Theory Infinite_Proof_Soundness

theory Infinite_Proof_Soundness
imports Finite_Proof_Soundness "HOL-Library.BNF_Corec"

(* Reference: A Generic Cyclic Theorem Prover
by James Brotherston, Nikos Gorogiannis, and Rasmus L. Petersen

section ‹Soundness of Infinite Proof Trees›


private definition "num P xs  LEAST n. list_all (Not o P) (stake n xs)  P (xs!!n)"

private lemma num:
  assumes ev: "ev (λxs. P (shd xs)) xs"
  defines "n  num P xs"
    "(list_all (Not o P) (stake n xs)  P (xs!!n)) 
 (m. list_all (Not o P) (stake m xs)  P (xs!!m)  n  m)"
  unfolding n_def num_def
proof (intro conjI[OF LeastI_ex] allI impI Least_le)
  from ev show "n. list_all (Not o P) (stake n xs)  P (xs !! n)"
    by (induct rule: ev_induct_strong) (auto intro: exI[of _ 0] exI[of _ "Suc _"])
qed (simp_all add: o_def)

private lemma num_stl[simp]:
  assumes "ev (λxs. P (shd xs)) xs" and "¬ P (shd xs)"
  shows "num P xs = Suc (num P (stl xs))"
  unfolding num_def by (rule trans[OF Least_Suc[of _ "num P xs"]])
    (auto simp: num[OF assms(1)] assms(2))

corecursive decr0 where
  "decr0 Ord minSoFar js =
    (if ¬ (ev (λjs. (shd js, minSoFar)  Ord  shd js  minSoFar)) js
     then undefined
     else if ((shd js, minSoFar)  Ord  shd js  minSoFar)
          then shd js ## decr0 Ord (shd js) js
          else decr0 Ord minSoFar (stl js))"
  by (relation "measure (λ(Ord,m,js). num (λj. (j, m)  Ord  j  m) js)") auto


lemmas well_order_on_defs =
  well_order_on_def linear_order_on_def partial_order_on_def
  preorder_on_def trans_def antisym_def refl_on_def

lemma sdrop_length_shift[simp]:
  "sdrop (length xs) (xs @- s) = s"
  by (simp add: sdrop_shift)

lemma ev_iff_shift:
  "ev φ xs  (xl xs2. xs = xl @- xs2  φ xs2)"
  by (meson ev.base ev_imp_shift ev_shift)

locale Infinite_Soundness = RuleSystem_Defs eff rules for
  eff :: "'rule  'sequent  'sequent fset  bool"
  and rules :: "'rule stream"
  fixes "structure" :: "'structure set"
    and sat :: "'structure  'sequent  bool"
    and δ :: "'sequent  'rule  'sequent  ('marker × bool × 'marker) set"
    and Ord :: "'ord rel"
    and σ :: "'marker × 'structure  'ord"
    Ord: "well_order Ord"
    descent: (* The original paper has an error in stating this: quantifies existentially
  instead of universally over r *)
    "r s sl S.
      r  R; eff r s sl; S  structure; ¬ sat S s
      s' S'.
        s' |∈| sl  S'  structure  ¬ sat S' s' 
        (v v' b.
          (v,b,v')  δ s r s' 
             (σ(v',S'), σ(v,S))  Ord  (b  σ(v',S')  σ(v,S)))"

(* The descent property subsumes local_soundness: *)
sublocale Infinite_Soundness < Soundness where eff = eff and rules = rules
  and "structure" = "structure" and sat = sat
  by standard (blast dest: descent)

context Infinite_Soundness

(* The notion of a trace of markers following a path: to make the original paper definition
into a rigorous one, we include the trace of "progressing bits" as well:  *)
coinductive follow :: "bool stream  'marker stream  ('sequent,'rule)step stream  bool" where
  "M' = shd Ms; s' = fst (shd steps); (M,b,M')  δ s r s'; follow bs Ms steps
 follow (SCons b bs) (SCons M Ms) (SCons (s,r) steps)"

(* Now infinite progress simply means "always eventually the bit is True": *)
definition infDecr :: "bool stream  bool" where
  "infDecr  alw (ev (λbs. shd bs))"

(* Good trees: *)
definition good :: "('sequent,'rule)dtree  bool" where
  "good t  steps.
  ipath t steps
  ev (λsteps'. bs Ms. follow bs Ms steps'  infDecr bs) steps"
(* Note the mixture of temporal connectives and standard HOL quantifiers:
an advantage of the shallow embedding of LTL *)

