Theory Simp_Trace
theory Simp_Trace
imports AutoCorres_Utils
text ‹
ATTENTION: to activate these methods use the following line:
‹setup ‹Raw_Simplifier.set_trace_ops Simp_Trace.trace_ops››
Provide a tactic wrapper to activate simplifier tracing and produce a statistic how many
conditional rules were tried for how long. Also provides a shorthand for simp trace activation by
adding ‹T› to the method name: ‹simpT› ‹simp_allT› ‹autoT›
ML ‹
structure Simp_Trace =
type trace_statistics =
conditional_rules : (Time.time * int) Thm_Name.Table.table,
rules : int Thm_Name.Table.table,
steps : int,
max_steps : int,
depth : int,
max_depth : int
structure Data = Proof_Data
( type T = trace_statistics Synchronized.var option
fun init _ = NONE
val trace_data : Proof.context -> trace_statistics Synchronized.var option = Data.get
fun initial n : trace_statistics =
conditional_rules = Thm_Name.Table.empty,
rules = Thm_Name.Table.empty,
steps = 0,
max_steps = n,
depth = 0,
max_depth = 0
fun activate n = Data.put (SOME (Synchronized.var "trace_data" (initial n)))
fun print ({conditional_rules, rules, steps, max_depth, ...} : trace_statistics) =
val _ = writeln ("=== SIMP STATISTICS (" ^
string_of_int steps ^ " steps, " ^ string_of_int max_depth ^ " max depth) ===")
val _ = writeln "Conditional Rules:"
val _ = conditional_rules |> Thm_Name.Table.dest
|> sort (make_ord (fn ((_, (t1, _)), (_, (t2, _))) => Time.< (t2, t1)))
|> app (fn (name, (t, c)) =>
writeln (" " ^ Thm_Name.print name ^ ": " ^ Time.toString t ^ " / " ^ string_of_int c ^ " = " ^
Real.toString (Time.toReal t / Real.fromInt c)))
val _ = writeln "Rules:"
val _ = rules |> Thm_Name.Table.dest
|> sort (make_ord (fn ((_, c1), (_, c2)) => c2 < c1))
|> app (fn (name, c) => writeln (" " ^ Thm_Name.print name ^ ": " ^ string_of_int c))
val _ = writeln ("======")
fun trace_apply var {unconditional, rrule, thm, ...} ctxt cont =
val d = Synchronized.value var
val _ = #max_steps d <= #steps d andalso error ("simp tracer: max steps reaches")
fun store time = Synchronized.change var (fn
{ conditional_rules, rules, steps, depth, max_steps, max_depth } =>
conditional_rules = (if unconditional then conditional_rules else
conditional_rules |>
Thm_Name.Table.map_default (#name rrule, (Time.zeroTime, 0))
(fn (t, c) => (Time.+ (t, #cpu time), c + 1))),
rules = rules |> Thm_Name.Table.map_default (#name rrule, 0) (fn c => c + 1),
steps = steps + 1,
max_steps = max_steps,
depth = depth,
max_depth = max_depth
Timing.timing (Exn.capture cont) ctxt
|> (fn (t, x) => (store t; Exn.release x))
fun map_depth f
({ conditional_rules, rules, steps, depth, max_steps, max_depth} : trace_statistics) :
trace_statistics =
val d = f depth
{ conditional_rules = conditional_rules,
rules = rules,
steps = steps,
depth = d,
max_depth = if max_depth < d then d else max_depth,
max_steps = max_steps }
fun increase_depth var ctxt =
(Synchronized.change var (map_depth (fn d => d + 1)); ctxt)
val trace_ops : Raw_Simplifier.trace_ops = {
trace_invoke = fn _ => fn ctxt =>
(case trace_data ctxt of SOME var => increase_depth var ctxt
| NONE => ctxt),
