Theory Subtypes

(* Author: Andreas Lochbihler, ETH Zurich
   Author: Joshua Schneider, ETH Zurich *)

section ‹Subtypes›

theory Subtypes imports

subsection ‹\BNFCC{} structure›

consts P :: "('live1, 'live2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) G  bool"

axiomatization where
  P_map: "x l1 l2 co1 co2 contra1 contra2. P x  P (map_G l1 l2 co1 co2 contra1 contra2 x)"
  ― ‹@{term "{x. P x}"} is closed under the mapper of @{type G}
  ex_P: "x. P x" ― ‹@{term "{x. P x}"} is non-empty›

typedef (overloaded) ('live1, 'live2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) S =
  "{x :: ('live1, 'live2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) G. P x}" by (simp add: ex_P)

text ‹The subtype @{type S} is isomorphic to the set @{term "{x. P x}"}.›

context includes lifting_syntax

definition rel_S :: "('live1  'live1'  bool)  ('live2  'live2'  bool) 
    ('co1  'co1'  bool)  ('co2  'co2'  bool) 
    ('contra1  'contra1'  bool)  ('contra2  'contra2'  bool) 
    ('live1, 'live2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) S 
    ('live1', 'live2', 'co1', 'co2', 'contra1', 'contra2', 'fixed) S  bool"
    "rel_S L1 L2 Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2 = vimage2p Rep_S Rep_S (rel_G L1 L2 Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2)"

definition map_S :: "('live1  'live1')  ('live2  'live2') 
    ('co1  'co1')  ('co2  'co2') 
    ('contra1'  'contra1)  ('contra2'  'contra2) 
    ('live1, 'live2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) S 
    ('live1', 'live2', 'co1', 'co2', 'contra1', 'contra2', 'fixed) S"
    "map_S = (id ---> id ---> id ---> id ---> id ---> id ---> Rep_S ---> Abs_S) map_G"

lemma rel_S_mono:
  " L1  L1'; L2  L2'; Co1  Co1'; Co2  Co2'; Contra1'  Contra1; Contra2'  Contra2 
   rel_S L1 L2 Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2  rel_S L1' L2' Co1' Co2' Contra1' Contra2'"
  unfolding rel_S_def
  apply(rule predicate2I)
  apply(simp add: vimage2p_def)
  by(erule rel_G_mono')

lemma rel_S_eq: "rel_S (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) = (=)"
  unfolding rel_S_def by(clarsimp simp add: vimage2p_def fun_eq_iff rel_G_eq Rep_S_inject)

lemma rel_S_conversep:
  "rel_S L1¯¯ L2¯¯ Co1¯¯ Co2¯¯ Contra1¯¯ Contra2¯¯ = (rel_S L1 L2 Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2)¯¯"
  unfolding rel_S_def apply(simp add: vimage2p_def)
  apply(subst rel_G_conversep)
  apply(simp add: map_fun_def fun_eq_iff)

lemma map_S_id0: "map_S id id id id id id = id"
  by(simp add: map_S_def fun_eq_iff map_G_id Rep_S_inverse)

lemma map_S_id: "map_S id id id id id id x = x"
  by (simp add: map_S_id0)

lemma map_S_comp:
  "map_S l1 l2 co1 co2 contra1 contra2  map_S l1' l2' co1' co2' contra1' contra2' =
  map_S (l1  l1') (l2  l2') (co1  co1') (co2  co2') (contra1'  contra1) (contra2'  contra2)"
  apply (rule ext)
  apply (simp add: map_S_def)
  apply (subst Abs_S_inverse)
  subgoal for x using Rep_S[of x] by(simp add: P_map)
  apply (subst map_G_comp[THEN fun_cong, simplified])
  apply simp

lemma map_S_parametric:
  "((L1 ===> L1') ===> (L2 ===> L2') ===> (Co1 ===> Co1') ===> (Co2 ===> Co2') ===>
    (Contra1' ===> Contra1) ===> (Contra2' ===> Contra2) ===>
  rel_S L1 L2 Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2 ===> rel_S L1' L2' Co1' Co2' Contra1' Contra2')
  map_S map_S"
  apply(rule rel_funI)+
  unfolding rel_S_def map_S_def
  apply(simp add: vimage2p_def)
  apply(subst Abs_S_inverse)
  subgoal for … x _ using Rep_S[of x] by(simp add: P_map)
  apply(subst Abs_S_inverse)
  subgoal for … y using Rep_S[of y] by(simp add: P_map)
  by(erule map_G_parametric[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD,
        THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, rotated -1])