(* Trivially, finite trees are particular cases of good trees, since they
have no infinite paths: *)
lemma tfinite_good: "tfinite t  good t"
  using ftree_no_ipath unfolding good_def by auto

  fixes inv :: "'sequent × 'a  bool"
    and pred :: "'sequent × 'a  'rule  'sequent × 'a  bool"

primcorec konigDtree ::
  "('sequent,'rule) dtree  'a  (('sequent,'rule) step × 'a) stream" where
  "shd (konigDtree t a) = (root t, a)"
|"stl (konigDtree t a) =
  (let s = fst (root t); r = snd (root t);
   (s',a') = (SOME (s',a'). s' |∈| fimage (fst o root) (cont t)  pred (s,a) r (s',a')  inv (s',a'));
   t' = (SOME t'. t' |∈| cont t  s' = fst (root t'))
   in konigDtree t' a'

lemma stl_konigDtree:
  fixes t defines "s  fst (root t)" and "r  snd (root t)"
  assumes s': "s' |∈| fimage (fst o root) (cont t)"  and "pred (s,a) r (s',a'')" and "inv (s',a'')"
  shows "t' a'. t' |∈| cont t  pred (s,a) r (fst (root t'),a')  inv (fst (root t'),a')
   stl (konigDtree t a) = konigDtree t' a'"
  define P where "P  λ(s',a'). s' |∈| fimage (fst o root) (cont t)  pred (s,a) r (s',a')  inv (s',a')"
  define s'a' where "s'a'  SOME (s',a'). P (s',a')"  let ?s' = "fst s'a'"  let ?a' = "snd s'a'"
  define t' where "t'  SOME (t'::('sequent,'rule)dtree). t' |∈| cont t  ?s' = fst (root t')"
  have "P (s',a'')" using assms unfolding P_def by auto
  hence P: "P (?s',?a')" using someI[of P] unfolding s'a'_def by auto
  hence "t'. t' |∈| cont t  ?s' = fst (root t')" unfolding P_def by auto
  hence t': "t' |∈| cont t" and s': "?s' = fst (root t')"
    using someI_ex[of "λt'. t' |∈| cont t  ?s' = fst (root t')"] unfolding t'_def by auto
  show ?thesis using t' P s' assms P_def s'a'_def t'_def by (intro exI[of _ t'] exI[of _ ?a']) auto

declare konigDtree.simps(2)[simp del]

lemma konigDtree:
  assumes 1: "r s sl a.
  r  R; eff r s sl; inv (s,a) 
  s' a'. s' |∈| sl  inv (s',a')  pred (s,a) r (s',a')"
    and 2: "wf t" "inv (fst (root t), a)"
    "alw (λstepas.
        let ((s,r),a) = shd stepas; ((s',_),a') = shd (stl stepas) in
          inv (s,a)  pred (s,a) r (s',a'))
     (konigDtree t a)"
  using assms proof (coinduction arbitrary: t a)
  case (alw t a)
  then obtain s' a' where "s' |∈| (fst  root) |`| cont t" "inv (s', a')"
    "pred (fst (root t), a) (snd (root t)) (s', a')"
    by (auto elim!: wf.cases dest!: spec[of _ "snd (root t)"] spec[of _ "fst (root t)"]
        spec[of _ "(fst  root) |`| cont t"] spec[of _ a], fastforce)
  with alw stl_konigDtree[of s' t a a'] show ?case
    by (auto split: prod.splits elim!: wf.cases) fastforce

lemma konigDtree_ipath:
  assumes "r s sl a.
  r  R; eff r s sl; inv (s,a) 
  s' a'. s' |∈| sl  inv (s',a')  pred (s,a) r (s',a')"
    and "wf t" and "inv (fst (root t), a)"
  shows "ipath t (smap fst (konigDtree t a))"
  using assms proof (coinduction arbitrary: t a)
  case (ipath t a)
  then obtain s' a' where "s' |∈| (fst  root) |`| cont t" "inv (s', a')"
    "pred (fst (root t), a) (snd (root t)) (s', a')"
    by (auto elim!: wf.cases dest!: spec[of _ "snd (root t)"] spec[of _ "fst (root t)"]
        spec[of _ "(fst  root) |`| cont t"] spec[of _ a], fastforce)
  with ipath stl_konigDtree[of s' t a a'] show ?case
    by (auto split: prod.splits elim!: wf.cases) force

