Theory Alpha_Beta_Lattice
chapter ‹Distributive Lattices›
theory Alpha_Beta_Lattice
imports Alpha_Beta_Linear
class distrib_bounded_lattice = distrib_lattice + bounded_lattice
instance bool :: distrib_bounded_lattice ..
instance ereal :: distrib_bounded_lattice ..
instance set :: (type) distrib_bounded_lattice ..
unbundle lattice_syntax
section ‹Game Tree Evaluation›
fun sups :: "('a::bounded_lattice) list ⇒ 'a" where
"sups [] = ⊥" |
"sups (x#xs) = x ⊔ sups xs"
fun infs :: "('a::bounded_lattice) list ⇒ 'a" where
"infs [] = ⊤" |
"infs (x#xs) = x ⊓ infs xs"
fun supinf :: "('a::distrib_bounded_lattice) tree ⇒ 'a"
and infsup :: "('a::distrib_bounded_lattice) tree ⇒ 'a" where
"supinf (Lf x) = x" |
"supinf (Nd ts) = sups (map infsup ts)" |
"infsup (Lf x) = x" |
"infsup (Nd ts) = infs (map supinf ts)"
section ‹Distributive Lattices›
lemma sup_inf_assoc:
"(a::_::distrib_lattice) ≤ b ⟹ a ⊔ (x ⊓ b) = (a ⊔ x) ⊓ b"
by (metis inf.orderE inf_sup_distrib2)
lemma sup_inf_assoc_iff:
"(a::_::distrib_lattice) ⊔ x ⊓ b = a ⊔ y ⊓ b ⟷ (a ⊔ x) ⊓ b = (a ⊔ y) ⊓ b"
by (metis (no_types, opaque_lifting) inf.left_idem inf_commute inf_sup_distrib1 sup.left_idem sup_inf_distrib1)
text ‹Generalization of Knuth and Moore's equivalence modulo:›
eq_mod :: "('a::lattice) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" (‹(_ ≃/ _/ '(mod _,_'))› [51,51,0,0]) where
"eq_mod x y a b ≡ a ⊔ x ⊓ b = a ⊔ y ⊓ b"
notation (latex output) eq_mod (‹(_ ≃/ _/ '(\<^latex>‹\textup{mod}› _,_'))› [51,51,0,0])
text ‹‹ab› is bounded by ‹v› mod ‹a,b›, or the other way around.›
abbreviation "bounded (a::_::lattice) b v ab ≡ b ⊓ v ≤ ab ∧ ab ≤ a ⊔ v"
abbreviation bounded2 :: "('a::lattice) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ bool" (‹(_ ⊑/ _/ '(mod _,_'))› [51,51,0,0])
where "bounded2 ab v a b ≡ bounded a b v ab"
notation (latex output) bounded2 (‹(_ ⊑/ _/ '(\<^latex>‹\textup{mod}› _,_'))› [51,51,0,0])
lemma bounded_bot_top:
fixes v ab :: "'a::distrib_bounded_lattice"
shows "bounded ⊥ ⊤ v ab ⟹ ab = v"
by (simp add: order_eq_iff)
text ‹‹bounded› implies eq-mod, but not the other way around:›
text ‹‹bounded› implies eq-mod:›
lemma eq_mod_if_bounded: assumes "bounded a b v ab"
shows "a ⊔ ab ⊓ b = a ⊔ v ⊓ (b::_::distrib_lattice)"
proof(rule antisym)
have "a ≤ a ⊔ v ⊓ b" by simp
moreover have "ab ⊓ b ≤ a ⊔ v ⊓ b"
proof -
have "ab ⊓ b ≤ (a ⊔ v) ⊓ b" by(fact inf_mono[OF conjunct2[OF assms] order.refl])
also have "… = a ⊓ b ⊔ v ⊓ b" by (fact inf_sup_distrib2)
also have "… ≤ a ⊔ v ⊓ b" by (fact sup.mono[OF inf.cobounded1 order.refl])
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately show "a ⊔ ab ⊓ b ≤ a ⊔ v ⊓ b" by(metis sup.bounded_iff)
have "a ≤ a ⊔ ab ⊓ b" by simp
moreover have "v ⊓ b ≤ a ⊔ ab ⊓ b"
proof -
have "v ⊓ b = (v ⊓ b) ⊓ b" by simp
also have "… ≤ ab ⊓ b" by(metis inf.commute inf.mono[OF conjunct1[OF assms] order.refl])
also have "… ≤ a ⊔ ab ⊓ b" by simp
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately show "a ⊔ v ⊓ b ≤ a ⊔ ab ⊓ b" by(metis sup.bounded_iff)
text ‹Converse is not true, even for ‹linorder›, even if ‹a < b›:›
lemma "let a=0; b=1; ab=2; v=1
in a ⊔ ab ⊓ b = a ⊔ v ⊓ (b::nat) ∧ ¬(b ⊓ v ≤ ab ∧ ab ≤ a ⊔ v)"
by eval
text ‹Because for ‹linord› we have:
‹bounded = fishburn› (@{thm fishburn_iff_min_max}) and ‹eq_mod = knuth› (@{thm mm_iff_knuth})
but we know ‹fishburn› is stronger than ‹knuth›.
