Theory Linear_Aggregation_Algebras
section ‹Algebras for Aggregation and Minimisation with a Linear Order›
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This theory gives several classes of instances of linear aggregation lattices as described in \<^cite>‹"Guttmann2018a"›.
Each of these instances can be used as edge weights and the resulting graphs will form s-algebras and m-algebras as shown in a separate theory.
theory Linear_Aggregation_Algebras
imports Matrix_Aggregation_Algebras HOL.Real
no_notation inf (infixl ‹⊓› 70)
unbundle no uminus_syntax
subsection ‹Linearly Ordered Commutative Semigroups›
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Any linearly ordered commutative semigroup extended by new least and greatest elements forms a linear aggregation lattice.
The extension is done so that the new least element is a unit of aggregation and the new greatest element is a zero of aggregation.