iff not_less not_mod2_eq_Suc_0_eq_0)
    hence "m div n = ?q + 1" unfolding q
      by simp
    moreover have "m mod n = ?r - n" using m div n = ?q + 1
      by (simp add: modulo_nat_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using True by (simp add: Let_def)
    case False
    hence "m div n mod 2 = 0"
      unfolding r by (simp add: not_le) (metis Nat.add_0_right assms div_less div_mult_self2 mod_div_trivial mult.commute)
    hence "m div n = ?q"
      unfolding q by simp
    moreover have "m mod n = ?r" using m div n = ?q
      by (simp add: modulo_nat_def)
    ultimately show ?thesis
      using False by (simp add: Let_def)

private lemma div_half_word:
  fixes x y :: "'a :: len word"
  assumes "y  0"
  shows "(x div y, x mod y) = (
      q = push_bit 1 (drop_bit 1 x div y);
      r = x - q * y
    in if y  r then (q + 1, r - y) else (q, r))"
proof -
  obtain n where n: "x = of_nat n" "n < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
    by (rule that [of unat x]) simp_all
  moreover obtain m where m: "y = of_nat m" "m < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
    by (rule that [of unat y]) simp_all
  ultimately have [simp]: unat (of_nat n :: 'a word) = n unat (of_nat m :: 'a word) = m
    by (transfer, simp add: take_bit_of_nat take_bit_nat_eq_self_iff)+
  let ?q = "push_bit 1 (drop_bit 1 x div y)"
  let ?q' = "2 * (drop_bit 1 n div m)"
  have "drop_bit 1 n div m < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
    using n by (simp add: drop_bit_Suc) (meson div_le_dividend le_less_trans)
  hence q: "?q = of_nat ?q'" using n m
    by (auto simp add: drop_bit_eq_div word_arith_nat_div uno_simps take_bit_nat_eq_self unsigned_of_nat)
  from assms have "m  0" using m by - (rule notI, simp)
  from n have "?q' < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
    by (simp add: drop_bit_Suc) (metis div_le_dividend le_less_trans less_mult_imp_div_less linorder_not_le mult.commute)
  have "2 * (drop_bit 1 n div m) * m < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
    using n by (simp add: drop_bit_Suc ac_simps flip: div_mult2_eq)
      (metis le_less_trans mult.assoc times_div_less_eq_dividend)
  moreover have "2 * (drop_bit 1 n div m) * m  n"
    by (simp add: drop_bit_Suc flip: div_mult2_eq ac_simps)
  have r: "x - ?q * y = of_nat (n - ?q' * m)"
    and "y  x - ?q * y  of_nat (n - ?q' * m) - y = of_nat (n - ?q' * m - m)"
    using n m unfolding q
     apply simp_all
    apply (cases LENGTH('a)  2)
     apply (simp_all add: word_le_nat_alt take_bit_nat_eq_self unat_sub_if' unat_word_ariths unsigned_of_nat)
  then show ?thesis using n m div_half_nat [OF m  0, of n] unfolding q
    by (simp add: word_le_nat_alt word_div_def word_mod_def Let_def take_bit_nat_eq_self unsigned_of_nat
      flip: zdiv_int zmod_int
      split del: if_split split: if_split_asm)

text ‹
  This algorithm implements unsigned division in terms of signed division.
  Taken from Hacker's Delight.