These equivalences do not even hold as implications in ‹distrib_lattice›, even if ‹a < b›.
(We need to redefine ‹knuth› and ‹fishburn› for ‹distrib_lattice› first)
"knuth' (a::_::distrib_lattice) b x y ==
((y ≤ a ⟶ x ≤ a) ∧ (a < y ∧ y < b ⟶ y = x) ∧ (b ≤ y ⟶ b ≤ x))"
lemma "let a={}; b={1::int}; ab={}; v={0}
in ¬ (a ⊔ ab ⊓ b = a ⊔ v ⊓ b ⟶ knuth' a b v ab)"
by eval
lemma "let a={}; b={1::int}; ab={0}; v={1}
in ¬ (knuth' a b v ab ⟶ a ⊔ ab ⊓ b = a ⊔ v ⊓ b)"
by eval
"fishburn' (a::_::distrib_lattice) b v ab ==
((ab ≤ a ⟶ v ≤ ab) ∧ (a < ab ∧ ab < b ⟶ ab = v) ∧ (b ≤ ab ⟶ ab ≤ v))"
text ‹Same counterexamples as above:›
lemma "let a={}; b={1::int}; ab={}; v={0}
in ¬ (bounded a b v ab ⟶ fishburn' a b v ab)"
by eval
lemma "let a={}; b={1::int}; ab={0}; v={1}
in ¬ (fishburn' a b v ab ⟶ bounded a b v ab)"
by eval
subsection ‹Fail-Hard›
subsubsection "Basic ‹ab_sup›"
text ‹Improved version of Bird and Hughes. No squashing in base case.›
fun ab_sup :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a::distrib_lattice)tree ⇒ 'a" and ab_sups and ab_inf and ab_infs where
"ab_sup a b (Lf x) = x" |
"ab_sup a b (Nd ts) = ab_sups a b ts" |
"ab_sups a b [] = a" |
"ab_sups a b (t#ts) = (let a' = a ⊔ ab_inf a b t in if a' ≥ b then a' else ab_sups a' b ts)" |
"ab_inf a b (Lf x) = x" |
"ab_inf a b (Nd ts) = ab_infs a b ts" |
"ab_infs a b [] = b" |
"ab_infs a b (t#ts) = (let b' = b ⊓ ab_sup a b t in if b' ≤ a then b' else ab_infs a b' ts)"
lemma ab_sups_ge_a: "ab_sups a b ts ≥ a"
apply(induction ts arbitrary: a)
by (auto simp: Let_def)(use le_sup_iff in blast)
lemma ab_infs_le_b: "ab_infs a b ts ≤ b"
apply(induction ts arbitrary: b)
by (auto simp: Let_def)(use le_inf_iff in blast)
lemma eq_mod_ab_val_auto:
shows "a ⊔ ab_sup a b t ⊓ b = a ⊔ supinf t ⊓ b"
and "a ⊔ ab_sups a b ts ⊓ b = a ⊔ supinf (Nd ts) ⊓ b"
and "a ⊔ ab_inf a b t ⊓ b = a ⊔ infsup t ⊓ b"
and "a ⊔ ab_infs a b ts ⊓ b = a ⊔ infsup (Nd ts) ⊓ b"
proof(induction a b t and a b ts and a b t and a b ts rule: ab_sup_ab_sups_ab_inf_ab_infs.induct)
case (4 a b t ts)
then show ?case
apply(simp add: Let_def)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) ab_sups_ge_a inf.absorb_iff2 inf_left_commute inf_sup_distrib2 sup.left_idem sup_absorb1 sup_absorb2 sup_assoc sup_inf_assoc_iff)
case (8 a b t ts)
then show ?case
apply(simp add: Let_def)
by (smt (verit) ab_infs_le_b inf.absorb_iff2 inf_assoc inf_commute inf_right_idem sup.absorb1 sup_inf_distrib1)
qed auto
text ‹A readable proof. Some steps still tricky.