end (* context *)

lemma follow_stl_smap_fst[simp]:
  "follow bs Ms (smap fst stepSs) 
   follow (stl bs) (stl Ms) (smap fst (stl stepSs))"
  by (erule follow.cases) (auto simp del: stream.map_sel simp add: stream.map_sel[symmetric])

lemma epath_stl_smap_fst[simp]:
  "epath (smap fst stepSs) 
   epath (smap fst (stl stepSs))"
  by (erule epath.cases) (auto simp del: stream.map_sel simp add: stream.map_sel[symmetric])

lemma infDecr_tl[simp]: "infDecr bs  infDecr (stl bs)"
  unfolding infDecr_def by auto

(* Proof of the main theorem: *)
fun descent where "descent (s,S) r (s',S') =
 (v v' b.
    (v,b,v')  δ s r s' 
    (σ(v',S'), σ(v,S))  Ord  (b  σ(v',S')  σ(v,S)))"

lemma descentE[elim]:
  assumes "descent (s,S) r (s',S')" and "(v,b,v')  δ s r s'"
  shows "(σ(v',S'), σ(v,S))  Ord  (b  σ(v',S')  σ(v,S))"
  using assms by auto

definition "konigDown  konigDtree (λ(s,S). S  structure  ¬ sat S s) descent"

lemma konigDown:
  assumes "wf t" and "S  structure" and "¬ sat S (fst (root t))"
    "alw (λstepSs. let ((s,r),S) = shd stepSs; ((s',_),S') = shd (stl stepSs) in
                    S  structure  ¬ sat S s  descent (s,S) r (s',S'))
     (konigDown t S)"
  using konigDtree[of "λ(s,S). S  structure  ¬ sat S s" descent, unfolded konigDown_def[symmetric]]
  using assms descent by auto

lemma konigDown_ipath:
  assumes "wf t" and "S  structure" and "¬ sat S (fst (root t))"
    "ipath t (smap fst (konigDown t S))"
  using konigDtree_ipath[of "λ(s,S). S  structure  ¬ sat S s" descent, unfolded konigDown_def[symmetric]]
  using assms descent by auto

  fixes t S
  assumes w: "wf t" and t: "good t" and S: "S  structure" "¬ sat S (fst (root t))"

