Worklist Algorithms

Simon Wimmer 📧 and Peter Lammich 📧

August 9, 2024

This is a development version of this entry. It might change over time and is not stable. Please refer to release versions for citations.


This entry verifies a number of worklist algorithms for exploring sets of reachable sets of transition systems with subsumption relations. Informally speaking, a node $a$ is subsumed by a node $b$ if everything that is reachable from $a$ is also reachable from $b$. Starting from a general abstract view of transition systems, we gradually add structure while refining our algorithms to more efficient versions. In the end, we obtain efficient imperative algorithms, which operate on a shared data structure to keep track of explored and yet-to-be-explored states, similar to the algorithms used in timed automata model checking [2, 1]. This entry forms part of the work described in a paper by the authors of this entry [4] and a PhD thesis [3].


BSD License


Related publications

  • Wimmer, S., & Lammich, P. (2018). Verified Model Checking of Timed Automata. Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems, 61–78.

Session Worklist_Algorithms