trace_rrule = fn rule => fn ctxt => fn cont =>
case trace_data ctxt of
SOME var => trace_apply var rule ctxt cont
| NONE => cont ctxt,
trace_simproc = K (K (K NONE))
fun wrapper n tac ctxt st =
val ctxt' = ctxt
|> activate n
|> Config.put Raw_Simplifier.simp_trace true
|> Config.put Raw_Simplifier.simp_trace_depth_limit 4
val res = Exn.capture (fn () => (tac ctxt' st |> Seq.pull)) ()
val _ = print (Synchronized.value (the (trace_data ctxt')))
case Exn.release res of
SOME (x, _) => Seq.cons x (Seq.make (fn () =>
error ("stat simp tracer does not allow back" ^ ⌂)))
| NONE => Seq.empty
fun wrapper' n tac ctxt = wrapper n (fn ctxt => tac ctxt 1) ctxt
fun wrapper_method method ctxt' (_, thm) =
method (ctxt', thm)
fun method_wrapper (n : int option) (m : Proof.context -> Method.method) ctxt : Method.method =
fn thms => Method.RUNTIME
(wrapper (the_default 1000 n) (fn ctxt => wrapper_method (m ctxt thms) ctxt) ctxt)
val no_asmN = "no_asm";
val no_asm_useN = "no_asm_use";
val no_asm_simpN = "no_asm_simp";
val asm_lrN = "asm_lr";
val simp_options =
(Args.parens (Scan.option Parse.nat -- Args.$$$ no_asmN) >> apsnd (K simp_tac) ||
Args.parens (Scan.option Parse.nat -- Args.$$$ no_asm_simpN) >> apsnd (K asm_simp_tac) ||
Args.parens (Scan.option Parse.nat -- Args.$$$ no_asm_useN) >> apsnd (K full_simp_tac) ||
Args.parens (Scan.option Parse.nat -- Args.$$$ asm_lrN) >> apsnd (K asm_lr_simp_tac) ||
Args.parens Parse.nat >> (fn n => (SOME n, asm_full_simp_tac)) ||
Scan.succeed (NONE, asm_full_simp_tac));
val wrapper : (Proof.context -> Method.method) context_parser =
(Scan.lift (Scan.option (Args.parens Parse.nat)) -- Method.text_closure)
>> (fn (n, text) => method_wrapper n (fn ctxt => Method.evaluate_runtime text ctxt))
fun simpT_method meth =
Scan.lift simp_options --|
Method.sections Simplifier.simp_modifiers' >>
(fn (n, tac) => method_wrapper n (fn ctxt => METHOD (fn facts => meth ctxt tac facts)))
val simp_wrapper =
simpT_method (fn ctxt => fn tac => fn facts =>
HEADGOAL (Method.insert_tac ctxt facts THEN'
(CHANGED_PROP oo tac) ctxt))
val simp_all_wrapper =
simpT_method (fn ctxt => fn tac => fn facts =>
ALLGOALS (Method.insert_tac ctxt facts) THEN
val auto_wrapper =
(Scan.lift (Scan.option (Args.parens Parse.nat)) --
Scan.lift (Scan.option (Parse.nat -- Parse.nat))) --|
Method.sections clasimp_modifiers >>
(fn (i, NONE) =>
method_wrapper i (SIMPLE_METHOD o CHANGED_PROP o auto_tac)
| (i, SOME (m, n)) =>
method_wrapper i (fn ctxt => SIMPLE_METHOD (CHANGED_PROP (mk_auto_tac ctxt m n))));
setup ‹Method.setup \<^binding>‹stat› Simp_Trace.wrapper
("Simplifier statisitics: wraps a method call and computes statistics from simplifier calls." ^
" Needs active Simp_Trace.trace_ops")›
setup ‹Method.setup \<^binding>‹simpT› Simp_Trace.simp_wrapper
("simplification with tracing" ^
" Needs active Simp_Trace.trace_ops")›
setup ‹Method.setup \<^binding>‹simp_allT› Simp_Trace.simp_all_wrapper
("simplification on all goals with tracing" ^
" Needs active Simp_Trace.trace_ops")›
setup ‹Method.setup \<^binding>‹autoT› Simp_Trace.auto_wrapper
("auto with tracing " ^
" Needs active Simp_Trace.trace_ops")›