Theory SepCode
theory SepCode
singleton_t :: "'a::c_type ptr ⇒ 'a ⇒ heap_state"
"singleton_t p v ≡ lift_state (heap_update p v (λx. 0), (ptr_retyp p empty_htd))"
tagd :: "'a ptr_guard ⇒ 'a::c_type ptr ⇒ heap_assert" (infix ‹⊢⇩s› 100)
"g ⊢⇩s p ≡ λs. s,g ⊨⇩s p ∧ dom s = s_footprint p"
:: "'a::c_type ptr ⇒ qualified_field_name ⇒ (addr × s_heap_index) set"
"field_footprint p f ≡
s_footprint_untyped (ptr_val p + of_nat (field_offset TYPE('a) f))
(export_uinfo (field_typ TYPE('a) f))"
:: "'a::c_type ptr ⇒ qualified_field_name set ⇒ (addr × s_heap_index) set"
"fs_footprint p F ≡ ⋃{field_footprint p f | f. f ∈ F}"
definition fields :: "'a::c_type itself ⇒ qualified_field_name set" where
"fields t ≡ {f. field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 ≠ None}"
mfs_sep_map :: "'a::c_type ptr ⇒ 'a ptr_guard ⇒ qualified_field_name set ⇒ 'a ⇒ heap_assert"
(‹(‹open_block notation=‹mixfix mfs_sep_map››_ ↦⇘_⇙⇗_⇖ _)› [56,0,0,51] 56)
"p ↦⇘g⇙⇗F⇖ v ≡ λs. lift_typ_heap g (singleton_t p v ++ s) p = Some v ∧
F ⊆ fields TYPE('a) ∧
dom s = s_footprint p - fs_footprint p F ∧ wf_heap_val s"
notation (input)
mfs_sep_map (‹(‹open_block notation=‹mixfix mfs_sep_map››_ ↦⇩_⇧_ _)› [56,0,1000,51] 56)
disjoint_fn :: "qualified_field_name ⇒ qualified_field_name set ⇒ bool"
"disjoint_fn f F ≡ ∀f'∈F. ¬ f ≤ f' ∧ ¬ f' ≤ f"
sep_cut' :: "addr ⇒ nat ⇒ (s_addr,'b) map_assert"
"sep_cut' p n ≡ λs. dom s = {(x,y). x ∈ {p..+n}}"
sep_cut :: "addr ⇒ addr_bitsize word ⇒ (s_addr,'b) map_assert"
"sep_cut x y ≡ sep_cut' x (unat y)"
text ‹----›
lemma heap_list_h_eq:
"⟦ x ∈ {p..+q}; q < addr_card; heap_list h q p = heap_list h' q p ⟧ ⟹ h x = h' x"
proof (induct q arbitrary: p)
case 0 thus ?case by simp
case (Suc n) thus ?case by (force dest: intvl_neq_start)
lemma :
"(a, SIndexVal) ∈ s_footprint p = (a ∈ {ptr_val (p::'a::c_type ptr)..+size_of TYPE('a)})"
apply(clarsimp simp: s_footprint_def s_footprint_untyped_def)
apply(rule iffI, clarsimp)
apply(rule intvlI)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(drule intvlD, clarsimp)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply fast
lemma singleton_t_dom [simp]:
"dom (singleton_t p (v::'a::mem_type)) = s_footprint p"
supply unsigned_of_nat [simp del]
apply(rule equalityI; clarsimp simp: singleton_t_def lift_state_def s_footprint_intvl
split: s_heap_index.splits if_split_asm option.splits)
apply(rule ccontr)
apply(simp add: ptr_retyp_None)
subgoal for a b y x2 x2a
apply(cases "a ∈ {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('a)}")
apply(simp add: ptr_retyp_footprint list_map_eq split: if_split_asm)
apply(drule intvlD, clarsimp)
apply(rule s_footprintI)
apply(subst (asm) word_unat.eq_norm)
apply(subst (asm) mod_less)
apply(subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule less_trans)
apply(rule max_size)
apply(simp add: map_le_def)
apply assumption
apply(simp add: ptr_retyp_None)
apply(rule conjI; clarsimp)
apply (simp add: ptr_retyp_d_empty s_footprintD)
apply(frule s_footprintD2)
apply(frule s_footprintD)
apply(simp add: ptr_retyp_footprint)
lemma heap_update_merge:
assumes val: "d,g ⊨⇩t p"
shows "lift_state ((heap_update p (v::'a::mem_type) h),d)
= lift_state (h,d) ++ singleton p v h d" (is "?x = ?y")
proof (rule ext, cases)
fix x
assume c: "x ∈ dom (singleton p v h d)"
with val
have "lift_state (heap_update_list (ptr_val p)
(to_bytes v (heap_list h (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p))) h,
d) x =
singleton p v h d x"
by (auto simp: heap_list_update_to_bytes singleton_def lift_state_def heap_update_def
split: option.splits s_heap_index.splits)
with c show "?x x = ?y x" by (force simp: heap_update_def dest: domD)
fix x
assume nc: "x ∉ dom (singleton p v h d)"
with val show "?x x = ?y x"
apply(cases x)
apply(clarsimp simp: lift_state_def heap_update_def map_add_def
split: option.splits s_heap_index.splits)
apply(safe; clarsimp)
by (metis heap_list_length heap_update_nmem_same len nc s_footprint_intvl singleton_dom)
lemma tagd_dom_exc:
"(g ⊢⇩s p) s ⟹ dom s = s_footprint p"
by (clarsimp simp: tagd_def)
lemma tagd_dom_p_exc:
"(g ⊢⇩s p) s ⟹ (ptr_val (p::'a::mem_type ptr),SIndexVal) ∈ dom s"
by (drule tagd_dom_exc) clarsimp
lemma tagd_g_exc:
"(g ⊢⇩s p ∧⇧* P) s ⟹ g p"
by (drule sep_conjD, force simp: tagd_def elim: s_valid_g)
lemma sep_map_tagd_exc:
"(p ↦⇩g (v::'a::mem_type)) s ⟹ (g ⊢⇩s p) s"
by (clarsimp simp: sep_map_def tagd_def lift_typ_heap_s_valid)
lemma sep_map_any_tagd_exc:
"(p ↦⇩g -) s ⟹ (g ⊢⇩s (p::'a::mem_type ptr)) s"
by (clarsimp dest!: sep_map_anyD_exc, erule sep_map_tagd_exc)
lemma ptr_retyp_tagd_exc:
"g (p::'a::mem_type ptr) ⟹
(g ⊢⇩s p) (lift_state (h, ptr_retyp p empty_htd))"
supply unsigned_of_nat [simp del]
apply(simp add: tagd_def ptr_retyp_s_valid lift_state_dom)
apply(rule equalityI;
clarsimp simp: lift_state_def split: s_heap_index.splits if_split_asm option.splits)
subgoal for a
apply(cases "a ∈ {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('a)}")
apply(drule intvlD, clarsimp)
apply(rule s_footprintI2, simp)
apply(subst (asm) ptr_retyp_None; simp)
subgoal for a b y x2 x2a
apply(cases "a ∈ {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('a)}")
apply(subst (asm) ptr_retyp_footprint)
apply simp
apply(drule intvlD, clarsimp)
apply(subst (asm )word_unat.eq_norm)
apply(subst (asm) mod_less)
apply(subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule less_trans)
apply simp
apply(subst (asm) list_map_eq)
apply(clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply(erule (1) s_footprintI)
apply(simp add: ptr_retyp_None)
subgoal for a b
apply(rule conjI; clarsimp)
apply(cases "a ∈ {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('a)}")
apply(simp add: ptr_retyp_footprint)
apply(drule s_footprintD)
apply simp
apply(cases "a ∈ {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('a)}")
apply(subst (asm) ptr_retyp_footprint)
apply simp
apply(drule intvlD, clarsimp)
apply(subst (asm )word_unat.eq_norm)
apply(subst (asm) mod_less)
apply(subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule less_trans)
apply simp
apply(subst (asm) list_map_eq)
apply(clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply(drule s_footprintD2)
apply simp
apply(subst (asm) unat_of_nat)
apply(subst (asm) mod_less)
apply(subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule less_trans, simp)
apply simp
apply(fastforce dest: s_footprintD)
lemma singleton_dom_proj_d [simp]:
"(g ⊢⇩s p) s ⟹ dom (singleton p (v::'a::mem_type) h (proj_d s)) = dom s"
by (clarsimp simp: tagd_def singleton_dom s_valid_def)
