Definitive Set Semantics for LTL3

Rayhana Amjad 🌐, Rob van Glabbeek 🌐 and Liam O’Connor 🌐

August 12, 2024

This is a development version of this entry. It might change over time and is not stable. Please refer to release versions for citations.


LTL3 is a multi-valued variant of Linear-time Temporal Logic for runtime verification applications, originally due to Bauer et al. The semantic descriptions of LTL3 in previous work are given only in terms of the relationship to conventional LTL. In this submission, which accompanies our EXPRESS/SOS 2024 paper, "Semantics for Linear-time Temporal Logic with Finite Observations", we instead give a full model-based inductive accounting of the semantics of LTL3, in terms of families of definitive prefix sets. We show that our definitive prefix sets are isomorphic to linear-time temporal properties (sets of infinite traces), and thereby show that our semantics of LTL3 directly correspond to the semantics of conventional LTL. In addition, we formalise the formula progression evaluation technique originally due to Kabanza et al., popularly used in runtime verification and testing contexts, and show its soundness and completeness up to finite traces with respect to our semantics.


BSD License


Session LTL3_Semantics