lemmas map_S_rel_cong = map_S_parametric[unfolded rel_fun_def, rule_format, rotated -1]

end (* context includes lifting_syntax *)

definition rel_S_pos_distr_cond :: "('co1  'co1'  bool)  ('co1'  'co1''  bool) 
    ('co2  'co2'  bool)  ('co2'  'co2''  bool) 
    ('contra1  'contra1'  bool)  ('contra1'  'contra1''  bool) 
    ('contra2  'contra2'  bool)  ('contra2'  'contra2''  bool) 
    ('l1 × 'l1' × 'l1'' × 'l2 × 'l2' × 'l2'' × 'f) itself  bool" where
  "rel_S_pos_distr_cond Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' _ 
  ((L1 :: 'l1  'l1'  bool) (L1' :: 'l1'  'l1''  bool)
    (L2 :: 'l2  'l2'  bool) (L2' :: 'l2'  'l2''  bool).
    (rel_S L1 L2 Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2 :: (_, _, _, _, _, _, 'f) S  _) OO
      rel_S L1' L2' Co1' Co2' Contra1' Contra2' 
    rel_S (L1 OO L1') (L2 OO L2') (Co1 OO Co1') (Co2 OO Co2')
      (Contra1 OO Contra1') (Contra2 OO Contra2'))"

definition rel_S_neg_distr_cond :: "('co1  'co1'  bool)  ('co1'  'co1''  bool) 
    ('co2  'co2'  bool)  ('co2'  'co2''  bool) 
    ('contra1  'contra1'  bool)  ('contra1'  'contra1''  bool) 
    ('contra2  'contra2'  bool)  ('contra2'  'contra2''  bool) 
    ('l1 × 'l1' × 'l1'' × 'l2 × 'l2' × 'l2'' × 'f) itself  bool" where
  "rel_S_neg_distr_cond Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' _ 
  ((L1 :: 'l1  'l1'  bool) (L1' :: 'l1'  'l1''  bool)
    (L2 :: 'l2  'l2'  bool) (L2' :: 'l2'  'l2''  bool).
    rel_S (L1 OO L1') (L2 OO L2') (Co1 OO Co1') (Co2 OO Co2')
      (Contra1 OO Contra1') (Contra2 OO Contra2') 
    (rel_S L1 L2 Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2 :: (_, _, _, _, _, _, 'f) S  _) OO
      rel_S L1' L2' Co1' Co2' Contra1' Contra2')"

axiomatization where
  "tytok. rel_S_neg_distr_cond (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) tytok"

text ‹The subtype inherits the conditions for positive subdistributivity.›

lemma rel_S_pos_distr_imp:
  fixes Co1 :: "'co1  'co1'  bool" and Co1' :: "'co1'  'co1''  bool"
    and Co2 :: "'co2  'co2'  bool" and Co2' :: "'co2'  'co2''  bool"
    and Contra1 :: "'contra1  'contra1'  bool" and Contra1' :: "'contra1'  'contra1''  bool"
    and Contra2 :: "'contra2  'contra2'  bool" and Contra2' :: "'contra2'  'contra2''  bool"
    and tytok_G :: "('l1 × 'l1' × 'l1'' × 'l2 × 'l2' × 'l2'' × 'f) itself"
    and tytok_S :: "('l1 × 'l1' × 'l1'' × 'l2 × 'l2' × 'l2'' × 'f) itself"
  assumes "rel_G_pos_distr_cond Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok_G"
  shows "rel_S_pos_distr_cond Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok_S"
  unfolding rel_S_pos_distr_cond_def rel_S_def
  apply(simp add: vimage2p_def)
  apply(intro allI predicate2I)
  apply(rule rel_G_pos_distr[THEN predicate2D])
   apply(rule assms)
  apply(rule relcomppI)
   apply simp
  apply simp

lemma rel_S_pos_distr_cond_eq:
  "tytok. rel_S_pos_distr_cond (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) tytok"
  by (intro rel_S_pos_distr_imp rel_G_pos_distr_cond_eq)

  rel_S_pos_distr = rel_S_pos_distr_cond_def[THEN iffD1, rule_format] and
  rel_S_neg_distr = rel_S_neg_distr_cond_def[THEN iffD1, rule_format]

text ‹
  The following composition witness depends only on the abstract condition
  @{const rel_S_neg_distr_cond}, without additional assumptions.