lemma singleton_d_restrict_eq:
"restrict_s d (s_footprint p) = restrict_s d' (s_footprint p)
⟹ singleton p v h d = singleton p (v::'a::mem_type) h d'"
apply(clarsimp simp: singleton_def)
apply(rule ext)
subgoal for x
apply(cases "x ∈ s_footprint p"; simp)
apply(cases x, clarsimp)
subgoal for a b
apply(drule fun_cong [where x=a])
apply(clarsimp simp: s_footprint_restrict lift_state_def
split: s_heap_index.splits if_split_asm option.splits)
apply(rule conjI, clarsimp simp: restrict_s_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_s_def)
subgoal for x'
apply(drule fun_cong [where x="x'"])
apply auto
lemma sep_heap_update'_exc:
assumes sep: "(g ⊢⇩s p ∧⇧* (p ↦⇩g v ⟶⇧* P)) (lift_state (h,d))"
shows "P (lift_state (heap_update p (v::'a::mem_type) h,d))"
proof -
from sep obtain s⇩0 s⇩1 where disj: "s⇩0 ⊥ s⇩1" and
merge: "lift_state (h,d) = s⇩1 ++ s⇩0" and
l: "(g ⊢⇩s p) s⇩0" and r: "(p ↦⇩g v ⟶⇧* P) s⇩1" by (force dest: sep_conjD)
moreover from this have "s⇩1 ⊥ singleton p v h (proj_d s⇩0)"
by (fastforce simp: map_disj_def)
moreover from l have "g p" by (force simp: tagd_def elim: s_valid_g)
moreover from merge l have "lift_state (h,d),g ⊨⇩s p"
by (force simp: tagd_def intro: s_valid_heap_merge_right)
hence "d,g ⊨⇩t p" by (simp add: h_t_s_valid)
moreover from l have "s⇩0 ++ singleton p v h (proj_d s⇩0) = singleton p v h (proj_d s⇩0)"
by (force simp: map_add_dom_eq singleton_dom dest: tagd_dom_exc)
moreover from l merge have "s⇩1 ++ singleton p v h (proj_d s⇩0) = s⇩1 ++ s⇩0 ++ singleton p v h d"
apply(clarsimp simp: tagd_def)
apply(rule ext)
subgoal for x
apply(cases x, clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def)
subgoal for a b
apply(simp add: s_valid_def)
apply(drule singleton_dom [where v=v and h=h])
apply(drule fun_cong [where x="(a,b)"])
apply(cases "(a,b) ∈ s_footprint p")
subgoal premises prems
proof -
have "(s⇩1 ++ singleton p v h (proj_d s⇩0)) (a, b) = singleton p v h d (a, b)"
using prems
by(force simp: lift_state_def map_add_def singleton_def proj_d_def
split: option.splits s_heap_index.splits if_split_asm)
then show ?thesis using prems
apply(clarsimp simp: map_add_def s_valid_def split: option.splits)
apply force
apply (fastforce intro: sym)
apply(auto simp: map_add_def singleton_def split: option.splits)
ultimately show ?thesis
by (fastforce dest: sep_implD simp: sep_map_singleton tagd_def s_valid_def heap_update_merge)
lemma sep_heap_update_exc:
"⟦ (p ↦⇩g - ∧⇧* (p ↦⇩g v ⟶⇧* P)) (lift_state (h,d)) ⟧ ⟹
P (lift_state (heap_update p (v::'a::mem_type) h,d))"
by (force intro: sep_heap_update'_exc dest: sep_map_anyD_exc sep_map_tagd_exc
elim: sep_conj_impl)
lemma sep_heap_update_global'_exc:
"(g ⊢⇩s p ∧⇧* R) (lift_state (h,d)) ⟹
((p ↦⇩g v) ∧⇧* R) (lift_state (heap_update p (v::'a::mem_type) h,d))"
by (rule sep_heap_update'_exc, erule sep_conj_sep_conj_sep_impl_sep_conj)
lemma sep_heap_update_global_exc:
"(p ↦⇩g - ∧⇧* R) (lift_state (h,d)) ⟹
((p ↦⇩g v) ∧⇧* R) (lift_state (heap_update p (v::'a::mem_type) h,d))"
by (fast intro: sep_heap_update_global'_exc sep_conj_impl sep_map_any_tagd_exc)
lemma sep_heap_update_global_exc2:
"(p ↦⇩g u ∧⇧* R) (lift_state (h,d)) ⟹
((p ↦⇩g v) ∧⇧* R) (lift_state (heap_update p (v::'a::mem_type) h,d))"
by (fastforce intro: sep_heap_update_global_exc simp: sep_map_any_def sep_conj_exists)
lemma heap_update_mem_same_point:
"⟦ q ∈ {p..+length v}; length v < addr_card ⟧ ⟹
heap_update_list p v h q = v ! unat (q - p)"
apply(induct v arbitrary: p h; clarsimp)
subgoal for x1 v p h
apply(cases "p=q")
apply (simp add: heap_update_list_same [where k=1, simplified])
apply(drule meta_spec [where x="p+1"])
apply(drule meta_spec, drule meta_mp)
apply(fastforce dest: intvl_neq_start)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_SIG) Suc_lessD add_diff_cancel_left' diff_add_cancel diff_diff_eq
diff_zero heap_update_mem_same intvl_neq_start nth_Cons' plus_1_eq_Suc unat_eq_zero
lemma heap_update_list_value:
"length v < addr_card ⟹
heap_update_list p v h q = (if q ∈ {p..+length v} then v!unat (q-p) else h q)"
by (auto simp: heap_update_nmem_same heap_update_mem_same_point
split: if_split)
lemma heap_update_list_value':
"length xs < addr_card ⟹
heap_update_list ptr xs hp x = (if unat (x - ptr) < length xs then xs ! unat (x - ptr) else hp x)"
supply unsigned_of_nat [simp del]
apply (simp only: heap_update_list_value addr_card_def card_word)
apply (rule if_cong; simp)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (drule intvlD, clarsimp simp add: unat_of_nat)
apply (simp add: intvl_def unat_arith_simps(4) unat_of_nat split: if_split_asm)
apply (rule exI [where x="unat x - unat ptr"], simp)
apply (rule exI [where x="unat x + 2^addr_bitsize - unat ptr"])
using unat_lt2p [of ptr]
apply (simp add: unat_arith_simps unat_of_nat)
lemma heap_list_h_eq2:
"(⋀x. x ∈ {p..+n} ⟹ h x = h' x) ⟹ heap_list h n p = heap_list h' n p"
apply(induct n arbitrary: p; clarsimp)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(fastforce intro: intvl_self)
apply(fastforce intro: intvl_plus_sub_Suc)
lemma map_td_f_eq':
"(f=g) ⟶ (map_td f h t = map_td g h t)"
"(f=g) ⟶ (map_td_struct f h st = map_td_struct g h st)"
"(f=g) ⟶ (map_td_list f h ts = map_td_list g h ts)"
"(f=g) ⟶ (map_td_tuple f h x = map_td_tuple g h x)"
by (induct t and st and ts and x) auto
lemma map_td_f_eq:
"f=g ⟹ map_td f t = map_td g t"
by (erule arg_cong)
lemma sep_map'_lift_exc:
"(p ↪⇩g (v::'a::mem_type)) (lift_state (h,d)) ⟹ lift h p = v"
by (frule sep_map'_lift_typ_heapD, simp add: lift_t lift_t_lift)
lemma sep_map_lift_wp_exc:
"∃v. (p ↦⇩g v ∧⇧* (p ↦⇩g v ⟶⇧* P v)) (lift_state (h,d))
⟹ P (lift h (p::'a::mem_type ptr)) (lift_state (h,d))"
apply clarsimp
apply(subst sep_map'_lift_exc)
apply(fastforce simp: sep_map'_def elim: sep_conj_impl)
subgoal for v
apply(rule sep_conj_impl_same [where P="p ↦⇩g v" and Q="P v"])
apply(erule (2) sep_conj_impl)
lemma sep_map_lift_exc:
"((p::'a::mem_type ptr) ↦⇩g -) (lift_state (h,d)) ⟹
(p ↦⇩g lift h p) (lift_state (h,d))"
by (clarsimp simp: sep_map_any_def)
(frule sep_map_sep_map'_exc, drule sep_map'_lift_exc, simp)
lemma sep_map'_lift_rev_exc:
"⟦ lift h p = (v::'a::mem_type); (p ↪⇩g -) (lift_state (h,d)) ⟧ ⟹
(p ↪⇩g v) (lift_state (h,d))"
by (clarsimp simp: sep_map'_any_def)
(frule sep_map'_lift_exc, simp)
lemma sep_lift_exists_exc:
fixes p :: "'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes ex: "((λs. ∃v. (p ↪⇩g v) s ∧ P v s) ∧⇧* Q) (lift_state (h,d))"
shows "(P (lift h p) ∧⇧* Q) (lift_state (h,d))"
proof -
from ex obtain v where "((λs. (p ↪⇩g v) s ∧ P v s) ∧⇧* Q)
(lift_state (h,d))"