Complication: sometimes ‹a ⊔ x ⊓ b› is better and sometimes ‹(a ⊔ x) ⊓ b›.›
lemma eq_mod_ab_val:
shows "a ⊔ ab_sup a b t ⊓ b = a ⊔ supinf t ⊓ b"
and "a ⊔ ab_sups a b ts ⊓ b = a ⊔ supinf (Nd ts) ⊓ b"
and "a ⊔ ab_inf a b t ⊓ b = a ⊔ infsup t ⊓ b"
and "a ⊔ ab_infs a b ts ⊓ b = a ⊔ infsup (Nd ts) ⊓ b"
proof(induction a b t and a b ts and a b t and a b ts rule: ab_sup_ab_sups_ab_inf_ab_infs.induct)
case (8 a b t ts)
let ?abt = "ab_sup a b t" let ?abts = "ab_infs a (b ⊓ ?abt) ts"
let ?vt = "supinf t" let ?vts = "infsup (Nd ts)"
show ?case
proof (cases "b ⊓ ?abt ≤ a")
case True
hence b: "a ⊔ ?vt ⊓ b = a" using "8.IH"(1) True by (metis sup_absorb1 inf_commute)
have "a ⊔ ab_infs a b (t#ts) ⊓ b = a ⊔ b ⊓ ?abt ⊓ b" using True by (simp)
also have "… = a ⊔ ?abt ⊓ b" by (simp add: inf_commute)
also have "… = a ⊔ ?vt ⊓ b" by (simp add: "8.IH"(1))
also have "… = a ⊔ (?vt ⊔ ?vt ⊓ ?vts) ⊓ b" by (simp)
also have "… = a ⊔ (?vt ⊓ b ⊔ ?vt ⊓ ?vts ⊓ b)" by (metis inf_sup_distrib2)
also have "… = a ⊔ ?vt ⊓ b ⊔ ?vt ⊓ ?vts ⊓ b" by (metis sup_assoc)
also have "… = a ⊔ ?vt ⊓ ?vts ⊓ b" by (metis b)
also have "… = a ⊔ infsup (Nd (t # ts)) ⊓ b" by (simp)
finally show ?thesis .
case False
from "8.IH"(2)[OF refl False] ab_infs_le_b
have IH2': "a ⊔ ?abts ⊓ b = a ⊔ ?vts ⊓ ?abt ⊓ b"
by (metis (no_types, lifting) inf_absorb1 inf_assoc inf_commute inf_idem)
have "a ⊔ ab_infs a b (t#ts) ⊓ b = a ⊔ ?abts ⊓ b" using False by (simp)
also have "… = a ⊔ ?abt ⊓ ?vts ⊓ b" using IH2' by (metis inf_commute)
also have "… = a ⊔ ?vt ⊓ ?vts ⊓ b" using "8.IH"(1)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) inf_assoc inf_commute sup_inf_distrib1)
also have "… = a ⊔ infsup (Nd (t # ts)) ⊓ b" by (simp)
finally show ?thesis .
case (4 a b t ts)
let ?abt = "ab_inf a b t" let ?abts = "ab_sups (a ⊔ ?abt) b ts"
let ?vt = "infsup t" let ?vts = "supinf (Nd ts)"
show ?case
proof (cases "b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt")
case True
have IH1': ‹(a ⊔ ?abt) ⊓ b = (a ⊔ ?vt) ⊓ b› by(metis sup_inf_assoc_iff "4.IH"(1))
hence b: "(a ⊔ ?vt) ⊓ b = b" using True inf_absorb2 by metis
have "(a ⊔ ab_sups a b (t#ts)) ⊓ b = (a ⊔ (a ⊔ ?abt)) ⊓ b" using True by (simp)
also have "… = (a ⊔ ?abt) ⊓ b" by (simp)
also have "… = (a ⊔ ?vt) ⊓ b" by (simp add: IH1')
also have "… = (a ⊔ ?vt ⊔ ?vts) ⊓ (a ⊔ ?vt) ⊓ b" by (simp add: inf.absorb2)
also have "… = (a ⊔ ?vt ⊔ ?vts) ⊓ b" by (simp add: b inf_assoc)
also have "… = (a ⊔ supinf (Nd (t # ts))) ⊓ b" by (simp add: sup.assoc)
finally show ?thesis
using sup_inf_assoc_iff by blast
case False
from "4.IH"(2)[OF refl False] ab_sups_ge_a
have IH2': "(a ⊔ ?abts) ⊓ b = (a ⊔ ?abt ⊔ ?vts) ⊓ b"
by (smt (verit, best) le_sup_iff sup_absorb2 sup_inf_assoc_iff)
have "(a ⊔ ab_sups a b (t#ts)) ⊓ b = (a ⊔ ?abts) ⊓ b" using False by (simp)
also have "… = (a ⊔ ?abt ⊔ ?vts) ⊓ b" using IH2' by blast
also have "… = a ⊓ b ⊔ ?abt ⊓ b ⊔ ?vts ⊓ b" by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib2)
also have "… = (a ⊔ ?abt ⊓ b) ⊓ b ⊔ ?vts ⊓ b" by (metis inf_sup_distrib2 inf.right_idem)
also have "… = (a ⊔ ?vt ⊓ b) ⊓ b ⊔ ?vts ⊓ b" using "4.IH"(1) by simp
also have "… = (a ⊔ ?vt ⊔ ?vts) ⊓ b" by (simp add: inf_sup_distrib2)
also have "… = (a ⊔ supinf (Nd (t # ts))) ⊓ b" by (simp add: sup_assoc)
finally show ?thesis
using sup_inf_assoc_iff by blast
qed (simp_all)
corollary ab_sup_bot_top: "ab_sup ⊥ ⊤ t = supinf t"
by (metis eq_mod_ab_val(1) inf_top_right sup_bot.left_neutral)
text ‹Predicate @{const knuth} (and thus @{const fishburn}) does not hold:›
lemma "let a = {False}; b = {False, True}; t = Nd [Lf {True}];
ab = ab_sup a b t; v = supinf t in v = {True} ∧ ab = {True,False} ∧ b ≤ ab ∧ ¬ b ≤ v"
by eval
text ‹Worse: @{const fishburn} (and @{const knuth}) only caters for a ``linear'' analysis where ‹ab› lies wrt ‹a < b›.
