Theory ML_Fun_Cache
theory ML_Fun_Cache
imports Pure
text ‹Extension of the basic cache in @{ML_structure "Cache"}:
▪ Include some statistics on cache hits / misses
▪ Retrieval of existing caches
▪ Support garbage collected caches (via weak references)
text ‹Combination of synchronized variables and weak references.
Stored value might get garbage collected.
Note the difference in the signature (option value at some positions) compared to
@{ML_structure Synchronized}.
ML ‹
type 'a var
val var: string -> 'a -> 'a var
val value: 'a var -> 'a option
val assign: 'a var -> 'a -> unit
val timed_access: 'a var -> ('a option -> Time.time option) -> ('a option -> ('b * 'a) option) -> 'b option
val guarded_access: 'a var -> ('a option -> ('b * 'a) option) -> 'b
val change_result: 'a var -> ('a option -> 'b * 'a) -> 'b
val change: 'a var -> ('a option -> 'a) -> unit
structure Synchronized_Weak: SYNCHRONIZED_WEAK =
abstype 'a var = Weak_Var of ('a Unsynchronized.ref option Unsynchronized.ref) Synchronized.var
fun mk_weak x = Weak.weak (SOME (Unsynchronized.ref x))
fun get_val w = case !w of
SOME r => SOME (!r)
fun map_val f w = f (get_val w)
fun var name x =
Weak_Var (Synchronized.var name (mk_weak x))
fun value (Weak_Var x) =
get_val (Synchronized.value x)
fun assign (Weak_Var x) v = Synchronized.assign x (mk_weak v)
fun apply_access f w =
case f (get_val w) of
SOME (res, x) => SOME (res, mk_weak x)
fun timed_access (Weak_Var x) time_limit f =
Synchronized.timed_access x (map_val time_limit) (apply_access f)
fun guarded_access var f = the (timed_access var (fn _ => NONE) f);
fun change_result var f = guarded_access var (SOME o f);
fun change var f = change_result var (fn x => ((), f x));
ML ‹
signature MORE_BINDING = sig
val here_pretty: binding -> Pretty.T
val here: binding -> string
structure More_Binding: MORE_BINDING = struct
fun here_pretty b =
val pos = Binding.pos_of b
val prt0 = Pretty.mark_str_position (pos, Binding.long_name_of b)
(case pos of
[] => prt0
| prts => Pretty.block0 (prt0 :: prts))
val here = Pretty.unformatted_string_of o here_pretty
signature FUN_CACHE =
val create: binding -> ('table -> string) -> 'table -> ('table -> 'key -> 'value lazy option) ->
('key * 'value lazy -> 'table -> 'table) -> ('key -> 'value) -> 'key -> 'value
val create_gc: binding -> ('table -> string) -> 'table -> ('table -> 'key -> 'value lazy option) ->
('key * 'value lazy -> 'table -> 'table) -> ('key -> 'value) -> 'key -> 'value
datatype 'content handler = Handler of {name: binding, hits: unit -> int, misses: unit -> int,
reset: unit -> unit, content: unit -> 'content, mk_string: 'content -> string}
val create_handler: binding -> ('table -> string) -> 'table -> ('table -> 'key -> 'value lazy option) ->
('key * 'value lazy -> 'table -> 'table) -> ('key -> 'value) -> (('key -> 'value) * 'table handler)
val create_gc_handler: binding -> ('table -> string) -> 'table -> ('table -> 'key -> 'value lazy option) ->
('key * 'value lazy -> 'table -> 'table) -> ('key -> 'value) -> (('key -> 'value) * 'table handler)
val get_handler: string -> string handler option
val delete_handler: string -> unit
val all_handlers: unit -> (string * string handler) list
val cache_statistics: unit -> (binding * {hits: int, misses: int, content_size: int}) list
val reset_cache: string -> unit
val reset_all_caches: unit -> unit
val get_info: 'content handler -> {name: binding, hits: int, misses: int, content: 'content, mk_string: 'content -> string}
val dummy_handler : 'content -> 'content handler;
val pretty_handler: 'content handler -> Pretty.T
val string_of_handler: 'content handler -> string
structure Fun_Cache: FUN_CACHE =
datatype 'content handler = Handler of {name: binding, hits: unit -> int, misses: unit -> int,
reset: unit -> unit, content: unit -> 'content, mk_string: 'content -> string};
fun dummy_handler c = Handler {name = "", hits = K 0, misses = K 0, reset = K (), content = K c, mk_string = K "()"};
val caches = Synchronized.var "caches" (Symtab.empty)
fun add_handler name handler = Synchronized.change caches (fn tab =>
val raw_name = Binding.name_of name
val _ = if Symtab.defined tab raw_name then tracing ("overwriting cache: " ^ name) else ()
in Symtab.update (raw_name, handler) tab end)
fun cached_apply name lookup update f x (tab, hits, misses) =
case lookup tab x of
SOME y => (y, (tab, hits + 1, misses))
| NONE =>
let val y = Lazy.lazy_name name (fn () => f x)
in (y, (update (x, y) tab, hits, misses + 1)) end
fun gen_apply cached_apply change_result cache =
change_result cache cached_apply
|> Lazy.force;
fun create_handler name mk_string empty lookup update f =
val raw_name = Binding.name_of name
val empty_cache = (empty, 0, 0)
val cache = Synchronized.var raw_name empty_cache;
fun apply x = gen_apply (cached_apply raw_name lookup update f x) Synchronized.change_result cache
fun hits () = #2 (Synchronized.value cache)
fun misses () = #3 (Synchronized.value cache)
fun content () = #1 (Synchronized.value cache)
fun string () = mk_string (#1 (Synchronized.value cache))
fun reset () = Synchronized.change cache (K empty_cache)
val handler = Handler {name = name, hits = hits, misses = misses, reset = reset, content = content, mk_string = mk_string}
val handler' = Handler {name = name, hits = hits, misses = misses, reset = reset, content = string, mk_string = I}
val _ = add_handler name handler'
in (apply, handler) end;
fun create name mk_string empty lookup update f = fst (create_handler name mk_string empty lookup update f)
fun map_default_trace msg default f v =
case v of SOME x => f x | NONE => (tracing msg; f default)
fun the_default_trace msg default v =
case v of
SOME x => x
| NONE => (tracing msg; default)
fun create_gc_handler name mk_string empty lookup update f =
val raw_name = Binding.name_of name
val empty_cache = (empty, 0, 0)
val cache = Synchronized_Weak.var raw_name empty_cache;
val the_default = the_default_trace ("cache: " ^ name ^ " was garbage collected")
val map_default = map_default_trace ("cache: " ^ name ^ " was garbage collected - starting with empty cache again.")
