Theory A_Norreqid
theory %invisible A_Norreqid
imports "../../Aodv_Basic"
chapter "Variant A: Skipping the RREQ ID"
text ‹
Explanation~\<^cite>‹‹\textsection 10.1› in "FehnkerEtAl:AWN:2013"›:
AODV does not need the route request identifier. This number, in
combination with the IP address of the originator, is used to identify
every RREQ message in a unique way. This variant shows that the
combination of the originator's IP address and its sequence number is just
as suited to uniquely determine the route request to which the message
belongs. Hence, the route request identifier field is not required. This
can then reduce the size of the RREQ message.
end %invisible