lemma alw_ev_Ord:
  obtains ks where "alw (λks. (shd (stl ks), shd ks)  Ord) ks"
    and "alw (ev (λks. shd (stl ks)  shd ks)) ks"
  define P where "P  λstepSs. let ((s,r),S) = shd stepSs; ((s',_),S') = shd (stl stepSs) in
                      S  structure  ¬ sat S s  descent (s,S) r (s',S')"
  have "alw P (konigDown t S)" using konigDown[OF w S] unfolding P_def by auto
  obtain srs steps bs Ms where 0: "smap fst (konigDown t S) = srs @- steps" and
    f: "follow bs Ms steps" and i: "infDecr bs"
    using konigDown_ipath[OF w S] t unfolding good_def ev_iff_shift by auto
  define stepSs where "stepSs = sdrop (length srs) (konigDown t S)"
  have steps: "steps = smap fst stepSs" unfolding stepSs_def sdrop_smap[symmetric] 0 by simp
  have e: "epath steps"
    using wf_ipath_epath[OF w konigDown_ipath[OF w S]] 0 epath_shift by simp
  have "alw P (konigDown t S)" using konigDown[OF w S] unfolding P_def by auto
  hence P: "alw P stepSs" using alw_sdrop unfolding stepSs_def by auto
  let ?ks = "smap σ (szip Ms (smap snd stepSs))"
  show ?thesis proof(rule that[of ?ks])
    show "alw (λks. (shd (stl ks), shd ks)  Ord) ?ks"
      using e f P unfolding steps proof(coinduction arbitrary: bs Ms stepSs rule: alw_coinduct)
      case (alw bs Ms stepSs)
      let ?steps = "smap fst stepSs" let ?Ss = "smap snd stepSs"
      let ?MSs = "szip Ms (smap snd stepSs)"
      let ?s = "fst (shd ?steps)"  let ?s' = "fst (shd (stl ?steps))"
      let ?r = "snd (shd ?steps)"
      let ?S = "snd (shd stepSs)"  let ?S' = "snd (shd (stl stepSs))"
      let ?M = "shd Ms"  let ?M' = "shd (stl Ms)"  let ?b = "shd bs"
      have 1: "(?M, ?b, ?M')  δ ?s ?r ?s'"
        using follow bs Ms (smap fst stepSs) by (cases rule: follow.cases) auto
      have 2: "descent (?s,?S) ?r (?s',?S')"
        using alw P stepSs unfolding P_def by (cases rule: alw.cases) auto
      have "(σ(?M',?S'), σ(?M,?S))  Ord" using descentE[OF 2 1] by simp
      thus ?case by simp
      case (stl bs Ms stepSs)
      thus ?case
        by (intro exI[of _ "stl bs"] exI[of _ "stl Ms"] exI[of _ "stl stepSs"])
          (auto elim: epath.cases)
    show "alw (ev (λks. shd (stl ks)  shd ks)) ?ks"
      using e f P i unfolding steps proof(coinduction arbitrary: bs Ms stepSs rule: alw_coinduct)
      case (alw bs Ms stepSs)
      let ?steps = "smap fst stepSs" let ?Ss = "smap snd stepSs"
      let ?MSs = "szip Ms (smap snd stepSs)"
      let ?s = "fst (shd ?steps)"  let ?s' = "fst (shd (stl ?steps))"
      let ?r = "snd (shd ?steps)"
      let ?S = "snd (shd stepSs)"  let ?S' = "snd (shd (stl stepSs))"
      let ?M = "shd Ms"  let ?M' = "shd (stl Ms)"  let ?b = "shd bs"
      have 1: "(?M, ?b, ?M')  δ ?s ?r ?s'"
        using follow bs Ms (smap fst stepSs) by (cases rule: follow.cases) auto
      have 2: "descent (?s,?S) ?r (?s',?S')"
        using alw P stepSs unfolding P_def by (cases rule: alw.cases) auto
      have "(σ(?M',?S'), σ(?M,?S))  Ord" using descentE[OF 2 1] by simp
      have "ev shd bs" using infDecr bs unfolding infDecr_def by auto
      thus ?case using epath ?steps follow bs Ms ?steps alw P stepSs
      proof (induction arbitrary: Ms stepSs)
        case (base bs Ms stepSs)
        let ?steps = "smap fst stepSs" let ?Ss = "smap snd stepSs"
        let ?MSs = "szip Ms (smap snd stepSs)"
        let ?s = "fst (shd ?steps)"  let ?s' = "fst (shd (stl ?steps))"
        let ?r = "snd (shd ?steps)"
        let ?S = "snd (shd stepSs)"  let ?S' = "snd (shd (stl stepSs))"
        let ?M = "shd Ms"  let ?M' = "shd (stl Ms)"  let ?b = "shd bs"
        have 1: "(?M, ?b, ?M')  δ ?s ?r ?s'"
          using follow bs Ms (smap fst stepSs) by (cases rule: follow.cases) auto
        have 2: "descent (?s,?S) ?r (?s',?S')"
          using alw P stepSs unfolding P_def by (cases rule: alw.cases) auto
        have "σ(?M',?S')  σ(?M,?S)" using descentE[OF 2 1] shd bs by simp
        thus ?case by auto
        case (step bs Ms stepSs)
        have "ev (λks. shd (stl ks)  shd ks)
                  (smap σ
                  (szip (stl Ms) (smap snd (stl stepSs))))"
          using step(3-5) step(2)[of "stl stepSs" "stl Ms"] by auto
        thus ?case by auto
      case (stl bs Ms stepSs)
      thus ?case
        by (intro exI[of _ "stl bs"] exI[of _ "stl Ms"] exI[of _ "stl stepSs"])
          (auto elim: epath.cases)

  "ks  SOME ks.
        alw (λks. (shd (stl ks), shd ks)  Ord) ks 
        alw (ev (λks. shd (stl ks)  shd ks)) ks"

lemma alw_ks: "alw (λks. (shd (stl ks), shd ks)  Ord) ks"
  and alw_ev_ks: "alw (ev (λks. shd (stl ks)  shd ks)) ks"
  unfolding ks_def using alw_ev_Ord someI_ex[of "λks.
        alw (λks. (shd (stl ks), shd ks)  Ord) ks 
        alw (ev (λks. shd (stl ks)  shd ks)) ks"]
  by auto

abbreviation decr where "decr  decr0 Ord"

lemmas decr_simps = decr0.code[of Ord]

