Theory AGM_Revision

―‹ ******************************************************************** 
 * Project         : AGM Theory
 * Version         : 1.0
 * Authors         : Valentin Fouillard, Safouan Taha, Frederic Boulanger
                     and Nicolas Sabouret
 * This file       : AGM revision
 * Copyright (c) 2021 Université Paris Saclay, France

theory AGM_Revision

imports AGM_Contraction


section ‹Revisions›
text ‹The third operator of belief change introduce by the AGM framework is the revision. In revision a sentence 
@{term φ} is added to the belief set  @{term K} in such a way that other sentences 
of @{term K} are removed if needed so that @{term K} is consistent›

subsection ‹AGM revision postulates›

text ‹The revision operator is denoted by the symbol @{text *} and respect the following conditions :
 @{text ‹revis_closure›} : a belief set @{term K} revised by @{term φ} should be logically closed
 @{text ‹revis_inclusion›} : a belief set @{term K} revised by @{term φ} should be a subset of @{term K} expanded by @{term φ}
 @{text ‹revis_vacuity›} : if @{text ‹¬φ›} is not in @{term K} then the revision of @{term K} by @{term φ} is equivalent of the expansion of @{term K} by @{term φ}
 @{text ‹revis_success›} : a belief set @{term K} revised by @{term φ} should contain @{term φ}
 @{text ‹revis_extensionality›} :  Extensionality guarantees that the logic of contraction is extensional in the sense of allowing logically equivalent sentences to be freely substituted for each other
 @{text ‹revis_consistency›} : a belief set @{term K} revised by @{term φ} is consistent if @{term φ} is consistent›
locale AGM_Revision = Supraclassical_logic +

fixes revision:: 'a set  'a  'a set (infix * 55)

assumes revis_closure:        K = Cn(A)  K * φ = Cn(K * φ)
    and revis_inclusion:      K = Cn(A)  K * φ  K  φ
    and revis_vacuity:        K = Cn(A)   φ  K  K  φ  K * φ
    and revis_success:        K = Cn(A)  φ  K * φ
    and revis_extensionality: K = Cn(A)  Cn({φ}) = Cn({ψ})  K * φ = K * ψ
    and revis_consistency:    K = Cn(A)   φ  Cn({})     K * φ

text‹A full revision is defined by two more postulates :
 @{text ‹revis_superexpansion›} : An element of @{text ‹ K * (φ .∧. ψ)›} is also an element of @{term K} revised by @{term φ} and expanded by @{term ψ}
 @{text ‹revis_subexpansion›} : An element of @{text ‹(K * φ) ⊕ ψ›} is also an element of @{term K} revised by @{text ‹φ .∧. ψ›} if @{text ‹(K * φ)›} do not imply @{text ‹¬ ψ›}
locale AGM_FullRevision = AGM_Revision + 
  assumes revis_superexpansion: K = Cn(A)  K * (φ .∧. ψ)  (K * φ)  ψ
      and revis_subexpansion:   K = Cn(A)   ψ  (K * φ)  (K * φ)  ψ  K * (φ .∧. ψ)


― ‹important lemmas/corollaries that can replace the previous assumptions›
corollary revis_superexpansion_ext : K = Cn(A)  (K * φ)  (K * ψ)  (K * (φ .∨. ψ))
proof(intro subsetI, elim IntE)
  fix χ
  assume a:K = Cn(A) and b:χ  (K * φ) and c:χ  (K * ψ)
  have Cn({(φ' .∨. ψ') .∧. φ'}) = Cn({φ'}) for φ' ψ' 
    using conj_superexpansion2 by (simp add: Cn_same)
  hence d:K * φ'  (K * (φ' .∨. ψ'))  φ' for φ' ψ'
    using revis_superexpansion[OF a, of φ' .∨. ψ' φ'] revis_extensionality a by metis
  hence φ .⟶. χ  (K * (φ .∨. ψ)) and ψ .⟶. χ  (K * (φ .∨. ψ)) 
    using d[of φ ψ] d[of ψ φ] revis_extensionality[OF a disj_com_Cn, of ψ φ]  
    using imp_PL a b c expansion_def revis_closure by fastforce+
  then show  c:χ  (K * (φ .∨. ψ))
    using disjE_PL a revis_closure revis_success by fastforce