  rel_S_witness :: "('l1  'l1''  bool)  ('l2  'l2''  bool) 
    ('co1  'co1'  bool)  ('co1'  'co1''  bool) 
    ('co2  'co2'  bool)  ('co2'  'co2''  bool) 
    ('contra1  'contra1'  bool)  ('contra1'  'contra1''  bool) 
    ('contra2  'contra2'  bool)  ('contra2'  'contra2''  bool) 
    ('l1, 'l2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'f) S ×
    ('l1'', 'l2'', 'co1'', 'co2'', 'contra1'', 'contra2'', 'f) S 
    ('l1 × 'l1'', 'l2 × 'l2'', 'co1', 'co2', 'contra1', 'contra2', 'f) S"

specification (rel_S_witness)
  rel_S_witness1: "L1 L2 Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2'
    (tytok :: ('l1 × ('l1 × 'l1'') × 'l1'' × 'l2 × ('l2 × 'l2'') × 'l2'' × 'f) itself)
    (x :: ('l1, 'l2, _, _, _, _, 'f) S) (y :: ('l1'', 'l2'', _, _, _, _, 'f) S).
     rel_S_neg_distr_cond Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok;
      rel_S L1 L2 (Co1 OO Co1') (Co2 OO Co2') (Contra1 OO Contra1') (Contra2 OO Contra2') x y  
    rel_S (λx (x', y). x' = x  L1 x y) (λx (x', y). x' = x  L2 x y) Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2 x
    (rel_S_witness L1 L2 Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' (x, y))"
  rel_S_witness2:"L1 L2 Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2'
    (tytok :: ('l1 × ('l1 × 'l1'') × 'l1'' × 'l2 × ('l2 × 'l2'') × 'l2'' × 'f) itself)
    (x :: ('l1, 'l2, _, _, _, _, 'f) S) (y :: ('l1'', 'l2'', _, _, _, _, 'f) S).
     rel_S_neg_distr_cond Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok;
      rel_S L1 L2 (Co1 OO Co1') (Co2 OO Co2') (Contra1 OO Contra1') (Contra2 OO Contra2') x y  
    rel_S (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L1 x y) (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L2 x y) Co1' Co2' Contra1' Contra2'
    (rel_S_witness L1 L2 Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' (x, y)) y"
  apply(rule exI[where x="λL1 L2 Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' (x, y). SOME z.
     rel_S (λx (x', y). x' = x  L1 x y) (λx (x', y). x' = x  L2 x y) Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2 x z 
     rel_S (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L1 x y) (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L2 x y) Co1' Co2' Contra1' Contra2' z y"])
  apply(fold all_conj_distrib)
  apply(rule allI)+
  apply(fold imp_conjR)
  apply(rule impI)+
  apply clarify
  apply(rule someI_ex)
  subgoal for L1 L2 Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' x y
    apply(drule rel_S_neg_distr[where
          ?L1.0 = "λx (x', y). x' = x  L1 x y" and ?L1'.0 = "λ(x, y) y'. y = y'  L1 x y'" and
          ?L2.0 = "λx (x', y). x' = x  L2 x y" and ?L2'.0 = "λ(x, y) y'. y = y'  L2 x y'"])
    apply(drule predicate2D)
     apply(erule rel_S_mono[THEN predicate2D, rotated -1]; fastforce)
    apply(erule relcomppE)
    apply(rule exI conjI)+
     apply assumption+

definition set1_S :: "('live1, 'live2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) S  'live1 set"
  where "set1_S = set1_G  Rep_S"

definition set2_S :: "('live1, 'live2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) S  'live2 set"
  where "set2_S = set2_G  Rep_S"

