Theory Jacobson_Basic_Algebra.Set_Theory

  Copyright (c) 2014-2019 by Clemens Ballarin
  This file is licensed under the 3-clause BSD license.

theory Set_Theory imports "HOL-Library.FuncSet" begin

hide_const map
hide_const partition

no_notation divide (infixl '/ 70)
no_notation inverse_divide (infixl '/ 70)

text ‹
  Each statement in the formal text is annotated with the location of the originating statement
  in Jacobson's text citeJacobson1985.  Each fact that Jacobson states explicitly is marked
  as @{command theorem} unless it is translated to a @{command sublocale} declaration.
  Literal quotations from Jacobson's text are reproduced in double quotes.

  Auxiliary results needed for the formalisation that cannot be found in Jacobson's text are marked
  as @{command lemma} or are @{command interpretation}s.  Such results are annotated with the
  location of a related statement.  For example, the introduction rule of a constant is annotated
  with the location of the definition of the corresponding operation.

section ‹Concepts from Set Theory.  The Integers›

subsection ‹The Cartesian Product Set.  Maps›

text ‹Maps as extensional HOL functions›
text ‹p 5, ll 21--25›
locale map =
  fixes α and S and T
  assumes graph [intro, simp]: "α  S E T"

text ‹p 5, ll 21--25›
lemma map_closed [intro, simp]:
  "a  S  α a  T"
using graph by fast
text ‹p 5, ll 21--25›
lemma map_undefined [intro]:
  "a  S  α a = undefined"
using graph by fast

end (* map *)

text ‹p 7, ll 7--8›
locale surjective_map = map + assumes surjective [intro]: "α ` S = T"

text ‹p 7, ll 8--9›
locale injective_map = map + assumes injective [intro, simp]: "inj_on α S"

text ‹Enables locale reasoning about the inverse @{term "restrict (inv_into S α) T"} of @{term α}.›
text ‹p 7, ll 9--10›
locale bijective =
  fixes α and S and T
  assumes bijective [intro, simp]: "bij_betw α S T"

text ‹
  Exploit existing knowledge about @{term bij_betw} rather than extending @{locale surjective_map}
  and @{locale injective_map}.
text ‹p 7, ll 9--10›
locale bijective_map = map + bijective begin

text ‹p 7, ll 9--10›
sublocale surjective_map by unfold_locales (simp add: bij_betw_imp_surj_on)

text ‹p 7, ll 9--10›
sublocale injective_map using bij_betw_def by unfold_locales fast

text ‹p 9, ll 12--13›
sublocale inverse: map "restrict (inv_into S α) T" T S
  by unfold_locales (simp add: inv_into_into surjective)

text ‹p 9, ll 12--13›
sublocale inverse: bijective "restrict (inv_into S α) T" T S
  by unfold_locales (simp add: bij_betw_inv_into surjective)

end (* bijective_map *)

text ‹p 8, ll 14--15›
abbreviation "identity S  (λx  S. x)"

context map begin

text ‹p 8, ll 18--20; p 9, ll 1--8›
theorem bij_betw_iff_has_inverse:
  "bij_betw α S T  (β  T E S. compose S β α = identity S  compose T α β = identity T)"
    (is "_  (β  T E S. ?INV β)")
  let ?inv = "restrict (inv_into S α) T"
  assume "bij_betw α S T"
  then have "?INV ?inv" and "?inv  T E S"
    by (simp_all add: compose_inv_into_id bij_betw_imp_surj_on compose_id_inv_into bij_betw_imp_funcset bij_betw_inv_into)
  then show "β  T E S. ?INV β" ..
  assume "β  T E S. ?INV β"
  then obtain β where "α  S  T" "β  T  S" "x. x  S  β (α x) = x" "y. y  T  α (β y) = y"
    by (metis PiE_restrict compose_eq graph restrict_PiE restrict_apply)
  then show "bij_betw α S T" by (rule bij_betwI) 

end (* map *)

subsection ‹Equivalence Relations.  Factoring a Map Through an Equivalence Relation›