by (subst (asm) sep_conj_exists, clarsimp)
thus ?thesis
by (force simp: sep_map'_lift_exc sep_conj_ac
dest: sep_map'_conjE2_exc dest!: sep_conj_conj)
lemma merge_dom:
"x ∈ dom s ⟹ (t ++ s) x = s x"
by (force simp: map_add_def)
lemma merge_dom2:
"x ∉ dom s ⟹ (t ++ s) x = t x"
by (force simp: map_add_def split: option.splits)
lemma [simp]:
"fs_footprint p {} = {}"
by (auto simp: fs_footprint_def)
lemma :
"fs_footprint p (insert f F) = fs_footprint p {f} ∪ fs_footprint p F"
by (auto simp: fs_footprint_def)
lemma proj_d_restrict_map_le:
"snd (proj_d (s |` X) x) ⊆⇩m snd (proj_d s x)"
by(clarsimp simp: map_le_def proj_d_def restrict_map_def
split: option.splits if_split_asm)
lemma SIndexVal_conj_setcomp_simp [simp]:
"{x. snd x = SIndexVal ∧ x ∉ s_footprint_untyped p t}
= {(x,SIndexVal) | x. x ∉ {p..+size_td t}}"
by (force dest: intvlD intro: intvlI simp: s_footprint_untyped_def)
lemma heap_list_s_restrict_same:
"{(x,SIndexVal) | x. x ∈ {p..+n}} ⊆ X ⟹ heap_list_s (s |` X) n p = heap_list_s s n p"
apply(induct n arbitrary: p; clarsimp simp: heap_list_s_def)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(fastforce intro: intvl_self simp: proj_h_def restrict_map_def)
apply(fastforce intro: intvl_plus_sub_Suc)
lemma :
"field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type)) f 0 = Some (t,n) ⟹
heap_list_s (s |` fs_footprint p {f}) (size_td t) &(p→f)
= heap_list_s s (size_td t) &((p::'a ptr)→f)"
apply(simp add: fs_footprint_def field_footprint_def field_offset_def)
apply(subst heap_list_s_restrict_same)
apply(fastforce simp: s_footprint_untyped_def field_size_def field_lvalue_def field_offset_def
field_ti_def field_typ_def field_typ_untyped_def dest: intvlD)
apply simp
lemma heap_list_proj_h_disj:
"{(x,SIndexVal) | x. x ∈ {p..+n}} ∩ dom s⇩1 = {} ⟹
heap_list (proj_h (s⇩0 ++ s⇩1)) n p = heap_list (proj_h s⇩0) n p"
apply(induct n arbitrary: p; clarsimp)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(fastforce simp: proj_h_def intro: intvl_self split: option.splits)
apply(fastforce intro: intvl_plus_sub_Suc)
lemma heap_list_proj_h_sub:
"{(x,SIndexVal) | x. x ∈ {p..+n}} ⊆ dom s⇩1 ⟹
heap_list (proj_h (s⇩0 ++ s⇩1)) n p = heap_list (proj_h s⇩1) n p"
apply(induct n arbitrary: p; clarsimp)
apply(rule conjI, fastforce simp: proj_h_def intro: intvl_self split: option.splits)
subgoal premises prems for n p
proof -
have "{p + 1..+n} ⊆ {p..+Suc n}" using prems by (fastforce intro: intvl_plus_sub_Suc)
then show ?thesis using prems by fast
lemma heap_list_s_map_add_super_update_bs:
"⟦ {x. (x,SIndexVal) ∈ dom s⇩1} = {p+of_nat k..+z}; k + z ≤ n; n < addr_card ⟧
⟹ heap_list_s (s⇩0 ++ s⇩1) n p =
super_update_bs (heap_list_s s⇩1 z (p+of_nat k)) (heap_list_s s⇩0 n p) k"
apply(clarsimp simp: super_update_bs_def heap_list_s_def)
subgoal premises prems
proof -
have "heap_list (proj_h (s⇩0 ++ s⇩1)) (k + z + (n - (k+z))) p =
take k (heap_list (proj_h s⇩0) n p) @
heap_list (proj_h s⇩1) z (p + of_nat k) @
drop (k + z) (heap_list (proj_h s⇩0) n p)"
using prems
apply(subst heap_list_split2)
apply(subst heap_list_split2)
apply simp
apply(rule conjI)
apply(subst take_heap_list_le, simp)
apply(subst heap_list_proj_h_disj)
using init_intvl_disj [of k z p]
apply fastforce
apply simp
apply(rule conjI)
apply(subst heap_list_proj_h_sub; fast)
apply(simp add: drop_heap_list_le)
apply(subst heap_list_proj_h_disj)
using final_intvl_disj [of k z n p]
apply fast
apply simp
then show ?thesis using prems by simp
lemma :
"dom s = s_footprint_untyped p t ⟹
{x. (x,SIndexVal) ∈ dom s} = {p..+size_td t}"
by (auto simp: s_footprint_untyped_def intro: intvlI dest: intvlD)
lemma field_ti_s_sub:
"field_lookup (export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('b::mem_type))) f 0 = Some (a,b) ⟹
s_footprint_untyped &(p→f) a ⊆ s_footprint (p::'b ptr)"
apply(clarsimp simp: field_ti_def s_footprint_def s_footprint_untyped_def split: option.splits)
apply(simp add: field_lvalue_def field_offset_def typ_uinfo_t_def)
subgoal for x k
apply(rule exI [where x="b+x"])
apply simp
apply(simp add: field_offset_untyped_def)
apply(drule td_set_field_lookupD)
apply(frule td_set_offset_size)
apply(drule typ_slice_td_set [where k=x])
apply simp
apply(auto simp: prefix_def less_eq_list_def)
lemma wf_heap_val_map_add [simp]:
"⟦ wf_heap_val s⇩0; wf_heap_val s⇩1 ⟧ ⟹ wf_heap_val (s⇩0 ++ s⇩1)"
unfolding wf_heap_val_def by auto
lemma of_nat_lt_size_of:
"⟦ (of_nat x::addr) = of_nat y + of_nat z; x < size_of TYPE('a::mem_type);
y + z < size_of TYPE('a) ⟧ ⟹ x = y+z"
by (metis (mono_tags) len_of_addr_card less_trans max_size mod_less of_nat_add unat_of_nat)
lemma proj_d_map_add:
"snd (proj_d s⇩1 p) n = Some k ⟹ snd (proj_d (s⇩0 ++ s⇩1) p) n = Some k"
by (auto simp: proj_d_def split: option.splits)
lemma proj_d_map_add2:
"fst (proj_d s⇩1 p) ⟹ fst (proj_d (s⇩0 ++ s⇩1) p)"
by (auto simp: proj_d_def split: option.splits)
lemma heap_list_s_restrict_disj_same:
"dom s ∩ (UNIV - X) = {} ⟹ heap_list_s (s |` X) n p = heap_list_s s n p"
apply(induct n arbitrary: p; clarsimp simp: heap_list_s_def)
apply(fastforce simp: proj_h_def restrict_map_def split: option.splits)
lemma UNIV_minus_inter:
"(X - Y) ∩ (X ∩ (X - Y) - Z) = X - (Y ∪ Z)"
by fast
lemma sep_map_mfs_sep_map_empty:
"(p ↦⇩g (v::'a::mem_type)) = (p ↦⇩g⇧({}) v)"
by (auto simp: sep_map_def mfs_sep_map_def map_add_dom_eq)
lemma fd_cons_double_update:
"⟦ fd_cons t; length bs = length bs' ⟧ ⟹
update_ti_t t bs (update_ti_t t bs' v) = update_ti_t t bs v"
by (simp add: fd_cons_def Let_def fd_cons_double_update_def fd_cons_desc_def)
lemma fd_cons_update_access:
"⟦ fd_cons t; length bs = size_td t ⟧ ⟹
update_ti_t t (access_ti t v bs) v = v"
by (simp add: fd_cons_def Let_def fd_cons_update_access_def fd_cons_desc_def)
lemma fd_cons_length:
"⟦ fd_cons t; length bs = size_td t ⟧ ⟹
length (access_ti t v bs) = size_td t"
by (simp add: fd_cons_def Let_def fd_cons_desc_def fd_cons_length_def access_ti⇩0_def)
lemma fd_cons_length_p:
"fd_cons t ⟹ length (access_ti⇩0 t v) = size_td t"
by (simp add: fd_cons_length access_ti⇩0_def)
lemma fd_cons_update_normalise:
"⟦ fd_cons t; length bs = size_td t ⟧ ⟹
update_ti_t t ((norm_desc (field_desc t) (size_td t)) bs) v = update_ti_t t bs v"
by (fastforce simp: fd_cons_def Let_def fd_cons_desc_def fd_cons_update_normalise_def
dest: fd_cons_update_normalise)
lemma :
"field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::c_type)) f 0 = Some (t, n) ⟹
{x. (x, SIndexVal) ∈ field_footprint (p::'a ptr) f} =
{ptr_val p + of_nat n..+size_td t}"
by (auto simp: field_footprint_def s_footprint_untyped_def field_typ_def field_typ_untyped_def