fun apply x = gen_apply (map_default empty_cache (cached_apply raw_name lookup update f x)) Synchronized_Weak.change_result cache
fun get cache = the_default empty_cache (Synchronized_Weak.value cache)
fun hits () = #2 (get cache)
fun misses () = #3 (get cache)
fun content () = #1 (get cache)
fun string () = mk_string (#1 (get cache))
fun reset () = Synchronized_Weak.change cache (K empty_cache)
val handler = Handler {name = name, hits = hits, misses = misses, reset = reset, content = content, mk_string = mk_string}
val handler' = Handler {name = name, hits = hits, misses = misses, reset = reset, content = string, mk_string = I}
val _ = add_handler name handler'
in (apply, handler) end;
fun create_gc name mk_string empty lookup update f = fst (create_gc_handler name mk_string empty lookup update f)
fun get_handler name =
Symtab.lookup (Synchronized.value caches) name
fun delete_handler name = Synchronized.change caches (Symtab.delete name)
fun all_handlers () =
Symtab.dest (Synchronized.value caches)
fun cache_statistics () = all_handlers () |>
map (fn (_, Handler h) =>
(#name h, {hits = #hits h (), misses = #misses h (), content_size = ML_Heap.obj_size (#content h ())}))
fun reset_cache name =
case get_handler name of
SOME (Handler h) => #reset h ()
| NONE => warning ("reset_handler: no handler with name " ^ name)
fun reset_all_caches () =
all_handlers () |> map (apsnd (fn Handler h => #reset h ())) |> K ()
fun get_info (Handler handler:'content handler) =
{name = #name handler, hits = (#hits handler) (), misses = (#misses handler) (), content = (#content handler) (), mk_string = #mk_string handler}
fun pretty_elem name value = Pretty.block (Pretty.breaks [Pretty.str name, Pretty.str "=", Pretty.str value])
fun pretty_info {name, content, hits, misses, mk_string, ...} =
Pretty.list "{" "}" (
[pretty_elem "name" ( name),
pretty_elem "hits" (string_of_int hits),
pretty_elem "misses" (string_of_int misses),
pretty_elem "content" (mk_string content)])
fun pretty_handler x = (pretty_info o get_info) x
fun string_of_info x = (Pretty.string_of o pretty_info) x
fun string_of_handler x = (string_of_info o get_info) x
val _ =
ML_system_pp (fn depth => fn pretty => fn handler =>
Pretty.to_ML (pretty_handler handler));
subsection ‹Example›
text ‹Cache without garbage collection›
ML_val ‹
fun fib n =
if n < 3 then 1
else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
val (fib, handler) = Fun_Cache.create_handler
@{binding "fib"}
(fn n => @{make_string} n)
val _ = tracing ("trace 1: " ^ Fun_Cache.string_of_handler handler)
val tests1 = map fib (1 upto 6)
val _ = (tracing "enforcing garbage collection"; ML_Heap.full_gc());
val _ = tracing ("trace 2: " ^ Fun_Cache.string_of_handler handler)
val tests2 = map fib (1 upto 6)
val _ = tracing ("trace 3: " ^ Fun_Cache.string_of_handler handler)
text ‹Cache with garbage collection›
ML_val ‹
fun fib n =
if n < 3 then 1
else fib (n-1) + fib (n-2)
val (fib, handler) = Fun_Cache.create_gc_handler
@{binding "fib"}
(fn n => @{make_string} n)
val _ = tracing ("trace 1: " ^ Fun_Cache.string_of_handler handler)
val tests1 = map fib (1 upto 6)
val _ = tracing ("trace 2: " ^ Fun_Cache.string_of_handler handler)
val _ = (tracing "enforcing garbage collection"; ML_Heap.full_gc());
val _ = tracing ("trace 3: " ^ Fun_Cache.string_of_handler handler)
val tests2 = map fib (1 upto 6)
val _ = tracing ("trace 4: " ^ Fun_Cache.string_of_handler handler)
val tests3 = map fib (1 upto 6)
val _ = tracing ("trace 5: " ^ Fun_Cache.string_of_handler handler)