Theory Trivial_Security

section ‹Trivial security properties›

text ‹Here we formalize some cases when BD Security holds trivially. ›

theory Trivial_Security
imports Bounded_Deducibility_Security.Abstract_BD_Security

definition B_id :: "'value  'value  bool"
where "B_id vl vl1  (vl1 = vl)"

context Abstract_BD_Security

(* ... when the bound is as fine-grained as equality: *)
lemma B_id_secure:
assumes "tr vl vl1. B (V tr) vl1  validSystemTrace tr  B_id (V tr) vl1"
shows "secure"
using assms unfolding secure_def B_id_def by auto

(* ... when the observation function is constant: *)
lemma O_const_secure:
assumes "tr. validSystemTrace tr  O tr = ol"
and "tr vl vl1. B (V tr) vl1  validSystemTrace tr  (tr1. validSystemTrace tr1  V tr1 = vl1)"
shows "secure"
unfolding secure_def proof (intro allI impI, elim conjE)
  fix tr vl vl1
  assume "B vl vl1" and "validSystemTrace tr" and "V tr = vl"
  moreover then obtain tr1 where "validSystemTrace tr1" "V tr1 = vl1" using assms(2) by auto
  ultimately show "tr1. validSystemTrace tr1  O tr1 = O tr  V tr1 = vl1" using assms(1) by auto

definition OV_compatible :: "'observations  'values  bool" where
  "OV_compatible obs vl  (tr. O tr = obs  V tr = vl)"

definition V_compatible :: "'values  'values  bool" where
  "V_compatible vl vl1  (obs. OV_compatible obs vl  OV_compatible obs vl1)"

definition validObs :: "'observations  bool" where
  "validObs obs  (tr. validSystemTrace tr  O tr = obs)"

definition validVal :: "'values  bool" where
  "validVal vl  (tr. validSystemTrace tr  V tr = vl)"

lemma OV_total_secure:
assumes OV: "obs vl. validObs obs  validVal vl  OV_compatible obs vl
                   (tr. validSystemTrace tr  O tr = obs  V tr = vl)"
and BV: "vl vl1. B vl vl1  validVal vl  V_compatible vl vl1  validVal vl1"
shows "secure"
unfolding secure_def proof (intro allI impI, elim conjE)
  fix tr vl vl1
  assume tr: "validSystemTrace tr" and B: "B vl vl1" and vl: "V tr = vl"
  then have "validObs (O tr)" and "validVal (V tr)" and "OV_compatible (O tr) (V tr)"
    unfolding validObs_def validVal_def OV_compatible_def by blast+
  moreover then have "validVal vl1" and "OV_compatible (O tr) vl1"
    using B BV unfolding V_compatible_def vl by blast+
  ultimately show "tr1. validSystemTrace tr1  O tr1 = O tr  V tr1 = vl1"
    using OV by blast

lemma unconstrained_secure:
assumes "tr. validSystemTrace tr"
and BV: "vl vl1. B vl vl1  validVal vl  V_compatible vl vl1  validVal vl1"
shows "secure"
using assms by (intro OV_total_secure) (auto simp: OV_compatible_def)