intro: intvlI dest: intvlD)
lemma :
"F ⊆ fields TYPE('a::mem_type) ⟹ fs_footprint (p::'a ptr) F ⊆ s_footprint p"
unfolding fs_footprint_def field_footprint_def
apply(clarsimp simp: fields_def)
apply(drule (1) subsetD, clarsimp)
apply(frule field_lookup_export_uinfo_Some)
apply(drule field_ti_s_sub)
apply(unfold field_lvalue_def)[1]
apply(subst (asm) field_lookup_offset_eq, assumption)
apply(fastforce simp: field_typ_def field_typ_untyped_def)
lemma length_heap_list_s [simp]:
"length (heap_list_s s n p) = n"
by (clarsimp simp: heap_list_s_def)
lemma heap_list_proj_h_restrict:
"{p..+n} ⊆ {x. (x,SIndexVal) ∈ X} ⟹ heap_list (proj_h (s |` X)) n p = heap_list (proj_h s) n p"
apply(induct n arbitrary: p; clarsimp)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(fastforce simp: proj_h_restrict intro: intvl_self)
apply(fastforce intro: intvl_plus_sub_Suc)
lemma heap_list_proj_h_lift_state:
"{p..+n} ⊆ {x. fst (d x)} ⟹ heap_list (proj_h (lift_state (h,d))) n p = heap_list h n p"
by (fastforce intro: heap_list_h_eq2 simp: proj_h_lift_state)
lemma heap_list_rpbs:
"heap_list (λx. 0) n p = replicate n 0"
by (induct n arbitrary: p) auto
lemma field_access_take_drop:
t::"('a,'b) typ_info" and
st::"('a,'b) typ_info_struct" and
ts::"('a,'b) typ_info_tuple list" and
x::"('a,'b) typ_info_tuple"
"∀s m n f. field_lookup t f m = Some (s,n) ⟶ wf_fd t ⟶
take (size_td s) (drop (n - m) (access_ti⇩0 t v)) =
access_ti⇩0 s v"
"∀s m n f. field_lookup_struct st f m = Some (s,n) ⟶ wf_fd_struct st ⟶
take (size_td s) (drop (n - m) (access_ti_struct st v (replicate (size_td_struct st) 0))) =
access_ti⇩0 s v"
"∀s m n f. field_lookup_list ts f m = Some (s,n) ⟶ wf_fd_list ts ⟶
take (size_td s) (drop (n - m) (access_ti_list ts v (replicate (size_td_list ts) 0))) =
access_ti⇩0 s v"
"∀s m n f. field_lookup_tuple x f m = Some (s,n) ⟶ wf_fd_tuple x ⟶
take (size_td s) (drop (n - m) (access_ti_tuple x v (replicate (size_td_tuple x) 0))) =
access_ti⇩0 s v"
apply(induct t and st and ts and x, all ‹clarsimp simp: access_ti⇩0_def›)
apply(fastforce dest: wf_fd_cons_structD
simp: fd_cons_struct_def fd_cons_desc_def fd_cons_length_def)
apply(drule wf_fd_cons_tupleD)
apply(clarsimp simp: fd_cons_tuple_def fd_cons_desc_def fd_cons_length_def)
apply(clarsimp split: option.splits)
apply(subst drop_all)
apply(fastforce dest: field_lookup_offset_le simp: fd_cons_length_def split_DTuple_all)
apply simp
apply (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) add.commute add_le_imp_le_diff diff_is_0_eq'
diff_zero field_lookup_offset_le(2) fl2 size_td_tuple_dt_fst)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) Nat.diff_diff_right add_leD2 append.right_neutral
diff_is_0_eq length_0_conv length_take nat_min_simps(1)
td_set_offset_size' td_set_tuple_field_lookup_tupleD zero_le)
apply fastforce
lemma field_access_take_dropD:
"⟦ field_lookup t f 0 = Some (s,n); wf_lf (lf_set t []); wf_desc t ⟧ ⟹
take (size_td s) (drop n (access_ti⇩0 t v)) = access_ti⇩0 s v"
using field_access_take_drop(1) [of t v] by (fastforce dest: wf_fdp_fdD wf_lf_fdp)
lemma singleton_t_field:
"field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) f 0 = Some (t, n) ⟹
heap_list_s (singleton_t p v |` fs_footprint p {f}) (size_td t) (ptr_val p + of_nat n) =
access_ti⇩0 t v"
apply(clarsimp simp: heap_list_s_def singleton_def singleton_t_def)
apply(subst heap_list_proj_h_restrict)
apply(fastforce simp: fields_def fs_footprint_def
intro!: fs_footprint_subset
dest: field_footprint_SIndexVal)
apply(subst heap_list_proj_h_lift_state)
apply(frule field_tag_sub[where p=p] )
apply(fastforce simp: field_lvalue_def dest: ptr_retyp_footprint[where d=empty_htd])
apply(clarsimp simp: access_ti⇩0_def heap_update_def)
apply(subst heap_list_update_list; simp?)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(erule field_lookup_offset_size)
apply(fastforce simp: access_ti⇩0_def to_bytes_def heap_list_rpbs size_of_def
dest: field_access_take_dropD
elim: field_lookup_offset_size)
lemma field_lookup_fd_consD:
"field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) f 0 = Some (t,n) ⟹ fd_cons t"
by (erule fd_consistentD) simp
lemma s_valid_map_add:
"⟦ s,g ⊨⇩s p; t,g' ⊨⇩s p ⟧ ⟹ (s ++ t |` X),g ⊨⇩s p"
by (clarsimp simp: map_le_def s_valid_def h_t_valid_def valid_footprint_def Let_def
proj_d_map_add_snd proj_d_restrict_map_snd proj_d_map_add_fst
lemma singleton_t_s_valid:
"g p ⟹ singleton_t p (v::'a::mem_type),g ⊨⇩s p"
by (fastforce simp: singleton_t_def h_t_s_valid elim: ptr_retyp_h_t_valid)
lemma sep_map_mfs_sep_map:
"⟦ (p ↦⇩g⇧F v) s; field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t,n) ⟧ ⟹
(p ↦⇩g⇧({f}∪F) (v::'a::mem_type)) (s |` (dom s - fs_footprint p {f}))"
apply(clarsimp simp: mfs_sep_map_def)
apply(rule conjI)
prefer 2
apply(fastforce simp: fs_footprint_un[where F=F] fields_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: lift_typ_heap_if split: if_split_asm)
apply(rule conjI, clarsimp)
subgoal premises prems
proof -
have "(singleton_t p v ++
s |` (s_footprint p - fs_footprint p F - fs_footprint p {f})) =
(singleton_t p v ++ s) ++ (singleton_t p v |` fs_footprint p {f})"
using prems
apply(simp add: map_add_restrict_sub)
then show ?thesis
using prems
apply clarsimp
apply(subst heap_list_s_map_add_super_update_bs)
apply clarsimp
apply(subgoal_tac "fs_footprint p {f} ⊆ s_footprint p")
apply(subgoal_tac "{x. (x, SIndexVal) ∈ fs_footprint p {f}} =
{ptr_val p + of_nat n..+size_td t}")
apply fast
apply(clarsimp simp: fs_footprint_def)
apply(erule field_footprint_SIndexVal)
apply(rule fs_footprint_subset)
apply(clarsimp simp: fields_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: size_of_def)
apply(subst ac_simps)
apply(rule td_set_offset_size)
apply(erule td_set_field_lookupD)
apply simp
apply(clarsimp simp: from_bytes_def)
apply(frule_tac v="heap_list_s (singleton_t p v |` fs_footprint p {f}) (size_td t)
(ptr_val p + of_nat n)" and
bs="heap_list_s (singleton_t p v ++ s) (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)" and
w=undefined in fi_fu_consistentD; simp)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(simp add: singleton_t_field)
apply(fastforce simp: access_ti⇩0_def fd_cons_update_access dest!: field_lookup_fd_consD)
subgoal premises prems
proof -
have "(singleton_t p v ++
s |` (s_footprint p - fs_footprint p F - fs_footprint p {f})) =
(singleton_t p v ++ s) ++ (singleton_t p v |` fs_footprint p {f})"
using prems by (simp add: map_add_restrict_sub)
then show ?thesis using prems
