Theory mmio

 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

 * Tests for handling Spec constructs emitted by the C parser.
theory mmio
imports "AutoCorres2_Main.AutoCorres_Main"

text ‹Some placeholders for a 'hardware-step' relation.›

consts abs_step:: "word32  word32  bool"
consts abs_step2:: "(word32 × word32)  (word32 × word32)  bool"

install_C_file "mmio.c"
(* check handling of spec-body troughout locale generation. What do we expect?*)
(* currently non-proto funs are imported to all_impl/corres. We should also add those for which
a spec-body is defined? get_defined_functions? *)
declare [[c_parser_feedback_level=2]]

autocorres [ts_rules = nondet] "mmio.c"

context mmio_all_corres

term "step'"
term "ts_definition_step.step'"
thm ts_definition_step.step'_def

lemma (in step_impl) "step_body 
guarded_spec_body ImpossibleSpec
 ({(s, t). abs_step (state_' (globals s)) (state_' (globals t))} 
  {(s, t). t may_only_modify_globals s in [state]})"
  by (rule step_body_def [simplified])

lemma (in ts_definition_step) "step' 
     (λs. {(v, t).
        abs_step (state_'' s) (state_'' t) 
        (state_'. t = sstate_'' := state_')})"
  by (rule step'_def)

lemma (in ts_definition_step2) "step2' 
   (λs. {(v, t).
        abs_step2 (g1_'' s, g2_'' s) (g1_'' t, g2_'' t) 
        (g1_' g2_'. t = sg1_'' := g1_', g2_'' := g2_')})"
  by (rule step2'_def)