subsection ‹Relation of AGM revision and AGM contraction ›

text‹The AGM contraction of @{term K} by @{term φ} can be defined as the AGM revision of @{term K} by @{text ‹¬φ›}
intersect with @{term K} (to remove @{text ‹¬φ›} from K revised). This definition is known as Harper identity cite"Harper1976"
sublocale AGM_Revision  AGM_Contraction where contraction = λK φ. K  (K *  φ) 
proof(unfold_locales, goal_cases)
  case closure:(1 K A φ)
  then show ?case
    by (metis Cn_inter revis_closure)
  case inclusion:(2 K A φ)
  then show ?case by blast
  case vacuity:(3 K A φ)
  hence  ( φ)  K
    using absurd_PL infer_def by blast
  hence K  (K *  φ) 
    using revis_vacuity[where φ= φ] expansion_def inclusion_L vacuity(1) by fastforce 
  then show ?case 
    by fast
  case success:(4 K A φ)
  hence  ( φ)  Cn({})
    using infer_def notnot_PL by blast
  hence a:  K * ( φ)
    by (simp add: revis_consistency success(1))
  have  φ   K * ( φ)      
    by (simp add: revis_success success(1))
  with a have φ   K * ( φ)
    using infer_def non_consistency revis_closure success(1) by blast
  then show ?case
    by simp
  case recovery:(5 K A φ)
  show ?case 
    fix ψ
    assume a:ψ  K
    hence b:φ .⟶. ψ  K using impI2 recovery by auto 
    have  ψ .⟶.  φ  K *  φ
      using impI2 recovery revis_closure revis_success by fastforce
    hence φ .⟶. ψ  K *  φ
      using imp_contrapos recovery revis_closure by fastforce
    with b show ψ  Cn (K  (K *  φ)  {φ})
      by (meson Int_iff Supraclassical_logic.imp_PL Supraclassical_logic_axioms inclusion_L subsetD)
  case extensionality:(6 K A φ ψ)
  hence Cn({ φ}) = Cn({ ψ}) 
    using  equiv_negation[of {} φ ψ] valid_Cn_equiv valid_def by auto
  hence (K *  φ) = (K *  ψ)
    using extensionality(1) revis_extensionality by blast
  then show ?case by simp

locale AGMC_S = AGM_Contraction + Supraclassical_logic

text‹The AGM revision of @{term K} by @{term φ} can be defined as the AGM contraction of @{term K} by @{text ‹¬φ›}
followed by an expansion by @{term φ}. This definition is known as Levi identity cite"Levi1977SubjunctivesDA".›
sublocale AGMC_S  AGM_Revision where revision = λK φ. (K ÷  φ)  φ
proof(unfold_locales, goal_cases)
  case closure:(1 K A φ)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: expansion_def idempotency_L)
  case inclusion:(2 K A φ)
  have "K ÷  φ  K  {φ}"
    using contract_inclusion inclusion by auto
  then show ?case
      by (simp add: expansion_def monotonicity_L)
  case vacuity:(3 K A φ)
  then show ?case
    by (simp add: contract_vacuity expansion_def)
  case success:(4 K A φ)
  then show ?case
    using assumption_L expansion_def by auto
  case extensionality:(5 K A φ ψ)
  hence Cn({ φ}) = Cn({ ψ}) 
    using  equiv_negation[of {} φ ψ] valid_Cn_equiv valid_def by auto
  hence (K ÷  φ) = (K ÷  ψ)
    using contract_extensionality extensionality(1) by blast
  then show ?case
    by (metis Cn_union expansion_def extensionality(2))
  case consistency:(6 K A φ)
  then show ?case
    by (metis contract_closure contract_success expansion_def infer_def not_PL)