text ‹p 11, ll 6--11›
locale equivalence =
  fixes S and E
  assumes closed [intro, simp]: "E  S × S"
    and reflexive [intro, simp]: "a  S  (a, a)  E"
    and symmetric [sym]: "(a, b)  E  (b, a)  E"
    and transitive [trans]: " (a, b)  E; (b, c)  E   (a, c)  E"

text ‹p 11, ll 6--11›
lemma left_closed [intro]: (* inefficient as a simp rule *)
  "(a, b)  E  a  S"
  using closed by blast
text ‹p 11, ll 6--11›
lemma right_closed [intro]: (* inefficient as a simp rule *)
  "(a, b)  E  b  S"
  using closed by blast

end (* equivalence *)

text ‹p 11, ll 16--20›
locale partition =
  fixes S and P
  assumes subset: "P  Pow S"
    and non_vacuous: "{}  P"
    and complete: "P = S"
    and disjoint: " A  P; B  P; A  B   A  B = {}"

context equivalence begin

text ‹p 11, ll 24--26›
definition "Class = (λa  S. {b  S. (b, a)  E})"

text ‹p 11, ll 24--26›
lemma Class_closed [dest]:
  " a  Class b; b  S   a  S"
  unfolding Class_def by auto

text ‹p 11, ll 24--26›
lemma Class_closed2 [intro, simp]:
  "a  S  Class a  S"
  unfolding Class_def by auto

text ‹p 11, ll 24--26›
lemma Class_undefined [intro, simp]:
  "a  S  Class a = undefined"
  unfolding Class_def by simp

text ‹p 11, ll 24--26›
lemma ClassI [intro, simp]:
  "(a, b)  E  a  Class b"
  unfolding Class_def by (simp add: left_closed right_closed)
text ‹p 11, ll 24--26›
lemma Class_revI [intro, simp]:
  "(a, b)  E  b  Class a"
  by (blast intro: symmetric)

text ‹p 11, ll 24--26›
lemma ClassD [dest]:
  " b  Class a; a  S   (b, a)  E"
  unfolding Class_def by simp

text ‹p 11, ll 30--31›
theorem Class_self [intro, simp]:
  "a  S  a  Class a"
  unfolding Class_def by simp

text ‹p 11, l 31; p 12, l 1›
theorem Class_Union [simp]:
  "(aS. Class a) = S"
  by blast

text ‹p 11, ll 2--3›
theorem Class_subset:
  "(a, b)  E  Class a  Class b"
  fix a and b and c
  assume "(a, b)  E" and "c  Class a"
  then have "(c, a)  E" by auto
  also note (a, b)  E
  finally have "(c, b)  E" by simp
  then show "c  Class b" by auto

text ‹p 11, ll 3--4›
theorem Class_eq:
  "(a, b)  E  Class a = Class b"
  by (auto intro!: Class_subset intro: symmetric)

text ‹p 12, ll 1--5›
theorem Class_equivalence:
  " a  S; b  S   Class a = Class b  (a, b)  E"
  fix a and b
  assume "a  S" "b  S" "Class a = Class b"
  then have "a  Class a" by auto
  also note Class a = Class b
  finally show "(a, b)  E" by (fast intro: b  S)
qed (rule Class_eq)

text ‹p 12, ll 5--7›
theorem not_disjoint_implies_equal:
  assumes not_disjoint: "Class a  Class b  {}"
  assumes closed: "a  S" "b  S"
  shows "Class a = Class b"
proof -
  from not_disjoint and closed obtain c where witness: "c  Class a  Class b" by fast
  with closed have "(a, c)  E" by (blast intro: symmetric)
  also from witness and closed have "(c, b)  E" by fast
  finally show ?thesis by (rule Class_eq)

text ‹p 12, ll 7--8›
definition "Partition = Class ` S"

text ‹p 12, ll 7--8›
lemma Class_in_Partition [intro, simp]:
  "a  S  Class a  Partition"
  unfolding Partition_def by fast

text ‹p 12, ll 7--8›
theorem partition:
  "partition S Partition"
  fix A and B
  assume closed: "A  Partition" "B  Partition"
  then obtain a and b where eq: "A = Class a" "B = Class b" and ab: "a  S" "b  S"
  unfolding Partition_def by auto
  assume distinct: "A  B"
  then show "A  B = {}"
  proof (rule contrapos_np)
    assume not_disjoint: "A  B  {}"
    then show "A = B" by (simp add: eq) (metis not_disjoint_implies_equal ab)
qed (auto simp: Partition_def)