But ‹ab› may not satisfy either of the 3 alternatives in @{const fishburn}:›
lemma "let a = {}; b = {True}; t = Nd [Lf {False}]; ab = ab_sup a b t; v = supinf t in
v = {False} ∧ ab={False} ∧ ¬ ab≤a ∧ ¬ ab≥b ∧ ¬ (a<ab ∧ ab < b)"
by eval
subsubsection "A stronger correctness property"
text ‹The stronger correctness property @{const bounded}:›
shows "bounded a b (supinf t) (ab_sup a b t)"
and "bounded a b (supinf (Nd ts)) (ab_sups a b ts)"
and "bounded a b (infsup t) (ab_inf a b t)"
and "bounded a b (infsup (Nd ts)) (ab_infs a b ts)"
proof(induction a b t and a b ts and a b t and a b ts rule: ab_sup_ab_sups_ab_inf_ab_infs.induct)
case (4 a b t ts)
thus ?case
apply(simp add: Let_def inf.coboundedI1 sup.coboundedI1)
by (smt (verit, best) ab_sups_ge_a inf_sup_distrib1 sup.absorb_iff2 sup_assoc sup_commute)
case (8 t ts a b)
thus ?case
apply(simp add: Let_def inf.coboundedI1 sup.coboundedI1)
by (smt (verit) ab_infs_le_b inf.absorb_iff2 inf_commute inf_left_commute sup_inf_distrib1)
qed auto
lemma bounded_val_ab:
shows "bounded a b (supinf t) (ab_sup a b t)"
and "bounded a b (supinf (Nd ts)) (ab_sups a b ts)"
and "bounded a b (infsup t) (ab_inf a b t)"
and "bounded a b (infsup (Nd ts)) (ab_infs a b ts)"
proof(induction a b t and a b ts and a b t and a b ts rule: ab_sup_ab_sups_ab_inf_ab_infs.induct)
case (4 a b t ts)
let ?abt = "ab_inf a b t" let ?abts = "ab_sups (a ⊔ ?abt) b ts"
let ?vt = "infsup t" let ?vts = "sups (map infsup ts)"
have "b ⊓ supinf (Nd (t # ts)) ≤ ab_sups a b (t # ts)"
proof -
have "b ⊓ supinf (Nd (t # ts)) = b ⊓ (?vt ⊔ ?vts)" by(simp)
also have "… = b ⊓ ?vt ⊔ b ⊓ ?vts" by (fact inf_sup_distrib1)
also have "… ≤ ?abt ⊔ b ⊓ ?vts" using "4.IH"(1) by (metis order.refl sup.mono)
also have "… ≤ ab_sups a b (t # ts)"
proof cases
assume "b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt"
have "?abt ⊔ b ⊓ ?vts ≤ a ⊔ ?abt ⊔ b ⊓ ?vts" by (simp add: sup_assoc)
also have "… = a ⊔ ?abt" using ‹b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt› by (meson le_infI1 sup.absorb1)
also have "… = ab_sups a b (t # ts)" using ‹b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt› by simp
finally show ?thesis .
assume "¬ b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt"
have "?abt ⊔ b ⊓ ?vts ≤ ?abt ⊔ ?abts"
using "4.IH"(2)[OF refl ‹¬ b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt›] sup.mono by auto
also have "… ≤ ?abts" by (meson ab_sups_ge_a le_sup_iff order_refl)
also have "… = ab_sups a b (t # ts)" using ‹¬ b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt› by simp
finally show ?thesis .
finally show ?thesis .
have "ab_sups a b (t # ts) ≤ a ⊔ supinf (Nd (t # ts))"
proof cases
assume "b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt"
then have "ab_sups a b (t # ts) = a ⊔ ?abt" by(simp add: Let_def)
also have "… ≤ a ⊔ ?vt" using "4.IH"(1) by simp
also have "… ≤ a ⊔ ?vt ⊔ ?vts" by simp
also have "… = a ⊔ supinf (Nd (t # ts))" by (simp add: sup_assoc)
finally show ?thesis .
assume "¬ b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt"
then have "ab_sups a b (t # ts) = ?abts" by(simp add: Let_def)
also have "… ≤ a ⊔ ?abt ⊔ ?vts" using "4.IH"(2)[OF refl ‹¬ b ≤ a ⊔ ?abt›] by simp
also have "… ≤ a ⊔ ?vt ⊔ ?vts" using "4.IH"(1)
by (metis sup.mono inf_sup_absorb le_inf_iff sup.cobounded2 sup.idem)
also have "… = a ⊔ supinf (Nd (t # ts))" by (simp add: sup_assoc)
finally show ?thesis .
ultimately show ?case ..