by(fastforce intro: s_valid_map_add singleton_t_s_valid ptr_retyp_h_t_valid)
lemma disjoint_fn_disjoint:
"⟦ disjoint_fn f F; F ⊆ fields TYPE('a::mem_type);
field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t,n) ⟧ ⟹
fs_footprint (p::'a ptr) F ∩ field_footprint p f = {}"
apply(clarsimp simp: fs_footprint_def field_footprint_def s_footprint_untyped_def field_typ_def
field_typ_untyped_def fields_def)
apply safe
apply (drule (1) subsetD, clarsimp,
drule (1) fa_fu_lookup_disj_interD;
force intro: intvlI simp: max_size[unfolded size_of_def] disj_fn_def disjoint_fn_def)
apply (drule (1) subsetD, clarsimp,
drule (1) fa_fu_lookup_disj_interD;
force intro: intvlI simp: max_size[unfolded size_of_def] disj_fn_def disjoint_fn_def)
lemma sep_map_mfs_sep_map2:
"⟦field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) f 0 = Some (s, n);
disjoint_fn f F; guard_mono g g';
export_uinfo s = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b); ((p::'a ptr) ↦⇩g⇧F v) x⟧
⟹ (Ptr &(p→f) ↦⇩g' ((from_bytes (access_ti⇩0 s v))::'b::mem_type))
(x |` field_footprint p f)"
apply(clarsimp simp: mfs_sep_map_def sep_map_def)
apply(rule conjI)
subgoal premises prems
proof -
have "field_footprint p f = s_footprint ((Ptr &(p→f))::'b ptr)"
using prems
by(clarsimp simp: field_footprint_def s_footprint_def field_lvalue_def typ_uinfo_t_def
field_typ_def field_typ_untyped_def)
then show ?thesis
using prems
apply simp
apply(frule lift_typ_heap_mono, assumption+)
apply(clarsimp simp: lift_typ_heap_if split: if_split_asm)
apply(rule conjI, fastforce simp: heap_list_s_heap_merge_right[where p="&(p→f)"])
apply(erule s_valid_heap_merge_right2)
apply simp
apply(frule (2) disjoint_fn_disjoint[where p=p])
apply(subgoal_tac "fs_footprint p {f} ⊆ s_footprint p")
apply(fastforce simp: fs_footprint_def)
apply(rule fs_footprint_subset)
apply(fastforce simp: fields_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: field_footprint_def field_lvalue_def s_footprint_def field_typ_def
subgoal premises prems
proof -
have "{f} ⊆ fields TYPE('a)"
using prems by(clarsimp simp: fields_def)
then show ?thesis
using prems
apply -
apply(drule fs_footprint_subset[where F="{f}" and p=p])
apply(subst (asm) (2) fs_footprint_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: field_footprint_def s_footprint_def field_typ_def field_typ_untyped_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "fs_footprint p F ∩
s_footprint_untyped (ptr_val p + of_nat n) (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b)) = {}")
apply blast
apply(drule disjoint_fn_disjoint[where p=p], assumption+)
apply(simp add: field_footprint_def field_typ_def field_typ_untyped_def)
lemma export_size_of:
"export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a) ⟹ size_of TYPE('a::c_type) = size_td t"
by (fastforce simp: size_of_def simp flip: typ_uinfo_size dest: sym)
lemma sep_map_field_unfold:
"⟦ field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t,n);
disjoint_fn f F; guard_mono g g';
export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b) ⟧ ⟹
(p ↦⇩g⇧F v) = (p ↦⇩g⇧({f}∪F) (v::'a::mem_type) ∧⇧*
Ptr (&(p→f)) ↦⇩g' ((from_bytes (access_ti⇩0 t v))::'b::mem_type))"
supply unsigned_of_nat [simp del]
apply(rule ext)
apply(rule iffI)
subgoal for x
apply(rule sep_conjI [where s⇩0="x |` (dom x - fs_footprint p {f})" and
s⇩1="x |` fs_footprint p {f}"] )
apply(erule (1) sep_map_mfs_sep_map)
apply(clarsimp simp: fs_footprint_def)
apply(erule (4) sep_map_mfs_sep_map2)
apply(clarsimp simp: map_disj_def)
apply fast
apply clarsimp
apply(drule sep_conjD, clarsimp)
apply(clarsimp simp: mfs_sep_map_def sep_map_def)
apply(rule conjI)
apply(subst map_ac_simps)
apply(subst map_add_com, solves ‹simp add: map_ac_simps›)
apply(subst map_add_assoc)
apply(clarsimp simp: lift_typ_heap_if split: if_split_asm)
apply(rule conjI, clarsimp)
apply(subst heap_list_s_map_add_super_update_bs)
apply(subst s_footprint_untyped_dom_SIndexVal)
apply(fastforce simp: s_footprint_def)
apply(fastforce simp: field_lvalue_def)
apply(drule field_lookup_offset_size)
apply(drule export_size_of)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply simp
apply(clarsimp simp: from_bytes_def)
subgoal for s⇩0 s⇩1
apply(frule fi_fu_consistentD [where v="heap_list_s s⇩1 (size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('b))) (ptr_val p + of_nat n)" and
bs="heap_list_s (singleton_t p v ++ s⇩0) (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)" and
w=undefined]; simp)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(drule export_size_of, simp add: size_of_def)
apply(subst fd_cons_update_normalise [symmetric])
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply simp
apply(drule export_size_of, simp add: size_of_def)
apply(simp add: norm_desc_def)
apply(drule arg_cong [where f="access_ti⇩0 (typ_info_t TYPE('b))"])
apply(drule arg_cong [where f="λbs. update_ti_t t bs v"])
apply(subst (asm) wf_fd_norm_tuD [symmetric]; simp?)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(subst (asm) wf_fd_norm_tuD [symmetric])
apply simp
apply(subst fd_cons_length_p)
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(drule export_size_of, simp add: size_of_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "export_uinfo (typ_info_t TYPE('b)) = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b)")
prefer 2
apply(simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def)
apply simp
apply(drule sym, simp)
apply(subst (asm) wf_fd_norm_tuD)
apply(erule wf_fd_field_lookupD, simp)
apply simp
apply(drule sym, drule export_size_of)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(simp add: access_ti⇩0_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: field_lvalue_def)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(subst wf_fd_norm_tuD)
apply(erule wf_fd_field_lookupD, simp)
apply(subst fd_cons_length; simp?)
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(subgoal_tac "update_ti_t t (norm_desc (field_desc t) (size_td t)
(access_ti t v (replicate (size_td t) 0))) v = v")
apply(simp add: norm_desc_def access_ti⇩0_def)
apply(subst fd_cons_update_normalise)
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(subst fd_cons_length; simp?)
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(subst fd_cons_update_access; simp?)
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
prefer 2
apply(subst fs_footprint_un)
apply(subst fs_footprint_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: field_footprint_def s_footprint_def field_lvalue_def field_typ_def)
apply(drule disjoint_fn_disjoint [where p=p]; assumption?)