  fixes js
  assumes a: "alw (λjs. (shd (stl js), shd js)  Ord) js"
    and ae: "alw (ev (λjs. shd (stl js)  shd js)) js"

lemma decr_ev:
  assumes m: "(shd js, m)  Ord"
  shows "ev (λjs. (shd js, m)  Ord  shd js  m) js"
    (is "ev (λjs.  m js) js")
  have "ev (λjs. shd (stl js)  shd js) js" using ae by auto
  thus ?thesis
    using a m proof induction
    case (base ls)
    hence "ev ( (shd ls)) ls" by auto
    moreover have "js.  (shd ls) js   m js"
      using (shd ls, m)  Ord Ord unfolding well_order_on_defs by blast
    ultimately show ?case using ev_mono[of " (shd ls)" _ " m"] by auto
  qed auto

lemma decr_simps_diff[simp]:
  assumes m: "(shd js, m)  Ord"
    and "shd js  m"
  shows "decr m js = shd js ## decr (shd js) js"
  using decr_ev[OF m] assms by (subst decr_simps) simp

lemma decr_simps_eq[simp]:
  "decr (shd js) js = decr (shd js) (stl js)"
  have m: "(shd js, shd js)  Ord" using Ord
    unfolding well_order_on_def linear_order_on_def partial_order_on_def
      preorder_on_def refl_on_def by auto
  show ?thesis using decr_ev[OF m] by (subst decr_simps) simp

end (* context *)

lemma stl_decr:
  assumes a: "alw (λjs. (shd (stl js), shd js)  Ord) js"
    and ae: "alw (ev (λjs. shd (stl js)  shd js)) js"
    and m: "(shd js, m)  Ord"
    "js1 js2. js = js1 @- js2  set js1  {m} 
 (shd js2, m)  Ord  shd js2  m 
  shd (decr m js) = shd js2  stl (decr m js) = decr (shd js2) js2"
    (is "js1 js2.  js js1 js2")
  using decr_ev[OF assms] m a ae proof (induction rule: ev_induct_strong)
  case (base js)
  thus ?case by  (intro exI[of _ "[]"] exI[of _ js]) auto
  case (step js)
  then obtain js1 js2 where 1: " (stl js) js1 js2" and [simp]: "shd js = m" by auto
  thus ?case
    by (intro exI[of _ "shd js # js1"] exI[of _ js2],
      simp, metis (lifting) decr_simps_eq step(2,4,5,6) stream.collapse)

corollary stl_decr_shd:
  assumes a: "alw (λjs. (shd (stl js), shd js)  Ord) js" and
    ae: "alw (ev (λjs. shd (stl js)  shd js)) js"
    "js1 js2. js = js1 @- js2  set js1  {shd js} 
 (shd js2, shd js)  Ord  shd js2  shd js 
  shd (decr (shd js) js) = shd js2  stl (decr (shd js) js) = decr (shd js2) js2"
  using Ord unfolding well_order_on_defs by (intro stl_decr[OF assms]) blast

lemma decr:
  assumes a: "alw (λjs. (shd (stl js), shd js)  Ord) js" (is "?a js")
    and ae: "alw (ev (λjs. shd (stl js)  shd js)) js" (is "?ae js")
    "alw (λjs. (shd (stl js), shd js)  Ord  shd (stl js)  shd js) (decr (shd js) js)"
    (is "alw  _")
  let  = "λls js. ls = decr (shd js) js  ?a js  ?ae js"
  {fix ls assume "js.  ls js"
    hence "alw  ls" proof(elim alw_coinduct)
      fix ls assume "js.  ls js"
      then obtain js where 1: " ls js" by auto
      then obtain js1 js2 where js: "js = js1 @- js2  set js1  {shd js} 
       (shd js2, shd js)  Ord  shd js2  shd js 
       shd ls = shd js2  stl ls = decr (shd js2) js2"
        using stl_decr_shd by blast
      then obtain js3 js4 where js2: "js2 = js3 @- js4  set js3  {shd js2} 
       (shd js4, shd js2)  Ord  shd js4  shd js2 
       shd (decr (shd js2) js2) = shd js4  stl ((decr (shd js2) js2)) = decr (shd js4) js4"
        using stl_decr_shd[of js2] a ae using 1 alw_shift by blast
      show " ls" using 1 js js2 by metis
    qed (metis (no_types, lifting) alw_shift stl_decr_shd)
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