lemma rel_S_alt:
  "rel_S L1 L2 (=) (=) (=) (=) x y  (z. (set1_S z  {(x, y). L1 x y} 
  set2_S z  {(x, y). L2 x y})  map_S fst fst id id id id z = x  map_S snd snd id id id id z = y)"
  unfolding set1_S_def set2_S_def o_def
  apply(rule iffI)
    apply(subst (asm) (3 4 5 7) OO_eq[symmetric])
    apply(rule exI[where x="rel_S_witness L1 L2 (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (x, y)"])
    apply(frule rel_S_witness1[OF rel_S_neg_distr_cond_eq])
    apply(drule rel_S_witness2[OF rel_S_neg_distr_cond_eq])
    apply(auto simp add: rel_S_def vimage2p_def rell_G_def[symmetric])
       apply(drule (1) G.Domainp_rel[THEN eq_refl, THEN predicate1D,
          OF DomainPI, unfolded pred_G_def, THEN conjunct1, THEN bspec,
          of "conversep _" "conversep _",
          unfolded G.rel_conversep Domainp_conversep, unfolded conversep_iff])
       apply(simp add: Rangep.simps)
      apply(drule (1) G.Domainp_rel[THEN eq_refl, THEN predicate1D, OF DomainPI,
          unfolded pred_G_def, THEN conjunct2, THEN bspec, of "conversep _" "conversep _",
          unfolded G.rel_conversep Domainp_conversep, unfolded conversep_iff])
      apply(simp add: Rangep.simps)
     apply(rewrite in "_ = " map_S_id[symmetric])
     apply(rule sym)
     apply(subst rel_S_eq[symmetric])
     apply(rule map_S_parametric[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD,
          THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, rotated -1])
           apply(simp add: rel_S_def vimage2p_def)
           apply(subst rell_G_def[symmetric])
           apply assumption
          apply(simp_all add: rel_fun_def)
    apply(rewrite in "_ = " map_S_id[symmetric])
    apply(subst rel_S_eq[symmetric])
    apply(rule map_S_parametric[THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD,
          THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, rotated -1])
          apply(simp add: rel_S_def vimage2p_def)
          apply(subst rell_G_def[symmetric])
          apply assumption
         apply(simp_all add: rel_fun_def)
    apply(elim conjE exE)
    apply hypsubst
    apply(rule map_S_parametric[where ?L1.0="eq_onp (λ(x, y). L1 x y)" and
          ?L2.0="eq_onp (λ(x, y). L2 x y)", THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD,
          THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, THEN rel_funD, rotated -1])
          apply(simp add: rel_S_def vimage2p_def)
          apply(subst rell_G_def[symmetric])
          apply(rule G.rel_refl_strong)
           apply(drule (1) subsetD)
           apply(simp add: eq_onp_def)
          apply(drule (1) subsetD)
          apply(simp add: eq_onp_def)
         apply(simp_all add: rel_fun_def eq_onp_def)

bnf "('live1, 'live2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) S"
  map: "λl1 l2. map_S l1 l2 id id id id"
  sets: "set1_S" "set2_S"
  bd: "bd_G :: ('co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) Gbd rel"
  rel: "λL1 L2. rel_S L1 L2 (=) (=) (=) (=)"
  subgoal by (rule map_S_id0)
  subgoal by (simp add: map_S_comp)
    apply(simp add: map_S_def set1_S_def set2_S_def)
    apply(rule arg_cong[where f="Abs_S"])
    apply(fold mapl_G_def)
    apply(rule G.map_cong[OF refl])
     apply simp_all
    apply(simp add: set1_S_def map_S_def fun_eq_iff)
    apply(subst Abs_S_inverse)
    subgoal for x using Rep_S[of x] by(simp add: P_map)
    apply(simp add: G.set_map mapl_G_def[symmetric])
    apply(simp add: set2_S_def map_S_def fun_eq_iff)
    apply(subst Abs_S_inverse)
    subgoal for x using Rep_S[of x] by(simp add: P_map)
    apply(simp add: G.set_map mapl_G_def[symmetric])
  subgoal by(rule bd_G_card_order)
  subgoal by(rule bd_G_cinfinite)
  subgoal by(rule bd_G_regularCard)
    apply (simp add: set1_S_def)
    apply (rule set1_G_bound)
    apply (simp add: set2_S_def)
    apply (rule set2_G_bound)
    apply(subst (23 24 25 27) eq_OO[symmetric])
    apply(rule rel_S_pos_distr_cond_def[THEN iffD1, rule_format])
    apply(rule rel_S_pos_distr_imp)
    apply(rule rel_G_pos_distr_cond_eq)
    apply(rule ext)+
    apply(rule rel_S_alt)