apply(clarsimp simp: field_footprint_def s_footprint_def field_lvalue_def field_typ_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "{f} ⊆ fields TYPE('a)")
apply(drule fs_footprint_subset[where F="{f}" and p = p])
apply(clarsimp simp: s_footprint_def)
apply(fastforce simp: fs_footprint_def field_footprint_def s_footprint_def
field_typ_def field_typ_untyped_def field_lvalue_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: fields_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: s_valid_def h_t_valid_def valid_footprint_def Let_def)
subgoal for s⇩0 s⇩1 y
apply(standard, clarsimp simp: map_le_def)
subgoal for a
apply(subst proj_d_map_add_snd[where s="a ++ b" for a b])
apply(clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply(frule s_footprintD2)
apply(drule s_footprintD)
apply(drule spec [where x=y])
apply clarsimp
apply(drule bspec [where x=a])
apply clarsimp
apply(drule intvlD, clarsimp simp: field_lvalue_def)
subgoal for k
apply(drule spec [where x=k])
apply(clarsimp simp add: size_of_def)
apply(drule bspec [where x=a])
apply clarsimp
apply(subst (asm) unat_of_nat)
apply(subst (asm) mod_less)
apply(subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule less_trans)
apply(simp add: max_size[unfolded size_of_def])
apply simp
apply(simp add: ac_simps)
apply(rotate_tac -1)
apply(drule sym)
apply simp
apply(drule sym[where s="Some s" for s])
apply simp
apply(drule field_lookup_export_uinfo_Some)
apply(drule td_set_field_lookupD)
apply(frule typ_slice_td_set [where k=k])
apply simp
apply simp
apply(simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "y=n+k")
apply(simp add: strict_prefix_def)
apply(subst (asm) unat_of_nat)
apply(subst (asm) mod_less)
apply(subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule less_trans)
apply(simp add: max_size[unfolded size_of_def])
apply (clarsimp simp: prefix_eq_nth)
apply(drule arg_cong [where f=unat])
apply(rotate_tac -1)
apply(subst (asm) unat_of_nat)
apply(subst (asm) mod_less)
apply(subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule less_trans)
apply(simp add: max_size[unfolded size_of_def])
apply(subst (asm) Abs_fnat_hom_add)
apply(subst (asm) unat_of_nat)
apply(subst (asm) mod_less)
apply(subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(drule td_set_offset_size)
apply(rule le_less_trans [where y="size_td (typ_info_t TYPE('a))"] , simp)
apply(simp add: max_size[unfolded size_of_def])
apply simp
apply(subst proj_d_map_add_fst)
apply(fastforce simp: size_of_def field_lvalue_def ac_simps
dest: intvlD s_footprintD)
lemma disjoint_fn_empty [simp]:
"disjoint_fn f {}"
by (simp add: disjoint_fn_def)
lemma sep_map_field_map':
"⟦ ((p::'a::mem_type ptr) ↦⇩g v) s;
field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (d,n); export_uinfo d = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b);
guard_mono g g' ⟧ ⟹
((Ptr (&(p→f))::'b::mem_type ptr) ↪⇩g' from_bytes (access_ti⇩0 d v)) s"
by (fastforce dest: sep_map_g elim: sep_conj_impl
simp: sep_map_mfs_sep_map_empty sep_map_field_unfold sep_map'_def sep_conj_ac)
lemma fd_cons_access_update_p:
"⟦ fd_cons t; length bs = size_td t ⟧ ⟹
access_ti⇩0 t (update_ti_t t bs v) = access_ti⇩0 t (update_ti_t t bs w)"
by (simp add: fd_cons_def Let_def fd_cons_access_update_def fd_cons_desc_def access_ti⇩0_def)
lemma length_to_bytes_p [simp]:
"length (to_bytes_p (v::'a)) = size_of TYPE('a::mem_type)"
by (simp add: to_bytes_p_def)
lemma inv_p [simp]:
"from_bytes (to_bytes_p v) = (v::'a::mem_type)"
by (simp add: to_bytes_p_def)
lemma singleton_SIndexVal:
"x ∈ {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('a)} ⟹
singleton_t p (v::'a::mem_type) (x,SIndexVal) = Some (SValue (to_bytes_p v ! unat (x - ptr_val p)))"
by (clarsimp simp: singleton_def singleton_t_def lift_state_def heap_update_def
heap_update_mem_same_point to_bytes_p_def heap_list_rpbs ptr_retyp_d_eq_fst)
lemma access_ti⇩0:
"access_ti s v (replicate (size_td s) 0) = access_ti⇩0 s v"
by (simp add: access_ti⇩0_def)
lemma fd_cons_mem_type [simp]:
"fd_cons (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type))"
by (rule wf_fd_consD) simp
lemma norm_tu_rpbs:
"wf_fd t ⟹ norm_tu (export_uinfo t) (access_ti⇩0 t v) = access_ti⇩0 t v"
apply(frule wf_fd_consD)
apply(simp add: wf_fd_norm_tuD fd_cons_length_p)
apply(subst fd_cons_access_update_p [where w=v]; (simp add: fd_cons_length_p)?)
apply(fastforce simp: access_ti⇩0_def fd_cons_update_access)
lemma heap_list_s_singleton_t_field_update:
"⟦ field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) f 0 = Some (s, n);
export_uinfo s = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b) ⟧ ⟹
heap_list_s (singleton_t p (update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p w) v)) (size_td s)
(ptr_val (p::'a::mem_type ptr) + of_nat n) =
to_bytes_p (w::'b::mem_type)"
apply(clarsimp simp: singleton_t_def singleton_def)
apply(subst heap_list_s_heap_list_dom)
apply clarsimp
apply(frule field_tag_sub [where p=p])
apply(clarsimp simp: field_lvalue_def)
apply(drule (1) subsetD)
apply(drule intvlD [where n="size_of TYPE('a)"], clarsimp)
apply(erule s_footprintI2)
apply(simp add: heap_update_def)
apply(subst heap_list_update_list; simp?)
apply(drule field_lookup_offset_size)
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(frule field_access_take_dropD [where v="(update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p w) v)"]; simp?)
apply(simp add: access_ti⇩0_def to_bytes_def heap_list_rpbs size_of_def to_bytes_p_def)
apply(simp add: access_ti⇩0)
apply(subst fd_cons_access_update_p [where w=undefined])
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(subst fd_cons_length_p)
apply simp
apply(drule export_size_of, simp add: size_of_def)
apply(subst wf_fd_norm_tuD [symmetric])
apply(erule wf_fd_field_lookupD)
apply simp
apply(fastforce simp: fd_cons_length_p size_of_def dest: export_size_of)
apply(simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def norm_tu_rpbs)
lemma field_access_update_nth_disj:
t::"('a,'b) typ_info" and
st::"('a,'b) typ_info_struct" and
ts::"('a,'b) typ_info_tuple list" and
y::"('a,'b) typ_info_tuple"
"∀m f s n x bs bs'. field_lookup t f m = Some (s,n) ⟶ x < size_td t ⟶
(x < n - m ∨ x ≥ (n - m) + size_td s) ⟶ wf_fd t ⟶ length bs = size_td s ⟶ length bs' = size_td t ⟶
access_ti t (update_ti_t s bs v) bs' ! x
= access_ti t v bs' ! x"
"∀m f s n x bs bs'. field_lookup_struct st f m = Some (s,n) ⟶ x < size_td_struct st ⟶
(x < n - m ∨ x ≥ (n - m) + size_td s) ⟶ wf_fd_struct st ⟶length bs = size_td s ⟶ length bs' = size_td_struct st ⟶
access_ti_struct st (update_ti_t s bs v) bs' ! x
= access_ti_struct st v bs' ! x"
"∀m f s n x bs bs'. field_lookup_list ts f m = Some (s,n) ⟶ x < size_td_list ts ⟶
(x < n - m ∨ x ≥ (n - m) + size_td s) ⟶ wf_fd_list ts ⟶length bs = size_td s ⟶ length bs' = size_td_list ts ⟶
access_ti_list ts (update_ti_t s bs v) bs' ! x
= access_ti_list ts v bs' ! x"
"∀m f s n x bs bs'. field_lookup_tuple y f m = Some (s,n) ⟶ x < size_td_tuple y ⟶
(x < n - m ∨ x ≥ (n - m) + size_td s) ⟶ wf_fd_tuple y ⟶length bs = size_td s ⟶ length bs' = size_td_tuple y ⟶
access_ti_tuple y (update_ti_t s bs v) bs' ! x
= access_ti_tuple y v bs' ! x"
proof(induct t and st and ts and y)
case (TypDesc nat typ_struct list)
then show ?case by auto
case (TypScalar nat1 nat2 a)
then show ?case by auto
case (TypAggregate list)
then show ?case by auto
case Nil_typ_desc
then show ?case by auto
case (Cons_typ_desc dt_tuple list)
then show ?case
apply clarify
subgoal for m f s n x bs bs'
apply(clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply(clarsimp split: option.splits)
apply(rotate_tac -3)
apply(drule spec [where x="m + size_td (dt_fst dt_tuple)"])
apply(drule spec [where x=f])
apply(drule spec [where x=s])
apply(rotate_tac -1)
apply(drule spec [where x=n])
apply clarsimp
apply(rotate_tac -1)
apply(drule_tac spec [where x="x - size_td_tuple dt_tuple"])
apply(frule field_lookup_fa_fu_rhs_listD)
apply simp
apply assumption
apply(clarsimp simp: fa_fu_ind_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "access_ti_tuple dt_tuple (update_ti_t s bs v) (take (size_td_tuple dt_tuple) bs') =
access_ti_tuple dt_tuple v (take (size_td_tuple dt_tuple) bs')")
prefer 2
apply (fastforce simp: min_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: nth_append)
apply(subgoal_tac "length
(access_ti_tuple dt_tuple v
(take (size_td_tuple dt_tuple) bs')) = size_td_tuple dt_tuple")
apply simp
prefer 2
apply(drule wf_fd_cons_tupleD)
apply(clarsimp simp: fd_cons_tuple_def fd_cons_desc_def fd_cons_length_def)