lemma divmod_via_sdivmod:
  fixes x y :: "'a :: len word"
  assumes "y  0"
  shows "(x div y, x mod y) = (
    if push_bit (LENGTH('a) - 1) 1  y then
      if x < y then (0, x) else (1, x - y)
    else let
      q = (push_bit 1 (drop_bit 1 x sdiv y));
      r = x - q * y
    in if y  r then (q + 1, r - y) else (q, r))"
proof (cases "push_bit (LENGTH('a) - 1) 1  y")
  case True
  note y = this
  show ?thesis
  proof (cases "x < y")
    case True
    with y show ?thesis
      by (simp add: word_div_less mod_word_less)
    case False
    obtain n where n: "y = of_nat n" "n < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
      by (rule that [of unat y]) simp_all
    have "unat x < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)" by (rule unsigned_less)
    also have " = 2 * 2 ^ (LENGTH('a) - 1)"
      by(metis Suc_pred len_gt_0 power_Suc One_nat_def)
    also have "  2 * n" using y n
      by transfer (simp add: take_bit_eq_mod)
    finally have div: "x div of_nat n = 1" using False n
      by (simp add: take_bit_nat_eq_self unsigned_of_nat word_div_eq_1_iff)
    moreover have "x mod y = x - x div y * y"
      by (simp add: minus_div_mult_eq_mod)
    with div n have "x mod y = x - y" by simp
    ultimately show ?thesis using False y n by simp
  case False
  note y = this
  obtain n where n: "x = of_nat n" "n < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
    by (rule that [of unat x]) simp_all
  hence "int n div 2 + 2 ^ (LENGTH('a) - Suc 0) < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
    by (cases LENGTH('a))
      (auto dest: less_imp_of_nat_less [where ?'a = int])
  with y n have "sint (drop_bit 1 x) = uint (drop_bit 1 x)"
    by (cases LENGTH('a))
      (auto simp add: sint_uint drop_bit_eq_div take_bit_nat_eq_self uint_div_distrib
        signed_take_bit_int_eq_self_iff unsigned_of_nat)
  moreover have "uint y + 2 ^ (LENGTH('a) - Suc 0) < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
    using y by (cases LENGTH('a))
      (simp_all add: not_le word_less_alt uint_power_lower)
  then have "sint y = uint y"
    apply (cases LENGTH('a))
     apply (auto simp add: sint_uint signed_take_bit_int_eq_self_iff)
    using uint_ge_0 [of y]
    by linarith 
  ultimately show ?thesis using y
    apply (subst div_half_word [OF assms])
    apply (simp add: sdiv_word_def signed_divide_int_def flip: uint_div)


subsection ‹Conversion from typint to typ'a word

lemma word_of_int_via_signed:
  includes bit_operations_syntax
  assumes shift_def: "shift = push_bit LENGTH('a) 1"
  and overflow_def:"overflow = push_bit (LENGTH('a) - 1) 1"
  "(word_of_int i :: 'a :: len word) =
   (let i' = i AND mask LENGTH('a)
    in if bit i' (LENGTH('a) - 1) then
         if i' - shift < - overflow  overflow  i' - shift then arbitrary1 i' else word_of_int (i' - shift)
       else if i' < - overflow  overflow  i' then arbitrary2 i' else word_of_int i')"
proof -
  define i' where "i' = i AND mask LENGTH('a)"
  have "shift = mask LENGTH('a) + 1" unfolding assms
    by (simp add: mask_eq_exp_minus_1) 
  hence "i' < shift"
    by (simp add: i'_def)
  show ?thesis
  proof(cases "bit i' (LENGTH('a) - 1)")
    case True
    then have unf: "i' = overflow OR i'"
      apply (simp add: assms i'_def flip: take_bit_eq_mask)
      apply (rule bit_eqI)
      apply (auto simp add: bit_take_bit_iff bit_or_iff bit_exp_iff)
    have overflow  overflow OR i'
      by (simp add: i'_def or_greater_eq)
    then have "overflow  i'"
      by (subst unf)
    hence "i' - shift < - overflow  False" unfolding assms
      by(cases "LENGTH('a)")(simp_all add: not_less)
    have "overflow  i' - shift  False" using i' < shift unfolding assms
      by(cases "LENGTH('a)")(auto simp add: not_le elim: less_le_trans)
    have "word_of_int (i' - shift) = (word_of_int i :: 'a word)" using i' < shift
      by (simp add: i'_def shift_def word_of_int_eq_iff flip: take_bit_eq_mask)
    ultimately show ?thesis using True by(simp add: Let_def i'_def)
    case False
    have "i' = i AND mask (LENGTH('a) - 1)"
      apply (rule bit_eqI)
      apply (use False in auto simp add: bit_simps assms i'_def)
      apply (auto simp add: less_le)
    also have "  Bit_Operations.mask (LENGTH('a) - 1)"
      using AND_upper2 mask_nonnegative_int by blast
    also have " < overflow"
      by (simp add: mask_int_def overflow_def)
    have "- overflow  0" unfolding overflow_def by simp
    have "0  i'" by (simp add: i'_def)
    hence "- overflow  i'" using - overflow  0 by simp
    have "word_of_int i' = (word_of_int i :: 'a word)"
      by (simp add: i'_def of_int_and_eq of_int_mask_eq)
    ultimately show ?thesis using False by(simp add: Let_def i'_def)

