Theory AutoCorres2.Introduction_AutoCorres2


 * Copyright (c) 2024 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

theory Introduction_AutoCorres2
  imports Main


chapter ‹Introduction›

text ‹
AutoCorres2 is a tool to facilitate the verification of C programs within Isabelle citeLNCS2283.
It is a fork of AutoCorres: 🌐‹›.
Here some quick links into the document:
 Quickstart guide for users (\autoref{chap:Quickstart}):
 Background information, internals and some history of AutoCorres (\autoref{chap:AutoCorresInfrastructure}):
   Some internals (\autoref{chap:CTranslationInfrastructure}):
   Original documentation (outdated) (\autoref{chap:strictc}):
   The supported subset of C is extended. Moreover, the C-parser is integrated into Isabelle/ML and
   no standalone C-parser is supplied. The description of the design principles is
   still valid:


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