apply(erule impE)
apply simp
apply(cases dt_tuple, simp+)
subgoal for a b c
apply(drule spec [where x=bs])
apply(drule spec [where x="drop (size_td a) bs'"])
apply clarsimp
apply(frule field_lookup_offset_le)
apply clarsimp
apply(drule td_set_list_field_lookup_listD)
apply(drule td_set_list_offset_size_m)
apply clarsimp
apply(erule disjE)
apply arith
apply arith
apply(frule field_lookup_fa_fu_rhs_tupleD, simp)
apply assumption
apply(clarsimp simp: fa_fu_ind_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "length (access_ti_tuple dt_tuple (update_ti_t s bs v)
(take (size_td_tuple dt_tuple) bs')) = size_td_tuple dt_tuple")
apply(subgoal_tac "length (access_ti_tuple dt_tuple v
(take (size_td_tuple dt_tuple) bs')) = size_td_tuple dt_tuple")
apply(clarsimp simp: nth_append)
apply(drule spec [where x=m])
apply(drule spec [where x=f])
apply(drule spec [where x=s])
apply(drule spec [where x=n])
apply clarsimp
apply(drule spec [where x=x])
apply clarsimp
apply(drule spec [where x=bs])
apply(drule spec [where x="take (size_td_tuple dt_tuple) bs'"])
apply(clarsimp simp: min_def split: if_split_asm)
apply(drule wf_fd_cons_tupleD)
apply(clarsimp simp: fd_cons_tuple_def fd_cons_desc_def fd_cons_length_def)
apply(drule wf_fd_cons_tupleD)
apply(clarsimp simp: fd_cons_tuple_def fd_cons_desc_def fd_cons_length_def)
case (DTuple_typ_desc typ_desc list b)
then show ?case by auto
lemma field_access_update_nth_disjD:
"⟦ field_lookup t f m = Some (s,n); x < size_td t;
(x < n - m ∨ x ≥ (n - m) + size_td s); wf_fd t;
length bs = size_td s; length bs' = size_td t ⟧ ⟹
access_ti t (update_ti_t s bs v) bs' ! x
= access_ti t v bs' ! x"
by (simp add: field_access_update_nth_disj)
lemma intvl_cut:
"⟦ (x::addr) ∈ {p..+m}; x ∉ {p+of_nat k..+n}; m < addr_card ⟧ ⟹
unat (x - p) < k ∨ k + n ≤ unat (x - p)"
supply unsigned_of_nat [simp del]
apply(drule intvlD, clarsimp)
apply(subst unat_of_nat, subst mod_less, subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule (1) less_trans)
apply(subst (asm) unat_of_nat, subst (asm) mod_less, subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule (1) less_trans)
apply(rule ccontr)
apply(subgoal_tac "∃z. ka = k + z")
apply(force simp flip: add.assoc intro: intvlI)
apply arith
lemma singleton_t_mask_out:
"⟦ field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) f 0 = Some (s,n);
export_uinfo s = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b);
K = (UNIV - s_footprint_untyped &(p→f) (export_uinfo s)) ⟧ ⟹
singleton_t p (update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p (w::'b::mem_type)) (v::'a)) |` K =
singleton_t p v |` K"
supply unsigned_of_nat [simp del]
supply max_size[unfolded size_of_def, simp]
apply(rule ext)
apply(clarsimp simp: restrict_map_def singleton_t_def singleton_def lift_state_def
heap_update_def to_bytes_def access_ti⇩0 heap_list_rpbs size_of_def
split: s_heap_index.splits)
apply(subst heap_update_mem_same_point)
apply(fastforce simp: fd_cons_length_p ptr_retyp_None size_of_def intro: ccontr)
apply(simp add: fd_cons_length_p)
apply(subst heap_update_mem_same_point)
apply(fastforce simp: fd_cons_length_p ptr_retyp_None size_of_def intro: ccontr)
apply(simp add: fd_cons_length_p)
apply(simp add: access_ti⇩0_def)
apply(rule field_access_update_nth_disjD; simp?)
apply(subst (asm) ptr_retyp_d_eq_fst)
apply(clarsimp simp: empty_htd_def split: if_split_asm)
apply(drule intvlD, clarsimp)
apply(subst unat_of_nat)
apply(subst mod_less)
apply(subst len_of_addr_card)
apply(erule less_trans)
apply simp
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: empty_htd_def ptr_retyp_d_eq_fst split: if_split_asm)
apply(drule_tac k="of_nat n" and n="size_td s" in intvl_cut; simp?)
apply(fastforce dest: intvlD export_size_of
simp: size_of_def s_footprint_untyped_def field_lvalue_def)
apply(drule export_size_of, simp add: size_of_def)
lemma singleton_t_SIndexTyp:
"singleton_t p v (x,SIndexTyp n) = singleton_t p undefined (x,SIndexTyp n)"
by (auto simp: singleton_t_def singleton_def restrict_map_def lift_state_def)
lemma proj_d_singleton_t:
"proj_d (singleton_t p (v::'a::mem_type) ++ x) = proj_d (singleton_t p undefined ++ x)"
apply(rule ext)
apply(clarsimp simp: proj_d_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "dom (singleton_t p undefined) = dom (singleton_t p v)", blast, simp)+
apply(rule ext)
apply(clarsimp split: option.splits)
apply(safe; clarsimp?)
apply(subgoal_tac "dom (singleton_t p undefined) = dom (singleton_t p v)", blast, simp)+
apply(subst (asm) singleton_t_SIndexTyp)
apply simp
lemma from_bytes_heap_list_s_update:
"⟦ field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a::mem_type)) f 0 = Some (s, n);
export_uinfo s = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b::mem_type);
dom x = s_footprint p - fs_footprint p F; f ∈ F ⟧ ⟹
from_bytes (heap_list_s (singleton_t p (update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p (w::'b)) (v::'a)) ++ x)
(size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)) =
update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p w)
(from_bytes (heap_list_s (singleton_t p v ++ x) (size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)))"
apply(subst map_add_restrict_UNIV [where X="s_footprint_untyped (&(p→f)) (export_uinfo s)" and
h="singleton_t p v"])
apply(force simp: fs_footprint_def field_footprint_def field_lvalue_def
field_typ_def field_typ_untyped_def )
apply simp
apply(subst heap_list_s_map_add_super_update_bs [where k=n and z="size_td s"]; simp?)
apply(rule equalityI)
apply(fastforce dest: s_footprintD export_size_of intro: intvlI
simp: s_footprint_untyped_def field_lvalue_def size_of_def)
apply clarsimp
apply(rule conjI)
apply(frule field_tag_sub)
apply(clarsimp simp: field_lvalue_def)
apply(drule (1) subsetD)
apply(fastforce elim: s_footprintI2 dest: intvlD)
apply(fastforce dest: intvlD export_size_of
simp: size_of_def s_footprint_untyped_def field_lvalue_def)
apply(fastforce dest: field_lookup_offset_size simp: size_of_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: from_bytes_def)
apply(frule_tac v="heap_list_s (singleton_t p (update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p w) v) |`
s_footprint_untyped &(p→f) (export_uinfo s))
(size_td s) (ptr_val p + of_nat n)" and
bs="heap_list_s (singleton_t p (update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p w) v) |`
(UNIV - s_footprint_untyped &(p→f) (export_uinfo s)) ++
singleton_t p v |`
s_footprint_untyped &(p→f) (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b)) ++ x)
(size_of TYPE('a)) (ptr_val p)" and
w=undefined in fi_fu_consistentD; simp add: size_of_def)
apply(subst heap_list_s_restrict)
apply(fastforce dest: intvlD export_size_of
simp: size_of_def field_lvalue_def s_footprint_untyped_def)
apply(simp add: heap_list_s_singleton_t_field_update)
apply(subst singleton_t_mask_out; assumption?)
apply simp
apply(subst map_add_restrict_comp_left)
apply simp
lemma mfs_sep_map_field_update:
"⟦ field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (s, n); f ∈ F;
export_uinfo s = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b) ⟧ ⟹
(p ↦⇩g⇧F update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p (w::'b::mem_type)) v) =
(p ↦⇩g⇧F update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p (u::'b::mem_type)) (v::'a::mem_type))"
apply(rule ext)
apply(clarsimp simp: mfs_sep_map_def lift_typ_heap_if s_valid_def)
apply safe
apply(simp add: from_bytes_heap_list_s_update)
apply(drule_tac f="update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p u)" in arg_cong)
apply(simp add: fd_cons_double_update field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(simp add: from_bytes_heap_list_s_update)
apply(drule_tac f="update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p w)" in arg_cong)
apply(simp add: fd_cons_double_update field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(subst (asm) proj_d_singleton_t)
apply(subst (asm) proj_d_singleton_t[where v="update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p u) v"])
apply simp
apply(subst (asm) proj_d_singleton_t)
apply(subst (asm) proj_d_singleton_t[where v="update_ti_t s (to_bytes_p u) v"])
apply simp
lemma mfs_sep_map_field_update_v:
"⟦field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t, n); f ∈ F;
disjoint_fn f (F - {f}); guard_mono g g';
export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b) ⟧ ⟹
p ↦⇩g⇧F update_ti_t t (to_bytes_p (w::'b::mem_type)) (v::'a::mem_type) = p ↦⇩g⇧F v"
apply(subst mfs_sep_map_field_update [where u="from_bytes (access_ti⇩0 t v)"]; simp?)