subsection ‹Closedness under zippings›

lemma P_zip_closed: ― ‹This is @{command lift_bnf}'s property that is too strong.›
  assumes "P (mapl_G fst fst z)" "P (mapl_G snd snd z)"
  shows "P z"

consts rel_S_neg_distr_cond' :: "('co1  'co1'  bool)  ('co1'  'co1''  bool) 
    ('co2  'co2'  bool)  ('co2'  'co2''  bool) 
    ('contra1  'contra1'  bool)  ('contra1'  'contra1''  bool) 
    ('contra2  'contra2'  bool)  ('contra2'  'contra2''  bool) 
    ('l1 × 'l1' × 'l1'' × 'l2 × 'l2' × 'l2'' × 'f) itself  bool"

text ‹
  If the set @{term "{x. P x}"} is closed under zippings for @{const rel_S_neg_distr_cond'},
  we inherit the condition for negative subdistributivity from @{type G}.

axiomatization where
  P_rel_G_zipping: "(L1 :: 'l1  'l1''  bool) (L2 :: 'l2  'l2''  bool)
    Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2'
    (tytok :: ('l1 × ('l1 × 'l1'') × 'l1'' × 'l2 × ('l2 × 'l2'') × 'l2'' × 'f) itself) x y z.
     P x; P y;
      rel_G L1 L2 (Co1 OO Co1') (Co2 OO Co2') (Contra1 OO Contra1') (Contra2 OO Contra2') x y;
      rel_G (λx (x', y). x' = x  L1 x y) (λx (x', y). x' = x  L2 x y) Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2 x z;
      rel_G (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L1 x y) (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L2 x y) Co1' Co2' Contra1' Contra2' z y;
      rel_S_neg_distr_cond' Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok 
     P z"
  rel_S_neg_distr_cond'_stronger: "Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok.
    rel_S_neg_distr_cond' Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok 
    rel_G_neg_distr_cond Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok"
  "tytok. rel_S_neg_distr_cond' (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) (=) tytok"

context includes lifting_syntax

definition rel_S_witness' :: "('live1  'live1''  bool)  ('live2  'live2''  bool) 
    ('co1  'co1'  bool)  ('co1'  'co1''  bool) 
    ('co2  'co2'  bool)  ('co2'  'co2''  bool) 
    ('contra1  'contra1'  bool)  ('contra1'  'contra1''  bool) 
    ('contra2  'contra2'  bool)  ('contra2'  'contra2''  bool) 
    ('live1, 'live2, 'co1, 'co2, 'contra1, 'contra2, 'fixed) S ×
    ('live1'', 'live2'', 'co1'', 'co2'', 'contra1'', 'contra2'', 'fixed) S 
    ('live1 × 'live1'', 'live2 × 'live2'', 'co1', 'co2', 'contra1', 'contra2', 'fixed) S"
    "rel_S_witness' = (id ---> id ---> id ---> id ---> id ---> id --->
    id ---> id ---> id ---> id ---> map_prod Rep_S Rep_S ---> Abs_S) rel_G_witness"