text‹The relationship between AGM full revision and  AGM full contraction is the same as the relation between AGM revison and AGM contraction›
sublocale AGM_FullRevision  AGM_FullContraction where contraction = λK φ. K  (K *  φ) 
proof(unfold_locales, goal_cases)
  case conj_overlap:(1 K A φ ψ)
  have a:Cn({ (φ .∧. ψ)}) = Cn({( φ) .∨. ( ψ)})
    using Cn_same morgan by simp
  show ?case (is ?A) 
    using revis_superexpansion_ext[OF conj_overlap(1), of  φ  ψ] 
          revis_extensionality[OF conj_overlap(1) a] by auto
  case conj_inclusion:(2 K A φ ψ)
  have a:Cn({ (φ .∧. ψ) .∧.  φ}) = Cn({ φ})
    using conj_superexpansion1 by (simp add: Cn_same)
  from conj_inclusion show ?case
  proof(cases φ  K)
    case True
    hence b: ( φ)  K *  (φ .∧. ψ)
      using absurd_PL  conj_inclusion revis_closure by fastforce
    show ?thesis
      using revis_subexpansion[OF conj_inclusion(1) b] revis_extensionality[OF conj_inclusion(1) a] 
             expansion_def inclusion_L by fastforce
    case False
    then show ?thesis
      by (simp add: conj_inclusion(1) contract_vacuity)

locale AGMFC_S = AGM_FullContraction + AGMC_S

sublocale AGMFC_S  AGM_FullRevision where revision = λK φ. (K ÷  φ)  φ
proof(unfold_locales, safe, goal_cases)
  case super:(1 K A φ ψ χ)
  hence a:(φ .∧. ψ) .⟶. χ  Cn(Cn(A) ÷  (φ .∧. ψ)) 
    using Supraclassical_logic.imp_PL Supraclassical_logic_axioms expansion_def by fastforce
  have b:(φ .∧. ψ) .⟶. χ  Cn({ (φ .∧. ψ)})
    by (meson Supraclassical_logic.imp_recovery0 Supraclassical_logic.valid_disj_PL Supraclassical_logic_axioms)
  have c:(φ .∧. ψ) .⟶. χ  Cn(A) ÷ ( (φ .∧. ψ) .∧.  φ) 
    using contract_conj_overlap_variant[of Cn(A) A  (φ .∧. ψ)  φ] a b
    using AGM_Contraction.contract_closure AGM_FullContraction_axioms AGM_FullContraction_def by fastforce
  have d:Cn({ (φ .∧. ψ) .∧.  φ}) = Cn({ φ})
    using conj_superexpansion1 by (simp add: Cn_same)
  hence e:(φ .∧. ψ) .⟶. χ  Cn(A) ÷  φ 
    using AGM_Contraction.contract_extensionality[OF _ _ d] c
          AGM_FullContraction_axioms AGM_FullContraction_def by fastforce
  hence f:φ .⟶. (ψ .⟶. χ)  Cn(A) ÷  φ 
    using conj_imp AGM_Contraction.contract_closure AGM_FullContraction_axioms AGM_FullContraction_def conj_imp by fastforce
  then show ?case
    by (metis assumption_L expansion_def imp_PL infer_def)
  case sub:(2 K A ψ φ χ)
  hence a:φ .⟶. (ψ .⟶. χ)  Cn(A) ÷  φ
    by (metis AGMC_S.axioms(1) AGMC_S_axioms AGM_Contraction.contract_closure expansion_def impI_PL infer_def revis_closure)
  have b:Cn({ (φ .∧. ψ) .∧.  φ}) = Cn({ φ})
    using conj_superexpansion1 by (simp add: Cn_same)
  have c: (φ .∧. ψ)  Cn A ÷ ( φ)
    using sub(1) by (metis assumption_L conj_imp expansion_def imp_PL infer_def not_PL)
  have c:Cn(A) ÷  φ  Cn(A) ÷ ( (φ .∧. ψ))
    using contract_conj_inclusion[of Cn(A) A  (φ .∧. ψ)  φ] 
    by (metis AGM_Contraction.contract_extensionality AGM_FullContraction.axioms(1) AGM_FullContraction_axioms b c)
  then show ?case 
    by (metis a assumption_L conj_imp expansion_def imp_PL in_mono infer_def) 