apply(simp add: to_bytes_p_def to_bytes_def from_bytes_def access_ti⇩0 size_of_def)
apply(subst wf_fd_norm_tuD [symmetric], simp)
apply(fastforce dest: fd_cons_length_p export_size_of field_lookup_fd_consD simp: size_of_def)
apply(rotate_tac -1)
apply(drule sym)
apply(simp add: typ_uinfo_t_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "norm_tu (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b)) = norm_bytes TYPE('b)")
prefer 2
apply(simp add: norm_bytes_def typ_uinfo_t_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: norm_bytes_def
wf_fd_norm_tuD wf_fd_field_lookupD fd_cons_length_p field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(subst fd_cons_access_update_p [where w=v])
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(simp add: fd_cons_length_p field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(simp add: access_ti⇩0_def fd_cons_update_access field_lookup_fd_consD)
lemma sep_map_field_fold:
"⟦ field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('a)) f 0 = Some (t,n);
f ∈ F; disjoint_fn f (F - {f}); guard_mono g g';
export_uinfo t = typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b) ⟧ ⟹
(p ↦⇩g⇧F (v::'a::mem_type) ∧⇧*
Ptr &(p→f) ↦⇘g'⇙ (w::'b::mem_type))
= p ↦⇩g⇧(F - {f}) (update_ti_t t (to_bytes_p w) v)"
apply(simp add: sep_map_field_unfold)
apply(subst fd_cons_access_update_p [where w=undefined])
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(fastforce dest: export_size_of simp: size_of_def)
apply(subst wf_fd_norm_tuD [symmetric])
apply(simp add: wf_fd_field_lookupD)
apply(fastforce dest: export_size_of simp: size_of_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "norm_tu (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('b)) = norm_bytes TYPE('b)")
apply(simp add: sep_conj_ac norm mfs_sep_map_field_update_v insert_absorb)
apply(simp add: norm_bytes_def typ_uinfo_t_def)
lemma norm_bytes:
"length bs = size_of TYPE('a) ⟹
to_bytes_p ((from_bytes bs)::'a) = norm_bytes TYPE('a::mem_type) bs"
by (simp add: norm_bytes_def wf_fd_norm_tuD size_of_def to_bytes_p_def from_bytes_def
to_bytes_def access_ti⇩0_def)
lemma sep_heap_update_global_super_fl:
"⟦ (p ↦⇩g u ∧⇧* R) (lift_state (h,d));
field_lookup (typ_info_t TYPE('b::mem_type)) f 0 = Some (t,n);
export_uinfo t = (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)) ⟧ ⟹
((p ↦⇩g update_ti_t t (to_bytes_p v) u) ∧⇧* R)
(lift_state (heap_update (Ptr &(p→f)) (v::'a::mem_type) h,d))"
apply(subst sep_map_mfs_sep_map_empty)
apply(simp add: sep_map_field_unfold [where g'="λx. True"] guard_mono_def)
apply(subst fd_cons_access_update_p [where w=undefined])
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply simp
apply(simp add: export_size_of)
apply(subst wf_fd_norm_tuD [symmetric])
apply(erule wf_fd_field_lookupD, simp)
apply(simp add: export_size_of)
apply(subgoal_tac "norm_tu (typ_uinfo_t TYPE('a)) = norm_bytes TYPE('a)")
prefer 2
apply(simp add: norm_bytes_def typ_uinfo_t_def)
apply(simp add: norm sep_conj_ac)
apply(subst sep_conj_com)
apply(simp add: sep_conj_assoc)
apply(rule sep_heap_update_global_exc2 [where u="from_bytes (access_ti⇩0 t u)"])
apply(simp add: sep_conj_ac)
apply(subst sep_conj_com)
apply(simp add: sep_map_field_fold guard_mono_def)
apply(subst sep_map_mfs_sep_map_empty [symmetric])
apply(simp add: fd_cons_double_update field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(simp add: norm_bytes fd_cons_length_p field_lookup_fd_consD export_size_of)
apply(simp add: norm_bytes_def typ_uinfo_t_def)
apply(rotate_tac -1)
apply(drule sym)
apply(simp add: wf_fd_norm_tuD wf_fd_field_lookupD fd_cons_length_p field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(subst fd_cons_access_update_p [where w=u])
apply(erule field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(simp add: fd_cons_length_p field_lookup_fd_consD)
apply(simp add: access_ti⇩0_def fd_cons_update_access field_lookup_fd_consD sep_conj_com)
lemma sep_cut'_dom:
"sep_cut' x y s ⟹ dom s = {(a,b). a ∈ {x..+y}}"
by (simp add: sep_cut'_def)
lemma dom_exact_sep_cut':
"dom_exact (sep_cut' x y)"
by (force intro!: dom_exactI dest!: sep_cut'_dom)
lemma dom_lift_state_dom_s [simp]:
"dom (lift_state (h,d)) = dom_s d"
by (force simp: lift_state_def dom_s_def split: s_heap_index.splits if_split_asm option.splits)
lemma dom_ptr_retyp_empty_htd [simp]:
"dom (lift_state (h,ptr_retyp (p::'a::mem_type ptr) empty_htd)) = s_footprint p"
by simp
lemma ptr_retyp_sep_cut'_exc:
fixes p::"'a::mem_type ptr"
assumes sc: "(sep_cut' (ptr_val p) (size_of TYPE('a)) ∧⇧* P) (lift_state (h,d))" and "g p"
shows "(g ⊢⇩s p ∧⇧* sep_true ∧⇧* P) (lift_state (h,(ptr_retyp p d)))"
proof -
from sc
obtain s⇩0 and s⇩1 where "s⇩0 ⊥ s⇩1" and "lift_state (h,d) = s⇩1 ++ s⇩0" and
"P s⇩1" and d: "dom s⇩0 = {(a,b). a ∈ {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('a)}}"
by (fast dest: sep_conjD sep_cut'_dom)
moreover from this
have "lift_state (h, ptr_retyp p d) = s⇩1 ++ lift_state (h, ptr_retyp p d) |` dom s⇩0"
apply -
apply(rule ext)
subgoal for x
apply (cases "x ∈ dom s⇩0")
apply(cases "x ∈ dom s⇩1")
apply(fastforce simp: map_disj_def)
apply(subst map_add_com)
apply(fastforce simp: map_disj_def)
apply(clarsimp simp: map_add_def split: option.splits)
apply(cases x, clarsimp)
apply(clarsimp simp: lift_state_ptr_retyp_d merge_dom2)
moreover have "g p" by fact
with d have "(g ⊢⇩s p ∧⇧* sep_true) (lift_state (h, ptr_retyp p d) |` dom s⇩0)"
apply(clarsimp simp: lift_state_ptr_retyp_restrict sep_conj_ac intro: ptr_retyp_tagd_exc)
apply(rule sep_conjI [where s⇩0="lift_state (h,d) |` ({(a, b). a ∈ {ptr_val p..+size_of TYPE('a)}} - s_footprint p)"])
apply (simp add: sep_conj_ac)
apply(erule ptr_retyp_tagd_exc [where h=h])
apply(fastforce simp: map_disj_def)
apply(subst map_add_com[where h⇩0="lift_state (h, ptr_retyp p empty_htd)"])
apply (simp add: map_disj_def)
apply fast
apply(rule ext)
apply(clarsimp simp: map_add_def split: option.splits)
by (metis (mono_tags) Diff_iff dom_ptr_retyp_empty_htd non_dom_eval_eq restrict_in_dom restrict_out)
show ?thesis
by (subst sep_conj_assoc [symmetric])
(rule sep_conjI [where s⇩0="(lift_state (h,ptr_retyp p d))|`dom s⇩0" and s⇩1=s⇩1],
auto simp: map_disj_def)
lemma sep_cut_dom:
"sep_cut x y s ⟹ dom s = {(a,b). a ∈ {x..+unat y}}"
by (force simp: sep_cut_def dest: sep_cut'_dom)
lemma sep_cut_0 [simp]:
"sep_cut p 0 = □"
by (auto simp: sep_cut'_def sep_cut_def sep_emp_def None_com split_def)
lemma heap_merge_restrict_dom_un:
"dom s = P ∪ Q ⟹ (s|`P) ++ (s|`Q) = s"
by (force simp: map_add_def restrict_map_def split: option.splits)
lemma sep_cut_split:
assumes sc: "sep_cut p y s" and le: "x ≤ y"
shows "(sep_cut p x ∧⇧* sep_cut (p + x) (y - x)) s"
proof (rule sep_conjI [