Theory SignedWordAbsHeap

 * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
 * Copyright (c) 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory SignedWordAbsHeap

text ‹
  Regression test for signed word abs on the lifted heap.
  Jira issue ID: VER-1112

  For the gory details, see the comment for the function

install_C_file "signed_word_abs_heap.c"

autocorres [
    unsigned_word_abs=foo bar

context signed_word_abs_heap_all_impl begin
text ‹
  Previously, lifted word heap accesses would always be translated to
  unsigned @{type nat}s, instead of signed @{typ int}s where appropriate.
thm foo'_def bar'_def

lemma bar_123_456:
  "heap_w32 s p = 123  ptr_valid (heap_typing s) p 
   bar' (ptr_coerce p) 456  s
   λr s. r = Result 579  heap_w32 s p = 579"
  unfolding bar'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: fun_upd_apply INT_MAX_def)

text ‹
  Previously, this was unprovable.
lemma bar_n123_456:
  " heap_w32 s p = -123  ptr_valid (heap_typing s) p 
   bar' (ptr_coerce p) 456  s
   λr s. r = Result 333  heap_w32 s p = 333"
  unfolding bar'_def
  by (runs_to_vcg simp add: fun_upd_apply INT_MAX_def)

