In his seminal paper "Natural Semantics for Lazy Evaluation", John Launchbury proves his semantics correct with respect to a denotational semantics, and outlines an adequacy proof. We have formalized both semantics and machine-checked the correctness proof, clarifying some details. Furthermore, we provide a new and more direct adequacy proof that does not require intermediate operational semantics.
- March 16, 2015
- Booleans and if-then-else added to syntax and semantics, making this entry suitable to be used by the entry "Call_Arity".
- May 24, 2014
- Added the proof of adequacy, as well as simplified and improved the existing proofs. Adjusted abstract accordingly.
Session Launchbury
- AList-Utils
- HOLCF-Join
- HOLCF-Join-Classes
- Env
- Pointwise
- HOLCF-Utils
- EvalHeap
- Nominal-Utils
- AList-Utils-Nominal
- Nominal-HOLCF
- HasESem
- Iterative
- Env-Nominal
- HeapSemantics
- Vars
- Terms
- AbstractDenotational
- Substitution
- Abstract-Denotational-Props
- Value
- Value-Nominal
- Denotational
- Launchbury
- CorrectnessOriginal
- Mono-Nat-Fun
- C
- CValue
- CValue-Nominal
- HOLCF-Meet
- C-Meet
- C-restr
- ResourcedDenotational
- CorrectnessResourced
- ResourcedAdequacy
- ValueSimilarity
- Denotational-Related
- Adequacy
- EverythingAdequacy