lemma alw_snth:
  assumes "alw (λxs. P (shd (stl xs)) (shd xs)) xs"
  shows "P (xs!!(Suc n)) (xs!! n)"
  using assms
  by (induction n, auto, metis (mono_tags) alw.cases alw_iff_sdrop sdrop_simps(1) sdrop_stl)

lemma F: False
  define ls where "ls = decr (shd ks) ks"
  have 0: "alw (λjs. (shd (stl js), shd js)  Ord  shd (stl js)  shd js) ls"
    using decr[OF alw_ks alw_ev_ks] unfolding ls_def .
  define Q where "Q = range (snth ls)"  let ?wf = ""
  have Q: "Q  {}" unfolding Q_def by auto
  have 1: "?wf (Ord - Id)" using Ord unfolding well_order_on_def by auto
  obtain q where q: "q  Q" and 2: "q'. (q',q)  Ord - Id  q'  Q"
    using wfE_min[OF 1] Q by auto
  obtain n where "ls!!n = q" using q unfolding Q_def by auto
  hence "(ls!!(Suc n),q)  Ord - Id" using alw_snth[OF 0] by auto
  thus False using 2 Q_def by blast

end (* context *)

(* Main theorem: *)
theorem infinite_soundness:
  assumes "wf t" and "good t" and "S  structure"
  shows "sat S (fst (root t))"
  using F[OF assms] by auto

end (* context Infinite_Soundness *)

section ‹Soundness of Cyclic Proof Trees›

(* Cyclic trees *)

datatype (discs_sels) ('sequent, 'rule, 'link) ctree =
  Link 'link |
  cNode  "('sequent,'rule) step" "('sequent, 'rule, 'link) ctree fset"

corecursive treeOf where
  "treeOf pointsTo ct =
   (if l l'. pointsTo l = Link l'
    ― ‹makes sense only if backward links point to normal nodes, not to backwards links:›
     then undefined
     else (case ct of
             Link l  treeOf pointsTo (pointsTo l)
            |cNode step cts  Node step (fimage (treeOf pointsTo) cts)
  by (relation "measure (λ(p,t). case t of Link l' => Suc 0 | _ => 0)") (auto split: ctree.splits)

declare treeOf.code[simp]

context Infinite_Soundness

  fixes pointsTo :: "'link  ('sequent, 'rule, 'link)ctree"
  assumes pointsTo: "l l'. pointsTo l  Link l'"

function seqOf where
  "seqOf (Link l) = seqOf (pointsTo l)"
  "seqOf (cNode (s,r) _) = s"
  by pat_completeness auto
  by (relation "measure (λt. case t of Link l' => Suc 0 | _ => 0)")
    (auto split: ctree.splits simp: pointsTo)

    (* Note: Here, "inductive" instead of "coinductive" would not do! *)
coinductive cwf where
  Node[intro!]: "cwf (pointsTo l)  cwf (Link l)"
  "r  R; eff r s (fimage seqOf cts); ct'. ct' |∈| cts  cwf ct'

cwf (cNode (s,r) cts)"

definition "cgood ct  good (treeOf pointsTo ct)"

lemma cwf_Link: "cwf (Link l)  cwf (pointsTo l)"
  by (auto elim: cwf.cases)

lemma cwf_cNode_seqOf:
  "cwf (cNode (s, r) cts)  eff r s (fimage seqOf cts)"
  by (auto elim: cwf.cases)

lemma treeOf_seqOf[simp]:
  "fst  root  treeOf pointsTo = seqOf"
proof(rule ext, unfold o_def)
  fix ct show "fst (root (treeOf pointsTo ct)) = seqOf ct"
    by induct (auto split: ctree.splits simp: pointsTo)