lemma rel_S_witness'1:
  fixes L1 :: "'l1  'l1''  bool" and L2 :: "'l2  'l2''  bool"
    and Co1 :: "'co1  'co1'  bool" and Co1' :: "'co1'  'co1''  bool"
    and Co2 :: "'co2  'co2'  bool" and Co2' :: "'co2'  'co2''  bool"
    and Contra1 :: "'contra1  'contra1'  bool" and Contra1' :: "'contra1'  'contra1''  bool"
    and Contra2 :: "'contra2  'contra2'  bool" and Contra2' :: "'contra2'  'contra2''  bool"
    and tytok :: "('l1 × ('l1 × 'l1'') × 'l1'' × 'l2 × ('l2 × 'l2'') × 'l2'' × 'f) itself"
    and x :: "(_, _, _, _, _, _, 'f) S"
  assumes "rel_S L1 L2 (Co1 OO Co1') (Co2 OO Co2') (Contra1 OO Contra1') (Contra2 OO Contra2') x y"
    and "rel_S_neg_distr_cond' Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok"
  shows "rel_S (λx (x', y). x' = x  L1 x y) (λx (x', y). x' = x  L2 x y) Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2 x
    (rel_S_witness' L1 L2 Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' (x, y))"
  using assms unfolding rel_S_def rel_S_witness'_def
  apply(simp add: vimage2p_def)
  apply(subst Abs_S_inverse)
   apply(rule P_rel_G_zipping[OF Rep_S[of x, simplified] Rep_S[of y, simplified], rotated])
      apply(erule rel_G_witness1[rotated])
      apply(erule rel_S_neg_distr_cond'_stronger)
     apply(erule rel_G_witness2[rotated])
     apply(erule rel_S_neg_distr_cond'_stronger)
  apply(erule rel_G_witness1[rotated])
  apply(erule rel_S_neg_distr_cond'_stronger)

lemma rel_S_witness'2:
  fixes L1 :: "'l1  'l1''  bool" and L2 :: "'l2  'l2''  bool"
    and Co1 :: "'co1  'co1'  bool" and Co1' :: "'co1'  'co1''  bool"
    and Co2 :: "'co2  'co2'  bool" and Co2' :: "'co2'  'co2''  bool"
    and Contra1 :: "'contra1  'contra1'  bool" and Contra1' :: "'contra1'  'contra1''  bool"
    and Contra2 :: "'contra2  'contra2'  bool" and Contra2' :: "'contra2'  'contra2''  bool"
    and tytok :: "('l1 × ('l1 × 'l1'') × 'l1'' × 'l2 × ('l2 × 'l2'') × 'l2'' × 'f) itself"
    and x :: "(_, _, _, _, _, _, 'f) S"
  assumes "rel_S L1 L2 (Co1 OO Co1') (Co2 OO Co2') (Contra1 OO Contra1') (Contra2 OO Contra2') x y"
    and "rel_S_neg_distr_cond' Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok"
  shows "rel_S (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L1 x y) (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L2 x y) Co1' Co2' Contra1' Contra2'
    (rel_S_witness' L1 L2 Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' (x, y)) y"
  using assms unfolding rel_S_def rel_S_witness'_def
  apply(simp add: vimage2p_def)
  apply(subst Abs_S_inverse)
   apply(rule P_rel_G_zipping[OF Rep_S[of x, simplified] Rep_S[of y, simplified], rotated])
      apply(erule rel_G_witness1[rotated])
      apply(erule rel_S_neg_distr_cond'_stronger)
     apply(erule rel_G_witness2[rotated])
     apply(erule rel_S_neg_distr_cond'_stronger)
  apply(erule rel_G_witness2[rotated])
  apply(erule rel_S_neg_distr_cond'_stronger)