end (* equivalence *)

context partition begin

text ‹p 12, ll 9--10›
theorem block_exists:
  "a  S  A. a  A  A  P"
  using complete by blast

text ‹p 12, ll 9--10›
theorem block_unique:
  " a  A; A  P; a  B; B  P   A = B"
  using disjoint by blast

text ‹p 12, ll 9--10›
lemma block_closed [intro]: (* inefficient as a simp rule *)
  " a  A; A  P   a  S"
  using complete by blast

text ‹p 12, ll 9--10›
lemma element_exists:
  "A  P  a  S. a  A"
  by (metis non_vacuous block_closed all_not_in_conv)

text ‹p 12, ll 9--10›
definition "Block = (λa  S. THE A. a  A  A  P)"

text ‹p 12, ll 9--10›
lemma Block_closed [intro, simp]:
  assumes [intro]: "a  S" shows "Block a  P"
proof -
  obtain A where "a  A" "A  P" using block_exists by blast
  then show ?thesis
    apply (auto simp: Block_def)
    apply (rule theI2)
      apply (auto dest: block_unique)
text ‹p 12, ll 9--10›
lemma Block_undefined [intro, simp]:
  "a  S  Block a = undefined"
  unfolding Block_def by simp

text ‹p 12, ll 9--10›
lemma Block_self:
  " a  A; A  P   Block a = A"
  apply (simp add: Block_def block_closed)
  apply (rule the_equality)
   apply (auto dest: block_unique)

text ‹p 12, ll 10--11›
definition "Equivalence = {(a, b) . A  P. a  A  b  A}"

text ‹p 12, ll 11--12›
theorem equivalence: "equivalence S Equivalence"
  show "Equivalence  S × S" unfolding Equivalence_def using subset by auto
  fix a
  assume "a  S"
  then show "(a, a)  Equivalence" unfolding Equivalence_def using complete by auto
  fix a and b
  assume "(a, b)  Equivalence"
  then show "(b, a)  Equivalence" unfolding Equivalence_def by auto
  fix a and b and c
  assume "(a, b)  Equivalence" "(b, c)  Equivalence"
  then show "(a, c)  Equivalence" unfolding Equivalence_def using disjoint by auto

text ‹Temporarily introduce equivalence associated to partition.›
text ‹p 12, ll 12--14›
interpretation equivalence S Equivalence by (rule equivalence)

text ‹p 12, ll 12--14›
theorem Class_is_Block:
  assumes "a  S" shows "Class a = Block a"
proof -
  from a  S and block_exists obtain A where block: "a  A  A  P" by blast
  show ?thesis
    apply (simp add: Block_def Class_def)
    apply (rule theI2)
      apply (rule block)
     apply (metis block block_unique)
    apply (auto dest: block_unique simp: Equivalence_def)

text ‹p 12, l 14›
lemma Class_equals_Block:
  "Class = Block"
  fix x show "Class x = Block x"
  by (cases "x  S") (auto simp: Class_is_Block)

text ‹p 12, l 14›
theorem partition_of_equivalence:
  "Partition = P"
  by (auto simp add: Partition_def Class_equals_Block image_iff) (metis Block_self element_exists)

end (* partition *)

context equivalence begin

text ‹p 12, ll 14--17›
interpretation partition S Partition by (rule partition)

text ‹p 12, ll 14--17›
theorem equivalence_of_partition:
  "Equivalence = E"
  unfolding Equivalence_def unfolding Partition_def by auto (metis ClassD Class_closed Class_eq)

end (* equivalence *)

text ‹p 12, l 14›
sublocale partition  equivalence S Equivalence
  rewrites "equivalence.Partition S Equivalence = P" and "equivalence.Class S Equivalence = Block"
    apply (rule equivalence)
   apply (rule partition_of_equivalence)
  apply (rule Class_equals_Block)

text ‹p 12, ll 14--17›
sublocale equivalence  partition S Partition
  rewrites "partition.Equivalence Partition = E" and "partition.Block S Partition = Class"
    apply (rule partition)
   apply (rule equivalence_of_partition)
  apply (metis equivalence_of_partition partition partition.Class_equals_Block)