lemma wf_treeOf:
  assumes "cwf ct"
  shows "wf (treeOf pointsTo ct)"
  {fix t let  = "λct t. cwf ct  t = treeOf pointsTo ct"
    assume "ct.  ct t" hence "wf t"
    proof(elim wf.coinduct, safe)
      fix ct let ?t = "treeOf pointsTo ct"
      assume ct: "cwf ct"
      show "
       t. treeOf pointsTo ct = t 
           snd (root t)  R 
           effStep (root t) (fimage (fst  root) (cont t)) 
           (t'. t' |∈| cont t  (ct'.  ct' t')  wf t')"
      proof(rule exI[of _ ?t], safe)
        show "snd (root ?t)  R" using pointsTo ct
          by (auto elim: cwf.cases split: ctree.splits simp: cwf_Link)
        show "effStep (root ?t) (fimage (fst  root) (cont ?t))"
          using pointsTo ct by (auto  elim: cwf.cases split: ctree.splits simp: cwf_Link)
        {fix t' assume t': "t' |∈| cont ?t"
          show "ct'.  ct' t'"
          proof(cases ct)
            case (Link l)
            then obtain s r cts where pl: "pointsTo l = cNode (s,r) cts"
              using pointsTo by (cases "pointsTo l") auto
            obtain ct' where ct': "ct' |∈| cts" and "t' = treeOf pointsTo ct'"
              using t' by (auto simp: Link pl pointsTo split: ctree.splits)
            moreover have "cwf ct'" using ct' ct pl unfolding Link
              by (auto simp: cwf_Link elim: cwf.cases)
            ultimately show ?thesis by blast
            case (cNode step cts)
            then obtain s r where cNode: "ct = cNode (s,r) cts" by (cases step) auto
            obtain ct' where ct': "ct' |∈| cts" and "t' = treeOf pointsTo ct'"
              using t' by (auto simp: cNode pointsTo split: ctree.splits)
            moreover have "cwf ct'" using ct' ct unfolding cNode
              by (auto simp: cwf_Link elim: cwf.cases)
            ultimately show ?thesis by blast
  thus ?thesis using assms by blast

theorem cyclic_soundness:
  assumes "cwf ct" and "cgood ct" and "S  structure"
  shows "sat S (seqOf ct)"
  using infinite_soundness wf_treeOf assms
  unfolding cgood_def treeOf_seqOf[symmetric] comp_def
  by blast

end (* context *)

end (* context Infinite_Soundness *)

section ‹Appendix: The definition of treeOf under more flexible assumptions about pointsTo›

definition rels where
  "rels pointsTo  {((pointsTo, pointsTo l'), (pointsTo, Link l')) | l'. True}"

definition rel :: "(('link  ('sequent, 'rule, 'link) ctree) × ('sequent, 'rule, 'link) ctree) rel" where
  "rel   (rels ` {pointsTo. wf {(l, l'). pointsTo l' = Link l}})"

lemma wf_rels[simp]:
  assumes "wf {(l,l'). (pointsTo :: 'link  ('sequent, 'rule, 'link)ctree) l' = Link l}"
    (is "wf ?w")
  shows "wf (rels pointsTo)" using wf_map_prod_image
proof -
  define r1 :: "(('link  ('sequent, 'rule, 'link) ctree) × ('sequent, 'rule, 'link) ctree) rel" where
    "r1 = {((pointsTo,pointsTo l'), (pointsTo, Link l'::('sequent, 'rule, 'link) ctree)) | l'.
                 (l''. pointsTo l'  Link l'')}"
  define r2 :: "(('link  ('sequent, 'rule, 'link) ctree) × ('sequent, 'rule, 'link) ctree) rel" where
    "r2 = image (map_prod (map_prod id Link) (map_prod id Link)) (inv_image ?w snd)"
  have 0: "rels pointsTo  r1  r2"
    unfolding rels_def r1_def r2_def unfolding inv_image_def image_Collect by auto
  let ?m = "measure (λ(tOfL,t). case t of Link l' => Suc 0 | _ => 0)"
  have 1: "wf r1" unfolding r1_def by (rule wf_subset[of ?m]) (auto split: ctree.splits)
  have 2: "wf r2" using assms unfolding r2_def
    by (intro wf_map_prod_image wf_inv_image) (auto simp: inj_on_def)
  have 3: "Domain r1  Range r2 = {}" unfolding r1_def r2_def by auto
  show ?thesis using 1 2 3 by (intro wf_subset[OF _ 0] wf_Un) auto

lemma rel: "wf rel"
  unfolding rel_def
  apply(rule wf_UN)
  subgoal by (auto intro: wf_UN)
  unfolding rels_def by auto

corecursive treeOf' where
  "treeOf' pointsTo ct =
   (if ¬ wf {(l',l).  pointsTo l = Link l'}
    ― ‹makes sense only if backward links point to normal nodes, not to backwards links:›
     then undefined
     else (case ct of
             Link l  treeOf' pointsTo (pointsTo l)
            |cNode step cts  Node step (fimage (treeOf' pointsTo) cts)
  apply(relation rel) using rel unfolding rel_def rels_def[abs_def] by auto