case 8 thus ?case
apply(simp add: Let_def)
by (smt (verit) ab_infs_le_b inf.absorb_iff2 inf.cobounded2 inf.orderE inf_assoc inf_idem sup.coboundedI1 sup_inf_distrib1)
qed auto
subsubsection "Bird and Hughes"
fun ab_sup2 :: "('a::distrib_lattice) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a tree ⇒ 'a" and ab_sups2 and ab_inf2 and ab_infs2 where
"ab_sup2 a b (Lf x) = a ⊔ x ⊓ b" |
"ab_sup2 a b (Nd ts) = ab_sups2 a b ts" |
"ab_sups2 a b [] = a" |
"ab_sups2 a b (t#ts) = (let a' = ab_inf2 a b t in if a' = b then b else ab_sups2 a' b ts)" |
"ab_inf2 a b (Lf x) = (a ⊔ x) ⊓ b" |
"ab_inf2 a b (Nd ts) = ab_infs2 a b ts" |
"ab_infs2 a b [] = b" |
"ab_infs2 a b (t#ts) = (let b' = ab_sup2 a b t in if a = b' then a else ab_infs2 a b' ts)"
lemma eq_mod_ab2_val:
shows "a≤b ⟹ ab_sup2 a b t = a ⊔ (supinf t ⊓ b)"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_sups2 a b ts = a ⊔ (supinf (Nd ts) ⊓ b)"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_inf2 a b t = (a ⊔ infsup t) ⊓ b"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_infs2 a b ts = (a ⊔ infsup(Nd ts)) ⊓ b"
proof(induction a b t and a b ts and a b t and a b ts rule: ab_sup2_ab_sups2_ab_inf2_ab_infs2.induct)
case 4 thus ?case
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (smt (verit, best) inf_commute inf_sup_distrib2 sup_assoc sup_inf_absorb sup_inf_assoc)
case 8 thus ?case
apply (simp add: Let_def)
by (smt (verit, del_insts) inf_assoc inf_commute inf_sup_absorb sup_inf_assoc sup_inf_distrib1)
qed simp_all
corollary ab_sup2_bot_top: "ab_sup2 ⊥ ⊤ t = supinf t"
using eq_mod_ab2_val(1)[of ⊥ ⊤] by simp
text ‹Simpler proof with sets; not really surprising.›
lemma ab_sup2_bounded_set:
shows "a≤(b:: _ set) ⟹ ab_sup2 a b t = a ⊔ (supinf t ⊓ b)"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_sups2 a b ts = a ⊔ (supinf (Nd ts) ⊓ b)"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_inf2 a b t = (a ⊔ infsup t) ⊓ b"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_infs2 a b ts = (a ⊔ infsup(Nd ts)) ⊓ b"
proof(induction a b t and a b ts and a b t and a b ts rule: ab_sup2_ab_sups2_ab_inf2_ab_infs2.induct)
qed (auto simp: Let_def)
subsubsection "Delayed Test"
fun ab_sup3 :: "('a::distrib_lattice) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a tree ⇒ 'a" and ab_sups3 and ab_inf3 and ab_infs3 where
"ab_sup3 a b (Lf x) = x" |
"ab_sup3 a b (Nd ts) = ab_sups3 a b ts" |
"ab_sups3 a b [] = a" |
"ab_sups3 a b (t#ts) = (if a ≥ b then a else ab_sups3 (a ⊔ ab_inf3 a b t) b ts)" |
"ab_inf3 a b (Lf x) = x" |
"ab_inf3 a b (Nd ts) = ab_infs3 a b ts" |
"ab_infs3 a b [] = b" |
"ab_infs3 a b (t#ts) = (if a ≥ b then b else ab_infs3 a (b ⊓ ab_sup3 a b t) ts)"
lemma ab_sups3_ge_a: "ab_sups3 a b ts ≥ a"
apply(induction ts arbitrary: a)
by (auto simp: Let_def)(use le_sup_iff in blast)
lemma ab_infs3_le_b: "ab_infs3 a b ts ≤ b"
apply(induction ts arbitrary: b)
by (auto simp: Let_def)(use le_inf_iff in blast)
lemma ab_sup3_ab_sup:
shows "a<b ⟹ ab_sup3 a b t = ab_sup a b t"
and "a<b ⟹ ab_sups3 a b ts = ab_sups a b ts"
and "a<b ⟹ ab_inf3 a b t = ab_inf a b t"
and "a<b ⟹ ab_infs3 a b ts = ab_infs a b ts"
subsubsection "Bird and Hughes plus delayed test"
fun ab_sup4 :: "('a::distrib_lattice) ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a tree ⇒ 'a" and ab_sups4 and ab_inf4 and ab_infs4 where
"ab_sup4 a b (Lf x) = a ⊔ x ⊓ b" |
"ab_sup4 a b (Nd ts) = ab_sups4 a b ts" |
"ab_sups4 a b [] = a" |
"ab_sups4 a b (t#ts) = (if a = b then a else ab_sups4 (ab_inf4 a b t) b ts)" |
"ab_inf4 a b (Lf x) = (a ⊔ x) ⊓ b" |