lemma rel_S_neg_distr_imp:
  fixes Co1 :: "'co1  'co1'  bool" and Co1' :: "'co1'  'co1''  bool"
    and Co2 :: "'co2  'co2'  bool" and Co2' :: "'co2'  'co2''  bool"
    and Contra1 :: "'contra1  'contra1'  bool" and Contra1' :: "'contra1'  'contra1''  bool"
    and Contra2 :: "'contra2  'contra2'  bool" and Contra2' :: "'contra2'  'contra2''  bool"
    and tytok_S' :: "('l1 × ('l1 × 'l1'') × 'l1'' × 'l2 × ('l2 × 'l2'') × 'l2'' × 'f) itself"
    and tytok_S :: "('l1 × 'l1' × 'l1'' × 'l2 × 'l2' × 'l2'' × 'f) itself"
  assumes "rel_S_neg_distr_cond' Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok_S'"
  shows "rel_S_neg_distr_cond Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2' Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' tytok_S"
  unfolding rel_S_neg_distr_cond_def
proof (intro allI predicate2I relcomppI)
  fix L1 :: "'l1  'l1'  bool" and L1' :: "'l1'  'l1''  bool"
    and L2 :: "'l2  'l2'  bool" and L2' :: "'l2'  'l2''  bool"
    and x :: "(_, _, _, _, _, _, 'f) S" and y :: "(_, _, _, _, _, _, 'f) S"
  assume *: "rel_S (L1 OO L1') (L2 OO L2') (Co1 OO Co1') (Co2 OO Co2')
    (Contra1 OO Contra1') (Contra2 OO Contra2') x y"
  let ?z = "map_S (relcompp_witness L1 L1') (relcompp_witness L2 L2') id id id id
    (rel_S_witness' (L1 OO L1') (L2 OO L2') Co1 Co1' Co2 Co2'
    Contra1 Contra1' Contra2 Contra2' (x, y))"
  show "rel_S L1 L2 Co1 Co2 Contra1 Contra2 x ?z"
    apply(subst map_S_id[symmetric])
    apply(rule map_S_rel_cong)
          apply(rule rel_S_witness'1[OF * assms])
         apply(auto simp add: vimage2p_def del: relcomppE elim!: relcompp_witness)
  show "rel_S L1' L2' Co1' Co2' Contra1' Contra2' ?z y"
    apply(rewrite in "rel_S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " map_S_id[symmetric])
    apply(rule map_S_rel_cong)
          apply(rule rel_S_witness'2[OF * assms])
         apply(auto simp add: vimage2p_def del: relcomppE elim!: relcompp_witness)

end (* context includes lifting_syntax *)

subsection ‹Subtypes of BNFs without co- and contravariance›

text ‹
  If all variables are live, @{command lift_bnf}'s requirement P_zip_closed› is equivalent
  to our closedness under zippings, and Popescu's weaker condition is equivalent to negative
  subdistributivity restricted to the subset.

bnf_axiomatization 'a H

consts Q :: "'a H  bool"

axiomatization where
  Q_map: "x l. Q x  Q (map_H l x)"

lemma Q_rel_H_zipping:
  fixes x :: "'a H" and y :: "'c H" and z :: "('a × 'c) H"
  assumes Q_zip: "z :: ('a × 'c) H.  Q (map_H fst z); Q (map_H snd z)   Q z"
    and "Q x" and "Q y" and "rel_H L x y"
    and related: "rel_H (λx (x', y). x' = x  L x y) x z" "rel_H (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L x y) z y"
  shows "Q z"
proof -
  have "map_H fst z = x" proof -
    from related(1) have "rel_H (=) x (map_H fst z)"
      by (auto simp add: H.rel_map elim: H.rel_mono_strong)
    then show ?thesis by (simp add: H.rel_eq)
  moreover have "map_H snd z = y" proof -
    from related(2) have "rel_H (=) (map_H snd z) y"
      by (auto simp add: H.rel_map elim: H.rel_mono_strong)
    then show ?thesis by (simp add: H.rel_eq)
  moreover note Q x Q y
  ultimately show ?thesis using Q_zip by blast

lemma Q_zip:
  fixes z :: "('a × 'c) H"
  assumes Q_rel_H_zipping: "(L :: 'a  'c  _) x y z.
       Q x; Q y; rel_H L x y; rel_H (λx (x', y). x' = x  L x y) x z;
        rel_H (λ(x, y') y. y' = y  L x y) z y   Q z"
    and "Q (map_H fst z)" and "Q (map_H snd z)"
  shows "Q z"
proof -
  let ?L = "λa (a', b). a' = a  top a b" and ?L' = "λ(b, c') c. c' = c  top b c"
  have *: "rel_H ?L (map_H fst z) z" "rel_H ?L' z (map_H snd z)"
    by (auto simp add: H.rel_map Grp_apply intro!: H.rel_refl_strong)
  then have "rel_H (?L OO ?L') (map_H fst z) (map_H snd z)"
    by (auto simp add: H.rel_compp)
  then have "rel_H top (map_H fst z) (map_H snd z)"
    by (simp add: relcompp_apply[abs_def] top_fun_def)
  with Q (map_H fst z) Q (map_H snd z) * show "Q z"
    using Q_rel_H_zipping by blast