subsection ‹Quickcheck conversion functions›

  includes state_combinator_syntax

definition qc_random_cnv ::
  "(natural  'a::term_of)  natural  Random.seed
     ('a × (unit  Code_Evaluation.term)) × Random.seed"
  where "qc_random_cnv a_of_natural i = Random.range (i + 1) ∘→ (λk. Pair (
       let n = a_of_natural k
       in (n, λ_. Code_Evaluation.term_of n)))"


definition qc_exhaustive_cnv :: "(natural  'a)  ('a  (bool × term list) option)
   natural  (bool × term list) option"
  "qc_exhaustive_cnv a_of_natural f d =
   Quickcheck_Exhaustive.exhaustive (%x. f (a_of_natural x)) d"

definition qc_full_exhaustive_cnv ::
  "(natural  ('a::term_of))  ('a × (unit  term)  (bool × term list) option)
   natural  (bool × term list) option"
  "qc_full_exhaustive_cnv a_of_natural f d = Quickcheck_Exhaustive.full_exhaustive
  (%(x, xt). f (a_of_natural x, %_. Code_Evaluation.term_of (a_of_natural x))) d"

declare [[quickcheck_narrowing_ghc_options = "-XTypeSynonymInstances"]]

definition qc_narrowing_drawn_from :: "'a list  integer  _"
  "qc_narrowing_drawn_from xs =
   foldr Quickcheck_Narrowing.sum (map Quickcheck_Narrowing.cons (butlast xs)) (Quickcheck_Narrowing.cons (last xs))"

locale quickcheck_narrowing_samples =
  fixes a_of_integer :: "integer  'a × 'a :: {partial_term_of, term_of}"
  and zero :: "'a"
  and tr :: "typerep"

function narrowing_samples :: "integer  'a list"
  "narrowing_samples i =
   (if i > 0 then let (a, a') = a_of_integer i in narrowing_samples (i - 1) @ [a, a'] else [zero])"
by pat_completeness auto
termination including integer.lifting
proof(relation "measure nat_of_integer")
  fix i :: integer
  assume "0 < i"
  thus "(i - 1, i)  measure nat_of_integer"
    by simp(transfer, simp)
qed simp

definition partial_term_of_sample :: "integer  'a"
  "partial_term_of_sample i =
  (if i < 0 then undefined
   else if i = 0 then zero
   else if i mod 2 = 0 then snd (a_of_integer (i div 2))
   else fst (a_of_integer (i div 2 + 1)))"

lemma partial_term_of_code:
  "partial_term_of (ty :: 'a itself) (Quickcheck_Narrowing.Narrowing_variable p t) 
    Code_Evaluation.Free (STR ''_'') tr"
  "partial_term_of (ty :: 'a itself) (Quickcheck_Narrowing.Narrowing_constructor i []) 
   Code_Evaluation.term_of (partial_term_of_sample i)"
by (rule partial_term_of_anything)+


lemmas [code] =

subsection ‹Code generator setup›

code_identifier code_module Uint_Common 
  (SML) Word and (Haskell) Word and (OCaml) Word and (Scala) Word