"ab_inf4 a b (Nd ts) = ab_infs4 a b ts" |
"ab_infs4 a b [] = b" |
"ab_infs4 a b (t#ts) = (if a = b then b else ab_infs4 a (ab_sup4 a b t) ts)"
lemma ab_sup4_bounded:
shows "a≤b ⟹ ab_sup4 a b t = a ⊔ (supinf t ⊓ b)"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_sups4 a b ts = a ⊔ (supinf (Nd ts) ⊓ b)"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_inf4 a b t = (a ⊔ infsup t) ⊓ b"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_infs4 a b ts = (a ⊔ infsup(Nd ts)) ⊓ b"
proof(induction a b t and a b ts and a b t and a b ts rule: ab_sup4_ab_sups4_ab_inf4_ab_infs4.induct)
case 3 thus ?case by (simp add: sup_absorb1)
case 4 thus ?case
apply (simp add: sup_absorb1)
by (metis (no_types, lifting) inf_sup_distrib2 sup_assoc sup_inf_assoc)
case 7 thus ?case by (simp add: inf.absorb2)
case (8 a b t ts)
then show ?case
apply (simp add: inf.absorb2)
by (simp add: inf_assoc inf_commute sup_absorb2 sup_inf_distrib1)
qed simp_all
lemma ab_sup4_bounded_set:
shows "a≤(b:: _ set) ⟹ ab_sup4 a b t = a ⊔ (supinf t ⊓ b)"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_sups4 a b ts = a ⊔ (supinf (Nd ts) ⊓ b)"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_inf4 a b t = (a ⊔ infsup t) ⊓ b"
and "a≤b ⟹ ab_infs4 a b ts = (a ⊔ infsup(Nd ts)) ⊓ b"
by (induction a b t and a b ts and a b t and a b ts rule: ab_sup4_ab_sups4_ab_inf4_ab_infs4.induct)
subsection ‹Fail-Soft›
fun ab_sup' :: "'a::distrib_bounded_lattice ⇒ 'a ⇒ 'a tree ⇒ 'a" and ab_sups' ab_inf' ab_infs' where
"ab_sup' a b (Lf x) = x" |
"ab_sup' a b (Nd ts) = ab_sups' a b ⊥ ts" |
"ab_sups' a b m [] = m" |
"ab_sups' a b m (t#ts) =
(let m' = m ⊔ (ab_inf' (m ⊔ a) b t) in if m' ≥ b then m' else ab_sups' a b m' ts)" |
"ab_inf' a b (Lf x) = x" |
"ab_inf' a b (Nd ts) = ab_infs' a b ⊤ ts" |
"ab_infs' a b m [] = m" |
"ab_infs' a b m (t#ts) =
(let m' = m ⊓ (ab_sup' a (m ⊓ b) t) in if m' ≤ a then m' else ab_infs' a b m' ts)"
lemma ab_sups'_ge_m: "ab_sups' a b m ts ≥ m"
apply(induction ts arbitrary: a b m)
by (auto simp: Let_def)(use le_sup_iff in blast)
lemma ab_infs'_le_m: "ab_infs' a b m ts ≤ m"
apply(induction ts arbitrary: a b m)
by (auto simp: Let_def)(use le_inf_iff in blast)
text ‹Fail-soft correctness:›
lemma bounded_val_ab':
shows "bounded (a) b (supinf t) (ab_sup' a b t)"
and "bounded (a ⊔ m) b (supinf (Nd ts)) (ab_sups' a b m ts)"
and "bounded a b (infsup t) (ab_inf' a b t)"
and "bounded a (b ⊓ m) (infsup (Nd ts)) (ab_infs' a b m ts)"
proof(induction a b t and a b m ts and a b t and a b m ts rule: ab_sup'_ab_sups'_ab_inf'_ab_infs'.induct)
case (4 a b m t ts)
then show ?case
apply(simp add: Let_def inf.coboundedI1 sup.coboundedI1)
by (smt (verit) ab_sups'_ge_m inf_sup_distrib1 sup.absorb_iff1 sup_commute sup_left_commute)
case (8 a b m t ts)
then show ?case
apply(simp add: Let_def inf.coboundedI1 sup.coboundedI1)
by (smt (verit) ab_infs'_le_m inf.absorb_iff2 inf_assoc inf_left_commute sup_inf_distrib1)
qed auto
corollary "ab_sup' ⊥ ⊤ t = supinf t"
by (rule bounded_bot_top[OF bounded_val_ab'(1)])
lemma eq_mod_ab'_val:
shows "a ⊔ ab_sup' a b t ⊓ b = a ⊔ supinf t ⊓ b"
and "(m ⊔ a) ⊔ ab_sups' a b m ts ⊓ b = (m ⊔ a) ⊔ supinf (Nd ts) ⊓ b"
and "a ⊔ ab_inf' a b t ⊓ b = a ⊔ infsup t ⊓ b"
and "a ⊔ ab_infs' a b m ts ⊓ (m ⊓ b) = a ⊔ infsup (Nd ts) ⊓ (m ⊓ b)"
apply (meson bounded_val_ab'(1) eq_mod_if_bounded)
apply (metis bounded_val_ab'(2) eq_mod_if_bounded sup_commute)
apply (meson bounded_val_ab'(3) eq_mod_if_bounded)
by (metis bounded_val_ab'(4) eq_mod_if_bounded inf_commute)