text ‹Unfortunately only effective on input›
text ‹p 12, ll 18--20›
notation equivalence.Partition (infixl '/ 75)

context equivalence begin

text ‹p 12, ll 18--20›
lemma representant_exists [dest]: "A  S / E  aS. a  A  A = Class a"
  by (metis Block_self element_exists)

text ‹p 12, ll 18--20›
lemma quotient_ClassE: "A  S / E  (a. a  S  P (Class a))  P A"
  using representant_exists by blast

end (* equivalence *)

text ‹p 12, ll 21--23›
sublocale equivalence  natural: surjective_map Class S "S / E"
  by unfold_locales force+

text ‹Technical device to achieve Jacobson's syntax; context where @{text α} is not a parameter.›
text ‹p 12, ll 25--26›
locale fiber_relation_notation = fixes S :: "'a set" begin

text ‹p 12, ll 25--26›
definition Fiber_Relation (E'(_')) where "Fiber_Relation α = {(x, y). x  S  y  S  α x = α y}"

end (* fiber_relation_notation *)

text ‹
  Context where classes and the induced map are defined through the fiber relation.
  This will be the case for monoid homomorphisms but not group homomorphisms.
text ‹Avoids infinite interpretation chain.›
text ‹p 12, ll 25--26›
locale fiber_relation = map begin

text ‹Install syntax›
text ‹p 12, ll 25--26›
sublocale fiber_relation_notation .

text ‹p 12, ll 26--27›
sublocale equivalence where E = "E(α)"
  unfolding Fiber_Relation_def by unfold_locales auto

text ‹``define $\bar{\alpha}$ by $\bar{\alpha}(\bar{a}) = \alpha(a)$''›
text ‹p 13, ll 8--9›
definition "induced = (λA  S / E(α). THE b. a  A. b = α a)"

text ‹p 13, l 10›
theorem Fiber_equality:
  " a  S; b  S   Class a = Class b  α a = α b"
  unfolding Class_equivalence unfolding Fiber_Relation_def by simp

text ‹p 13, ll 8--9›
theorem induced_Fiber_simp [simp]:
  assumes [intro, simp]: "a  S" shows "induced (Class a) = α a"
proof -
  have "(THE b. aClass a. b = α a) = α a"
    by (rule the_equality) (auto simp: Fiber_equality [symmetric] Block_self block_closed)
  then show ?thesis unfolding induced_def by simp

text ‹p 13, ll 10--11›
interpretation induced: map induced "S / E(α)" T
proof (unfold_locales, rule)
  fix A
  assume [intro, simp]: "A  S / E(α)"
  obtain a where a: "a  S" "a  A" using element_exists by auto
  have "(THE b. aA. b = α a)  T"
    apply (rule theI2)
    using a apply (auto simp: Fiber_equality [symmetric] Block_self block_closed)
  then show "induced A  T" unfolding induced_def by simp
qed (simp add: induced_def)

text ‹p 13, ll 12--13›
sublocale induced: injective_map induced "S / E(α)" T
  show "inj_on induced Partition"
    unfolding inj_on_def
    by (metis Fiber_equality Block_self element_exists induced_Fiber_simp)

text ‹p 13, ll 16--19›
theorem factorization_lemma:
  "a  S  compose S induced Class a = α a"
  by (simp add: compose_eq)

text ‹p 13, ll 16--19›
theorem factorization [simp]: "compose S induced Class = α"
  by (rule ext) (simp add: compose_def map_undefined)

text ‹p 14, ll 2--4›
theorem uniqueness:
  assumes map: "β  S / E(α) E T"
    and factorization: "compose S β Class = α"
  shows "β = induced"
  fix A
  show "β A = induced A"
  proof (cases "A  S / E(α)")
    case True
    then obtain a where [simp]: "A = Class a" "a  S" by fast
    then have "β (Class a) = α a" by (metis compose_eq factorization)
    also have " = induced (Class a)" by simp
    finally show ?thesis by simp
  qed (simp add: induced_def PiE_arb [OF map])

end (* fiber_relation *)