lemma Q_neg_distr:
  fixes x :: "'a H" and y :: "'c H"
  assumes Q_zip_weak: "z :: ('a × 'c) H.  Q (map_H fst z); Q (map_H snd z)  
      z'. Q z'  set_H z'  set_H z  map_H fst z' = map_H fst z  map_H snd z' = map_H snd z"
    and "Q x" and "Q y" and related: "rel_H (L OO L') x y"
  shows "(rel_H L OO eq_onp Q OO rel_H L') x y"
proof -
  from related obtain z where
    *: "set_H z  {(x, y). (L OO L') x y}" "map_H fst z = x" "map_H snd z = y"
    unfolding H.rel_compp_Grp by (blast elim: GrpE)
  with Q x Q y have "Q (map_H fst z)" and "Q (map_H snd z)" by simp_all
  then obtain z' where "Q z'" "set_H z'  set_H z"
    "map_H fst z' = map_H fst z" "map_H snd z' = map_H snd z"
    using Q_zip_weak by blast
  with * have **: "set_H z'  {(x, y). (L OO L') x y}" "x = map_H fst z'" "y = map_H snd z'"
    by simp_all
  let ?z = "map_H (relcompp_witness L L') z'"
  from Q z' have "Q ?z" by (rule Q_map)
  moreover have "rel_H L x ?z" "rel_H L' ?z y"
    using ** by (auto simp add: H.rel_map intro!: H.rel_refl_strong
        relcompp_witness[of L L' "fst p" "snd p" for p, simplified])
  ultimately show ?thesis unfolding eq_onp_def by blast

lemma Q_zip_weak:
  fixes z :: "('a × 'c) H"
  assumes Q_neg_distr: "(L :: 'a  ('a × 'c)  _) (L' :: ('a × 'c)  'c  bool) x y.
       Q x; Q y; rel_H (L OO L') x y   (rel_H L OO eq_onp Q OO rel_H L') x y"
    and "Q (map_H fst z)" and "Q (map_H snd z)"
  obtains z' where "Q z'" and "set_H z'  set_H z"
    and "map_H fst z' = map_H fst z" and "map_H snd z' = map_H snd z"
proof -
  let ?L = "(Grp (set_H z) fst)¯¯" and ?L' = "Grp (set_H z) snd"
  have "rel_H ?L (map_H fst z) z" "rel_H ?L' z (map_H snd z)"
    by (auto simp add: H.rel_map Grp_apply intro!: H.rel_refl_strong)
  then have "rel_H (?L OO ?L') (map_H fst z) (map_H snd z)"
    by (auto simp add: H.rel_compp)
  with Q (map_H fst z) Q (map_H snd z)
  have "(rel_H ?L OO eq_onp Q OO rel_H ?L') (map_H fst z) (map_H snd z)"
    by (rule Q_neg_distr)
  then obtain z' where "Q z'" "rel_H ?L (map_H fst z) z'" "rel_H ?L' z' (map_H snd z)"
    unfolding eq_onp_def by blast
  then have "rel_H (λa b. snd b = snd a  a  set_H z) z' z"
    by (simp add: H.rel_map Grp_apply)
  then have "rel_H (λa b. a  set_H z) z' z"
    by (auto elim: H.rel_mono_strong)
  then have "pred_H (Domainp (λa (b :: ('a × 'c)). a  set_H z)) z'"
    by (auto simp add: H.Domainp_rel[symmetric] Domainp_iff)
  then have "set_H z'  set_H z"
    unfolding H.axiom11_H by auto
  moreover have "map_H fst z' = map_H fst z"
    apply (rule sym)
    apply (subst H.rel_eq[symmetric])
    apply (subst H.rel_map(2))
    apply (rule H.rel_mono_strong)
     apply (fact rel_H ?L (map_H fst z) z')
    apply (simp add: Grp_apply)
  moreover have "map_H snd z' = map_H snd z"
    apply (subst H.rel_eq[symmetric])
    apply (subst H.rel_map(1))
    apply (rule H.rel_mono_strong)
     apply (fact rel_H ?L' z' (map_H snd z))
    apply (simp add: Grp_apply)
  moreover note Q z'
  ultimately show thesis using that by blast