lemma ab_sups'_le_ab_sups: "ab_sups' a b c t ⊓ b ≤ ab_sups (a ⊔ c) b t"
by (smt (verit, best) ab_sups_ge_a bounded_val_ab(2) eq_mod_ab'_val(2) inf_commute sup.absorb_iff2 sup_assoc sup_commute)
lemma ab_sup'_le_ab_sup: "ab_sup' a b t ⊓ b ≤ ab_sup a b t"
by (metis ab_sup'.elims ab_sup.simps(1) ab_sup.simps(2) ab_sups'_le_ab_sups inf.cobounded1 sup_bot_right)
subsubsection ‹Towards ‹bounded› of Fail-Soft›
theorem bounded_ab'_ab:
shows "bounded (a) b (ab_sup' a b t) (ab_sup a b t)"
and "bounded a b (ab_sups' a b m ts) (ab_sups (sup m a) b ts)"
and "bounded a b (ab_inf' a b t) (ab_inf a b t)"
and "bounded a b (ab_infs' a b m ts) (ab_infs a (inf m b) ts)"
section ‹De Morgan Algebras›
text ‹Now: also negation. But still not a boolean algebra but only a De Morgan algebra:›
class de_morgan_algebra = distrib_bounded_lattice + uminus
opening lattice_syntax +
assumes de_Morgan_inf: "- (x ⊓ y) = - x ⊔ - y"
assumes neg_neg[simp]: "- (- x) = x"
lemma de_Morgan_sup: "- (x ⊔ y) = - x ⊓ - y"
by (metis de_Morgan_inf neg_neg)
lemma neg_top[simp]: "- ⊤ = ⊥"
by (metis bot_eq_sup_iff de_Morgan_inf inf_top.right_neutral neg_neg)
lemma neg_bot[simp]: "- ⊥ = ⊤"
using neg_neg neg_top by blast
lemma uminus_eq_iff[simp]: "-a = -b ⟷ a = b"
by (metis neg_neg)
lemma uminus_le_reorder: "(- a ≤ b) = (- b ≤ a)"
by (metis de_Morgan_sup inf.absorb_iff2 le_iff_sup neg_neg)
lemma uminus_less_reorder: "(- a < b) = (- b < a)"
by (metis order.strict_iff_not neg_neg uminus_le_reorder)
lemma minus_le_minus[simp]: "- a ≤ - b ⟷ b ≤ a"
by (metis neg_neg uminus_le_reorder)
lemma minus_less_minus[simp]: "- a < - b ⟷ b < a"
by (metis neg_neg uminus_less_reorder)
lemma less_uminus_reorder: "a < - b ⟷ b < - a"
by (metis neg_neg uminus_less_reorder)
instantiation ereal :: de_morgan_algebra
proof (standard, goal_cases)
case 1
thus ?case by (simp add: min_def)
case 2
thus ?case by (simp)
instantiation set :: (type)de_morgan_algebra
proof (standard, goal_cases)
case 1
thus ?case by (simp)
case 2
thus ?case by (simp)
fun negsup :: "('a :: de_morgan_algebra)tree ⇒ 'a" where
"negsup (Lf x) = x" |
"negsup (Nd ts) = sups (map (λt. - negsup t) ts)"
fun negate :: "bool ⇒ ('a::de_morgan_algebra) tree ⇒ 'a tree" where
"negate b (Lf x) = Lf (if b then -x else x)" |
"negate b (Nd ts) = Nd (map (negate (¬b)) ts)"
lemma negate_negate: "negate f (negate f t) = t"
by(induction t arbitrary: f)(auto cong: map_cong)
lemma uminus_infs:
fixes f :: "'a ⇒ 'b::de_morgan_algebra"
shows "- infs (map f xs) = sups (map (λx. - f x) xs)"
by(induction xs) (auto simp: de_Morgan_inf)
lemma supinf_negate: "supinf (negate b t) = - infsup (negate (¬b) (t::(_::de_morgan_algebra)tree))"
by(induction t) (auto simp: uminus_infs cong: map_cong)
lemma negsup_supinf_negate: "negsup t = supinf(negate False t)"
by(induction t) (auto simp: supinf_negate cong: map_cong)
subsection ‹Fail-Hard›
fun ab_negsup :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a::de_morgan_algebra)tree ⇒ 'a" and ab_negsups where
"ab_negsup a b (Lf x) = x" |
"ab_negsup a b (Nd ts) = ab_negsups a b ts" |
"ab_negsups a b [] = a" |
"ab_negsups a b (t#ts) =
(let a' = a ⊔ - ab_negsup (-b) (-a) t
in if a' ≥ b then a' else ab_negsups a' b ts)"
text ‹A direct ‹bounded› proof:›
lemma ab_negsups_ge_a: "ab_negsups a b ts ≥ a"
apply(induction ts arbitrary: a)
by (auto simp: Let_def)(use le_sup_iff in blast)
lemma bounded_val_ab_neg:
shows "bounded (a) b (negsup t) (ab_negsup (a) b t)"
and "bounded a b (negsup (Nd ts)) (ab_negsups (a) b ts)"
proof(induction a b t and a b ts rule: ab_negsup_ab_negsups.induct)
case (4 a b t ts)
then show ?case
apply(simp add: Let_def inf.coboundedI1)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) ab_negsups_ge_a de_Morgan_sup de_morgan_algebra_class.neg_neg inf.absorb_iff2 inf_sup_distrib1 le_iff_sup sup_commute sup_left_commute)
qed auto
text ‹An indirect proof:›
theorem ab_sup_ab_negsup:
shows "ab_sup a b t = ab_negsup a b (negate False t)"
and "ab_sups a b ts = ab_negsups a b (map (negate True) ts)"
and "ab_inf a b t = - ab_negsup (-b) (-a) (negate True t)"
and "ab_infs a b ts = - ab_negsups (-b) (-a) (map (negate False) ts)"
proof(induction a b t and a b ts and a b t and a b ts rule: ab_sup_ab_sups_ab_inf_ab_infs.induct)
case 8 then show ?case
by(simp add: Let_def de_Morgan_sup de_Morgan_inf uminus_le_reorder)
qed (simp_all add: Let_def)
corollary ab_negsup_bot_top: "ab_negsup ⊥ ⊤ t = negsup t"
by (metis ab_sup_bot_top ab_sup_ab_negsup(1) negate_negate negsup_supinf_negate)
text ‹Correctness statements derived from non-negative versions:›
corollary eq_mod_ab_negsup_supinf_negate:
"a ⊔ ab_negsup a b t ⊓ b = a ⊔ supinf (negate False t) ⊓ b"
by (metis eq_mod_ab_val(1) ab_sup_ab_negsup(1) negate_negate)
corollary bounded_negsup_ab_negsup:
"bounded a b (negsup t) (ab_negsup a b t)"
by (metis negate_negate ab_sup_ab_negsup(1) bounded_val_ab(1) negsup_supinf_negate)
subsection ‹Fail-Soft›
fun ab_negsup' :: "'a ⇒ 'a ⇒ ('a::de_morgan_algebra)tree ⇒ 'a" and ab_negsups' where
"ab_negsup' a b (Lf x) = x" |
"ab_negsup' a b (Nd ts) = (ab_negsups' a b ⊥ ts)" |
"ab_negsups' a b m [] = m" |
"ab_negsups' a b m (t#ts) = (let m' = sup m (- ab_negsup' (-b) (- sup m a) t) in
if m' ≥ b then m' else ab_negsups' a b m' ts)"
text ‹Relate un-negated to negated:›
theorem ab_sup'_ab_negsup':
shows "ab_sup' a b t = ab_negsup' a b (negate False t)"
and "ab_sups' a b m ts = ab_negsups' a b m (map (negate True) ts)"
and "ab_inf' a b t = - ab_negsup' (-b) (-a) (negate True t)"
and "ab_infs' a b m ts = - ab_negsups' (-b) (-a) (-m) (map (negate False) ts)"
proof(induction a b t and a b m ts and a b t and a b m ts rule: ab_sup'_ab_sups'_ab_inf'_ab_infs'.induct)
case (4 a b m t ts)
then show ?case
by(simp add: Let_def de_Morgan_sup de_Morgan_inf uminus_le_reorder)
case (8 a b m t ts)
then show ?case
by(simp add: Let_def de_Morgan_sup de_Morgan_inf uminus_le_reorder)
qed auto
lemma ab_negsups'_ge_a: "ab_negsups' a b m ts ≥ m"
apply(induction ts arbitrary: a b m)
by (auto simp: Let_def)(use le_sup_iff in blast)
theorem bounded_val_ab'_neg:
shows "bounded a b (negsup t) (ab_negsup' a b t)"
and "bounded (sup a m) b (negsup (Nd ts)) (ab_negsups' a b m ts)"
proof(induction a b t and a b m ts rule: ab_negsup'_ab_negsups'.induct)
case (4 a b m t ts)
then show ?case
apply (auto simp add: Let_def inf.coboundedI1 sup.coboundedI1)
apply (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) de_Morgan_sup neg_neg inf.coboundedI1 le_iff_sup sup.cobounded1 sup_assoc sup_commute)
apply (metis (no_types, lifting) ab_negsups'_ge_a de_Morgan_sup neg_neg inf.coboundedI1 inf_sup_distrib1 le_iff_sup le_sup_iff)
by (smt (verit, ccfv_threshold) de_Morgan_inf de_morgan_algebra_class.neg_neg inf.orderE le_iff_sup sup.idem sup_commute sup_left_commute)
qed auto
corollary "bounded a b (negsup t) (ab_negsup' a b t)"
by (metis negate_negate ab_sup'_ab_negsup'(1) bounded_val_ab'(1) negsup_supinf_negate)
theorem bounded_ab_neg'_ab_neg:
shows "bounded a b (ab_negsup' a b t) (ab_negsup a b t)"
and "bounded (sup a m) b (ab_negsups' a b m ts) (ab_negsup (a ⊔ m) b (Nd ts))"